THE SUXDAT OREGONTAX, PORTXANB, APKlTi 21, 1918. 9 MILITARY ROADS URGED BY LEAGUE Convention Called 'Here for Next Month to Take Up Defense Problems. HIGHWAYS ARE FIRST NEED X.. 3. Simpson, President of Pacific Coa Defense League, Explains Important Scope of Big Con Tentlon Programme In May. Since its arsatsst activity to data has keen la tha direction of a comprthm aiva system of military highways for the defense) of tha Pacific Coast, the J'aclflc Coast tfnse Lue which of lighter construction which will serve the purposes of rural mall de livery and light auto truck travel, but which would never carry tha heavy traffic of modern motor transportation. "Such a system of military highways would hare to be planned as carefully as the grade of a railroad, with due regard for grades and curves and other points which might lessen their ef fectiveness In any great work of trans portation. Greater Fe4 Pradaetlaav. "One of the things that would Im mediately result from their construc tion would ha a far greater production of foodstuff, as thousands of acrea now given over to browsing cattle or not producing at all. would become gar dens as soon as It could be demon strated that foods produced could be brought to the market economically. In our Journey through Central and Eastern Oregon wa find that the great need today, aa for years back. Is better roads, a need which through the possi bilities of greater food production and military security gives ample support to the alma of the Pacific Coast Defense League. "The' same situation prevails In oth er states of the Pacific and the plan would link well with the development which California has under way and which Is projected In Washington." XO TISITOatS TO FORD PLANT Cnder Recent Government Ruling, Factory Is Closed to Public. DETROIT, iflch, April 10. The Ford WOMEN GARAGE Covey Motor Car Company Is First to Employ Them. AND THEY MAKE GOOD, TOO They Are Paid Same Wages as Their Men Predecessor and They Earn It, Declares Manager Critten den, After Careful Test. ' Score again for women's rights. Women can vote in Oregon, they can sit on juries, though they don't have to, they can run elevators, and now they can work in garages, and are doing it. Probably all the automobile concerns In Portland will come to it soonor or later as the men are called away to the Army, but the Covey Motor Car Com pany Is the first big firm to ernplay women in its garage. Three weeks ago last Thursday Mr. LOADING OLDSMOBILES OX FREIGHT CARS AT OLDSMOBILE FACTORY, LANSING, MICH, FOR SHIP MENT TO OLDSMOBILE COMPANY OF OREGON. V I I . . mm ....... 1 . The new method of loadlnc automobiles for rail shipment In a tilting nonition. as Illustrated In the photograph. was Inaugurated by the Oldnmobil manufacturers to conserve freight cars. Three to four can be loaded on a freight car In thia way. where formerly two automobiles made a load for the freight car. meets In convention In Portland May 14 and ti, will devote a great portion of Its programme at that gathering to the study and discussion of allied prob lems which must be considered In an a.lrquato vtem( of defense for the slates of Washington. Oregon. Cali fornia. Idaho. Montana, Nevada, Utah. .Amona and New Mexico. The Portland Chamber of Commerce Is making tha arrangements. The big thought to be driven home to delegates and the public at large through this convention is the abso lute ncetty for a comprehensive sys tem of defence for the Pacific Coast, according to L. J. Slmneon. president of the league, who on a tour of Kat- rn Oregon recently traveled over roads which would form part of the military defensa highway. . (iavermaseat Asked te Take Part. "We expect Washington to take A hand in tbia meeting "said Mr. Mlmp aon. "TVs have turned the whole pro gramme over to the IJovernmenfa mil itary authorities and expect several speakers who will represent the tpv- rnment In the discussions. "We will take up those matters that would demand Immediate attention In the event of military activltlea along the Coast. By that I mean the relation rf an adequate system of defense to the production of war necessities and the handling of a system of defense In time of hostilities on the Pacific. "The programme will cover the sys- tern of military highways to which the league first gave Its attention, and marine bases and the general fortlfi cation of the Paclflo Coast. "line of the principal discussions will ISe on the system of proposed National military highways because wa believe that this Is the first step towards the realisation of any of the other plana. such as the aero patrol, the mobilise tlon of heavy armament and other proj ects to give the greatest security, miliary Highways Seeded. "We realise today In our work of Spruce production for the Government. In the handling of foodstuffs and other war supplies that a system of military IVghways is the first requirement, for without dependable, constant transpor tation none of the other projects can f ind 4hctr place. "it la expected through this meeting ef education to bring to the attention cf the public the Importance of the :Aker-Polndrxter bill, which calls for an estimate and survey of this pro- pesed military highway system. "The Mayors and Governors of every city and state of the Pacific Coast will be urged to attend and also to appoint as many delegates as they can Interest in the projects. From early returns to Invitations It Is expected that the con vention will be well attended. "1 belteve that once the public real izes the importance of this work, there will be strong public sentiment for a System of military highways. We know that the greatest work of the Kuropean war has depended not on guns, on forts, on battleships and all the marvels of modern Invention, but en good roads, roads able to transport the mobile batteries cf great caliber which never could have been moved over roads unable to bear their weight. "We realise today that batteries of Such heavy guns w hich could be moved from point to point are greater Security than hundreds of forts along the Pa cific, especially In view of the fact of the great number of plsces'where land ings could be effected In the shoreline ef the C"ast. Rawd Seatlaaeat Arawaed. "We have nkade some headway In ewouslng public sentiment for auch a vstent cf roads In this rart of the state." said Mr. Simpson, of his recent tour of Central Oregon. "We left The I"lles over what would be part of the third or food line of defense In tha proposed military system. "We found It a road which had just opened up for the season, in the main good enough fur ordinary auto travel but not to be considered In any depend aula plan for emergency movement of heavy freight or hundreds of vehicles. "Through many months of the year It would be impossible to move the lightest of vehuilea over stretches of these roads. "ttosae of these roads, especially from Central Oregon back to the Kaatern prairie section, are soon to be Improved as Govsrnment post roads, which from their aante may be Inferred to be roads Motor Company closed Its doors to all visitors today. For a number of years tha huge Highland plant was tha mecea for all people coming to Detroit. And due to this fact It was the privilege of the Ford organisation to maintain a cour tesy department. which furnished guides, who were familiar with all phases of tha Industry, to anyone and everyone that dealred to go through their Immense plant. The records of the company show tbat people from all parta of tha world visited the factory. The officials of the company ex pressed their regret that it was neces sary to discontinue this courtesy, but as it is a rigid rule by the Government, It la entirely beyond tha powers of the Ford Motor Company. When You Tow. When you are towing another car, or being towed, take especial care to warn pedestriana who might fall VP see tha tow rope and pass between the ears, says Milestones. If the cars are stopped In the dark, additional caution muat be exercised to avoid accident. The courts have held that the motorist Is bound to warn pedestrians under such circumstances. Gasoline Licenses In Kngland. Tbs new series of gasoline licenses used In England will rover a six montha' supply of fuel. The licenses are In the form of a book of vouchers, each voucher entitling the holder to one gallon of gasoline. Should tha motorist want 20 gallons ha must de liver to the rente man ?0 vouchers. Covey put three young; women to work In the garage. They were Norma and Carrie oraey and Annie Anderson They donned men's Jumpers and over alls and got busy at once, cleaning au tomobiles, shifting them on the freight elevators from one floor to another, greasing them and doing general ga rage work. They not only have been busy ever since, but they have been busy so ef fectively that Jack Crittenden, sales manager for Mr. Covey, who Is in charge of things while Mr. Covey is visiting the Cailillao and Dodge facto ries In Detroit, trying to get more cars, says their employment is a proved success. "We pay them the same wages that we paid men doing the same work. said Mr. Crittenden. "And they earn It. They are bright, intelligent, effi cient, and they take a real interest in their work. 'About the only concession made to them because they are women is that wa do not have them wash cars. That would be a little too hard, perhaps, though if men continue to become scarcer and scarcer. It may even come to that. They do the chamois work In clean ing cars, however, wash windows, wipe off the dust, see that the cars are greased and otherwise ready for ser vice, and do gekieral garage work." A Word to the Wise Save $552! The Eight-Cylinder Oldsmobile After May 1st, $1750 Present Price, Immediate Delivery, $1695 at Portland THE OLDSMOBILE CO. Broadway and Couch. of Oregon. Phone Broadway 2270 TRUCK PRODUCTION BIG 0B i.TERVATIOVAL 19 HADE EVERT MI.MTES. Earns $168 In 26 Days. In the first 1 days Jordan & Buck ley cleaned up 1468 with a motortruck In their express business. They are located In Salem, N. J. The Maxwell truck Is used hv this firm. Famous Motor Vehicle Made by lnter- natleaal Harveatee Comsaay Give Good Service Here. A good many persons do not know that one of the biggest manufacturers of farm machinery In the world, th International Harvester Company of America, Is also one of the biggest mo tor truck manufacturers In the world. The International Harvester Com pany Is the manufacturer of the famous International truck, which is handled in Oregon by the Portland branch of the company as state distributor. R. W. Henneman, at Ninth and Couch streets. In tha local dealer. The International Harvester Com pany has a production schedule for In ternational trucks, and has had for some time past, which calls for the completion of one truck every nine minutes at' Its big factory. But so great has become the demand for the International truck that this schedule is to be speeded up still further so that one complete truck will be turned out every seven minutes. Some of the biggest mercantile com panies in the East use fleets composed exclusively of International trucks. L. E. Dlers, general manager of the Port land branch of the International Har vester Company, says one company In Chicago alone has a fleet of 600 Inter nationals. The International , truck comes In four sizes, -ton, 1-ton, 1-ton and 2-ton, and In seven different styles. The first International In Portland was bought about two years ago by the Wilhelm Transfer Company, and it and another one added later have per formed such fine service that Mr. Wil helm is going to add a third Interna tional to his small fleet The International truck Is noted for its sturdiness and its accessibility. It has an interna! gear drive rear axle. The custom of handshaking back to the time of Henry II. dates Producer AaenW J-uWAiie MOTORHTRUCKS yssrfssfsasaiMsry The best connecting link between producer and consumer is the Bethlehem Motor Truck. The dependable, powerful motor, the frame super strong, the internal gear drive, the plus quality in every working or supporting unit has made Bethlehem the choice of hundreds of Motor Truck buyers who know and demand Motor Truck performance. Put it up to a Bethlehem Dealer. H $1295 11 Too "Chassis BETHLEHEM DUMP TRUCKS F. W. Vogler, Pres. Some Dealers' Territory Still Open. Northwest Auto Company, Inc. Broadway at Couch Street $1915 Chassis BETHLEHEM TRACTOPnS C M. Menzies, Mgr. eWsrsVisiiiMi i nssiaai nasi n is nisui ft- il lesi jnrfr n wa wiieia.rtf i tiyd.Ra'iWIII u-.tuflLM Bone Dry Every Still Better Willard Bat-' tery that comes out of the factory is made and shipped dry. This abso lute dryness is your guarantee that the battery has not lived a part of its life before you buy it. For every battery begins to age from the very minute the battery solution first touches it. But when you know that the battery you buy is bone dry Up to the time you buy it, you can be sure that you are buying a brand new battery. Still Better Willard Batteries cost more but they're worth it, both because the "Bone Dry" plates are your assurance of battery newness and because the Threaded Rubber Insulation also means increased pro tection to plates' and prolongs effi ciency. Ask about the Still Better Willard the next time you call fof your regular battery test. Auto Electric Equipment Co. Bnrnside at Sixth f i t I . JltiWWBW -JtW aWPWafaaassssjs , P - ffaaMIW ' - ' - ..ratif- rr ,M, m - -ri -" . CilllsllMlae.llSi