8 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, APRIL 7, 1918. REAL ESTATE. For SNle Hiwv. Good -r oo m bouu, baNmcut And cirii. nara-aurfa- strict. 9 oO -ro.jm but. caotc iou close) la ha rd-eurf.ce irrw'. SiOOO -nwm bouM with a.eeplng porch 1256 ft-room hu with 5 acres; gas. pate b. cleared. 3? 760 6-ro.irn huuM and iitiiJ barn; well w atar; scrt; G &e.n station. $ 1 750 G room house la Wkh1'-d; cuy term. 4 to i-jcr trarta. Improved and un lwprovd. nfiP n:. A. V. LAMBERT V FOV, 404 East A:Jrr St.. t or. Grand At. . Hn.t;an1. lr. ROSE 'ITT I'ARK , e32iO Three blroomi and sleeping1 porch, up U:f bar I wood floors dow netatra. all h-.nt-tn effects, big Hv Ing and dining-r-ms. Dutch kitchen, futl deep burnifnt. luratf, on pa U tr-et. only 1 bio-fca to car. Bndd M4eameni only ft IL. la at leaxt 1 ! Ikiow market 'ail uj up and let o 111 you about (Ms "n-Vr(ul tu J. u HA HTM AN COM PAXY. No. 7 Chamh-r of t ornrn're M1g. '"S A 2o.Vo. .Sunday only ml Kran- h VI r tee. 4-h aud Sandy b.vd, No phone. J2. A new. mojrn j-ronrn bunniov. on on I ii r nut oriv-a m th ci'.y. Ful ce- I i.-n; r.imni. True :reet l on of I-w that h the p'k.nc between I turn rum ni the w.ii Ther arc Fly I a uat.iioi uniT construction pt-seat. c.n to th hih coat of materia an.i ;,r tun 1a .ce ..f them. Term if I !- i. biion. with Tiir; FKfcD a. JACuHS COM PANT. 1" Vh . Main . un;Km ii.-T r.t .o.i.uw hakain. i ..nr jfun front. ciacr: noreh. mi itlr.-f'otn c4f aerial front of I ii-ia-. f rr-ncn .- to dintng- r:-j:u wii'i buni-ln buffet. ronnn k.rnr w l'h ail-gaa brskf st -room. aV-mn doors t- la a. 2 bedrooms fi.h I wi:a t a !ndoi and b.th on f:; t r. hardwood f.oors, 2 bflroomi ftn- la..4 tn a;uc. Kmim frr cirjif. ae Mr. K-.ipp t'ljjr ai Laurvihurat Tr-t Off .ce. I r. .. : h an-t f.n a'e. T-bor i4.il. JS'KW i-rurn bungalow, with 2 4 acre of I land, uml.r orvhanl. eiertrlc II Ma. It am. I two b.ocaa from carilnc. street now being I pve.i. A o a ft-rootn. S-arorT houa. with 3 I Xnfatiun. atna rnvn ia-i altti orchard, irTi. rw rkt, trria, crap, ate; 14 a l hunir. t-jL J bliKkn out of rltv Itmita A-l-tr-a K. f.'d at. and Mania. For further I trfrrnatt-.n cill Tabr 2'J. 4,-rM:n bunatow ...... o-riNni buriif a.ow ........ -riMn buai.ow ........ C-r-H.rn 1 S -i.ry houso .. f 1 ".'0 jit) 4 7 AO lOVO -r'wn; buncalov ............. 7-foom biin4i)ff ............. Nar goU car aervlv. Ttint can b arranged. 'ALL. IX I i. TT H LKDAIII. Co. flND Bfaln ZZ Abtnston UiSK CITY PARK CAR. VI V E - R MJ M HI N G A LO W 1 H-aumul bungalow. loat'l on thi srtntrt-at corner vf 3J and Fremont st.. 2 blocks north of Sandy boulevard; largo roma, large attic, etc.; now vacant rv'i r ror occupancy; very reaaoa- hiila terms. A. G. 2 I Ftark St . TEEPR CO. ne.r 3d. Matn 3M0L I i-F you are :.H.k:Dl for a nw house on eaay 1 terma. $.'. down and siO a month, in- I U'l'nc mrrr-ai. no e:rret work, house up in- mittuto in every reap;ct. Dullt or ne of the bva: buliil-n la Portland, th-a I uy ra&nnt be iua.ea. rooms ana i reptng porch, located la A i am e via Park. ee (tf:n. w;th THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. T'l ::h st. Mun TWO-FAMILY FLAT. Wl?!3me:r Het:ua. thoroughly modem. rounii eich. fireplace, har lwoo! floors. M'-orti 9, monthiy. Sple-.idtd homo en- iror.mni. nice garage 'tlOO lot. Cli4 c stre.-t improirfTifntf. all oald. Own- in t a.iTo-nia. wii sell rr sovul i cost oer : .n l w market. THE t HUSTLE Y-V1GARS CO.. TTO Stark et Main JoT I.UY CLSE IN. M o. fern hme. hrvlwooU Coors, best I Ttlabie. brrakcas: -room. den. llvlng- vom. dtnins-r.Mim. kttchra first f'oor: beirooms, steeping porch and bath n-l f;.Hr; ncw.y palmed throughout; ljtO wiil hand e; no m-u-xifa to aaauma. I J. A. W I ' K M A N CO.. T.l Strfc St.. near wch. Mi'n 1 1 AM aoout to iosa my home on ni-rtag'e.l mica i long over aue. i want iuv uu i nv aquitv; ou can buy my 4-room cot- I tir. with bail. mc1rn p.umoinc, rty li-.ir and Has. at Tremnt Place. Mt. tt rtr. for wo. It ll take $too to I rar nraen t bi .a. balance can be rtnvea. om my attorney ai wi rtati i I U;VI;T'"N bungalow barsatn. Sig 1 rv.nts t ukl attic. har!wotl floors, p. ate I air.la, fine ftvture. full oaf-- I nient. rireoi..e. lurrice. al nuiit-in e- fe- X4. I) tea lawn and roacs. Flrt-class I p.a.4 at the low nrlce cf fl-.rO. No I txM.ntng. Call at o;fl e fe further partic- u. t"f Kern-'iy Jt Jil.ier .k -a.m- UikSE CITY lil'NiiALiiW. r.T a retl homey -room bungalow with I rircf. :m a:ed on a large corner lot with I pvti sirrrts al pal l, n a Inr umbranc re el my adv. under "NEW TtJl'AY." this I paper, and romr out to 0-7 E. 4-"i S?. N., I trnr ura Tee tfeia artemoott. rrice aovo E Pit- w N Titr .': i. buna low la Roae City i'ark. we. I I aiil. b-autlfu: y pu-led d'ning-room. o'lvenl-utly irrwpa.-I. htgh-c.asa plumb ing. Mrnrf lo. la b.ocks off carl.a. price $-'. terma U.I. 1 I 5. Tf H. I KUAIIL Co TXr. MC.n -0 Ablngln PMg. PE.MNSaTI.A DISTRICT fr i rmi house. lot , 0O. Ir. ri n - a frun trr-a. nmni Wai. o leet i to hard aurtace. price 9.'v; easy terms. c a. narnnT, HITTER. IAWE CO. jvj.;.; ft .ard of Trade H dg. ,j.e cLA.-sY B tuomi and hath, sleepirgl i. f;n.i!iei a::ic. naruoxi ioor., iful buffet. f. rep" ace. canopr over I k tcn-n ranxe, stationary tubs, uuxlvO lot. I S th'S sure. - J A W i r.HA.'S LU.. STTrk St . nrtr h. "Wain J UtVOI.A tt N ltl'NGAla W lj.e. a-o, CASH. .' MONTH. riiir. mom, nico lot. fireplaca. sXMki:aw. cabinet kirchen. ! e f. f. k tup n;u.w Sli - GVITH - W A'ii NKR '.. KTMK FT. i;..-e i irr PARK. : 4irn sr. .. Cn:r i b o,k N ?ndy. cho;.-eet p-aarb!e lvi-ar.on: a-J. warm, weti ou;.t O-i bntw, furnace, bath. etc. Kru l.v. f .tt .-v.r.e w rrh ha r tU?. i wr a -n. la'; CITY district. Iut .f block off fir. o-rfm bunga.-w: lLfe;i.-e. oetn. t .1 I s "t . fi . hard w oM 'n-Ti f : : l- i.m (-rnit SjTt Terma. -" esh. fc.n--e like rett. J. C. Corbia Co.. iOi-- HARGAIN INCOME PROPERTY. Let a home and have an la- ome. 4- Mnrn apaetment- modern f .at. lot jiOO; eo-nty Slu imm. py part tah. balanc ; fav term. I win give ou a reai oar- n. No agert. A F 131. regontan Id-U'M hou-e. erDtg porch and un- 'm . It ,T..A. n.n.-rtt carag--. rea. "-loberir; b--i;t:ful m.unta.:i and river i ! , neignt.rhod. rest ritei. Price, tl.'vHJL ter-n. Fine aa an tnvestmen: n A Mr O 1 . Org r.;n. LAUlvEl-liUKS f BUNGALOW i A R A E. 'or a bran t new rt-rooia bungs. ir with I graee. ne-r Uurrhur: Fr. read my j ii uaaer ,"ew i hi y. n;i paper. ani i out t IM F Purr.iM- st. thai af-e-n-w.n J IE.A H "NTT. Kat 2"". -KK.M c. and one-third a.re; ihick en bur. iru;t trve ana amal rrui: rlova lo -ceiii tare cartine. on F.t Side; mp at l. See owner at 4t I .an i 1: it l S'tiTi'N lark. i-r- .in m-dern. a beau- t'fui I.me at ay rr-m tnt no-Se. one ol JttIM C l a beat ;eW lo'.S A oair of haw rorea r-r sale i for cir. W K. l.aM. ItcureM. Or. M 'BUR RAN ACRE. it-rra p. -tefei buii . ftna ew. oafrg and f "i:rg. wtt.- and !lgh?a: will ;rA r rent br morth. Lai. at ouv ion- M.lg . -d nd Stark, sTv'F'.Y. -r"orn l.oue. :ameJ I'ark; l.r-iHl rix'M. butU-ln eff e.-ta. f ull-alxe rie bijhrrflt, lu'niC'. street paei. $ terrre 9 . cwn. lalan-:e like rnL j r-.-i hi Co.. .i-'.---? Le:a b-g I . o-ST ,tY hu si ro.m, one Mock from AUerta car: has frit trees, oerriew. Y.oic lilac h'tlse. chieken rouye. no aha l' by 2 f-et. !'; F. 27lh North. tff'F.C! VI -Jt'T K SALE BARGAIN. N.k 4 FT. M.f St.. c-oro.r line. i;rr n. pri.a 11"; terms, ace film U ' t m-: isT of t nmmerce. NtW Riir-E CITY BUNGALOW. ab-'it fln'-ft-d; 1u: tha t me t buy; go 1- it over. n-rt -te of Wetar. t aadlONF. 4'"-.1t. r app Tai r LA mACKIFICE for quick aaie. my h-rom 1 houee. .turr-a. fro:i; on tar lire. fni fi-ion. chool roarby. a or investigation.! dcta. a. pricr.e T!t a. It RKTTY v-rv.m corner l.m. flrte raruen n. .wn. f lo m -r-M Might trade equ.:y. I 'nomah II 'CeL 3S (HM bur. t .ow an -I 1 ac rr $JTO: te rma . aer "j-ti.-y i:a:.'n. w m. oreg..n.an. house, par.ly furnish; garvien 3 er 1. a. i f ioi 4i9. a ti;r.i -w and yard, tlub- 41 . i I'rire -M, r;i ise. f.-a t t j-l;iM a; ri. t!v moO- ra bime. fawihrne: axdow4 Hovia, atc corner. Tabor o5a7. SI KKU. KVTATK. TERMS. EORCED eAi-Ji PRICES. NON-RKPIDEXT offora Mllwankio rcal dnce. beautiful river 1wmi auara feet, modern 6-room bunfaow and s.eep tng pnrrh. n-i!jr .",,"mK 1RVI.'iTO HK1GHTS I rooms. lane eloats. hatia. bat h. pantrjr; lara. lljfht hatf-aTory unfinished; looks like SoOO. lor only i"mo. ftobt: C1TT 5 rooms, modern, attic HAWTHORNE corner. 6 rooms, modern, on'y .F.AK liOSMERE Modern, & rooms. ftrp'are. flW. VMiiN SAFE I'HP. TR. CO.. 24 OAK. O.Vl.1 $ the 1 1 ou liinq cannot be I 1 1 I' . V'4 IT vj lmom 9 'v rv. a ilia tiat contains more than a quarter block with tha choicest ahruoDery tn b found. The house was built tor a home by the day's vurk and al the matirul aas ait-ctcu for the Interior by tha piece. Thie prop erty is located oo hard-surface streets, cement aMewaJlu. curb, a corner, two blocks frm the car. scnool and -hurches surmundms It In the heart of Seiiwood, In the city of Tortaad. This p'.ace muat b aold nsht awar 1l is ch an at ilO.twi. Who want a It wii h evtry: hin paid lor suth as street irtiprovemt-nti. sewers ana a. i o:hr chars a for ua:y JUtioO. M. J. CI.OHKSSY. 4i;. AbnE'.oft bMg. $2i0 RusE CITY 1AI;K 100 fct to car line; S big room, fur nace and cement ba-K.-roent. cove celling In living and dining-room. bcdrotma and bath upatatra. fireplace, but It -In buffet, mca yarl. dandy location. S 11 today : J. U HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 t'hambr of l ommw Hidg.. 4th St jitark Si a. Mkln ro-. A rooo. (Sunday only at Branch OUlce, ilh A tianUy lilvd. No phone. M t'b T CHANGE CLIMATE. Wlil aacrtftLe my i-aur.hurt home, as I am going to California. Jt Is an -rm. strKtly modern home: (urnacv. fireplace, hardwood ftoors. s.f-eptng porch ana ga rage; hand-rubbed piano. ::n.shed wood work; flowers and ahrubbeiy. No mort gage or at. llene lo aanume. If you art going to buy a home, aea this; It's a bar gain. Will be at home Sunday between Jo and 2. VI1 h p.rasd to show you through : price $7ox. ni l arrange suit able term a Mrs. M. E- Pomeroy. t'S Floral avL Tabor 2JA t b.k. south of Uliwan st. and car. I EXPECT To HE CALLED. Am In Government service; rxpect call any time. Want to aell my home and fur niture Ud ay. Will take .;ouo; $nj down, ba.ance tlo per mo., t pr cent Int.; total price for huae and furniture, which Jnciu'lt-a my $40o piano; no mortgage or t. lien against my home. Will be home Sunday from 1 to Take Mt. S-ott car. gt ul at E- &ul. gt bik. aouth to .No. 4r.m Mra (trace Schang. ownrr. JOo' HERE Id THE BUNGALOW 3tli0. 7-r. Wucen Ann bungalow. x ltK lot. furnace, fireplace, full c. boavment. e. and gas. fireplace, h. w. floors. Dutch kitchen, every built-in convenience. Alameda Park district Aul at vftur service. Sea FRANK L. McCClitE. Abl.NV.ToX BLTX2. TO BUY Ht K HOME. I1G.X HOME SiikNJi For little money, this is real choice. S rat, wood pluinblnT. electric llchts. nice yarn. Van acu lor a-iJ cash, oa.ance iiae rent. A. If. BIRRELI. CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank oldg.. Marshal! 4114. A 4 1 Ijfc. 3J4o ARTISTIC H I "NO A LOW $SSOO. o-room ounsaiow. wun corner lot: not water heat, very attractive stone fireplace, l'utch kitchen, white enamel: Alameda district. Auto at yo'ir service. FRANK L. McGl'IKK. Ahington Bldg. To buy your hmt-. Pl'RTLAND HEIGHTS Fine 0-room houae. hardwood floors, modern conveniences. w ater heat, level, looxlmi corner, lower heights, extensive city and mountain view, beautiful trees and shruobery ; one block car; for about price of grounds. BllOuKE, Mar. 427. A 33'.i. Call mornings. To Buy Your Ho:r.e-. 173 4-R. NEW HCMiALuW o75. Will sell my 4-r. bungalow, with garage, 1 year old, for $"T0. dow n. Will be Ttoma Sunday. House. No. 1J44 E. 2.d N 3 blks. N. of Alb-r;a car, or see my atrent, FRANK I- McGL IKE. Abington bltig. PORTLAND HTS. HtNGAHW. J7..u. Four rooms and bath, splendid condition. almost new, c:'e In. among good homes. 2 b ocics car, fine lot. Mew of city, nioun tains and cn-st. Owner non-resident. diuM eil. HHUUKt. Mar. 457. A 3V. Call mornings. RoSE CITY PARK. W4O0 buya an f.frant 4-ronm house. bungalow tie, oak Loors. bookcase and ouiict: an ideal Dutch Kitchen, iumac and nrcpAce, i btovk to car. CUytor, East 1W $13li Furntuhed $0m hyWX. T bl ck to shtpyar'l and 1L R. shops, near Missiasjrpl and Stanton, das. bisv- mer.t. h. w. floors. Owner In draft. Price i:i5. Terms. FRANK I.. McGUIPE. Abington bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. All kinds of houses on Portland Hts. from $2ToO to 1mmo. Can suit you. Never yet had a dlssatisried customer. HROoKE, 511 Montgomery Drive. Mar. 4i-. A 3&oU. Call morninga $2oOO Kl llNIMIED BUNGALOW. $2300. o-r. buniatuw. iiawrnoruv uaatrict. on E. Grant at , pri-" $.:too. which Includes the furniture: ll hnndle. FR AN K U MciiClRE, A (-Ire ton bldg. WHO wants a place one block from Lin coin High School with lot i 2.x;v small hou. for $ oo. M. J. CLOHESSY, 41o Abington o.tlg. $o0u FULL lt with all kind of fruit and old 4-room noue at ii-.niavtua, .r. in- tment A Mortsage Co.. '-V- Stock Ex- chnse, ad and Y'a iuitU. FURNISHED COTTAGE. Price 11 .". 4-room Ditttered house. far car. of Tared at a aucriflca. Claj tor. N'H HILL residence, near Jt.ih and Overton, modern throughout; bargain price of $ioO. -0o F'.oik Exchange. ;ij and lain nil I. $ 1 1 75 - It. B I " VOAI.OW-J 1 1 To. 4-r. mod. tunica low. 0"l"O lot. facing Irvlrgton carlln". on K. l.'ith. Easy terma. FRANK I- McGl. IRE. Abmgton Mig. UELINwUiSHMENT for pale. 30 acres) under iivernment water. 4- fe-t (mm Poit- office and depot. Box He rm I ton. Or. LARGE, modern R-room house, walking dis tance. East Stde. paved street; l"t whumi, all Improvements pxiid- I'tione Mar. ro0. IlY I'W.NKR 7-rom modern house, will sei! cheap, located HkI E. 1 th at. N. Call Hdwy. a.l-. 21 Lumbermen s Wdg. IRVINGToN. Foreclosure a. re. bet location. 7 rooms r.d garage. f'-''O. P. . bo HAVE 40 acres neir Htll.-Nro. Or., will selt or trade for city property. II. hi gaby. No 4 icog bUlg. liik-K CITY PARK o-room bungalow, only $ 1 i terms. F. anduyo, &1& Chamber of Com. M itn Far SsUe Rulnewe Pro perry. CORN FR lot. 60 by 1H feet. wRU 2-story frame bui. tine, elcht years oid. In food condition, for a!e. This properly Is north east cmer First and Mi. I streets and is -ed at $11. low by Assessor Reed; all ln.provmenia and taxes paid in fuL; price $il.0,. terms. I'AKKlStl. n A I at v-u. BJ 2d St. VANCOUVER. WASH. Homewood Hotel. 27 W. 4th sL: lot ftOxluu: SJ roma, furniture included; rite to Immcnee shipbuilding plant and opposite id pootoffRe; Income $3 per month; prtro L'iARI wiKPr.i'-K. t! ftark. loo HY loo feet al nori hwest corner of WMIame ave. and Shiver St.. with store buiidtngs and d w ling on It ; sold at a bar -tin on account if m rt j:ge f ore C.oaurc; terma ma be hal. l:i et Ijrate this WU'iama ave anap: prt- $5oo. PARKISH. W ATKINS CO., t 2d at. Phone Main 14. UNION AVE SNAP. Close to Alberta si. ; ft rooms; lot 4 Ox fto. pnvtng paid. Income $27 per month; price $291. t.oiuAKi vwr.ortu k. '4.i targ. FOR SALE At Friend. Or., a store, ore story, centrally locate, cheap. Mra Kath eryn Weroeck. T gh Valley. Or. HI I N FSd property, one -third cash, bal. m-'HTh y pa rifntst call cw ner. Tabor jtHw. A part meat-Ho ne Property. Ai.E oil TRADE Small i par tment-houe. a. king distance. rent $-.: Income $!, B lit. Oregonlan. Suburban Home Property. 2 ACRES UNDER CULT. BUNGALoW. In Amune Act Tract. lO-cent fare. Katarnda car. near Buckley ave. Price. $"2. $" wah. bnl. $-'o a month. BAR H. MAIN 1IM 2.2 C. of C. h..g. r!l-mrovf.1 a-re w!th mod m houe. fifth houe aouth of Powell Valley road on the right aide of Buckley ave. ; w ill ell on ea-y terma and give ou a good bargain, .x rrg maa. .Main .vtoo. U SUBURBAN Ht M F juat oui!de d River, every modern tonvetilrnce. school and church near; an excellent buy. O IP, Oreconian. A'RFS with im;i houe. etc.. land all cleared ana fencei. arout blocks from hard-aurfsced rad; S.ot cash, balance to C 1 -". T regonian. ACRES, sma.i house, barn, bearing or chard, beautiful iea-. attractive Summer home: Barnea Hetghta, gta Morgan Mdg. IDEAL. CLOSE-IN ACRE Highly cultivated a .-re. w 1th house. 5c fare. O 110, Cregon:an. HU It HAN PROPERTY Houae and lots lux a., i buna Yowuawa It Li. SEAL ESTATE. bub urban Uome Property. GARDEN" HUMK A" RE HOMES. OKKUO.V ELECTRIC; 7c FARE. Modern 7-room house, fine arte, culti vated, a minutes to station; only $h cash: worth $m.i. ee thia today. Iarg. modern, G-room house, finest acrs Jn Garden Home: lota of fruit, heme, tspirflfus, etc.; fine view, right at sta tion; only $375o; flooo caxh. Finest 6-room i ottaa; ein the state, right at Garden Home station : garage, woodshed. et-. ; full acre ground. Price i-v0; v. ry liberal terms. GAKDEN HOME has elect rlo lights. gs.. water, phones, church, school, stores; only 15 minutes from Portland. Come any day. Phone appointment. McCorniic, Main A HEAL SNAP. crs, all In cultivation, located near a siation ciose to Portiana. on the sa.eru Electric railroad, with a 5-room, well- nuiit bouit; good barn, woodahed and othr out0ul!dinga; l.md all in cultiva tion. have an option on t his place only for a tvvr days at 1900. This Is one of tho best buys that we ever offered. If. M. Ma'oney, RTTTER. LOWE 6t CO., mS-."-7 Hoard of Trade. 21 ACKEfj, with 4-room motorn new bungalow, with bath and full cement barmen t. with double windows; this Is a fine rural home, located on the Oregon City line, near Concord Htation ; owner Is called Into military service, Jut as home was finished; will sacrifice for $3200 cash. For particulars, see G. A. fcaries, 44 Northwestern Hunk bldg. BEAUTIFUL. COI'NTRY HOME. 2 acrvs, minutes walk from a car line, near Portland; family orchard, water piped to a good o-roora. well built, painted and plastered houae. cement bu5ement. built-in conveniences: city gas. Also a good modern chicken house. Price uou. H M. Moloney, RITTEH. LOWE CO.. 2A3-S-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg A DESIRABLE BUY. One acre, small house, but all modern Improvements, linoleum, shades, etc.; good soil, all In cultivation, fruit trees, berries. rhlcken-hoUKs and yards: at Firlnnd sta tion, on Mt. Scott car. 430.1 7.th st.; ru-l-erate price, on very easy terms. Call Tabor ." -U on Sundays and before 9 A. M. and after 0 P. M. on weekdays, or Main ;!4 daily during other hours. VIEW HOME SITE. ONLY $400. On P3 commutation fare, cloao to sta tion ; fl-ie view of Mt. Hood, overlooking nice body of water: swimming, boating, flfhlng. alogwood and cedar grove. Liffhta, phone, water. Can you bat It ? Easy term. Call at oo Concord, bldg. 2d and targ. UKAPTIKI'l. Riiburbitn home of nearly fou acres near Oregon City canine and uan tlrove: has modern house, very attractive, every convenience. 8 rooms and fine porches: has as fine a variety of fruit and shsde trees aa anv olace in tins count? Price $lo.o0. There Is money to be m?de on grapes and other fruit. P. an ic. 41 Concord bid a'. Marshall o4o4. OLKN ECHO. nriEi:oN city car. 2i acres, all In cultivation: no rock or gravel: gentle slope: living spring and well : modern o-room resiuence; iu irui trees in bearing; also berries; two-story barn, three chtckn-houdcs; price $wmj. GODDARD A: WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. OWNER GONE TO WAR. Had lo vivo ud buvlneds. Store. P. O. and country hamo on Mount Hood road r.. comtiletelv furnished, snmll stock o goods. Sell for hnlf price. Take $1100. half ensh. Located about 1 ml. this side of Tol. Gate. BARK, MAIN 1130. C of C. nldg. UN E of the nioFt beautiful locations along the Oregon City line, on paved mad lo PorliHmL. with every city convenience beautiful 7-room bungalow and one acre of srround. larse aaruge: this is a beau tifui place and will be sacrificed for $hHH). G. A. Sarles. 404 Northwestern Bank bldg. SACRIFICE SALE. On account sickness, modern six-room house, sleeping porch, fine chicken-house and nark. 1 acre of choice bearing fruit roses, f lowers, etc. ; 2o feet w eat of Ru pert Sta.. Oregon City carllne. Mrs. Brown. No agents. T R K M E N DOUS ft AC R I FIC E ISLAND STATION. OltEGoN CITY CAR. Six lots, front on Milwaukle road, three blocks south of Inland Station; terms, all cash: prlca 1 1 3M?. UODDAHO WIEDRICK, 243 Htark. SUBURHAN HOMES. On Powell Valley road, one acre, sightly tint sheltered nlace with southern elope, na tive tlrnoer but mostly cleared; o holly trees in good shape; will sell very rea sonable. First Stale Bank. Gresham. or. FOU SALE A delightful home at Garden Home, modern house, best eonmtion. wun all conveniences, with full acre: finest lo cation; garf, electricity and water. Ap ply to S. i N. Gllman. Main 84 SO. 1 ACRE, hlsh and level, small house, good orchard, on Oregon h-iectric canine, r or particulars call Main 4M. For Sale Acreage. r. ACRES ON PAVED ROAD. ' Faces Powell Valley road, near Buckley nve one of tMst distnets net ween r-ori- Isnd and Gresham; all good level, tUla ble land. 2 acres under cultivation. 1 acta fine timber, balance easily cleared; fine chicken ranch site. Investigation will prove he.it buy in neighborhood; price. S2oOO; reasonable terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, W3 Chamber of Commerce. COUNTRY home with three acres of ground. tt-room rouse, barn, garage, irun, oernes. gaj. electricity, creek running through place; greatest buy you ever looked at. City fare OVi cents. Price $33oO with terma AN HH. Oregonlan. MULTNOMAH Station. 2S acrew. ail in cul tivation, with a-rooga box nouse, cuicKen houses, bearing fruit trees and small fruit: must sell and will sacrifice at about half the value of other land around there if sold this we.k. Call at 44 Piatt bldg. FIVE ACRES, walnut tract. Eola HIiia. nar Amity. Oregon, in 1IU year unu oearniK. In excellent condition, always having the best care; will s-11 for $2tHSi. eny terms. $joo cash: liberty bonds accepted. K loo, Oregon la A 1' yi s acre, in cultivation. miie irom sta tion on Oregon fcieciric ; story a no untln'.nhed houe: 3( miles from Portland, S mliea from 'd good towns; fine for raia ir.jr loganberrlca or for chicken ranch. S ir.1. oregonlan. near st. Johns car. 4-room cottuge. rice lot. fliu Calhoun at. f north side. Five-room bungalow, fire place sleeping porch: furnished or unfur nished. Small payment down, balance like rent. Main M.W GARDEN HOME Finest d-acre tract In Garden ttome. xiouae worm ow. a.i cultivated. Fine view. A snap ut 420O. Easiest kind of terms. Seo iicCormtc to d.iv. Phone Mala WIS. FoR SALE oS ncrea at Tlgard; small pay. tnMi t tlown. oainnce iiae rem; vinnii nousv barn, chlckenhouso and yards: 3o minutes from city; low fare. Owner. II. ti. Bailey, Tirard. Call Sunday. bO ACRF.S of choice cranberry land In best cranherrrv uistrici. in muu iran bi re duced ptfcee and easy trmi'to purchasers who will improve same. R 12U, Orego nlan. SEVEN acres, bargain; near Portland and station. Large house, barn, fruit trees, trout stream, lights and phone available, easy terms. Wdln. 34&0, or V01 East 17th ut. North. Owner. 7 ACRES ONION LAND. Alt In cultivation. 5 miles from city lim its of Vancouver. Wath.. mile frnm tores and electric line. Price $1275. $175 cash, balance to suit. 411 Henry bldg. 6 ACRES, highly Improved, near Forest Grove, on Oregon Electric, for sale cheap and on good terma Address L. F. Hender son. Hood River. Or. 40-ACRE ranch. 23 miles from Portland and near Sandy River. Would make beautiful Summer home for small colony of friends, flood auto road. Owner. B 110. Oregon! in. FOR SAlE Half acre In Ascot Acres, one mile east of city limits, on carllne. Owner, A. Benson. 1UJ2 E. 17th North. Phone C 3111. 1 ACRE, iu city; good 6-room house, gurage. ch . ken-houae. fruit, oerriea. riowera. ei Only 4J'o. F. J. S'.einmeta Co.. 400 Ger- Ilr.ger bliig. Main t".i. 40 ACRES In Southern Oregon, near rail road town, good soil, well timbered: i bargain. Geo. W. King, lttth and Alberta Ms.. Portland. Of. FOR SALE H 3-l acres on Base Line road. 1 1 milca out : 2 cariines. 2 blocke each way; hard-surfaced road. By owner, ooO Taylor at. Marshall t-i. RYAN STATION Choice half acre on the hill north of Oregon Electric Railway, facing the track; $1'h0 on terms. N. H. Atchison, at 4t4 Piatt bldg. BARGAIN I 1-3 acrea. Caplttl Hill, trlcity. water, gas, fi-cent carfare. shail 2050, 2t ACRES. Pleasant Valley, southeast: 8 acres under cultivation: fine soil; $J00O. B. S Cock. Stock Exchange. 3 ACRES, cioee in. East Side, improved might take house as part payment. P l. Oregonlan. FIVK acres, ail in cultivation, on paved road, running stream, good house and y.n"(T rchard. O 127. Oregonlan. 5 4 ACRES. SS miles out on pav d road, under cultivation, terms. Price 3170O. B. S. Coik, Stock Exchanire. 5 ACRES, improved. Base Line road ; wii' take auto und some cash first payment 412 Fenton Mdg. EASY terms; well Improved 6 acres, fertile land. 4-room cottage, henhouee and barn, some fruit. Tigoxd. Or. Wm. Kruger. FOR RENT S acre, "-room house, near Lenta. Reese. Main 163. FOR SALE 24 acres in Lewis River Valley. Y 13J, Oreguniao. v REAL ESTATE. for 8aJe Acreag e. GARDEN HOME APREAdK. Fine acre, all full-bearing fruit, berries dose station. $300 under real value. Come today, your own terms. Fine acre and 4-room house. $1200; $300 cash, balance easy. See this. Several half-acre tracts with small nouses on easy terms. Close station. Dandy acre, young orchard, rlglit oppo site go.f links, only $'Jk; good terms. Worth 112O0- Owner trnnm tn nrar. Two acres. 6-room house, $2."00. Worth $r'HK. Very easy terms. Coma today. r-none JUCORMIC. Main 9318. CHEAP ACREAGE Five acres, S2o0; $10 down, $3 per month buys 3 acres of land between Portland and lentralla, on the main line of raiiroads. 13 miles from a town of 8O0 population, sawmills and shingle mills; some partly cleared and some all cleared, running stream, some bottom and some bench; can give you any kind of a piece you want. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 313 Railway Exchange Bldg. BRYANT ACRE P. AT OSWEOO LAKE 4200 for an acre tract; lies level, open accouu-growin. cione to station. THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO.. 600 Concord bid.. 2d and Stark. 5 ACRES', ONLY B1O0O. Only 9 miles from Courthouse; good, level land, fino for chickens, berries, gar den; very easy terms. site owner. ouQ contora oiag. COUNTRY HOME-EMPLOYMENT NEARBY acres, with shack, garden patch cleared, all good land, fino soil, no rock or gravel: larro loca-in camn nnd rail road construction work nearby affords house on paved atreet; only $1250, $o50 terms $00 down, balance easy monthly mem. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. ' i"13 Chamber of Commerce. FARM IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND. 7',a acres, all highly cultivated; good reiuence; apples, peaches, plums, pears, prunes. Enslish walnuts, all kinds of ber ries. Bull Hun water, 3 blocks from Er- ron iicignts car. s blocks from Wood stock car. 9 blocks from Eastmorcland car; fine view, overlooking city and Reed College; price $14,0lK)r $4000 cash, balance B per cent. 201. McKay bldg. FlH SALE by owner, most attractive and best -I oca ted acre at Multnomah Station; beautiful grove of fir and dutcwood trees; an ideal location for a suburban home: will sell for one-third less than running va.ue of other land in this district; terms to suit buyer: city water, gas, electric light and telephone available; automobile toad ail the way to town. See owner at 4'4 Piatt bldg. EXCEPTIONAL BUY 247 acres. 1 mile from Wlllamlna. 120 acres In Winter wheat. 127 acres timber omllltng). Creek through place ; 5-room house, barn and outbuildings. Will accept house of $2500 ant give 10 or more years on balance at 5 per cent. Price $42.50 per acre. See Rand. G. S. Smith &. Co., 4o2 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE lli.l-acra alfalfa ranch, well improved and In a good location; one miie to town and high school. Sell with place 300 head of sheep and 15 tons good alfalfa hay. "Write for price and full Information. Address Robert Meyers, route 1. box 12, Loa Alo linos, Tehama Co.. Call fomla. NEAR COVE ORCHARD YAMHILL CO. 151 acres, all In cultivation; 700 prune iroes, in oearing. balance garden ana Winter wheat: 3 -room house. 12x20: barn. 20x24, 2 stories; chicken-house, good lences; owner gets one-third or crop good well. 7S feet deep; price $3500. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. TWO acres, very choice, on Columbia blvd. city limits, convenient to cariine. Price riK'iu 00 acres, furnished, crop, only 13 miles out. living stream, n will pay to in vestigate this. J. G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce. MONTANA WINTER uADS We own anri oner tor aaie &o.ouo acres, best farming u ip trie is in .ii on tana; iana gituatea in Stillwater, Yellowstone and Musselshell counties; within reasonable distance to maraet; easy payments or on crop pay ment plan to actual settlers. Write J. Williams A Co.. Columbus. Mont. FOSTER ROAD. Just off this fine road, near Wilson. 30 acres, an clear: good o-room house, barn. Owner must raise funds, offer this 43500 property fur $2250: easy terms. A. H. BIRR ELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg., Marshall 4114. A 4118. OREGON Electric to Metsger today; I will meet you. laae train at Jemerson-st. sta tion, 1 ;15, 2:20, 3:55, &:15. 1 have an Improved acre, 3-room house and all kinds f fruit and berries; my brother owns an acre, 550 feet from station, adjoins park, near school, running stream all year; very easy terms. Main 5450. $40 PER A., lo per cent cash. bai. 10 years; -u to juuu acres; iam Angeles Co.; very rich silt soil; abundance artesian water; macadam road; school and church; near town; Hi tons alfalfa per acre; It is pro ducing $J0O per acre. WELLS, 1174 Phelan bldg., San Francisco. BIGGEST SACRIFICE EVER OFFERED. Beaverton acreage pick-up; 30 acres, nearly all in cultivation, only a short run from Portland, at only $150 per acre; corners on two ronds and is suitable for subdivision ; running water, no buildings; only $7"0 cash required. Seiiwood 1030. ACRES, unimproved, only 2 milea out, near Base Line road, $4oo per acre; good oil. Tabor 7573. Homnatea is. GOVERNMENT LANDS. 300.000 acres O. & C. Lands. Jackson, Josephine and Douglas counties, open to homestead entry April 20. You must see these lands before filing. My ownership plats showing names of owners adjacent lands invaluable in locating these lands. County maps. Indicating all railroad grant lands, large scale. The same care was used tn preparing these maps as I exercised In making the official land grant map in connection with classification for the Government. County maps, $2.50; ownership and township plats, $1, postpaid. Specify town- amp ana range numbers. Will be giad to show maps and give desired Information free In regard to se curing filing Sunday from 10 A. M. to fi f. m. at -ill Henry, biug. FREE HOMESTEADS. Valuable 100-acre homestead tracts near Homi; tana can be Irrigated; also enlarged homesteads under stock-raising act; wood ana water available; good reference fur nishexi. Hogin Land Co. & C. LAND Can give information on lew gooa claims. w jy, oregonlan, 00-ACRE homestead relinquishment for sale. BJ is, uregonian. For Sale Fruit lands. FOR SALE. 1.1 acres finest Pa louse land, adjoining faiousa city. wasn. , set to Kome Beauty apples, now 7 years old; should bear in full this year; $300 per acre; land alone worth the price; $500 down, balance to sun: win accept gooa oonaa, aL j. Foley, tiena, or. FOR SALE Small five-year-old orchard. minutes' ride from city, four blocks to streetcar, on paved highway, beautiful location ana a rare bargain: no commit! alons. no agents; owner only; terms. K io. oregonlan. For hale -Farms. YAMHILL BARGAINS. 166 acres, loo In cultivation. 40 oak- grub atump pasture, stumps mostlv rotten 20 second-growth fir and oak Umber, 15 acres or lino river Dot torn, good 7-room house, bath and toilet, hot and cold water, good barn almost new, also stock barn, garage, hen and hog houses, 3 horses, 5 cows, 3 heifers, brood sow. all necessary farm Implements, several acrea plunted, several acrea clover sod, also several acres seeded to clover; tho whole outrii win go, ir soia soon, for gii.ooo. fooDo cash, the balance 5 years or more at 6 per cent. This place la 5 miles from good town on good rock road, in heart of fine neighborhood, leas than half mile from school. 47 acres, all fine, sandy, river bottom. 85 acres in cult., balance pasture, on good roca roaa, o mues irom town, it. f. l H mile from school, fair house and barn: If sold soon will put In two cows and all farm Implements for less than the land alone Is worth, only $55O0, half cash, the Balance o years. E. F. MA GOON, YAMHILL, OR, A CHEAP FARM. 40 acrea, located near Corbctt, Or.; 26 acres in a high atate of cultivation: some large timber, all fenced: H mile off Co lumbia Highway; running water, fair farm buildings. Price If taken soon, 94500. ri. ai. Aiaioney, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 2"3-5-7 Board of Trade. NO USE TRYING TO BEAT THIS. 400 acrea in Sec 1, Tp. 3 N., R- 18 W., w. M.. Klickitat County, Washing ton; $10 per acre; terms. E. A. Llndgren. SAVON LAND COMPANY. 935 Northwestern Bank Bldg. NORTH Dakota wheat land, 12S0 acres at Washburn, N. D., all in cultivation; up-to-date buildings; pictures furnished; A-l choice land; 3ou acres close to Washburn; brick house, good barns, at a bargain, good terms to suit purchaser. J. Ros umny, 103 N. 6th at. 80 ACRES. 35 cultivated, part In crop, 6-room house, good barn, poultry house, water piped to bldgs., fine timber, red shot soil, good drainage, Willamette Val ley. 34 miles .town: $350o, terms. Geo. Morse. 315 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE, exchange or rent, 200 acres, good buildings, stock, 26 head. $110 or earn chek. a nice bunch of hogs. Who wants a Grants Pass home. 3 rooms, close in ? Mina A. Wilson. Latourell. Or. $1 ! 5 acres, house, well, near electric depot, pretty home place, Mcr ariaua. w Yeon bldg. Main 3672. Itio ACRES Cowllts County: some cleared; . building; creek.; $0 an aero, - Mala aovtt REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 514 S WETLAND BUILDING. 2o-acre ranch, 10 minutes from Siefert Station, on Estacada line, located- on highway. 19 acres in cultivation and tn crop, balance slashed, all good land; good. 7-room houFe, new barn and other out buildings, all necessary farm implements, 8 cows. 2 heifers, M) chickens, good team of mules and other things too numerous to mention. This place is In good shape, ready to make you a living; price foOOO. Will consider clear Portland residence property. F'.ne dairv farm, consisting of 160 acres. located In Clarke County, ash., on high way; 60 acres in cultivation, balance to pasture. This place has all natural sur roundings of a first-class dairy ranch that one could want. The niace is well watered and has good 7-room house, barns and outbuildings. Is all stocked and equipped with a fine dairy herd, hogs and chickens ana necessary larm Implements price S1A.0O0. Wants small farm in Will ametto Valley or will sell on reasonable terms. Nice 40-acre farm, juat out of Portland. on United Railroad; 10 acres in cultiva tion, balance slashed and In pasture; good 5-rom house, barn and outbuilding!, nice little orchard, li head or cattle, 3 hordes. plgH. chickens and necessary farm Imple ments : price $7500. Will exchange for ciear foruanu property 70-acr farm, 50 In cultivation," good red shot soil, land rich and very nice, on good highway, just out of Salem; good 7 room house, outbuildings, barn, good or chard; place is leased, but can get pos session any time alt stocked, equipped and In crop; price $7000. Will exchange for stock of merchandise or clear Port land property. $50 month Income property, consisting of ll-room house and 4 lots ana gooa barn, located Just on edge of businens dis trict of La Grande. Or. This property has always been a money-making propo sition for anyone who has owned it. It Is in good repair and in fine shape, well rented to good, reliable tenant. The more you know about this property the better you will like it. Price $H0u0. Will ex change for Portland Income property or a Valley ranch, stocked and equipped. 40 acres, Gresham district, rich soil, no waste land, 15 miles from Portland, on Mt. Hood Railway and auto road, school and rural route, thickly settled, nice houses. Will sell for 1-3 less than It cost me. I want you to see this, then make me an offer. Deal with owner. Air. War nock. Several small farms to trade for houses, also city property for farms. Some fine stock ranches for sale and exchange for city income property. I can match you. Mr. Warnock. . PACIFIC AGENCY. 514 SWETLAND BUILDING. LARGE i WHEAT RANCH IN 500D WHEAT DISTRICT. lOOO ACRES IN CROPS. 1400 SUMMER FALLOW. This ranch in fine shape and being of fered at only $32.50 per aero for quick action. Including half crop in warehouse, some stock and equipment and new com bine: plenty water, fair old buildings. Pos session this Fall. In excellent wheat dis trict, showing good average yields, excep tional outlook for big crops this year. If you want a good one t nd are responsible, reasonable terms can be made. Call in Monday. F. M. Co., bS First St., near Stark. 40 ACRES, $1100. 27 mitea 'from Portland. Small box house, barn. 8 acres in cultivation. 7 acres siashed. balance pasture anu umuer, uw cash, balance to suit. 37 acres, 27 miles from Portland, 30 acres in cultivation; laige uii n. j.iw spring, on county road ; some crop In close to school, good orchard. Price $2225 $looo cash, balance to suit. 411 HENRY BLDG. UP-TO-DATE VALLEY FARM 60 ACRES 45 acres under cultivation, now plowed and seeded; 5 acres fine timber, 10 acres uncleared and used lor pasture: goon w room house. large barn, roothouse, rhlrliMn.hniiHC. hoehoUSO and Other OUt- buildings: four hoises, 3 cows, 2 heifers, tail chickens. 2 brood sows and some pigs, wagons, harness, implements, ma chinery and tools too numerous to men tion ; must bo seen to be appreciated 113,500; terma E. A. Llndgren. SAVON LAND COMPANY. f35 Northwestern Bank Bldg. -1360-ACRE WHEAT RANCH. WITH 1000 ACRES IN WHEAT 1A00 acres in cultivation. fine soil, north slope, GO acrfs pasture, fenced with wire, some hog-tight fence, fair huildlmrs. fine well, with aas engine. Lo cated in the best section of Eastern Oregon wheat belt, on county road. Price only $30 an acre, $7500 cash, balance crop rent, or gooa terms. owner 3 rent pari of crop this season goes with sale. sei Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th & Stark Stn. FINE LITTLE DAIRY FA P.M. 441-; acres, stocked and equipped and all In cultivation except about 5 acres, over So acres in crop, o-room house, gooa barn and outbuildings, family orchard, fine spring, running water and 2 good wetls; 5 minutea walk irom station on imtea Railways, 14 miles from Portland. Price, including horses, cows, heifers, hogs, chickens. 2 wagons, mower and all farm Implements, $H00U, half cash, balance 3 to a years, o per c't. !-ee ai. orown. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. BO-ACRE FARM, STOCKED. NOTE THE PRICE. This Is a perfect lying piece of land, all river bottom, no overflow, 29 acres under plow, balance is all good pasture, with running stream; has an elegant barn. gooa o-room noufe ana lamny orchard, well fenced. 4 cows, team and farm im plements; convenient to town, near sen 00 1 and good roads. This Is an opportunity lor you to get a gooa larm rignt; price 3 mow 1, gooa terms, d. .MctHiisMSi, 31 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. BEST BUY OFFERED. T5 acres. 10 or more in cultivation, all well fenced; has a good 7-room house, nicely papered; barn 30x26 feet with mow room for H tons tf hay, and other good outbuildings; 3 acres of bearing orchard; a creek cuts off about 1-3 of an acre on one corner; located Vi of a mi. from the highway and station: fine soil, free of rock or gravel. Price $2750. $1000 cash and terms. 3 cows, 1 horse and 2 hogs goes In. Main 567; Sunday, Main 917b. n'-'J Henry bid g FINE LITTLE SUBURBAN HOME. 10 acres, all in cultivation, located iear a large town about 20 miles from Portland; 6 acres of good prune or chard, balance of land now seeded to grain; good story -and-half 5-room house, new barn, garage, chicken house, etc. Price $4500. Would consider a good little bungalow In Portland. H. M. Maloney, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. VERY CHEAP. 20 acres, fine level land, practically all tn cultivation; 1 acre timber; fenced and cross-fenced; good house, barn, well, or chard and outbuildings; all tools and ma chinery go with place; only 0 miles from Vancouver on fine auto road; price $3500, easy terms. TUB R. S. THOMPSON" CO., 3d and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH $20 PER ACRE. 160 acres: lies fine, all seeded to grass except 5 acres; 10 acres in cultivation; largo house, large barn, running creek and some fruit trees; about 5 miles from Deer Island Station; logging Toad about one-half mile from land; terma. E. A. Llndgren. SAVON LAND COMPANY, 935 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 40 ACRES, located near Estacada, with a large barn, chicken nouses, etc. IS acres In cultivation, running water and about $1000 worth of standing timber. Will aell this place If taken soon for $3000. H. M. Malonev, RITTER, LOWE & CO., . 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' ESTACADA district, 100-acro farm, 80 in crop, gooa buimings. lences, implements, etc.; $17,500. Oregon lnv. & Mortg. Co.. 202 Stock. Exch. Bldg., 3d and Yamhill eta. TO 5 ACRES In cultivation, good soil, lays well, fine view, near school, station, hard-suriacea roaa, iuc commutation iare, $300 per acre, terms. John Gustin, Green burg, on Oregon Electric. CHINA and Golden pheasants for sale; Golden pheasant eggs, tor hatching. 3 per doz. L. P. Liudgras, 1S40 Peninsula ave, city. 70 ACRES. 25 acrea In cultivation; small house, -i0 per acre; i. aown, time on bal ance. See Draper. 401 Board of Trade, Main 570. VERY best 324-acre Improved farm in state of W Washington, nodern ouiiaings. stocic and machinery; accept some exchange, Hal!. 211 Washington. 38 ACRES. ha;f In cultivation: good soil. school; o. per acre; id aown. time on balance. See Draper. 401, Board of Trade. Main 570. 40 ACRES, partly improved, Columbia High way, aiversuiea larm. house, spring; Ideal for poultry: 5-year lease for $150, with option purchase. 512 Royal bldg. 83 U ACRES. 70 improved, good buildings, near uregon city. woiistem, r- irsi street. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. SOME OPPORTUNITIES FOR FARMS IN BENTON AND LINN COUNTIES. A FINE GENERAL FARM. 170 acres, located about miles from fine small town, 140 acres in cultivation and in crop this year, about 115 acres of this wheat land, the ".balance oats and vetch land, and all has good natural drainage; the other 30 acres of the place is fine pasture and now has oak and ash timber on. it; live creek on the place; has fair improvements, 6-room house, barn and outbuildings; railroad station within a quarter of a mile. Price, in cluding one-third this year's crop and possession October 1. $12,0ou. 1 A DANDY HILL FARM. l.Vt acres of good land, 80 to 85 In cultivation and In crop, 1 mile to grade school, telephone, cream route, etc.; there are 3 acres of bearing orchard and 10 acres set to prunes this year, fair 7-room house, 50x00 dairy barn, with adjoining sheds, silo, henhouse and other outbldgs. ; 10 Jersey cows, 0 calves. 3 horses. 7 shoates, 2 brood sows, 6 pigs. 15 Oxford ewes anl buck, binder, drill, rake and all kinds of tools and equipment to run the place. Price, Including crop, stock and equip ment. $1500. GOOD S0-ACRE FARM. About SO acres in cultivation. 55 to 60 acres wheat land, has only fair Improve ments, about 4 miles from good town. Price, including this year's crop and im mediate possession, 5000. If these don't suit you, write for our "Doien Best Buys." We gladly co-oper-ato with other agents. KINNEY & TRACTS Y, The Real Estate Men. POKVALLTrt. OREGON. Home of the Oregon Agricultural College. CITY FARM. 62H acres, 11 miles from Portland, on hard -surfaced road, new, small house and barn, some stock, 25 acres just piowea, bargain price. JTOH RTT.flSKn FARMS. 160-acre wheat farm, improved, 4 miles from The Dalles, Or. 25 acres at Orchards, near Vancouver Wash., all cleared, soil black loam. 441 M.cre.4 Mt RattloL-round. Clarke. Co. fair buildings, good sr.il, 25 acres under plow, balance orusn ana pasture. 150-acre wheat farm, 1 Is miles from Barnett. Gilliam County, Or.; $1750. lhOO acres, highly imsTroved .stock ranch at Oakland, Douglas County, Or. 50 acres fine soil at Barton, 300 yards from electric station, 2o miles from Port land. DONALD MACLEOD, 553 Pittock Block. A QUICK SALE. t Will sell 65 acres all cleared, fenced rood house, outbuildings, family orchard. 4 mile from R. R., churches, schools. banks, good road, etc., $o,2o, $lo2o cash. Remainder 6 per cent interest. W ma... Valley. F. K. STEARNS, 202 Wilcox Bldg. Mornings only 10;3u to 12. -1120-ACRE EQUIPPED WHEAT RANCH $35 AN ACRE 1000 acres In cultivation, fino soil, watered by springs, 1 mile to ware- house, R, R. Sta,, Eastern Oregon, 300 acres in wheat, 200 or 3O0 acres to be sown to Spring wheat. Can be farmed with tractor. Personal: 14-ft. Combine, header, mower, rake, 2 drills, harrows, 3 wagons, fanning mill, chopper, water tank, pumps, blacKsmlth tools, 18 horses, harness, cows, hogs and personal prop erty worth about $0000, 6-room house, big barn, outbuildings. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 60 ACRES, located 1 lA miles from carllne and 7 miles from Vancouver, with 7-room house In good condition, good frame barn and other necessary outbuildings, 40 acres in high state of cultivation, balance pas ture and timber; timber can be sold at good price at this time If so desiredi This place is being offered at a great sacrifice: price $55uu; $2000 cash, balance can run 3 or 5 years if so desired. If you are Interested in a well-located ranch do not fall to see this at your earliest conven ience. THOMPSON & SWAN. 5th and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash. 157 ACRES, STOCKED. 12 head of Htock, all can be registered; 3 horses. 6 hogs, machinery, potato plant er and digger, manure spreader, hay boil er, drill, hay tedder, 4 interest In thresh ing outfit, wagons, buggy, harness and a complete set of all kinds of tools you would expect to find on a first-class farm. Good 8-room dwelling, barn for 35 head of stock and 4 horses; land lies on an easy slope for drainage, crops are all in now. This farm will compare in quality with anything on the Coast; price $18. 000. D. McCHESNEY, 332 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. 50 " AC R E SAT A BARGAIN. OWNER IN DRAFT. MUST SELL. ' All good, level land in high state of cultivation, fenced and cross-fenced; 35 acres sowed to Fail grain, 7 acres in clover, 2 acres in orchard grass, garden In. family orchard. 6-room house, barn 32x72, new silo, hoghouse, chicken-house, f aeparator-room with cement floor, rruit housc, 26 miles from Oregon City Court house on good road. S11.0U0, $3000 cash, balance long time at 5 and 6 per cent, Diliman & Holwand, 8th and Main sts., Oregon City, Or. ALFALFA FARM FOR SALE. Half section, located in Eastern Ore gon; 100 acres in growing alfalfa, splen did stand. This place is well irrigated with a good irrigation system. Located near a good town. Price fou.000. If look Ing for a farm of this kind, look this ono up. ' H. M. Maloney, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade. 70-ACRE EQUIPPED FARM. $1500 LONG TIME ON BALANCE 40 acres in cultivation, balance in pas ture, some timber, sendid soils, 6 cows and heifers, ail farm implements, fine snrlne. water piped to 7-room house ana burn, outbldgs., family orchard, 40 miles from Portland, Sbdwu. bee bam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce Bldg., 4th & Stark Sts 18 ACRES, $200. This is a place that would suit you; lo cation Is good, has a nice family orchard. good water, well fenced, pretty little fir grove, gooa barn, cnicKen nouses ana runs, 16 acres under plow, land lies sight ly. overlooking the town. If you want an attractive home and good land reasonable, see this at once. D. McCHESNEY. 332 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. 120 ACRES. $125 per acre, worth $200 per acre. 80 acres in cult., joins good town, 18 mflea Portland, good buildings, fences and fine running water; price includes farm machinery to operate place. Terms can be arranged; will take house In Port land to value of $4000 as part payment, WILLIAMS LOAN & INV. CO.. 422 Chamber of Commerce. . BENTON AND LINN COUNTIES. THE VERY HEART OF THE FAMOUS WILLAMETTE VALLEY, OREGON. Write for our "Dozen Best Buys' In farm lands. KINNEY & TRACEY, Real Estate Men, Corvallis, Or., Home of the Oregon Agricultural College. 10 ACRES, $2500. just outside of limits of ancouver, all fine sandy loam soil; extra fine location, only 15 minutes' walk from new shipyard. Would consider lib erty bonds or well-secured paper. J. B. ATKINSON, 112 W. 6th St., Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE 03 acres valley land, all In cultivation, bo acres In V inter grain, small house, barn 46x40. 40 acres black loam, no gravel, balance gray soil. Win consider trade for foothill or good moun tain ranch. Address Chas. Llndley, Marion, Or. FOR SALE 270-acre farm. 4 miles from Brownsville, Or.; 10 acres in cultivation, buildings and orchard; to close an estate, will sell for $2000 under value. Only $2000 cash and remainder on long term at 6. B. M. Price. 72 Grand ave., city. 1000 HEAD OF CATTLE can be kept fat all year by buying 80 acres at $25 per acre (key to water); Al alfalfa ranch; house, barn; 40 acres fenced; artesian well, large reservoir. WELLa. 1174 Phelan bldg., San Francisco. MODERN hom of 8 acres, located on paved boulevard, 9 miles from city and Va mile from electric station; this Is a highly im proved place with fruit, berries, garage and all conveniences. Sacrifice price of $MH0. Box 23. Tigard, Or. 41 ACRES 11 miles of Portland Courthouse; 5 acres prunes, 2 acres strawberries; a fine little farm, close in ; will sell at a bargain. J. Rosumny, 108 N. 6th st. SO-ACRE, partly improved, dive reified Ore gon farm; 'good roads and market. Price $2250. Genuine bargain. .oO cash, bal ance to suit purchaser. 512 Royal bldg. 240-ACRB Waldo Hill farm, Marlon County, Or.; 2o0 acres cultivated. 40 timber, pas ture; 3 miles from town. For a short time $23,000. Socolofsky, Salem, Oregon. IDEAL SUBURBAN "HOME, just outside Hood River, every modern convenience, school and church near; an excellent buy. O 12S, Oregonian. CHOICE irrigated land, some unimproved, some now In alfalfa and wheat; adjacent land In alfalfa paid $48. HO rent last year. Geo. C. Howard, owner. 314 Cham. Com. 10 ACRES, 5-rm. new bungalow, 25 trees, bearing orchard, 8 A. cultivated, level, -fine location, best soli, $2050. McFarland, 003 Yeon bldg. Main 3G72. WELL IMPROVED 40 acres, big house, or chard; $1200. terms: timber 40; $5 month. Others. McGrath, Mountain View, Mo. FOR SALE or trade, 100 acres irrigated land near Bend, Or. A, L. Denney, 254 Haw thorne ave. . REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. $2500. 154 acres adjoining town of Carson. Wash., on Columbia Highway. About 50 acres till able, easily cleared; good spring; JOoo cords fir wood can be load ed on scow from property or de livered to station at minimum cost. Taken for debt. Easy terms' or discount lor cash. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. HOOD RIVER. OR. fcO ACRE, all in cultivation and crop, ex cellent Tiew bungalow, bath, toilet, elec tric lights, laundry, etc.; largo new barn, garage, hoghouse, henhouse, place all fenced and cross-fenced; linoleum on floors and range with hot water connec tion, water piped to all buildings by gas engine air pressure system, 0 head horses, 4 cows, 2-year steer, heifer, calf. 4 brood sows, IN pigs and shoata, 12 sheep, hay aud grain, binder, mower, rake, disc plow, d'.sc, sulky plow, harrow, 2 wagons, 2 buggies, plenty of harness and other tools and equipment. Tho personal property and improvements on this place are worth $10,000. Price for everything. $15. 000; terms. Mliler & Walter, Corvallis. Oregon. MONTANA LAND AND SHEEP FARM. 1040 acres, all fenced and cross fenced, 300 acres ready to seed, good spring, no rock, 3 sets of buildings, ehdds and barns, H mile from school, 7 miles from town and elevators, all tillable but 70 acres, good soil; can be divided In 3 farms, a splendid buy at only $30 per acre. 2&S0 acres, 15 miles from good town, H tillable, ail good grass land with plenty water; price $13 per acre. Also 160 acres, school land leased that the owner will turn the buyer. 20u0 young sheep at only $15 per head if sold at once. MONTANA-IDAHO REALTY CO., LEWISTON. IDA. . WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM. 50 ACRES. Owner now going to retire. This farm will be sold $1500 below the going values anywhere in this neighborhood. There are 43 acres under plow, balance used for fiasture and. small wood lot; buildings aro n good shape, water piped to 6-room house, very select family orchard, land all tiled where needed, river makes one boundary of the farm: growing crops will show you quality of soil; 1 mile to station, near school; price $8500. terms. D. Mc CHESNKY. 332 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. ALBERTA'S WHEAT LANDS MUST FEED THE WORLD. American men and money are keenly alive to this fact. , and are rapidly buying and developing these lands. We offer you choice improved, unim proved lands, also fully equipped farms with stock and implements a home ready to occupy. If you have Alberta land for Bale, we have a buyer. Our slogan Honest. Efficient Service. ALBERTA FARM AGENCY, 706 A, Centee at., Calgary, Alberta, AS I AM NOT A FARMER and being iij- gageu in oilier ousmess, wan o:ii -acre valley larm at $70 per acre; 210 acres in cultivation, balance fir aud oak. New woven wire liue fences, cross fences fair, new 5-room bungalow, barn 54x72. gravity water system ; a well-located spring in every field, county road runs through farm, 24 miles to railroad. 3 miles to Yamhill. 3 miles to Carlton. Terms, $10,000 cash, balance to suit buyer, BYRON B. SHUCK, Yamhill. Or. CHOICE Willamette Valley farm, near In dependence, on r-acmc nignway; soon black soil; 100 acres In crop; 40 acres good oak timber; 15 acres in 10-year-old walnut and almond trees; 8-year-old com mercial orchard; also old orchard; best of water; 12-room house In good condi tion, large barn, granary, also outbuild ings; $3uu0 cash, balance yearly pay ments; no agents. Phone East 858. Hat tie Yett, residence 0207 Foster road; Tabor 1139. - 128 ACRES, 70 acres high stale of cultiva tion, sandy river bottom 10am, gouu nou 2 fine barns and other outbuildings, well fenced, good gravel road to Corvallis, 60 acres crop in, 4 horses. 2 colts, 10 dairy cows, bull. 5'earling heifer. 34 O. I. C hogs, 70 chickens, gas feed and fanning mill in barn, wood saw, new drill, binder, mower, rake, wagon, buggy, plow, harrow, plenty of bay and grain. All goes at $1, 000; part cash, balance easy. Miller & Walter. Corvallis Or. HILL RANCH FOR SALE 10 ?i acres lostfed-off land. 4-roora house and other buildings, 25 or 30 young fruit trees just coming in bearing, und other small berries, spring water runs through place; half a mile to school; three acres In cultivation; 4 miles to town. The place lies good; it Is level enough; it Is good for stock ranch; all stock runs out here. My price is $11001 part t me if wanted. Mrs. Lorena Chrisman, Clat- skanie. Oregon. BUY A FARM NOW WrllUUi Abb c a c. si products are high priced. I haye a few sections of excellent wheat land, located la the famous Lake Basin district. In Still water County. Montana. I am going to of fer these "ands at a low price and easy terms to actual settiera. lou can pay for the land with one crop. AH tnesa landilit within two to eight miles from railway station. For further Information write R Kincman. owner, Columbus. Mont. . x-1-1 t-atov HAVCH. 160 acres, small shack and barn, 70 acres slashed, all fenced and cro"fr fenced to three different pastures; of miles from Chitwood Station and 14 miles from Newport, Lincoln County, Oregon; $2500; terms. E. A. Llndgren. SAVON LAND COMPANY, 945 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FARM FOR SALE 55 acres, about lt in cultivation, one team of horseB, two cows, two heifers, implements and tools: small house, barn 30x00, nearly new; fruit and berries, spring water piped to house, creek with good fishing; near electric line and close to school and store. S4000' terms. $3000 cash and assume $1000 mortgage. No trade. K 115. Oregonlan. BIG CUT IN PRICE OF FARM LANDS In the best agricultural part of Snohomish County; $25 per acre, lo yearly paymoius. railways, schools, factories, plenty or la bor. The best proposition on the market for the man who wants a farm. Send for illustrated literature, Brownell Land Co.. 904 3d ave., Seattle, Wash. ' $20 DOWN. $10 MONTH Buys 40 acres of logged-off and located between Portland and Centralis 1, niiles from main line of three railroads; fine for dairy or chicken ranch; plenty of out range. Price 30 per acre. 6 BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. OWNER WILL SELL 17U level acres. 13 cleared, 2 timber, 11 In crops, small house. 4 other good build ings, all kinds fruit, 14 miles east. Juo Base Line road; $250 per acre. Only p iece at the price in this section. Mark Mck- erson, portiana. nuuie - 6U00 ACRES In Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon easy wrmj and low prices. $5 per acre and up. VW me ter map showing location, terms. o WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg.. T a com a. Wash, 1250-A. wheat ranch, iencea, iujr uunuiue. celves6 H delivered. Owner 'should get $6000 to $8000 this year. Price $20 per A. Good terms. L. 1C Moore, 317 Board of Trade. $4000 WILL buy my three-acre, modern. ,mo in Oresham: KOOd w, fcoree, buggy, chickens; 13 miles eayt of Portland; two paved road, and electric train to Portland every hour. Vnu Wright. Gresham, Or. iti ACRES In Washington Co., near Keed vilie part in wheat, some fir timber, no roCK. travel ui ...-u, - - - land brown loam soil in Oregon. Pce $5500; terms. F. Emley, Belle Plaiue, Kansas. FOR SALE, or want partner, 37i acrea, di versified farm, on wiumuw own price, time and terms. Want partner to take full charge, as I am too old for active life. Drawer 6, Hanford, Wash. FOR SALE 8300 acres, all feJ)cea' 's, buiiamgs, near ramui". aw..i..v . ley finest sheep and cattle pasture; lots farming land; $15 per acre; termB. J. A Johneon. Cottonwood. Cal. FoR SALE: JO-acre ranch, three miles east of Montesano. near paved road, good buildings, family orchard, well fenced, fine dairy section. Angus M. Campbell, M on tesu no, v a s u . 40 ACRES alfalfa land, 4 horses, plow, wag on ana harness, 1 cow, 1 aoz. chickens, 2 j.rnnm house. 16x40 barn; $3300; terms. H. C. Davis, Hermiaton. Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland: $73 to S200 per acre; easy terms best soil; farms for sale, all alias. McFarland. 603 Yeon bldg.. Portland. 5-ACRE bearing prune tract, new 6-room house, barn; good value at $2000; terms. For particulars write owner, M, Selby. Yoncalla. Or. SOO-A. wheat ranch, fair buildings, water, 4 miles R. R-; none in crop; price for quick sale $15 per A.; best of terms. L K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. 5 ACRES level, fenced; cleared, good soli, house; employment; near , Wlllamlna. 25 cash. $10 mo- Jeaae R. Sharp. 83H 3d at. FOR all-purpose farms, ranging from 50 to 500 acres, call on or write J. V. Pipe, Al bany. Or. ; EASTERN Oregon stock ranches and wheat farms; if interested, write Mathews as Hendricks, i'ossil. Or.