The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 31, 1918, SECTION FOUR, Page 8, Image 60

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The Record in detail
Long Truck Lines,' Competing
With Railroads, Sure to
Come After War.
Frtrr SfcCraken, Moreland tstrrbn.
lor, Telia How Interchangeable)
Bod Irs Will Revolutionise
. Track Transportation.
IVatrlbwtoc f Mof'nd Track lor Orgoa
ad v. lUttiiM.
What la th fntur of tha motor track
a lb Pacific Coast? How do n -fKt
food prlen and living condition
This waa tha big question pat to ma
ty a leading bttlns man or niu
Vua. th elhr day. Ha asked It casu
ally. Little did ha know tha depth of
his aury. tha ali-racnmg
tlooa of tba motor truck Into tha eotrnt-
phaaaa of modern human exlat.
tncn '
la tha first plae. tha motor truck
a,aa Kind, or la a great m-asar o,
tha prnt day lotarurbaa transporta
tloa problem. It brings tha farm and
tha eiiy toaetbsr: It aatabliabaa con
tact batwo producer and consumer
that react vitally and directly oo tha
Health. Kor It means that ran
... foodstuffs ara to ba bad. Veg
.-,i.. ,.. life-atvtna: a-raona ara not
picked. Iced and shipped many mllea by
ipm. TiT pi ."
tba mm day thay ara placed, on tha
....hit., .t.n.t. for tha houaewir wnm afler kltllf their natIV'
rrowinc plae. Tha motor track br
-I.-. - in tha nubile health, tha
1 aeidom been commented on. And
.i heal in la tha "ft aoul. tba real mo.
ti for th morala of any community.
MM Track IMt Cooel Rooala.
merchant I waa talklnr to had
..... thoncht of tha motor truck
... Mor. Ilia flia-bls of com
merctal fancy had nvr gone
afteVd; ba seldom inounni
mrx.i bodies In connection wit
Ma business. Tt tba mlnuta th potn
. h. e-re.Ded tha vital far
h.i hia own commercial life, and th
)ia of hla associate and competitors.
depended in eouutirs ways on ....
ir truck's bearing on modern exist
. in a whlla inml publicity ek
...... a rrr aaatnat tha motor truck
tia use of tha ood roada. IH tha kera or lha business me:
tba farmera and distributers have
. , da with prosperity? W blch
- toward Banna- tha laxe
which fumlah tha funds for tha good
roada? Moat persona, looking at lha
n.. ia tia broader sense, would
ainoualirledly aay tha commercial
a. i.i. A. A p.
Tha average person occupied with
tha many problema of Ufa la lar too
rona to crulclaa tha commercial cw u
a manaca to travel, aa " '
atroyer and aa an avll In ways too u
eroua to mention. They either forge
er aaver try to learn that without mo
torized method of tranaportatlon tha
..t....-iinn and malntenanra of tha
wwi roada movement would ba practl
tally Impossible- They ara also lno
rast of the fact that statistics prova
that It la th horae-drawn vehicle wun
tia ataol tire, and not the rubber-shod
v.hicle. that haa aucb a disin
tegrating affect on our present road.
Caaat Track Uaea Ceaalax.
Vi la an nnnuestloned fact that. With
very additional fool of good roada
laid, tha permanency and commercial,
moral and phyalcal need of tha motor
met la mora nrmiy eaiaoii.ueu
Tha eottr Pacific Coaat haa taken up
th question of aolia. lastina; nni
within a very few veara a heavy truck
ran run from Canada to Mealco with a
fall load In leaa than a week, in tne
old dava It waa no great feat for loada
af Bredur to ba driven on alx-day
)ourneya to raach a favorable market.
What la to prevent tha producer of th
futura from aeeklnc hla marketa far
afield, from maklna OTeiron. Vraahlna-
oa and California cloe nelabbora and
all tbrouah th ua of th motor truck.
And not only will tha thre atatr m mora elo:y welded becaua ol
thla modem tranaportatlon vehlcl.
aooner or later a Una of transcon
tinental trueka will b carrying IMclflr
Coaat product rlcht Into th
They will compel with th ratlroada.
Th remlnc of tha Interchangeable
fcodiee. need with absolute aarcrae by
many prominent wboleaala flrma on tha
Coast, will mean that continuous ;
koor-a-day trips acroaa tha country
will In a short time be made by motor
tracks. Tha modern commercial vehl
cl. built by a reputable manufacturer.
can run for two dajre and nlchta with
out a atop. Thla la more tbaa any rail
aad enxin aver devised can do.
'rear Ciarraa '
What I to prevent the owner of a
traascontinentl line of trucks from
revertlna- to lb old pony empress
raaruna hla tracks over a certain dlvl
psa and then ewlnnlnc tha ronverttbl
body onto a fresh machln and continu
ing on the way? Nothing In tha wftrld.
(or stone of trucks of our own make
-land I presume hundreds mad by
other manufacturing concerns! bars
jroa every day In the year without los
ing a single trip for their ewnera be
Ci of mechanical mishapa. Tha prac
Ileal perfection of the motor truck la
avlreadr an assured tact, and a recular
transportation service clear serosa th
couatry would ba but a matter of ar
raaerlng a proper schedule.
California baa taken th lead In good
roada butldlnc. but tTrcon and Wash
Jngton are not far behind, making up
la added vigor tha advantaa gained by
an Ooldea tftat at th start of the
aoolevard movement. In otber year
Vefor these mooth. water df ring
roada were conatructed. tba Winter
eaason waa one of gloom for both
farmer and merchant. They wsre as
Vldety separated aa though at opposite
and of th earth. Now. with traction-defying
mud eliminated, th farm
aad the city ar practically on no
longer doc that merchant look for a
tremendous drew tw nusiness tha mln
at the heavena beaia their down
pour; bo lonaer does th farmer feel
cooped np until Spring tba minute
Winter p resents Itself.
The condltlona of trade of burins;
jihd aetlins: are balanced, for no long
er is th Summer all too short and the
Winter all too long. They are equal
ised for both producer and consumer
rd all because of th good roads and
th motor truck that have both hastened
their building and made their cooiple
Uoa productive of revenue.
7?asafi JtJ a. Tf 7jT T7 Z a I 10 t I k l in
&mc. t j L LJ. L.L1 . T LJ-JL n
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Tef. r33'l'!''!fi:'o73397i3lilO!!3iJ3 3 elo J t'7 z3 K 3 UVl7t3 o nQg"
Taken from the 1917 License record of the Secretary of State. Thus, you
Bee, REFUBLIC TRUCKS are a three-to-one favorite!
Park and Everett
Oregon Distributors Portland, Oregon
Fishing Mighty Good In the
McKenzie, He Declares.
Sfcmrwr of O. Iu Boss Automobile
Company Drive to Eogrne and
Vicinity In Itnd'on Snpcr
Sls, Finds Going Good.
Fishing In tha McKenile River when
the season open tomorrow will be bet
ter than ever, declarea R. J. ilcHelL of
the C. L. Poas Automobile Company,
who returned last week from a trip to
Kuaene and nearby points. He says
early fishermen have been having fine
lurk at celling fl.h more than 10 Incheg
long, which may b caught at any time.
II drove to Kugene and around that
orallty In a 11 Hudson Super-lx to
teat out th qualities of the new car.
and Incidentally to confer with Hudson
dealera along the route.
The trip down ran easily ba mane by
automobile In a day. and Mr. McRrll ad
vises that anyone contemplating a mo
toring weak-end fishing trip, to tha Mc
Kenile remain all night at Kugene and
start briaht and early for the river.
II had a most enjoyable outing In
he new Hudson, the weather being
aood all the tim h was on th road.
nd be wel) sattaned that tha running
qualities and roadability of the car ar
uperior to those of previous modela.
and that tha new Super-Six requlrcs
vra leaa oil and gasoline. Farmers
long tha route are tilling every avail-
ble acre, be ear, and numeroua trac
tors ere In operation.
Ktcept for a few miles, tha road
were In good condition all the way to
uaene. Mr. it c Hell took the West Side
Hiahwar through Dayton, crossing by
he hratland ferry and continuing
trough tia 1 em, Albany and Cnrvallla.
There la road construction work under
way near Hex and through the Cheha-
m Mountain, where a large force of
men Is putting In drainage systems,
chiseling these for the most part out of
solid rock and using the rock so ob
tained as ballast on other stretches pre
paratory to bard surfacing.
South of Newberg the roads ara good,
with gravel surface to Dayton. From
there to the Wheatland ferry the road
Is dirt, but In good condition, and has
been recently dragged. Thence to Sa
lem the highway la bard-bottomed and
gravel-surfaced, but rough. The road
from alem to Albany, via Turner and
Marion, he found to be rough In places,
especially between those two points,
where it was rutty and muddy.
From Marlon to Jefferson the roads
were fair, but very rough from there to
Albany. From that city to Corvallls
and Monroe the going was good. Con
siderable water waa found between
Monroe and Junction City, but the hard
bottom prevented formation of mud.
From Junction City for several
miles on the way to Kugene, says Mr.
Mcjlell. the near macadam roadbed Is
In -fine condition. It runs Into a
stretch of old macadam which is some
what cut up. but la being repaired. The
remainder of the way into Kugene Is
exceptionally good.
Mr. McKell made the return trip from
Albany to Salem through the Ankeoy
Hill, and he declarea that this Is-oneJ
of the prettiest drives In the Wil
lamette Valley. The countryside along
the route, with Its many garden spots
and orchards. Is really beautiful and
the motorist will be well repaid by
making this route on his next trip down
the valley. , (
Xlne Thousand Cars Registered.
TACOMA. Wash., March 9. (Speclat)
Nine thousand pleasure cars and
trucks, a growth of 60 per cent In a
year, are registered In Pierce County.
This Is exclusive of Government-owned
vehicles at Camp Lewis, which do not
have to bear state license plates. Coun
ty Auditor Morris estimates that there
are 6000 automobllea in I'lerce County
as against 4000 a year ago.
Motorcycles Exported.
Tha Imports of motorcycles Into Aus-
alla during lls amounted to nearly
laiO.000. of which l00,000 worth cam
from the United States. Nearly all of
the remainder came fiom Kngland.
John V. Willys, head of Willys-Overland.
Inc. Is a staunch advocate of
quantity production, but only so far as
It Increases the quality of the product.
-Quantity production of a superior
product spells success. he says.
By Merely Ralslag ar Lowering Glass I
Windows It May Be Opened or
Closed With Ease,
"We have found that In putting the
small, light Overland sedan on the
market Its decided advantages have
sounded a note of popular appeal," said
Manager H. H. Eling, of the Overland-
Paclflo branch here, recently in com-
mentlng upon Its many year-round
"It Is virtually an outdoor home;
warm, luxurious and adaptable to
every condition encountered throughout
the round of-seasons. With its tightly
sealed, dust-proof and wind-proof win
dows, it challenges both the rigors of I
the Winter weather and affords com-1
fart . and security from the sudden
dashing show.-
And yet, in a moment's time, all this
Is changed. ' By dropping' "the glass I
windows this car' affords free access I
to the balmy breeaes of Spring and
"Hat the least of this car's conven
iences are its staggered doors. One
opening in front opposite the driver
permits easy access to passengers oc
cupying the front seats. The other I
opens from the tonneau on the right I
side and adda convenience in getting in
or out when drawn up next the curb.
A generous alsleway affords plenty of I
room between front and back seats.
"This car has justly won ine name
of the Thermo-Sedan,' because it keeps I
the passengers either cool or warm, as I
the occasion demands.
To the man who uses a car every I
day for hia business requirements and I
values It for the social requirements of I
the family this car commends Itself,
because It safeguards the health from I
Inclement weather condltlona.
Figures on the natural gas output
of the United States, for 1916. have
just been given out by the geological
survey, showing a total production for
the year, of 753.000,000,000 cubic feet.
The greatest production for any one
state was that of West Virginia, with
an output of nearly 300,000.000,000
cubic feet.
Wash Trucks Prevent
Hauling Delays
Your business !s protected against hauling $6
lays when Nash trucks are carrying your loads.
Congested freight .conditions have made youf ,
hauling problem more vital than ever before.
'The one solution seems to be a greatly increased
use of high grade motor trucks such as the Nash.
For long range hauling between cities, as"well
as for a greatly extended transportation service
within the city itself, Nash trucks are especially
They are unusually powerful, dependable- and
'economical in the hardest service. Equipped
with automatic locking differentials, they get
through where other trucks not possessing this
important feature cannot go.
This automatic differential is ah equalizer of
power. If for any reason one driving wheel
loses traction momentarily, its mate gets prac
tically all the power and pulls the truck out of
r difficulty.
Let a Nash transportation expert show you
which Nash Truck will best fit your hauling
kenosha, Wisconsin
Manufacturer of Panenger Can ana? Truck
including the Famout Hath Quad
Nash Trucks and Passenger Gars 4re Now
' on Exhibition at Our Salesrooms
Portland Motor Car Co.
Broadway.521 a Tenth at Burnade Street
VasA TVo Ton Tree
Price, ensssig, fl&73;
TVssA On Ton
'Prica, chassis, 9193)
JVssA guarf .
'Price. chaBIa,.$3aS0j
Pilot, a I Kmtke
All tfaafi Trvckt ara
Equipped with an
'mutomatio locking
Avoid Bock Kirk.
When Batng th self-starter, be sure
tkat th spark is retarded, aa a bark
stick may wrck th mechanises. This
t not sacawsry If th car I (quipped
sith a maaneto. aa th angln starts
fee I wbca nagneto spark U advanced.
- - r a siii ins
I- - n kl I- -J l 1 . ' t j f-:--:-V:;:
' D . ... hr
I Federal Government and State of
Waahlngtoa to Co-operate la Sew
Road Programme.
HOQCTAM. Wash., March SO. (Spe-
claL) Five and a half miles of high
way are to be built from lake uin-
ault northeast aa an extension or the
Olympic Highway, two miles of road
are to be built along the south side
of tha lake, and- the Poison Logging
Company's railroad Is to De extenaea
to the lake, all by July I. according to
announcements made here. The an
nouncements were made following i
three days Inspection of the road proj
ects by officers of the Federal Forest
Service, and are designed to speed op
and facilitate airplane spruce proauc
Highway work proposed is designed
to open large tracts of spruce to trans
portation by motor truck, not now ac
cessible, and the roads when built will
permit delivery of the spruce, rived or
sawed, to tne raiiroaa ior transporta
tion to Hoquiam for shipment.
Two veara aao the state cleared and
grubbed nearly 12 miles of the right of
way of the Olympic, tiignway norm-
west from the present end of the com
pleted section at the foot of the lake.
The last session of the Legislature ap
propriated about 135,000 for work on
this section of th road, which eventu
ally will tap the Queets and Clearwatsr
river valleys, and It was expected to
obtain about $15,000 from the Federal
forest road aid fund to be used in grad
ing and graveling some two miles of
the road Inside the Olympic National
forest. The remainder of the road is
Clarence Rowland, manager of the world's champion White Box baseball club, has purchased a Dort Fourseason Inside the Quinault Indian reservation.
rar for the personal US' of himself and Mrs. Rowland. Rowland first became Interested in the Dort at the Chicago
Automobile Show. wh re be spent an entire day looking over the various cars and comparing their respective merits.
II followed up his visit to the show by visits to automobile salesrooms and factories and a close comparative study
f specifications. "I wanted a small car one that not only myself, but also Mrs. Rowland, could handle without difficulty."
said Rowland. T wanted a aood-looklng car, a simple car mechanically and a comfortable car to ride In. I was
attracted first to th Dort through a claim In the company's literature of 'efficiency without waste.' The word effi
ciency means a whole lot to roe. and I Immediately thought that If It could be found In a certain car at lower cost and
upkeep than In other cars, that certain car would be a good buy for me. I decided to give the Dort people an opportunity
to prov -efficiency without waste' and. to put It In a nutshell, they made good all along the line. I went to the fac
tory and saw Ports built; I met the men that build them; I talked with owners about their experiences; I gave the car
itself a complcl LrjouL Then I made taj purchase." .
The plan now made by the forest
service is for grading and graveling
the first five and one-half miles. In
cluding the two miles in the Olympic
forest, entirely from federal funds.
This will make the Btate appropriation
available for extending the road far
ther Into a fine tract of spruce which
lies northwest of Lake Quinault, or to
build a bridge on the highway over the
Quinault River where the road crosses
the stream a short distance below the
The road along the south side of the
lake will be built with funds provided
Jointly by Grays Harvor County and
from the Federal postroad fund.
Velie Man Tells How Owners Can Aid
in Recovery of Stolen Cars..
When will antomobile and tire steal
ing stop and when will effective meth
ods be devised by the various police de
partments of the various cities to put
a check to the depredations of the va
rlous organized groups of bandits who
infest every city in this country?
This is a question that is of para
mount interest to every motorist and
to every automobile distributor, and
the combined Influence of the automo
bile trade is being directed to put a
stop to the depredations.
There are certain things that every
motorist should know about his car
and certain descriptive details that he
should be able to furnish the police.
D. C. Warren, of the D. C. Warren
Motor Car Company, distributor for
the Velie and Peerless Eight, has pre
pared the following data, with the ad
vice that Velie and Peerless owners
Jot the necessary information down
and have it at hand.
3e able at a moment's notice to give
a good description of your car. and to
do this, familiarise yourself with the
following: License and motor number
in fact,, all numbers that appear on
different units of the machine; be able
to give a good description of the top
whether carried up or down; descrip
tion of tires. Including make, size, tread
and serial numbers; work you have
done on. the car and extra equipment
with manufacturers' number on same.
for bi'x hours' continuous speed work.
On the Sheepshead Bay track he aver,
aged 109 1-3 miles per hour for the six
hours, beating the former record of 87
miles an hour, held Jointly by Resta,
Chassagne and Guinness.
Famous Racer Inspects Goodyear
Plant Where Cord Tires Made.
Ralph De Palma, popular racing
driver and holder of numerous auto.
mobile speed records, was a visitor at
the Gooddyear Tire & Rubber Company
recently. There was much interest
in the visit of the great racer, for the
reason that he has been using Good
year cord tires in all his speed work
this season.
Within the last two months De Palma
has set up new records from one to
100 miles, and established, a new maris
Save Dollars on
Your Tires
Just received Victor Spring
field and Fisk Tires in follow
ing sizes
32x3 victor Springfield Non-Sktd.
Straight side; reg. price t7CC
J28.S5, our price 0lliU3
S2x3 Victor Springfield Ribbed
rreaa, straignt side, negu-"in crr
lar price $27.20, our price. . .V I Ui33
30x3 Victor Springfield Ribbed
Tread, J 1 1 n c her, regular I fl k
price J18.90. our price iflUiOS
33x4 Fisk Red Top, Straight Side.
regular price 3j.8a, our f?f7 On
price .. Vtl iUU
S3x4 Fisk Black Top, Straight Side,,
regular price 329.85, our 000 OC
price V tiia J
Guaranteed 4000 and SO0O Mile.
We Have Only the Above Size In
These Makes. Mail Order
Filled While They Last.
If you will state the size tire you
use we will quote you prices on the
different makes we have in your
size. We carry an sizes a a variety
of standard makes.
331 Bnrnalde St.. Portland. Oregoa.