The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 21, 1918, SECTION FIVE, Page 9, Image 73

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, Bllli MliMMii I . All f L "
I I variety of Information that baa I mJf -Tw 1 H ;lf lill I
31 I L. f I J
EAR FRIENDS: The amount and
variety of Information that baa
been, and ia being ihowtred noon
us In retard to making and maintain
ing successful war gardens, la con
fusing. I a all our newspapers, maca
sines, and In various books and book
lets we have a great mass of advice on
preparing the soil, the best methods to
be employed In growing vegetables.
Of course we have all noticed tba
whenever we come to have a special
new Interest In any subject It seems as
though all our papers, magazines, etc.
were suddenly full of articles abou
that very subject because our atten
tlon has been called to this particular
thing and vje are looking for IU Bu
besides this universal experience 'we
know that there Is a great drive on
now for the making of war gardens
and a very great amount of Informa
tion In regard to this is being given
such a great quantity that it ia
hardly possible for us to rrad It all.
and not humanly possible for us to re
member it. so we must make some
preparation to preserve It In such
way that It will be easily accessible
when we need It later.
When that time comes, and you get
out and read over what four different
writers have said about raising toma
toes, for Instance. )ou will find many
things which are the same In each ar
ticle. TIim things nu ran usually
follow safely uulesa all your authori
ties live In the Kjst and ou In the
tVest. In this case, nnd In any conflict
in the arivlee given let mo urge you to
always follow two rules:
rtrsi. late tne advice of the au
thority who lives the nearest to your
own locality; or find someone who
Jives near if you haven't one.
Second, take the advice of the one
who you have reason to believe is i
practical, as well as theoretical gar
dener. The man who writes of what
i has found out in his own experience
by the eaerrise of his own mun-lc as
well as brain, always speaks with an
authority that the pure theorist lacks.
bo do not t.ike everything you read
s of equal value, but try them by these
two tests of value to ou.
Not that the Eastern advice Is not
valuable, for It Is very good. The
great principles of soil preparation,
seed sowing, growth and harvesting,
are the same everywhere, but It Is the
little specific things, added to these
great underlying principles things
that are peculiar to your own location,
and even to your own garden, that
make the difference between an ordi
nary or poor garden, and a splendid
flourishing garden, the admiration of
all beholders, such as we all want to
Have. Iet me suggest In this connec
tion that our five I'ortland seed com
panies all answer these requirements
and their catalogues and general ad-vi-
you will find very hopeful.
have exceedingly practical and
efficient help in our superintendent of
school gardens. Mr. Carter, of course,
be Is very busy with his regular work,
but Is always glad to advise you if you
are where he is. and our county agent
for Multnomah County, Mr. Hall, has
n office here In Portland, where he
ran be consulted and gives splendid
Also, if you will write In to me for
any advice you want I assure you I
will take great pains to have the ans
wer given you reliable In every point,
and applicable to your personal needs.
A description of your soil, conditions,
etc.. will be necessary to a perfectly
satisfactory and Intelligent answer.
But to return to the subject of pre
serving this mass of Information which
we find In the papers, etc.. for future
reference. To do this we need some
systematic arrangement, and I would
suggest that you make a garden index,
as a little time spent in systematlslng
and arranging your reference material
as you go along will save you hours of
bunting for it later. .
laardea lades.
This may consist of your clippings
pasted on cards and arranged so you
an keep the same subjects together:
or It Is probably easier to buy a couple
of packages of Manila "legal" envel
opes and write on them the names of
your 4 or so. varieties of vegetables.
In case you should plant so many, and
on the other envelopes you can write
"Soil Fertilization." "flowing and
IVorking the sll." "Insect rests." etc.
etr. Not forgetting one labeled "Mis
cellaneous." which may come to hold
a? valuable a set of clippings as any.
Thoe envelopes can be strung to
gether In order by shoe strings run
through holes punched in them, (as 1
have mln-), or can be placed in a box
which they fit filled with clippings
from time to time, and at any time you
can put your hand riuht on the infor
mation you want.
NOTE. 1 want to suggest, also, that
ttls Index system Is a great conven
ience and time saver for other things.
If the buy housewife arranges one for
Jicrxclf for home use. she will find It
will save hours of hunting. The enve
lope, or card. labeled "Winter Clothes."
for Instance, would tell Just where you
put Bobs heavy boots, father's over
coat, or Johnnie's sweater, when you
uddnly decide to go up In the moun
tains in Aucust. and there would be no
trouble now In finding last year's gar
den seeds and tools or the children's
rUrtng under-lothrs. The Isi-k of space
In our city apartments renders such an
rranaemerit necessary, and the mul
tiplicity of things we have to remem
ber render It desirable anywhere.
riaBtlaa: Caracas.
Everyone Is making garden now.
Most gardens are pluuvh-d and thor
orcbly harrowed anil worked up In fine
shape. The beds and paths are carefully
laid out with a line, exactly at right
at.gles to the sidewalk, and with all
slices and rows exactly parallel. Ou r
early planting has been done and we
are ready to consider what should be
wn at this season, and what not till
vegetable IMaaf ew.
Early bet. carrots. Swiss chard.
scM-rabe. ka'e. onions, parsnips, pota peas radt-hes. spinach, salsify and
turnips, should be planted now If you
bave not already done c
vegetables riant Vet.
Beans, brussels sprouts, broccoli, late
rsbbaae. com. popcorn, cucumbers,
melons, peppers, pumpkins, squash. Isle
potatoes. Winter radishes. Winter spin
a h and others should all be planted
It Is fully time for our second plant
ing of peas, whieh are never very par
ticular as to weather or soil, though
tney don't do well In hot dry weather,
so we must get in our main crop for
ranning at once so that ther may not
be spoiled by drouth as they were
last year.
I'lsnt the seeds 2 or t Inches deep, so
that the roots may have moisture.
Soaking the seeds over nisht brinss
them up much quicker. They should
etand 5 or 3 inches apart in the row.
The peas to plant" now are Eaxonia lf
you can get the seed'. Dwarf Telephone
nr pwarf Sugar. The Stratagem is
highlv recoromenJed. as it fills its pods
so fuil of fine, large peas. The Strata
gem, the large Telephone. Is a splendid
s:ow-growing pes. bearing Immense
sued peas, and planted now with 1-ax-nia
will mature 1 days to two weeks
later than Laxonla. giving vou a sue
cession. The double rows of the large
varieties should lie planted 3 to 1 Icvt
f-''.e';." v. -fit'-',, siw-Jl
:fc ?v,J3
part and the vines should be farther
part in the row. Other special direc
tions have been given.
If you have not already a little row
ot parsley In your garden, by all means
plant some seed now. The Extra Double
Curled Is the kind recommended, and
It should be planted In as cool, moist
soil as you have, out of the way of
your plowing, as parsley. In this cli
mate, lives right on the year round
when once started, and requires little
care. If your war garden Is only a
window box. grow some parsley In It.
I'arsley seed germinates very slowly
and should be soaked over night in
warm water before planting, and .un
less you have a very fine and moist
seed bed It is better to start the seed
in the hotbed and transplant the little
plants of sufficient slxe. In this way
you can discard the plants that do not
produce finely curled leaves, as some
will not. Sow radish seed with parsley
If sown In the garden.
Some weeks ago we discussed the
planting ot early potatoes, and it will
not be time to plant our very late po
tatoes until May or June, but I want to
give sortie things that Mr. Hall, county
scent, said In a recent garden lecture
about potatoes. Of varieties he said
that the Burkbanks were about run
out In the Willamette Valley, because
the farmers had sold all their fine,
large potatoes and planted those too
small to sell for elsht or ten years.
He recommended the Pride of Mult
nomah which we recommended before
as the choice of our seedsmen), and said
to plant them in April, not In June.
Of these It requires six or seven sacks,'
or 14 to 1 bushels, to plant an acre.
other good varieties recommended were
ltural New Yorker. Snow, white Rose,
Irish Cobbler and Producer. American
Wonder la medium early about half
way between early and late but - it
boils to pieces In cooking.
Potatoes can be planted one every
IS inches In the row In rich ground,
but if the ground Is not so rich plant
l Inches apart. The rows should 'be
I fret to feet apart. Only one plant
to a hill. If you cut them, sprinkle a
little lime or plaster over to heal the
cut surface to prevent rot. The end
farthest from the stem end (or the
blow end) will produce plants a week
earlier than the stem end, so In- a
small garden It Is a good thing to rut
off this end for planting and use the
remainder for food. It Is best to dig
holes with the hoe In planting and
drop the potatoes In. being careful to
lay them with the eye up. Do not plant
too deep here. The average depth of
nlantlng In the county la between two
and three Inches for early crop and
three to four Inches deep for mam
crop. It takes one to three weeks for
potatoes to come up. Just as they
bealn to show above tne ground tney
should be gone over with a drag-harrow,
when you are cultivating a large
amount, as this Is the easiest way toi
kill the first weeds. Potatoes like a
soil slightly acid. If you plant where
you did last year you are liable not
to have so good a crop. It Is better
to plant In another place.
I'otatoes must not be watered at any
and all times. They can be watered
Just once that is. just as tney are
coming Into blossom and should then
be irrigated, not sprinkled.- II wiu de
scribe thls'later).'-They should be well
cultivated and kept free from weeds.
Diseased Potato Heed.
I want to caution you againct using
any potatoes for seed that have a
black thread running through them, a
roughened or Irregular circle, on the
skin, a hollow center, etc. Beware of all
such potatoes as these, or you will have
diseased crops and diseased ground. Be
very careful that the peelings, etc., of
such potatoes are not- thrown out on
your land anywhere to Inoculate It
with disease. Give your cutting plenty
of potato, as the potato Is the food the
young plant lives on, and the more food
the better the early growth, and the
better the early, growth the better the
yield. -Radishes.
. Our second sowing of radishes can
be made now. remembering that in or
der to escape the root-maggot it Is
better -to sow on soil where radishes
were not raised last year. Miss Alice
Joyce, field worker from Corvallis.
who teaches the school children how to
make gardens, said in a lecture re
cently that If you sprinkle a little air
slacked . lime right over your radish
seed when you sre sowing It. it will
kill the larvae. of the maggot and also
enrich the soil.
This' Is a very valuable suggestion
from one who knows and has tried it
many times. After the - little early
globe-shaped radishes we sowed in our
hotbed and should. have ready for the
table now. the best varieties to plant
now. out of the large number named as
rood, are perhaps the Crimson Giant
or White Icicle, both of good sire and
turnip-shaped. The White Icicle Is
not only crisp and tender when young
but also when It grows to a large slxe,
but it seems particularly liable to the
root maggot.
Vegetables for Caaalng.
We are planning to plant many of
our best vegetables successively; a lit
tle every two-weeks or so. so as to
give us a succession of vegetables Just
right for table use.. But we must, .not
fora-et that we must plant quite an
amount .of each kind at once for our
canning crop. In canning by the cold
pack method we process six to nine
cans at a time In our wash boilers, and
it Is easier to can all we expect to put
up of each kind of vegetable at prac
tically the same time. Our ranning
crop of peas should be planted now, or
hot weather may catch them, as it did
last year. This doesn't make so much
difference .with beans, but beets are
much better canned when yonng and
rv tender. Cauliflower must be
canned before hot weather, also young
turnips and carrots ir you should care
to can them as some do. We are read
ing lately that unleas we do raise and
can. our own vegetables mis year 01
the great war, we are liable not to
have any. There may not be any to
buy at least at any price we can af
ford. Don't neglect, above all things,
to plant now for plenty of vegetables
to can.
Traasplaatlag Oar Plants.
The early plants ve sowed in our
hotbed are supposed to have been trans
planted some time ago. according to the
method whlch'I described In detail. The
early cabbage, cauliflower and lettuce
should be fine, stocky plants ready to
set In the garden now. If you did not
raise your own but must buy your cab
bage and cauliflower-plants, try to ee-
S easy
nt rubbing!"
asons why every woman
says rWonderJul for
"Quid? Un
believably si!"
ONCE upon a
time, in the
dark and Lux-less
days, there were
Two Kinds of
Everyday Blouses.
You hated those. They were homely and
heavy, and plain so they could stand hard
washing. No dainty colorings. No lacy
trimmings. No flimsy materials. Then,
your Dainty Blouses. Those you treasured,
and you wore them very, very seldom and
very, very carefully. When they were
soiled, you sent them away to the Cleaner's,
waited for them, and paid for them All
Over Again !
Now, how different it is !
Every woman wears the daintiest, pret
tiest, flimsiest things for everyday wear.
Why not, when she can wash them again
and again and keep them new with never
a bit of rubbing !
Rubbing ruins dainty things
Rubbing cake soap on materials, then
rubbing -again to get the dirt out, is the
old-fashioned laborious way of washing.
It was hard on you and hard on your
- blouses.
Try the Lux way. No rubbing!" Just
dipping the flimsiest blouse up and down
in the wonderful rich Lux suds, then having
it new and shimmering again. . '
Lux comes in delicate white flakes in
which there is more real cleansing value
than is possible in any other form of soap.
You drop them into hot water and whisk
them immediately into the foamiest, bubbly
lather. Add cold water to make the suds
lukewarm, then in goes the blouse !
Let your Daintiest Blouses be your
Everyday Blouses. : It's so easy with Lux.
'.Has it really, been
laundered? It Inks
like new."
THAT is the beauty of Lux. It is so
very quick and easy. In an almost
unbelievably short time you can transform
anything which is limp and dingy into a
refreshing, dainty garment.
Who thinks of waiting, nowadays, from
Monday to Wednesday for her blouse to
be laundered? Never!
' For blouses, Lux is wonderful. You
simply pop your blouse in the warm Lux
suds and have it out again after a few
minutes' soaking and sloshing about in the
thick bubbly lather.
Try washing your woolly sweater and
your soft new blankets in Lux. You
would never believe' that they could be
done so quickly, so perfectly and . so
Try Lux for all these things
Fine linens
Fine laces .
Lace curtains -Silk
Georgette, Crepe de
Chine and wash
able Satin blouses
Chiffon blouses
Lingerie waists and
Children's fine things
Babies' woolens
Silk stockings
Silk Underwear
Collars and cuffs'
Corduroy skirts
Chinchilla coats
Washable gloves
Lux will not harm anything that
pure water alone will not injure
SAID a Rich
Girl to a Poor
GirI,"I havespent
a small fortune for
blouses, and none
of them look half
as dainty as that
pretty new blouse that you are wearing."
Said the Poor Girl, "This blouse is not
new. I have had it for a year."
"But, my dear, it has . never been laun
dered!" "Oh, but it has time and again with
, my own hands. The secret is Lux. Lux
simply charms the soil and dinginess away.
It makes my blouse look like new every
time it is laundered."
And this is the story of every woman
who has ever used Lux. The Lux way of
washing gives you results that you would
never have dreamed possible in the old
days of Vigorous Rubbing. You can have
the daintiest things and have them long.
Try Lux just once
Every woman who has tried Lux is soon
telling other women that she has at last
found the ideal soap product for all fine
laundering. Every woman tries Lux for
dozens of things she never before would
dream of trusting to soap and water.
Try Lux yourself. Your grocer, druggist
or department store has it. Lever Bros.
Co., Cambridge, Mass.-
Wknt sKrinkwKjIens!
Wmt turn silks yellow!
VVbnt injure even chiffons!
O Jvr Bros. Ce HIS
ect the varieties recommended In our
past letters. Remember that cabbage
plants are not Just "cabbage plants.
but are a certain variety. Make up
our mind what you want and go to
the seed store that has that kind, and
be particular to get that kind of plants.
Do not take any kind the corner
grocery happens to have for sale.
Cabbage ass Cauliflower Plants.
These are cool-weather plants and
make the best growth In Spring and
Fall. The seed bed should be carefully
prepared and made very rich by manure
or commercial fertilisers containing
nitrogen and potash.
Before you transplant your young
plants to the garden give them a good
soaking with water and let them stand
three or four hours eo the dirt will
adhere to the roots. Be careful in
transplanting to keep the roots covered
from the aun or wind. Try to trans
plant all plants on a cloudy, cool day,
and. If possible. Just before a ehower.
The plants are usually set 12 to 18
inches apart in the row, and the rows
about two feet apart. These early cab
bage should be ready for use In June.
Cauliflower has much the same "cultiva
tlon. but Is more difficult to grow. It
needs a rich, loamy soil and much raois
Questions and Answers.
Mrs. T. B. C. Portland, Or., asks what
makes some radishes grow pithy. ; It is
caused by their growing too slowly, in
consequence of being planted in poor
soil or hard soil, or not having
enough moisture, etc They should
grow rapidly in rich, soft, damp soli.
Leaving radishes in the ground too
long. also, makes them pithy. They
should be pulled as fast as they are
large enough not over an inch' in
diameter for most kinds.
Let us have more questions and more
letters of helpful advice. Cordially
For Moderate Wedding Party, Where Guests Do Not Exceed Fifty, Supper
Can Be Managed. Very Well Without Aid of Caterer.
THE underlying principle of any but
fet meal Is, of course, the elimina
tion of work. A buffet supper is less
formal than a conventional bridal sup
per served at little tables, but It may
bo made an elaborate and expensive en
tertainment or a simple and economical
one, according to the way it Is man
aged. A fashionable caterer will fur
nish a "simple" buffet supper, includ
ing hot bouillon, one hot entree, salad.
Ices and coffee for about $3 a bead.
The caterer sends his own silver.
gTassware. china, ilnen and table deco
rations, and corps of waiters under
the direction of a competent head
waiter will attend to everything and
remove responsibility absolutely from
the giver of the entertainment. But a
caterer's supper of this sort is not an
economical affair, and usually It de
mands accompanying lavishness in the
way of floral decorations, awnings, a
policeman or two to stand at the awn
ing entxasce - and - keep - crowds from
blocking the passageway and all of
these smart wedding accessories cost
For a moderate wedding party and
guests amounting to perhaps 50 in num
ber, the buffet supper can be managed
very well without the aid of a caterer.
It may be well to engage the services
of a woman or two to help in the kitch
en, so that the maids of the house may
be free to assist In serving the guests,
carrying trays and the like. The dining-room
' should be simply decorated
with tall, slender vases of flowers and
with candles in sconces and candelebra
on table, sideboard and mantelpiece.
Have piles of plates, with folded nap
kins beside ' them ' conveniently placed,
and arrange the silver, forks and spoons
in groups by themselves, so that every
escort may supply his lady speedily and
without confusion. An urn of bouillon
and little cups may be set at either end
cf the table and a member of the family.
or a friend, at each urn, will be able
to serve the first -courao rapidly.' Dur
ing the second and third courses of
entree and salad, the urns' will be car
ried out and replaced with urns of cof
fee for the last course, this to be served
in the same way.
Small, dainty croquettes, creamed
oysters, sweetbreads and mushrooms, or
lobster Newburg may be served as the
hot. entree course. On each plate will
be a tiny, three-cornered sandwich with
some dainty-filling. The plates will be
brought in on large trays by the maids
and taken' to-various parte of the room
so that all the escorts will not rush to
one spot and cause crowding and con
fusion. The salad course should be
served In the same way, and also the
ices. And young girls or members of
the family may carry about baskets or
fancy plates of little iced cakes and
bonbons during the eating of the ices.
. : i : . v. n Aimaa. t ra v nhrtnld he
A. utttiu mill m " -
moving about among the guests con
tinually taking up the empty plates and
carrying theri out to the kitchen. If
this is not done, the attractively deco
rated table, the sideboard, mantel and
other places in the room will soon be
littered with used plates and silver, for
people are apt to put plates down care
lessly wherever they happen to be at
a buffet supper.
. If bouillon and salad have been pre
pared early in the day, the coffee and
supper is served without a great deal
OI irouDie. .every
every tray should be In its place, and
every utsLiwi vi nm. u u . o
complete under the eye of the person
1 . 1.. nAnnM.tH- 1 . l.r.f-. a alncrlA
wiiu la inauasNiB 11, . v . . - r. -
guest is summoned to the dining-room.
' . Everymolner.
: Such a hue and cry has gone up all
over the country and so many sensa
tional stories have come to the ears of
the anxious that we are in great dan
ger of being misinformed as to true
conditions by well-meaning but over
zealous workers, says Sylvia North, lh
an article In the Mother's Magasine
for April, dealing with life in the offi
cers' training camps.
It is a regrettable fact that when
one exceptional case is found among a
thousand men the publicity it is given
condemns all; but the sensible mother
realizes that where thousands of men
are assembled they must necessarily
come from all walks and conditions
of - life, and every phase of human
nature be represented. The mere don-iliaS-o
a-uniform- and, -tie-pledsa to
respect and honor all that it stands
for, together with the severe tests,
physical and mental, applied by the
Government before granting the priv
ilege of wearing that uniform, will not
Immediately make a weak man strong,
nor a strong man perfect, so despite
all the instructions and enlightenment
begun in the officers' training camps
still being successfully continued for.
each private in every cantonment '
throughout the land, Everymother real-
izes that the sex question can never
be wholly solved.
It may comfort her, however, to .
know that with the great work now.
being quietly., conducted by the Gov
ernment, her fears regarding venereal '
diseases are almost groundless. Let '
her not take too seriously the exagger- .
ated statements of hysterical women ;
regarding, the morale of the training t
camps in this country. '
"Wind Roughened Skins
Soothed byCuticura
When you return from your auto
ride ' smear the face and rub the
hands with Cuticura Ointment. Wash
off in five minutes with Cuticura Soap
and hot-water, using plenty of Soap,
best applied with the hands, and con
tinue bathing three minutes.
Sample Eaeb Free by Mil. Address nest
card: "Cotioare, Dt. 5A. Boatos." Sold
everywhere. Soap 25c Ointment 25 and SOc.
-- i