The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 31, 1918, SECTION FOUR, Page 7, Image 59

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(L o. b. Chlcasro)
5-FsVssenger Touring
4-Passcnger Roadster
Learn Use of Throttle, Advises
Del Wright.
r&Zt sv i
A V - ,
?-owJ 3
In A
Pacific klwIKir Branch Miupr
tlr- fsefal Pointer oa How to
Avoid Caarcrseary Gear
' (hirilnf aad Save Car.
Ttty nr will find It to his ad
Tanuo thoroughly to know his car.;
I'a ln-id. worktn-s. th. proper car of
Ita and.r-tft.-surfac. parte, aa wll aa
to famlllarua hlmlf with what It will
ao gni.r all drtvlnc condition.' aald
11 Wright. manaa-T of tna f'ortland
Branch of tha Icitl KtaaclKar Con
arr. tha otbr day.
"To a gnat extent a ear efficient
Hr(rmwt n4 tcononjr of operation
d-prvl on tha owner's technical and
rtln abllltr. Too bear of this car
makln- aa endurance record, or that 1
car an economy record and another
car settlne throacV where others have
failed. ITetlT often sack pertormaace
la due to the fact that tha man or
woman driver knew tha car. what It
will dn and what It will not do.
"Klcbt now the press Is fall of arti
cles and editortaia l.lllna- bow Vnrle
fui Is badly In need of m.n. and wom
an, too. who know how to drive and
taka cars properly of automobiles, com
Bcrclal cars, motor ambulances, etc
trie Ksaealaatloo) flepeoi a.
"That Is another reason why I think
ft would bo a splendid Idea for every
automobile oeaer to pasa a atrict ex
amination aa to abllltr In handle and
tak cars of a car. The L'nlt-d Statea
would then have an Inexhaustible army
of experienced and trained motor driv
er, not only mora than aufftclent to
tneet all needs of tha tiovrnmnt 'over
there.' but la the treat industrial army
over here.
"Another Important matter every
wner should pay attention to Is that
of devclopms; motor flexibility SI'ich
baa been said relatlvs to the throttli.,:
down of an automobile enclne. To the
casual obeerver. tha ability of a motor
to ran smoothly at teo miles an hour
In hi -:u Kar without 'knocking or
rktnc may seam of little Importance.
but la reality It meana reductna to
minimum tha aereeaity of ahlftln
rrv. thereby reduclnc wear and
train on It.
-Throusn tha constant shifting- o
trears the mechanism receives unncces
sary bard usaae. Thus If tha motor
can be thrott'led does to tha poln
wber It ta almost onnecesvary to shift
aeara wnlwa a steep bill Is encountered.
t will stand up much loncer and ru
mock quieter. Noisy motors and ram
buns tlmtnac sears can usually be
traced to the habit of Improper and on
trrttMrr enifttna;.
"Another Important result of owners
Bntwtna their ears ta the ability to stop
IMmc or skldllns. affrctins a srea
eavtna la gasoline consumption and
tire wear, aa veil as eliminating
causa of danger.
rakeo May fesat aKUdtac
Tf tha Urea lack a sldewisa crip,
klddlna results. It sometimes happen
ea a dry road, but that Is generally due
to excessive speed, eapeclally tn round
lug comers. I'sually It Is moat bother
acme on a wet pavement of asphalt or
other smooth material.
"vntea owners find that their cars
kid nearly every time they put on the
brakes, especially on a vet pavement.
Tha causa of this Is usually that botb
brakes are aot adjusted to the soma
ave Money
Get Busy
tTaTtc or MirHtbtv. to irr
-uh '.t:H.
Aa arrangement similar to that
anode wtth the Canadian govern
men by Henry ford mm la
about to be consummated by tha
state of Michigan with tha same
company whereby ) tractors
will bo sold the state and tha
latter will distribute them to the
farmera wanting them. Henry
I'ord elate ha ta ready and will
ing to aell a large number of
tractor to the state and prorn
t.vea early delivery. Farmer ara
flooding tha Covernor'a office
with telegrams urging him to
put the deal through. The Plata
has already received several or
der for the tractors. It Is Kurd's
Idea to establish no agencies at
this time nor sell to Individual
u.ers direct: If tha government
wuhes to supply any Mate with a
quantity of machine be will en
ter into an agreement wttb It.
tension, on taking bold sooner than
"he other. This causea a retardation
of one wheel, which naturally wears off
the tread arid tends to rausa the car to
swing around becausa of the onc-stded
"Sometimes, however, the same thing
hippen when the brakes are adjusted
alike. In thla caae ellher of two things
may be wrong. The driver may be ap
plying the brakes too suddenly or the
brakes may be locked.
"wner will bo surprised how much
aaler they will be able to handle their
ears, bow much more proficient at driv
ing they wlil become, as wrll aa able to
get much more efficiency and economy
out of their cars. If the ar- on "speak
ing terms" with such driving pointers
aa these. "
liurcrnic garagk to i: large
Cibeon Llrvtrlc Oarage Storage
llattrry Company t.'xpaads.
The i.ib.on Klectric Oarage a Stor
age Fattery Company, pioneers In I'ort
land In the repair snd upkeep of elec
tric starters for automobile, are en
Urging their shop snd adding r.ew
equipment to make It complete In every
detail This I the only e.ectne garsge
ta Portland, and baa convenient quar
ters where motortta may drive In
Iro n the street fur battrry service.
r It llildebrand. president, ard Sec
retary to a. of the company, have In
vestigated etml!ar shop and factories
In the Uast and are equipping their.
plant ao aa to handle any make of
generator or starter that may come to
the shop. Tha Arm la repre
sentative for tba ITlertrio Auto Lite
t'orporatlon. Cray ai Davis, and tha
Northeast i:Zectric Company, and In ad
dttton to baneMing a complete line of
ataraca batteries. Is eoulpped for any
electric servtca required by aa automobile.
C. L. Boss Automobile Co.
615-617 Washington Street Portland
Firestone Now Has 37 Acres
of Floor Space.
Huge strides Made by Tire Concern
That Uccan on Small Scale 17
Year Ago and Now Produces
15,000 Tire Each Day.
Pcua-jlvanla Bats Tractor.
Tha Pennsylvania, Slate Safety and
T-efensa Commission baa appropriated
IS.') to purchase si farm tractors to
be rested to farmers by the Mate le
par's. eat of eVfrtcultaro at tba lowest
pongihls rata Lleutenant-ijovernor
-H-Ctm haa been appointed chairman
of a commission to make tha purchases
and announces that order will be
placed Immediately. It Is expected that
snore tractors will b purvhaaed aa soon
as further - appropriations ars com
Some Idea of tha rait scale on which
tho rubber Industry Is conducted In
Akron, the rubber capital of the world.
can be gained from a description ot
ths Firestone Tlra Rubber Company.
Seventeen years ago the Firestone
company occupied a small building
wtth .only one-eighth of an acre of
floor space. Today the plant has 3$
acres of floor space and buildings now
under construction will Increase this
by nine acres.
when tha company first began the
manufactura of automobile Urea its ca
pacity wss only a few tires a day. To
day It Is more than 1S.000 a day and
will bo :S.0uO when new buildings are
completed. In 11 Its gross sales
amounted to f3t.000.004. This yea
they hava been mora than fO,OO0.OvO
for the year. -
The company now baa more than 10,
000 employes in Us home office and
factories and liOO at Its branches and
in tha field.
Ileavlag Fsobbrsa Big One.
Thousands of workmen pouring Into
tha city every year ha- brought with
them all tha problems of a metropol
Itaa city. Tha new residents cams
faster than homes could be built for
them and soon Akron found Itself with
a real big city bousing problem on its
Facing tho problem squarely, ths
rubber companies realised that If they
war to keep their workmen happy at
their jobs It would be necesxary to pro
vide homes and clean, healthful llv-
ng conditions. The Firestone Tire A
Itubber Company was one of the first
to take a forward step In the move
menu In one yesr tha company opened
up a large allotment of homealtes for
ts employes, built a clubhouse, pro
vided a welfare fund of f 1.000.000. built
thoroughly equipped modern hoepl
al and employment building and made
more than po per cent of ita worker
partners In the business.
Firestone I ark a year ago was a 500-
sere farm. Today It Is Isid out In de-
ghtful boulevsrda. electrically lighted.
raved and lined with modern homes.
t Is not merely an allotment, but
arefuily planned and well-laid out
community. There ara schools, churches.
torea and a public park, all provided
for In the original plana. The lots
re large, with pUnly ot room lor a
arden aad for children to play.
Ytaloa of Flrrsteae.
It was the broad vision of H. S. Fire
stone, presldeut and founder of the
company, which made tnia community
of homes a possibility.
Within ths main-group of factory
buildings Is a large clubhouse, built
by the company for ita employes.
wlmmtng pool, shower baths, bowling
lleys, barber shop, restaurants, rest
rooms and reading and writing-room
In Iraiut constant use. whlls tha
large auditorium, ballroom and banquet
hall la engaged several nights a week.
Guarding the health of tha workrra
Is ona of the most Important functions
of tha employment department. -New
employes are given a thorough exam
ination before they are accepted and
ara given medical treatment free when
every they call at the BospitaL for
this work a large staff of physician
and surgeons, dentists and nurses is
maintained. Ths teeth of every em
ploy ar examined every three month.
Powerful Endurance Feature of the
Sensible Six.
Alt stsel body construction In an au
tomobile pays. This Is tha conclusion of
both dealers and owners of tha Oakland
Sensible Six. according to K. D. -Van
Iferaal, manager- of tha iilor Sale
Corporation, distributor for Oakland
Tha new Oakland Is equipped with an
alf-steel body and Is already demon
strating powerful endurance because
ot this advantage, aays Mr. Van DersaL
Several of the cars have already been
driven from 4000 to COvO miles In the
Intermountaln country and are showing
absolutely no body strain.
"Another Important feature of the
191 Oakland." said Mr. Van DersaL "Is
tha new lubricating system. The hollow
crank shaft and force feed system
which have been Installed add mark
edly to ths effectiveness and economy
of tha lubrication.
"Tha fact that tha' Oakland frame Is
relnforocd with channel steel arms con
necting each member Is also provlnc a
big Inducement to purchasers of this
car. With Its powerful overhead mo
tor, which generates 44 horsepower, or
ona horsepower for every 63 pounds of
car weight, the car has to be built
staunchly, constructed to withstand
the strain. And tha 19U Oakland own
er are telling us, as have Oakland
owners In tha past, that with the rein
forced frame tha Oakland ts positively
tha toughest car of its class on the
Move Cattle by Truck.
James R. Elliott, of Pendleton. Ind-.
has equipped a Maxwell truck with a
cattle body and transports livestock
from hi Pendleton farm to the Indian
apolis stockyards. The distance be
tween the two points ts 40 miles. He
make dally trips. During the past
seven months he ha not expended la
In repairs.
luge of Leading Racing Driver
Explained for Benefit of AU
Look out for the pedestrian who tries
to cross the street after you have re
ceived the traffic officer's signal to go
Even experienced drivers are making
the mistake these days of wrongly in
serting the tire tubes In casings, par
tlculnrly in one regard, the B. F. Good
rich itubber Company points out. The
right method is based on the usage of
the leading racing drivers with the
logical assumption that they are the
best qualified to decide.
Ancnt tube insertion, one of the first
things to do is to give the bridge nut
at the base of the valve-stem, above
the oblong metal plate on the tube, a
tightening twist with a pair of pliers.
The use of pliers is advised in prefer
ence to a wrench, as a wrench is too
powerful for the purpose and liable
to cut the valve through the rubber.
It Is surprising how frequently a
slow leak is due to the loose fit of the
tube around the valve. When the tube
is entirely in the casing, jar the tire
a few times to seat iu Only after the
tire is mounted and fully Inflated in
fact, it is advisable to have it slightly
over-inflated Is. the time to fasten
securely the rim . nut, which- works
around the valve stem above the rim.
With this nut firmly tightened down
against the rim, the surplus pressure
may be allowed to escape and the tire
brought to normal contour for the load
Icarrled. The caliper gauge Is the best
f:WV V.. ..
dl il l mi ""i 'is i in sal V nJj
"The Car of the Hour"
' Ita lines ore like the queenly yachts whose grace yoa pride
Designed to please the eye and still in strength abide.
; Within its spacious body, Comfort's needs it meets,
And welcomes Relaxation in its rich, upholstered seats.)
, "Built Like a Watch" it is, to its minutest part
A perfect product of the Master Builders' art.
Compared with other cars of every, style and mode, .
' The Elgin Six stands out distinct, "The Beauty of the Road."
: But neither power, speed, strength nor endurance was sacrificed to
beauty and style in the making of the Elgin Six. And while the new Elgin Six
is a big, powerful car, it is an economical car to operate.
The Elgin Six has repeatedly demonstrated on long tours and in
reliability and economy tests during the past year that it will average from
twenty to twenty-five miles to the gallon or gasoline, and better than two hun
dred miles to the quart of lubricating oil, while-its low weight results in keeping
tire wear down to a minimum.
The new Elgin Six is the latest and finest product of Veteran Engi
neers and Master Car Builders, whose leadership and reputation have been
established by their ability to build a motor car embodying, in the highest
degree, the four dominant features of the Elgin Six
Distinction Endwance Economy Coiiifort
The special construction of the Elgin velvet-acting clutch enables
the driver to start the Elgin Six on high gear and does away with the necessity
of gear shifting under ordinary conditions a wonderful improvement that makes
it safe and easy for a woman to drive a motor car.
Elgin Engineers have perfected an improved rear spring suspension,
found only in the Elgin Six, which' reduces shock and vibration on rough roads
to a point not surpassed in any .car at .any price, and sets a new standard of
motoring ease and comfort at high speeds. -
The fashionable center cowl,-combined with the true yacht line
design and "V-'type radiator, grye the Elgin Six a distinction that sets it apart
from common cars. This double cowl and "V-type radiator are found in no
other car selling for less than $15Q0X-
Surely, it is worth your while to investigate the Elgin.
Elgin Motor Car Corporation. Chicago, U.S.A.
. D. E. LARKIN, Sales Manager
Phone Broadway 3393
means for measuring; the load.'
The excess of air pressure acts as a
press that firmly seats the metal bridge
on the tube Jnto tne valve cavity on the
Inside of the tire. The force exerted
on the approximately four Inches of
metal surface at 80 pounds pressure
is thus 320 pounds, and this prevents
pinching, V
1 - IL
it i
Where the Most Is Demanded
of Motor Transportation You
Will Usually Find a Federal
Out in the sagebrush, where roads are not the best, '
trucks come and go, but somewhere, always in the
hardest of service, you will find the Federal.
It's s natural conclusion. Every Federal built 25 per
cent heavier and stronger than need be for the rated
capacity, is bound to make good. It is built with
an expectation of abuse, and here in Oregon and the
Northwest it gets it.
Just an example is the Redmond-Prineville stage.
Trucks pounding over that road with all the freight
that goes into and comes out of Prineville have to
have the "Muff." These Federals have been on the
job constantly for three years. They are ready to
go that again.
Better investigate. The Federal was built for the
The Pacific KisselKar Branch
Broadway and DstU Portland, Ore.
W. L. Hughson, President
Oldest Motor Car Organization on the
Coast, with branches at
Seattle Oakland San Diego
Los Angeles Fresno San Francisco
ZZZ ,wumHiuitniiiiMOT
Four-Passenger Closed Model
Not only the ideal car for Winter use, but we predict it
will be eventually the prevailing type for all times.
Other Closed Models
Five and Seven Passengers Four and Six Cylinders.
H Fourteenth and Davis , Broadway 1130, A 6241
Immediate Deliveries All Models, Closed and Open j