The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 21, 1918, Section One, Page 20, Image 20

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Knowledge Is Power in Ileaven
As on Earth.
- i
Star Attractions Are Bill Hart,
Senator Kenyon, Ralph
Connor and S. M. Clark.
Big Meeting Arranged for Audito
rium Tomorrow Night Featuring
Liberty Loan Speakers Will
Be Statekman, Movie Star.
A spirited speaking campaign for tha
coming- week haa been arranged by tha
speakers bureau of the third liberty
loan drive, Milton R. Klepper, manager.
Star attractions during the coming
week will be Bill Hart, Senator V. 8.
Kenyon. Ralph Connor and Professor
IA. M. Clark.
Tomorraw noon Senator Kenyon and
Bill Hart will be guests of the members'
council at luncheon at the Chamber of
Commerce. At I o'clock In the after
noon Mr. Hart will speak to the stu
dents of the Franklin High School and
at S P. M. he will speak to the high
school atudents of the city and tha
teachers at Lincoln High School. Super
intendent Alderman will preside at
these meeting.
Tomorrow night at the Auditorium
Senator Kenyon and Bill Hart will
speak, tha liberty loan being featured.
Kdgar B. Piper will preside at thla
meeting. The following musical pro
gramme haa been arranged for this
meeting by Mrs. Thomas Carrick Bnrke
Organ concert, Frederick v. Good
rich : -America, audience; 'There's
1-ong, Long Trail." Mrs. Jane Burns
Albert: "The Star-Spangled Banner,'
Maaleal rrasrawat at Ornbeam.
At the Orpheuin Theater at 11:50
A. I. tomorrow Ralph Connor will
apeak at a public meeting, at which
riishop v.. T. Sumner will preside.
Music will be furnished by the or
pheum orchestra and the following
inusi-aiprogrammc mill te given
AmrVa." auiftenr: "Mr Oma rnited
'HI'"." Xim IorulU)r Loul.-e Rlha: "Joan of
Arc." Mhia ftila snfl auditor: "eiar-
apa4 BMMr." Miss Biim and sodleace.
Monday evening at o'clock Ralph
Connor will talk at the First Presby
terian Church. IT. John II. Boyd will
preside. The following musical pro
gramme win oe given;
America." audlsccv; "ffomewhem In
'" la a Mrs. Ijhu DaM Miller
rnre s s ing, 1.0ns Trail." Mrs. Milier
aadicace. "iax-epaxis;e4 iiaaoer,
On Tuesday
r .v ,XvV ,r-.v... Nr rrTF - ipj w
:- c,;w--,:vA -T - .-."few. . if, 3 I .
I R 1 tilt Afi T 'k a n M b
B AV iC cra jvrjf .
Peace Restored When Appro
priation for Medical Re
search Is Withdrawn.
Objections to Cse of Funds of So
ciety for Vivisection of Living
Animals Respected in State
ment Issued by Manager.
Rear Raw. Left tm Rlaht Major Matthews. e( Caaadlaa Aran Sergeant Paul Mlrat, of French Array) Coloael H. J. Breea. Chief of Staff at Camp Lewis)
Uestrssst MrUnald, of Caaadlaa Arm 7 1 aptala Jacob Kaaaler. L. S. A.) Colonel Cieorge X. Wlllert, Member of Liberty Loan Reception Committee) Captain
". Champlan. of French Army) William Mac.M aster, of Liberty Loan Reeep tlon Committee. Front Row. Left to Right Mrs. H. L. Corbett, Mrs. M iillam
MeM array, Major-feaeral H. A. Oreear. Commaader at Camp Lewla) Sirs. Matthewa, wife of Major Matthews.
Among the entertainments given to visiting officers of France and Great Britain and to American officers from Camn Lewis, who snoke In the Interests
of the liberty loan lu Portland and throughout Oregon, waa a tour of the Columbia River Highway, conducted by William MacMaster and Colonel Geortre
T. w-nieit, of the liberty loan reception committee.
The tour waa made during the fore part of the week, members of the party being: Malor-General Greene, commander ac Camn Lewis, with officers of his
etaff and officers of the French and British forces, all of whom filled speaking: engagements during the campaign. The visitors expressed delight and admi-
ranon at tne neauty oi tna acenery ana tne perfection or the hlgnway.
evening at tha Vlrst
Presbyterian Church. Professor S. IL
Clark, of Chicago, will speak. The pro
gramme consisting of the following;
musical numbers ill being at s:
"America." aedlence: "Ued Be With Our
Rovs Tonisht." Maldsryn Evans: Keep the I
nonie r ires IE urn Inc. Mr. Evans snd aud
ience: sur-Spaii;ad Hauwc,'' aaUisaca.
Ir. W. T. Foster will preside at htla
w ednesday noon at the Multnomah
Hotel Professor S. H. Clark will be
entertained at luncheon by the 4-ilin-ute
Men. He will give an addresa. Mr.
Everett Ames will preside. Tha fol
lowing musical programme wUl be
America. sedlenee: "lnvleroa. Otto
VTedemejer; "Star-Spasgled Banner. aud-
H.i-t Will Be ta, Late.
Mr. Klenper announce receipt of a
telegram from Sam E. Kork. runner
for Bill Hart, advising the Oregon com
mittee that Mr. Hart will arrive In
Portland Monday morning lnteadof
funday morning, as previously an
nounced. This necessitates canceling
meetings arranged In Portland for
Mr. Hart for Sunday. Including the
mass meeting Sunday evening at the
Liberty Loan Temple. Mr. Klepper ia
disappointed, but readily consented to
trie prosolion that Hart remain one day
longer to unit Seattle. Inasmuch as
Oregon long ago went over the top.
Tuesday senator Kenvon will make
a address before the notary Clubh
City May Have Passed Into
Stamp Millionaire Class.
Portland Bank Plans Contest for
300 Persons Every Two Weeks.
Tom Campbell, Busy Youth,
Sells 03.33 In Stamps.
teaching of the German language in
the schools. Other cities and counties
nave aone the same thing, while pa
triotic organizations have declared
against the use of the German lan
guage. Pastors who have been preach
ing their sermons In German have been
warned that It would be better not to
resort to the foreign tongue while the
country Is at war and the advice Is be
ing followed.
ORrco-- ns aa carloids im
Crraiaa Are laalag War an Peta
teea. Pays Ceaaervatlen Head, la
Aaklag for Inereaaed lie.
"Oregon has iOO carloads of surplus
potato, say I'jO.OOO worth at retail,
which will spoil by Summer If not
This ! the Mi- message of an an
nouncement being sent broadcast over
the stale by Arthur M. Chnrehill, state
conservation chatrmao. Widest pub
licity Is t be gten the propaganda
urging people of Oregon to turn to the
use of potatoes as a means of con
serving other foodstuff needed for
war purposes.
Officers and members of tha Port
land Ad Club have volunteered their
service, ss baa also A. . Clark, on
ehalf of the Home Industry League.
Part of the conservation director's
appeal to the public follows:
"Our soldiers and the allies en the
Tlood-lrrnched field of France must
have i.0vv.el to ).. 009 bushels of
wheat betaecn now and harvest or
nu t fighting.
Potatoes are cheap. "Ve must eat
tim snd send the wbest to tha front.
We are actually not rating as many
jvotat.e this year as last, when potato
prices were skv hlah. Isn't that Just
lke human nature? Every person In
Oregon over IS years of age should
eat about hair a bushel of potatoes
more In the next three months thsn he
tistlally eats. There are JT0 meals In
t h-e months, and this means we
should add an average of nearly two
imnrri of potatoes to every one of our
meals every dav until July.
Can we do It? The tiermana eat
three times aa many potatoes as we
do. They are literally -winning the
war on potatoes. Shall we do le.T W e
must fight the Kaiser mn for man.
tiell foe shell and potato for potato.
Think of fie wheat Oregon can save
by eaung her suroins potatoes:
Fuglneers io Give F.nterlalnment.
The Jtsth Engineers will s'aae an
entertainment at tha Ut rty Theater.
Vancouver. Tuesday evenfog. April r".
for the benefit of the regimental band,
now organising. There will be two
ohows. the first one starting at 7 and
the other at . Talent from every
romps or In the regiment will be pre
sented. Including numners by the Regi
mental tilee Club, ander the direction
of Mrs. Lieutenant-Colonel Godfrey;
music bv the orchestra of Comoany C
Mmii scene and music by members of
several companies.
Head The Oresoaiaa classified ads.
If sales of war savings stamps In
Portland amounted to J 13.000 or more
on Saturday, tha Kose City went over
the mark in tha "baby bond
Though returns will not be available
for compilation until the forepart of
the week. It Is believed that yester-
dsy's transactions were wel over the
amount required to "make er a mil
lion." particularly aa aales for the last
It days hava been averaging above
that figure.
Total salea In tha state at the pres
ent rate of dally Investment in war
stamps will-be 13.000.000 by May 1,
I. S. at!oaal Ia Leading.
Tha United States National Bank.
Sixth and Stark streets, which, to date,
la leading all city banks In the sale of
war savings stamps. Is planning the In
auguration of a thrift stamp contest
further to stimulate Interest in the
little "stickers."
President J. C. Alnsworth. Vice-Presi
dent E. U. Crawford and Assistant
Cashier W. A. Holt were in conference
with State Distributor Jesse A. Currey,
outlining the best plan to be followed,
it being likely that other financial in
stitutions will start similar contests.
Though formal announcement of con
ditions of the rontest are to be made
through the bank advertisements, the
general plan Is to give to ?00 persona
every two weeks, who fill within two
weeks a thrift card (It stamps), a war
savings stamp, without the additional
cost, provided the thrift card is ob
tained at the bank and returned to it
for exchange within two weeks.
The contest at the atari will be lim
ited to 200 persons, but a new contest
may be started every two weeks. The
first contest ia to start in about one
Wheeler Climb to Fiwat.
The percentage of quota-attained
table for the current week ahowa
Wheeler In No. 1 place, with S S3 per
cent, tha county's salea amounting to
Hs.T;. and Ita quota being I60.2SO.
Linn ia In second place, wlto 1.48 per
cent, and Deschutes la third, with 2.18
per cent.
Mnltnomah County Is in 14th place.
The school children ..eve made a
thorough campaign of the city the last
few das of fine weather, and all other
individual workera are speeding up.
One of the moat enthusiastic and
successful of the hustlers ia Assistant
Klre Chief Johnny Toung, whose salea
mount up so rapidly that he geta hla
supply of thrift stamps and war sav
ings stamps directly from National
Rank Kxamtner eorge S. Loveland at
the branch Federal reserve bank on
Stark street.
Tom JL Campbell, of 441 East
Eighteenth street North, Is one of tha
very busiest of the boy workers. In
four dsys of the week ho ti.atte St calls,
old stamps on every call, each one a
new customer, and ended up his "drive"
with total salea amounting to 03."&. I
Organisation of war savlnga societies
la under way throughout the state.
Splendid Concert Rendered at An
nual Albany Entertainment.
ALBA XT, Or.. April 10. (Special.)
The Albany High School orchesira pre
sented its annual concert Friday even
ing In tha gymnasium of the Junior
High School. A large audience enjoyed
the splendid programme. The membera
of the orchestra, appearing In the con
cert, were Janet Ijawson, Lena Tobey,
Inex Wood, Vernon Williams and Ray-
mona risner, violins; velma Anthony,
cello; Ronald Reld. piano; Harold Ir
vine, flute; Dale Propst, Royal Archi
bald and Loran Howe, clarinets; Pro
fessor Moses and Louis Sears, cornets;
Professor Fox and Orman Glldow, trom
bones; Roy Harris, drums; Frances
Haas, organ.
Professor Moses Is director of the
orchestra. Miss Jessie Painter, soloist,
snd Miss Marcell Austin, reader, as
sisted the orchestra In presentins the
County's Loan Quota Is Four
Times Subscribed.
More Helpers Needed in Local Cm-
sade Bijj Subscriptions Sent In
by V. S. Steel Corporation and
Telegraph Company.
swell the forces at the shipyards and
sawmills, but the call fell on deaf or in
different ears for five months.
Now everything is changed and there
Is a tremendous building boom looming
in the immediate future.'
The F. E. Conway Company has un
der way the first few of 25 homes to
be erected In the southern part of the
city; Andrew McClelland, of Pueblo,
Colo., who has interests here, is pre
paring to aid the programme with any
number of houses the demand requires;
W. K. Wiseman, of Powers, will build
a half doxen residences, while - many
citizens are ready to build from two
to four or six homes.
It is estimated fully 100 houses would
be required to relieve the crowded
conditions In rooming-houses and
homes where space has been divided
with newcomers.
X. C. Soule Leaves O.-W. R. & X.
for Standifer Construction Co.
N. C. Soule. chief clerk In the offices
of J. P. O'Brien, general manager of the
o-v. K. at Company, has resigned
to take a position at the head of the
office force of the Standifer Construc
tion Company. He leaves at once. Mr.
Soule has been with me o.-W. R. & N.
Company for the past 1$ years and la
vtell known In railroad circles.
J. C. Albright, chief clerk in the pass
bureau of the O.-W. R. & N". Company,
and a former secretary to Mr. O'Brien,
takes the position Just vacated by Mr.
Idaho County La? s Anti-German
Plans for After War.
BOtHrT. I4aho, April It. (Special.)
Boundary County In thla state has
taken the lead In declaring against the
use of German-made goods after the
termination of the present war. when
the County Council of Defense adopted
resolution placing a boycott on them.
This Is tha first known action of the
kind within the state.
The Rolse City lchool Board at, a
recent meeting placed a baa on the
Little Talks on
' Classified Advertising
The wide variety of the prop
ositions offered through the class
ified columns helps to make thia
advertising Interesting to nearly
all Oregonlan readers. Today's
classified section will be found
to contain advertisements cover
ing nearly everything within the
ordinary range of human require
ment. The classified columns of
The Oregonlan are generally rec
ognized as the clearing-house for
the "wants" of Portland and the
surrounding territory. The ads
are changing constantly and the
reader knows that If he does not
find what he wants advertised in
one issue, he will probably find
It "the next day or the day after.
Those who msy not be regular
readers of the want ads should
make It a point to go through the
ads carefully today and the di
versity of offerings will be sur
prising. The real estate columns con
tain the advertisements of prac
tically all of the responsible real
estate dealers, besides hundreds
of ada from individual owners.
This Is also true of the "Automo
bile" and miaccllaneous "For
fale" columns. The rental col
umns will be found to contsin
probably St per cent of the avail
able rental properties on the
market. In the "Help Wanted"
columns each week appear hun
dreds of advertisements calling
for help of all kinds male and
The reason for the srreat popu
larity of Oregonlan want ada la
readily found, and It la simply
"RESLXTS," which sre due to the
tremendous circuistlon of The
Oregonlan and Ita prestige aa a
newspaper and an advertising
medium. The fact that most ad
vertisers are regular advertisers,
year In and year out, should be
sufficient proof of the results
obtained, for without results they
would not continue to advertise.
. -
Lake County Is going strong In roll
ing up liberty loan totals. 'Bernard
Daly, county chairman for the third
drive, telegraphed headquarters yes
terday that the quota assigned that
county has been so far oversubscribed
that now the county stands at 400 per
cent of its allotted total.
"Subscriptions are still coming in
fast." said Mr. Daly. "The total
amounts to $75 for every man, woman
and child in the county."
Although the peak of the drive is
over, volunteer workers are still need
ed at Liberty Temple and officials in
charge are pointing out the necessity
of keeping up the good work under
way. An appeal was issued yesterday
to those who have not been able to buy
bonds, but who still want to do their
bit for the cause.
Help is needed to operate the switch
board at headquarters, make collec
tlons on liberty bond contracts, give in
formation at the counter, operate type
writers, take dictation, do copying and
other general utility work, while autos
are needed lor the use of official mes
Liberty bonds have proved the favor.
ite investment of Italians employed at
the lnman-Poulsen Company's mill.
William Reidt collected subscriptions
amounting to $1000 from that soured
A farewell dinner will be given next
Wednesday evening at the Multnomah
Hotel In honor of General Ouy W. Tal
bot, of the liberty loan campaign com
mittee. which will be attended by the
executive staff, the Colonels and fh
state executive committee of the third
liberty loan. - in - appreciation of the
splendid way In which Mr. Talbot haa
conducted the drive. Mr. Talbot leaves
for a trip to New Tork on Thursday.
The United States Steel Corporation
subscribed J100.000 to the third liberty
loan Saturday morning. Of this amount,
half was through the First National
Bank and the remainder through the
Ladd A Tllton Bank.
The local office of the Western
Union Telegraph Company received ad
vices yesterday from headquarters that
the company s subscription to the third
liberty loan is (3.000,000. Of this sum.
$210,000 has been awarded to th
Twelfth Federal Reserve District,
which includes Oregon.
John Wennerberg- Passes
His Farm Home.
Away at
Charles M. Maxwell Once Connected
With Local Electric Company.
Charles M. Maxwell, who died Friday
In New Tork City, where he had r-
sided the last IS years, was well known
in Portland, having lived here for
number of years. He at one time was
assistant manager of the General Elec
tric Company.
During his residence in Oregon he
was married to Miss Genevieve Bell,
daughter of Colonel John C, Bell.- of
Salem. After leaving Portland he went
to New Tork City and engaged in the
bond brokerage business. Besides the
widow, he is survived by two sons.
Allyn Wand and John C. Maxwell, both
of whom are serving in .the Navy.
Coos Citizens to Erect Many Homes
for Shipyard Workers.
MARSHFJELD. Or.. April St. (Spe
cial.) coos Bay cities, particularly
Marshneld. almost begged for men of
means to build homes to house the
families of workmen who came hers to
CARLTON, Or, April 20. (Special.)
John Wenneberg died at his home
near here Sunday, April It, aged 80.
He was unmarried. A brother, E. W.
Wennerberg, lives at 210 Lownsdale
street, Portland.
Mr. Wennerberg was bom In Sweden
and followed the sea until 48 years ago,
when he came to Carlton, living near
here since that time. He was a deacon
in the Baptist Church for 30 years, and
was quite wealthy. He gave the city of
Carlton 12 acres of fine land for park
purposes, a city block and contributed
$5500 toward building the City Hall.
Mr. Wennerberg was the largest con
tributor for the building of the new
Baptist Church and gave liberally for
other ( public improvements, the Red
Cross and the Y. M. C. A. .
District Already Is Well on Its Way
to Getting Bine Star.
CULVER, Or.. April 20. (Special.)
Culver district's liberty loan quota was
$4600 and up to date $7150 has been
subscribed. Chairman Kingsley has
received the honor flag won by "go
ing over the top," also a telegram from
Chairman-General Lynch, of the 12th
district, at San Francisco, which says:
"Heartiest congratulations on mag
nificent work. May you be equally
successful in doubling your quota,
which will entitle you to a blue honor
"Gets-It' 2 Drops
Then to the Dance !
Differences of opinion that arose be
tween the 'American Red Cross and
Christian Scientists aa a result of an
appropriation of $100,000 by the Red
Cross for medical research, which, it
was believed, might include vivisection.
have, been settled completely as the re
sult of a statement made in Boston by
Harvey D. Gibson, general manager of
tne American Red Cross, that no
moneys from the Red Cross funds
should be appropriated and that funds
previously expended for this purpose
by the Red Cross would be returned to
the general fund by a member who had
donated a sum especially for medical
research work.
Mr. Gibson makes It very plain that
the Red Cross does not take a stand
for or against vivisection, and that such
experimentation as Army surgeons re
quire will still go on, but not with Red
Cross money.
Monitor Praise Actio.
As a result of Mr. Gibson's statement,
the Christian Science Monitor says edi
torially: The Red Cross has done the right thins,
and haa done it frankly. In other words.
tney nave arranged that the money appro
prlated for medical research and vivisection
shall be returned to the general fund
that the stigma of having used the funds
and the energy of the greatest organization
of its kind for the furtherance of deeds of
mercy in war shall be blotted out.
At the same time announcement has
just been made from New York that the
suit against the American Red Cross to
enjoin it from using any of its funds
for vivisection purposes has been with
drawn. This suit was brought by ten
Christian Scientists.
Mr. Gibson's statement covering the
situation follows;
Considerable pnblle and private criticism
has been made of an appropriation of the
Bed Cross in August, 1917, for medical re
search work in France, because partly In
volved In this work is experimentation upon
living animals for the purpose of finding
prevent on and remedies for new and strange
soldiers diseases. This appropriation was
made at a time of emergency upon recom
mendation of Army- medical officers and a
number of the best scfentisis of the country.
Prompt action waa necessary.
Use of Money Deemed Proper.
It seemed to officers of the Red Cross at
the time that use of money in this way was
proper from the Red Cross point of view, fot
it would be difficult to imagine any more
imperative duty upon the Red Cross than to
seek for every means of prevention and rem
edy for sickness of soldiers. The Red Cross
did not. as haa been stated, appropriate this
money for abstract medical research and ex
perimentation. It was to be used for the
direct and immediate purpose of finding;
ways to prevent or cure wound's and sickness
of American soldiers.
It develops, however, that there are large
numbers of earnest Red Cross members who
have sincere convictions against the use of
animals for discovery of remedies for sickness.
Realizing the situation, an individual has
come forward and has offered- to supply the
money necessary for this work so that none
shall be taken from the general funds of the
Red Cross. This fund provided will also be
used to reimburse the Red Cross general
fund for any expenditure in connection
therewith in the past.
-The War Council has decided to accept
this offer without in any way taking the ;
position either for or against the Question in j
controversy, but because they do not wish j
their acta to be considered to be in conflict
with the- sincere convictions of Red Cross
I wish to thank my friends and mem
bers of the W. O. W.. Camp 77, for their
kindness shown me in my late bereave
ment in the deathof my husband, John
Tysline. Signed
Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets Get
at the Cause and Remove It
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substi
tute for calomel, act gently on the bowels
and positively do the work.
People afflicted with bad breath find
quick relief through Dr. Edwards'
Olive Upblets. The pleasant, sugar
coated tablets are taken for bad breath
bv all who know them.
Dr. Edwardsf Olive Tablets act eently
but firmly on the bowels and liver,
stimulating them to natural action.
clearing the blood and gently purifying
the entire system, ihcy aa mat wnicn
dangerous calomel dot, without any
of the bad titer effects.
All the benefits of aastv. sickening;
eriDins cathartics are de-fted from Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets without griping,
pain or any disagreeable effects.
Dr. F. M. Edwards discovered the
formula after seventeen years of prac-
tirw amnno1 natienfs afflicted with
"Goodnight to Corn Pains Corns bowe and liver complaint; with tie
Peel Off With "Gets-It." attendant bad breath.
Say. girls, you can laugh at tight Dr. Edward3 Olive Tablets are purely
shoe, or damp, corn-pulling- weather, a vegetable compound mixed witn olive
big bumpy corns, calluses on tne toies you WUl Know them Dy tneir Olive
of your feet, corns between the toes.
hard ana soil corns. i you wiu jusi
If All Off -With Title rieree Cor
ew V-t-ir In M(t1r."
touch the corn or callus with a few
drops of '5ets-It.' What a blessed re
lief it grives to corn pains! You won't
limp any more; you can enjoy the dance
everv minute. Then to see how that
corn or callus will come right off com
plete, HKe a banana peel ana witnoui
the least pain, is Just wonderful. 'Gets
It' is the bisrerest seller amon? corn
removers In the world today, simply be
cause It is so wonderfully simple and
always works. Be sure you get 'Gets
It.' "
ffet - It. the guaranteed, money-
back corn-remover, the only sure way,
costs hut a trifle at any drug etore.
M f'd by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago,
Sold in Portland at all stores or the
Owl Drug .Co. Adv.
color. Take one or two every night for
a week and note the effect. 10c and Zoo
per box. AH druggists.
Of the Connell of the Twelve. Cbarrh of
Jeana Christ of Latrer-Day Saints;
Salt Lake City, Itib,
In a revelation to Abraham the Tort
made known the existence of spirits
appointed to take bodies upon the earth.
These spirits wefa designated as tho
Intellla-eneea that were oraanlied be.
fore the world wai"i and elsewhere In
the same record spirits are called in
telligences. (See Pearl of Great Price,
Abraham 3:21,22).
This usage, of the term has gained a
place in modern English, as lexicog
raphers agree. The Standard Diction
ary gives us the following as one of
tne specific definitions of intelllgent-ei
"An intelligent being, especially a spirit
not embodied; as the "Intellia-encee of
the unseen world; the Supreme Intelligence."
The word is current as connoting:
(1) the mental capacity to know and
understand: (2) knowledge itself, or
the thing that Is known and under
stood; and (3) the person who knows
and understands. Beside these there
are other minor usages.
In the revelation above cited the
Lord impressed upon His ancient
prophet and seer the fact that some of
the spirits were more intelligent than
others; and then proclaimed His own
Divine supremacy by the declaration:
! am the Lord thy God, I am more in
telligent than they all. ... I rule In
the heavena above, and In the earth
beneath. In all wisdom and prudence.
over ail the Intelligences thine eyea
have seen from the beginning. I came
clown In the beginning la the mldet of
all the intelligences thou haet seen."
In such wise did God make known
anciently the power by virtue of which
He is supreme over all the intelligences
that exist the fact that He is more
intelligent than any and all others. In
the heavens as upon the earth the
aphorism holds good that Knowledge
In Power, providing that by "knowl
edge" we mean application, and not
merely mental possession, of truth. In
a revelation through Joseph Smith the
prophet given in 1833, the character of
Divine authority and power Is thua
sublimely summarized; "The Glory of
God ia Intelligence." (Doctrine & Cove
nants 93:36).
The context of the passage showa
that the intelligence therein referred
to as an attribute of Deity, is spiritual
light and truth; and that man may at
tain to a measure of this exalting light
and truth is thus made certain: "He
that keepeth His commandments re.
eelveth trntn and light, until he in glo
rifled In truth nnri knoweth all thlnga.
. . . Intelligence, or the light of truth,
waa not created or made, neither ladeed
can be. All truth Is Independent In that
sphere In which God haa placed It, tv
act for itself, aa all Intelligence also."
The antithesis of light and truth ia
darkness and falsehood; the former is
summarized as righteousness, the latter
as evil. Reverting to the figure of mor
tality as a school for embodied spirits.
we must admit that every pupil who ig
nores or rejects the truth as presented
to him through the revealed word and
his own experience is culpably respon
sible for his ignorance.
Not all knowledge Is of equal worth.
The knowledge that constitutes the wis
dom of the heavens Is all embraced in
the Gospel as taught by Jesus Christ;
and wilful ignorance of this, the high
est type of knowledge, will relegate
Its victim to the inferior order of in
telligences. Another latter-day Scrip
ture may be cited as an inspired gen
eralization embodying an eternal truth
relating to our subject: "It ia Impossi
ble for a man to be saved in Ignorance."
(Doctrine and Covenants, 131:6).
Can it be otherwise? If a man be
ignorant of the terms on which sal-
vation is predicated he is unable to
comply therewith, and consequently
fails to attain what otherwise might
have been his eternal gain. The igno
rance that thus condemns is responsi
ble ignorance, involving wilful and
sinful neglect. Lack of the saving
knowledge that one has had no oppor
tunity to acquire is but a temporary
deficiency: for Eternal Justice pro
vides means of education beyond the
grave. Every one of us will be Judged
according to the measure of light and
truth we have had opportunity to ac
quire. Even the untutored heathen
who has lived up to his highest concep
tions of right shall find means of pro- -gression.
Part of the blessing to fol
low the second advent of Christ Is thus
stated: "And then shall the heathen
nations be redeemed, and they that
knew no law shall have part in the first
resurrection l and it ahnll be tolerable
for them." (45:54).
The intelligence that saves comprises
knowing and doing what is required by
the Gospel of Christ; and such Intelli
gence will endure beyond death. "What
ever principle of intelligence we attain
unto In this life. It will rise with ns
In the resurrection. And If a person,
gains more knowledge and Intelligence
In this life through hla diligence nnd
obedience than another, he will have)
mo much the advantage In the world to
come." (130:18, 19)
Intelligence as to Godly things, which
are summarized in the Gospel of Jesus
Christ, leads to an ever increasing un
derstanding and comprehension of God
Himself, and this is - knowledge su
nreme: for as the praying Christ af
firmed: "This in life eternal, that they
might know thee the only true God.
and Jesus Christ, whom thoa hnet sent."
(John 17:3).
" For Doctrine & Covenants, Pearl of
Great Price, Book of Mormon and other
Church literature, apply to Northwest,
ern States Mission. 810 East Madison
St., Portland, Ore., or Bureau of Infor
mation, Salt Lake City, Utah. Adv.
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