THE SUNDAY OREGONTAX. PORTLAND, APR IE 21, 1918. "BLANKETING" EVIL TO BE REMEDIED - EVERY-OREGON CITY LTLE RESIDENTS GATHER TO HONOR BOYS IN SERVICE. A LANG RANGE Will Save More Than It Costs IS "OVER THE TOP" Oakland, the One Backward Ordinance Drawn to Regulate Burns Fuel From the Top Jown on the Map, Comes ' x to the Front Nobly. Installation of Electric Signs on Streets. BOND TO BE IN EVERY HOME JUSTICE TO ALL PURPOSE 14 i .a. in - - ' s.a State Campaign Manager Sends En thusiastic Telegram to Headquar ter Rainier Ila Prond Rec ord ot 300 Per Cent. Krerr Oregon city la "orer th top. (Oakland, in th Umpaut Valley, tb ana backward spot oa the map. cam to th front aoblr yesterday with Ita ouota and tha news waa receive tna vry family In OakUnd will hav a lih.rtv bond In lta horn befor tb dniva cloaca. .Robert C. Em 1th. atata campaign manager, waa In OakUnd yesterday and ha sent tha following; enthn startle telegram to headquarters, whera It waa racid wlta lalenaa gratifica tion: inklind la over tha top. Advise th.t I hav oaraonally lnvs- iiiimI in, situation and find tha Oakland haa dona flna. Evry fam ily t n Oakland, eseept 13. baa bought honria of tha present issue, and tha committee and Mayor Bridge aay that all will bur before tha loan closes. itrotm la running high, and Oak land haa dona all right. Advts t-an ' Francisco and Washington that every Oregon town la now over tha top. Rainier rrvad at Reeved. Rainier la another Oregon town that Baa made a proud record. People of that olare hav subscribed tS.50. which makea Kainler 30S per cent on Ita nuola- Llbertr loan workers wera Indignant ,m,riliT when a committee reported . that lira. 8terrtf, teacher In Links . Business College. 407 Morrison street. .' bad declined to buy a liberty bond and - had etatrd that aha haa never lub- acrlbed during former drives, nor to the . Hed Cross, th eaid. further, ah will do nothing In aid tb Government In thla war. a eh doea not believe In the war and that ah will not aubscMD " until a law la mad On compel her. The management of the college told - the committee that they have not sub- acribed to the third loan beeauee of cir : cumatancea. However, they eay th . matter of Vra sterrett'a aubacrlptlon la - her buelneaa and not theirs. A. T. Link. nrincipal of the school, advised the . commute that when he got ready to subscribe to the loan he would call at headquarters and that meanwhile sollrl- ' tore should keep away from the Insti tution. These recalcitrant onea are be lieved to be non-militant followers of . the lata Pastor RusselL They will be Investigated further. Tb I'nltrd stales Marine were con gratulated yesterday by General Guy ; W. Talbot. Ueutenant-Qeneral Julius) L, Meier and Charles F. Berg, repre senting Lieutenant-Oeneral Cranston. The three called at tb Marine recruit ing atatlon In the Tanama building and thanked officers and men for their ex cellent work, both In recruiting and . In connection with tb third liberty loan.' General Tarbot said he wanted to congratulate Lieutenant Hammond and every man on the staff for the wonder ful work done in recruiting. "1 desire also to thank yon for the co-operation yon have given us." be aaM. "In putting Oreiron over the top In first place In the Nation. Tou men not only gave of your time In assisting us, but you also cam through for ll0 worth of tha third liberty loan bonds. Lieutenant Hammond thankee Gen eral Talbot on behalf of tha Marine and said that branch of the service is always ready to respond to tha call for duty. Lieutenant-General Meier spoke for his division and expressed thanks for the co-oneratton he had received from them. Mr. Berg expressed himself In a similar way and asked that the ila rtnea call upon him whenever ha can be of service to them. Liberty Park City Work. While many have been charmed by the we park In the midst of a busy city atreet that surrounds Liberty Temple, few know that it Is the city of Portland that haa made the arrange tnents and carried out the effect of i landscape garden built oa top of an asphalt street. The city collected a floral display of SO varietiea of planta at a coat of near ly IZOSO. The planning was the work of L. JL Thlelen. landscape engineer. The plants were taken from the city parka, under his direction and boxed so they could be moved la good con ditlon. Perhaps the most striking planta on display are the camilUas. a most beau tiful collection containing aome of tha choicest that grow. Attractive, too, are the laurels. both English and Portugese, several varieties of ever green viburnums, a verlety of veronl ess. andromedaa, ftlariaa. Ilex crenata and boxwood. Th plants ire edged with vinca minor and banked with tan- bark to obtain th massed effect. Foliage effect war obtained large ly by th us of various evergreen viburnums. The scarlet berries of the aueubaa hav created much comment among Interested pasaersby. Then there is the cosmantacua with Its holly- Ilk foliage, often taken for holly It self. Th Oregon Grape Is also In Two big plants on either aid of th entrance to Liberty Temple ar Irish yew. No German plants hav been used or allowed In the wonderful dis play of flowers and shrubbery. It ts the plan to maintain th floral and shrubbery display aa long aa th Tempi stands. The planta will b changed, however, aa they go out of bloom for others more In season. j r . v : : ,.. ... . B , "... - ' "; U i-?;:.-a?.-..-, vaj V" - J J:li:-VaJ 111, -EKdL Jg" 8CEM5 AT DEDICATION OF HRRVtCK PL. A ft B4RI.fG STARS FOR TWEJTT SOLDIERS OK DISTRICT. LTLE. Wash.. April JO. Special.) Lyl residents Joined In honoring th boys of the district now In the service, when over U0 people of the community sraihered Saturday to dedicate a large service flag bearing zv stars, non. ii. a. Urooka. of tioldendale. waa th principal speaker. The rollcall of the service flag consisted of Charles Auer. J. Ed Byers. Ollle CorvelL James Condra. Herbert Cecil. Fred Dunn. George Dunn. Howard Dilla- baush. Johnnie Gilmer. Henry Kure, Charles Kincald, Frank Morglnson. Wlllard 1 11:30 o'clock, and outside of the inner Hobtnson. Emlle ytratton. Kenneth ptratton, r rea vv ooawara. aiixe winxieia, lire limits irora auss to iu o ciocn. William Zulfer. and from Klickitat County Charley uurkett ana Maurice Bur kett. Th service flag, as well as tha new U. 8. flag, was given by the Lyle Ladies' progressive Club. Aim Is to Have All Displays So Placed That One Shall Not Cover Another Problem Is Difficult One. An ordinance regulating the lnstalla tlon of electrlo signs In such way that on merchant's sign will not hide and destroy the advertising value of the sign of another Is to be presented to the City Council by Building Inspector Plummer and a committee appointed by Mayor Baker. The measure has been In course of preparation for several months. The main purpose is to overcome what la called the "blanketing" evil. By this ts meant, according to Mr. Plummer, the covering of one sign by another. It Is proposed to have all signs so placed as to overcome this difficulty. "This condition occurs frequently In the downtown districts of all cities where signs come close together," says Mr. Plummer. "The worst of tha situ atlon is, the mors signs, th more blanketing. "Blaaketlng" to Be Remedied. "Blanketing destroys the pulling or advertising power of the sidewalk sign. and because of it many a merchant has seen a productive sign changed to an unproductive one, and the Investment represented In the sign changed from the profit to the loss side of the ledger.' The committee examined the ordi nances of all the large cities of the country and found that not one covered this "blanketing" evil. Notwithstand ing the fact that other cities appear to be unable to cope with this problem, the committee felt that blanketing could and should be regulated. In other particulars than "blanket Ing' the proposed ordinance Is more liberal In allowing the use of wire glass in larger sizes and in the time during which the sign must be lighted. In the inner fire limits signs will be required to be lighted from dusk to SCOUTS' AID CALLED Nation-Wide Intensive Liberty Loan Campaign Planned. BOYS WILL BE GLEANERS Mozzocco and Lena Senlko. In the first suit the city alleges th property sought to be acquired is worth not more than 1770. while In the latter suit the property valuation has been placed at 12720. Th owners refuse to sell at these figures. YOUTH INJURED IN CRASH W. B. Sheldon Sustains Crashed Leg nd Bruises of His Body. Adequate Lighting Required. The proposed ordinance requires that all electric sidewalk signs be well il luminated by specifying a minimum amount of light per square foot of all such signs. In the past there has been no such regulation, and there are nu merous Instances in this city of large, poorly lighted signs. In this method of regulation the committee Is fol lowing the example of many large cities. Th committee Is recommending an other Innovation. This Is to prohibit the Issuance of a permit for any elec tric sidewalk sign of a design which Is unsightly, grotesque or something of monstrosity. The Inspector or build ings Is to determine whether or not a sign is so classed and the right of ap peal to the council as the board of final decision Is embodied In th ordi nance. BUYS LIBERTY BONDS. Mr. H. G. Cotton, manager of the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, purchased I.'. Sue of the third liberty loan bonds last week for his company, as part of tb SI. BOO. 000 ai ls ted to their different agenciea The company baa also announced that the entire first year's premium In come of nearly f2.000.000 will be In vested In liberty bonds and they have also been heavy subscribers of the previous Issuea Investors In thla company will serve the Government as well as themselves. Adv. Manhfleld to Have New Post of flee. MARSH FIELD. Or.. April JO (Spe cie L Anticipating the expiration of the Poatofflce leas in Marshfleld. the Government haa submitted plana and specifications for new quarters con templated to be commodious enough to accommodst th Postofflce for th en suing 10 years. The bids are to b opened at Medford on May 14. President's Letter to National Direc tor Livingston Atks 111m to Mas ter Fall Strength of His Organ ' satlon Against Kaiserdom. For th third tlm since the United States declared war on Germany, the Boy Scouts of America will conduct a Nation-wide Intensive Liberty Loan campaign, beginning next Saturday and continuing eight days. The Boy Scout rive will be in the form ot a thorough house-to-house canvass, and la designed to raak aure that no one is overlooked and to give subscribers a good oppor tunity to take more bonda in the first liberty loan campaign 133,(45 subscriptions were secured by the Boy Scouts, the total amounting to S23.233.250. In the second campaign the members of the organisation se cured $33,620 subscriptions, amounting to tl02.Osi.100. In that campaign, one out of every 18 subscriptions to the loan was secured by a Boy Scout. It is hoped that, with the patrlotio co-oper ation.of Americans in the third liberty loan, even a greater number of indl vldual subscriptions will be secured by the boys who hav resolved that "Each scout shall save a soldier. PrrldeBta Letter Pabllahed. President Wilson, In a letter, dated March 14, to National Director C H. Livingstone, recognised the valuable aid furnished by the Boy Scouts in the previous campaigna by requesting that the boys again be asked to help, acting In the capacity of "gleaners" after the "reapers." The letter follows: My Dear Mr. Llvlncstone: uiil ya seam muster the full strength of lb Boy Scouts ot America for co-opera-llon with the Treasury Department in se curing subscriptions for the third liberty loaaT As la lbs two prevloue cempalsns. It is desired te have the Boy Scouts of America serve as "sleaners" la a house-to-house canvass after the "reapers." glean ing during the dare set aside for your spe cial campaign. The pau-lotle and effective serrte of the Boy Scouts la your definitely planood pro gramme of wsr work activities la a splen did testimonial to the value of organised boyhood la helping our country win the wsr. it le my earnest wish thst every troop of Boy scouts and every scout aad erout of ficial take pert In your war service ac tivities, and especially In these liberty lesn campaigna Nnl only is this of practical service to our country In these critical times. but It is of grest elucatlonl value to the bors la preparing them for the responsi bilities ot clttsenshlp. Portland Haa 57 Scoat Troop. There are 57 troops of Scouts In this city, and each troop will be assigned a district. A scoutmaster presides over ch troop, and he will reassign the territory In his section to the boya No cash will be received by th Scouts, but checks made payable to the bank from which the purchaser desires to secure the bond will be taken. AH applications secured by the Scouts ar to be turned In promptly to head quarters at 111 Northwestern Bank building, where they will be recorded and turned over to th various banks at least twice a day. Each Scout who sells bonds to more than 10 families will receive a medal, and the troop selling the most bonds In Oregon will be presented with a large silk flag. In th first campaign, em blems were awarded to (4t Scouts, and I6.0S5 were rewarded In tha second lib erty loan drive. 'When w. B. Sheldon, aged IS, em ployed at the automobile accessory store of Ballou A Wright, was ope rat lug his motorcycle at an excessive rate nf aneed vesterday afternoon he col lided with a milk truck at Marguerite 11 fj II UMTCC Isf 1 1 I RUMOR .nH Marriinn streets, driven bv I 1 w ... .. w ...... . Andrew Louchs. of Mllwaukie, and was lured serlouBly. His right leg was Reoorts of Alleced Planned Attacks uaaiy crusnea ana no reuciYcu oevciei bruises about his body. He was taken I Started Without Authority, to the emergency hospital, where his I. wah r .... ta.l TA.l(mnn K 11 n cen Rtnl t h. who lives I ' w .. w ... ..ii. th. .iH.n tnat tne vieuanies organized in ron curred. had noticed Sheldon going at land planned to make attacks on i places rapid rate, and was endeavoring to get the number of his motorcycle when tha cyclist ran Into the milk truck. A charge of reckless driving has been placed against Sheldon. His bail was fixed at 1100. without any authority from the organ- It embodies the principle of the hot blast heating stove and everybody knows that the old-fashioned heater always was the most economical. Besides the saving in fuel, the Lang; Range is today the best Range on the market, because it saves time, trouble and an noyance. A Pacific Coast product for Pacific Coast people. Only $15.00 cash payment will put any Lang Range in your home. Pay the balance in small monthly payments. We will take your old stove in as part payment. Step into our salesroom and see for yourself-the wonder ful superiority of the Lang Range. F. S. LANG MFG. CO. 191 FOURTH STREET Between Yamhill and Taylor. Main 642. izatlon, according: to George K, Funk, president of the Vigilantes. In a formal statement issued yester day at request of the organization. Mr. Funk says: For the reason that an evening newntDer has published a purported interview with a member of the Vi-rUaiuee" to the effect that certain places bearing1 objectionable alna. etc.. were to be visited, and In the event th tsaid aiirns were not removed. aomethlnfp would happen, we. the Vigilantes or fortjana, omcioiiy issue tnis statement: We are a law-abiding organization. Our purpose is to assist the constituted authori ties in me worx or stamping out sedition, to secure Information and make reDorta of seditious acts or utterances. Any Interview, by any person or per sons claiming- otherwise ts not only un authorized, but ts contrary to our alms and purposes, and any acts of vandaliam will not oft countenancoo. Eighth Company Auxiliary to Meet. Auxiliary to Eighth Company, Co lumbia, formerly Eighth Company, Coast Artillery, will meet Monday night n room H, Library. All parents, rela tives and friends of boys stationed at Fort Stevens will be welcomed and their co-operation is Invited. A pint of water equals 34 2-3 cubic inches and weighs one pound and a quarter. MINES TO BE DEVELOPED Iewiston, Idaho, Company Plans for I AcUtc Operations. LEWTSTON. Idaho. April 20. (Spe cial.) The Union Copper Mining & Smelting; Company, with head offices I In this city, has secured the services of Dan Waftenen, a prominent Nevada mining expert, to act as consulting; en gineer. The company has a project un der way involving; the development ana operation of a largre group of copper I claims, as well as the installation of an Immense power plant, the latter to utilise the well-known Horshoe Bend of the Salmon River. The tunnel diverting; the flow of the river sives a fall of 143 feet Without the erec tion of a dam 37,000 working; horse power will be available, while calcu lations show that the erection of a 280 foot dsm would permit the develop ment of 120,000 horsepower. TSZ" FOB FEET No More Sore, Tired, Tender Feet; No Puffed-up, Calloused Feet or Painful 6orns-Try "Tiz" Astorlan Sends Aid to Woman. From F. W. Gardiner, of Astoria, The Oregxinlan yesterday received a money order for IS given for the relief of Mrs. Jennie McLaughlin. In whose welfare many scores of citizens have taken an interest following; disclosure of the fsct that she was In need because al lotments from the pay of her two sons In the united States -Army have been held up. Th money was turned over to Lieutenant Jones, of the Oregron Naval Militia, to be presented by him to Mrs. lIcLUKhlln. Condemnation Salts Started. Two additional condemnation suits to acquire sufficient land for the Mar quam Gulch park and plarcround were started yesterday by the city of Port-J mus ut wvuiyisiius tuni vs;aiua Mws Falrview Pupils Entertain. FA1RVIEW. Or, April 20. (Special.) Professor Gill and Mrs. Lewis, teach ers In the public school, and their pu pils save an interesting; entertainment In the City Hall Tuesday evening; In th Interest of the liberty loan. The flag; drills, songs and recitations by the children were much enjoyed. Coun ty Superintendent L. M. Alderson, L. M. Lepper and Kev. S. J. Reid, D. V., spoke. Why go limping around with aching. puffed-up feet feet so tlned. chafed, sore and swollen you can hardly get your shoes on or off? Why don't you get a 25-cent bo of "Tls" from the drug store now and tladden your tor tured feetf "Tis" makes your feet glow with comfort; takes down swellings and draws the soreness and misery right out of feet that chafe, smart and burn. "Tiz" Instantly stops pain In conns, callouses and bunions. "Tiz" is glorious for tired, aching, sore feet. No more shoe tightness; no more foot torture. Ask for Tla" Get only "Tls." Adv. Your Health Depends Doctors Fail I upon i our Sidneys . "known for tone ! i ? ' """ ' ' M 1 " 1 ' 1 " ' "" " "'" 1 i I " " From $750 $223 " 4 ' I I J on Easy Terms 1 I Those who hear it acknowledge its superiority. 1 ! All metal is eliminated. No nasal effect. No 1 j ear-piercing sounds. The wonderful Stradivara I I I Sound Board Chamber does it. I I I Exclusive Agencies Open to Dealers i ! I THE SAHLSTROM CORPORATION I E 405 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon f nsssssssssjsaiji leu mi i ll MKirUlltl I - STUMPING AGRICULTURAL, berries ease ot Brseme esatrscted I Miiit n reruns take nart In ssslmiln- Wbea a mere Oor roucntaiseaae KM-ua I tlon of food, and a numher in active elmllnating those portions of the food which are not taken into the blood for the upbuilding of the body. Of the elimlnative organs, the liver and the kidneys are of major importance, and are most likely to be overworked and become diseased. When such is the case, various troubles of a digestive and elimlnative character occur and such troubles are so frequent and so common that it is absolutely necessary to find some relief. Warner's Safe Kid ney and Liver Remedy was eompound- . gym m Tra ea over u years ago to neip equalize fOaf s3lOTl sDlSGclSQ the work of both kidneys and liver. IKIDMORE Dnru CO. I How successful It has been ts evidenced OWL uai'ti CO. lb3T Its widespread sal and ita value is yean, wlta bair doses speciaiarta. sola lee hi 4efnM esodltloe. Atraost a aeroae wreck. It took just battles to clear ap this disease. This is the late tsst isseay ef a prominent sew. saimi tasu His passe sod sis ri atsrsaole story Id fall on reqeest. we ban seen so aasny euier safferers nHteved by this starve lous Hqerd wash that we freely eflee ye a botti ea er personal S.erasiis. Try it today, (fre, esc aad tuea, ILDo Bo 33Do attested by an Immense number of ap preciative users who through these many years have put it to the severest tests with the most satisfactory results. "About 7 years ago I was so weak and worn out that I could hardly work. After trying other things without re lief, I tried Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. In a short time the pain left me, and the rheumatism and dys pepsia vanished. We have used War ner's Safe Remedies ever since with great success in our family." O. F. Rose, Burtonville, Kentucky, U. S. A. Sold by druggists everywhere. Sam ple sent on receipt of ten cents. War ner's Safe Remedies Co., Dept. 265, Rochester, N, 7. Adv. For more than 50 years Giant Powders have cut the cost of western blasting. In all this time they have been constantly im proved and adapted to western conditions by a western company. Naturally they make western land clearing easier, faster and cheaper. Giant Farm Powders Giant and Eureka Stumping go further than ordinary dynamites. Farmers and orchardists And that they can do more and better work at less cost with Giant Powders. Hundreds write us that Giant brands "save money ""give -better results" "have wider breaking power" "shoot the roots" and "are always uniform in strength and action. Caution! Se rare yoa frt tbe renuine Giant Powders, die product of the mannfacrarerf who oririnated tbe name. Look for tbe Giant trade-mark. It ir your onir aure protection asainjt imitations. Send conpon (or postal mentiooinr Ibis paper) for tbe bir free book " Better Farminr." It telis yon scores of money-savior ways of doinf tans jobs. Write for tnis fold nunc of information today. THE GIANT POWDER CO., Con. "Everything for Blasting" Home Office: San Francisco Branch Offices. Denver. Portland, Ealt Lake City, Seattle, Spokane pan n u MARK AND MAIL THIS FREE BOOK COUPON THE GIANT POWDER CO., Con, First National Bank Bldg., San Francisco Send me 52-page illustrated booklet "Better Fanning, " I am especially interested in (please check) Stamp Blaatins Ditch Bias tins O Subsoil Blasting 230 Boulder Blasting Trs Bod Blasting Road Making wfame AMw WHENjYOUR KIDNEYS. FEE LIKr tUMPS OF LEAD When you wake up with backache and dull misery In the kidney region It generaUy means'you have been eating too much meat, says a well-known authority. Meat forms urid acid, which overworks the kidneys In their effort to filter It from the blood and they become sort of paralyxed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels, removing all the body's urinous waste, else you have backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the weather Is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine Is cloudy, fuU of sediment, channels often get ore, water scalds and yea are obliged to seek relief two or three times dur ing the night. Either consult a good, reliable physi cian at once or get from your pharma cist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of wa ter before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from th acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com bined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulat sluggish kidneys, also to neutralise acids In the urine so it no longer irri-. tates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is a life saver for regular meat eaters. Jt Is inexpensive, cannot injure and makes a delightful, effer vescent lithla-water drink. Adv.