The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 21, 1918, Section One, Image 1

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    Section One
80 Pages
Pages lto24
Kaiser's Storm Troops
Beaten Near TouL
Bodies Take Seicheprey With
. .1200 Men, but Yankees Hurl
, Them Out, Killing Many.
Germans Assault on Front of
Mile and Engagement Rages
Furiously Hand-to-Hand.
Br Associated Pres.
FRANCE, April 20. Twelve hundred
German storm .troops, the largest
number ever concentrated against the
American troops for an offensive op
eration, were hurled against "the
American position!, on a one-mile
front west of Renneres forest, north
west of Toul. today, after a terrific
bombardment ot gas nd high ex
plosive shells.
The enemy succeeded in penetrating
the front-line trenches and taking the
Tillage of Seicheprey, but, after furi
ous hand-to-hand fighting, which was
till going on at nightfall, the Ameri
can troops recaptured the village and
luost of the ground lost in the early
Three Hun Are Captured.
No Americans were taken prisoner,
but three Germain were captured.
German airplanes, flying at a low
altitude, attempted to disorganize the
American fighting men, bet two en
emy aviators were brought down and
the others driven off.
The Germans suffered heavy cas
ualties and the American lines re
mained virtually inttct.
The German airmen poured machine-gun
fire into the American
troops, but the anti-aircraft batteries
came into play and American airmen
took the air, bringing down two of the
enemy planes and dispersing the oth
ers. All tne American airmen re
turned safely.
Boche Expectations Unrealized.
The atUckins troops carried ra
tions and entrenching tools, indicating
that they intended to occupy the
American positions for a long period.
A heavy haze overhung the sector
when the attack began, but later there
was brilliant sunshine. The American
artillerymen did valiant work, the
men on many of the batteries wearing
gas masks.
The enemy's casualties are believed
to have been the heaviest sustained by
him thus far in any operations against
American troops. Numbers of Ger-
rnnr.urttd on Fag. 2, Column 1. 1
ciL-fe i S,
: thrHrl,Lr : t - I :
t ti t T -, i" l . . . . . , . .sr.,--.:: --i
Fall Pardon Granted for Past Of
fense and GoTernment Will
Care for Helpless Soldier.
LANSING. Mich, April lO. Edward
Putnam, alia William Brennan, who
escaped from Jackson prison whilo
serving; a sentence (or larceny and en
listed In 116 In the Canadian army,
was granted an absolute pardon today.
Putnam served at Vlray Ridge, and
was so badly wounded that be is vir
tually helpless. On being; discharged
be came back to Michigan and was
recognised and returned to prison.
He was to be taken today to London.
Oct, where be will be cared for at the
expense of the Canadian government.
Mayor Says cTalary Increase De
manded Is Impossible.
OLYMPIA. Wash, April 10. (Spe
clal.) Olympta's fire department went
on strike today. The chief asked for
an Increase from $100 to $150 monthly.
the assistant chief asked $12 and tbe
force demanded six firemen at $100
each, where lour formerly served at
Mayor Jesse Mills says tbe Increase
is Impossible and temporary firemen
have been placed on duty until the de
partment can be reorganised. All the
men walked out but the chief, who re
mained until be could be relieved.
Austrian Methodically Devastate
Occupied Italian Territory.
ROME. April 20. In their methodical
devastation of the occupied Italian ter
ritories, the Austrians have melted
down all the bronsa statues in the
towns, which were such familiar ob
jects of publio Interest.
One of the statues destroyed was that
of the famous actress. Adelaide Rlstori.
who achieved distinction in the United
States as well as Europe several dec
ades ago. playing- with Edwin Booth.
The statue of I'l- actress, who died In
10(. was at Clvldale. her birthplace.
Recruits at T. M. C. A. Training
School prak French Fluently.
NEW TORtC April JO. A unit of 18
young; women telephone operators, re
cruited from ail parts of the country
and who can answer both to "hello"
and "alio." is billeted at tbe National
T. M. C. A. training school here, await
ing sailing orders to Join the United
Slates S.gnal Corps auxiliary service
In Kroner.
All speak French fluently.
Central American Republic to Ilave
Liberty Loan Campaign.
NEW YORK. April SO. Announce
ment that Costa Rica, one of the Cen
tral American republics, which has
broken relations with Germany, Is to
conduct a campaign for tbe sale of
United States liberty bonds, was made
here tonight by Alfred Gonzales, ex
President of Costa Rica. In an address
at a liberty loan rally.
Violations Vp to January SI Number
SSI; Protests of Slight Avail.
GENEVA. Switzerland. April 20.
The neutrality of Swltserland had been
violated 68 times up to the end of
January, according to an official an
nouncement today.
In 41$ Instances aviators were responsible-
Swltserland has received
little satisfaction for the protests
Wakan Launched Just
Before Midnight.
Fast Job Done Without Sunday
or Holiday Labor.
Grant Smith-Porter Ship Company's
Wager of $10,000 That No Plant
in Country Can Beat Them
Still Stands Uncovered.
A world's record in rapid wooden
ship construction was established in
Portland last night when the hull of
the steamer Wakan left the ways of
the Grant Smith-Porter Ship Company
at 11:57 P. M. and glided out upon the
moonlit waters of the Willamette River.
The keel of the Wakan was laid only
51 days ago. From the start until the
Wakan was released last night the men
labored neither Sundays nor holidays.
Tbe launching was successful in
every way and nothing occurred to mar
the occasion, memorable because of the
new world's record which- it estab
Mrs. Andrew Porter Spmsor.
Mrs. Andrew R. Porter was sponsor
for the Wakan when she left the ways.
Workmen employed In the building of
the Wakan and a number of Invited
guests watched and applauded when
the steamer slid majestically Into the
water. Craft and plants all along the
river front signaled the launching by
prolonged blasts of their whistles.
Every man connected with the Grant
Smith-Porter Ship Company bad an in
terest in the' record ship. From the
time It began to take shape, and it was
evident that better speed was being
maintained than ever before, there was
a determination to make a mark that
would stand for some time.
Vlakaa Is Math SMa.
The hull of tbe Wawco, the pioneer
of that plant, was floated February 17
and two days later the keel of the
Wakan went Into place on the ways
vscated by the first carrier. There are
eight sets of ways In use and the
Wakan was the ninth ship that com
pany has put overboard, all being
floated since February 17. an average
In excess of one hull a week. ' '
It was only a short time after tbe
keel went Into place that a shipyard on
Puget Sound, the Seaborn plant, ad
vised the Emergency Fleet Corpora
tion's executives at Washington that
In 10 days the full framing of a Ferris
ship has been placed. It was Intimated
no other yard could exceed the show
lug. The Grant Smith-Porter Ship Com
pany was engaged In building Hough
ships then, but soon after started a
Ferris ship, and Just to show what
speed really means the men determined
t- practice on the Wakan. They felt
so good about the prospect of a race
with another yard that $10,000 was
posted that no plant in the country
cculd best them in speed, workmanship
and efficiency. The bet has not been
covered and, after last night's launch
ing, it Is doubted if it will be.
Three Mere Mouth Ships Due.
The company originally undertook
to build 12 Hough ships at Portland
and eight on Grays Harbor, so there
remain three of that design to be
floated here, and thereafter Ferris
ships will be turned out, eight of the
latter, having been contracted for by
the Government and four of them are
.on the stocks.
Portland contributed three hulls yes
4 Concluded on Page 22, Column 6.)
The Weather.
YESTERDAY Maximum temperature, 83
degrees; minimum 61 degrees.
TODAY'S Fair, moderate northwesterly
win da
Americans crush big German attack. Sec
tion 1. page 1.
Armies in France prepare to renew big bat
tle. Section X. page 2.
American Navy declared to have conquered
. U-boat along west coast of France. Sec
tion 1. page 1.
Big things being done where Oregon troops
are stationed, writes Will G. MacRae.
Section 1. page 3.
Five officers and 39 men lost when U-boat
sinks American steamship Lake Morro.
Section 1. page 6.
President announces new law to restrict
women enemy aliens in effect. Section 1,
page i. ,
Schwab would convert Coast' wood shipyards
Into steel producers. Section 1, page a.
Third liberty loan not halt subscribed with
hU the time gone. Section i. page .
Crowder announces plans for selective draft
service. Section 1. page 4.
Work on Government railroads In Alaska
held back by war. Section 1. page a.
Secretary Baker, at war loan rally, tells of
aim visit to France. Section 1. page f.
Bolshevik! after war atores at Vladivostok
and Japanese will strengthen forces mere.
Section 1. page 8.
German government seeks repudiation by
Reichstag of peace resolution ot last
July. . section 1. page .
Attitude of Catholic Church 'significant fea
ture of Irish crisis. Section 1, page .
Street battles in Petrogrsd described by
Louise Bryant. Section 1. page
Rrltfsh bndnt to h nresented tomorrow ex
pected to reach record-breamng iisurw oi
three billion pounds. Section l. page i.
Escaped American convict redeems name by
bravery at Vlmy Ridge, section u paso
Two Germans arrested at New York on
charge of spying on V. S. transports.
Section 1. page 4.
Thomas, disguised Chicago sociologist, may
appear on lecture piatiorm. ow-"
page 5.
Pacific Northwest.
Suspension of work on Pacific Highway In
Douglas county xouna unnecessary, op
tion 1. nsse 8.
Gvr.r.rv nf Kl.t. relffe. ballots for com
ins primary election, section i. ps -
University relents accept resignation of al
lseed nro-German librarian.
Page 6.
Russellltes cancel meeting scheduled today
at Corvallis. -Section 2, page o.
Wsshlngton High leads race in Inlerschol
utln T ... .it. RMtian page 1-
Ysnnlgans turn tables on Regulars snd win.
I It I section z. page i.
Four shipbuilders" games scheduled for to-
...v Hw-tlnn na,H
Spring weather brings out golf enthusiasts.
Section 2. page 2.
Vancouver Beavers working out kinks pre
paratory to opening season, aprn '
against Portland. - Section 2. page 2.
Motorbqat Club plans membership drive.
Section 2, page a.
Golden West smoker card contains nign-
flmmM hAntL Section 2. Daxe 3.
InterseholMtle track squads working out
dally. Section 2. page .
Many Northwest athletes to enter Indoor
meet Friday. Section 2. page 4.
191S tennis schedule Includes 150 tourna
ments. Section 2. page 6.
Motorcycle races arranged for Decoration
day. Section 2, page 5.
Oregon defeats Aggies -U-second sane, 1S-1.
Section 2, page a.
Commercial and Marine.
Wooden ships of B0O0 tons esslly built here.
save Fred A. Ballln. section a, peso -
Steamer Westgate leaves today on endurance
run. Section 1. page 22.
Wooden ship launched In 51 days makes
new world's record. SecUon 1. page X.
Seattle shipbuilders get out big steel
freighter In 60 day a eecuou i. ps -
Portland and Vicinity.
Would-be soldier would allot pay to mother
Instead of wife. Section 1, page 7.
Councils of Defense to meet in Portland.
Section 1, page u. ,
Resources of Columbia River Basin set forth.
Section 1. page 19.
City to regulate placing of electric eigne
on streets, election u page l.
Every Oregon city now has subscribed its
full quota, section I. page
Boy Scouts aid called for In Nation-wide
liberty loan campaign, section i, page i.
Portland business men study needs of Coast
defense, section l. page xa.
Coroner will investigate death of motorcycle
policeman, section l, page 10.
New $50,000 foundry Industry launched in
Portland, section i, page le.
Ex-Governor West coming home, presumably
to wage campaign xor oenatorsmp sec
tion L page 16.
Bootlegging game develops many artful
dodgers. Section L page 17.
Oregon Woman's party urges passage of
Susan Anthony amendment. Section J.
page 18.
Druggist Crocker convicted of bootlegging
and fined $250. Section 1. page IS.
Lake County's liberty loan-quota four times
subscribed. Section 1, page 20.
Red Cross dispute with Christian Scientists
is settled. Section V page 20. ,
Star attractions as speakers for liberty loan
announced. Section 1. page 20.
Red Cross looks to Northwest for sphagnum
surgical dressings. Section 1. page 2L
Portland lovers of sea food to be educated
anew. Section 1. page 18.
Portland stamp sales may exceed $1,000,000
mark- Section L page 20.
Oregon farms to go over top. Section 1.
- page 12.
Weather report, data and forecast. Section
1. page 13.
.t y
bh ioi.o
Wilson Announces New
, Law in Effect.
Enemy Aliens in Skirts to Be
Dealt With Same as Men.
Necessity of Registration Waived in
Case of Natives of Dual Mon
archy Restrictions Complete
. in Case of Feminine Huns.
WASHINGTON. April 20. German
and Austrian women in the United
States were placed under the same re
strictions as have prevailed for male
enemy aliens by a proclamation icsued
today by President Wilson under the
recently enacted law, including women
in the definition of enemy aliens.
These restrictions, applicable only to
women above 14 who have not been
naturalized by their own or their male
relatives' declarations of citizenship.
are as follows:
German and Austrian women are sub
ject to arrest and internment if they
violate the laws or are regarded as
dangerous persons to allow at large.
, Registration! to Be Enforced.
German women must register, as
German males have done, with police
or postmasters, on some future date to
be determined by Attorney-General
German women are forbidden to en
ter barred zones about water fronts
and warehouses without special permit
after a date not yet determined by the
German women must leave the dis
trict of Columbia by next Monday mid
night, if ihey are transients, ot by
May 6, if they have lived In the district
since war "was declared. None may
enter .tbe District. .. "
Authorities Powerless Heretofore.
By these restrictions the Govern
ment hopes to rid the country of : a
number or women wno are
having promoted German propaganda,
even after their husbands or other
male relatives were interned. '
Until now the authorities have been
powerless to take any action against
the women enemy aliens because an old
statute included only males above the
age of 14 The recent law amends the
old law by removing the word' "males."
In lines with the President's policy
of leniency toward male subjects of
Austria-Hungary, the women of this
nationality will be subject only to the
general danger of being interned If
they prove dangerous. '
Announcement of Date Delayed.
The date on which German women
will be barred from waterfronts will
be announced as soon as arrangements
can be made for women to apply for
permits and thorough investigation of
each applicant.
The number of German women in the
United States, is estimated at. about
400,000, or 100,000 less than the num
ber of German males.
A week will be assigned later for the
registration and women will be re
quired to give full information con
cerning their individual records, their
families and to record their finger
Removals to Be Regulated.
Thereafter they may move to an
other place of residence only after ob
taining permit from the registering
agent- ' .
Police will conduct registration In
'Concluded on Page 5, Column 2.)
No Tonnage Lost Along West Coast
of France During the Last
Three . Months.
the Associated Press.) "I have seen so
much that is fine in the way our Navy
' keeping the faith along the west
coast of France," said James Kerney,
director of the Franco-American com
mittee of public information, "that I
think the folks at home would like to
know how admirably our troops and
supplies are being safeguarded.
"A French Vice-Admiral told me that
It was due to the great skill and co
operation of the American Navy that
no tonnage had been lost on this coast
for three months. He was most en
thusiastic in his praise of Rear Admiral
Wilson, who seems to have captured
all this part of France.
, "The depth bomb, the ' listening de
vice and the hydro-airplanes In the
hands of the Americans have conquered
the submarines.
"I happened to be at a port when a
convoy, including several big troop
ships, formerly German liners, came
in I went on board some of these
transports and found the troops happy
in admirable surroundings. I also vis
ited some of the destroyers.
"The commanders of both the ships
and destroyers go without sleep for
days at a time in order that the-troops
shall be 'safe from danger."
Mr. Kerney referred to the deep feel
ing shown by the rural population of
J France about America.
"Along the roadside," he said, "it Is
not uncommon for women and children
to kneel as our American military cars
go by.
"In one very old church, where we
stopped, we found the Stars and Stripes
draped over a tablet recording the
names of the parish boys who had gone
to the front."
Subjects of Alphonso in France May
Ask King to Intervene.
' PARIS, April 20. Senor Alonso, for
mer secretary of the Spanish Chamber
of Commerce in Paris, has addressed an
appeal to Spanish residents of France
to sign a petition to King Alfonso, re
questing him to endeavor to stop the
bombardment of Paris by German air
craft.and long range guns.
. - The appeal says the lives of thou
sands of Spaniards here-are -menaced,
while Spain extends her hospitality to
100,000 subjects of the central powers.
Yesterday's long range bombardment,
which consisted of three shots at wide
intervals, resulted In- no casualties and
did little damage.
Grays Harbor Employment Agents
Need 400 Men for Jobs.
ABERDEEN, Wash., April 20. (Spe
cial:) Loaf ing. has gone out of vogue
in Aberdeen, employment agents .say.
They are finding no idlers around town
and few men are changing jobs by
shifting from one camp or mill to an
other. .
About 400 men for various kinds of
camp, mill and shipyard work are be
ing sought, and employment agents be
lieve practically the entire number will
have to be brought from outside of tbe
Harbor district.
Procession at Philadelphia Reviewed
by Mrs. Woodrow Wilson.
PHILADELPHIA, April 20. Mrs.
Wilson, wife of the President, came
here from Washington this afternoon,
and from, a grandstand at Broad street
reviewed a parade of 25,000 Philadel
phia women who are working to win
the war.
The most conspicuous group in the
procession was a company of 50 Ar
menian women dressed in deep mourn
ing. THEM.
Big Guns Presage Re
newal of Struggle.
German Raids Against French
and Belgians Fruitless.
Teutons Lose Nine Machine Guns,
Trench Mortar and Prisoners in
' Conflict With English Huns
Outfought Near Givcnchy.
PARIS,-April 20. There was strong
artillery activity today west of the
Avre and on both banks of the Meuse.
The Germans, in a minor attack east of
Mt. Mihiel, gained a footing in the
French trenches, but were ejected, ac
cording to the War Office announce
ment tonight.
German attacks against the Belgians
tcday resulted in the gaining of some
ground by the enemy, who, however,
was almost Immediately driven back,
according to tbe Belgian official com
munication tonight.
German Raid Is Futile.
German troops last night launched a
raiding operation against tbe French
lines in the region of Hangard-en-San-tcrre,
southeast of Amiens. Tbe ef
fort was a failure. The French took
prisoners In this local action.
The artillery has been active along
th.. southern battle line between Las
slgny and Noyon.
LONDON. April 20 There was no
iiirhtine- Of CrPflt imnrlni.n n 1. -
British front, according to Field Mar
shal Haig's report from headquarters.
The operations were largely confined
to small affairs carried out by the
British, who succeeded in improving
their line a little.
. By tho Associated Press. J
Renewal. of heavy lighting is momen
tarily looked for along the western bat
tle front, not only on the Flanders line.
but the south, in the Sorame area, whero
the Germans made their bid for a quick
victory last month and failed in their
larger purpose of dividing the British
and. French armies at a single stroke.
Reports from the front show that elgns
a-4 not wanting that the Germans purpose-
attacking again in the Amiens
Against this blow the armies of six
nations are standing together today in
the battle area British, French, Amer
ican, Belgian, Italian and Portuguese
divisions ready not only to repel tho
Inevitable attack, but to strike back
when the proper moment comes.
Allies Hold When Necessary.
Apparently, the allies have thrown In
only enough of their reserves to hold
the Germans, conserving their strength
as far as possible. It has been noted,
however, that when the necessity of
holding becomes imperative the holding
power was there.
In the north the enemy, after his
bitter reverses of Thursday and Fri
day along- the Givenchy. St. Venant
line south of tne Lys, apparently is
pausing to organize i.iore thoroughly
for attacks upon Mount Kemmel, the
dominating, peak , in the. ridge, zone,
which tbe British are holding firmly
southwest of Ypres.
British Line Restored.
Field Marshal Haig found himself
able to take the aggressive on Friday
night and carry out an operation which
deprived the Germans of even - such
small "gains as they had been forced to
content themselves with when Thurs
day's bttle was over. By this inten
sive British action the line, as it stood
(Concluded on Page 5. Column 3.)