The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 21, 1918, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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German Government Seeks to
Have Resolution of Last
July Eliminated. '
Teaib of ISO Workmen and Enor
mous Losses Said to Have Re
sulted From Allied Aerial At
tack on Frederlckshafen.
AMSTERDAM. April . According
to Rhenlscba Westfallscha Zeltung. of
Berlin. negotiations are proceeding be
tween the German government and the
Reichstag with a Tlew to obtaining of
ficial repudiation by the majority par
ties of the peace resolution of last July.
It is the official view that the gov
arnment should be unhampered and
that It Is Inadvisable for the Reichstag
to take a definite attitude, either in the
eyes of the people or of foreign coun
tries. LONDOV. April 10. The German
Foreign Secretary. Dr. Ton Kuehlmann.
concerning whose probable retirement
there have been several reports re
cently. In Indisposed, according to Ber
lin advices forwarded In a Renter dis
patch from Amsterdam.
GENEVA. Switzerland. April S. In
addition to the destruction by fire of
the German airplane plant at Manse 11.
reported several days ago. tbe Zep
pelin manufactory at Frledrlchshafen
la said to have burned down.
According to dispatches Just received
from Romanshorn. the fires were
caused by aerial attacks, and IS work
men were killed or injured.
The raiding airplanes were seen from
the shore of Lake Constance as they
flew northward over the lake after the
attack. The amount of damage Is said
to have been enormous.
criLTT rt first degree.
Verdict laflletlag Death Feaalty
laid to Be First tn Which
Wesaea Have Joined.
BAN FRANCISCO. April 20. (Spe
etLi A Iurv with seven women mem
bers yesterday voted the death penalty
for Antonio Lipara. found guilty be
fore Superior Judge Frank H. Dunne
of murder In the first degree as the
layer of Mario Alioto on November
21. 1S1T.
Tbe case Is ths first In California
and probably In the United States In
which a Jury on which wo. ten served
declared for the death penalty Dy una
In an accused person guilty of first
degree murder, and refutes statements
that women serving on .'tries canaot
be depended on to do their duty when
extreme punishment Is asked. The
Iurv reached Its verdict after one
hour's deliberation.
Alioto was shot to death In bis au
tomoblle on Columbus avenue last No
vember. He had been one of tbe state's
chief witnesses in the trials that re
suited In the conviction of the three
I'crdones. slleged black-banders, of tbe
murder of Alioto'e uncle. Gsetano
Ingrassla. Alioto was killed near the
pot where Ingrassla was shot to death
a year before.
Raaalaa' fcaur sat Forssally Asked
to Ead Propaganda la War
LONDON". April 10. A telegram to
Renter's from Fetrograd dated Tues
day saya that the Austro-German lega
tion baa called on tbe Kussian govern
meat to take measures to end propa
ganda in war prison camps and prevent
them from arming ana fomenting
revolution In Austria-Hungary.
Two days' fighting occurred between
the anarchists and the soviet troops at
Voronezh. There waa also an outbreak
at Simbirsk. The Bolshevik ne
agency announces that aa active coun
ter revolutionary movement has been
organized by German colonists In the
Karatoi-Samara government.
Railway communication from Petro
rad Into Finland haa ceased beyond
iborg. According to all accounts 1 1
borg la tbe only town of Importance
Mill In the handa of theRed Guards.
These forces here arrest and brought
to Viborg their former commander-in-
chief, charging htm with incompetent
leadership and the responsibility for
heavy losses.
The Germane are reported 100 versta
fnro Erlansk in tbe province of Orel.
southwest of Moscow. Ths city Is being
ronttnnd From First Pilfl
man dead are lying- in No Man's Land
in front of the American trenches.
The correspondent viewed the battle
from a hill a short distance behind the
Xns air to Parity Bleed aad Correct
Weak. Hu-Dwi Condition.
Trying weather, exposure to storms,
ths grip, hard colds, pneumonia, fevers,
diphtheria and other blood-poisoning
prostrating diseases leave the wbole
system sub-normal below par weak
and alow blood depleted and thin, with
that tired feeling, poor appetite, back
ache, rheumatic palna. delicate digest
ive power or almost none at alL The
Ideal treatment la
Hood's fears. pa. rill to be taken be
fore meals thoroughly to purify ths
blood aad expel poisons, and
Peptlron to be taken after meals
to put power Into the blood, give
strength. Increase red corpuscle aad
restore tone, and do It quickly.
If there Is biliousness, constipation.
bad taste In the mouth, or "the blues."
ths liver is torptd. Take Hood's Pills
they rouse the liver and relieve all
liver Ills, are perfectly compatible with
Hood's SarsapartUa atd PepUrotv Adv.
lines. Trains moved to the front with
great regularity and scores of huge
shells were seen bursting, throwing up
clouds of white smoke in the neighbor
ing hills. The heavy rumbling was
heard all day.
Men Eager tm Fight.
The American ambulances tore over
the shell-torn roads and approached to
within a short distance of the front
line. Numbers of men In the rear posi
tions begged their commanders to be
sent up to assist the infantrymen bear
tbe brunt or the attack. Tbe men of
all services were eager for an oppor
tunity to fight the enemy in the open.
The resistance offered by the Ameri
can troops was a surprise to the enemy.
who expected to break through with
litue difficulty.
Contrasted with the activity of the
Americana behind the lines, scores of
old men. women and children were seen
peacefully employed in the fields, ap
parently unmindful of the furious fight
ing which is going on less than five
mllea away. The troops - In nearby
towna eagerly sought news, expressing
confidence in the Americans and hoping
tor the chance to take part.
All the Americans moving to the
front were In the highest spirits and
waved their caps to the cheering vll
Raid AIM Repulsed.
The Germans also attempted a raid
agatnat the American positions north
of St. Mihiel this morning, which was
easily repulsed. The American troops
withdrew from part of the front line
and allowed the Germans to enter it.
They then drove them out. the enemy
leaving two dead In the trenches and
one German Lieutenant dead on the
wire. Two wounded Germane were
made prisoners, but died later.
One of tbe American patrols eneoun
tered an enemy patrol In another part
or mis sector and dispersed the Ger
mans after a abort fight. All the Amer
icans returned safely.
The commander of one of the Ameri
can units, which bore the brunt of last
week a fighting northwest of TouL ad'
dressed the men today, praising them
tor tne gallantry and courage shown
In that action and for their defeat of
numerically auperior enemy forces.
The village of Selcheprey. where the
German attack occurred Saturday. Is
northwest of Toul and about seven
miles east of the forest of Apremont,
where tha Americana repulsed masses
of German storm troops recently. -The
fact that American troops have been
on the sector north of Toul haa been
known, but the flghUng at Selcheprey,
together with the report of an engage
ment north of St. Mihiel. shows that
upward of 10 miles of the line in tbat
sector Is under American controL
Selcheprey Ilea among rolling bills,
overlooking a winding valley, which
runs off to the northeast. Tbe prob
able objective of the German attack
there was to get possession of a
strategic road wbicb parallels ths bat
tle line for IS miles.
Alliance of Roman Catholic
Hierarchy With Sinn Feiners
Significant Feature.
Judge Recovers Calm and Lars and
Norn Finally Are Married.
MARSHFIELD. Or.. April 20. (Spe
cial.) "Wait a minute. Judge. said
Nora Wilkinson, whose band had Just
been placed In that of her fiance,
Lars Glaholt. for marriage by Justice of
the Peace C. L. Pennock. "The cere
mony will not go on until we arrange
ourselves facing you with the cracks
In the floor not running crosswise. I
have a superstition against cross-purposes."
The wedding party took positions
meeting tbe approval of the bride-to-
be and Judge Pennock proceeded with
the ritual- Coming to a paasage where
special solemnity wss appropriate.
Judge Pennock paused to make the
worda impressive, when the groom.
thtnging tbe marriage ended, grabbed
the bride and gave her sounding
Tba Interruption slightly rattled the
Judge, but he recovered bis ceUm and
explained to tbe couple that tbe serv
ice waa only half finished. The knot
waa then completed, but Judge Pen
nock had been startled ao tbat he for
got his duty of saluting tbe bride, ac
cording to Justice custom.
Papal Population to Be Pledged To
day to Resist Conscription by
Most Effective Means at
Its Disposal. .
Salem and Oregon City Registrants
Respond to Call for Service.
OREGON C1TT, Or., April 20. (Spe
claL Two more mechanics have vol
unteered for Immediate service In
France, pursuant to Pershing's call for
13.000 skilled workmen for duty across
the sea-
Arthur R. Tuttle. of 405 Liberty
street. Salem, haa enlisted aa a tele
phone switchman, with the consent of
the local board, and Theodore Ahlberg,
of Oregon City, has been permitted to
enlist as a railroad clerk. Roth men
are Class 1 registrants of Clackamas
Two other mechanics were permitted
to enlist Friday.
Bis Plate Military Workshops In
Membra; Forced to Close.
AMSTERDAM. April 20. In conse
quence of a strike, the Dutch govern
ment, according to the Telegraaf. has
ordered the big stale artillery work
shops at Hembrug. about five miles
north of Amsterdam, closed until fur
ther notice.
There was serious rioting outside
the works last night as a result of a
mob attacking non-strikurs who wished
to go to work. Police and troops re
peatedly charged the crowds. Some
persons were seriously wounded.
Many arrests wero made.
American Expeditionary Forces Will
Pnt In War Gardens.
PARIS. April SO. The men of the
American expendltionary force soon
will begin gardening on a grand scale.
Plots of ground nesr all the points
where they are stationed will be given
over by tbe French authorities to be
planted to potatoes and other vege
A large plot of ground In the park
of Versailles will be broken up by some
of General Pershing's men who are
stationed there.
LONDON. April 20. The grave and
menacing situation created by the de
termination of Nationalist Ireland,
united as seldom befcre, to resist con
scription has aroused deep Interest
throughout Great Britain.
Particular emphasis is laid on the
declaration of ths Soman Catholic
hierarchy to throw In its lot with the
Sinn Feiners. who have openly pro
claimed Germany aa their ally.
The bishops have not counseled vio
lence, urging passive resistance, but
this. Dublin correspondents point out.
might easily be turned into active re
sistance by a lew hot heads when the
time comes to conscription the young
men of the country.
Tbe pledge which is to be admin
istered Sunday to what authorities es
timate at nine-tenths of the entire
Catholic population of the country bids
them to "resist conscription by the
most effective mesns at their dis
Wide Latitude Allowed.
This gives wide latitude and pleases
the advocates of both passive and
active resistance.
The delicacy of the situation is rec
ognized by the Irish Times, hitherto in
favor of conscription, which advises
the government and the Irish leaders
to "escape from the truly miserable
position" by organising a great vol
untary recruiting campaign. This, the
newspaper believes, would make the
enforcement of conscription unneces
The Dally News advises the govern
ment to "drop altogether the attempt
to pursue this Irish adventure."
The Chronicle believes conscription
will not be attempted until ome rule
Is an accomplished fact, and that then
the Irish Parliament will be lelt to
raise men for the army in what pro
portions and by what means It pleases.
DUBLIN. April 20. (By the Associ
ated Press.) Fifty-five members of
tbe Irish party met here today and.
1th John Dillon presiding, unani
mously adopted a resolution that
"In the present crisis we are of the
opinion tbat the highest and most Im
mediate duty of the members of this
party Is to remain In Ireland and ac
tively co-operate with our constituents
in opposing the enforcement of the
compulsory military service in Ireland.
Act of Tyranny Alleged.
"The enforcement of compulsory mill
tary service on a nation without as
sent constitutes one of tbe most brutal
acts of tyranny- and oppression of
which any government can be guilty.
"The present proposal of the Lloyd
George government to enforce conscrlp
tion in Ireland is an outrage and a
gross violation of tbe national rights
of Ireland.
In conclusion the resolutions pledge
the party's Influence and power to. de
feat conscription.
Fifteen hundred delegates of trades
unions, meeting at Mansion House to
day, pledged resistance to conscription
and fixed next Tuesday as the day for
the stoppage of all work as a sign of
this resolve and to enable all workers
to sign the pledge of resistance.
Soldier In France) Plan for Memo
rial Day Observance.
PARI. April 20. Plans for the Me
morial-day celebration are already be
ing made by the men of the American
expeditionary torces In and around
Paris it haa neen arranged to noia a
big athletic meet In the suburbs at
Colombee on May SO.
Tbe Racing Club of France baa placed
at the disposal of tbe American Army
officers Ita tin clubhouae and grounds
in the Bo is de Boulogne, with its ten
nis courts, cinder path, dressing-rooms
and restaurants.
Brown's Bronchial Troches afford quick
relief. Ceavsaicai. harmless, but efficacious.
Adv. . .
Beth Mea Said to Be Prominent la
Southwestern Oregon Where They
Had Large Flocka of Sheep.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or, April 20.
(Special.) As the result of an alleged
altercation over range for their re-
stiectlve bands of sheep. Will Holbrook,
a sheepman of Eastern Klamath County,
Is reported to have snot and Killed J.
T. McKendree, a prominent sheepman
of this city, this morning at Dry
Prairie. Particulars are lacking as the
Coroner's Jury, which was summoned I
to the scene, has not returned. It is
expected tbat the body will be brought
here early tomorrow.
According to a report received here,
Holbrook had leased a range from J.
F. Paddock and bad accused McKen
dree. wbo has many thousands of sheep
in that section, of infringing on nis
territory. Reports vary as to both
men belne- armed. Langell Valley has
been the scene of a long-standing feud
between the sheepmen and tne cattle
raisers and many quarrels have been
reported there during the past lew
Registrants of Grammar School Ed
ucation Required.
WASHINGTON. April 20. A call of
1190 draft registrants of grammar
school education, with some technical
training, waa made today by .provost
Marshal-General Crowder upon New
Hampshire. New Jersey, New York,
Virginia and Tennessee.
These men will be sent to technical
schools for training along special lines,
mobilising May 7.
Western Union General Manager at
Chicago Resigns.
CHICAGO. April 20. C H. Gaunt, for
two years general manager of the
Western division of the Western Union
Telegraph Compsny. with headquarters
In Chlcsrro. resigned today. He will
Enjoy the Joy of Mid-Summer to the Fullest Extent Right Now
A few pieces of KALTEI will fit np your home, interior and
exterior, so that you can enjoy nature's free gifts in luxurious
ease at small expense. Whether your needs be for Veranda, Living-Room.
Sun-Room or Bedroom, a distinctive style that will
exactly fit your taste Is here.
Select Any Piece Pay $1 Weekly
KALTEX designs are the product of a master artist and the
entire line has that much sought-after "difference" which puts any
unusually good product in a class by Itself.
KALTEX comes In a variety of graceful, easy and elegant lines.
Yes KALTEX is sanitary and light, easy to move from room to
room. The finish will not scratch, splinter or show the effects
of wear; wash it if dusty, scrub It if dirty, you won't hurt it.
KALTEX Is finished In soft, pleasing colors gives unexpected
style to your home, sets off your other furniture, walls, drapes
and rugs KALTEX is essentially different In Itself.
For your enlightenment on "Spring 1918" styles inspect the
display that now awaits you, just inside the Fifth-street door.
I i I
for. totjr Lrvnra room
New Sultan Mataf old Davenport Bed
mm iwu mis
tssj 1
Mis as
Easily holds full - else bed
mattresses, pillows and bed
ding in place for immediate
Contains every feature and
all the comforts of a regula
tion size brass, iron or wood
bed when open.
Equipped with a fine link
spring, held by SS helical
springs that pull from both
ends and sides.
A Bed for the Room Where
There Is No Room tor a Bed! '
Solid Oak Dining Table
That opens to elx feet. Has square
barrel pedestal and four good-sized,
well-spread legs. A big winner at only
Tapeatry and Leatherette
Overstuffed Rockers
Big. deep,' roomy, comfortable, dur
able and good-looking a Rocker that
will look . good . In any home. Priced
special at . . , '
Warranted Tarnish -Proof
Full Slse.
These Beds have two - inch corner
posts with strong cross-arms and filler
rods. A soft cloth will keep them
"Refined Elegance and Dignified Beauty!'
That's the verdict of ths vast army of potential buyers who have
given this suite a thorough going-over (not merely a glance or a
passlng-by look).
Yes, Eight -Piece William and Mary Dining Suite
Six-foot table, large buffet, five eturdlly
butlt straight chairs and one arm chair to
match, with genuine leather slip seats. NEWT
NO! "William and Mary" furniture is Just an
elaborated copy of the circle designs which
were so much in vogue during the 16th and 17th
centuries, but now the price is only a mere
trifle. Eight fine pieces only
$2 M EEK
PTfLJtl f"'"'J'
. Jmm
Day In and Day Out Year In and Year
Out, This Suite Wins Unsolicited
That daintiness and elegance of Ivory Enamel,
which appeals to the most discriminating taste.
Is embodied In each piece of this set. You could
pay $95 for a similar set, but you'd never be better
satisfied than with this one at
Sleepwell Mattresses
They are BUILT entirely of cotton Inside of flower
strewn art ticks. YES. BUILT! NOT STUFFED. Every
Sleepwell Mattress Is made In layers (like so many email
comforters); that's why they hold their shape so well; only
all new and sanitary materials are used in their construc
tion. Try one for 60 nights; If not satisfied, return it at
Edwards' expense.
Sure $1 Week Pays for Any Sleepwell
Your Credit Is Good as Gold!
Out' of -Town Folks, Too !
Select One Single Piece or a House Full
Two Blocks North of Washington.
The"5tay Satisfactory Ranga.
Burns gas or wood or coal. Bakes
the finest cornbread and rice flour
muffins you ever tasted; the mal
leable top heats so fast you never
need to put any pots or kettles on
the blaze and get them black.
The body Is riveted not bolted),
that's why you never find loose
Joints in a MONARCH. Tbe walls
are asbestos lined, the oven is of
triple construction. Duplex drafts
under the . fire and an oven check
draft on top, that's why Monarch
users never have a failure In baking.
If you want tbe best, select a Mon
arch Range your old stove will be
taken In exchange balance will be
arranged to fit your Individual requirement.
Has Qualified as a
Kitchen Soldier
Home Service
To Continue Even After the War. .
Kellef from a chfd.
Irnttd skin la aa-
COMFORT SatlpUe. A r.
mrfcbl heeling lo
tion. Instantly relieve, rapidly curve aad
prevents coated or Irritated skin. Cools,
soothes and heals Esnuseptic assures an
sttrsctlv. and halthy skin. Men us. it after
shsvlnc and women for the complexion. If
your arugjclst cannot supp:j It. 23c sent
Esbeneott Laboratories. Portland. Or. with
draiflit'f ram, will bring, postpaid, lers
Introductory battle, plsia er perfum.d, as
preferred. ...
be aucceeded by A. C. Cronkite. com
mercial superintendent for the com
pany at St. Louia. The company an
nounced the organization of a new di
vision, effective May L
The territory between Eastern Ohio
snd Omaha. Neb., will be known as
the lake division, with headquarters
in Chicago. The heaquartens of the
new Western division will be at
Omaha. F. R. Bradley, of Minneapolis,
has been appointed superintendent of
tha Western division, with offices at
Omaha. A. Long, of Denver, has been
appointed commercial superintendent
st Minneapolis, and C. H. Flnley. of
the Michigan division, has been ap
pointed superintendent at Denver.
Alaska Appropriations Favored.
WASHINGTON, April 20. Secretary
Lane today recommended to Congress
an appropriation of JSO00 for the com
pletion of school buildings at Fort
Yukon. Film. White Mountain. Tlonek
and Metlakatla, Alaska. An appropri
ation of 13000 for the completion of
hospitals at Akiak and Kanakakak was
also recommended.
Lora Little Held to Grand Jury.
BISMARCK, N. D., April 20. (Special.)
Lora G. Little, field agent for the
League for Medical Freedom, charged
with violation of section 8 of the
espionage act by distributing litera
ture attacking compulsory vaccination
In the Army, waived examination here
today and was held to appear before
the Federal grand Jury at its next session.
Hood River Apples
Carload Just Received.
Extra Fancy
Call or Phone for Prices.
Assets $13,000,000.00
offer their prospects
the widest range of policies.
Annual Dividend Policies. Partnership Policies. -Participating
Policies. Term Policies
Non-participating- Policies. ' Annuity Policies.
Monthly Income Policies. Endowment Policies.
Single-Premium Policies.
Our policy and agency contracts are unexcelled in fairness.
We have good territory still open for producers wishing
to connect with a progressive company. If Interested write
Home Office. Lincoln, Neb.. Dept R, or call at Branch Office,
1035 Northwestern Bank building.
II m . J i Wiling r.'-f:w
I 1 3
in. i " iwan
Big Luscious
A Digestive Delight.AU
the Splendid Flavor of
well ripened apples in.
every Sparkling glass of i.
Natures Best drink-APPO
. GepcmTKr Sorrtso Sr
Portland .