The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 21, 1918, Section One, Page 13, Image 13

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Workers From All Over State
to Meet in Portland.
Vm of National and Interna
tional Distinction Will Address
Convention la Interest of.
Patriotic Undcavor.
TCar workers from err section of
the stats will meet In Portland on May
23 and 21 at ths first Oregon war con
ference, which is to be held nnder ths
auspices of ths Stats Council of De
The meetlns" Is befits; arrang-ed at ths
Instance of ths Federal Government
and a number of speakers of National
and International fame will be In Port
land to address ths larger assemblage.
Ths two-day convention Is one of a
series of big ret-together meetings
being held In all parts of ths United
States from JJalne to California and
from Tampa to Seattle.
Mayor Baker has postponed ths con
ference of Oregon Mayors and Ctty At
torneys to May 23 and 21 from ths orig
inal dates of May 2 and I. In order that
all city officials In the stats may have
an opportunity of attending both meet
ings without making; two tripa to ths
Defeaas Chairmen Attend.
Ths meetings will bs attended by
every county chairman of the county
council of defense, by ths county rep
resentatives of every war activity.
Ths purpose of the gathering is to
achieve a triple object:
First, it will bring together ths war
workers of the stats for Information
and mutual helpfulness and inspiration
exactly aa the workers of a political
party in peace times are Inspired by a
get-together spirit by a convention, so
ths war conference will stimulate every
county representative to new efforts.
Second, the conference will prove
means of strengthening ths state coun
cil organisation throughout ths state.
Thus far no stats conferences have
been held, according to reports from
Washington. without bringing the
counties closer together, without sham
ing into renewed activities those coun
ties that were lagging and without
spurring on to sven greater efforts and
a better co-ordination with the state
councils those already playing a big
part In stste defense work.
Third, the war conference will pave
the way for a state-wide speaking cam
paign planned for Oregon.
tVlUn Evtneea Interest.
Jfot only baa ths war conference ths
support of administration leaders, but
the Interest in the conferences by
President Wilson has been evinced by
personal messagea sent by the Presi
dent to no less than 14 conferences.
The committee on public Information
and the Council of National Defense
first proposed the war conference plan
last November to a group of Eastern
The first actual conference was held
In Klchmond. Vs.. on December 6. South
Carolina and Indiana followed shortly.
and later In Iecember Pennsylvania
and Iowa followed with the plan carried
to tremendous success.
Five more states went over the top
In January and three more in February,
while In March the South almost with
out exception swung Into line.
Arrangements are being made to hold
war conferences in every Pacific Coast
atate. under the ausplcea of the State
Councils of Defense.
mer. where the big mill of the Bridal
Veil Lumbering Company Is located.
and R. C. Sch melts and W. E. Thomp
son, Camp A. of the above company,
report a loyal support among employes,
and turned In a substantial amount In
In Bridal Veil J. L, Scott, volunteer
solicitor, has done exceptionally good
work, and present Indications are that
there will be but few slackers to re
port to the Government among the
employes of the Bridal Veil Lumbering
Company, over having already
been subscribed, with more to follow.
In the second liberty loan drive about
$11,000 was subscribed in this district.
In the present campaign this amount
has been far overreached. The quota
for the district is already oversub
scribed and the workers are now try
ing to more than double thla quota.
J. B. Pearce Is the local member of the
executive committee, working with F.
N. Lesley, of CorbetL and C. J. Lund-
qulst. district chairman, of Greaham.
stale Rivalry Keen.
These state councils of defense of
ths West are accustomed to going at
their work In a vigoroua way. and of
ficials In Washington expect to see
them carry through the war confer
ence plan with the same Initiative and
determination and resolution that haa
characterised ail their undertakings.
The rivalry Is already keen as to
which state will make Its war confer
ence the biggest and most successful.
Forestry Employes Slabs Good Soldiers
Beeaaeo of Ragged Oatdeor Life
Fellewed by Many of Thus.
District Forester George H- Cecil, of
Portland, haa compiled a directory giv
ing the mall addresses of Forest 8erv!ce
men Irom this district who are In the
Army or Navy and has sent a copy to
all forest officers in ths district, with
the sugsestlon thst they write letters
to their friends st the front.
According to this directory. 1 men
tnt from the District Forester's of
fice, 11 from the Olympic National For
est. 10 each from the Oregon and Sno-
oualmle forests, eight each from the
Washington and Wenatchee for
ets. six from the Colvtlle, five
each from the Rainier and Whit
man, four each from the Chelan. Colum
bla and Oehoco: three each from the
Cascade. Slualaw and L'matllla: two
esch from the Crater. Ml nam. Santlam,
I'mpqua and Okanogan, and one each
from the Malheur, bisklyou. Wallows
an 1 Wenaha.
The positions formerly occupied by
these men In the Forest Service range
from district forester to messenger. A
larse proportion of them were forest
rangers and forest guards, profession'
slly trained foresters and men from
nearly every line of Forest Service
work are included In the roster. It Is
td that field men of the Forest Serv
Ice are specially adapted to the life of
a soldier because of their being accus
tomed to rugged outdoor life.
Th forest regiments, the 10th and
to Engineers, have SO of the men from
thlsaUistrtct: 20 more are In the Signal
Corps. Nearly all branches of the mil
itary service have attracted the men
who left the Foreet Service to do their
part In making the world a fit ,place
to live In.
David Starr Jordan to Leclnia on
Genua Menace at Assembly
a Taeaday. April S3.
A programme of vesper services has
been arranged to be held at Reed Col
lege during April and May, Including
the remainder of the college year. The
vesper speaker for April 28 will be Dr.
E. O. Sisson, president of the Uni
versity of Montana. Rev. William A.
Waldo, of the White Temple, will give
the vesper address May 5. and Mrs.
Hermann Bohlman will sing. Presiden
Foster will conduct the vesper services
May 12. May 19, the programme will
consist of a talk by Bishop V alter Tay
lor Sumner and selections by Mrs.
Catherine Linton Corrucclnl. soloist of
the Trinity Episcopal Church.
Ths vesper speaker this afternoon
will ba Rev. W. U. Eliot, Jr., of the
Church of Our Father. The services
will be held In the Reed College chapel
at 4 o'clock.
Dr. David Starr Jordan, of Stanford
university, will give a lecture at Reed
College at assembly Tuesday. April 23
The topic of his address will be "The
German Menace."
On the evening of April IS, at
o clock, a meeting will be held at the
college In commemoration of Shake'
speare's birthday. The occasion will
be observed by an appropriate pro
gramme and a lecture by Solomon H.
Clark, assistant professor of public
speaking In the University of Chicago.
Resources of Columbia River
Basin Set Forth.
share of the 140,000 In liberty bonds
and to use the entire Income of the
fund in war relief work. The special
needs to which tne income will be put
will be determined In June after a
thorough study of the war needs of
the country has been made.
Already the alumnae chapters of Chi
Omefrg maintain some sort of social
and civic service programmes and
these will be kept up during the war
just as heretofore. Every chapter of
the fraternity in the various universi
ties 'and colleges of the country has
purchased liberty bonds, and the new
fund will simply be a furthering of
patriotic service.
The Portland alumnae chapter of
Chi Omega Is running a hot lunchroom
for children In the Alblna Homestead
Crook Oversubscribes Quota.
PRINEVILLE. Or., April 20. (Spe
cial.) The quota for the third liberty
loan for Crook County was oversub
scribed in Prlneville the first day ol :
the drive and subscriptions are stiL
coming n. Crook County's quota wai
$91,000 and the amount subscribed to
tals 2150,000.
Read The Oregonlan classified ads.
Object Is to Indicate Magnitude of
Loss That Would Result If
District Were to Fall Into
Hands of Enemy.
Each of Committee at SI to Have
Charge of Building In Tarn
(or Period of War.
TILLAMOOK. Or, April 20. (Spe-
claL) While other towns which glory
in the possession of a liberty temple
are trying to devise a way to keep the
building open. Tillamook haa shown
them the way.
A committee of 31 women, of which
Mrs. Robert H. ilcOrath Is chairman,
has undertaken to keep the Tillamook
temple open during the period of the
war. Each of the women has drawn
number, and on the day represented
by that number she is pledied to open
the temple at t o clock In the morn-
ng and to keep It open until a o clock
in the afternoon.
The object of this arrangement Is
that there may be, at all times, a cen
tral point for all war Interests, where
Inquiries may be directed aa to the lo
cations of ths various commltteea and
officers In charga of war work and
wheer subscriptions for the Red Cross
msy be made and war savings and
thrift stamps may be purchased.
Castle Rock to Hear Tfaval Band.
CASTLE ROCK. Wash, April 10.
(Special.) The U. S. Naval Band from
the military training camp near Se
attle will be In Castle Rock April 24.
The band consists of 40 pieces, com
posed of the musicians of the Naval
Reserve Band from the West, and Is
making a tour of the state. They are
touring in the Interest of the third lib
erty loan.
Aberdeen Boy In Brave Company.
ABERDEEN. Wash, April 20. (Spe
cial.) Sam Chamberlain, son of Dr.
nd Mrs. G. E. Chamberlain, of this
city, is a member of section 32. Amer-
lesn Fisld Service, which haa been
decorated by the French command for
bravery In action.
Mexico to Use Airplane on Bandits.
EL PASO. Tex, April 20. A military
airplane which was received at Juares,
Mexico, yesterday from Mexico City, is
to be nsed to search for bandits along
the International border, according to
the Mmminrtfr of the Juares ssrrlson.
With a view to ahowlng how great
ia ths contribution of the Columbia
River Basin to the resources of the
Nation which are available for military
purposes, the Portland Chamber of
Commerce haa compiled in brief a
statement on the subject.
The purpose is to show at a glance
how much can be done by this section
to supply the great variety of prod
ucts used by tne Army and Navy, and
how great a loss would be ruffered If
they were to fall Into the hands of an
The most Important of these re
sources Is timber.. There are In tne
whole of Oregon, the Columbia River
counties of Wsshlngton and Southern
Idaho 662.380,493,000 feet of standing
To this may be added, as directly ac
cessible from the Columbia River, 155,
81S.47S.000 feet in Faatern Washington,
Northern Idaho and Western Montana.
This timber is used In all kinds of
structural work, but most Important a
present are fir In shipbuilding and
spruce In aircraft,'
200 Ships to Be Turned Out.
-The Columbia River district has built
or Is building ships of the total valu
of J175.000.000, of which more than half
are of fir, and la also supplying about
60.000.000 feet of large timbers to At
lantic and Gulf Coast shipyards.
Before the close of this year the dla
trlct will probably have produced 200
ships of wood or steel for use In car
rying and supplying ths Army and
feeding the allies.
Thia country s only great stand of
spruce timber, which has proved' best
for aircraft, ia in Oregon and Wash
iniprton. and Is estimated at 11,500,000,
000 feet. More than half of this total
Is tributary to the Colun.bla River or
to other Oregon ports. It Is now bein
supplied to the Government and the
allies at the rate of more than 10,
000.000 feet a month.
Oregon and the Inland Empire pro
duced In one year 6S.17S.00O bushels of
wheat, 20,000,000 bushels of oats and
12.500,000 bushels of barley.
Complete totals for that region alon
are not available as to other food prod
nets, but the catch of fish In Oregon
and Washington combined Is 13,2a0,
000 and the vegetable production of
Oregon Is 26, 875.000. the fruit 112.670,
000 and the livestock 6,743,000.
Wool Production Large.
To arrive at the total for the en
tire region these totals should be more
than doubled. Wool production in tne
Columbia basin totals 3S.000.000 pounds.
The mineral output of Oregon alon
Is JS, 500.000. comprising gold, silver.
conDer. lead, the rare but highly 1m
nortant chromium and other metals
used In making munitions.
To. these must be addeJ the coal of
Eastern Washington and Montana, th
silver, lead, sino and coper of the
Coeur d'Alene district of Idaho and the
Kootenai district of British Columbia
and the vast copper product of Butte,
Mont, which in a military sense are
accessible from the Columbia.
Through its production of food, tim
ber. minerals, hides and wool this re
glon plays no small part in feeding,
clothing and arming the American
forces and in carrying supplies to them.
come Realised From Fund Will Be
Csed la Relief Work After It Is
Decided What Are Needs.
Corvallls. April 20. (Special.) Organ
ised war work with necessary funds
provided has been decided upon by the
National woman s collegiate fraternity,
Chi Omega. Ths local chapter. Eta
Alpha, at Oregon Agricultural. College,
as receivea wora iroxn tne supreme
governing council that the fraternity
will raise from among Its members
fund of 140.000 as a permanent service
fund and that each alumnae chapter
will be expected to unite with some
one of the women's wa ragenciea, pref
erably the Red Cross circles.
The plan Is to Invest the blsre-est
Z-ar;e Crowd Hears Judge Staple-ton
Speak on Liberty Loan.
BRIDAL VEIL. Or, April SO. (Spe
cial.) A third liberty loan meeting
waa held here Wednesday, the large
and enthuslsstlc sudience being ad
dressed by Judge George W. Staplaton.
of Portland. Judge Stapleton's ad
dress was well received, and his men
tton of ths courage and loyalty of W.
K. Woodward In the Portland Library
Incident met with cheers of approval.
Perry Kttsralller. a loyal volunteer
worker of Bonneville, reported that
Bonneville Is 10 per cent loyal, every
man living there having Invested in
liberty loan bonds, also a large amount
of war savings stamps having been
old there.
Jack Cos. volunteer solicitor la Pal-
Dinner Dance, Week-Day Nights, 6:15 to 8:15 o'Clock
Supper .Dancing, Week Days, Nights, 10:30 to 12:30
sSjk &&'? 4iV &J;
r rM mnv. Pnf,
L ' ."'Vilii'' ilHnWi-" '- 't'n
f J RJehard W. T
mHE Portland Hotel's lead-
-- ership has stood the test
of time.
A generation ago it was known the
world around as a hotel of unusual
hospitality. Many famous men and
women from every part of the globe
have been our guests.
Today, as in days gone by, the same
original atmosphere of refinement
lingers plus the service and cuisine
O of a modern-day hostlery.
Sunday Dinner
With Music
The Portland Hotel
More Week of Ast
argams a
Last Sunday we announced the formal opening of our enlarged store with a sale of unprece
dented bargains. The response was so great during the entire week that we were unable to
wait upon scores of people who must have been disappointed. To give everybody an equal
opportunity, Shanahan has decided to continue the sale during the coming week with a list
of bargains that cannot be duplicated elsewhere. It is Shanahan's desire to make this store
known as the home of good merchandise always at the most reasonable prices.
$3.50 Crepe de
Chine and Habutai
Silk Waists -
Special $1.98
Just received by express In'
time for our GREAT OPEN
brand new purchase that en
ables us to offer values that
SURPASS even those that
have made this store famous
for its style, quality and price.
These beautiful, high-grade
Waists are of excellent qual
ity crepe de chine and heavy
Habutai silks, shown in white,
flesh, apricot, etc. Made with
large collar, some trimmed
with lace, long sleeves, plain
cuffs, all sizes.
A Sweeping Reduction of rt
$1.50 Silk Poplin Special at 89c
36-Inch. No need for us to tell you of the desirable
quality of this justly celebrated fabric. They are
well known to you all. Colors navy, Copenhagen, tan,
white, red. llgrht blue, maize, pink and purple, which
you may secure at this exceptionally low price.
Black Silk Messaline
Underpriced $1 .29
Yard 1
36-Inch. Here Is an opportunity
that will appeal to the economi
cal buyer. Because of the per
manent coloring and their wear
resisting; quality, actually worth
S1.76 today. Special for Monday
and. Tuesday only.
$2 Black Silk Taffeta
Marvelously, $1 .39
Priced, yard . -
Dressmakers and those who do
their own sewing will do well to
attend this sale, for such splen
did Silks are rarely offered at so
low a price. Beautiful, deep, rich
lustrous finish and just the right
weight for costumes, suits, coats,
skirts, waists and petticoats. Our
regular 12 value for Monday and
Tuesday only.
Values to $7.25
Silk Dress
AmaxlBgiy Underprlee-I
At $4.98
Only 15 of These
ONLY 15 of these beautiful extra
quality Silk Skirts, every one a
rare bargain. Taffeta and Mes
saline only. Tour unrestricted
choice, (4.98.
39c I
85c Wool Finish Shepherd
Checks, Special at Yard. , .
50-INCH. Hundreds of economical women will wel
come the opportunity to purchase these lovely, stylish
and serviceable Spring and Summer goods at this sen
sationally low price. Shown in several size checks
sure to please the varying tastes of our patrons.
i Sheets, Pillow Cases and Towels
Bleached Sheets
Special at 79c Each
Hotels, rooming. houses and house
keepers will find it to their own
advantage to lay in their Summer
supply at this extremely low price.
$1.35 Bleached
Special, 95c Each
Plze 72x90 Inches. Welded Seam
Bleached Sheets, made of heavy
round-thread sheeting: excellent
quality soft finish. Supply your
needs for months to come at thia
exceptionally low price. Limit six
.to a customer.
30c Pillow Cases
Special, 21c Each
Size 42x36 inches. Bleached and
Hemmed Pillow Cases, excellent
quality linen finish, with three
inch hem. These are way below
their real value and worthy of
your attention.
35c Marquisette
Special at 22c Yard
These are shown In white, cream
and ecru. Remarkably good value.
This is a grand opportunity to
purchase curtain goods at a won
derfully low price. This is the
house-cleaning season. Come in
and supply your wants.
$2.50 Honeycomb
Amaslngly Underpriced
Special at $1.98 Each
Full size, heavy, close weave,
hemmed all around. A spread that
will surely give entire satisfac
tion. Limittwo to a customer.
75c Sheeting
Special at 49c Yard
72-inch Bleached and Unbleached
Sheeting, comes in full bolts, -is
full 72 inches wide. Excellent
quality, good weight, soft finish.
50c Turkish Bath
Special, 39c Each
ti 99tAK fiiphM Til Vi H Tiirlr
ish Bath Toels: extra heavy
ends, hemmed, thick, full nap.
Here Is your golden opportunity
stantial saving.
30c Turkish Towels
Special, 19c Each
Size 19x40 inches. Bleached and
Unbleached Bath Towels, heavy
quality, ends hemmed. Just the
towel, for good service and will
surely meet tne approval or tne
most careful buyer. Limit six to
a customer.
$2.25 Mercerized
Hemstitched Table
cloths, Each $1.59
Come in and see these beautiful
cloths, suitable for lunch or dinner
cloths. You will surely want one
or two of these to replenish your
piock or linens.
to $2.00
At Only
A fine opportunity for men to pur
chase shirts at practically HALF
these are shirts with PLEATED
BOSOMS stiff cuffs of splendid
quality, and SOIESETTE Shirts,
made with detached collars, soft
cuffs, practically all sizes among;
this great clean-up ior only sac
Men's Fine Derby
Ribbed Union Suits
Special at 98c Each
Men's Fine White Derby Ribbed
Union Suits, short sleeves, closed
crotch, ankle length, sizes 3 to 46.
Men, this is your opportunity. Sup
ply your needs here In this line at
this exceptionally low price.
Wonderful Sale 35c
to 50c Men's
1 Special 19cEacl
Men, the greatest values ws have
ever offered in Ties. Large selec
tion of beautiful patterns and col-
., A lo that rnn't
- vi a, , iu 1 1. , cuud.
be duplicated at this price.
Toilet Paper
Excellent quality crepe raper, put
up In standard size rolls. Tour
opportunity to obtain a genuine
bargain at thla amazingly low
Selected From All Departments
Sensational sale of Bung-alow Aprons, Q
special at, each. OiC
In this day of high prices these aprons are a wonderful bargain. Light
and medium colors. Only regular bungalow style. Your choice of this
astounding bargain m oniy aye. Liimn two to a customer.
Surprise nle of
Gauze Vests
Special at 12y2c Each
Women's Cotton Gauze Vests, low
neck, sleeveless, taped neck and
armlets, all nlzea. at only lZhjc ea.
Women's Gauze Vests
Special at 25c Each
Women's Fine Gauze Vests, plain
or fancy lace yokes, mercerized
taped, square or V-neck, all sizes
34 to 44. special at 85 cents.
Union Suits
Special at 65c Each
Women's Extra Fine Ribbed Union
Suits, low neck, sleeveless, cuff
knees, V-neck, all sizes 34 to 44.
Priced only 65 cents.
Children's Hose
Special at 20c Pair
Children's Medium Weight Ribbed
Hose, double heels ana toes, also
double knees, sizes S to 9Vs; very
special at 20 cents.
Women's Colored Hose
Special 25c Pair .
Women's Fine Gauge Cotton Hose,
double soles, high-spliced heels. In
gold, suede, gray, pink, blue,
champagne, taupe, heliotrope, black
and white, all sizes; every pair
perfect. Specially priced at 23
cents. t .
15c to 25c
Special at 10c Each
Ten dozen of beautiful Swiss and
Silk Handkerchiefs. Swisses have
dainty embroidery sprays: silks
come In many lovely colors; a
grand bargain at only 10c each.
75c Boys' Middy Suits
Special at 39c Each
Made tst mad ana.lltv chambrav.
s;ingham. sizes 2 to 6. Theie cute
little Middy Suits are just what
mothers are looking for.
75c Women's
Envelope Chemise
Special at 48c Each
A choice selection of Envelope
Chemise, daintily trimmed with
lace and embroidery and ribbon
drawn. These will create great
enthusiasm among the particular
$1.50 Men's
Horsehide and
Pigskin Gloves
Special at 98c Pair
Men who require a glove for hard
wear will find in these gloves that
which will give entire satisfaction.
39c Boys' Blouse
Special at 25c Each
Made of good, serviceable percales
and chambrays, neat stripes and
plain colors, size 6 to 14 years.
These are worth your apeclal at
tention. Values to 10c Laces
Special, 3c Yard
These are shown in Torchon and
Vala In a good variety of patterns
suitable for trimming- underwear,
children's dresses, waists, etc.
65c Men's Gauntlet
Special at 48c Pair
Black only. A good, serviceable
glove for anyone who Is working
out of doors.
25c Curtain Scrims
Special at 12y2c Yard
86-INCH Curtain Scrims In white,
cream and ecru, with fancy
hemmed border: excellent quality;
cheap at 25c today. Don't fail to
take advantage of this great of
fering, i
10c to 15c Em-C.
broideries, yard
Edges, Insertions and Beadings, In
a wonderful variety. Swisses and
cambrics. Now Is the time to lay
In a supply for your Spring sewing.
10c Snap Fasteners
Special at 5c Dozen
Colors black and white, all sizes.
Exceptionally good quality.
12c Cards White
Pearl Buttons
Special at 5c Per Card
Mercerized Crochet
Special at 12V2c Ball
10c Spool Pennant j
Basting Cotton e
Special at 6c Each
That Will Meet With
Your Approval in
Both Quality and
25c Dress Ginghams
Special at 19c Yard e
Less than the wholesale price of Z7Z
these goods today. Shown in
plaids, checks, stripes and plain ss;
colors. These beautiful ginghams S3
are suitable for ladies' dresses, sa
children's dresses and blouses. s:
Quality and price cannot be
equaled elsewhere today.
35c Zephyr Ginghams
Extra SDecial 25c Yd.
32-inch. A sensational offering1 of
fine Zephyr Ginghams that will
crowd our Wash Goods Depart
ment. Main Floor. Shown in a
1 ..on.t-mH A la(r1a
UCa u ill ui cooji nc 11 4, j 1. iiiuu,
checks, stripes and combination
errecis, auiiaota ior mat new
house dress, boys waists, chil
dren's wear, etc. Come today and
Via nrAnarcii in lav in Vfilir Summer
25c Dress Percales
Special at 19c Yard
Ladies who prefer percales to
ginghams will find among these
beautiful patterns and colors for
dresses, aprons and children's
wear the goods that will give en
tire satisfaction at a phenomenally
low price.
39c Dress Voiles
Amazingly Underpriced ZZ
At 1 9c Yard 1
40-INCH. Ladles will find smong zS
these lovely goods something for
Spring and Summer Dresses. Just
what they are looking for at a ss
surprisingly low price. Figured ;zs
and flowered effects in beautiful T
colors. Come and supply your SZS
needs while the line is complete. 5
g 25c Child's
H KnitUnder
waists HPEC1AL AT
Excellent qual-
lty. slies 2 to
12 years, taped
front and back.
9 A. 3L to
6 P. M.
9 A. M. to
8 P. M.
We Deliver to All Parts of City New Location, Dekum Bldg Third and Washington Sts.
le TO 3Se
Voiles are the
goods that ap
peal to the
heart of every
woman. They
are soemlnently
satisfactory for
waists and