TITE SUNDAY OliEGOXIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL 21, 1918. 9 ieal estate. $ec H IGH-CI.AS? HOME -Muili AND FL'RM rihB ROSE CiTX-iJi.ALliU.NT CAH- 2 baths, bedrooms and sleeping porch b:n on Men Uoorj. targe break. asi- om, deep un;(0!, furnt-.e, targe Off pt.e. b-auti;u..y lum.-ufd. bota ho rue nj furniture. "). $l.-ooi cas.i. ba.anre $.; mo.ua. ia-.AiioraB-e oa street grn un v boaa-d. J. I. HAHTilA.S Cuj-FA-N Y, 7 Chaiuoer f cmn.M b.iis,.. 4i i mz.il Star si. Main A m..a irunda on. at branch uiIKc, -43 1 a a4 -Muitiy b.vi. a phvnsj. C-VLiF. OU'.Nlt HEK-. To &ELL am lor --o. un leriu ir:a $-130 to Vn dow a. bi. your n terms; thi U fu.iy aioC-rn. 7 rooms and ur(i s. rap ing prrh. bawd. Rrs. Arvp.ict. etc.; H be a tool ftctr bct.cg iitm. rdia:or la evry roum. paved street pa-d f-r. ao rule . inumii deterred pay-rr.-nts ml ; on Sti n mi. S., - bi.-. irorn l:Aumvnt far. nre ucat;oo: ih-n lumber -; matarla.s r. chfdp this house coat $-x lo bm.d; th:s is an ooportumiy to buy a nne hurr ai about h- oC lufl do. lar. n.bLuA.Nb. MaI.S llaa. 22J C. ot i. bid. roUTLANO HKIOMTS HO--. A K E AX i.AhGAlN. This la aa es':p iun..y wll-eon-tru:ed iMliinr. nn.sned -ad mmmed in Hour, oa A snd o-aauKany . hoi aaler bat. fiivp aves. IcJrnomi, larga pi'uo'N. mtK". miit bautifui tiuwb- ru ted i-r r rl-f and m ; very ic tMtb. iaU bandy 10 auooia. siorc and RITTKR. LOWR CO. r; ;-T lizard of Tr-ut ii.tlg- si. UU;f:i.HL'UT. .Nfc.AU i'Aiihi Hr Is a nne home Just pnt en the market; sract.'ja vrranda. large uir.s ru..m wll.t nivDlar. muilt-; 00m. Udrocm and oa: a. han.laome dlnlng- . r. .,f fh. m..f iomt.t and COD vm.-'nt klt-:hn. Urge (af4-lO ba H a-rvn: tir r-lroom on -i flor. amp.e r . ta AAA hK, MJklS lis. C. oi b-i. .:t'vi ivv littviv" H VKilAlN. tl.f a-r'xim hrtua". .mBt fouO df 00 and ba-mr.t. seam hat. eieclrK li-.in I i, li 1 t-ln ii-intDifncl Hi htuhn. rih aoii. avrai fruti tree. rjrw aJ b- rrlen. t.a t STaiion on r.e-t.ic Un. m nita out. -vnt f biv n'r. pfir" - t. Urw Tut; Sfi vw.kv.ai: ' I-J Fourth Htr-I. J Vt.H.tV V llll.f. Nearly rw t-roni bum!"; haa not Wa w.-t:pi-d T-t. C'iJla-;'ntro'-ted ard w i 1 bt. l t. hardod f .ors. fii rtiace pan- t. u.a.m-iMim. bn ruti-.i. ou.rt. -ac4 .'trt-; fixture. tuttn kltcno. f l bawmBt. piped t.r furnace; a ftr. roa:.or. a l Vimm r 1. rnett Kir. t .undJiia or evening afttr a 1". M. Tj7 VI siutniir K 5AL. Hon : ; (le targe roorr-a and I-ti; qnte ae. furnace. flrE.ce al ;r.r.'n' In Wnjor.nil, a Krl.-te-l Uirt-t. and race aa.t. on blo- k rum Mi a'ik. -. cr. p..nty room f r aai i'ri.-a ;. fJ ierro. " " u.or t-'an orl ajkr1; In fine ron ?non: lamicl !asi r ail. I'. H Van Nice. li.l TlH L I'DRTUNW T. HOUt. I'na-Arpassetl lw. un.bc run U-.e . line ?ruunls. spaloua ran.a. e rsant fam. -r.,m hoie with brdood nr. Iu..y mlera. ana K ej ""n for heattn. a en h-m for tn ritat rr;j . IT" " if tnif"'d. t t-rrna . LEV EJ-ANI MAIN Us. J C. (roil ot C. b ! EXOKPTl. NAl. i- 'ME li iu;ain. hrf il 5-ro.m hoiu. wl'ft g o J f uml t'ir. tj ore fenced ga.-d-n i-j-a. corner; a bam f -r stock, aut . po-r.try; tim 1 k,r fta fruit trvr. lawn. f:wer. ctrnfl a k. flMinM t!(liU'fVxl 1 Bear ". "i.y !'. In dvi'.. 113 monthi". Take Mt. sott car to Kern Tars, KiU - -j, u-b'4T iirp: W 1 1. LA M ETTK HT4 Tow ben waiting for a real bur- rim m a Vei Side home: here it Is. en Utaait -e II ta. ad tomlng eatover. T . r.ui rri riii i- RMxlem hou. overlook n Forestry b ! and rtr. I-ot J-l 1 x N.. oi 2-r. 1 blk south or car. F ft l NK L M-0 r I R E. AMr gton HI'lg VI X i 1 1 to' I. I r rl AVKM'rl ttrC.o wi i Out a 2-s-orv fram houe, full eTf Ot binir: and f oor. furnace and f'u troom. liv.ni-room. iiintn-rm. Iutrh ki-.-heo i btirtxinta and bath second f'o' t .- t paved, cement wa.ka. Term $w0 k-PPARO WtKPRKK 24 Stark. kV LEAVING PORTUXND for tmteflnlti -ta: m.ii sI m r beautiful modern rel ..-. of Irtlnston s very be't to ;- from r!-ibhur; rott over gin.ono. Wi.t e.l r-r .'. a. hshest gra fur ethinira throughout: unusual opportunity t r ..meone driirmc rj! borne; ii fcan lie. fh-r.o Eat . HA WTHOKNK. & rooms. $-roorn modern buo sa.oer an eorner. WItl a l utrret liaprov etnen ta In and paid; r.ar.tod t! o'. firepUcc, t- -i iM-autr S- e Ir. T.rma A. 'i. TLEPE .... STARK ST.. nr. 3d. MAIN 3iljj. "TmIvTLANI MT" IllNt!ALlW. $-"" Four rovm and bath, splendid condi tion, aim wet new. cloa- In, among good btne. 2 block car, fine lot. view of ctty mount. us and rret. owner non-rvji'id-nt. must sell. Urovke, Mar. 49-T, A -.k. . T ANT' N ST. AT BORTH WICK. ;n u mod. bunaalow. walking distan' K. H. Phu;e and ahl-ard. True lvo; eey terms. no Ileus, biup. To settle an f..le. rKK I Mrfij'IRB. Atlngton Bldg. 7 R'.N'MS a-a-Tv new. ga lights, : I: rpljrt, f a:l plu:i-t'.n : il't 6 v 170, i-ruon unf iniiicd. i"t .i-4H i rooms. I l st.. lot MntJ. abe w.xdtov'ri carhii and oa t-TTi -j. Phn- Jc I oid l"- X.., ,tKt,lil K.ST tUSTRXCT. EVERETT. K .-: .:; R oil.". MODERN t'OT- Tv.ic; Fiu ir am fi.wkms. pri- k ;. TKI'MH OH I'IS' -jCNT FOR CASiL 'ALL Uft N "R- TAbU -"TV iTWTH UN E dljitrK t. modern -reom, atorv h-if bungalow. hardwi floors, fur n e. built m ffvt. full ise coucrct b lament. $.t .. leims. J. C. tnUMX tX. ioi-ft-7 Lewis Pldg. n-SK CITT PARK l" XiALOV. J.ruvn bunnl"; furnace. firepare. fif c m h.'wm-r.i nlet.ng porch. 1'ric $JT.. trr-n V. .Wft st y ka NKU)K;niitH AMnrton HMr A I . V K i PFV -''- T rooms and pmg p rch; bard wood fl rt) r a-e .'nart including ai. etre-t irnpruve-nie-.-i. terms. Et 2IX tnrr. CAfU. $-5 MONTH. C-od o-rnom house. Suun)ide dlstrtet; rtc $.'. ANCUi'lt INVESTMENT CO.. 51d Oregon ..dg rov 1.VV I'UIT" n w ir h .e-ping -BHr lev laid r.ear iio -i- a st : a.l .T.r.ti incla-?rd al f I-- , .-rm. 4'-"r. 21- It WE cIM T-r a it 5-r--om I dttil'-t p-efer.-e.l. all If tr ee r.fit. K " ASH. rii,. . Hawthorn i1 p j;n qu.ck.y fiS. vr or.ian. tl.l yu rare fjr ai extr: etc 4 5 or A.oert a bun .ow up l' S-o'. or i-r. bunsa.ow. cloe tn on E. 31t. nr : l."."o tfci oner E -'l. a m vL paved ST Jv'HNS frNAP. a roo-n hjus on hrd-s':fe s:re?. Prtc 1 1 av ternv. Mulcrshtp. 4-il tij-nf'tr of mmerce T.1 S I.E vi jartrr-blo-. with !a-rom !e rt 415 O.itnar at . corner Fui S xth. I'-te tr-n - Mr. Bates, .t . fi h:.g phone Ma.n l' ". FlK m ?em. ee x -n - ro-n bur.ga.ow and earate lure'hurai; a o modern rn r .m h 'me vn .'n St.. cle la; trna er-. Tint a."' Vl ELI. built strictly modern. 7-room houso: !'. a.ry room, bardwovd f!r all ,.r tnrt Mn--wK. C 1 -. .-E l Vt PARK. 4:d at . n r sandy ; n.,i,Jrrn 5-ro.m bor.galoe. f. e a-d terms' a-e r tM. ' rter s h'rr. T a elll. UtT Cs p-Twh. f Jt t r . f C rrv ; -rn h-aae. S 7- I near I " IU trjk.' - I - K SVl.E Irvi rrn au l trc : ing IU-(!n nun ll-r--"n bu. a..T B'w. Call -neX. W n.fiia n 27.J mod-vn- sale. 2S E. -VM garage, garden. li sfone 11. Ft ?'.':i" 1.; ;iiT m tares n. Su J ftn, rn, tJ per Itr.w! ay -ri-H-i hvse, 4 lot, rt ruh w.ta interest; $!--Lau- - Ki a Nnt:j runn .;. Bear k H 1 2. 'rrnun. rr Sole n la Pr perry. 117 5"v Ml ?T li K M. tw -a:ory brick b-i: . iir t near Tmhi '-st. Mtrket. rent fr $:i a morth 1 .tee r:u:eu . per tlay f-om April 1. llv until od. tn e uro 2i' Uer-iPger b. Jg . or phor. Main ivM . piiis-lAioN A ENUE $70Hi. H ! wli h 2 god houses, bet. At knv aud Ash. Iins all patd refused lo at one ''do. Frar.k L. McGulr. Abmgton rldg. vTtST PARK ST. APARTMENT SITE Either one or two lots: has income wail waiting to improve. A fin Investment. About hai eaao. baL terma AM b2. Ore-W-yn : a a w,,l, g factory sit. conta.ntrtg $0,000 quar feeC West Sid, waterfront and t ra.-hag Owner, HZX Northwestern Ban M'tr 3a PE R CENT at ch Income. Portland properrv: 10.0' cash bandies It. Entered immediately. See No. 51. V. M. C. A. l.j.T Tnwrsday. April 1, salesman's oMer bowk. Fieas notify or return to Hiii Airoaw 31 -d SL 1'iions lixoadaay 2. 'J. REAL ESTATE. for ?ae Bnsine Froperty. HEAL'TI Vl'L. bL'Bl RRA.V HOME Nine icrf. very highly Improved, three! acres or run bearing orchard, consisting of good variety of applra. peaches, pears, cherries, plurus and prunes, largest grape vines in orrfun. a:i kinds of am all fruit; a. i we, i tnd for ana in Iinest condition: fair house and stun basement, large barns, good outbuildings; only eight iniica from Jort!and on Went t!de. food auto road; all I nes nicn ana sigm:y; on ol ths best country homn around Portland; have gone in: other bu.nr.esa. will sacrifice for I $33o0: worth 73oo. Phone appointment I ana win tatte you to aee It at ray eX- y-nae. ULormifK. Main 03 IS. llM'XloO KttT at northwest corner of Will. lama ave. and dhaver at, with store build- I Ing and dwelling on It. 60 Id at a bar I gain on account of mortgage foreclosure. lerms may be bad. Investigate this I n iiiismi are. snap. FTir, a.M0. PAHKISH, WATKI.Vrf 4k CO, Iwt second at. Phona Warn ltHs. lOOioo. WITH 4-e;ory brick bulMlnr. on X. J..:a st.. trackage, rloa to depota and I n-w I wa:offlce, At. J. u .Nell. 717 Uoard of 1 ' CHJOarbea Hon Riir not own n nice little country horn I you can raise your oan nouitry. veg tabica, ggs. butter and cream and enjoy the pure, fresh air and country lite? mi m some una iiiue raaencs; NICE LITTLE 10-ACRE RANCH. New bungalow, barn and chlcken-bouies, fine water and good fences. cloe to town. rauroau. at ore, school and church; nnt yout.g prune orchard, garden, barrlea, po- aiu-a. . nne cows. oU hens, ail tool ana working Implements: all for -0j. Heauilful 4 acres, 1 acre bearer dam. 1 acre sandy loam. 1 acre fruit and bom ite; -rora house, chicken- nous and stable, nice sortne. cloae tores. Warehouse, bank and e.ectric depot; good srvie on Oregon E.sctrlc to and irorn Portland ; only S.oPu. 1 have many others and can quote a nomeaeeker ry rcasonao.a price ana urmi J It. HOLBROOK, 2)4.15 Psname Bidg. e-ARK bom on S P. red car, electric line, be'.ween Alt'ha and ToMn; house quite new. with ronta bath and suu porch Hrn nHr. 3 bedrooms, sewing-room and attic ftr; electricity and gas. iiv inc-rom nas n replace and Horary, duiii In bookca: big chicken and pigeon houe and yards, barn, water satem with lajni n encine. berrtea and young vhard. balauce of land under plow. Ad Joining are i acres free pasture: prt-- terms ta uiU Ladd Aatate Co.. f.'ni-ord b.dg. 4- ACKKS NEAR PORTLAND. $l.'.0. 4 -rvom house, hot and cold water, good welL pumping plant: place well equipped for small dairy. Included at this price 1 I good horse, wagon, harntie, plow, cul tivator. JerT cow and household furni ture. Owner mut evil and you can buy this piece for $15mi: a:d casu and Bal ance to suit. He (ordoo, 732 Chamber of I Commerce. Alam e44. COfXTkT HOMK1 Fin country home. s modern 9-roem bungalow, with gas heating and all city convenience, together with - to a to suit customer; near Mllwaukle Station; will take hue In city tn part pay. JOHN W. ALEXANDER. Owner. 135 Northwestern Rank Building. Phone Vllwaukl Main !.. OWNER HONE TO WAR. Paid ZVJbo for this beautiful cultivated acre. blo4-k from car on Oregtin Electric; yxing orchard and small fruit: will aa -I mice now rr i:oo; gaa. electric ngn's, i w a r, phones: this Is what you have I ben looking for: act Quick: only minutes out; aee me today. McCormlca. iK f AUK ouniry home of 10 a re a, fenced and tiled, good well, fruit, berries. "O prune trees, tt-room bungalow, barn. wood and chi ken house: near Albany. Or., and Oregon E'ecinr and S. P. Ry. station: f:n neighbors; $.1ni. easy term. or chanfre for Portland residence. W. T. I2 Jersey St.. city. PALATINE HILL. -room rrs:dence. with 1 acre around : large living room looking out on a most magnificent view; 4 bedrooms on second f.oor. 1 bedroom oa first f :oor; adjoins ir. Anarw kcrra oeauurui nome; hi furnre. f'rep.afe. ronfervaiorv'. '."PDARD A WJEDHICK. 2I Stsrk Ht. RIVERFRONT. beautiful residence. waterfront vrooertv. 14 acres, at Oak Grow, extraor- d.nary bargain at $!1n an acre: must be ao.-l at once: a as. ertrfit y. city aster. Address owner, 6$ Trinity Place. Main BKACTIFULLY situated 15-arre home. T miles out by macadamized road, fine view of mount al na. -room house good aa new. bath, toilet, laumlry. furnace, fireplace, lty telephone, rural delivery. $&O0O, terinn. Owner. J. O. Jiml-MiQ. Route 1. box letf. 'tae--n. Or. Te'ephone Main 4M. SI'lll RHAN H"MK PLACE, An Ideal spot on Willamette River. 20 acre, native shrub and woods, tin spring water, best salmon trolling place un river; a bar cam. a. . 1 .a n 1 re rt son. 44 East Alder St., cur. Graud ave.. F'ortland. tr. HEAl'TIFI'L SUHI RIIAN lit ME of 1 1 acre, all fin soil, fruit and berries; modern 7-r. pi aster d and tinted house: ft rep ace, furnace, hard -surfaced road. 30 minutes' drive, a snap at $45u. half cash. JO.T C. CIUO. flerllnger b!dg.. Portland, Or. THREE of the prettiest places in Oak Orove: each of tueee places contains from 1 to 1 acres, a. 1 in gsraen. witn kinds of fruits and flowers, and the houses are up to date In every respect. The p-it-es range for either of the place under S...VHI. m. J. i lohfsty. Hi a bin gton ninr. BRYANT ACRES. AT OSWEGO LAKE. $? for an acre tract; lie level, open second growtn. cio.te to atntion. THE ATCHISt N-A1.LEN CO, &o Concord Hldg.. 2d and Stark. A SNAP. Modern little bungalow, 2 lots, chicken bouse, gooseberries, etc.. 3 blocks from ; the station, on Ore on Electric. 5c ticket. S1V"), terms. Phone owner today. Mar. 27 m -Kut'M mdem bungalow at Multnomah station oa Oregon Electric. 5c carfare. city water, llahia. gas: party going East. furniture, r hie kens, garden ail p. an ted ; pnre vrry lew. near station. Inquire Mrs. r'. ii-ntmln. ATTRACriVE HOME PLACE. 17-a acres. 1 'a miles irom town; all In ruitivatlon: g d bul!itngs that cot $2O0 t. erect, ail tor i.im. - i. ai c-coesney. 312 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main T!o2 This Is In Washington ounty. GARDEN HoME. A particularly choice acre, convenient to car, f:ne:y cu.tivated. gas. water and elec- tr-c l:ght mains: over 4 feet frontage: the f.net acre at Garden Home, Call Main 4 today or !undir. 5-A RE suburtsn home; water plant th beat: all klnda of fruit: barn, garage. b--auttf-il ground; f ill basement, modern hcuse. heated; or good road, close in; t-rma i'a.r.r. N 31. Oregonlan. 3 ACRE!. -R. Bl'MlALinV. Sc fare: modern conveniences, garag. barn. chlckn-houa. f rull. l-errles, pure running water; a snap at $2oV. K. r. Fee muter. I'-rD A blngtn bldg. SUBURBAN ACRE. J-rc-om plastered bungalow, fine view. boating and fishing, water and Itght. Prie $175. tctms. Call at 5v Concord Mif, 2d and Slarlt TH S A I.E A 5- room plastered house. a"r ground, all fenced, line bam. wool- aheJ and c hrken-h'oee. big garden, fruit trees, berries and flowers: It lll pay yuU tn .o.k it up ner. ai E sth st. M I l.T. 'M A H STATION bungalow snap. on.y $1.'km. two blocks from station. 10 minutes' rid lom S-uth Portland ship yard, eai-y terms. For details call at 404 Piatt M-'g WILL aelt buniliw on Oregon City car lin. Rislee station, fruit, barn, rhtrken- h ue. prtrg water piped to bouse. Phone tire t-rt. Ml LTNuMAll STATION, one-third acre and 5-rorn bungalow for $1500; a sacrifice; budding coat over $2"0: nmt have caatu For particular tail at 4'4 Piatt bltls; BEAUTIFUL noma at Garden Home, strict ( 3 ly modern, with choice full B re. beat car aerv tee. 7-ent fare : gaa, electricity and ater t ail Main wu. j M lit H 11 A.N HOMES OR ACREAGE. If ou art locking for hlgh-c.aa subur- bsn hi me property, call on G. A. Sariea, 4,4 Northwetf rn Itank. CHARMING A'KE TRACT. Acre fruit, with 4-room house. IS tnln- utes rttt from Port land Post of flee, 5c rr. t its. oregnnian. Fi'K SALK T acre; fine swvea-room I nous, fruit, etc. : running creek ; near cr:ire; cne.p: rail at third house aorta of Risiev S.tlon : Oregon City car. At'KKS. 4-room house. $3750. terma, near Courtner s'a. C l.Y Oregonlan. f5oo CASH Acre In cultivation at Metxger. A'Mrr.i J. B. 23$ Cou-h t. For Sile Acreage. Mi ELV IMPROVED 10 ACRES. CU to Port.and. short d intense from raved road and on.y a few minutes' walk from station on Oregon Electric, 9-cent fare, book rate: property dear of incum- branr and cost owner over $14.o; can Itic.HT aires on Lake mad. one mi.e east of be bvmiM for $lo.Hi or exchanged for a modern home on East or Wet Side In a good district. Ifoi.aday Addition pre ferred See E M. Brown. THE SHAW-KEAB COMPANY, lo2 Fourth Street. KNAP for Summer home tract, near Mt. Htfod. paid 4 '-: will sell at $15d. .1"! V. t. National Bank bldg. Urondway 21.1. 11 A on CIck. R . fin location, part cult.. auto road, good house; - $1500. Owner, 4G Usui. Mms. d.U4. REAL ESTATE. for Hale Arrrage. CHEAP ACREAGE. 5 acres. $'.50; $10 down, $5 per month buys 5 acres of land between Portland and Centralis, on the main line of 3 rail roads, m mil from a town of b0 pouu lation. sawmill and shlngla ml ha, lomi oartly cleared and soma all cleared, run mnr atre-tm. soma bottom and some bench; can give you any kind of a piece ou want. fiKLL REAL ESTATE CO., 31? Railway Exchange bldg 20 ACRES AT VANCOUVER, WASH. Nine miles north of the city: new buildings, on mile to railroad sta tion; crop all in; some furniture and implements go with the place; price $.uuo. and will consider i'ort land property In a trade. 003 YEON BLDG. li0 PER ACRE. 1100 PER ACRE For aaie. lo4 acres Willamette Valiey farm; bj under cultivation. 1 lo second growth timber, 4 mixed orchard; two torv it-room house, barn and hophoase. two weiis. two creeks, one on each end of farm; half mile from river boat; two miles from Donald (Oregon Electric) : Quarter mile from flouring null; - miles rjm Portland. Price includes one-third of present crop of about Hi acres wheat. 40 acres oat and 10 acres potatoes. Phone Tabor fid. COLUMBIA KIVER HIGHWAY. 10 acres. Improved, running water, or chard, small house, near bandy ; $ J 400. terms. Acre tracts on Sandy and highway. , touching; both; J 060 caeh. $M0. easy pay- uems. G acres near Columbia River. 20 min utes by auto from Vancouver. Wash. ; $ ltM), easy terms ; a pickup." R. AL muewood A Co.. 4th st. A'RE:i under cultivation: &ht mi lea out on pavea street; price iiiw; terms. 7 acres fronting cast on highway, near New berg; all under cultivation; price JJ1U4A H acres. 1 mile from New berg: 4 acres black cans. 3 acres in prunt-s: nne can fornla bungalow, full basement : good terms: this p. ace changed lor .',uu: S4-OU. fc. S. t'OOK. Stock Exvhang HEAL'TIKLI, COUNTRY HOMESITE. 4 acres cornering on Powell Valley roa f paved t. in best location belwern Port land and urnluTi) : land lies fine and lust the right distance from town fo ovp r country nome: cuv convenience such ss eiectrlcity. gas and deliveries price $-',M. reaeonwhle terms. ti:i Ch-irnoer of Commerce. hH SALE M improved 6-acre place ne I'ortland all in niaii stat oi cultivation buildings, orchard, lots of small frulir, horse, cow. poultry, tools and crop. irri ad tolnine rented sroea a 1 1 It It. acr In cultivation : if you have $2t00 raah we can do business, oaianre lor, time. H. li. liassindaie. liii.sdu.e, or. route 2. ACRES, all In high state of cultivation. all kinds of fruit, with modern b-roorn houM and aaraac. located cloi m on tn Section Line road an ideal country home Price. s,hx. For further pirti uiara see THE LAWRENCK COMfAiM. l.'.l 4th st.. bet. Morrison aud Alder. M H.M.V A MS. lu AHES. m.l from Highway, i Tiurrt: 4 acres under cultivation, aom standing timber. large 3-room house wi hnih rhieken house md burn, fruit ai barrlea: ..',0: S25U cash. $J." per month. You can wotk tn city and live her. O. O. SI.KTTEN. Main 3T-17. Main .V74 bunday and af'er T P. L i ACRES ONLY $.500. arfinina atation. nroiH-rtr 33 mlnnte: A. im view rnnn hoii. i-rhy It will nav votl to invaiigie. Concord biiig 2d and Slark. BY OWNER 115 acres, south v a...o i:-s. 5 miles huoumity: -o acr.a iumh.u. u. m f-ni: rolilns. good pasture, some Umber, running water, good road. fencM t5 per rent 111. able. $40 per acre. R. E. b. room 630 Imperial Hotel. Portland. Or. IU ArkKS located on the Portland-Ne berg hirn tn rtiiirA roan. mne iu -rn-' n- -' tion; haa fine spring and dandy trout stream; all triable; only jiww. JOHN K. HOWARD. 315 Chamb-r of Commerce xrt 1 ji a iT.t:-.o.i acres. at res orcnura some limner, no miliums, sun iiiru i fruit and gardening, situates mi.ei -...th f Portland : 175 an acre. cash bitinnre easy terms. Write or call 540 East Stark St. HOUSE AND ACRE. ONLY $V0. xraf tv in cultivation: water, light, some evitic .rivim liouse. close to electric sta tlon. ou!y 30 minutes out. Easy terms. Call at 50 Concord bldg. a n it'T 2 J acres, unimproved, near Aae Line road, excellent lumre. eioew i. -i-.-trl.' Mtatlon: sacrifice price and e terms, immediate sal: mum uKe some lnl. Addrees AL 2. Or'b-onUtn. bu .icltK tract of bottom land for sale; n.u from navigable stream: creek runs throncn it: $5ti an acre; 12 miles to town, For further Information write C. A. An derson. NTirth River, Mouth wenu. ur. FOR SALIC 5 acres, cleared. 3-roorn shark land Far. .H iei 1 rum )"', way; no Incuinbranres: near school. Mever. Assessors oiti'-f. .nun nouer. vii-i.TNOMAH STA. acre tract, beautiful automobile road, city water, gas and elec tric light available; a good buy at $loU0. Call at 44 Phut bldg. 1.1 ACRES, h. lnlie from O. fc. station, small shack, some sooa sianmnK mnoe, $'5U cash. !" P", month. J. 1 1. ?l.ci ir.v. aiuni Main 5.""4 Sunday and after 7 P. M. THREE acre at Orenro. with fi-room bun galow. SldeWaiK IO pmc. fiuno w tnly $UHi; $700 cah payment will take thi place, balance can stand. Call at 4u4 Piatt bids. $2"0 FOU one acre; $100 cash, balance $5 f. fiiectriC. J-OCBieu a k ocu omuwu. aba for Bennett. Knit SALE Six acres. four miles from Courthouse, on pavea roau. nnnnni. omiu- Ing. shade tree, eic; s-u. io Oregonlan. iriiKfi hlehlv Improved, near Forest Grove, on orgon ctectric, ior sa.e cueap and on good terms- Aa ureas u. . nenamr- on. Hood River. Or. lu Ac' RES adjoining the late Theodora B Wi cox country nome. jo mm. crive it rn. fully improved, for hair price, lies beautifully. A tv n ijresonian. FOR SALE 16 acre on bank handsome runnina creek, near electric station; . turds wood, rich soli: rhe.p at $low. W. Kerns, l.-o1 tirand uve. FOR SALE i-U acrea good farm land, i-U per acre casn; no irane inru. r or iur ther Information write or call on G. V. Pickens. Shelley. Mont. -ACRE tract, all cultivated; fine stream, dandy chicken and duck ranch; younr or chard and good house, on paved road, near school and store. rJ Jia. uregonian. ink SALE 11V1 acres of land. to ml 11 ute l rum siaiiou; 1 wo can. oaiance siiHi mortgage. lira A. M. Lewis, KlICKltat. van. 35 ACRES 22 acre In cultivation, house. e. S-e Araper. o4 ooaru 01 araa. Main 570. A REAL BARGAIN AT TIGARD. 10 arrn with good house, barn. etc.. 4 acres, beavcrdam. Inquire at ull $11, PuMie SIsrkeL Fi'R SALE 2-sd cres. flu per acre, cash or terms: near my, n.. amain county. re- fon. Adores 3irs. at. r. juaoioa, tesent St.. Berkeley. Cel. TO 12 ACRES uear Tlgard. half la culti vation; fine soil, running water. &ell cheap, good terms. AM $0, Oregotian. 49 ACRES on Milk creek, near Mullno, mostly timoer; amaii wunu.i.(ii. acres ci eared. $.i5oxl. terms. C 15J. uregon.an. A "RES at I.ents J unci Ion. worth $.hjo; will take J-w. v.. Arouia, o.u nenry bldg. ti.NB HUNDRED acres of good land, terms isy: price ngni. v. a. caikini, ouerwoou, Oregon. MET7GER Two acres, house, fruit tree. well, outbuildings, cneap. uwurr, croau way 1754. JiY OWNER. 1 acr. 6-room house. Mist and Hasalo ( eaay terma. ure- ONE fin ecre. running stream ajl year. Pc fare, at station, easy lei ins, vio .oroetu Main 045i. 6-ROOM house. 1 acre of land. Me'zger Sta tion; sacrillce ior casn. aa:n y-j-. AN acre of ground, convenient to Orgin City csr. i;iw cn. 1 none i'n urove, .ijh. 12 CULTIVATED acres near city; must iiav money. aiar. ovi.t. RYAN STA., choice half acre, $330. For particular can n so nan mug. 5U ACRES near Tigard, hlehly improved. Pig paryi.m " " v. vrtuiu-ii. Mllwaukle. Owner. AH 210. Oregonian. A BEAUTIFUL home, 5-room modern house and ov er acre or lane. 1 30 t . 1 1 o. FOR SALE Equity 2 7 acres of land near Huber. nil laoor aj io or moor ...isi. UIGHLY Improved acre and half. Haw Mne. Owner. B 213. Oretcnian. t ho-ne Horn est ends. WANTED Homestead, rsiioquialimeiit. U 167, Ore gonial-. REAL ESTATE. H omeetcala. 300. 0V0 ACRES IN SOUTHERN OREGON OPEN iX)R ENTRY APRIL 2 TO MAY 25. We make and sell the only maps show ing exact location of these lands. Oeneral map of entire grant aa for feited (open unit designated). $1. Lands open Josephine County, $2; Jack son and Klamath combined. 2.o; town ship plats. $1 each, postpaid. Persons who served DO days In Army or Navy in Civil War. Spanish-American War or Philippine insurrection can file declaratory statement by agent, WITH OUT visiting LANDS, and make appli cation within six months. Having mapped and assisted In the classification of these lands for the Gov ernment, .we are prepared to give you the best of service. FREE INFORMATION. Office open Sunday. ANDERSON &. ANDERSON, ol Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. MAP OF O. 4 C. R. R. LAND FREE. c have the new county maps of Jose phine and Jackson counties showing only the agricultural lands opened to home stead filing April 10 to May Co. These map show principal towns, streams and railroad. Price. Josephine County. $2; Jackson and Klamath, combined 12.1. postpaid With each county map will pre-I sent free map of state of Oregon showing- winire- srani. ROWLAND MAP COMPANY. " Rose burg. Or. GOVERNMENT LANDS. Only maps on market showing: exact I homestead lands on O. at C. grant open to I entry April 20. I made the Government's c.ass:iica;ion map or these lands; Jack- sou county. S2.o0; Josephine. $2. postpaid. I Free information. H. V. Anderson. 431 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Oregon. I HOMESTEADS In Oregon will soon be open iur rnit). am acquainted witn the good agricultural land and want one or two partners with a little money for opera tion expenses In locating work; can't han- oie tne ousmess atone. AO SOI. Oregonlan. loO RELINQUISHMENT, 6 million beautiful timoer. o-room noue, some easy clearing, 12 mile West McMlnnville. on rnnH rnu.t free use hay field and barn on adjoining ia.nu, mnt caan. a .nercnants Trust bidg. FOR SALE Good homestead relinquishment I 01 isu acre, aui Airaon at.. Aw., iiediord. urrpon. For Sali -Farms. BIG VALUE. 40 acres, located south of 8andy: 13 acres cleared, good spring, water piped to I iioue anu yarn; en truil tree, oerrtes. gooa o-room modern house, fireplace, built- in bookcases, new barn, small barn and sneiis. poultry-houses and corral to commodate 5uO chickens. 2 rows. 1 helter. 1 good a.l-around horse, about 75 ducks 1 ana henn, 1 waaon. 1 lisht waron. culti vator ami all tools necessary for hand work, stump-pulier and cable; good view I oi mouniains: price j.iooo. JOHN K. HOWARD. 315 Chamber of Commerce. STOCK RANCHES. 600 acres, $ouO. loon acres, $u.uiio. 3'fOO acrs, $25.uuu. 00 to 70 miles from Portland, good roads, on the first benrue of the Lower I ( oiumnia River, 2 to 5 miles to steam boat or railroad transportation, now good grazing land; can be made Into good larm homes, lertlle soil, plenty of water. Main VJlt). CHARLES L. WHEELER CO., 517 Chamber of Commerce bide Ih0-.CRE FARM. NOT A FOOT OF WASTE LAND. Perfect-lying tract of land, b5 acres In cultivation and In crop: fair improve ments; land is very beat; fine oak grove near noust; only mile station and high school, well-sett led Dart of Willamette Valley; all under woven wire fence; heavy team. nne cows, machinery and feed: $12,im0. D. McChesney, :i.i2 Chamber of I t ommerce bldg. Main 7102. OREGON wheat and stock ranch of 6000 acres: 20o acres under cultivation; stock ana equipment worth :.oo; improve ment cost 40.Hnj; evervininc: is com plete, everf to the household furniture; there is nothing more to buy; a amine con cern, making money; price and terms on application. J. S. SULLIVAN. 4U8 Henry Bldg. GRAIN FARM. 345 acres gently rolling farming; land In tine part of Willamette Valley, con venient to town and shipping point : an nrst-ciass soil that has been well iarmed. r.uo acres In cultivation, 10-room house. j narus, z silos, woven wire lences, com plete with all the crop and possession. $117.50o. D. McChesney, 31i2 Chamber of ommerce oag. .Mum io. A REAL COUNTRY HOME BARGAIN. 6 acres, all in cultivation, near electric station near Portland; good nve-room houfe. good barn, woodshed and other) buildings, all in cultivation; this place must be sold lu a few days; price $1000, some terms. A. G. Bender. BITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade. W H E A T W H E A T W HEAT. 2240 acres. 1300 acres In crop, 300 In i Summer fallow, all plowed with tractor; plenty of running water, all stock and eauioment. good buildings, near R. K. ; price $16 per acre, easy terma. See II. F. Lee. H. A. DRYER. The Acreage Man, 310 Lewis Bids. 25 ACRES. 20 acres In cultivation, 10 min utes walk from electric station, good buildings and Al soil, good automobile road, span Al mules, a good cows. 3 heif ers. 3 calves, chickens, all farming tool and improvements, crops an seeded, rtc. Want to trade for suburban home, $4500. Here la the best proposition on the mar ket. G. S. Smith & Co.. 432 Chamber of commerce. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY FARM. 40 acres, near Corbett station; 20 acres in high state of cultivation; some large timber; all fenced ; running water, fair farm buildings; price for quick sale $4o00. some terms. A. O. Bender. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade. 40 ACRES. $3000. Located near Est a cad a; 18 acres In cul tivation-; large barn, chicken-houses, etc., beautiful stream; about $1000 worth of standing timber; will sell this place at aoove ngure it taaen soon. A. G. Bender. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 20.1-5-7 Board of Trade. 80 ACRES. STOCKED. $6500. 10 cows. 3 heifers, bull, team, a lot of chickens, all machinery; 70 acres bottom land, .to in nay, oaiance in pasture; enoug-n timoer tor iuet; gooa improve ments: a sure money-maker. D. McChes ney. 332 Chamber of Commerce bidg. Main 71H2. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 10 acres, all in cultivation: fruit, grain, stocked and equipped, good buildings, water system, fences, near electric station and city; $57.o, easy terms, bee H. F. Lee. H. A. DRYER, The Acreage Man, MO Lewis Bldg. 10 ACRES IN WASHINGTON COUNTY. 10 acres at Mlddlulon, Vfcash. Co.; rich soil, some beaverdam: 4 acres In cultiva tion, fine creek and spring, 4-room house, 2 barns. 2 chicken-houses, roolhouse, on main road: only $2omi. terms, JOHN E. HOWARD. 315 Chamber of Commerce. HIGHLY IMPROVED 10 ACRES NEAR BEAVERTOX. Modern bungalow, large chicken-raising establishment, water tower and gaa en gine; thia la a real place; land all In culti vation; high-grade orcnaro; price 40000. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade. 0 ACRES fine garden land on the Tualatin River, only one mile irorn luaiatin: an Independent living for any gardener; $300 cash and oaiance or s."u on easy terms; or unincumbered Portland residence Droo- erty t $.000, balance easy terma. Address AH l. uregor.ian. OR SALE Choice 40-acre improved alfal fa ranch. i' miies from He must on, on county road; t'iepnone ana rt- f . u. ; prUe $5000. W. H. Skinner, 024 Henry i bldir. COUNTRY HOME. 45 A. Yamhill Co.: new 5-room house, not quite finished; barn, chicken houses; thigo-a for 40 per acre. See Mr. Beery. GKO. T. MUUKL KTJ.. AtSlJSOTON BLUO. FOR SALE One of the best 3"-acre Im proved farms in the valley; fine house, good land, close to good town, price only yin.iHH). v . n. BKinner, o,. rienry 01 a g. 40 ACRES at $3 per acre; accept liberty I bonds part payment, Dai a nee easy terms. 151 Front Street. $5000 2d ACRES, all crops. 12 miles post office, new bungalow, bnrn, toots, or chard ; bargain. Main 3072. M eFax land, 6-'i Yeon bldg. 80 ACHES, partly Improved diversified Ore gon farm, good roads and market; price, $2250, genuine bargain. $750 cash: balance to suit purcns-r. rtoyai oiog. 40 ACRES partly Improved Columbia High way diversified farm, house, spring. Ideal for poultry; 5-year lease, for $150, with option purchase. 512 Royal bldg. EASTERN Oregon stock ranches' and wheat farms: If Interested write Mathews & Hendricks. Fossil. Or. EQUI PPED dairy ranch, five miles from city. $2 5oO. 205 Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill sts. 40-ACR E farm 1 H miles from Hlllsboro, Or., for sale or trade for city property. H Sigsby. 49 Wilcox bldg. DAIRY FARM SACRIFICE Fully stocked. 5H Concord bldg. $1200 WILL buy 50 acres of land all In crOfp near Gervais, Or. X 212, Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE For Sale Farms. HIGH-PRICED PRODUCTS from LOW-PRICED PROPERTY are to be had at MaYWuOD COLONY, at CORNING. CALIFORNIA. A choice lot .of 11 acres, adjoining . corporate limits, on good avenue, witn tt-room house, bath, etectrlc lights and phone, electric Irrigating plant, tank and tank house, barn, chicken-house, orange trees and lawn around house, family or chard and berry patch, 3 acres young or chard, 2 acres allalia and o acres In bar ley, all for loOOu. Worth more, but that's the price. 20 acres good, level land. 2 miles from corning depot, borders State Highway, with good 4-room bungalow, front and back porches, electric lights, electric pumping plant, barn, 4 acres almonds In bearing. 3 acres olives. 12 acres barley, all for $4000. The highway brings a cash maraet to your aoor. 160 acre, clear, gently rolling land. 4 miles south of Corning, borders State Highway mile: good for olives, almonds. apricots and grain. .Now being bummer fallowed. Only $23 per acre. The cheap est land around Corning:. 60 acres, clear and nractlcally level fenced. 57 acres in barley, 3 miles east of Corning, with 5 -room home, barn 50x60 feet, carriage house, 2 chicken-houses, pump and pumohouse. tankhouse and tank, all for $4Uuu. Buyer gets 1-3 of 1U18 crop, a real Dargain, Write for literature descriptive of model community where about 5000 people uv. W. N. WOODSON. CORNING (Sacramento Valley) CALIF. NO PAYMENT DOWN. WE SUPPLY THE LAND AND ASK NO PAYMENT UNTIL 1'OU CAN MAKE SAME FROM CROPS. IT STANDS TO REASON WE MUST HAVE GOOD LAND TO OFFER YOU THESE TERMS. OUR LAND IS LEVEL. THE SOIL A SILT LOAM. NO BETTER LAND FOR AL FALFA, MILO MAIZE, FRUITS. NUTS. ETC. WATER FOR IRRIGATION WHENEVER NEEDED. GOOD DRAIN AGE. CLIMATE AND TRANSPORTA TION, SCHOOL ON TRACT. ON STATE HIGHWAY. WITHIN 3 MILES OF RED BLUFF. TEHAMA COUNTY (BANNER COUNTY OF CALIFORNIA). PRICE $150 PER ACRE. SEND FOR BOOKLET AND MAP. F. D. BURR CO., 210 MONTGOMERY ST.. SAN FRANCISCO. YAMHILL COUNTY FARM. 24 ACRES. 10 acres in cultivation, half in crop, balance fir timber and pasture; best of soil, good fences; 1 acre lamily orchard, fair tt-room house, barn and outbuildings, spring water piped to house, shade trees around buildings: including work team, wagon and harness. buft;:y, mower, harrow, plow, cultivator, cow, heifer, feed In barn. This place is located 4 mi ts of town, on good road, and Is a barsalu at only $2450 if sold in the next 10 nays. Other good buys. Write for price list. W. E. KIDDER. CARLTON, OR. A GRAND GENERAL FARM. 430 acres, with about 2."0 acres In culti vation and crop; practically all th bal ance except 15 or 20 acres In oat crop and 25 or 30 acres in open pasture, nu,u is tillable; this is one of the tinent farms for a general farm that we know anything about ; has family orchard, springs, welis and running water; well fenced and fairly well located; land practically all has good natural drainage : mail route right past the door; price $115 per acre, some, terms. KINNEY & TRACY, The Real Estate Men, Corvallls, Or. 120 ACRES WATERFRONT Close to Portland: river and R. R. trans' portatlon. cut up in 2. 5 and 10-acre tracts. vn mn huv 3 acres for $10 down and $ per month; 10 acres. $2o down and $10 prr month. Fine place to rr.ise ducks. geese and cnicKens, as mere is mi pond In rear; aiso good place to raise willow for market. Sme nil cleared and some partly cleared; from $75 to $123 per ""r BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 31S Hallway Exchange Bldg. BENTON COUNTY. HOME OF STATE AG rtl IU1 V A V. a r :onn JI" A RTEK. all tillable and all tilled but 40 acres in paature; good creek drains the place, land haa gentle slope, chocolate clay soil, good house, to large barns, all kind of out buildings, close to school and railroad: price $70 per acre, and good terms. Write tor dozen dp oua. KINNEY & TRACY, the Real Estate Men. Corvallls, Or -524-ACKE WHEAT RANCH, CROP AND $30 AN ACRE 1450 a?res In cultivation. 100 acres In wheat. 75 acres pasture, good water, small house, located in good section of Eastern Oregon wheat belt, $4500 cash, balance T-rr rent See. Sam HfWeV. at J. L- HAK1- MAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Com merce Bldg, 4th and Stark Sta. cl-witat li A TH FOR SALE. 200 acres, in Walla Walla County, 1200 acres in wheat, balance in Summer fal low, all good land, an in one good houses and barns and blacksmith shop, warehouse, good well of water; will sell 40 head of horses and muies IT de sired. I can give terms on $30,000. ao- THOMAS S. MOFFETT. DIXIE. WASH. AN EIGHTY IN BENTON COUNTY HARD 75 acres In cultivation, balance good pasture; 05 acres wheat land, slightly roll ing; buildings only fair; place located four miles from a good town; price $.0 per Cre' KINNEY A TRACY. Tho Real Estate-Men, CorvalUs, Or. BENTON AND LINN COUNTIES THE VERY HEART OF THE FAMOUS WILLAMETTE VALLEY. OREGON Write for our "Dozen Best Buy In KINNEY ai TRACEY. Real Estate Men, Corvams. ur.. noiii Agricultural concsc BIG CUT IN PRICE OF FARM LANDS In the Dest agnuunuiii ' -County; $25 per acre. 10 yearly payments; railways, schools, factories, plenty of la bor The best proposition on the market for the man who wants a farm. Send for illustrated literature. Brownell Land Co., 904 3d ave.. Seattle. W ash. . $20 DOWN. $10 MONTH buys 40 acres of logged-on anu ww between Portland and Centralia 1 miles from main line ot three railroads; line for dairy or chicken ranch. Plenty of out-ranee- price $'o an acre. B BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 318 Railway Exchange isiag. FARM FOR SALE 20 acres, jn the famous Mosier appie uibui. ... - wheat. 5 acres in corn. 1 acre in spuds. 1 acre in beans and garden truck, 2 acres pasture; water, buildings. Implements, teams, wagons, etc.; terms to suit; ill h aU h cause of selling. AV 696. Oregonlan. I HAVE one of the best farms in the Wil lamette vanej. r-"Au ,., proved. Will make you a price that will open jour eyes, in pieces from 40 to 23o acres Now. If you are looking for a snap here it is; am leaving the state. Box 2, Wood burn. Or. - SACRIFICE. to in Yamhill County. In two fields. largely cleared, rich soil, running- water all year; 4 miles to Gaston; only $4o an acre half cash, balance 6 per cent; a fine dairy proposition. Address owner. North i:nn. TlL Acifir at Reaverton. 10 minutes waiK to electric ci -- beaverdam. with living creek; good o-room hard finished house; large barn, chicken houses; good well; laid all cleared. Price S'imOO. Terms. inquire ivy ncimis vc-u-hpri; TO-acre choice prune orcnara have movea 10 ruruaim -o .t.- c children: will give someone a good deal and might consider some Portland prop- rty. ee my repre-.uiiw - a un building. 5000 ACRfcS in BOUinwesieru hiuiuki.u for sale, to seiners oniy. uiii wd 'V'"" and low prices, $5 per acre and up. Write fnr maD snowing -. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. T a C o ma mag., -aeom. -tan. i50 ACRES, dairy ranch, fully stocked, good buildings anu an mipicm-u i-cm aui or 5 families: price .uv' . n-l ance time. Address A. G. Micheil, Lakeside. Coos County, Oregon "40-ACRE FARM, near Lyle. V under cul- vut nn. - now m kim.ii, o ui.j..iu, other crops, good buildings, fences, water and soil : price $40 per acre, including crop. U. J-. riainni-, -.jie, w tau. FOR SALE 3-acre tract at Cloverdale; good house, moaern. "ea oy n-.Ar.nv earden snot and several fruit trees; $2000. terms. Taylor Real Estate Agency, cioveraaie. kji. trmsLE 100 acres. Clatskanie 3 miles; water orchaid. berries, fences, pasture, some cleared; price $2300; terms. J. A. Long 70S 2d St., Portland. 1 TO 5 ACR fas, in cuiuvaiion, gooa sou. lie wen. ii-ie 'ic-, .. o-a.iuu, hard-surfaced road, 10c commutation fare. $300 per acre, terms. John Gustin. Green- burg, on CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES. Near roniaou. 1 j iu k -j terms; best soil; farms for sale, all size. McFarland. poj leon mug., roni-na. FOR all-purpose farms, ranging from 50 to 500 acres, can on or write -1. v. rme. Al bany. Or. 5 ACRES, level, fenced, cleared, good soli. house; employment; near wuiamim; cash. $10 mo. Jesse R. Sharp. 83 hi 3d st. WHEAT and stock ranches, from 160 acrea up to 4000. write al. r iizmaunce, Lon don, Or. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, good soil. una Die. employment, easy terma Jesse R. Sharp. 83 3d St. A GOOD farm of 120 aches, 73 cleared; good buildings. A money-maKer. 1000, terms. C. L Calkin. Sherwood, Oregon. REAL ESTATE. For Sale farms. ALFALFA PROPOSITIONS OF MERIT IN UMATILLA COUNTY. 20-acre tract 15 in alfalfa. 4 In apple orchard. 4 miles from stanrieia; no improvements but an ideal lo cation ior a sen-sustaining nome. Water rights all paid; a. snap at $175 an acre; $S00 will handle; easy terms on balance. 160-acre tract 60 acres in alfalfa, 50 In wheat and 30 to be put in. AM un der ditch and a miles from btan field. House and barn old but hab itable. Good well and erood location. $131.25 an acre with an initial pay ment of $3000. satisfactory terms on balance. Water riehts all paid and a money-maker right from the start. This property win oe worm decidedly more in & very short time. 187-acre tract All of which but 20 is be low the ditch. Water rights all paid; fcO In alfalfa, 50 in rye. 10 in wheat; a 14 -story house, barn and other outbidgs., family orchard, good well with windmill; 4 miles from Stanfleld; absolutely the best buy at the price; In the best al falfa country in Oregon; $07 an acre with a cash payment of $2500. . Immediate possession. We' wish to state that Stanfleld and vi cinity Is the coming dairying region of Eastern Oregon. Already the Swiss have a large cheese factory in operation and large creamery is also in operation. For any additional Infoi mation, address Land Department of Pendleton Abstract Com pany. American National Bank bldg., Pen dleton. Or. SPLENDID 130 ACRES. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. This farm will suit you, 130 acres. miles from Oregon Electric. All In a high state cultivation. Good rich dark soil. Living water. Good 0-room plastered house, fine water system, two barns, two silos; all outbuildings. All fenced woven wire. Personal: Three horses, 13 cows, 4 calves, 2 hoga, 200 hens, 300 small chick ens, 1 riding plow. 2 walking plows. 2 harrows, mower, rake, 1 roller, cultivator, a jack, wagon, surrey. 3 sets, harness, en silage cutter, disc, drill, buggy and house hold roods. All for S17.000. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North th St. Broadway 4381. RANCH. n 600 acres, 8 miles from Corvallls; 300 acres of wheat land, 200 acres good for oats, vetch, etc, balance fine pasture, no timber; all well fenced and cross-fenced, ordinary buildings, mile from West Side Highway, mile to railroad. Cheap est large combination ranch we know of, including 200 acres already sowed. Pos session in 30 days; price $50 per acre, 1-3 cash and terms on balance. Write for our dozen best buys. KINNEY &. TRACY, the Real Estate Men Corvallls, Or. . WELL IMPROVED 20 ACRES STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 13 miles . from Portland, 1 mile from electric station, extra fine soil, 18 acres in cultivation. 4 acres clover, vetch and oats, hay In barn. 9 good cows, and young stock, fine team, wagon and harness, some hogs, poultry, incubator, separator, plows, har rows and small too's, family orchard, good bidg.. 7-room house, barn, chicken-house, and hog-nouse, splendid well. Price $500U. See Sam Hewey, at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. 4th and Stark Sts UNHEARD OF PRICE FOR TIGARD ACREAGE. We don't ask $400 nor $300 or even $200 per acre, but we do ask SG500 for 40 acres about 3 miles from Tlgard on two good roads, more than 30 acrea under plow, 3 acres beaverdam land, overflowing spring- forming a running creek towards which there is a nice slope from three sides. About 5 acres fine timber; well fenced. An ideal place for grain, garden truck, hog and duck raising. E. A. LINDGREN. SAVON LAND CO.. 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. SPLENDID 30 ACRES. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Here Is just the little farm you are looking for. 30 acres. 20 high state culti vation, balance pasture. AH very best land. Good 6-room house, good barn, out buildings. Bath in house. Spring water piped to buildings. Personal: 1 earn, o cows. 2 calves, 2-year-old colt, chickens. cream nenarator. wagon. implements. Price, $5000. Located In very beet part Washington County, 2 miles electric nne. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th st. Broadway 4381. FARMS MADE TO ORDER. We have 3 farms in a group, owned by one party, which are ideally situated . . onH iia enn tn onerate. divided into tracts from 70 to 120 acres, totaling in all 283 acres, located one mile rrom nne little city and on Pacific Highway; two of the farms have high-class Improve ments, good orchards, houses, barns, silos, etc. ; price. Including immediate posses sion and all the crops, $100 per acre. Write for full description of these farms. KINNEY A TRACY. The Real Estate Men. Corvallis. Or. 77-ACRE FARM 5 MILES OREGON CITY. Between 30-33 acres under cultivation. 15 acres slashed, balance pasture and tim ber, 1200 cords: county road and two running creeks through land; new 6-room house, almost new 42x45 barn, 2 old houses used for pigs and chickens, 9 young Jersey cows all milking, team of horses, sep arator, spring wagon, new implements, etc Cream check $100 per month. Price $9000; best of terms E. A. LINDGREN, c AVON LAND CO.. 935 N. W. Bank Bldff. . ITTt., . x- nrvTAV THK A GREAT KAKM 'x-1 , -Z'-t v 1T0 acres, located 314 miles from Bood small town: railroad station with V. mile, has fairly good Improvements: "' "; ily orchard and other conveniences 140 acres of this place In cultivation, of which about 115 acres Is No. 1 wheat land, place ill well fenced and now in crop; price f0 per acrV Better loo at this before you buy. KINNEY & TRACT. The Real Estate Men, Corvallls. Or. S80 ACRES in Centra .'hlrd of S' eoes S " placeV old house good barn, family orchard, plenty fine water all fenced, about 3 miles from town and ship- P Price , $23,000. $5000 cash, bal. on e payments. wlLSON CC, 511 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. : rt TT. hi. . . kn.i 1 x. 540 A., i SL "tl-M "y." Z- "..ft 1 .rood cult., Bal. pasture '?""."---,.. .. young orcnara ot cnemc - -- walnSts and pecans; new Mdgs.. aU fenced, located on a good Co. road . price ft j" ner A We are In a position to sell .4f P--. ,7.Jt .a terms. The price Co 10 Rothchild bids. 20-ACRE FARM NEAR PORTLAND. PA- AND ELECTRIC STATION Splendid soil, no better in Valley . in Ya""nS. "ur-hnnaM. ood well. PHee onW$:ooV Terma, See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COrAx. Chamber of Commerce nYOWN ER 1 00 acres good rich soil, fully BY .tocked. all fenced and cross-fenced. 55 acres in cultivation, 5 acrS apple orchard, 2 miles from R-R; l .ood team young mares. jdc, 1 goon ie. . cthrnlMB aeoarator. 1 helffr J sow with shoals, chickens and Im h,"l?ru..." .11 i.w bides. JS500. Terms. No trade.' P. 6. Box 155, Sheridan, Or. 50-ACRB YAMHILL COUNTY FARM, $3000. -0 25 acre, under cull Ration. 15 acres -i i in anr. in .." u.7.. nnd barn, cniCKen ?-room .rlne by the house, by t another by barn, on main county "ES wn "on main county road and close to scnoou " SAVON LAXD CO.. "l35 N. W. Bank Bldg. FOR SAL.E or traoe ior '"" . stock rancn. t" acrea, wc. . miles west of Portland on macadam road ij. .vt.ni hour to Portland 1! 7 IV trnm beSt Of SOll! n0 incumbrance. Price $19,000. with or without stock ana macmiici 9 . dress Box 7. stannein. --r. truR SALE On account of owner's sickness, r i.nri 1 ti miles west of Suitan. Nearly all cleared, in high state of cultl- "n- etc : JSU007 hilt cash balance in 3 annual payments. S. H. Bay- epooie. Sultan. W ash WE HAVE two farms stocked and ready to move onto witn crop, -w i, but must be taken at once so as to cars for crops. L.et us ten you .uwut THE BADLEY INVESTMENT COMPANY, 404-5 Northwestern Bank bldg UNITED STATES LAND OPENING 300U claims in ooutnern uickuu, liu.u, timber and grazing lands. 50c per acre down. $2 on final proof. Send quick, 25c for maps and particulars. Douglas Ab stract Co:, Roseburg, Or. FOR SALE or trade for late Ford, 2 -year lease on lmprovea iw acres; id acres in oats, 20 acres oats, vetcn. acres wneat; nn-hnlf Income on 20 ewes and 3 cows. For quick business will take $550. This is .bargain, l.. o. muioc, joiunu..iiie, v. 140 ACRES 10 acres In cultivation, small house, springs, runnmg water, guuu sueeu ranch, $45 per acre; $100 down, time on ba ranee. See Draper, 401 Board of Trade. Main 570. 160 ACRES. Cowlitz County. Wash., build- IngS, some cieareu, o an .cie, uwner su ing to war: sacrifice; quick sale invited. J Haas. 3"9 Chamber of Commerce. 207-ACRE ranch. by owner; equipped. stocked ana seeaea; ,uow, icuub, jjari trade. R. Green. Elk City. Or. 320-ACRE stock and hay ranch, finest range in state. $ouuu; migm u-aue. ox j. Bend, Or. 320-ACRE stock and hay ranch, finest ranxe in state. Soouu. 'Aligm iraue. xo u. Bend, Or. HIGHLY Improved farm in Valley. sains. Swank, oui Kaieign oiug. REAL ESTATE. For 8a le Farms. IF YOU WANT ONE OF THE BEST DAIRY RANCHES IN TILLAMOOK CO. Look this over: 153 acres improved. SO acres of which Is some of the best tide land to be had and practically no waste land. Two creeks supplying the cattle with fresh water the year round and used also for Irrigating some of the upper land. The natural resources of this ranch make the possibilities unlimited. 50 tons of hay were cut from the tide land last year and more can be cut. A short distance to cheese factory and school. A beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean and plenty of ducks, geese and fish. With this place are 15 head of cattle, of which one bull and 3 cows are, registered Jerseys and the rest are good grade antf milk producers and all are fresh. Good team, wagon and harness and numerous farm tools. Good barn; will hold 20 uws and 60 tons of hay, and small house. Terms ?1'000. payable as follow: $1000 cash. $1000 in 3 years; $2000 in 6 years and $2000 In 10 years. No trades. This ranch Is producing and you can step right in and get your milk checks the first month. This is an exceptionally good buy and you should see it to appreciate It. Write to Williams & Wilson. Beaver. Or. WHEAT FARM BARGAINS. Now la the time to buy a wheat farm and get this year's crop, which in some cases will half pay for the farm. 1000 acres deeded, 800 a. leased; 400 a. fine Fall wheat good for 10,000 to 12,000 bu., $15,000 worth equipment; all for $00,000, half cash. 680 acres, 300 a. tn Fall wheat, looklnr fine ; good buildings. $30 per a. $o0o0 cash, bal. half crop payments. 040 acres; all tillable: 320 a. In wheat, looking fine; $20,000, including crop. 400 acres, 350 In Fall grain, rented, 1- delivered: possession any time; 30 bu. land; $40 per a.; terms and crop pay ment. No trade on any of these. JOS. C. GIBSON. Gerlinger Bldg., Portland. BENTON AND LINN COUNTIES AFFORD GREAT OPPORTUNITIES FOR FARMERS. A GRAND GENERAL FARM. 430 acres, with about 250 acres in cultivation- and crop; practically all the bal ance, except 15 or 20 acres. In oat crop and 25 or 30 acres In open pasture, which, is tillable. This is one of the finest farms for a general farm that we know any thing about. Has family orchard, springs. . wells and running water, well fenced and fairiy well located; land practically all haa good natural drainage; mail .route right past the door; price $65 per acre, some terms. WRITE FOR OUR DOZEN BEST BUYS. KINNEY &. TRACY, the Real Estate Men Cor vaj 1 is. Or. SUBURBAN FARM HOME. BETWEEN SEATTLE AND TACOMA, NEAR PUYALLUP. Good agricultural upland, lies nicely, 15 A., twelve cult., three pasture, fenced, cross-fenced for poultry and hogs, some fruit, 8-rm. plastered house, full at on a basement, modern plumbing, furnace, elec tricity, two-story poultry house, 13x100; brooder room, Petal u ma stove, garage, 20 x20, tenant house, well house, gas pump, nearly new 3-ton motor trtick. Oakland six car, 2 cows, horse. 2 hogs. 800 poul try. Sell farm and personal property to gether or either separately; or will trade into sawmill, modern hotel, garage, ma chine shop or wheat farm. John Mills. Stewart bldg., Puyallup. Wash. HIGHLY-IMPROVED 1 10-ACRE TUAL ATIN RIVER BOTTOM TRACT All in cultivation, land is tiled, in grain this season, prospect for big yield, every foot the best of soli, family orchard, farm fronts on hard-surfaced road, water piped to good 7-room house, big barn, lawn, and pasture, can have electric lights, 20 mile from Portland. mile from city of 3000; 20 electric trains a day to Portland, fine auto road. Price $18,700, good terms. See Sam Hewey. at J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bids;, 4th and Stark Jits ALBERTA'S WHEAT LANDS MUST FEED THE WORLD. American men and money are keenly alive to this fact, and are rapidly buying and developing these lands. We offer you choice improved, unim proved lands, also fully equipped 'farms with stock and implements a home ready to occupy. If ycu have Alberta land for sale, w have a buyer. Our slogan Honest, Efficient Servflce, ALBERTA FARM AGENCY. 706 A, Center at.. Calgary. Albeina. FINE DAIRY, GRAIN AND STOCK RAltfCH. 600 acres, 8 mileB from Corvallls; 300 acres of wheat land, 200 acres good for oats, vetch, etc., balance fine pasture, no timber; all well fenced and cross-fenced; ordinary buildings; 34 mile from West Side Highway, mile to railroad; cheapest large combination ranch we know of. in cluding 2oo acres already sowed; posses sion in 30 days; price $50 per acre. I- cash and terms on balance. KINNEY & TRACY. The Real Estate Men. Corvallis. Or FOR SALE 20-acre dairy ranch, all fenced and cross-fenced, 8 acres in cultivation; house, 2 barns, milk house, spring water piped to house and milkhouse; 2 pigs, 12 chickens, 4 cows, 1 bull; cream separator, 1 horse, 2 sets harness, butjgy, mower, all farm implements go with the place; 12 hives bees, unlimited outside range; on town lot in SRitzenbergs; price $2200. half cash, balance terms. Postoffice, Warren, Or.; railroad station, Scappoose. Or., 20 ml. from Portland. S. Laube, Warren, Or. GOOD BUY IN 1200 ACRES. 1200-acre atock and grain farm, about 400 acres under cultivation, balance timber and pasture, 50 acres of 4-yea.r-old Italian prune orchard In first-class condition. 10 room modern house, barn, spring water piped to house and barn. Price $00 per acre 320-acre farm, 240 acres under cultivation, balance pasture, some timber, good buildings, best of soil. Price $100 per acre. W. H. Grabenhorst Ac Co., 2ti State St., Salem, Or. 70-ACRE EQUIPPED FARM. $1500 LONG TIME ON BALANCE 40 acres in cultivation, balance In pas ture, some timber, splendid soil, 6 cows and heifers, all farm implements, fine spring, water piped to 7-room house and barn, outbidgs.. family orchard. 40 miles from Portland: fi300. Si-c Sam Hewey. at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4ln ana Stark Sts. DAIRY FOR SALE. Her Is a splendid opportunity; am fur nishing milk for growing town; trade is getting too big for me to handle; will se.l at reasonable price: 150 acres of land, 75 now In rye; a good modern 8-roomed house, barn, dairy herd and 3 head of horses. This is a paying proposition worth investigating. For further information call on or write to Josephine Huff, Arlington. Or. . FARM FOR RENT. Two Miles From Oregon City Courthouse. 60 acres, 30 acres In cultivation, 6-room house, barn, crop nearly ail in half of crop goes with place; will sell the fol lowing: team, harness, wagon, buggy, cow. heifer, hog. disc plow, harrow, culti vator, small tools; all goes for $70. Dill man & Howland, 8th and Main sts.. Ore- gun City. Or. FOR SALE By owner, 20-acre dairy ranch, part improved, rest easy clearing, good soil. 2Vi miles from town, fine view, good 5-room house, piped with water, good barn and outbuildings; 10 cows, team of horses, 8 pigs, chickens, farm machinery. U. S. separator and dairy supplies, horns orchard, abundance of flowers: 38uu. $1800 cash, balance terms. Address ti. A. Sylvester. Rainier. Or. A GOOD QUARTER SECTION IN BEN iON COUNTY. All tillable and all tilled but 40 acres In pasture; good creek drains the place, land has gentle slope; chocolate clay soli, good house, two large barns, all kinds ot outbuildings, close to school and railroad, price $70 per acre and good terms, price , KINNEY & TRACY, The Real Estate Men. Corvallls, Or. FOR SALE- 80-acre ranch, stock and tools, monev-maker; 11 cows and bull, mostly purebreds; 1 horse; ready market for dairy products at top prices right at home: buildings practically new and water piped to house and barn; near school, 0 miles to city of Seaside, hard-surface road: price $7000. Henry A. Alien, RL 1. Sea side. Or. . STOCK ranch for sale. 180 a., about 60 a. seeded to clover, timoiny. anau u.i. easily cleared; unlimited free water, un limited range, stock, tools, furniture. Ford in Al condition with place if wanted.' House, barn, outbuildings, fine fishing and hunting, located at head of Metolius River; particulars, writs owner, S. E. Parks, Sisters. Or. AN EIGHTY IN BENTON COUNTY HARD TU SbAl. 75 acres In cultivation, balance good pas ture; 65 acres wheat land, slightly roll ing, buildings are only fair; place is four, miles from a good town: price $70 per acre. Write for dozen best buys. KINNEY & TRACY, the Real Estats Men Corvallis. Or. FOR SALE By owner, 100-acre dairy farm; well stocked and well improvea; in mo heart of the Willamette Valley: good roads the year 'round; 3 miles from good railroad town and good schools; R. F. D. and cream route; 18 cows now milking; priced to sell. Address Box 68, R R. No. 2, Independence, Or. 120 ACRES. 60 level, fenced with woven wire: 40 cultivatea; nouse. uaru ana out buildings; family orchard, good spring and creek' very rich soil, county road and tele phone. A snap, $4500. 10 miles northeast of Cathlamet, Wash. Mar. 4133. 248 13th St., Portland 80-ACRE ranch, partly cleared, one mile irom smaii iu.u ... ........ fair house and barn; one mile from school and cheese factory. Price $2500; rlrst payment $900. and long time on the bal ance. Williams & Wilson, Beaver, Or. .