The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 21, 1918, Section One, Page 10, Image 10

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War Secretary Brings Brave
Message From American
Soldiers in France.
-." Great Crowd In T. M. C. A. Building
at Washington Vociferously Ap-.
plaud rairlotlo Tiler
men of Official.
-.. 'WASHINGTON". April Is. "We will
do our part; you do yours." is the mes-
mii from the American Army in
France to the American people that
Z.", Secretary Baker delivered here tonight
at a liberty loan rally in hla Brat public
.. address alnce Ms return from Europe.
"We are fighting an adversary." lr.
.. Baker declared, "who has elected to
' make force the center of his political
3;; philosophy and belief: pure, naked
force. It la not the doctrine upon which
- a permanent and beautiful civilisation
.. can be built; but we accept that chal
Isnge as it haa been made. There la no
answer except cold, relentless, adequate
" A tremendous crowd that packed the
- I great Y. M- C A. building to its ca
paelty roared with applause as the
" War Secretary reiterated the purpose
ii of America and the allies.
"When force is divorced from moral'
: Ity." he continued, "there Is something;
in morality Uiat engenders the force to
! overcome it. There Is no doubt as to
the outcome.
Allied Hearts rabrekea.
"The end of this war will not come
""when a line is broken. This war can
' not end until a people's heart Is broken
and those who have looked Into the
-"faces of the people of England, of
II France or of Italy, or the faces of those
! refugees leaving territory to be occu-
ii pled, know that mere force can never
-; break that heart."
A new industrial civilization, he said,
-was being superimposed on what
' France bad already built for the war
" .nil 111. inn. w mm m. u.uu
American could go from end to end of
..Ittae line and touch nothing and see
'nothing except that which American
Coins: from the ports where Amer-
, lean troops land to the front line
trebches. Mr. Baker said, be had seen
- uni1. .ml nnrfnp .v.rv rnndlllon.
Ana 1 xouna mem Dig ana strong
i and brave and filled with fine deter
minatlon. In all that time I saw none
. of whont I was not proud that he was
- an American. " . -
Raid Brilliantly Regalae.
Tk Ci.. InM rf til ptlnn Af an
' American officer who psseed along the
front lines on a dark nlxht when his
men were first In the trenches when
: an attack waa impending.
. This officer, he said, patted each of-
- ' ficer and man in the command on the
-. . back as be passed and spoke to them.
l-jter came the ram. it was repuisea
. brilliantly by these new troops, under-
some their baptism of fire.
". "We muat put our - bands on the
'..shoulders of those boys in the
; trenches." said the Secretary; "They
!hcar what goes on In America. They
hear what we are talking about. They
learn whether our bearta are as stout
' as theirs.
"When an opportunity comes Tor
always has In this wsr, they hear it
inn ik i. uauu vii tucia 1 1 v u iuli , vu
tiie dark and moonless nights."
tlon." said "Dad" Walker, president of
the carmen a union.
- "We are supported In our stand by
our International. The labor council
itself has supported the six-cent fare.
having earlier gone on record for an
Increase In earning power for the com
pany so that an advance in wages could
be given its employes.
"Although we ara working In co-operation
with the streetcar company, we
are not out to strangle the jitneys, as
has been Intimated.
A question waa raised yesterday as
to the validity of a number of peti
tions filed with City Auditor Funk by
employes of the streetcar company, be
cause they contained no sponsor.
"I took this subject up with City
Attorney LaRoche." said Mr. Funk last
night, "and be promised a written opin
Edward Cooklngham, executive
chairman for the third liberty
loan drive in this state, sent the
' following telegram to all county
chairmen yesterday:
"President Wilson haa Issued a
proclamation designating Friday.
April 2, as Liberty day. He re
quests people of the I'nlted States
to assemble at respective commu
nities to pledge again their finan
cial aupport to the Nation's cause
and to hold patriotic demonstra
tions under direction of liberty
loan committees. He desires that
the Nation's response to the third
liberty loan should express In un
mistakable terms the determina
tion of America to fight for per
manent peace and Justice. AU
Government employes whose
services may be spared may be
excused at noon Friday, April It,
for the purpose of participating
In celebrations. Will you kindly
give thla wideat possible public
ity and make suitable plana for
demonstrations? The President's
proclamation was published In
newspapers of the 19th."
Forecasts of Financial Bill to
Be Presented Tomorrow Go
High as 3 Billion Pounds.
Including Expensiv
Jewelry and Possibly
Likely to Be Levied
by Government.
Ion soon. His personal Judgment waa
that It makes no difference."
Argwsaeat Takes Place la Andltortaa
( Washington High School, De
daloa Standing 3 e 1.
John Gavin and Francis Radley, rep
resenting The Dalles High School, lost
the decision In a debate last night to
Dewey Prost and Phillip Elliott, repre
senting Salem High School. The de
bate took place In the Washington High
School auditorium here, the Judges vot
ing two to one for the Salem High
School speakers.
The subject debated was, "Resolved,
That at the end of the present war the
United States should Join a league of
nations which shall poasess the power
to enforce the decisions of an Interna
tional court." The winning team up
held the affirmative side of the ques
The winners will meet the repre
sentatives of Marshdeld High School
for the state championship In the near
The speeches last night were of 15
minutes' duration, and aix-mlnute re
buttals were given by Gavin for the
negative and Prost for the affirmative.
Mr. Prost opened the debate for the
affirmative and Mr. Gavin opened for
the negative. Mr. Elliot followed for
the affirmative, and Mr. Radley closed
the debate for the negative.
LONDON. April 10 The budget which
Andrew Bonar Law, Chancellor of the
Excheauer. will present In the House
of Commons Monday will be the highest
financial bill that Parliament has yet
had to conaider.
Forecasts by financial writers give
the estimated expenditure for the fiscal
year, which began April 1, at,
The estimated revenue on the pres
ent scale of taxation Is 750,000,000
which would result in a deficit of
2,260,000,000, to be covered by war
loans and Increased taxation.
The country la prepared to accept
greatly Increased taxes and expects th
government to propose to raise at leas
1100,000,000 and perhaps even double
thst amount thereby.
The principal Innovation expected
a tax on luxuries, similar to that in
France. Expensive clothing, jewelry
and art objecta are likely to be in
eluded In this scheme. London is the
world's center for art auctions, and
there is a demand for a toll on auction
The income tax has long been the
backbone of the British treasury; It
has been found to be the most even
and easily collected of all imposts.
Hence, the chancellor will naturally
give another turn of the screw there.
'i a present flat rate Is five shillings
In the pound. It Is expected that thl
will be increased to six shillings eight
pence, while the supertax which now
is payable on Incomes of f 3000 will be
extended to those of 2000.
No Increase in the excess profits tax
Is expected. It Is at present 80 per
An increase In the tax on tobacco,
which Is already heavily taxed, while
importations have been checked and
stocks are decreasing, is not predicted.
Cigars, however, may be listed as lux
urles in the new schedule.
There Is talk of a change In the
method of imposing the income tax
on farmers. The tax heretofore has
been assessed on the basis of farm
rentals Instead of profits.
Irvlngton Car Crashes Into Car
Driven by George Hammond.
Froaa Lcelare W ill Be Teed
la Aiding Halved aad Weaaded
eldlera aad Dependents.
"There's one wish very dear to my
heart I want to see American Infantry
standing shoulder to shoulder with the
British In that Plave line, lou've no
"Idea of the Joy and comfort that would
fee felt in Italy if American Yeglmente
merely marched through the streets of
Turin and never went near the line.
Then. too. I think the sight of an Amer
ican uniform opposite them would have
the effect of being about the last atraw
lor the Austrian.
This waa but one of the Instructive
- lines of thought eldellghta on Italy's
Jvvle in the great world war given the
audience which last night drank In the
lecture of Professor Charles Upson
, Clark, of Rome, presented in the au
ditorlum of the Lincoln High School.
Twice In the titanlo conflict has
Italy really saved the day for the allied
cause: ahe should not so much have
the pity or sympsthy of the allies as
their gratitude, the lecturer asserted.
A l J II v 1 1 1 .HmrViS iLllsfvi vu
and maintained an army or e.&ov.ovv
men. She has been at war longer than
;any of the other radons, there never
1 in reality having been a cessation of
"hostilities since she began to fight
Turkey in 11I.
Magnificent pictures, both slides and
,'motiun films, showing Italy at war, ac
companied tne latter portion or, the lee
Proceeds from the lecture will be
.remitted direct to Italy by Professor
Clark, to be used for the benefit of
maimed and wounded Italian soldiers
, and the families of those who have fal
len in battle.
When an Irvlngton car smashed Into
tomobile driven by George Ham-
d. of 80s Kenilworth avenue, at
Seventh and Multnomah streets
last night the machine waa tossed so
violently against a nearby water hy
drant that the hydrant waa broken off
and the four occupants of the automo
bile were thrown -into the street, not
one of them escaping without injury-
Mrs. R. F. Jones, who was accom
panied by her husband, sustained in1
Juries to ber right leg and an amputa
tlon may ba necessary, one also re
celved body bruises. Mr. Jones was
badly shaken by his fall and Is at the
Good Samaritan Hospital with Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs, Hammond suffered
minor bruises and a few small cuts.
Army Officers Hold Conference With
Secretary Baker.
WASHINGTON. April JO. The two
British missions hesded by General
Hutcheson and Lieutenant - General
Bridges reached Washington today and
after a conference with the British Am
bassador were taken to see Secretary
It Is generally assumed that Lleuten-
ant-Cieneral Bridges' commission, which
Includes a large number of army offi
cers, in addition to taking up the work
of supplying the British army with ma
terials from America, will assemble and
train British subjects in America who
have volunteered for service in the
British army.
The Hutcheson commission, it Is be
lieved, will deal with commercial mat
rnirrin nrvn asc nvrn nritr.
Cai ss a's UsJea Displeased Beeaaae ef
aailare of Central Cesaeil to
Contrlbate Sapport.
Young Woman Will Represent Ore-
gon In Interstate Contest.
EUGENE. Or.. April 20. (Special.)
Faye Bolin. student at Willamette Uni
versity, won first honors at the Oregon
oratorical contest of the Intercollegiate
Prohibition Association, held In Eugene
last night, and will represent the state
at the interatste contest for Washing
ton, Oregon. Montsna and Idaho, to be
held at Salem in May.
Miss Bolin's subject was "The Test
of Honor." Mary E. Pennington, of
Pacific Collejre, waa awarded second
plsce. and Chris J. Benny, of the Eu
gene Bible University, third. Miss Pen
nington's subject was "The Time to
Strike." Mr. Benney spoke on the sub
ject "For the Defense of the President
and tne Safety of the Future."
Local Federal Officers Ready to Act
When Definite Instructions Are
Received From Waahlngton.
Federal officials here are awaiting
definite instructions from Washington
to proceed with the registration of
women alien enemies required under
the law enacted by Congress last week
and approved by the President. Be
fore the provisions of the measure can
be carried, out the President must first
Issue a proclamation. When this has
been done the Attorney-General will
prescribe the general rules under
which the registration shall be made
and forward the same -to the United
States Marshal in each state.
As the law is interpreted here, it
applies to all women alien enemies.
In the registration of alien enemy
malea several weeks ago, however, only
unnaturalized Germans 14 years old
and over were required to register.
Subjeots of Austria-Hungary, although
alien enemies, were exempted from
registering. It Is considered likely
that the registration of women alien
enemies may also be confined to women
of German birth.
Another important point to be de
termined Is by whom the registration
of these women will be made. The
registration of males was done under
the supervision of the chief of police
in cities of 5000 and over. In all other
communities the work was superin
tended by the postmasters.
Colonel Jj. P. Mans Inspects Medical
Conditions In Northwest.
The appearance In Portland yester
day of Colonel L. P. Maus. surgeon of
the Western Department of the United
States Army, with headquarters at San
Francisco, has seml-off icially given
credence to the belief that a military
hospital for the rehabilitation of Amer
ican soldiers msy be established in this
vicinity. If not within the city of Port
Colonel Maus does not deny that it
comes within the province of his work
to help select one or more sites for
such Institutions.
Colonel Maus has been inspecting
medical conditions at Vanvouver Bar
racks. Fort Stevens and other Army
camps of this section. Conditions in
TSae Settle Stop Bids'.
I Farewell to. Portland!
Because the store can't be made to pay, W. S. Settle has decided to retire,
and the finest and most exclusive Suits and Coats, Dresses and Waists are
offered at a fourth to a half less than former prices an occasion so out of the
ordinary, so timely and so altogether good that it isn't necessary to urge
folks to come to it!
rpHE Settle Shop is going to XT ERE are some Dresses enough
Everything's for sale.
Everything plainly marked.
Everything new, and beauti
ful and good.
You can save from a fourth
to a half on suits, coats, dresses,
You can buy the furniture
and carpets, the mirrors and all
the fixtures if you want 'em!
For this much is positive
The Settle Shop quits.
SUITS that were $87.50 can
now be bought for $48.50. A
$65.00 Suit of
navy serge is
now priced at
$27.50. An
other that
was $87.50 is
now $39.50.
Still another
suit, of navy
a fancy silk
vest, is $28.50
instead of
$57.50. Then
fhere are big
groups at
$24.75, $28.75
and $36.50
all of them
new, all fine,
all exclusive
and all re
duced a third
ana in some
instances close to half price.
Those stylish serges and
ricotine suits at $24.75 are
selling best of all. They're in
black and navy "Folks like
he pleated little coat tails
best!" says one of the sales
women by way of explana-
to judge by. A Blue Foulard
Dress that was $95.00 is $68.50. A
Shadow Silk Voile Dress in black and
white that was $75.00 is now $38.50.
A Black Net Party Dress that was
$50.00 is now $28.00. A group of
Georgette Dresses richly beaded and
embroidered are priced at $38.50
each. Foulard and Taffeta Dresses
that were $30.00 and $35.00 are now
$15.50 and $18.75.
Wash Dresses in plaid and shepr
herd checked ginghams are $9.50 in
stead of $15.00. (They arrived only
two or three days ago.)
repriced in
the most deter
mined fashion.
Fine hand-em
broidered Waists
from France (just
arrived, too), arel
$17.50 instead of
$22.50, and $12.85
instead of $18.00.
We have marked
them all at in
voice cost, plus a
small percentage
to defray express
charges, etc.
Eighteen dollar
Waists from France for $12.85 one
of a kind and no duplicate anywhere
in the Northwest. Linen Waists,
plain tailored with high neck and
smart collar, $11.85 instead of $17.50.
Georgette Waists at $5.85 instead of
$7.50 and $8.50 and Lawn Waists that
were $3.00 for $1.95 apiece.
Best of all, there are nearly a hun
dred Waists of Crepe de Chine in
gray, rose, canary, white and cream.
They were made to sell for $7.50 and
$8.50 apiece. We have repriced the
whole collection at $5.45.
f fin m
-ft PLiiJ1 ill
His o tttlt eSioip
r&r'f?r tC nfyr
j8foc. ClDasfLin&onJiZ Qr&,
,r r
COATS of high degree are offered
at like reductions. Here's a group
Coats, gay col
ors; are $14.75
instead of $25.
All new, too!
The handsome
Bolivia Cloth
Coats that
were $48 can
be bought for
$28.50; the $75
ones, full silk
lined, for $55.
Many other
Coats one of
a kind will
be arranged
tomorrow by
time the store
opens, at lower
prices lower
than are in
force -at this
time. We are
clearing up as
we go along,
you see!
day a big lot of them. They
were ordered months ago and we
had to accept the shipment or pay
express charges both ways.
They're marked at $3.85, $4.65 and
so on; the tailoring and the fabrics
are beautiful Satin Solieles, Satin
Brocades and Satin Matelasse, White
Pique, and so on. All about one-third
less. '
PETTICOATS, Sweaters, Sleeve
less Coats of silk and velvet,
White Jersey Suits and Jersey
Dresses all deserve a chapter, but
the space is used up and the tale
must end.
I wish the people who have ac
counts here would send in their
checks. That end of the business can
be closed up right away if this is done.
Please, if you have an account
here, write a check NOW.
Oh, yes, Sunday's all right for
good deeds!
And pay cash for all you buy
from now on, else we'll never
get through.
I thank you.
P. S. Please come in the
general have been found excellent, he
say a.
Society Adopts "Torpedo Tea."
EL, PASO, Tex.. April 19. Torpedo
teas are being given by EI Faso women
at their comes to raise money with
hich to purchase yarn for the Navy
League. The teas take their name
from the fact that small banks shaped
like torpedoes are distributed and the
money for the warn fund placed in
these banks by the players. A chain
of these torpedo teas is now being
ven hv the members of the leaeue.
Several Thousand Corda of Stale
Wood Threatened by Flame.
C.i rr m f F-4-f Lm Vi a a ri.vlAB.d K.f w .an
.the Central Labor Council of Portland FIRE MENACES WOOD CAMP
and the local union of-streetcar meal
because tbe former organization has
failed to co-operate with the carmen in
their efforts to bring about regulation
of jitneys. An agreement has not been
reached, as yet. although two meetings
have ben held.
Despite the altitude of the Central
Labor Council, the streetcar men are
going ahead and will strive to have
tbe Jttneya placed under regulation.
Beads of tbe carmen's nnlon declare.
"We hold that the Jitneys should give
aa roMi a.rrlr. mm Ih. itrMtnra .nil
.should be subject to suitable regula-
SALEM. Or.. April SO. (Special.)
Serious fire broke out late tonight in
the wood camp of the State Cottage
Karm. three miles south of the city.
Superintendent Steiner sent large
crews of men to the scene.
About two years' cutting of wood.
representing several thousand cords.
reported to be threatened.
Mrs. George G. Brown, TJnlonvllle,
Michigan. R. F. D. No. 4, writes as fol
'It la with pleasure that I find a lit
tle time to tell of my sickness. In the
Fall of 1891 we moved on a farm and I
waa feellaa- badlr. In 1891 I became so
bad that I would fall, aa matter where
I was. I can't explain the pain. My
husbarid told me to see a doctor. I went
to my dragglst and he advised me to
take Peraas, saying he believed It
would help me If I would take It
slowly (or a month and then get
a bottle of Manalln. But I was
so afraid my pain might come back
that I did not take it slowly, bat took
two bottles of Penina la a week. But.
thank God, the aala aever came back.
I took twelve bottle of Peruna and
two nettles ef Maaalln, thea I was well.
Before taking Peruna ray weight was
129 lbs. and now it Is 1M lbs. I am now
an old lady. 66 years old. and have
many grandchildren that take Peruna.
I thank you with all my heart; your
reasedy saved say life. We all use Pe
runa for colds and coughs. Peraaa la
ar Doctor."
We All
Golds v
Is Our
Jm I
-- ll"d
Tboee who object to I lan id Med
icine can secure Peraaa Tab
lets, Adv. .
Are Told How to Find
Relief from Pain.
, Nashua, N.IL "I am nineteen years old and
every month for two years I had such pains that I
would often faint and have to leave school. I had
each pain I did not know what to do with myself
and tried so many remedies that were of no use.
I read about Lydia . Fmkham's Vegetable.
Compound in' the newspapers and decided to
try it, and that is how I found relief from
pain and feel so much better than I used to.
When I hear of any girl Buffering
as I did I tell them how Lydia E.
Finkham's Vegetable Compound
helped me." Dzlina Martin,
29 Bowers Street, Nashua, N. H.
lydia B. Finkham's Vegetable Compound,
made from native roots and herbs, contains no
narcotic or harmful drugs, and is, therefore,
sv urman r