THE SUNDAY OEEGOXIAJT. . PORTLAND, APRIi; 7, 1913. HUT TO OPEN TODAY Knights of Columbus Building Is Completed. DEDICATION IS ARRANGED Eirnctirt mt YancoaTer Barrack to lie Turned Over to Cse of Sol Uer; Major Baker and Other of Portland to Speak. VANCOUVER. Vwlu April fPpo CUU Th. Knlshta of Columbus Hut. built at Vancouver Barracks and Just completed, will b dedicated with ap propriate ceremony her tomorrow aft ernoon, when Mayor Geora 1 Baker, of Portland, will speak. The ceremony will be held outside of the bulldinif. boys and hear the Interesting recitals of Now Torn war worn. en. nas spent most of her leisure moments since last August In an effort to add to the pleasure of and comfort for Oregon boys. Maay Visits Paid. When she and Mr. Davidson left last year Mrs. Davidson Instructed her friends to write or telegraph her when she might expect the arrival of Ore gon men at New Jersey or Long Inland cantonments, ana many a sol dier led has been pleasantly surprised by a visit from her and a gift of ap pies. "Outside my visits with in dots. says Mrs. Davidson, "on of the most Interesting things I observed the past winter wis n connection with the postofflce. One day I visited the office with a package to be forwarded to a boy In th expeditionary forces. 1 carried my needle and thread along. and when my package had been in spected I took out a little bag and sewed th articles securely In it. Th postal clerk remarked that he wiafaod everybody would be as canefuL He then told me that hundreds aetd hun dreds of packages that had been in securely wrapped arrived ia the office without th least scratch of an ad dress. Car Xinmi la Wrapping-. W have heard a rrat deal 'of criticism of th postal authorities, but I think they are doing their best In mot InMsnres. W ought to take POLITICS TO BE BARRED HOOD RIVER APPLE ' GROWERS AMEND BY-LAWS. ' Tetlag f Proxies by Candidate r Off Ire re of Aasodatloa la Hereafter F.rblddea. HOOD RIVER. Or, April (. (Spe cial.) The policy of elimination of pol itics is bel ax put into effect by the Appie urgwera Association, xue uieui bers of th co-operative organisation today unanimously adopted an amend ment to Its by-laws that will prevent sny director candidate, employe or of ficer from soliciting or voting proxies. A decisive blow was struck todsy at the grower who fails to observe grad lng rules. During a discussion, when O. JL. Walter suggested that grading delinquents be expelled, the suggestion wss met with applause. P. S. Davidson, th organisation president, in an ad dress to growers, stated that he defied any Northwestern Institution to show a better record than that of th association. "We started five years ago," he said. "without a dollar. Today th asso ciation controls property valued at ap- HUT BUILT BY KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FOR SOLDIERS AT VANCOUVER BARRACKS. V.. : ; ; : .. : . ; , -;. . : R,' rfj - n3 TOO tATE TO CLASSTFY. OPEN ALI DAT SUNDAY. CATL TODAY. CAUL. TODAY. EAST EAST EAT AST. MONTANA. 'PRKE FARE. FREE FARE. Laborer and teamsters for R. R. con tructioa work. hix today. FREE FARE. & Mill and yard men, J 4:95; lO hours. Bmall mill up the river. UP THE RIVER. STATE HIGHWAY LABORERS. 94.40 tor 30 hours. Teamsters, $3.75. 6 hours; board $6-30 week. Clots In fare advanced. Mean shovel watchman, i, ooaro. I'd cook, $120. board. ' 2d cook, $100. Walters fctmo). t$5. board and room. Dishwasher (ctmpi, $tv. board and rm. camp ziunReys, $tki, Doara. Camp cooks to register, highest waxes, f arm nana. Doara ana room. 4 laborers (city). hour. Steam snovel engineer. $175. board. Log road section men. $4 for 8 hours. Head loader, Jti.OO for 8 hours. Car repairer. $5 for S hours. Carpenter helpers. $4 for 8 hours. Pilj driver men. $3, SO for 8 hours. Pile driver foreman. S7.50 for 8 hours. Other Jobs of all kinds coming" in dally. au at main onics. HAN LEY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 26 N. Second U, Near Couch. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. $17.500 MUST BE SOLD. 2-story brick building near l amhlil-st. MarJtet, rents lor a montn. price reaucea - per day from April 1, 1918, until sold. In quire 202 Grl Infer bld, or phone Main FosilTION where varied exoerience Is val uaoie; enjoy meeting- puoiic, ai stenog-- rapner, Dut prezer position ot a more ex ecutive nature; capable of supervlsinc glrlw. r lo, Oregonlai SHIPBUILDERS Do you need a first-class man who can direct construction or ma chinery Installation, correct ship plans or take measurements from floor? If so I am looking for you. P 12. Oregonian. FOR SALE Wade gasoline d rax saw. used Jens than one week; has true it attaenment ana su tne small tools tna,t go to maxe a complete wood cutler's outfit. M. C. Fields. Dayton Hotel. Room 407. SITUATION wanted as salesman or combi nation man by young man with thorough business experience; married; at present employed; desires outside work or part; excellent references. O 117. Oreffonlan. TWO atx54 non-skid tires; very little used; only $.i0 to close out. iNeariy new .uxo tube. on!y $.1.&0. A dozen other size tubes cheap. Reliable Auto Exchange, r.:io Alder, near 17th St. Phone Broadway 2717. FOR SALE At t seaed value, hi block on Union ave. 1 ltfl. uregonian. FOR SALE 8 inner tubs lor Ford; speed ometer and electric fan. Tel. East 4i34. I CLOTHING SALESMAN can make $30 a week selling our union lanor-maue nuns, $19.50 up; great line to sell shipbuilders. 204 Allsky bldg. EXPERIENCED men or women solicitors make ro weeKiy getting memoers ior new saving system. Every man a pros pect for live solicitor. Y 1", Oregonlan. MEETING :OTICE& ATTENTION MOOS E. Portland Lodge, , No. 291, Loyal Order of Moose, will hold their memorial services in their new Moose Temple, Fourth at Taylor sts.. Sunday, April 7, at 2 P. M. All Moose and thtfr families and friends Invited J. F. KENNEDY. Secretary. YOTT ARE INVITED, WHETHER A member or not. to the card party and dance given by Anchor Council, No. 746, K. and Ls. or in tneir nail at j-'j m si., Wednesday night, April 10. Cards 8 to 10, dancing and entertainment 10 to 12; gro ceries for prizes; union music; come and get acquainted; you are guaranteed the time of your life; admission 15c. THE MACCABEES Portland Tent, No. 1. will give their regular card party and dance on Thursday evening, April 11, at their halt 409 Alder street. There will be good prizes, consisting of groceries. Splendid union music and a royal good time assured for all who attend. All welcome. Admis sion 20 cents. COMMITTEE. KIRKPATRICK COUNCIL, KNIGHTS ! AND LADIES OF SECURITY Big open meeting next Friday, April 12. 8:30 P. M., Moose Hall, Morrison and Broadway. Cards, I "500." Entertainment. Dancintr. Hoch's &l Berry's union music. Good prizes. Admis sion 15 cents. You and your friends are in- vi tea to come ror a good time. R. E. A. 500 card party, 8!H 6th, Mon day and Saturday afternoon; ham and gro ceries: also Tuesday and Saturday nights. ham and groceries; also every Wednesday afternoon, nana -made Drlzes. cloves ana such articles, elegant prizes. Come and bring your irienas. Aamission zc. arwy. -o-i. MACCABEES. ATTENTION! Golden Rule neview, io. ji. aim wueen uzaut i it rvw- view. No. 24. will give a card party Tuesday evening, April II, in I. O. O. F. Hall, E. 6th and h. Alder sts. Grocery prizes. Admission 20 cents. Everybody welcome. HIGH COST OF LIVING CLUB. FRA TERNAL BROTHERHOOD "500" card party April 12. first prize, ham and other groceries. Modern Woodmen Halt, 11th. be tween Burnsiue and Stnrk. Admission, 15c. '500" PARTY. DEN1SON APTS.. COR- ner 34th and Belmont, every Tuesday after noon, 2:30 o'clock. Everybody welcome. Ta bor 546. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins; new designs. Jaeger Broa. 131-8 6th st. FRIEDLANDER'S for lodsre emblem a class pins and medals. 310 Washington st. A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACOKUIOX PLEATING, "EMSTITCUING. SEATING. AL.L LAI-i-ST &TVLKS. EASTERN' NOVELTY CO.. FIFTH ST.. BiiTWBO OAK AND &1ARK STS. BROADWAY 2000. K. STEPHA.N, hemstltchins. acalloplnff, ac- -v.u.uu Qiu, pieaL, Duttoua covered; mall order. ai Piuoclc block. Broadway lOMD. AGATE CLTTEKa AND MtO. JEWELERS. 1 . k cut, and polished; Jewelry and . ciiu iujt. jumera. J4o i Wasb at. JKOJ I'OLNDKIES. PHOENIX IKON WORKS. Engineer, fouodera, machinlsta, boiler, makers, boiler aud blackanilth aUop. Of fice and works, ilawuiuiue av. aad EauC Third st. JAPAX FLORIST. ASSAYERS AXI ANALYSTS. riSEEiL NOTICES. yOl'NG woman engaged part of the day ran nave good none in yamuy ox a aauits for assistance with domestic dutiea. Call Easit after P. M. EXCHANGE Delta. Utah. 40 acres, alfalfa. beets, h sh v Improved, cary dltcll. bulla- lns: S5500. Want Coast farm about S:500. Owner. 1149 E. Washington St. I T f iyT HlarV-an.vMtM do,. Dart collie Btl Alaskan hunkle: answers to name or r-iP' Din. Finder call stain 2200; liberal re ward. WIDOWER with boy Vi years old will share own home with young couple, no cnuuren. free rent to right parties. Glv phone in reply. J HO. oregonian. EXCHANGE. OR CASH, unincumbered lot In Montavllla. Be fare: l7a pam up on water and sewage; team or acreage. lriS. Oregonian Bsllalla? Ia Ezsjrtly 1.1k, Bats Pwt Vp r Kalgkta far Bya la . Wklek Coastal Libraries, Read la a; Room Otkcr t- aa vea lea res ut isararts. WA'TED 3 rilRha-ashers. 15: 3 lunci countermen. S17.00, union Douse at isrem erton, vann. i;au at x r. iu. ouiiuay. o. Washington St.. Room 30L vhfra a platform ha been built for this purpose. To reach th hut. drive In at th Tenth-street entrant- and follow th road, turnina" to th left near th tennla court. Frank J. Lonergsn. ef Portland, will he master of ceremonlee. Bishop UTea. of Seattle, formerly of this city, will giT th dedication address. Among other who will speak will be Mayor . R. PerclvaL of Vancouver: W. O. Irowly. president of th Vancouver Commercial Club; Colonel Richard C Moore, post commander, and Colonel Van Way. for Colonel Brlc P. Dlsqu. Xlss L.urlln Williams, with Misa LiOuls Lackaff. accompanist, will sing a solo, and Misa Ooldi Peterson and lea Zan. with alias Uaym Helen 'lynn. accompanist, will render solos. Th Hut I nestled among; th tall fir tress, close to th upper canton ment, and not far from th old post. It la exactly Ilk th other huta built fcy th Knights of Columbus, and over the mala entrance are the words: "Knights of Columbus. Everybody Welcome." Th building; has a library, moving pictur machine, stag, altar which caa be pushed to a aid room, shower batha, writing; tablea. and th auditorium will seat about (00. James XcSparren, of Vancouver, will be steward. mor car with our) packages. In th case ef rarment th name of the donor should be sewed to them, and paper slips with th namea on them should be placed In sock a Then 1' th wrappers are broken or destroyed th articles caa b rewrapped. and sent on." ' Recently Mrs. Davidson has spent the greater part of her time visiting; Base Hospital No. 1 In New York and com fontlnir Oregon men who ar ther. "I accidentally learned that Oregon boy war ther while accompanying a friend to th hospital," says Mrs. Davidson. "Sine then I have called for Oregon boys, and twic a week 1 have rone out to cheer them up. Some of the boys ar awfully homesick, and bow they hate, to see a horn caller leave th hospital." WANTED Experienced general maid, two in family, high wages, no unaay dinners. no furnace work. Telepnone mornings. Marshall 4781. .' westover roao. MANY THRIFT STAMPS SOLD Una County Town Make Excellent Record Curing March. AUAVT. Or. April . (Special) I. inn County, which has ranked near in top among Oree-on counties from t ie first In the sale of war savings and thrift stamps, maintained Its rec ord during Marco by th sal of J. 5s worth of stamp during th month. It I believed that no county la th state. except Multnomah, equaled this record In total sales last month and that not a single county made this record in percentage of Th Albany postofflc accounted for mora than half of th county' total ales In March, selling S1M73. worth ' ef stamps. Th salea mad by th other postofftcee In th county follow: I-ebanon Mrlo IHH.i:. tbedd -MM.4. Brownsville l:u S. Tangent 1 4 S . Halsey tl41J.IT. Thomas I'TJ.JJ. Ilarrlsborg tIS.4, Crab tree ... Foster 431. Si. 5odavlll S0.31. Oawfordsvlil lllil Sweet Home :iJ.TJ. Berlin 1:42.17. Holley I42.4. 3. omb l;.:S. Gooch I ' M. Waterloo $::J. Kingston 114 (4. helhurn 1:1.54. Lyons Cascadla 1.J5. Tallmatt t cants. LANE IDLERS ARE WARNED btrk-t Loyalty Demanded by Eugene "Committee of 100,' KCOKNR, Or.. April (Ppeclal.) Th Eugeo -Commute of li" today flace.l in circulation a warning to th effect that men who ar physically fit and do not work will b considered In the same light as a slacker or traitor and will not b tolerated la this com m unit y. The committee a!so calls for th dls- r'av of th American flag In every home, ami asks that th Herman lan guage be not spoken upon the streets of (he city. Th deportation ef Jake Fpores, al leged chronic Idler, by vigilantes, fol lowed a similar warning by cltiirns that all who ax physically fit must work. Japanese Workmen Strike. TOKIO. March 1 Six thousand workmen In th employ of the TJraga Dock Company, near Yokohama, wen out on a strlk today for Increased wages. A number of person were In Jured. Labor In Japan has always been noted for Ita quiet docility and submts lv attitude towards mployer. Re cently, however, strikes hav been on the Increase proximately f225,00O. half of which Is pafd for. Directors elected on th first ballot I EXPERT bookkeeper for out of town: must today vert: , A. F. Bickford, E. W. Blrire. P. S. Davidson. W. B. Dlckerson, A. G. Lewis, J. R. Nunamaker. J. C. Porter. A. J. Oraff and A. C. Staten. A second ballot failed to elect the other two of the board of 11, and these will likely be named bv the men elected. Im fnmlltar with Davroll and material dls tributlon arrd competent to handle office work. E YA. oregonian. WiVTFn Rv vniltir Danish family Of two. experienced maid, witn rererencee: salary 540 to sou: young Bcanainavian Eiri pre ferred. Arl l;i, oregonian. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. S-KOOM furnished flat, sleeping porch. hardwood floor, Hawthorne district, near car. sightly, steam heat, water, garoage, fo. East 13Sy. 73 IS. Alain st. 2. POINT SPLIT BAMBOO SALMON BOD 4-A Eastman kodak In sole leatner case. cheap. Both like new. This afternoon and week days, 432 Worcester bldg. MILES eo-lb. relaying rails. 5 miles 4S-lb. relaying rails. S miles 6o-!b. relaying rails. 120 tons fte-lb. new rslls. SnO tons U-lb. new rails. 60-ton Baldwin Mogul, first-class condi tion, pass l. L.. U. requirements. &o-ton Vulcan 6-wheel switcher; in' snected and nassed by Hunt. S4-ton Torney type locomotive, has been overhauled. realy for shipment. UV-IOD DlkDDIIU UHUKV 11 Ul nn, UV.ITV I ... . ii .... i ... . i pKimiRKKU umiod terrier, maie. in mns. NICELY furnished 8-room home, very sight m ly. on Willamette Heights, to lease to . .. a.. 11. with Th, Brong Co.. 2374 Oakst. WANTED TO RENT OR BUY. 5-room mod ern bungalow, by young responsioie coupie without children. Taoor Hood River Woman VUiU Oregon Men In New York. IIC01 RIVER. Or, April . Spe clal. I Mrs. It. y. Davidson, formerly secretary of th Oregon Ftat Federa tloa of Women's Clubs, who spent th Winter In New Tork City with hr husband, has returned her with mes sages for scores of Oregon mother from their sons. who. on th wsy to Kngland and France, hav passed through camps In th vicinity of th tnetrepolis. Mrs. Davidson ha a lit tle leather-bound book that she calls Iter "soldier book. It contains th addre of th families of many sol diers and messages from men. some of whom ar now perhaps on th battl front. Mr. Davidson was scarce! y settled la Jher apartments her vtiAi local moth er hx.aa to call to ak about their CLASSIFIED AD. RATES IK ftsM mm ! cNwru r mm Mom 4 tkrv r iiiciUf Ub. .... ... ! r mmm cnnrim.t (MM.. M4 lb atot iir M TtMiajr uni ill tow-, urvpt I if l(biwiif i lD.lstM HMit4-iak mi4mm H u, - k mxmlm, k r iutu iiimn I rhi Fmmmam atssmlan m llmm ta ia-lfrtlM-sa- r-t-r-n tm ar tb Wutomm HwhM lb druaft te MMrribr m NlMc pfcf hm prc will to mm c?4 mmmm (m ptmmm hmt fetu uj m raaocrv. turn uikwiu tji Sto Urrfoauw mm mt to wpmmaihli rrmr im mm niraittiu sura r ikaM. W totiiar iMfcrniB MtrtnbNifiU iu mm mewtmm vr irnrn ap-s-a tto nip ml v wnvmt ! tmm pmmmrn mmrwntmmmtum. "wuiiimi nuun Varaeal -fmrmttmmk" Mrtl ram mml will m m .rfta-a th tvleittosMw Ordr tot mmm burui Ml" miu MrtMra imr -rmrm ww tote," "BmImm OppMtaaill' ita will rM-tMk4 my rvplisrtua wltliMit xidlilut mmmnm. mm mmem rrpMcwciMi wui mm mtmmm irbcrt tto mrrwr w mot aumlfimllj ift-rt Ito ium mi tmm MWwmIi TOO HATE TO C1-IFT. EAST or THE MOUNTAINS, FKINEVIULE. Or. lAborr. t for 9 hours. TmtrB. S3 75 for 9 boura. Tbta U out of tb rala WU wbtr you ran morK rr cjr. FARE ADVANCED. FARE A OVAJWE D. Kr not to b rhr-l if work -V) dnya. NO KEK. NO KEK. SO FEE. ReVfCHT TO TSOHT BROU CO. OFFICE. . tUfcOBQ fir Couch. Pt'T THIS T1AROATM BEFORE ITU CONE: CloM-ln. 9ltwoot car. in Midway Ad dltmn. tbaa - minuet out, -rxm bunaalow. ona block to car: (pace for Vrlaa and chlrkna; atrei improvemrntft pMto. irica ior quic i, v "A. K. 1IILU 41 Rnrr B!d. Ft'R tfALtw If you mrm an aant and hi tali for u Durban homra from .4imm to f 4'Vt-o. or If you want a piaca for youratlf with citjr ronvtntrnra and country ad vantaitfa. 30 mtnuiM from Portlaaa. aU- drrti P 1-7. Orvconlan. FOR KALE Lota 6 and U. block 2. Mot yan a Add. (oa(b of Orryory Heights); trh lot ftslt ft-; prtr f 75 rarh ; ab airart and arrant aeed furnished. Cat! or addt cm A Baumsartncr. 41i Aiiaay huStt. F.'R ALE Beautiful bom In Beaumont. t i-mii-i: tha la una unuow ana wall bulit. wilt taka lot mm firat payment or a mill houM ana lot. u you want good houae. look this up. T 12. Orego nian. FEW mor men ar wanted at tha gal vanising pleaJit. corner Flttsburg and Brad ford atr-Hi, lit. John district: wagoa (A7o fr $ hf-nra. Chnrchlll A McBridau. MILK GOATS. Fi-v-ah Tffntrg milk goats, glv four quarts, kitls ty side; Una Tognbrg buck. '2 Front t. TO TRAl'E 41 acrea, 14 mlit-o to Portland; win tana grocery nnci ona uxiaroa; Bavt oi building;. T Or go n lan. A CHAMBERMAID, married one proforred. 95 a week. hotjj keeping apt. fro. Xour-L-t Hotel. 15 First St. 1 ROOM8. BRICK. 9100. On on floor. Sn? Couch bldr. FOR KALE OR TRADE fcotrh colli dog. in montna om. atoranaii WEST BROADWAY, near Ja cay 4 -room rurnUihra cottage. bo A RX tor far chUdroa C . 10, ii 112, Oregonian. 10 ROOMS. $24 PNAP. Cloao, Wool 2: do. WJ CouU. bid. and baring motion. A bargain. A. C. C ALLAN. 4M Oregon Bldg. Broadway 830. FOR RENT life cres at Tlgard. Or., on Oregon Electric ; modern bouse, furnace. fireolace. electric lights, covered sleep ing Dorch. beautiful trees, etf ; 2 streams running water; road paved. Rent $21. bQ month. References O 12. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED GIRL MARKERS. SORT- ERS. IKONERS AND MANGLE-FEED-EK8 WANTED AT THE Ol'EKA-UOLE LALNDRT, 241 EVERETT. old, house-broke, at Tabor RM47. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, 40tli L, near Sandy. Rose City Park district, call 'la bor 5131. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. sleeping porch, private home, IS; 1 block from Broadway and Union ave. car, Eaat 7716. THE WINDSOR APTS. 2 rooms, furnished, clean, quiet, homelike; no children. Lor. E. 14th and Yamhill. E. 2907. FOR RENT Larg front room, auttabl for 2 gentlemen, with or without board. 5 '-ft Couch i beL 18th and lUth. Marshall ft 7 A3. FOR SALE 1 -karat diamond, perfect stone; S450 cah, or will take liberty bonds. N 123. Oreeonlan. COMPETENT experienced girl desires posi tion In physician a or dentist a orrir. Must hav employment at one. What have you. Broadway SfltM. 1RVINOTON 7 rooms, for rent or sale, va cunt May L Call ZlUfe lith at, near Salmon. MAN WANTED to tend garage and wash cars; good wag-, uu uraiy Aoito o., ith ann w asnmirion sts., Aionaay. FOR RENT On larg. front bedroom, con- I CAR washer and garag man; permanent nected with kitchen, for housekeeping In a new bungalow la Rose City. Tabor position. Multnomah Hotel Garage, and Anxeny. ELECTRICIAN'S apprentice wanted. Give run net ana or education, etc. Must n physically fit, as well as mentally. 137, OregonUn. GIRL to assist with housework and care of child; no oooklug. Sundays OIL ls& ltftn , bouth. LOST White Llewellyn setter, ftjmale. black ears, black spots. Answers to name of "Pearl. Reward, rnone Tabor URI'fH RIN ABOUT, fully eaulpoed: svd GIRLS wanted to work In oaner box fac tory; steady position. Apply f . t:. btetuar I 1J t-a i. mercnanaise Mrg. Co.. east end of Meet bridge. HAVE opening for young man to learn good iraoe. ui pay iioerai wages. s 145, uregonian. honest prices. Coats, dresses, skirt. petUcoaia. 90 Park street. TAXICAB drivers wanted: steady work and good pay. Call Monday morning at 2ol 12th St., between 9 and 10 A. M. LADY and dauahter. aaed 12. desire room ana board, on month or more, iiolladay I r UK Am to rat. large laying nens. i.ou district. Phone Eaat 81.12. WANTED Middle-aged woman to help with ueaverton. cr. each. Call evenings. near Columbia blvd. 1754 Borthwlck il, LOST Elk's tooth cut! link. Initials "R. BETH-EL A home for mental patients who desire Christian science treatment; rate reasonable. Sell. A., 142." Call Tabor &48i, or Broad- jGlKL wanted for fountain and candy; good y 142. the Elks Lodge. 1 appearance and industrious. Call at 11 & C, WHITE LEGHORN laying pullets; reasonaoie. ai lu. sta su a. .t'non a, 212. A. M.. Morrison Grand Drug Co. FOR SALE Modern furnished bungalow. furnace, ri replace. cement basement; terms. Owner, Woodlawn 1219. KICK t urn 1 lied room. HullghU for -arl 11 iv orvuiMi. ii a, iwia ai. ; w&ikioc v -tan, distance. I woman cook or waitress; must be good fruit. 5-room house, not modern. S blocks I PARTNER First-class repair shop; good Woodlawn car. Owner. T 151, Oregonian. I location; aiana inveiuguon. o ure- ONE room. $2 a week : on housekeeping suit. 411 Stark. Bath, hot and cold SIX rooms, unfurnished or nearly furnished, water, telephone. LIMBER PILKRS wanted, by contract or day. can e-o couch bldg., Monday, :so A. M. nice yard. Heights. 4&1 Chapman at., Portland WANTED Girl to sew; dressmaking. Ap FOR SALE Underwood typewriter, latest model, price reanonanie. inquire statement De pt. . rs ortnwestcrn national jjhk. ply In person today, 2 to A. 822fe Broad- 6-KOOM furnished, modem house for rent, way. I garage, garden, 862 E. 11th at. S. 30. It OiD. ELK teeth, several pairs, well matched; !! at bargain. Washington bldg. u 123. Oregonian. 1 1 00 CAPH for diamond from private party; wnat nav you: j 119, oregonian. COM PETENT girl fol- general housework. Phone East oov. oa tu. au xsurin. 6-JtOOM furnished, modern house for rent. 30 E. Bih su s. 20. Jaat o-o. WANTED. 300, to renew first mortgage on WANT to rent a small bungalow In North- 1 ftO acres. T 1?4. Oregonian. esst Portland. 835 Haight. SNAP l-arge Ttew lot, overlooking La -Id's Addition, on -un: siw. 000 is. xstn. -ROOM house, nicely furnished, 1041 E, lth ,v. Woodlawn M(. FOR SALE: Uoue and lot, 54x100. Inquire 338 E. 42d. ' BOT WANTED Chriatl Printing Co., Second el. 123 WHITE WYANDOTTE chickens to trade fr furniture. Ben wood A3.12. WANTED A lot north of Morrison, $150 to $200 can buy. O 121, Oregonian. FL'RNISHED apartment now, at the Ker- I MUST sell my 1917 Ford at once. rigan. c.asi 1100. 1 Tabor Call EXPERIENCED shirt operator, one who can mane out ton holes. 515 Macleay bid?. KtTD gss heater. No. S. for sale, almost new. -J. wapnington eu FOUR ump waitresses, $50. Call Sunday, 1 I WANTED Millinery saleswoman. . 31. s-1 Waahlngton. rool?i 801. Co., 3!V3 Alder. Kins PAS:. FORD for sale at a bargain, good (HALF of upstairs flat. 3 rooms, unfurnished. corni 11 in. rnvnc x u for iiob. 1 etrictiy pnvaie ramiiy. iv i 11m bu WANTED Eiperlenced millinery nalealadiea. I WANTED Baby carriage In good condl- Appiy wonder Millinery, nth and Aider. I tlon. East 7J4. WANTED A molder. Apply Iron vs orks. Newberg. Or. Nawberglldld FORD BUG $S50; $100 down. $25 a montn. f aiace oarage, i-in aau pt-ara. FOR SALE Odd pieces of hla"h -grade fur- I WANT to buy a 4-room bungraiow in Korth- SCHOOL GIRL wfehea place in exchange i TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, re- lor room ana ooara. lioor 1 fined lamny. warinan o-jotr. FOR SALE Two modern greenhouses, good I THOROUGHBRED bronze gobbler: estimat- teen ana DUines. i.-i, uregonian. I ed over iio 10s.; siu. j mt, L'regonian. WANTED Experienced maid, capable of FOR RENT Cicely furnished and clean asifttng In linen -room. Nortonia Hotel. front room. 475 Clay sL Marshall S292. OR SALE A motorcyHe. a twin. 9-h. p,; HOUSEKEEPER, for widower, three chll- rtren. an puna ay. F4& Division st. arson-cm. aa new. $50. Good to heat carfar to shlpyarda Broadway 2H1. B34 Alder. LI VK hel per on electrical work. Oregonian. L 115, BIG rooms and tent-house. Albrtav' owner, 1224 E. 3d at. North. BRAND GTRL and Ella H. Call. $0$ N. gown-flnlshers. W. Bank bldg. WA-NILi Lisliwasher, At 35 $d u RIVER VIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM Taylor Cany Roadv End Bivrvlew CavrUn. Th aly civilised method ef bo rial. Enow-wblt. always dry. sanitary toraba. Poemanant tltl and endowment: $2oO un. mi Pit lock Block, Phon- Broadway 35L KING April 6, at the residence. 1082 East stark street, airs. vwnneirea . turaett King, aged CI years. Beloved wife of H. C. King, mother of Mary King, sister or John Oavanaugh, or whltcomb. Mont., ana me iaie Jrvaie u. Lyncn, or tnis city; aunt or aira Artnur .forth. J. J. Lyncn, Mrs. Herbert Battey, James H. Linch, Mrs. F. E. Kennedy, Mrs. John Hoth, Mrs. Jack Place and Winnefred McLean. Funeral will take place from the above residence tomorrow ( Monody). April X. at 8:30 A. M., thence to the Ascension Church. 141 Eatst Seventy-sixth street. wnere mass wilt be orrered at 9 o'clock. Friends invited. Interment Mount Cal vary Cemetery. Arrangements In charge or running v MCbniee. POTTER At the home of her daughter. Airs. .. j. unuirn, oil Kaai jjroaaway. April 5. Alley Caples Potter, aged 85 years, widow or tne late Sylvester ot ter, mother of Mrs. Lt ster Potter and A. c bouthmayd. or Sheridan ; D. S. Southmayd and Mrs. E. J. Church, of Portland, and Mrs. R. A. Jonee, Arizona; sister 01 Mrs. isusan rcooerts, Portland. Funeral services at Conere-rational Church at Sheridan tomorrow (Monday). April o, 1 if. ji. interment in tne iamiiy piot In Sheridan Cemetery. Remains at Hol man'a undertaking- parlors until 2 P. M. today (Sunday). CARSE At the residence. 1484 East Eighth street North. April 4. Ray M. Carse, aged 84 years, beloved husband of Florence Carse and brother of Mrs. Robert Thomp son, of Oakland. Cal. ; Mrs. Edith Baujrher, of Oakland, Cal. ; Mrs. Raymond Culton, of Portland; E. E. Carse, of San Francisco, Cal.; U. E. and R. L. Carse, of Portland, and J. W. Carse. of Carlton, Or. Funeral will be held tomorrow (Monday), April 8, at 2 P. M. at the parlors of Miller & Tracey. Interment at Riverview Cemetery. TORGLER In this city, at his late resi dence.. 410 B razee st.. April u. Frederick Torgler, aged 8tf years, father of J. H. Torgler. of Baker City. Or.; F. W.. Charles E. Torgler. Mrs. Chester Hodgdon, Mrs. Caroline Dixon, of this city, and Mrs. Mary Pride, of Salem. Or. The funeral services will be held tomorrow (Monday). April 8, at 4 o'clock P. M., at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley & Son, Mont gomery at 5th. Friends invited. Services at the River View Cemetery private. CARSE At the residence. 1494 East Eighth ctreet North, April 4, Kay M. Carse, aged 34 years, beloved husband of Florence Carse and brother of Mrs. Robert Thomp son, of Oakland. Cal.; Mrs. Edith Baugher, of Oakland, Cal.; Mrs. Raymond Culton, of Portland ; E. E. Carse, of San Fran visco, Cal.; H. E., R. L. Carse. of Port land, and J. W. Carse, of Carlton, Or. Funeral will be held Monday, April 8, at 2 P. M-. at the uarlors of Miller & Tracey. interment at rciverview cemetery. LOCHNER-In this city. April 5. Caroline M. Lochner, aged 40 years, beloved wife of Joseph LiOciujer and mother of Mar guerite Lochner, of this city; daughter of Mrs. Mary Christ and sister of Mrs. Louise McGregor, Lillian and Mary Christ, all of Rochester, N. Y. Funeral will be held from the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. Monday, April 8, at 10 A. M Friends Invited. LOCHNER In this city. AnrM 5. Caroline M joenner, age 4U years, oeiovea wire or Joseph Lochner and mother of Mar guerite Lochner, of this city, daughter of Mrs. Marv Christ and sister of Mrs. Louise McGregor, Lillian and Mary Christ, all of Rochester, N. Y. Funeral will be held from the residential parlors of .Millar & Tracey .Monday, Apru t. at iu A. 31. Friends invited. LINN At Washington. D. C. March 29. James A. Linn, aged 22 years, late of Thirty-seventh Engineers. United States Armv. beloved son 01 Airs. Aiary carter. Remains will be at the parlors of Miller v Tracey until 1U A. Al. today isunaayi Funeral will be held at the Estacada MeLhodlst Enisconal Church. Etjtacada, Or., at 2 P. M. today. Interment at Es- tacada. PRICE In this city. April . Mrs. Minerva Price, aged years, beloved grandmotner or tseulah r. Meien 1 and miireu r . Miller, all of this cltv. and Mrs. C. B. Travis, of Los Angeles. Funeral will take from the residential parlors of Mil ler at Tracey tomorrow (Monday), April 8. at 3:30 P. AL Interment Rosa City Cemetery. LINN At "Washington, D. C, March 29. James A. Linn, age zz years, iaie 01 Thirty-seventh Engineers, United States Armv. heloved son of Mrs. Mary Carter. Remains will be at the parlors of Miller A Tracer until 10 A. M. Sunday. fu neral will be held at Estacada Methodist Episcopal Church. Estacada, Or., at 2 P. M. Sunday. Interment at Estacada. PRICE In this city. April 6. Mrs. Minerva Price, age 4 years, oeioved granonioinr of Beulah F., Helen L. and Winifred F. Miller, all of thi city, ' and Mrs. C. B. Travis, of Los Angeles. Funeral will take place from the residential parlors of Mil ler A Tracey Monday. April 8, at 3:30 P. M. Interment Rose City Cemetery. TODD In this city, April 6, Frank Arthur Todd, aged - years, nusuanu 01 r criuc ToHd mri father ef Nellie Todd. Funeral service will be held tomorrow (Monday), Anrll S. at 2 f. M... irom tne conservatory chapel of F. S. Dunning. Inc.. 414 E. Aider. Friends Invited to attend. Interment, Mt, Scott Cemetery. HAMILTON The funeral services of the late Jennie A. Mammon win De nein to morrow (Monday). April 8, at 1 o'clock P. M., at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley & Son. Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Interment at Rose City Cemetery. ADLER In this city, April 4, Nathan A ti ler, aged 40 years. Friends invited to at tend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 10 A. M. today (Sunday), April 7. Interment Tal mud Torah Cemetery. Please omit flow ers. SHUGART In this city, April 3. William C. Shugart. at his late residence, 350 Taylor 1 street. The funeral services will be held Tuesday, April 9, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the Residential parlors of J. P. Finley fc. Son, Fifth and Montgomery. PAINTER Tn this city, April 6, Plerson William Painter, aged 47 years. Remains will be forwarded to Marshfleld. Or., Tuesday morning by Erickson Undertak ing Parlors. BAXTER The funeral services of the late Minnie A. Baxter will be held today (Sun 'day) at 1 P. M. at the residence establish ment of J. P. Finley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second viwm. ciiver -and platinum bought. BARBER SUPPLIES, OREGON BARBER SUPPLY CO. We buy ""u au ainos par Per sappUes. 250 2d. CARPET CLEANING. One hf largest In the linDTUUCOT Phones East 0516. B 1475 nUJ1!nflt.dl NORTH WEST RUG CO..' established 1003. i-iuii rugs and rag- rugs woven, all sixes, iast otn and Taylor. East a560. B 12U0. CANCER, U J5oi?NE M !. CANCER TREATED. S12 Morgan bldg. Marshall 143- CELLLLOID BUTTONS. - THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 337 V ashing ton. Broadway 454. A 1254. CHIROPODISTS AND ARCH SPECLILIStX WILLIAM, Esleiie and Florello DeVeny, the only scientific chiropodists and arch spe ciahsts In the ciry. Parlors 3U2 Gerllnger Ciflff., southwest corner Second and Aluer. Phone Main 130L CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS, SICK PEOPLE: Dr. McMahon. Portland. 100 per ctni cniropractic specialist. That's why I never have to employ aruga, oper ations, vibrators, violet rays, electricity, beat, light and other josa-nouse stunts. I remove the cause of disease quickly, sure ly and less expensively. Tickets. 31 ad justments, $15; seven, $5. Call, phone or write. Daily convincing uoubting Thomases. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO., 610 N. W. bldg. Mar. 100 leters muitigraptied, COLLECTION AGENCIES. NKTH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1793. No collections, no charge; established 1900. " DANCING. MANCHESTER DANCING ACADEMY, 85 H Fifth st. Get In line for Summer dancing; 10 private lessons 5. Hours 10 A. M. to if.HO P. M. Bd. 2327. We teach you righu THK TO PPTa'CTT-lJ t A Ttl CinriAl n - iiu i -i.rjia a, J OV-JIWUI. 1VB.U I . cing taught in all its branches; private, I nay or eve. classes, Tues. and Fri., 8-10. asaembly after. &H& Wash. Main 8205. n 193 4th St., beL Yamhill & Tay- .Ji7 lor. All kinds of flowers, bedding and vegetable plants, garden seeds. This month, special, Ea&ter lily, cut daffodils, pansles. etc Japon ic a, Cameha. Azalea, Wiatarta, flowering cherry, holly tree a. tuba. 5 n JUNK AND HARDWARE. The Oregon Junk Co.. 274 Front St. Main 32ot We buy all kinds of Junk, metals, pay highest prices. See us before you sell. WISICAL. OKKGON Conservatory (school) ot Music. 2d floor Ru&sell bids, lover the "I.lon"). Kntrance ltf5, 4th su. cor. ot Morrison. PARKER School or PoplarMuslcT Terms. S loIOleiisona 4U1-2 Kilera bids. SMIL TillELHOltX. violin teacher, pupil Sevcik. 2U7 flledner bldf. Bi'.ny. 1829. OPTIMEl'KISTS AND OPTICIAN!. WHV PAY MORE? ' A SAVING from 30 to 6u per cent Properly I'itted glasses as .low as . Sl.&u. 4ftiti ifatinfied customers. Satisfaction guaranteed. Chaa, W. Oood man, optometrist. 2Ui Morrison. Main 214. FAINTEB, ETC. a. W RILEY, Fainter and Decorator, Sellwood 317tt. PATENTS. PATENTS that protect and par. advice and books free; highest references, best re sults, promptneti. assured; send sketch or model for search. Watson U. Coleman, patent lawyer. F at.. Washington. D. C. fL G. WRIGHT 22 years" experience. V. B. and foreign patente. tiOl Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. 806 Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, female disorders, skin trou bles, stomach. liver, kidneys. bowels, throat, goitre, scalp, high blood pressure. DR. FLORA A. BROWN, goitre and diseases oi women. 7UU feJ. .Burnaiue. cor, zutn st. I'LLIIBLNU SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prioea. btark-Davia Co., 212 Hd St. Main ivi. PRINTING. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY Social and stage dancing, private instruction; claases ion.. -inurs.. 9 to 1U. xu 2a St., bet. Wash and Stark. Main 2100. DRAFTSMAN. E. 13. BIRKENBEUEL, 503 Oregonian bldg. aiitm ow nes., oeuwooa UVL. ELECTRIC MOTORS. FOR SALE. TRADE OR RENT. L. A. WALKER ELECTRICAL WORKS, 413 Burnside. Broadway 6674. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Dr. F. F. Casseday. specialist; glasses fitted. 709 E. Burnside. cor. 20th. B 1393. E. 4731. FLUFF RCGS AND HAG RUGS. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARFETS Ingrains, Brussels, Smyrna, Axminster rag rues, all sizes; mail order prompt; booklet. GWZ Ku&r. Steam or Xry Clt-uned. al.25 CA8m CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. WESTERN FLUFF BUG CO., 84-56 Union Ave. N. East G016, B 1475. FLUFF HUG AND SAG HUG FACTORY. NORTHWEST RUG CO.. established 1903. r luff rues and rae rues woven, all RiyM East 8th and Taylor. East 35S0, B 12t0. FERTILIZERS. ROTTED cow and horse manure. East 181. C 2274. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbeln. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 109 to ront su, corner Stark. Main or A 1418. - THE IVY PRESS. 3S2 Stark St. Broadway 403, A 408S. UflfjIfVlli F. W. BALTES & COMPANY. rnini iiHU tand Oaksts. Main ldj, A 1165 REAL ESTATE DEALERS. CARL R. JONES. 404 Wilcox bldg. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Household goods specialists; storage, packing, ship ping and moving, horse and auto vans; special freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.. 2d and Pine Sta. Broadway 596. A 1906. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Gllsan St., corner 13th. Telephone Broadway 1281 or A 1169. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates In the city. MADISON-ST. DOCK & WAREHOUSE, Of fice 169 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7691. CUT freight rates to all points on household goods. Aianning nareiiwuae at i i Co.. 9th and Hoyt. Broadway 703. PACKING, MOVING. STORAGE. 6ECUR1TY STORAGE & TRANSi'ER CO.. 105 Park St. Main 6195. A 105L WOOD. 4-FT. SLABWOOD, partly dry, 94 a cord. for Summer delivery. Aauress auhuuiu Fuel Co., East 2041. GREEN AND DRY SLABWOOD. block wood. Panama uel w n,aat 2. x zoo. WHOLESALERS AND 1V1ANUFACTURERS A TTO AND BUGGY TOPS. OREGON f ITTTrt Tfl 11 rt vW- 14th and Couch.' DUBRL1LLK BUGGY TOP CO., Uth and Oak. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. DRY GOODS NOTIONS. L. DINKELSPIEL CO "th ff-ffS! HATS AND CAPS. THANHOUSEK HAT CO., 53-55 Front St. HIDES, WOOL, CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS.. 191 Front st. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis sts. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN & CO.. 2d and Taylor. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-66 Front su PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. U KLINE, 84-86 Front st. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERD1NG 6c FAKRELL. 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER a CO.. 12th and Davis sta. WALL PAPER. MILLER Wall Paper &. Pv. Co, 172 1st SU MUtlUAa WALL fA.rt.tL CO.. 23U 2d St. PIED. NERTON In this city, at 1445 East Gllsan street, April 6. 1918, John T. Nerton, aged 52 years, 4 months, 8 days, beloved hus band of Mrs. Mabel Nerton, brother of Thomas Nerton, Mrs. Rose Wintler, Mrs. Cebille Barns, all of California; Mrs. Dan Jiggers, Mrs. Barnett Carter, Mrs. Nell " Streetor, all of Portland; Bob Nerton, of Vancouver-. Wash.; Mrs. Mary Blair, of Bill Plane. Wash.: Henry Nerton. of Or chards, Wash. The body remains at the new residential funeral parlors of W. J Hamilton, East 79th and Gllsan. Funeral notice later. KIEHLE In this city at his late residence. 226 East Fifty-eighth street. April o, David Litchard Kiehle. aged 81 years, hus band of Mrs. Mary Glllman Kiehle, father of Mrs. J. C. Elliott King. Dr. V. A. Kiehle. Miss Florence Kiehle. of this city, and Mrs. Carl W. Scovell, of Cortland, N. Y. The remains are at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley & Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. St. Paul, Minn, and Salt Lake Citv DHDers please copy. SAMPSON At Hillsdale, April 5, Irfander P. Sampson, aged ii years, oeioveu hud t,nH r.r Kin,, r Sfl mtison. father of Ru- fus Sampson, of Portland; George H. and Edwin B. Sampson, of Pittsburg. Pa. Re mains are at rioimans tuiierai viriui Announcement of funeral later. SHUGART In this city April 3, at his late residence, iu layior sireei, v Shugart. me remains bib ai. wo riAnA .tnhH3hnipnr of J. P. Finley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. nmiP-UVHTV ,7n this cltv Anril 6, J. H Dougherty, aged Ol years. -ine reuwuiiD are at the residence establishment of J I. Finley St Eton, aiontt,mci j FLORISTS. CLARKE BROS., Florists, 287 Morrison sL Main or A ISO. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. MARTIN & FORBES CO., Florists, 854 Washington. Main 269, A 1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. TONSETH FLORAL CO., 285 Washington st., bet. 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A 116L MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215, A 2121. Selling bldg., 6th and Alder sts. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder. Flowers and designs. Phone Marshall 5922. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. H0LMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Establishe4 1877. Third and Salmon Street. Main 507, A 1511. Lady Assistant. Perfect Funeral Service tor Less. MiLLEK & TKACEY Independent Funeral Director. Wash u, beu iOUi & :11st. West Sle fclain 26ltX. 1-ady Assistant. A. CIMETEK1S9. BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARS CEMETERY Lowest Prices Best Service, No expense after interment. Prices lower than other cemeteries. J. P. FINiET & SON, Progressive Funeral lnrectora. Private Lirive Women Attendants, MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. Main 9. A 1599. WILSON & ROSS T.-llh East 54. C 3160. EBICSON Residence Undertaking Parlors, 12th and Morrison ets. Main 613. A $Si. DUNNING & McENTEB, funeral directors, Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broadway 4i0, A 405b. L.ady ati.endant. Jf a DUNNING. INC. THE GOLDEN RULE UNDKKTAKER8, 414 Kast Aider St. East 5J. B 2o2j. Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070. .. A 6093" BREEZE & SNOOK lTtX L" f XT P. 11TTT C-rXT1157 Kerby Ot iiJOV-J.lwdn.4U40.C1155 MR AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service, 1973 E. Glisan. Tabor 4313. P. L. LERCH. East 11th and Clay slreeta Lady attendant. East i ol. a uas. A. R. ZELLlAt CO. Ea.'stViosI&nc-?o&H SK.EWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, ii and Clay. Main 4152. A 232L Lady assistant. MONCMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 264-268 4th St.. opposite City Hall. Main 8564. Philip Ken & Sons for memorials. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office, Room 153 Courthouse, Otlr bU Entrance, Phone from 8 to 5, Main 378. Home Fhone A. 2325. ISight call after office hours. Main 210. Report ail cases of cruelty to the above ad dress. Electric lethal chamber for email ani mals. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a momeafa notice. Anyone desir ing a do s or other pet communicate with ua. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we look after all Impounding-. There is no more city pound, just Orejon Humane Society. NEW TODAY. WELL-BUILT, rJOUSE GOOD HOME LOC ATION. E AST FORTY MM'H AiVIJ TAILOR. FTL'IjIi QUARTER BLOCK) LARGE SHADE TREES. GARAGE t IMPROVED STREETS. WISE-ROOM HOUSE BASEMENT. ATTIC A1VD THREE FIREPLACES. Price Way Below Cost! OWNEB LEAVING CITV. I. G. Davidson 819 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. $5250 - Modern Eight - Room BUNGALOW Glisan St., Near N. 24tli Very Easy Terms Rosenblatt & Salomon, 408 Selling Bldg. For the Business Mao who does not require the entire services of a bookkeeper ' An Experienced Accountant offers you part time service. System instaiiea. noons j-kept oj contract. East 3014. VV lo-i, Oregonian, FOR RENT BEATTTIFT7L XIIVE-ROO W APART MENT AT 7115 DAVIS STREET. PIIOXE MAIN 2076. TTTT7 PAY CASH FOR EQriTTES. yy Churire No Commlanion. Arc Located at 221 Aiejirj Hlds;.