13 TIIE SUDAY OREGOXUX. PORTLAND, MARCH 31, 1918. k ! I 1 If ( T . v - - What is, the matter with my Slqn ? Take your mirror to the window and examine your shin closely. See just what is the matter with it. Then read how you can change it and why v A - ' V,' x Conspicuous nose pores how to reduce them Dip a cloth in very hot water; lather it with Wooidbury's Facial Soap, then hold it to your face. When heat has expanded the pores, nib in rery gently a fresh lather of Woodbury"' Repeat this hot water and lather application several times, slipping at tnct if your noie ferlt icniiti-L-t. Then finish by rubbing the nose for thirty seconds with a lump of ice. Notice the improvement the very first treatment makes a promise of what its steady use will do. Use this treatment persistently. It will gradually reduce the enlarged pores until they are inconspicuous. Skin blemishes how to get rid of them Just before retiring, wash in your usual way with warm water and Woodbury's Facial Soap, finishing with a dash of cold water. Then dip the tips of your finrers in . warm water and rub them on the cake of Woodbury's until they are covered with a heavy, cream-like lather. Cover each blem ish with a thick coat of this tnd Irsve it on for ten or fifteen minutes. Then rinse very carefully with dear, hot water, then with cold. Use this treatment regularly. It will make your skin so strong and active that it will re sist the frequent cause of blemuhea and keep your complexion free from them. - F YOUR SKIN is not as fresh, clear and radiant as you would like it to be, it can be changed. This is why. Your skin, like the rest of your body, is con stantly changing. As okl skin dies, new forms. By the correct external treatment you can make this new skin just what you would love to have it. Or, by neglecting to give it proper care as it forms every day, you can keep it in its present condition and forfeit the charm of "A skin you love to touch." Which will you do? Will you commence at once to bring to your skin the charm you have longed for? Then begin tonight the treatment suited to your needs, and make it a regular habit thereafter. Use it persistently and your complexion cannot help showing a marked improvement a promise of that greater clear ness, freshness and charm which the daily use of Woodbury's will bring. Is your complexion marred by conspicuous nose pores? Complexions otherwise flawless are often ruined by conspicuous nose pores. These show that the small muscular fibres of the nose have become weakened and do not keep the pores closed as they should be. Such cases need the hot water and lather treatment described here. Blackheads are a confession that you are using the wrong method of cleansing for your type of skin. The treatment given here will free you fr'om this annoyance. Perhaps your particular trouble is disfiguring blemishes. Skin specialists are tracing fewer and fewer such troubles to the blood more to bacteria and parasites that are carried into the pores with dust, soot and grime. Skin blemishes will yield to the effective "soap cream" treat ment. , To rouse a sluggish, colorless skin, you must apply the correct treatment. See what a fresh clear color this "ice" treatment will bring to your skin. Is your hair soft and lustrous? To make your hair lovely, you must keep your scalp as clean and clear as you keep the pores of your skin. See what an improvement this shampoo treatment will, make the first time you use it. Begin tonight to get the benefit of this specialist's soap for your skin and hair Woodbury's Facial Soap is the work of a skin specialist. For thirty years, John H. Wood bury made a constant study of the skin and its needs. He treated thousands of obstinate skin diseases, made countless skin tests, until he evolved the formula for Woodbury's Facial Soap. You will find a 25c cake sufficient for a month or six weeks of any Woodbury treat- ment and for general cleansing use for that time. Woodbury's is for sale at drug stores and toilet goods counters throughout the United States and Canada wherever toilet goods are sold. Send 5c for trial size cake and complete treatment booklet Send 5c today and we will send you a trial size cake of Woodbury's Facial Soap, large enough for a week's use, and a booklet contain ing Woodbury skin treatments for all ordinary skin troubles, together with many valuable facts about the care of the skin. Or for 12c, we will send you, in addition to these, samples of Woodbury's Facial Cream and Facial Powder. Send today. Address The Andrew Jergens Co., 6402 Spring Grove Avenue, Cincinnati. Ohio. If you live in Canada, address The .Andrew Jergens Co., Limited, 6402 Sherbrocie St., Perth, Qntariy. How to keep your skin free from blackheads Apply hot wet cloths to the face until the kin is reddened. Then with a rough wash cloth, work up a heavy lather of Woodbury's Facial Soap and rub it into the pores thor oughly ahrays with an upward and outward motion. Rinse with clear hot water, then with cold the colder the better. Finish by rubbing the face briskly with a piece of ice after the cold water rinsing. Always dry the skin carefully. Make this treatment a daily habit and it will soon give you the clear, attractive skin that the steady use of Woodbury's always brinrs. .". ..V.V.V.W.V'.VW . .-.V.'.".-.-. S kj. . J Ji.. To rouse a sluggish, colorless skin Ptp your wa.-h cloth in very warm water and hold it to your face. Now take the cake of Woodbury's Facial Sosp. d p it in water and rub the cake itself over your skin. Leave the slight coating of soap on the skin for ten minutes, then dampen the skin aad rub the soap in gently with an upward and outward motion. Rinse the face thoroughly, nnt in tepid water, then in cokl. If pottibte, rub your face 1oi thirty seconds with a lump of ice. Dry the skin carefully. This treatment will make )our aUa freshet- and clcatcf the brw licM )ou use iu 4 : 1 will soon give you the clear, attractive skin It ' s ? t.r i I that the steady use of Woodbury s always It ' ' ' i 1 brinrs. : Xr I II 1 " .v'c 1 li J jf if ' r -ai .u r i. ir. , . :- -:.:-.' & .j siv.:,v.v,v,v.v..,.w,v,AA.w.A .v-'A1. .v.va - .vw.-.-.w.v-- -v s., '.vw m 1 The right way to shampoo how this treatment helps your hair Before shampooing, rub the scalp thoroughly with the tips of the fingers (not the finger nails), making the scalp moveinlittb, circles. This loosens the dead cells and particles of dust and dandruff that ciog up the pores. Now scrub the scalp with a stiff toothbrush lathered with Woodbury's Facial Soap. Rub the lather in well, then rinse it out. Then, apply a fresh hot lather of Woodbury's and leave it on for Jwo minutes. Clear off with clean warm water, finishing with cold. Dry the hair very thoroughly.