PORTLAND, 1918. MWTtCTI 31. - a-aBaBa-Bwaaa- ' 0 l: ''SIX Economical Beautiful J. HERE b no car more deserving of popularity than the Grant Six. It is the meeting point of quality and moderate price, the first successful .... j i; j t effort to combine the High, economy ana Bimpuaty Comfortable cf four with the flexible power and anap of the six. But the new Grant Six goes further than this it gives you beauty that you have never expected and riding comfort that cannot be greater. Three things have built the Grant Six success the overhead-valve engine, the full-floating rear axle and the 46-inch cantilever rear springs. Other cars have one or two of these features, but no other car of comparable price has all three. $1095 tfckO Naturally, a car that gives so much is in great demand. If you want to make sure of a GRANT SIX this spring, now is the time to order it Manley Auto Co. ELEVENTH AND OAK STS, AT BURXSIDE Portland, Oregon GRANT MOTOR CAR CORPORATION CLEVELAND BUMPS HARD OH TIRES CTTT TKlirT D4MAGM VORK TfllX COVSTRT ROADS. . C IDMi af Aaa rartt Sapply C. Saaw Wy lawaata Ocear ma DHvt rrvea. "It U a fact not generally realised fey automooilo owara that city driving I Ju.l a bard on tire a country driving. bo-1 la many iBBtanc. much karder.- .aid R. K. AMen. manager cf lb Aato Fart Supply Company. last we h- Th Bvrg motoriat ballavaa that rau h l guiding bl car ot.t pav aiaate all day b la not tnjurlag hl tire, wkia th truth of to eas may fc that ha la Injuring " Bor . - .. .,i,r Aiir a ratty country road, la a long sperlnc handling all tBdard Ila.e oi nrvs aav aaaa taia deolonatrated ain and "'-rroaabty aryy mo torrd eat tba Columbia River Highway wdr4 why It la that ao fr na.ntty cara ar. pd that hav Jut for Ita aatlra l.ngtn. and tbra em an raaoa la tba world why blowout tbnuld occur. yet they do. Tba raoa ta ry impla. If tba notorial win amy Hob. It tnt tha driving ovr pave ment ct ltlf tbat doaa tba dsmage. . . . ... ik.i wh n coinf over a pavemant a driver goee taster than ordinarily ever a airi r .. ad ba b doaa bit a bump It la fn arally a ttatlonary ooa and tha tira aborba tha whola hoch- -To lltuatrata: Thra ara many ,rt aa whu-b tha car trarka aland tbova tha pmnt. Jplally la thl mtmm oa tha approach to aoma of tha MJ.a acroaa tha WIHantta Bir. tha Hawthorna brMa. Tha drlr uki tba rroMltf at ood tpaad. WbrB tha tira tnha tha rail It Ml It aol- Idly. Thara U bo itlaa to tha rail at all. Tba lira abaorba tha whola forca of what raally U a terrific ahock. -Tba rutt la ry often a weaken-laa- of tha fabric of tha tira that will not ahow on tha tread, any mora than your ho will how that your foot ha been Injured If you kick a brick under a bat. Tbla damaae to tha fabric may ba wary illBbt at f lrU If tha tira wara removed at that time. It could bo Tory cheaply and quickly reinforced ao that tha tira would firm aa ood aenrlca and aa Ion eerrlce aa nefora. "Fut tha driver, qutta naturally, not realialnc tha Injury that haa been done, goee ahead. Tha atrala on the daro aed place In tha fabric gradually to-lars-ea tha damaged area. Preaently. perhapa 1 mile further on. perbape I, mayba 1 in I lee. the fabrle ! way and thara ia a blowout on tha lilahway. , -o tha other hand, when a ear la heln driven over a country road, tha rorka atrurk by tha tira will ba preeaed. dowa la tha dirt, or will stve little, or ba moved by tba wheal. The Impeet la not ao aolld aa acalnst the ralL Tha tread of the tira may ba acuffed up mora, but tha damaae to tha tira itaelf from country drlvlnc will actually ba leaa tkaa from city drlvlnc" Trxaa Bin Lawa. Ia maay Teaaa eountlea ear owner cannot buy itaaollne or olla oa Sunday, froaecutora contend thla la a violation of the Blue Sunday lawa of the tata. Tha quratlon. however, baa not been carried to the blither court, but It la aald It will be within tha next few vki. In Orayeon County there ara mora than ooa ownera and tha Sunday aala of aa and alia haa been prohibited. - Marking Ui Wiring. A little dodfe that avea much time on occaion la tha marking of the nu merou electric wlrea on tha modern ear with different colored paint. Simply band one wire with red. another with creen. a third with blue. etc. Ia thla way when It la necetaary to trace down ha varlou wlrea to locate eome trouble that haa developed, there la lltUa bard- hip In conducting the aearch. 5 -ELGINS SOLD IN DAY D. K. URKGI BUST MAW AlA. OT LAT WEEK. la Addltlea ta Elaine, Salea Maa ' aa-er for J. S. Moltaaerv Ala Sella Several Harreaaa. To ell five automobllea In one day i. ..lt little record In salesmansnip. Particularly, when they are all new care. That record was made one day laat week by D. E. Lark In. aalea man- acr for J. S. MolUner. Eltn aia- trlbutor hare, when ba sold live new l-ii. four of which were delivered the eama day. Tha order for the fifth waa taken and the car delivered the following day. Ia addition to aelllng bo many Elglna, Mr. Larkln alo eoia inreo i-.. . u Tha Mirroun. for cara " " " .. .. which tha agency here la held here h Mr.' MolUner aa distributor. 1 ' . ki in thla territorr. ii ... rn.H.l.r DartiCU jni new ' w .w -. - larly. U a claay car. A carload of tha roadetera arrived Krlday and were un loaded yesterday. Mr. MolUner la pretty well sold out or Elftlns, but mora ara on tha way from tha factory for Pacific Motors. Inc. which is Northwest distributor. A telerram to Chicago early thia week brouaht tha response that 60 carload of Elglns ara being delivered to th railroad for ahlpment to Pacific Motors at tha rata or ona or two carloads Mhr.dMoiuner will receive for his ter ritory a good allotment from these Sf carload. . -Anything which is of as much bene fit ta the whola family and community aa tha motor car Is bound to be a suc cessful buslneaa venture and bound to endura." aaya John N. Willys, head of Willys-Overland. Inc. , CHEVROLET AND TRAILER DO MUCH WORK. i-v - ? . I . A t a aa " a . - . a 5 ;:7 . ' j J JJaah Six,FivePassnger Toaring Car Price, $1295 You Are Invited to Attend Our Exhibit of Nash Cars jVojA Six, Four PaAenger Roaster Price, $1295 jly . 3 Nash Six, Sedan Price, $1985 These are the cars that have made such a marked success at the automobile shows throughout the country. The Nash Six with perfected valve-in-head motor was the focal point of public interest. Its unusual value has established the Nash Six as the biggest automobile value on the market today. Although the Nash Six was introduced less than six months ago it has already demonstrated the fact that it furnishes unusual power with unusual economy. In the hands of owners the Nash Six has justified themost enthusiasticpredictions. The Nash Six is made in four passenger roadster and convertible sedan in addi tion to the five passenger touring car. Visit our salesroom and inspect the Nash line. Give us an opportunity of demon strating to you its many qualities. Portland Motor Car Co. Broadway 521 :-: Tenth at Burnside Street GS 17 ALU ECfiRS"ATUnLUMElPRICES CHAINS GIVE SAFETY IX' lUFPERT WEATHSB THEIR USB IS E9SK!TLAI ... .v ... n..n.r AV Fields to the Russellvillo Nursery Company. It 4ie resf-Vwiv d.lrverr car waa sold sla months aao hy Regner neios io in. - ' ', n,, ,V ' - - If Properly Applied. Tkey Da Na Damage to Tim, and Keet Car Fraaa Skidding. Few automobile man will deny that maTerofuslnr chain.- tlT. number of Soffit. that occur each year would ba materially ruu. - . of tha most prolific and when tnia oini" t it can b. thrown tn. ..:1..r ha rt las BO IXCUI a-t iHon on th. part of chauffeur or .dmoTo-rlsU tnirchaln. - damage to tire.; tney oo wnei. . not properly placed, but "T" "her I no poealbla objection to their betnl employ upon all occ.lon. whan tha going U alippary and uncer- UWhe a chain la too tight tha link, naturally Imbed themselves In Jhe aho and aventually do harm, but when the chain la attached looaely so that as the wheel turn, the chain work, around tha Ur freely the rubber la not In--lured. Prof or Button, of the Tech Seal department of tha Automobl 1 Club of America, whoe provlnc It 1 to tudy all uch matter. ay tht th only material damage hich come, to tire, from chain, la when they are improperly applied, and be bolda that a. a moana of aafety they are en- UAfter a light rain In tha city." he eava. "tha aaphalt pavement becomes slippery, and full control of a motor Jar la brought about only through tha usa of tira chains." In the case of women learning to drive, chains ara regarded by Instruct 1", Tae eaaential. even where there Is " 7 m.t mniatura on the tna leaav .nw... - r0a4. nd soma Instructors employ them at all tlmea when their pupils are women, claiming that they steady tha car. thue adding .an element which glvea tha woman driver courage and "onfldenca at the outaet. The accident , the went trip of woman s into the ditch, was brought about be cause the car was being driven along the slippery road without tire chains. Chains are easily adjusted to tires, and may be so placed as to do no dam age to the shoe. In the fire depart ment they are regarded as indispensa ble. The success of the motor ap paratus in the slippery, heavy condi tions of last February and March was due to tha use of tire chains. STCTZ FACTORY KXLAKGED Fourth Addition in Four Tears Made to Big Plant. Word haa Just been received by George D. McPhail, manager of the Auto Rest Garage, local distributors for Stuts automobiles, that work on the new large addition to the Stutz factory is progressing as rapidly as men and money can make It and that It will be finished by the first of Jan- This is the fourth addition to the Stuts plant in four years and has been necessitated by the tremendous volume of business that has come with the natural growth of the industry, helped along by the Instant popularity of the new series l-valve. four-cylinder mo tor, which is the feature of the pres- '"Thfse'w plant is to be used exclu sively for the manufacture of the lfc valve motors and will be known as the motor plant. It will have a capacity mora than sufficient to turn the grow ing demand and will guarantee dis tribution the country over of the im mediate deliveries in all Stuta models. Removing Spots; At this time of year it is particularly useful to remember that the best way to remove spots from varnish is to rub in well a little boiled linseed oil with a soft rag, until all spots have dlsap peared. afterwards removing the super fluous oil and polishing with a soft ragj AUTOMOBILE PAINTING TRIMMING f Spring Is Here NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR CAR CAMOUFLAGED We have one of the most modern paint shops in Portland, fitted to do the highest quality; work. Reasonable Prices ROBINSON-SMITH CO. SIXTH AT MADISON Tires at COSta Save From $10 to $20 on a Tire Closing out our Kelly-Springfield. Tires at our absolute cost. atocK is fresh. Guaranteed for 6000 Miles Buy now while the selection is good. Covey Motor Car Co. Accessory Department. 21st and Washington. Main 6244. The V. S. "War Dept. (Signal Corps has recently adopted ANDERSON AUTOREELITES for the ambulance and motor truck BrTLc' "tiht. "eouinned with eiteiiHiu" " " ' . l 1 matic icni, euuiiJFcu ft of extension cord on auto- 5a inclose chanKing and Makes tire renairs as easy by night Mby day. Tou willaoon have one-Whyn8t8.50-Ret.. V. S. Fleming, Pacific Hormweii tj' Oregon. Washington. Montana. Idaho. ults ... ..-. i . Pni-tland. Or. TFTI 105.0