G THE SUXDAT OREGbXIAX," PORTLAJTD, APRIX 7, 1918. POULTRY V VTED TOC TO KNOW THAT DR. US FOLLTUr FANA-CA kep pou;.ry hua. WUo you Iwd la--c- nit ni do mrr rwrtidy. It's for gape, jef weikBrn, inJiciuon and te lilt. It rrYr.t White Liarrboe. Gurmted k. ttt.as imTa.s r l-jL'se k. i r k:..a Dut u id to the fa;hr. pat it ta the lui bath o-raion:'y. F: do the rest. FuR ROLF UM Dr. H .vup Hcrr.rUy. Tt lr. Uti l-n Is for .- by i:ou:.cdC tl A Floral Co-. 142 McnaJ; J. J. Hitter. 1 Krwnt; J. H. liar.. iirc. Co.. ttlu Lombard: w. .;. Dt- iiiao. n.J Foster nuil; Et Side Fd Co., Inc. !- Lbioo av.; ilroaJw Fsd Co l'H N. th. fortUnd ha o.. law iron-.. Tr?sont brms-7. "." Ti S. Mrs. U lWjr. 7.'U S- E. ; Ml. Scott Lmr cv. Lo.a. .-t. Johns I'hanuicy. St wui Mfrc. Co- iliisuk.s; Coflal liros u-ACK FARM STOCKED AND 1 MII.Krf h;om iii:tunp. $ooo v. i-tt-r aoil In th valley, almost lrvL In mitlTtlon. balanc pasiurs and timher, nw room bu, barn, po tato rrilar. out bides.. orchard. berri. aprins and about 3i Miki fine po- t('-. sum clotrr. FH fnn. Team hore. y (oti said hir. chickens, all I rm Impicarnts and aniall tool. Cash and t-rms. . fam Hiwey at J. L. HaRTMAN rnMPA.W. No Chamber of io-im Hid. fh At f tark . AAB ron Kiaa Broa.. H. C Whits X.fboma. will s:art you rlsbt. Su.vo sh.pped oot last s-vjoa without a com piai&t. Our p. ant and hatchery ths finest a the Coast. C.U.ou and circular aa rot. Fisa Bros. At- F. IX Ne. X, Seat tle. Wash- , 8. C. WHITE LECirORNS. Cocks and cockerels, cboicest breeders from ped:creed pna of bin produclnc IZnsUah b-na. 3 ia and $i aaeh. Mc Kenna Para Poultry Krm. Col. Ale ktaca and Lombard sts. BBY cnl-ks from our we.i-known strain of Fr.s-.ish Inborn. ea h. rewdy for 1-:ierT ljdy. W e navo natt-nes cira.ng fp k Better olace an ordrr 1 TMelatlr. McKrnna Park Poultry Farm. M- Kr.na avr. and l-omoard st. Col. M. KAKRED ROCK eggs and chicks, seventh ysar ronllnuoui trapnaating ; liens roe rui Itio to 24 egga par or ; malea from n-h-record hens bead for folder. Al bert Kastner. Ronto L Tacoma. Waah. kllL'l'ivi: Barrel Ro.-k. Eillott T.ed and A. C. Whf Leghorn eras for hatch ing. Leir orders Mr chicks. Tabor 4o7. W. H. Wi.:uiu, itfl4 17 7 J J st- b. E.. l'on- ' and. VHITE LEGHORN baby chla from beaTy Uytng iHsnlsed stork. Marcb delivery. It per 1W, April. $10. Wo guarantsa afa arrival. Tho 1'ionear Hatchery, i'eta- luma. Cal. a- BABY chick. bat:blng Wednesday of this e-k. Will iil Irom a dosn up. rm ih fint laytnc Whlta Lahorna, Aio have hatching l'urse. 2lu Ure- tin bllg. Hdwy 1 l....S f .r han hlnc from extra fina lars Winier-raving strain. C. R. I. Teds; nor b-ti-r: only 1 SO lor eggs. B. A. Mlt. h-!!. Orenrn. Of. OCR Whito Leghorn and Back Minorca chicks have no superiors and few equals. A trial wli: convince you. Hicks J u bile Hatchery. Petaiuma. Cal- R, 2. box 22 GKM'INR K:;rr9traas Whit Orpingtons. $1 a s-ttma: excel'ent hatches; bby rhlcki April 1 1. 42i 4S11 avc S. E. Phon S::wrnd ."MH. ?trw iowt. Pd boxer Q (a ESTABLISUEO IMt FROM A BKfEMLT FI RXISHED CLCMEIIC HOME E HAVE RE ItltKU IWTtV MAHMAST KtR MTIHI IIKHT W1LTOX BlliS, KTt, Mlllt'll WILL BE AT THE BAKER AlCTIOS MOV5B On Tuesday. Next CompriMn very rich overstuffed daT enport In blue velour. mhOKny rock trn with genuine leather eeats. cotly ea.y chalr. prenutne mahoeany library tahle. handsome niahoaany electric llc)r lamp with fan' shade, nearly new raftan sunroom suite in Castllllau Ivory, finest quality Wilton runs. xl2 size, body Urueels and Axminster rugs In SxlJ and xl0-foot siies. several email ruisa. Windsor rocker, mahopcany hall seat, very elaborate electric dome In brass and art kIuss. mission hall flock, several oil palntinits. very mas sive solid mahouany bedroom suite as follows, bedstead. larife dresser with V'renrh plate mirror and combination wardrobe anil chiffonier: full size brass beds, mahogany colonial style dresser, hirdseye maple dressing table, chif fonier and rocker and chair, oak dress ers Beils are complete with sprlnKS and mattresses, pillows, wool blaukels. comforts, etc. .XOTE DIXICROOM. The dininK-room suite Is Jn colonial mahocany and nearly new. vlx.. solid nmlioK.ny pedfstal table (Urand Kaplds make), beautiful sideboard, china cab inet and set of dainty chairs with leath er seats, odd china, vases, bric-a-brac, pinno benrh. fire basket, andirons. I PHK.HT IFUFR rl.0 ISi (tl'AR TKKr:t UAK HM- S"eel rai.Ke. itard'-n hose, lawn mower, Tef rliterator. uiensils and muny other useful household itoods. A I CTIOEKR-S 'OTE. IT desirinc nearly new. up-to-date. kiKh-Krade furniture, now Is your ei.ance. The iroods are now on display aud await your caretul Inspection. AIITIIIV 0 TlEDUAt EXT AT ! OVLUth. On Wednesday Next AT 515 TKTH STHKI-TT. f O R ' K R l t STKKKT. K SHALL. !K1.I. TMK r I R 1 H " '"- l' Ktr. Illtl SEHEEIIU SI ITE". as follows: llrass and Iron beds, sprlncs .and mattresses, pillows, bedding, fold ing beds, several dressers, commodes, wardrobes, rockers, center tables, din Inir table and chairs, crockery and ftassware. pictures, curtains, portieres. ;rusels rules and carpels, small rugs, uiniEarv couches, be davenetle. heat- Ir-g stoves, gas ranges, utensils, cup- towards and many other lots. IITK THESE iMII' MU ST POM- T1ELV BE ill.l, AS THE Bl II.OINC IS T BE IIKHOI.ISHEU. AltTl X EMES1V ET AT 1 A. M. AT SIS TENTH STREET. CORNER MLHU STKEET. On Thursday Next w sih'tll aril another la rare lot of housr Jild i:cm-'! jc Thes" stot can lr nrn ci U f!Pi'-.hv afternoon. Al CTIUX itS TlllUMiAV KT AT 10 A. M. PAY CMI FH HOI KICOLD Vm. ur mill sell tht -am for you tithrr In your home. If runvrnient. or you mar hAve the use uf our centrally iocatcvl aalesroonis. Preliminary Notice On April Hth. next, we shall sell household good and other effects for s'l'rae and other liens at the C. O. 'tck & v'o.'s warehouses. Second and Xlne streets. Particular, later. Hy order C. O. i'lea Transfer storage Co. W . C. BIKER W . H. DEAN. Farwltare Iealera Aaetloaeera, Msm.ale TesnN Halldlaa. lassatll aad West I'ark Ms. I'h.ae Mala U1X See That Corner? EST W I.KI DISTCNCt- Frarnonal corner, with eiirhl - room ftmelltng- 5Tj Kast Morrison, corner Fourteenth. lrice reasonable. Terms If desire. L Geo. H. Thomas S7 Oak Street. Rmb 3. Alaawertk Bids. Tflfera) Bids- Tenth and Morrison Sts. FOR RENT : K A W1V lL.ltl RtK MS. single or In suites, at very reasonable rent. Card terns take, Agt.30S V Um ill da. Mala 703 ' Ma PETAUMA HATCHERT Can snip tUy-o' chicks to poiDLs reached la thrv days. W cbaiicnss ths hen. klm Yaritta. Fr dr cu ar. U W. Ciarte. Ptiuma, Cal WANT sUitii hns. April. ilJy and J una. wiil ta.l for t.lcm wek;y; 1.25 each, or &0 cents rental. Drop us a card. Alar mot Fhwuntry, Mtnnot, Or. FOR AL Nine pullets and cockerel; pr:i- inninir Buff Kocks; JOc lb. East 4. .72. 3U Kos at. TWO lOO-chlck brooders, complete, prac tically new. price Call Tabor bOTa 17i K. ih st. N. 2U0 WHITE each. oOl M74. I.E'iHORN" baby chicks. 15c Alorrlson. near lttto. Cast KuK 6 ALE Thorouchbred White Ieghom setting eccs from 2-year-old Hoganlsed hens. cts. per eiri- Call Woodlamn atitt. U. A. C. brvd-to-lar Barred Rocks, SI 50 Kltlni. C. J. Alclntoah. O. J Cor-all. Or. et-ira SILVER CAM FINE ecr. $2.iO B-iril!lcy. Kenton Station. V per 15. Grace ood lawn FETALL'MA incubator, lti efrs. cheap for riah. all at flro station, -d and Oak. RHODE ISLAND setting eggs. 15 for a dol lar. 77 E. 7Hth st. North. Tabor 3J35. FOR SALE Una Mammoth Bronx turkey gobbler. Hhone II wood 2185. R. I. R. esgs for sale. $1.2 par setting, 740 Alllwaukta st. WHITE LEGHORN eggs for setting. $1.60. Ml Mississippi ave. East 2p0. TWo thoroushbred black Minorca roosters. Sfllwood 144J. FIN K strain laying Leghorns. reasonable. Hassalo. Tabor 40. ract a i w aa.TS 9i. MeAoeM InaweMc C Tataa, WasMngf PORTABLE PooJ try Bosses, $12 a a d up. W LU isms Bros., 6025 E- 82S st. S. E. CaU Tabor C2$. Hatch Chicks That Live and Grow SOLD BY R0CT LEDGE SEED & FLORAL CO. 145 Second SU MIT TODAT. We are authorized to offer For Sale THE Studebaker Building A three-story and basement, mill-constructed, sprinkled building, size 100x200 feet. Facing 100 Feet on E. Morri son St., 100 Feet on Belmont SU 200 Feet on E. Second St. Trackage Facilities Un excelled Wakefield, Fries & Co. 83 Fourth St. Irvington's Choicest Corner Houses 774 Thompson, Cor ner 24th 510 East 17th N., Corner Brazee Both owners hive left Oregoni san.t sell. I- entnre. t Lars;e living-rooms, with finest mahogany finishi all floors oahi American Radiator hot-water heati all tile nathai nilllnrd roeaaai double eorner lota. The last word In renl homen and the nlaee where josr family ahonld live. By appointment only. R. T. STREET, Agent. $8500 '7 $8500 Near Rroadwny Bridge on Rom St., ' FOI R - APARTMENT BUILDING AND GOOD SEVEN-ROOM HOISE. INCOME SO. Ritter, Lowe & Co. 203-3-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS II On lanpravrd Hty ss4 farm prosi f rrty at cl-ase latrrrat ratea. ta il atallaarat rrpaysnrat prlvllrire If rrirre4. Proas at. rr liable arrvlc. A.H.BIRRELL CO. SI7-31t Northwestern Bank Building. Mnrnhnll 4114. A 41 IS. Why Not Borrow? Tou may buy a house ready-made, but you criticise Its arrangement. Why not borrow and build to your own plans? Money to loan on good city, farm and acreage security. Geo. H. Thomas SeT Oak Street. Room X Alnawerth Bldg, MORTGAGE LOANS ti riRM ad REsirEra PKOPtHTL KU COMMISSION. Wm. MacMaster Tot fORBETT ILDG. PORTLAND. OH. JNO. B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS. Insurance, Surety Bonds Ml WILCOX BLOC Mala 103, A 3703, rwciawT I aatO fcs. m Ur Mw inn EW TODAY. AUCTION SALES AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 169-171 SECOXO STREET, nr YassBlII. REGTL.AR SALESDAY9 Monday, Wednesday and Friday EACH DAY AT 3 P. X. FOR' MONDAY'S SALE our sales room are crowded to the door with medium-grade furniture consigned for nosltlve. aale. Including: pedestal dining table and chairs, buffets and sideboards, china closet, couche. library and cen ter tables, oak bedroom sets, black walnut dresser, iron bed, wardrobe, folding; bed, carpet, rug, linoleum, dishes, utensil, cookstoves and other numerous lot. WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY we eell again at 10 A. M. Attend our aale and buy at your own price. FOR PRIVATE SALE WE HAVE SOME Great Bargains IS Upright Pianos AH Instrument of the best reputation. uch as KRAMCH BACH. FISCHER, LI'DUKi, CROWN. CL.ARENDON. STEINHAl'ER. If you are looking; for an instrument It will pay you to in vestigate. At the same time look through our immense line of FURNITURE Carpets, Rugs, Steel and Gas Ranges, t Refrigerators, Etc., which we sell you at any time. FI LLY GUARANTEE AND DELIVER FREE. ALSO OFFICE FURNISHINGS Including- roll and flat-top desks, re volving chairs, arm chairs, filing cases. STORE FIXTURES EQUIPMENTS If Ye Are Fitting I s a Store, Come si Sec If We Caa't Save Yea Some Money. Don't Overlook Our GROCERY DEPARTMENT Stock the Very Best Prices the Very Lowest AUCTION AT RESIDENCE We are favored with Instructions from MRS. J. B. H YAMS, wife Of CAP. TAIN H YAMS, who Is called to the colors, to dispose of the costly furnish ing of this private home at 506 East 18th St. North Corner Brute Street, IRVINCTON, On Thursday Next, April 11, at 10 A.M. ALMOST NEW "FISCHER" PLAYER PIA NO. MAHOGANY. BIRDSE YE MAPLE and OAK Ft RNITLRE. as fol lows: In I.IVIXi - ROOM Handsome MAHOCANY DAVENPORT, with tapes try upholstering; MAHOGANY EASY CHAIRS and ROCKERS, TURKISH ROCKER in black leather, mahogany Morris chair, mahogany ladle' desks. sectional bookcases, collection of books, choice picture, draperies, lace cur- talna, MASSIVE BRASS ANDIRONS, BRASS FIRE SET and FOLDINU SCREEN, mantel clocks, bric-a-brac, etc IV DINING . ROOM 54-INCH TOP PEDESTAL EXTENSION TABLE. SET OF DINING CHAIRS, with genuine Spanish leather seats, CHINA CLOSET, china ware and glass ware, silver ware, etc. DEN Library table, magazine racks, box couch. HINDU AR. WILTON and BODY BHI SSELS RIGS throughout the house; GOOD STAIR CARPET. CONTENTS OF THREE BEDROOMS. Including bras and enameled iron beds, complete with springs and mattresses, pillows, comforts: WHITE ENAMEL, BIRDSEVE MAPLE and GOLDEN OAK DRESSERS, CHIFFONIERS, Stands, rockers and chairs en suite, drophead sewing machine. KITCHEN Vulcan gas range, refrig erator, utensils, the usual laundry out fit, garden tools and other effects. ON VIEW MORNING OF SALE only. Take Irvlngton car to Brazee. J. T. WILSON, AUCTIONEER. We Far Cash for Furniture. CaU Mala 1626. Houses For Sale 392 Church St $1200 422 Church St $1100 424 Church St $1400 73 E. 30th StN $1900 75 E. 30th St.N $2150 1065 E. Salmon St $2250 487 E.41st St $2000 205 E. 40th St $2500 387 E. 45th St: $2450 391 E. 45th St $2650 8 Webster St $3000 456 E. 40th St $3500 797 E. Lincoln St $5500 Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 Fourth St. WAREHOUSES NO. . N. FRONT STREET. 20.000 square feet. 60x100. ground floor remoaeieu into apienaia eaiearoom ana offices equipped with electric elevator. Switch track in front of door. Kepecial ly well suited for high-class wholesale requiring ehow room and storage for stock of goods. NO. N. FIRST STREET, opposite Lang A Co.. three-story-and-baaement brick building, well built, with good offices already In, also elec tric elevator. Has four years and two months to run at price obtaining early In 117. ALSO HAVB OTHER WAREHOrSES FROM 10,000 SL FT. TO 00,000 . FT. W. H. Webb TEON Bl'ILDING. MAIN 4HIS. MORTGAGE LOANS - ON BCSUTESS AND RESIDENCE PROPKBTY. ROBERTSON SWING. M7 - Martawcatcn Bank Bids. J.TEW TODAY. r:$v-. 11 1 K--;. luft-- Laia THIS IRYINGTON, COLONIAL HOME For Sale at $4600 With STREET IMPROVE MENTS ALL PAID Somebody will get a beau tiful, well built modern home at a figure far less than it could be duplicated for. The owner of this home is leav ing Portland. Buyer can get immediate possession. DESCRIPTION 8 rooms, living-room, music-room, dining - room and kitchen on first floor; hard wood floors, fireplace, etc.; four nice, large bedrooms and bathroom on second floor; roomy basement with splen did furnace, stationery tubs, etc. Nice garage, lots of choice roses, home environ ment first class. A reliable party can buy this home on terms of $650 cash and balance pretty near like rent. There isn't a cent of incumbrance against the property. Location, 615 East 9th St, Irvington, near Knott St. House will be open for in spection Sunday from 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. T. F. Drake, Owner, or see my agents, THE CROSSLET-VIGAKS COMPANY, . 270 Stark St. Main 3052. $5750 ALAMEDA PARK OWNER WILL SELL Fine Six -Room Home One-Half Block From Broadway Car. Choice Location White enamel finish, hardwood floors. furnace, fireplace, sleeping - porch, etc. NO AGENTS. Phone Woodlawn 3308 Sam Connell Lumber Co. Bdwr. 354 Ankeny St. Portable and Ready-Gut Houses and Garages Call for full particulars and detail 're- garaing these houses ana garages. DO.T PAY HIGH RENTS. - West Side Income Property Non-Resident Owner Own pood income property on 11th near Jefferson. Will eell at several thousand dollars less than I paid for it in 1913. as I live in California per manently. Will fix terms to suit buyer. Don't bother me with trade propositions S. R. D. S., 432 Fourth St., Santa Rosa. Cal. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY 2Vi full lots in. center of city, facing three important streets, with trackage. Absolutely best warehouse or manufacturing site in Portland, West Side. Requires some cash; $20,000 can remain on first mortgage at 6. Balance 2d mortgage or trade. No agents. Address V 183, Oregonian. ROSE CITY SACRIFICE Full EOxlOO, facing east, beautiful new "BUN GALOWS" all around it. Everything paid in full. Quick sale $500. 90S VKOX BVILDIXG. FREE SERVICE BY PACIFIC TITLE TRIST CO. We have all the records In this countT sffectln realty abstracted and posted right up to the minute. No charge for Information. Call at office. 200-8 Stark U Phone Mar. 12. TTEST MORELAJVD Qmarter Block. I- on lstn St., two oiocks eaBi xne SELLWODD CAR. and for a quick sale S30O WILL TAKE BOTH LOTS. 905 VEO.'V BVILD1G, . ... , - r A KEW TODAT. NEED A BUNGALOW? I've Jnst What You've Been Looking For but Haven't Been Able to Find. A real classy, well-built, well located 6-room bungalow with garage, on a large corner lot in Rose City Park, one block from car, for only $4000. It's located at 527 E. 43d St. N., being the S. W. corner of E. 43d and Brazee Sts., having an east frontage; large living-room with homey fireplace, den or music-room adjoining, eliding doors to dining-room, hardwood floors,- convenient kitchen, two bedrooms and bath downstairs, large attic, in which two bed rooms can be built at an ex pense of $150." You'll find a beautiful, well kept lawn, lots of choice roses, flowers, shrubbery and fruit trees. It's a real, home and worth much more than the price asked. Both streets are paved and all paid for. There isn't a cent against the property. Open for inspection today be tween 1 and 5 P. M. Don't wait a minute, as hundreds of people In Portland will jump at the chance to secure this little home. C. E. BROWN, OWNER'S AGENT. Tabor 59. No agents need apply. "POK Mcrtgage Loans see Oregon In vestment & Mortgage Co.. Stock Ex change Bldg., Third and Yamhill Streets RKAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. WITH TREES $730 EAST TERMS Rose City Park lot; 50x100 corner; nice location : terms. 575 down. Sl& month. J. J HARTMAX COMPANY, No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce bluff., 4th & Stark as. Main 206, A 20S0. (Sundays only at Branch Office, 45th & Sandy Blvd.) WITH TREES 75U EASY TERMS Rose City Park lot; 50 by 100 corner. Nice location, terms $73 down, $15 month. J. L. HARTMAX COMPANY. No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce Bldf., 4th & Stark Sts. Main 208, A 2050. APARTMENT-HOUSE site, 00 by 100-foot lot, with 5 -room cottage, at 47 11th St.. between Hall A College sts. ; all assess ments and taxes Ipald; thlo Is a splendid buy for someone; price $o50; terms If de sired. PARRISH, WATKIXS A. CO., lot 2d st. Phone Main 1044. NOTICE TO MANUFACTURERS AND LAUNDRIES. I own a very desirable factory site 200x 80 on the S. P. & S. R. R. ; terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. . CLOSE IX SNAP. Lot 50x100, Flint St., near Tillamook, with ffood view of Columbia River and West Side; owner forced to sell; price 15O0. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. LOT 50x100, lVs blocks from Kennedy School. 4 blocks rrom Albert a car; J-room shack that could with little expense be comfort able 11 vine quarters; lot well fertilized, some fruit and roses; street Improvements In. Cheap. Phone Woodlawn 4854. FINE ALAMEDA LOT. 50x100 In this high-class restricted dis trict, close to carltne, at 28th and Mason sts.; nice surroundings: price with assess ments all paid up, S1000. Osborne, 60 Killings worth ave. NINE - LOTS, in best residence district of ancouver, paved streets ana sewer all paid; $450 per lot. C. W. RYAN, 112 W. 6th St.. Vancouver, Wash. FOR SAL13 Lots IS. 16. 17. 18.- block 2. Montclalre add., lOOxlOU, corner, on Sandy blvd. ; easy terms, or will trade for Aber deen or Koqutam. Wash., property of equal value. AV 708, Oregonlan. THAT VACANT LOT Turn a burden Into Income. We design and build anything, furnish the money If desired; eight years In Portland. I. R. Bailey Co.. contract ing architects. Northwestern Bank bldg. . $600 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 5600 50x100 lot on 40th St., Just south of Hawthorne ave. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IDEAL spot for home, sightllest quarter block In Fulton Park, corbett and Custer sts., next to Dr. Hlnson's residence; price reasonable. Inquire owner, 249 Bancroft ave. S$30 EAST 26th. near Clinton, full lot on canine an improvement in ana paia xor. Oregon Inv. A Mtg. Co- 202 Stock Exch. bldg 3d and Yamhill. FOR SALE Sacrifice lot 7. block 56. offer equity for 5100; lot 50 per cent paid up. bee owner Monday, 202 Stark st, or phone Main LOTS FOR SALE. Never again, 24 full lots In Gregory tieignts. a-iuo. THOMSON. MOHAWK BLDG. NUMBER of fine bid. lots, will sacrifice for 5300 cash, worth tiou. J. M. McMahon, 2006 East 4id. LOTS IP and 20, block 21, llyda Park: no Incumbrances. Aadress ilra. .Edltn .ractee. Prosser. Wasn! 60x100. 50TH BET. THlamook and Hancock. $400 ; clear of all Incumbrances; abstract to date. Taoor FOR SALE Three desirably located resi dence lots In East St. Johns. Mrs. E. M. Chase. R. F. D. No. 2. Hood River. Or. BY OWNER Six lots, fenced in; cultiva tion; good location for home; near Pen Insula Park. AH 178. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Choic. aero at Garden Home, clos. to car; Improved; pas, water, etc. S. L. N. Oilman. Main 84 SU. SNAP $1000 buys a fine Piedmont lot. on . Garfield ave.; Improvements all in and paid. CaU 417 Chamber of Com. OLD CHURCH BUILDING WOODSTOCK. Lot 300x100; price JS50; terms half caah. GODDARD WIJSUHICK, 143 Stark. FOR SALE or trade for acreace, 2 lots, 1 s corner, 64tn and Powell sts. K. 117, Ore- s"onian! UxloO-FT. lot, 7 blocks from Kenton Bank. 2 blocks car, 200 ft. paved street; $i0 cash. Y 172, Oreonian. IRVINGTON LOTS. WE HAVE THE BAR GAINS, f. i. n a u a uv ou. in. W. BANK BLDG. G. C. GOLDEN BERG CAN SELL TOUR LOT. 215 Ab'.nton Bldg. Msln 4803. CHAS. W. ERTZ. architect. Plttock block. All kinds of building and alterations. SNAP Big half-acre. 45; 5c fare, water, lights. Thomson, Mohawk bldg. LOT 50x100. at 3Sth and Alder. ney. 254 Hawthorne ave. A. L. Den- GOOD $473. buy. Sell 0x1. 0 lot rood 2767. F. with tent-house, Kee!!y. ST. JOHNS 100x100. only 550; SOxlOO, 1270; terms. Broadway 4751. evenings. For Sal -Houses. AN ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. 6-r. modern bungalow, on Division St., B. of Ladd Add., in Hawthorne dlst.. price $.12X. terms. We hav. other attractive, typical bungalows. Let us show you. Auto'at your service. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE l-room house and lot 50x110. Bell Station." Phone East 1850; price 750. 7-BOOM modern. 100x200. 6417 69th BU S. E, beautiful home. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. GRUSSI A DOWNEY'S SNAP LIST: f 850 3-rootn bungalow, bath, electric lights, on Tlbbetts St.: terms. 1200 5 -room cot t aire. bath. elec. lights. paved street, on Mallory ave,, near jaason; uu casn, iu per monin, 6 ter cent. 1300 4 -room cottage, fine bath, chicken house, fine lot, roses, etc., on Haight st., near Alberta; $300 cash, S10 month. 1500 5-room good cottage. on San Rafael, near Union ave.; walking distance; $J00 cash, $1 month, per cent. 1500 Nice 3-room bungalow. Alberta, 53W cash. 1700 ti-room cottage, full lot. paved sf., an paia, iseorasica st., soutn Port land: terms. 1800 S-room cottage. 75x100, fruit, etc., on lliard ave., near A Ins worth 5500 cash. S15 mo.. 6 ner cent. 2000 G-room fine cottage, full lot, paved street, paid, on West Side, South Portland: terms. 2000 4-room modern bungalow. E. 26th, near Gladstone; will sell furnished . or uniurnisnea on terms. 2250 5 -room bungalow, on Division, near E. 84th; $500 cash, $22.50 per mo., Including Interest. 2450 6-room house, corner lot, paved st., Grand ave. and Skldmore; easy terms. 2500 Five-room modern bungalow, oak floors, fireplace, etc., on Mllwaukie ave. and rioigate; 5500 cash. 2650 -7-room nice home, walking dts tance, 4 bedrooms, on E. 24th, sear Ankeny :terms to suit. 2900 7-room fine home on East 16th, near Alberta; worth $4000; very easy terms. . 8300 6-room strictly modern home In Laurelhurst: a big snap. 4 000 7 - room fine home, corner lot, in Piedmont, paved st. paid; $1000 casn; snap. 4000 3 good houses, 100x100, E. 11th St., fine Income. 4500 Swell six-room strictly modern house, garage, etc.. Laurelhurst. 5250 Fine 7-room bungalow, Willamette Heights; easy terms. GRUSSI &. DOWNEY, 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452. Sunday, phone Tabor 3253. A HOME IN BEAUTIFUL PASADENA. A modern residence property on South uaaison avenue oiierea at a Dargain: a choice neighborhood, within five minutes' walk or Hotel Maryland. Presbyterian, Methodist and Christian &cience churches and streetcar lines: lot 70x150. fruit trees, shrubbery, lawn, thoroughly well built house of nine rooms and a garage,' five bedrooms airt sleeping porch In house. large closets, large sunny living-room, fireplace, oak floors, cemented basement. gas furnace and electric heat, bath and three toilets, front and rear porches. Will sell furnished or unfurnished; price un furnished $4500. Undersigned refers t any bank in Pasadena. Theodore Cole man. 626 Arroyo drive, Pasadena, Cal. $3000 $300 DOWN, $25 MONTH MOUNT TABOR Beautiful view of valley and mountains. big living and dining-rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, big back porch across entire house, white enamel kitchen, upstairs 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, full cement basement. J. L. HAKT MAX COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg., 4th and Stark sts.. Main 208, A 2050. (Sunday only at Branch Office, 40 m ana. bandy, iso phone. IRVINGTON SNAP. A large ti-room modern home, is too large for myself and wife, so we have de cided to sell it at a right down snap. It is a dandy home. To see the value you snout a see it throughout. It is realty worth 88000, but we will sell it for $5500 at $2500 cash and $3000 can stand at 7 per cent. Call up and come out. If we are absent one time call again. We'll be giaa to snow you ana ten you au aoout it. Chas. A. Seaburg, 506 E. 28th st. N. Phone East 2233. FORECLOSURE BARGAIN. ROSE CITY PARK $2350. Some barrain! A modern bungalow lo cated in the very beat part of Rose City Park, near car and close in; fun ouxiuu 101; all improvements in and paid ; has no hardwood floors or furnace: think of It. 6-room modern bungalow in this location xor 5230U; buy cms quicK. A. G. TEEPE CO., 204 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3516. Sunday, Tabor 3721. BUY A HOUSE WITH AN INCOME , FOR $4500. I have to sell, in order to close an es tate, a two-flat building, 5 rooms, pantry and bathroom 1st floor, 2d floor has C rooms, pantry and bathroom and large attic. Located at 189 Stanton street,, close to Alblna shipyard and O.-W. K. & N. carshops. This Is a good investment for somebody. Phone East 48 il. WHY NOT BUILD? Get an artistic home according to your own Ideas by responsible irm. Prices are some higher than normal, but they will not be lower for some years. We design and build residences, apartment, anything. Assist to finance same if desired. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC. Contracting Architects. 924 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $1750. 5-room, semi-modern house. 1 block from Hawthorne car; streets paved and walks in: the heart of Hawthorne dis trict; 1 block from 35th st. Small pay ment down, balance like rent. See Eaton, with the FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, , 104 5th St. Main 6869. -ROOM bungalow on East 52d street, near high achooi.'nas xirepiace, laces eai, in quires $400 cash. . 5-room bungalow on East 27th street, $2100; requires $350 cash, balance terms. These are the best buys in the city and can be inspected at any time. T 42, Ore gonian. ALAMEDA PARK Cor. 32d ana iiason. Dutch colonial, built only short time. Own er leaving city. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, white enamel finish, flre- olace. Dutch Klicnen, launary, iui -.. every convenience. Lot 60x100. able terms. F. E. 'Bowman & Reason Co., 213 C. of C bldg. Main 3026. " ROSE CITY PARK HOUSE. Beautiful 7-roora, story and half house, hardwood floors, fireplace, old ivory r n i Vi ,u.ntni norch. sun narlor. furnace, full cement basement, fruit closet, built-in coal bin; the finest of hardware through out the house. Sold by owner; no agents need apply, can laoor uoo.. FOR SALE by owner, 5-roora bungalow, AI 1 . ji.irir- furnnnp flrenlace. full ce m.nt basement, wash trays, hardwood iT v. 1, on.l buffet. Lot 4UXJ00. T7-. V . Prir i?7.-0: S10O0 cash. bal. monthly payments. Call Monday after 9:30 A. M. Wdln. 449. BARR riTV PARK. rM... n.w hunealow. modern and well fl rooms, large attic, full cement i int .10100. nicely located worth 14000. but S3750 takes it today. Owner. Tabor 3825. I.AI7RELHURST. n.f.t. huvlna elsewhere obtain our list ,f exquisite homes for sale on easy terms in Laurelhurst. the show place of Port landT LAURELHURST CO- 27014 Stark St. Marin 1700. A loio. 7-ROOM modern house, not far from Wil lamette Diva. &nu jencnuu on paved street, cement basement, furnace, . j.h 14.100. S250 to $500 dowm bal. to suit. L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. 1 3-ROOM modern houses, Hawthorne dis- tfct- S2750 cash. 6-room modern, near TT.n.r Tavlor and 17th; 13750. 4-room old house, barn. lot 100x219. near car. St. Johns; 12200. Cash or moderate terms. BC 551. Oregonlan. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. t. vn.t wnt a. bargain in a very at' tractive bungalow, phone Tabor 1993 and get particulars; any time. ROSE CITY, 6-room bungalow, corner lot ...ti ,.m.nt haii.in.nt fireDlace and fur- mice: strictly modem, good furniture: pool table: S3500. $1000 cash, bargain. 41 h.. 4d N. Phone Tabor '5461. ti?M cave: nmmission on this: 5-r. mod em bungalow, gas. electric, corner lot. 50 -.ion. 2 blocks from car, St. Johns. If In terested this is a bargain. BC 548. Ore gonian. ni-ttvpcc mb.if me awav from Portland. will sell equity In 6-room house. 100x100 n,-r,r- nrice Is right and balance like rent Call D 1330 or come to 1290 East Stark street. Must act at once. HUBBELL ft SON. 1421 aanay. oidest firm ROSE CITY PARK, can sell you a good house cheap. Se. us first. Tabor 2161. sirRIFIfE 2-room furnished house, fine lot cash or good terms. Call before 12. Ma'r. 2239. Apt. 307. thwfE rooms and toilet, good location; only A Xl ' ..rm. AV 1. $tHU, W 1 .11 - ' - " ' "'O" nian. ' ROSE CITY PARK Attractive, modern ti room bungalow; $300 down, baL on terms. Tabor 4477. FOR SALE 6-room house, all on one floor. l (j o..rillK v. . . . . - . ... ...... o, $2500. Call Woodlawn 4310. BARGAIN By owner, home and two lots. comer i" lnd bldg. Main 8S2o. SACRIFICED, modern 7 rooms, fireplace. furnace, nan i-ic. -"" .... ..in. i.,., Now $3750. 209 Hohawk bldg. Mar. 125. MODERN 6-room house; will sell very rea- appointment call Owner. Tabor 69S4." imriERN 6-room bungalow, warning dls- tance. central i 1 . - ' 20th st, corner uan. East 2689. i-OO-MODERN Holladay Park home. 7 j0ull E 17th. nice surround ings? For terms phone owner. East 3899. IRVINGTON 51. T. STREET. IRY. AGEXT, REAL ESTATE. For iale House. HOMES, $4000 TO $8000. , $4000 8 rooms, E. 37th, near Alder. $400 8 rooms, Wasco street, Laurelhurst. $4000 7 rooms and sleeping porch, E 42d, near Lincoln. $4000 10 rooms and sleeping porch. E, Main, near 34th. $4000 6 rooms, 100x100, corner E. 22d and Irvlnsr. $4200 8 rooms, Williams ave., near Sum ner. $4400 6 rooms, corner lot. E. 51st, near Madison. $4500 6 rooms, finished attic, 24th North. near Thurman. $4500 7 rooms, E. 40th, near Knott. $4500 6 rooms, E. 16th. near Division. 54600 7 rooms, finished attic, E. 3Sth North, near Hancock. $50M) t rooms, E. 12th North, near Knott, $0000 9 rooms and sleeping porch. East Ash, near 2oth st. $5000 S rooms and garage. East 6Sth, near Belmont. $5200 8 rooms. East 8th, near Knott. $5500 7 rooms, E. 31st, near Hawthorne, 5(1000 9 rooms, E. 12th. near Knott. ftJOOO-S rooms, E. 30th, near Taylor. $6000 8 rooms and den. E. luth North, near Knott. $6500 9 rooms, lot 148x150. small or chard, E. 61st. near Stark. $6$00 9 rooms, 2 sleeping porches, lot 68x100. Portland His. district. 18000 2 houses, 100x100, corner E. Grand and Lincoln. , C. A. Warrlncr. RITTHR, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 ROOMS, BRAND NEW , BUILT BY OWNER. NO MORTGAGE. EXCEPTIONAL CONSTRUCTION. TERMS. RECOMMENDED BY HUBBELL & SON, OLDEST FIRM ROSE CITY. -52D bT. AND SANDY ROAD. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW ROSE CITY PARK $3150 All floors hardwood, small den, living room across entire front of house, full basement, furnace, nobby looking, bis; cement front porch, climbing roses ami vines, rose bushes around entire lot, big fruit trees, 2 shade trees, just four houses south of carllne on 45th st. All improvements in and only $115 unpaid. DO NOT DISTURB TENANTS! J. U HARTMAX COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th and Stark streets. Main 208, A 2050. (Sunday only at Branch Office, 45th and Sandy blvd. No phone.) HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $2350 A REAL BARGAIN. Just think of it! A real modern 5-room bungalow, with hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet with beveled plate glass mirror and leaded glass doors. Dutch kitchen, with every built-in conven ience, ironing board, canopy over kitchen range; cement floor in basement, wash trays; large attic: short distance from Hawthorne ave; street Improvements in cluded in above price; don't pass this by. Requires $400 cash. A. G. TLEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 851 fl. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOWS. 5 rooms and attic, modern bungalow, 1 Vi blocks of Hawthorne ave.; location Ideal. Price $3200; terms. 5 rooms, very conveniently arranged, modern bungalow, like new, 40x100 lot, garage, $3150; $850 cash. 4-rm. bungalow. E. 43d St., 40x100 lot. well located, a good buy at $11100: good terms. Beautiful 5-room bungalow, oak floors In 3 rooms, close to car and school, $2750. This Is one of the neatest homes in Haw thorne. C. M. DERR, 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 937. MODERN 7-room dwelling with bullt-m sleeping porch. 654 liaisey st., in cnoico Irvington residence district ; has garage, fruit, trees, flowers and shrubbery ; full lot, 30 by 100 feet; all assessments and taxes paid; an Ideal home; price $55iu; terms $2000 cash, balance at 0 per cent if desired. PARRISH, WAT KINS & CO., 106 2d st. Phone Main 1644. BEAUTIFUL suburban home of nearly four acres, near Oregon iJlty canine ana uajt Grove. Has modern house, very attractive, every convenience: 8 rooms and fine porches. Has as fine a variety of fruit and shade trees as any place In this county. Sale price 515,000. There Is money to be made on grapes and other fruit. P. B. Van Nice, 401 Concord bldg. Mar shall 5454. LARGE GROUNDS AND HOUSE. PENINSULA. 9 rooms, well-built house, in good con dition, furnished complete with good stuff. Idt 100x100. fine orchard and garage. Can walk in and take possession. Price $500. C. A. Warriner. RITTER, LOWE & CO., . 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WEST SIDE RESIDENCE $10,000. Modern two-story residence: 9 rooms, large garage, hot water heat, living-room ' 32x19, dining-room 19x19, 5 bedrooms, library with fireplace, bathroom with shower, two toilets; lot 100x100; paving paid; Flanders St., near 20th. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark. $;00 DOWN $200. Attractive 5-room modern bungalow, lot 60x100. 2 blocks to best car service In city. Price $2250, including all street improve ments. Balance cheaper than rent. See Gustafson. U. S. MORTGAGE &, INV. CO., 607 Yeon Bldg. IRVINGTON. 54300 Bungalow ; 7 rooms ; modern. $4800 7 rooms; modern ; garage. $55u0 Home: ISth; fine location: garage; paved street, paid; worth 57500. $5850 Laurelhurst; modern home. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 228 Henry bid. MODERN house with 50 by 100 feet, nicely located; house has six rooms and wilt make fine home. 1466 Vitlard St.; price $2250, $500 cash will handle this, balance. 6 per cent, easy terms. PARRISH, WATKIXS & CO.. 106 2d st. Phone Main 1644 CLOSE IN. BAST SIDE. 8-room, weli-built house, nice yard and location, hard surface streets, E. Stark, near 17th street. Price $2800. C. A. Warriner, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Buy from owner, modern 6-room house, full basement, furnace, fireplace, pass pantry, light, airy rooms, large clothes closets, lot 40x100 with fruit bearing trees; 10 minutes to city; Improvements naid. Price $3100; terms. Tabor 42110. 6-KOOM bungalow in Montavllla; electric lights, city water, cement walks, raved street, near good car service; price 1000. Terms. CALL ON US. H. H. URDAHL Co. (INC.) Main 6252. 320 Abington Bldg. , HAWTHORNE AVENUE. Strictly modern. 8 rooms; hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace, sleeping porch, living-room 14x21; pavement paid; price $5500. , GODDARD ft WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. BARGAIN Owner In city few days, ii-rwm bungalow. restricted district; Paved streets, 1 block of car, 3 of Franklin High; $1800-equity for $1200; will con sider small touring car as part payment, no Fords. M 131. Oregonian. GOOD 6-room house with 50 by 100 corner m nnnhiB corner Ul o'"i Halght sts.. 221 Shaver St. ; this Is gain at $3000: terms may be had. K PARRISH, WATKIXS ft CO., 106 2d st. Phone Main 1644. bar- WOODSTOCK BUNGALOW. 5-room, modern, nicely located, hi bloc: from car. Price $2200; easy terms. C A. Warriner, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAVE TO SACRIFICE. A nice little 4-room shingled bungalow, with sleeping porch, high view lot. close to highway. 15 minutes out on Oregon Electric. Multnomah station. Ask for Ned Burke. V 181. Oregonian Tr jrTvHVS CAR LINE. -An i.Aii mm.r Kramer: four big" rooms and big closets; lot 100x81; rr.'?, -.3S w,Irr,ilf-K- Stark. UUUi'Alll' ik T.mm...-. 5-ROOM new modern furnlsnea oungaiovv. In line snape, suumtu i "" -: R C Car, $1750; $1U00 cash. bal. mort. Owner at home Sunday. Take a look. R M. Gatewood ft Co.. 165 4th st. MODERN 4-room bungalow on East Morri son St.; 14iM. easy lerms. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY COMPANY. . Suite 212. Lumbermens Bldg. RESIDENCE of 15 rooms in Nob Hill dis trict, sultaDle tor lumisneu luuni.. uU.lu lng or private sanitarium; In first-class condition and good neighborhood; must be sold. AM 71. Oregonlan. o7oo Modern 5-room cottage, w. Blue, w minutes m. i vt"Lt' . r . shipyards. It will pay you to investigate. Terms- Marshall 2143. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE Owner leaving for canaua. must cn .mc uwi.., Knott su. $5500. terms. Never before of fered for sale. Neuhausen & Co. COSY HOME $700. Four rooms; front porch; gas; . 1 4GODDARD ft WTEDRICK, 243 Stark. A $6500 LAURELHURST bungalow in good section lor !.", on tuim., .......... brances or street assessments. For pa tlculars call at 404 Piatt bldg.