The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 07, 1918, SECTION TWO, Page 4, Image 28

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M. A. A. C. Sunday League to
Open With 2 Games April 14.
Fighters Training Hard for
Bouts at Multnomah Guard
Smoker Wednesday Night.
Entry List for Teams
Open Cntil 9 o'clock
j Remain
. .:V . .- v ' : -jr t X : - , - Aval
Night to Give All Who Wish to
Get In Game a Chance.
Portlander Determined to Win Back
Laurel Lost to Seattle Ironworker
Recently; Otber Matches Look
Good to Fistic Fans.
Paetfle Caat Lightweight Chi
George Ingle, of Seattle. t. Muff
B ronton, of Portland. 135
Stanley Willie ts. Peta Mltchle,
13& pounds.
Mike Pete vs. Jack "Wagner. 140
Lan-y gladden vs. Jack Clifford.
200 pounds.
Red Gate vs. Ted Hoke, 139
pou nds.
Joe Horan ra. Benny Levy, 115
Tha above array of the best fistic
talent In tbis part of the country will
Ko through tha paces for the Portland
hcslns; fans at the Eleventh Street
Playhouse Wednesday night. The all
atar card Is being staged under the
auspices of Company B. Multnomah
iluards. and Lou Warner, matchmaker,
aa lined up stv bouts with a champion
ship tilt on top. which, when reviewed
from every ancle, look to be six real
bonna; contests. Of late the cards
hate r.ot been any too rood and the
bouts have not turned out to be as irood
as they were billed, but it looks hard
tor the above list or battles to miss
fire, and by. the way the advance sale
of seat Is going. It looks as though the
close followers of the line are of the
same oplnlcgi. Thero are bouts on tha
till betwren boxers weighing from 2u0
to Hi pound., so there mill be plenty
jr variation tor the fans.
George Ingle, of Seattle, lightweight
rr.ampton of the Pacific Coast, will de
fend his title against Muff Bronson In
he main event. Ingle won the title
from Bronson In a torrid bout In Seattle
about a month sko. Since that time
he has defended It once, winning a de
cision from Chct Neff. In Seattle, sev
eral weeks ago. Ingle is training like
a demon and will be In the best of con
dition for a six-round setto. He will
arrive here Tuesday for the match. The
Seattle fans are backing Insle to beat
Bronson and even go as far as to pre
d.ct that the ruseed Ironworker will
. stop the speedy f'ortlandcr before the
distance Is covered.
Braaswa la Caaftdeat.
Fron son was never more confident f
wtnnlne a f Irht In his life a. h la r hi.
battle with Ule. Muff Is working daily
ucder tn direction of Marty Parrell,
..the clever New York middleweight.
Varrell has been working hard with
Bronson and has put Muff wise to a lot
of new trlrks in the boxing game.
Stanley Willis, lightweight champion
of Pennsylvania and one of the best
looking prospects that has appeared
here In some time, will meet Pete
Mltchle. the Kittling Dime. In the scnil
wtndup. Willis and Mltchle put np a
hurricane bout at the last boxing show
here, the match ending In a draw.
Willis proved to the fans that ho is a
f;ist. clever boy and can hit. while
Mltchle Is regarded as one of the best
boys at his weight In the Northwest.
Mltchle has fought the best of them
and always has held his own. The
fans like his rugged, boring-in style
of milling, and with some l: knockouts
to his credit out of about 24 or IS
flirhtS- he ( haftlnir Aftll nrr n,hi whl.-ti
" V i ! son I
............ ..... c rv- i
. Z m,cn w"" L" lramoitaa and Wall-scaling will be the fourth DUm
Muff Bronson, and If he makes a good ber on tne liaU Tne contestants villi
enowing wim uiis ne win do entitiea
to some consideration.
The special event featuring Mike
Pels, of Seattle, and Jack Wagner, of
Portland. Is sure to he a great contest.
Mtke Pete claims the undisputed wel
terweight championship of the North
west, and Is said to be a rapid-fire
miller. Pete has been traveling like
a "house afire" around Seattle, and his
bout with Wagner will mark his first
appearance here. lie weighs around
14 pounds.
Wagner st Worried.
Wagner Is not worried about his
opponent's great ring powers and is
training steadily, getting In the best of
condition for the bout. Jack believes
In doing alt of his talking after the
bout, and is saying little.
Another bout on the card that Is at
tracting a good deal of Interest and
speculation among the fans Is the
match between Larry Madden and Jack I
t'lifford. heavyweights. Clifford has
lerii training several months waiting
for an opponent to turn up. and
last Larry Madden arises to accommo
date him. Madden is no slouch and
should give Clifford a good fight, al
though he Is not In as good shape as
Madden Is being backed by a syndi
cate of Portland sportsmen who think
he is a comer, and they look for him
to trim Clifford wfTHout much trouble.
A bout that should develop Into a
red-hot affair Is the one between Ted
Hoke and "Red" Gage. Hoke haa been
knocking all of his opponents out of
late, while t.age Is a comer from Seat
tie. The writer haa seen Oage In
action and he looks to be one of the
Wst bovs at his weight In the North
west. Although only about IT or IS
years old. Uage steps around like a
veteran and bits like a triphammer.
Han Salt, the well-known boxing man
ager and promoter, has taken Gage un
der bis wing, and hopes to make the
sorrr l-topped battler featherweight
champion of the Northwest before
many moons. Hoke has been going
good here, and should make the Seattle
lad extend himself.
Joe Horan. the dusky skinned 115
pounder. will meet Benny Levy In the
Prediction of South Dakota Man Is
flawed on Pig.
MITCHELL, S. DTAprll 1 "Ma pig."
says John Doty, boss of the Mitchell
"white wings." "Is the wera best indi
cator of weather past, present or fu
ture And ma pig teiis me the weather
it will be liken Summer fra this day
Pigs, says Doty, contain a something
known as a "malt." This Instrument
shapes itself according to weather. A
pig killed lately had a "malt" that
snowed plainly the conditions of the
past months, and showed also the type
of weather to come. Doty clalma It
never fails, and city hall habitues say
Doty never faiia wbca It comes to
protector made of rubber. He stopped -- ... , . .w, . rTTT - v L " f " -1
... . .... .... . . n several stiff blows with It" . ' fi tcT fv&erster' I
Wid West Athletic Meet to Be , .- i f
"Kid" SIcCoy Is In Los Angeles with ' fL,aiav $ $
Held Wednesday. "ovpicVu7h.m,Iany and wlu do . , v i J
some posing for them. '. t iwzf . .
Nfei '"t
Ted-Kid Lewis and Joe Egan have f ;' ' ' -" ' 7 Z rf J I I
been matched to box ten rounds In Mil- t 1
Grenade Throwing-, Rescue Race,
Bayonet Combat, Wall Scaling
Amons; Tournament Features.
Musical Competition Kvcut.
CAMP LEWIS. Tacoma, Wash., April
. (Special.) Captain T. G. Cook, ath
letic director for the Wild west di
vision here, has arranged ten events for
the gigantic military athletic tourna
ment slated for next Wednesday after
noon on the Slit Division athletic Held.
The first number on the programme Is
billed for 1:30 o'clock.
There Is such a variety listed that
practically every soldier In camp cau
take part, and efforts are being inane
to handle the largest entry lint In the
history of athletics In the .Northwest.
The hand grenade contest will start the
proceedings and the participants will
have three trials in the distance throw
from a built-up trench and Ave trials
for accuracy for each team of eight
The rescue race will be for two-man
teams, with each unit In Camp Lewis
limited to three squads. The rescue
men are to run 0 yards to 'grounded
men. lift them on their shoulders with
out any assistance by the wounded, and
carry them back to the start. The
wounded must weigh 150 pounds.
Men equipped with wooden rifles,
mask, plastron and gloves will take
part In the bayonet combat bach team
will nave ten men from each regiment,
and rules of the Divisional Infantry
School of Arms to govern.
run 50 yards, 2j-yards to the wall, over
the wall, then 25 yards to the finish.
The wall must be 10 feet high, 12 Inches;
wiue anu me squaas mui oe torn'.eu
and reported h: the finish The hats
must be worn throughout '.be race.
The relay litter race will be 200 yarda,
each team to have eight men who vi ill
run BO yards in couples. Competitive
drill for squads will be next, under the
general rules for zuch events. Running
trench Jump will hnd the boys carrying
their rifles and Jumping a Mx-too?
trench. Kight-raan teams, wearing- the
famous "trench shoes," will battle for
honors In tne lUO-yard rclav race i c
The musical end of the afternoon is i
to be a contest, too.
All ih. A r m v r. 1!
ill be tried by the buglers of the camp,
and the winner mill be declared the I
champion for the Slot Division. The
regulation Army bugle will be used.
Every regiment expects to send its band
into competition Wednesday afternoon,
for Captain Cook has arranged a xpe-
dal event to end the day's festivities.
Each band will be limited to .Ive min- I
utes. with marching and counter-J
marching. I
Special accommodations are being '
made for a large delegation from Ta- !
Lefts and Rights.
Eddie McGoorty had a talk with Dr.
Raycroft In Chicago the other day. and
It Is almost a certainty that he will be
appointed a boxing Instructor at one
of the Army camps shortly.
Packey McFarland and Johnny Kll
bane recommended both McGoorty and
Johnny Coulon. but Dr. Raycroft
thought the ex-bantam weight cham
pion a little too light.
Mike O'Dowd, champion middleweight
of the world and for the past month
a soldier at Camp Dodge. Iowa, prob
ably will do no more fighting In de
fense of his title until the war Is over.
O Dowd Is no longer at Camp Dodge.
He has been ordered In another mili
tary post, the location of which is not j
ability, however, Mike is on his way to
Al Reich, the New Tork heavyweight
pugilist. Is now In an aviation camp in
Dayton. O.. and writes that he likes
tha flying game.
Joe Miller defeated "Battling" Rudy
in San Diego Friday night. B. O.
Fttxglbbon. a San Diego scribe, had the
following to say of the contest:
"'Battling' Rudy and Joe Miller put
up a good battle in the seml-windup.
Miller won hands down. Rudy acquiring
lot of punishment before the battle
was over. Miner usea both hands ef
fectively, especially an uppercut with
whichever hand happened to be in ac
tion when the time came to tear It
loose. Rudy was a complete puxzle to
the fans. They did not know until
the third round whether he was boxing
with false teeth or not. It was finally
discovered that he maa wearing; a tooth ,
Near-Panic on Car. V " , Yi 4 fie f ; . j
nick Dreams of Fire and Make. ' " - T ' i I
Kaon a Ills Dream to Other Oers- I I . J' ?,v. . - : .! Wfll
pants ef Pullman Fire Kxtla- I I - t ' ' '' S '1! I
gulsber Awakens Youngster. I I . - Jt " I
TRAINING CAMP, Pendleton. Or.,
April 6. It became known today
that Dick Mitchell, the biff right-hand
pitcher from Pasadena, who la trying
for a Job on the Portland team, cams
near causing a panic on the train be
tween Portland and Pendleton.
This Is Mitchells first trip of any
length away from his home in Pasa
dena, and when he left Los Angeles
I It was his firtt ride in a illman
. car. He failed to sleep between Los
I Angeles and San Francisco, but the
rest oi the trip to Portland he man-
t aged to knock off a few hours of shut-
I rye each nignt.
The climax came Thursday night
after tlio train left Portland for Pen
dleton. Mitchell started dreaming, ac
cording to the story he told today,
and thinking he was in a burning
building with flames leaping up all
around him he let out an awful yell,
crying out "Fire! Fire Finel"
The other occupants of the car
quickly tumbled out of their berths,
and the porter came to the rescue with
the fire extinguisher. When he reached
Mitchell's berth he pulled open the
curtains, and seeing the youngster
struggling In his sleep wakened him
with a sound thump on the head with
the fire extinguished, which
to his
i brought the Pasadena youth
It was a wild night, and Mitchell
says never again will he dream of fires.
If. BRYANT, Editor.
Phone Tabor 6-1.1.
Contributions sollcltrMt. Hendquarters Port
land Chew and Checker Club, Worcester
building. Third and Oak streets, room 2Iti.
Mull contributions to 143 East Thlrly-flub
This is contributed by L. Boardman. Med
ford. Or., who antes that he will be 2
years of sgre next June. This was pub
lished In the Strand several years ago, and
the author's name Id unknown. It transmits
the ut-st thought and practice in modern
mponitlon. It will Increase the efficiency
"f rT, P:a'r " ,olve endings like this.
11 1 iniic gem inai wo preuici win uwmcr
mM11T i, t our solvers
I . . . ' 1 . . ----- '
-.. feai -,
' ' J , r 1 ' '
t U. A la r (. it, I laatad.
White to mate In three movrs.
White king on Q4. queen on KB 2. rook
oa pawn on JB3. Black king on Q3.
Br W. B. aVIuson. Yokahama. Japan.
Contributed hy Peter Claudlaooa. San
Quentln. Ca). This Is not difficult and will
afford lome relief after aolvlnft the one
abovf. It is an attractive arrangement and
Its simplicity very pleasing.
22 I
Ti m ih
-1 m I I gaa
V. Hi l a, rVliu r'la.Cr.0.
White to more and mats In three.
White king on QB, queen on KRS. knlvhts
on KB.' and KR. Klark king oa KKts,
pawns on KKt7 snd KR7.
Contributed by Mr. Claudlanos. author un
known, several variations that are neat.
Black, 6 pieces: white. 11 pieces. White to
.. .1 In Inn VC ), i . kin. nn
iib.O, o,ueca en 1LB5. rooks on W and Ja2;
- 'V i
ssjssw -(f.-y . oT' asssssssM
bishops on QB: and QKtr. knlcht on QKt4
and KKt. pawns on QB3. KB2 and KKl.
KB2 and KKt4. Black king on QS. rook on
Wti, bishop on QB3. pawns on QB5,
and U7.
Prize problem No. 345. by Joseph Ney
Bsbson Key. B-QB.t. K-KB5: i B-B3.
K K5: 3. R-QBB. K-1J4: 4, B-Kt2, mate: .
K-QBd. K-Q'i; 4, B-KB3. mate; 3, K-KB3,
R, mate. It Is not difficult to award the
prize for this an the one following to C.
G. Given. Salem, Or. It was a little mine of
mental deposits that the solvers failed to
cltg up. Simplicity and sccuracy give it a
distinctive charm very pleading. Many are
the solutions we received, and Mr. Givens
is to be congratulated on winning two prizes
from The Oregonlun In the prize contests.
Problem Ko. ,1411 Key. Kt-KKt8. K-K5;
2. OiKich. KiO: 3. Kt-BtS. mate. Mr.
Givens sends eight variations. Following are
some of the remarks of the solvers: "These
are splendid and difficult to solve," Givens.
"ialton a three-mover got my goal. n.
Pyerltz." "No. 34ft' is a paragon of beauty
and 346 no better." L. E. Smith. "No. 345
wonM mult a aood two-mover at the third
move." Oreirus. "You hsve the best there
Is west of Chicago," Rex Dalean. "Every
move of that 34o opens up new beauties,
Ray La Fever.
Solutions have been received from G. R.
Campbell. Mrs. Henrietta Ehrlcks. S. T.
Adams. C Givens. J. Murray. P. Claudlanos.
H. A. Davis. Ray La Fever, Mr. Dalton.
H. R. Harden. D. B. French, Robert and
1-litTnnhrHv Svendsen. L. Boardman. C. F.
Putnev. s. C. Dickens. Georire Griffith. "W.
c Marlon. E Robertson. H. Pyerltz. oregus.
Rex Dalean. L. P. Fraker, T. B. Fording.
A. Lewis. J. Kane. C. Rone. W. R. Deat-
V. 1 Rerrv. RalDh Martin.
Ttr- w n 1 balton. Seattle, writes: "Be
rood. I am going to make you a call be
fore long and talk chess face to face.
The players will give you a hearty wel
come, doctor.
Ray La Fever. Lewiston. Idaho Have for
warded your inquiry to the doctor.
Solvers In Seattle send In your solutions.
You have two weeks for all problems and
from three to four for all prize composi-
""sI' t. Adams. New Orleans Thanks for
your batch of contributions.
rh.u niavera rtwiresentlna six colleges and
the high schools of the Metropolitan dis
trict. In addition to the masters and tnree
classes of- amateurs, took possession of the
x-w Voi-lc stata Chess Association recently.
How about the Pacific states high schools
and colleges? Ladles, you do not need ine
sign on the clubroom door (it has been re
moved), Just look at the head of this column
and try to remember it.
We acknowledge the receipt of a very
neat chess souvenir In the form of a small
booklet entitled "Fable of the Discontented
Cbess Men." by David Mitchell. The cover
Is mada from hand-made Japanese paper.
Many good lessons to be derived from a
persual of this fable. Price 2-c
C. G. Givens. Salem. Or. Prize forwarded
to you. Please acknowledge receipt.
This month will see Jose Capablanea back
In Sew York. It haa been one year ago
that he left his home in Havana. Cuba.
Rex Dalean. San Diego. Cal. No. King
and two knights without any supporting
Sieces cannot mate. King with knight and
ishop can. Buy a copy of "Selected Chess
Endings." by the Rev. E. E. Cunnlngton.
"French Defense." ,
This game, played between two Dutch
experts. Dr. O. G. Olland with the white
pieces and M. Marchand with the black
!:i... i.iiven an andlna that is a beauty
I and very instructive for all students.
l White. Black.ltV'hlte.
1 P-K4
j-r..t .it fvi-i.o
P-Q4I32 Kt-Kt3
2 P-Q4
8 Kt-QB3
4 PxP
f B-Q3
6 B-KKtS
7 KKt-b.2
8 Q-Q2
9 O-O
10 P-B4
Kt-KB:i 33 Kt-K2
PxPI34 Q-B4
B-Q3!:i." g-K:3
P-B3 3d K-Kt
0-0137 K-B2
. R-K3S Q-B3
QKt-Q2' 3M Kt-B
Q-Kt3 40 Kt(B)-Kt3
11 P-QR3 P-B4I41 r-nitj
ri K-R P-BSI 42 P-Kt3
113 B-B5 Q-B:il4: U-K3
f4 Kt-Kt3 P-K14I44 Q-K5
I 15 QR-K B-Kt2 4.T (JxQch
, lfiZQ-B2 P-QR4i4rt PxP
17 B(B.-.)xKt KtxBi47 KxB
' Id Kt-B5 B-KBI4S K-K3
19 B-K7 P-KtoHO Kt-K2
I 20 PxP PxPI -.( Kt-B
I "i Kt-Q Q-KKt3 ..1 Kt-Q3
I 22 Kt-R-4 Q-K13I 52 Kt-K5
23 BxB KxB;J3 K-Q3
24 Kt-B5 Q-Kt3 ,04 Kt-B6ch
23 Kt-KlS Q.-KB.VJ Kt-K7
26 P-B5 RxR..6 KtxP
27 RxR R-KI.-7 K-K3
2S RxRch KXKI.-.8 K-R2
2 Kt-R5 Q-KR3 09 Kt-B6
30 P-KKt4 Iv-Vi!
The position at black's 5Sth move is:
White king on K3, knight on Q5. pawns
on KR3. KKt4. KB5. 4. QKt3: black king
on QKt4. knight on KB7. pawns on KR.1.
Kt-KtSch; 30, K-B2, Kt-R6ch: 60. K-KtX
Kt-BOch; 61, KtxKt Pxt; 62, Kt-B3, K-B3;
08. KxP. P-B3: 64. K-K4. K-Q3: 65. P-Q5.
K-B4: 6.8. P-Q6; KxP; 67. K-Q4. K-B3: 6S.
K-B4. K-J8: 6, KxP, K-K4; 70. K-B5 and
wins (New Orleans Press). Contributed by
S. X. Adams.
GAME NO. 316.
(Double Ruy Lopez.)
By telegraph between the Riga and Ber
lin Chess clubs, 1811 to 1913; Riga white.
Berlin black.
White. Black.lWhite.
1 P-K4 P-K4I23 R-Q
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-CJB3 24 P-QKt4
I B-Kt5
P-QR3I 2.i P-Kt3
Kt-B3: 2tl B-K5
KtxPI 27 B-Q4
P-QKt4'2S PxB
P-Q4I 2D P-Kt5
KtxClP 30 K-Kt2
PxKt31 QR-R(A
B-QB4 32 Q-B2
O-0: 33 RxQ
4 B-R4
6 O-O
7 B-Kt3
8 P-WR4
9 KtxKt
10 PxP
11 Kt-B3
12 KtxKt
13 Q-R5
14 B-Q5
35 QxB
18 B-R6
17 PxP
18 B-B4
19 Q-B3 '
20 KR-K
21 PxP
22 R-R3
PxKt!34 QxQP
B-Kt335 -Q"'
B-Kt.1i38 QxKtP
C1XBI37 K-R3
Q-K4I38 Q-Q7
P-K6 3H Q-K6
Q-K31 40 P-Kt4
P-KB441 Q-Q7
QxPl42 K-Kt2
P-C16! 43 K-Kl
A Tt,. n.altlnn nt till. Ttnlnt 1st White
klna on KKt2. oueen on KB3, rooks on J
and QR. pawns on KR2. KKt3, QKtj. K;
black king on KR. queen on QB7, rooks on
K8. and QR. pawns on KR2, KKt2, KB4. U.
(JB3; black to move. , .
Charles Daveport. Boise, Idaho Solutions
. nri nmhipm-i N'ns. and 352 received.
Problem No. 352 There should have been
a white knight on KKt7, Dr. Dalton. Kay
LaFever discovered this error and several
others. Please make correction before send.
Ing In solution or please submit another Ira-
Robert and Humphrey Svendsen. Terrace
Heights, city Phone aiaranau oow. ihobc
young men contributed a correct solution to
problem No. 343 as well as atr. Givens and
we send them a prise, although solution to
No. 346 Is not as complete as It should be.
Jack Dillon to Be Brought to Portland
to Oppose Northern Pngtllst
April 24.
SEATTLE, Wash., April 6. (Special.)
Jim Barry, one of California's leading
light-heavyweights, will be the op
Donent of Mickey King, the new Idol
of Seattle boxing fans, in tne main
bout of the arena smoker set lor a
week from Tuesday night.
This announcement, together with
the news that King- will be the first
opponent of Jack Dillon when tne
Hoosier bearcat comes out this way
this month, was made by Dan Salt,
Saturday, after he had clinched the
Barry match and made tentative ar
rangements for the Dillon scrap.
The Dillon affair will be held April
24. but Portland, and not Seattle, will
get the first chance to see the two big
fellows in action. A f ortiana promot
er is bringing the well-known Indian
apolis star West, and he plans to pit
him against King in his first- start
here. However, Daniel vows that the
bearcat will be seen in a Seattle ring
as sure as he shows that he is still the
battler of old. He hints that no less
a personage than Harry Greb will be
seen here against either Dillon or our
own Mickey.
Getting back to Tuesdajrs bill, an
other Callfornian of considerable class.
Claire Bromeo, one of the classiest of
the southern 128-pounders, will ac
company Jim carry nortn. eromeo
will be seen in action against one of
the best 130-pounders around here on
the same card on which King and
Barry will perform.
Horse Meat in Demand.
LONDON. March 15. In the north of
Londbn horseflesh was being sold the
other day under an arrangement with
the army veterinary department of the
War Office. One woman said: I had
horseflesh steak'yesterday for the first
time, as tender and sweet as any meat
I have tasted. The only drawback to
horseflesh is that It has hardly any fat
of Its own."
Declamation Contest Set.
CENTRALIA, Wash.. April 6. (Spe
cial.) The annual Lewis County lnter
scholastic declamation contest will be
held next Friday night at Elma. The
Chehalis, Dryad, Doty, 'Knab, Mossy
rock, Boistfort, Vader, Winlock, To
ledo, Pe Ell and Adna high schools
will be represented. Centralia will not
compete this year.
Read The Oregonlan classified ads.
Soldier Players to Begin Work
on New Diamonds.
With Completion of Four Ball Fields
Active Training Will Be Begun.
Few Pre-Season Games Played.
Mullen Works Out Stars.
CAMP LEWIS, Tacoma, Wash., April
6. (Special.) With the completion of
four baseball diamonds across the road
from the new Liberty Theater, the final
touches were made whereby active
training for the 91st Division athletes
will commence with a vigor this week.
Charles G. Mullen, captain of the Wild
West Division team, has been working
out with several of his stars all this
week, but he put off calling the first
real practice until the backstops had
been installed and the grounds
smoothed up a bit.
The work of fixing the fields was
under the direction of Lieutenant Bes
son, athletic representative of the Field
Hospital Section of the 316th Sanitary
Train, and a delegation from each of
the companies, assisted by Sergeant
Mullen. Several practice games were
played the last few days, to get a line
on some of the Sanitary Train pros
pects. The 364th Field Hospital team won
and lost one game with the 363d Field
Hospital aspirants, while Leonard
"Waffle" Kaufman's "Aces," of the
364th Field Hospital, lost a hardfought
match to the 363d Ambulance Corps
by the score of 6 to 3. A return match
will be played next week.
Sergeant Walter Hummel, of the
364th Field Hospital Company, has
started working out for the military
athletic carnival listed for the Ice
Palace In Portland on the evening of
April 26. While he has not been able
to secure any good hurdles he has man
aged to make some for his own use
until the new ones arrive. . At the meet
he expects to wear the' colors of the
Multnomah Amateur' Athletic Club, as
will Sam Cook and. Bill Snyder, of the
316th Sanitary Train. Oook has not
been able 'to give 'much time to ath
letics since he was taken to the third
officers' training camp here, but he
expects to be away from there within
the next week or 10 days, as the camp
is scheduled to close around April 15.
. . . ...
The 316th Sanitary Train !s In a
good way to win the 1918 basketball
championship at Camp Lewis. The
sanitary train boys cleaned up every
thing that came their way during the
football season, and the players were
so good that six of- them played reg
ularly on the Wild West first eleven
against the famous Marines. The 316th
is in the semi-finals of the basketball
tournament now going on to determine
the season's best. All members of the
team are Oregon boys, two of them
coming from Major Sellwood's 363d
Field Hospital, and three of them fnom
the 361st Ambulance Company.
Privates Laman and Neil are from
the field hospital, while Sergeant Mac
Leod Maurice and Privates Warnock
and Jensen are from the ambulance
Surgeons Find It, but Not Where
X-Ray Photograph Showed.
LOS ANGELES. April 1. That a
needle can travel two inches in the
human body during a single night was
proved the other day when Assistant
Police Surgeon Conarty removed one i
from the foot of Mrs. Ida Graves, of
237 South Hope street.
Mrs. Graves stepped on a needle one
night and It broke off in her foot. The
attending physician advised that an
X-ray be taken to locate the broken
needle. v '
With the X-ray" picture Mrs. Graves
was taken to the receiving hospital.
The surgeons gave her an anesthetic
and removed the painful point, but j
found that it had moved nearly two
inches from the location in which it
was shown by. the photo.
Thirty members of Multnomah Ama
teur Athletic Club have already signed
to play ball In the Sunday mornijis
league organized by Baseball Chairman
Paul Dickinson. The league schedule
will open next Sunday, April 14, with
a double-header on Multnomah Field.
The entry lists will remain outn until
9 o clock Thursday night, ana no
longer, so as to give all Multnomah
Club members who want to play ball
a chance to sign the books. Chairman
Dickinson is planning on a four-team
league, but he will extend the schedule
if enough players turn out by Thursday
night. Captains of the teams will be
selected this week.
Following are the names of those
who have signed up to play:
Walter J. Kroder, Harry Fischer. A. r.
Pease, W. W. Huelet. G. Barnes. Jeff
Harbke," Ralph Knu risen, Ira Mix, Fred
Laird, A. W. Roland, F. M. Hibbard. Taylor
C. White. Paul R. Dickinson. Gurth Coin
George Mayo. M. R. Hempy, Deo Mallett,
John Tuerck, E. R. Morris. Louis Keuhn, Jr.,
H. W. Jackson. Russell Burton, Ted Holmes,
J. A. Wright, Frank Brtsley, Russell Kauf
man, R. . Manning, F. R. Ramsey, Lrncat
O'Bryan, Bert Crowe.
The .second annual Marathon swim
closed Saturday, with Clyde J. Ewing
finishing first, Albert Wiesendanger sec
ond and M. R. Klepper .third. The swim
caused a great deal of Interest at Mult
nomah Club this year and drew large
crowds of spectators daily. On Satur
day the last half hour of the swim was
made an exhibition affair and the four
leaders participated. The results of the
exhibition were: First, tie, Ewing and
Wiesendanger, 60 laps; second. Eddus,
58 laps, and third, Klepper, 4S laps.
The number of laps covered by the
leaders during the four weeks of the
Marathon were: Ewing, 2129 laps, 30',.
miles; Wieiendanger, 2055 laps, 29 1-3
miles; Klepper, 1769 laps, 25 miles.
To show their appreciation of the
hard work performed by Instructor
Jack Cody in tallying swimmers dur
ing the month, the Marathoners were
hosts at a banquet at the Hotel Mal-
lory Wednesday evening, in Cody's
honor. Those present were: Jack Cody.
O. J. Hosford, Clyde Ewing, A. Wiesen
danger, M. R. Klepper and Harry Ed
das. During the banquet the swim
ming game was discussed from all
angles and plans were made for the
outdoor Marathon and the third annual
indoor swim next year.
a a
Bert Crowe is one of the niftiest
hands at pool that is playing the game
at Multnomah Club this year. He
thinks nothing of cleaning the table
in a run, and even has been known to
roll all of the balls in the pockets
twice in succession.
Games played this Week in the hand
icap singles squash tournament on at
Multnomah Club resulted as follows:
M. E. Crumpacken. R-5, defeaeted F.
Smith, R-7, 15-13, 11-15, 15-13; H. S.
Lusk, scratch, defeated Myron Wilsey,
R-7, 15-10, 15-9: Claude C. McCoIloch,
R-6, defeated F. Johnson, R-7, 15-7,
Upon the invitation of the Winged-M
bowling committee, the crack team of
the Marshall-Wells Hardware Company
met the Multnomah Club team on the
club alleys last Friday night in a
lively three-game contest full of inter
est and action from start to finish. The
M. A. A. C. aggregation won, but only
after a hard struggle. The final result
was based on the total number of pins
made by each team in the three games.
The scores were:
Total. Av.
Hyde . . .
Warner .
Beckett .
Tripp ...
Totals ,
. .168
1S1 518
142 41S
138 4
144 475
772 805 805 2382
Todd . .
McKay .
Dibble .
166 149 169
Totals 814
Training Camp Games.
FORT WORTH, Tex., April 6. Score:
R. H. E.
Fort Worth Texas League... 10 16 3
Chicago Americans 2 10 3
Batteries Pattee and Woodall; Benz
and Lynn.
OKLAHOMA CITY, April 6. Score:
R. H. E.
Cincinnati Nationals 7 7 2
Detroit Americans . . . . 8 11 3
Batteries Schneider, Jacobus and Al
len; Erickson, Kallio and Stanage.
DALLAS, Tex., April 6. Score:
R. H. E.
Dallas Texas League 6 12 3
Chicago Americans (regulars) 5 9 1
Batteries Kinney, Lewis, Wilson and
Bowie; Clcotte, Fa ber and Schalk.
GREENVILLE, S. C, April 6. Score:
R. H. E.
Boston Nationals 3 3 7
New York Americans 7 10 3
Batteries Tannevan, Raman, Hughes
and Henry; Monroe, McGraw and Han
Eleventh-St. Playhouse
IJcaevenin ana jw.urrison
Pacific Coast Llfc-it weight
Champ lunula Ip
George INGLE
Prices $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 1
i Reserved seats Rich's, Sixth and
M Washington streets, and Stiller's 1
5 1 Cigar Store, Broadway and Stark
484 161
144 4 158 496 1(15
176 196 ir6 528 176
192 17 100 518 173
136 171 137 504 10S
886 840 2530