SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 12 mn Editorial, Society and Music VOL. XXXVII. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL ' 7, 1918.. NO. 14. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING Here's America's Best! Braver, Finer Soldiers the World Has Never Seen They Are Carrying the STARS AND STRIPES TO LORRAINE And With It the Message of FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY If They Are Willing to Make the Journey We Should Be Willing to Equip Them We Can Do It by Buying oil 7! . W) 31 Your country is not asking for a donation. You are called upon for a loan at a fair rate of interest and which is secured by a mortgage on everything your Uncle Sammy owns. 'Ayj f Tift 1 Pf f jwr money in Government Bonds the safest and best invest ment known: Devotional Sunday Special ' War S er vices in All Churches Today About Devotion to God Devotion to Your Coun try Devotion to-Yourself and Devotion to Winning the Warf Our Store Is Headquarters for Dist. No. 47, Liberty Bond Workers Call MarshaU 4800-Ask for Bond Booth Don't Fail tt to Attend PATRIOTIC SUNDAY" MASS MEETING Public Auditorium, 3 P. M. Today 3-5 OLDS, WORTMAN 6? KING fEn 1 04.0 1