3 i! 1 FROM THE LINEN SECTION, 2d FLOOR Madeira Lunch Seta, $5.75 These sets are embroidered oa an excep tionally fine quality linen and hand embroidery in 13 pieces. Crepe de Chine, 59c Yard The ever popular crepe de chine is well represented in this shipment just received, in which are all the mat popular colors now in demand. Suitable for dresses, undergarments, waists and millinery. Marcel la Bed Spreads, $6.50 Good quality, heavy satin finish bed spreads, with attractive designs and very exceptional at this low price. White Pique, 50c Yard For a useful skirting having all the qualities insuring good wear and laundering, we are showing a very good white .pique in all wales. 36 inches wide. in M 1 1 1 i 2 i f erit Only" The Store Uses No Comparative Prices, They Are Misleading and Very Often Untrue i. "WHERE YOU SPEND THE LEAST AND GET THE MOST FOR IT"' TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, MARCH SI, 1918. J Merchandise of cJfl m . i FROM THE GLASSWARE SECTION, 6th FLOOR f i l i 250 Sets Cut Star Glassware One Day, Monday Only 55 SeuTallSherbets $ ! .45 Set of 690 Sets Low Sherbets $ 1 .45 100 Sets of 8-Ounce Water Tumblers 79c Set of Six Limit One Set to a Customer; No Phone Orders. FROM THE HOME-FURNISHING SECTION, 5th Floor SEMI-COLLAPSIBLE SULKY Special Monday $5.85 The Spring, 1918, season for baby sulkies opens up with this sale. Tomorrow we place on sale 50 semi-collapsible, reclining back sulkies. The body is made of steel, with black enamel finish. The hood is of leather cloth, with enameled joints and friction adjustment. The wheels are of rubber-lired steel, 10 inches. pmanoCfc & (Sex- cS'MerchamJiae of cV Merit Uny You Will'Not SAVE . AN HOUR v m If you are an hour lte in getting up. 98. So c have planned Ink SALE OF GOOD ALARM CLOCKS that wij maLe k a simple matter to be op as carry you like, and assure you of aa extra boor in the afternoon. These are Gilbert Alarm Clocks: fully guaran teed. Main f loot Lipman, I I 'o!)e & Co. -$urrmanc$$c d (3x DOYOUKNOWTHE POPPY CLEANER the electric cleaner with the revolving brush that picks up lint, thread and hair? It is made of aluminum and will not rust. It is not easily broken. Take the drudgery out of Spring housecleaning with a "Poppy." $3.00 DOWN $1.00 a Week Electric Corner, Mam Floor. J'rinUanJ, of O Merit Onlw" 1 i i! i l' 1 twr ef the Zr Car tnea Trio are wltn l peer Tb.y Introduce baton epln tn. booy )ul(Un( ami devil mrk ivirlmc. cllering: nuij irprlalnr; a:ov-ltlea. "Tha Price of ToKy." the Utatt Pathe leceea. fe rearfed Ita (events epl ode and Kara KtUod la acala scan in cat ef fear beet rul.a. After a moat eoexeeeful ixifinuni. tha Lewa!!. tha remarkable tops t-jrry auasirtsna. will close with tha eon tlnjoua performance todxy front I 3 to 11 o'clock, eopportcd by a. pro (ram tea of blue ribbon Tiudcvllle. QCiCKS CHEElirCL LYRIC DfO A-aatlo; Procramaie ' Will IlnllM Services or Dllloo aaj Frank,. After aa abeence of eerl wtfki On account of tllnees Al Franks Ilka) win ac-ln be eean In tba Lyric cast tha cumin f weak, starttns thta aftar Boob. Tbis will brine tha famous tram of l1Tloa and Franks back Into tha h-rie-l'bt aa Mike and Ika and tba bill. "Tha Kui'ki." la ona rakulated to brine luuchter out of tha sphinx tteelf. Mike and Ika happen around tha boma of Ika Cartetona Juat at tha ttma Iollr Cartetoa la atrtckaa du.nb. They soon find oat that Dolly la only pre tending to b dumb becaaae bar par anta want to foree bar to marry an Id rnleer instead of lmo Webstar, whom aha loves. Tbay atee soon dlacovar that doctors trouble aa well aa othar people, for while old man Carleton promises them l; If they cure his daughter. betriC a Jlrr. ha ,lo promisee them etea yaara If they fall. Bat a brtcht Mea eirlltee Ika. with the raault that they And Ian. di-ful-e b Im aa thalr aaeiataat. aet blm to curs Pollr before tbeir Tcry ayaa and than a;o out and "pertaAdt her to marry.'" No whea Dan and fwllr come back aha la pareuaded alrlsht. fan Inherits a lot ct money. Mlka and Ika ara arreeted s Q tucks, but eeen gtt out of that. Tba new aonbrette. Btllia Blnsbam. will sins "My Uttte aarvlc Flas Ha (even Stars' and tbara will ba many other maatcal Interpolations with the Rosebud Chorna. Monday la bargain vtsht. Taaaday country store aicht. Thurexlay ladlaa soaventr nlsht and on Friday tbara will ba tba cnorus alrle' contaoC There la a matiaaa avery 2sy. niTTlE PEGGT O'MORFT" HERE Alcasar Pls-rrs lo Present Play rail of Irish Wit Tbls Week. Tha Alcasar Players will preaamt "TJttla Party CMoora" for tha week, eti-ttcr tbia afternoon at tba Baker. tis beu strlttan around a charmlnc II-.Ua L-isb Ctrl, who, Uka Tti o' Xy Heart. Just cams over from the old country, and who finds wonderful thtr.as to amasa her and who wlna all hearts wltb ber salva simplicity and ready Irish wit. fee' inoihsr was ones the swset heart of Ian Murphy, now Mayor of a larre American city, and when sha died bad no ona to leave ber little Ctrl to but Dan. ' So In tha midst of a hot cam pa I en for re-election there suddenly the hlg-hest paid woman performer on the violin th.tt has been throueh Port land In a lone time. Miss Berliner pre sents an offerlns of classical and pop ular numbers. A danclne number that cannot help hut pleane w ill be that of the Morenos. This couple clve exhibitions of Spanish danclne. followlne thia with a sensa tiunal number which they entitle "The Acrobjtlc Fox Trot." In this they pre- appears In Dan's office this unsophls- sort many acrobatic features which or Heated Ctrl ona day. She has a wsyjdinarily never appear In a dancing about her. and before they realise It. number. somehow, has wormed herself Into Yodellnr la always popular with the everyone's heart and become mixed up I amusemenl-lovlne public even when It In the campalea. Dan la opposed by a j Is done only passably well. Jack Rlch- young reformer. Howard Richmond, and lards, of Richards and Ward. Is a mas- both are directors of a Urea bank, which falls. The president tetls Richmond that Dan Is responsible for the Ml lure and ha uss this aeatnst him wlib results that almost prove a tragedy. Both men fall in love with Peeey and the com plications that arise from this double situation and tha eatl, factory way of worklnr them out form tha plot of tbls hichly Interesting romance. There are a number ot original char arters In the story snd another love tory or two. as well as a fund of the richest comedy, all of which con tribute to make "t'eery" a play that will be thoroughly enjoyed by every, body. Huth Ostea will bare one of ber happiest roles as the sweet Irish Ctrl, ss will Edward Hon on In the part of tba heroic Das. Matinees will be given today, Wednesday and Saturday and na usual barsala performance tomor row night. ter at yodellne. and the audiences who hsva beard hlin have testified to tht by their Insistent demands for more. No bill would be complete without Its "nut" art, and the Hippodrome bill this time Is doubly lucky In getting Lew-Is and Chapln. The pair are an oddity. Lewis is tall and broad, weigh ing about iio pounds, while Miss Cha pln la short and probably would have to have assistance In tipping the beam at l" pounds. The photoplay offering will be little Madge Evans In "Wanted A Mother." IIIPPODKOME ILIS STAR ACTb Nina Straw's Minstrel Maids and Norrls' Animal Show Are Here. So lengthy Is the list of performers from which the Hippodrome has to draw Its sets that It Is a rarity Uiat a number comes over Ita circuit a second time. Wben such Is the case, therelore. It abowa a recoentsed menu In the bill which will open at the Hippodrome today there are two such acta One la Nina (Straw's Minstrel Maids, and the) other Is Norrls' Animal Know de Luxe. Miss Straw and her bevy ef girls came over the circuit last season and made a splendid Impression. Tbls year she brlnsa aa even better attraction. Her number consists of clever singing and dancing and a fond of comedy de livered by Shannon and Crawford, two well-known blackface) comedians. Clarence Norrls has been coming to Portland since old men were small boy a For many years his dog and pony show were as well known In Portland as Barnum'a circus. Thla season Mr. Nor rls la presenting two chacma baboons, as bis special feature. In addition to his other excellently trained animals. Vera Berliner, violinists, la aald to be STRAXD GETS SCKLF STARS obody' TTIfe" Among Attractions Scheduled for Playhouse. Four screen stars appear at the Strand Theater today In the latest Uni versal photoplay thriller. "Nobody's Wife." a stirring tsle of the Canadian Northwest featured by spectacular rid ing stunts of Hart Hoxie. daredevil horseman. Louise Lovely. Hoxle. Betty Schade and Alfred Allen, the latter "Hell" Morgan, of "Hell Morgan's Girl." form the atrong player combination in the picture which features the new photorllle" bill opening today. Huge foreste and mountains, dance- hslla and aaloons furnish many of back r rounds for the stirring Inctd. of ' Nobody s ife. which unfold search of a Northwest Mounted Police man for a murderer. That murderer Is hiding behind a Sheriff's star, and death stares the policeman in the face many a time before he lands his man. Miss Scbsde plays the role of a dance hall siren, while Miaa Lovely la the heroine, who believes the policeman to bo a bandit, while he In turn believes her to be a wife and mother. A horse back Invasion of a saloon, holdup and safe-cracking, together with a ride through a window to safety. Is one of the thrillers of tha picture. Prlnca Napoleon, billed as the small est entertainer In the world. Is the Transcontinental Circuit vaudeville headline". Napoleon, an Italian only four yers In the United States, is a monologlst, stnajer. dancer and come- v mii i . FNn r n Damask . JVC Mill ends of table damask, in floral and conventional patterns, well mercer ized and woven from a good grade of cotton. Foil 64 inches wide and ex ceptionally good buying at 50c a yard. Mercerized Napkins $ 1 .35 Special Mercerized napkins, excellent for every-day use in the home and also for hotel use. These napkins are free from dressing; size 18x18 inches. - a-r -a rWL-conrl Plai'ds. . I A very good selection of checks and fancy plaids, suitable for dresses and aprons. These ginghams are all 27 inches wide and should sell readily at this low price of 15c a yard. - 1 5. White Gabardine 36-inch, Special. . . . Everyone anticipating a Summer dress or skirt will be more than in terested in this special item. This gab ardine is a very good quality, free from dressing, and is unsurpassed for laundering qualities; 36 inches wide; 19c a yard. lance- I r ot the I Idents ! 1 ds the i Hardy Perennial FLOWERING PLANTS In a Big SPRING SALE The following varieties of flowering hardy perennials on special sale just in time to make a Spring garden: Canterbury Bells Pyrethrura Coreopsis Rudbeckia Delphinium Shasta Daisy Digitalis ' Wall 'Flowers Doronicum Heliotrope Gaillardia Golden Glow Gypsophila Physospegia Hollyhocks Virginia Helianthus English Ivy Lavender Boston Ivy Myosotis -Japanese Poppy - Primulas Honeysuckle DAHLIA BULBS, 9c A good assortment of popular van-' eties. Basement Lipman, Wolfe & Co. $8.85 130 SUITS-A SALE At an EaXtraordinary Price for. Monday ONLY Black and White Check Suits Exactly as Illustrated An opportunity presented itself and our New York buyer bought these suits and rushed them to us for this sale. , Black and white check suits the smartest of all Spring fashions. A smart model exactly as pictured, made with a pleated peplum jacket, long reveres, smart belt buckles and button trimmed. The skirt is fashioned on the nexo narrow lines jvilh slightly gathered back. , All Silk Taffeta Petticoats at $3.45 Just in, more of those all-silk taffeta petticoats. Made in a smart model in all colors, with elastic form-fitting top. These petti?oais are cut in the new Spring model, appropri ate for the new Spring suits. EXTRAORDINARY That is the only WORD that fittingly applies to this event EX TRA ORDINA R Y in every sense Quality, Style, Price. ON MONDAY THE MILLINERY SECTION Announces the Sale of 300 Spring Hats READY - TO - WEAR MODELS First Time Shown This Season fust in by Express. Semi and tailored hats made of SATIN and STRAW combined, in the popular close-fitting and many other desirable shapes. In black and the prevailing Spring col ors. Hats for every-day service. Sale starts Monday morning, and we urge early attendance. While we offer a great assortment and a generous quantity, they are bound to be disposed of early at the following extraordinary price MONDAY ONLY $2.45. Maytag Washing Machines This is the ideal electric machine; it takes all the work out of wash day. Let us show you how simple it is to have snowy, fresh laundry , without the usual drudgery. $5.00 DOWN $1.00 A WEEK Basement Lipman. Wolfe & Co. Aladdin Aluminum Sets SOc DOWN SOc A WEEK ' The most convenient set that you could buy for your kitchen. Set consists of 6J-quart Double Boiler, 6-quart Double Boiler. Vz, 2xi, and 4 quart Lipped Sauce Pans and 6-cup Percolator. Basement Lipman, Wolfe Sr Co. Domestic Science Fireless Cooker America's Best $1.00 DOWN $1.00 A WEEK The fireless cooker with the special thermometer attachment. -You can bake, boil, stew, roast and steam on the Domestic Science with best results. You save more in fuel than this cooker costs you. Let us show you its good points. Basement Lipman, Wolfe cr Co. '.--"-) r. -. .-S i '. Vv-.'i -H 'frr-'A . 1. - " a If - ..' ..-. tft -;.-- - v -r-rvil f COMBINATION COOKING SET Monday Only at the very EXTRAORDINARY PRICE $1.19 This cooking set has more uses than any other one set being sold on the market today. Every article is prac tical, and at least some part of the set is used in preparing every meal of the day. Made of dark blue enamel with side handles and dark brown enamel with bail handles. No phone orders, none sent C. O. D. iCoacludta eo Faae a. Columa S. j i I i f j i