SUNDAY OBEGOXIAX. rORTLASP. MAKCn 31, 1918. Ralph W. Wilbur. Mr. u ilra. M. II V bitehoos. a a Oroa Field" Artltlery. Batterl A nil B. and Itlth Oresoa rield Artillery Alliary will a benefit party Fri day aisht. April 1 I. In Xma HaiL An iataraatmc tncnniM baa ba r rned tor t itl. to b lvn by lr. Jane Bursa Alnart and Mr. I.ulo JM iller: do.t br Mr. and Mr rtort Hotrhhia rUreet; H. Baulah Mrere Curtice; readme. Bath Uudlam; r-admc. riertha srr: dance. Irla Komb. that pupil of U. Mare.l. and Hawai ian. on br Cbarlea K. In mood and lharle Caat. a: as a tn uniform will ba admitted . patrons and pelroaeeaea: Governor and Mr W I'.ar'nm, UateaBt-Colo- al and Xri Jam j. !' and Mra. fiak.r. Mr. and Mr IL H. Alba. Mr Utorft A. Whit. Mra. K. I'i:ifi. Mr. and Mra. n. It. Giltaer. Mr. and Mra. Joha Maaains. a a a Mra. C. X. Rl- ntralnd m Man dr at bar home at oa Overlook Addltl-n with a stiver t behalf af tba Hrltiab dependent fund, a ood sum bain- contributed. funn- tba afternoon a knituns com petitioa we srraas-ed br Mra tlebrtel futlia. tba B'laata workm- the sweater or so-k aa tba ' mlcal ba. Th )iifm wer Mra. K. Ussier and lr iMltf. Tn trt prt waa awarded la Mra. J vV. Hawkins and tba aacond to Mrs. TV. r. llartaalL Mra . Heating's Bar ax Intaraatina- address tba purpo ( ta (and. a a a Tbo aaaaai ball af th Xnfrnts'of Culumbue will ba (Hard tbia year aa a patriotic event. A epaelal lavltatton baa baaa aanl la tba aoidlara lavittra t.-iea to ba praaaat aa tba aueete o( tba haicfct Tbia annul affair la tba -a-torn' an oat popular aortal lhrin for tna ordar and their friends and II call 'ra a Ur attendance. Tba danco will bo held la In ballroom of tba Maltaomab Motel -torur al-ht Tba committee oa arraasement la Ray mond A. -Uivan. chairman: Fatrick Haroa. J. Frank Htnoott. John F Ca kaiia. Ws J. Maher. W. U rrle W. A Jl-a.y and Frank J. Wbalaa. I'ntrona and patronaaoaa ara Mr. and Mra J.' I", trrirua. Mr. and Mra Vf. Fradbomiao. Mr. and Mra. Joha N. Caaay, Mr. and Mra. J. Frank finnotl. Mr. and Mra. l-airtrk Haroa, bfr. aad Mra. Frank J. Lotrttn. Mr. and Mra. John 1". Kara uu(K. Mr. and Mra. ta J. Mbr. Mr. and Mra. Mtt Ljorh. tr. and Mra. Jona jIy. Mr. aad Mra. J. C Kneliia- a a a On a of Iho prattlaat partita of tba w-k aaa that ;lo f.r Mra. Parld L. M-tanirl by Mra. Lor McOartby and Xiu laiao t'acll. at Mra. MrCarthya boaatiful ar toat la luw Ctty I'ark. Aboil I rnaata ara ald to inaka Bp Ba tablaa of brtdca. latar Ideaa waro carrtad oat In artry datall of farora and daroratlona I"r1aaa wora won by Mra. Kadla HanBald Laaawail aad Mra tJoard Koblnaoa. EVENTS or THE VTET.K. Mtaa irIan Iltrk antrrtalnrd at a dam-In- party 8alurday aanln. Marrb S!. at bar homa Ij Louralhurat. Tba liTtn and drawma-rooma wara dkd with -prm flowara. Tha anlnc waa apanl In dam-in and Ralph K. Ia aa M faw aoval aaloctlona. Hrf rtMsiDII wara aarvad later la tba aranlnic. Tbnaa prrnt wrrar KNIo Ia. Marlon Quarknib. Irano and Vlrsinla f'ama book. Rita l.lnd. Al(v Thomaa. Mo aanna and Kltaatwth lllcka. Thrtma 1'iinf. Liratrnanl Turly. IJautrnnnl M'Laan. Urutrnant Ralph dn)r. jUaatananl Uto-ldard. Ooro Jlck"lla. Arthur Kindorf. Frank RoTaton. Tom Mt. Mr and Mra. Ralph K. Mra. U P Tbomaa aad Mr. and Mra. Hurt HkU O O i o Vl Otlro Hii'1 Co bom. brida-olact f William RlUy Rlddla. wa honorro at a mtalianaooa abowar at tha bom of Mra. Rnaarll Huff. 1TI Inrlaloa alraat. Friday. Many baantlful and ua-ful prana waro racalrad by Mla "o bnrn. uthrra anl-rtaknln for Mla fo burn rrally ha ban Mra A. P. Hd. row. Mra. . B. VMr and Mra. Uay B baa. a a a An aanl Ion lo ramambarad In tha annala of lha roinartta and Far airnmon riuba waa that of tha eranlnc of Mrrh 1. whrn tha rrlmmona ontartalnad tha I'olnaattaa at dtnaar and latar al tba Orphrom Thratrr. royra waro plarad for Mr. and Mra. A. F. Ioutaa. Mr. and Mra. J. R. Elll aon. Mr. and Mr. A. U Fralay. Mr. and Mra V. W. llawhlnaon. Mr. and Mr. i H Uttla. Mr. and Mra. R. K Rob lay. Mr. and Mra. - R. Trarar. Mr. and Mr IC l. Ttlton. Mr. and Mr M. Van Alalln. Mr. and Mr II M. Wbalaa I. M:a I jura K Brown, Miaa Laura H. Browa ably acted aa chaperon a a a Mr. and Mr W. l Opdyrka calahratad tblr ata waddina; anntraary Tbura day. Thay war eorroundad by thalr family. Ineludtcc firo arandthltdran and eaven araat-crandtrhll-lran. Mr. fpdrcka la year old and Mr 'P lyrka will eelabrala brr th Mrthdar la July. Mhe la aa rnihuaiaatle war worbar and la aa earellrnt antttar. hha rarntly coroplatad for Ih aoidlara pair of aocka. J pair of wrlatlat 44 aquaree (r tha rbln quilta. I awaatrr and 1 lrjirh cap. They alao are tables car of their way saxdra. a a a Flra anldlar bora. Victor R Nirhola. p.m U Stairn. Robrt Cook. Loula Ku-hbura- and tlnr L Ijika. now eta- . tmnad at Vanrooerr. war -tertatnad tury ntnn: br Ih Ml Vera and Marl Fberhardt. al Ihelr hnma. : Roaa itrnL After, aa enjoyable time a pa at In came and muair. re frrahmanta wr aanre-l. tha tabl Ke Ina; elabrtrlr d-oralrd In patriotic color. At Ibo cloae of lha aeenlnc tha bora wara taken by marhln to the Torrack. Tba otbar gur.n wer lha M:e Nora Kinratd. Julia tonrul. Hl-n Newell, lleelja Huff and Gerald Huff. a o o RirKJEnrUJX TVanh-. March 3 Sr-aclaLr -a Tueaday aranlnc a d lichiful party waa iKfi at tha homo of Profraaor aad Mr Ana McClelian Willi la bonor of their bouae trueat. Mtaa Ruaa S.surdson. of Warrrnton. r who la a entrr of Mr Willi Thoe preaent wer Jud'a and Mr Hues R. Apprraon. Mr. and Mra. N. C lUlk Mr. and Mr Jam. a K. Keith. Mr. and Mr J. W. Fiaikhurii. Mr and Mr . R. lla'.l. Mr. and Mra. II. J. Hraft'c. Mr Burrow, Mr. and Mr K. w. Peaxborn. Mra. J. U. Bratll. Jtrthur N. Allen. Mlae Vera Moon. Theima Moore. KJna Rlrhrd. Runa SiaTurdaon aad the boat and hoateaa. a a a Vr K f Mnrf fFra FnlrV who ha a apant .lha pant two raonthi with har parent la San iMtao. Cal.. baa returned to bar bom In Pilot Rork. Or. Mr Scharpf baa apant tha paat Tilt:n bar many friend her. Mr Arthur Hima entertained for bar Wodneaday afternoon with a tab. COMING EVENTS. FRECKLES March Worst Month for TTiui Trouble How to Remove Eaaily. There a reason why nearly every body freckle In March, but happily there U also a remedy for these nitly blemishes, nd no one need Uy freckled. Simply ret aa ounce of thine, dou M itrrarth. from Tour drurrist and apply a little of it night and raominff. and in a lew nays you snouia se urn rvrn the worst freckle have begun to a .KKTMr. whil the lieht ones have vanished entirely. Now is the time to rid yourself of freckles, for if not re ,n thav nut atav all Sum- Mr, and spoil an otherwise) beautiful eARiniexion. lour money oaca u oUuce fails, A Oliver tea will b alven liy the Monday Club on Wedneeday In tha pariah bojia of Urar Memorial Church, corner Kaet Baventaenth and Weldler atreeta. from two to five P. M. Tha proceeds of this lea will bo vaed to purcha Individual boxes lo b sent to tba boys of Iho church bow nervine tn Franc A muelcal programme for the occasion Is being- arranged by Mr Baj All thoee Inlereated ax Breed to attend. a a a Omen Rebekab Lads will alvs a tS party Bast Tueaday evening- In Orient Hall. East lth na Alder etreet Oood prlie and refreahment Rabakaha, Odd Fellows and friend In vlted. a o o Th Roaa City Park Club will 1v a card party on Friday ovanlns. bridg- and . and It la dealred that all mem bers cf lb club and others, who enjoy Iheao same, attend. Th Ul card party sivea by lb club filled tables and lb vnln waa thoroughly a Jored. On Friday vnln lb games will baln promptly at .! and thoe attending will not this fact Oood prises will bo glvea tbe winners and refreehmenta will b served. Th fol lowing commute will bo la charge: Molamae W. R- BoyU, chairman: H. J. H.a.etng. A. O. Teepa, C M. Hall, a f J. r. Owen. J. U. Cree- noagh and A. tldlava. . a a . a . v imi-m mwtM 4lBl will ba givaa by lb Young Lady Roaarlaas of Ih uominiran rtnwi oa tasl Tenth and Weldler streets, Wedneeday evening. Card will be played In th card room frvWt SIS P. vi ....,11 ta w a n4 tha dancaball Will b opea during lb asm hour. a a a B1ae) Facrament Altar SoclatT Is entertainment and card social to b gtvaa la lb ball Tuesday nlng. Card from to II. Alt members and friends are cordially lavitea. - a a a n-w r..i.. Faatlval will bo riven rnnij niant n - mr,A tf.nm tha tiumbar of feature planned for lha event It will b a dalighirui anair. it tomnmn, . . . . . . w. A in ami tba aroarrajnin prosnptly at 1:1 o'clock. o o a Kenton Club members bsva corn- Meted arranarementa for a masquerade dancing- party to ba gtvaa eoneaoay. I'rises will ba awarded. a a a Th Daos-Mer of I a bell a will en- t-rtaln with cards and dancing at Cathedral Hall. Tuesday nlsht. 8ol dirra and sailors In uniform will bs welcomed, and admitted fre a a a Another card party will es rlva by th PytbUn Plater at Knlgbts of Irthlaa ball. Kleventh and Alder treat. Tueaday afternooa at 1 P. M. I rllao will b given. a a Th Minnesota Poclaty will nut at Hotel Portland on Tuesday svenlnp. All members ar urged to b p.-eaant and reelater. Nw members wi;l b ircelvrd. A fin programm ha bean ptepared. Including good music dan cing and refreahment Th men In colors from Mtnneaota ara Invited to come and bring their friend It Is tha de-iro of tho society to make this a regular -get acquainted" party, a e a A delightful evening- la anticipated by th members and friends cf Ih Ladlea" Auxiliary Ancient Order of Hi bernian when they will aaaemul In th Hlbernla hall tomorrow to ery carde nod dancing. Prise re freahroenta and aom of th old-fs-h-loned qudrlllea will be amon th many attraction The affair la in th . . . i . A . u,r Vranrea lie Cartny. Katherlno Iowd. Katherln oulnn, Ella nuiuvno. wiry Ilrlrn Milan, France McCarthy. Mary U.wler. Mr E. If. Deery and Mrs. W. M. Ullls. Arrangement ar being; completed for a aoclal to ba given at th Cathe dral ball on Friday. April S. by th Loyal Legion of .t. Mary Aod. my and Col lege. Card, will begin promiWy al a p. M-. dancing at :.. Following Is tha !at of committees: General commute of arraneementa. Mr. D. J. McGIM: card Mr F. A. Rel-acher. Mr J. D. Mann. Mra. WUIlam Colllna; mualc. Mr T y Hulmo; ticket. Mr Benjamin Bed lr y: door. A. B Cain and John Dora l.oo: floor, lit Mlaaa lUttl Kelly. Asne fenn. Irene Collin Helen HuKhe Mary Clancy and Florence Pul . . w i .r 1J n ua Mc- Cu-ker. John Leary. Oerald Conway. Will Urlscoll ana rranci e e e The members of ft. Oersrd Society will entertain with an -At home- party ter. ill Commercial street- He hun dred will b in principal .-.-amueement. th gam to begin at - orlnrk. Prise will t awaroeo. ana dainty refreehmenta win p. m.mbers and frlenda ar Invited to at tend. Th Iowa Society will gtv a social April . at P. M. in Multnomah HoteU There will be aa election. Allc Mae Phelps will gte costume songs: Miss l-hrlp. and Mr Trumsn Northrup W'lll emg: Marlul Newman will pUy a vio lin solo. Card and danclnr will fol low All lowans ar Invited. - Iowa anl.llera will ba admitted fre Mr J. U. Kinchart la preaident. WEDDINGS. Abrabaaa-Araaalfwas. GASTON". Or. March IJ. (Special)--A wedding which united two well known yours; people was thai of Iluth Ar matrons and Bryan Abraham a few days ago. at th bom of Ih brid a parent. Profeeaor it. eat tlrove. officiating. in wauuins waa very simple and quiet, tn omr guests being members of th two fam ine Tb young coupl left for Port land tha earn evening for a short trip, and tha bridegroom waa called away Thurad-ty to th training camp in Georcia. in tna Ateuicai . L nited Matea Army. Tho brldo la th oldest daughter of Mr. and Mr Thomas E. Armatrong. of llaston. and Is a senior In High School, where ah will contlnu her studies. h Is an attractive and lovable girl and very popular among her associate Th briaegroora " Mr V. S. Abraham, of ration taney. near Caston. and has ben helping his father on their big dairy and aheep ranch until thla Fall, when h went to colleK at Pomona, lit. niumun I 11 t anll.t. Thla is th third son of Mr. and Mr Abraham now In th Army, tn oinaj " . d i k.. h. rr who la atatloned at Fori Riley. Kan-, and Paul Abraham. who received oruer i .--port at th training camp near Wash ington. D. C .Meor-Walta. SALEM. Or.. March . (Special. )-- Word has ben receivya n ... and Mr W. F. Proctor. II Le street. . . .v. -i . v nr their aan. DarvL to Mtaa Olady Walte. Polk County girl. at 1'hUadeipnia, wnera n ri.npi Prurior waa one traaia of th athletea of Salcra High fechool a few year aso, and a atar performer In basketball, baaeball and football. He waa with Company M. Third Oregon, on tho Mexlcaa border, returning- to enter Oregon Agricultural College, where he had ben about a year when ha entered 1th rvlc lo tn prenv war. ra i. also aaaaiog ft record lor hlmse.X as pbi'o worsB-ri.FAJfnio 8EASU3I IS HfcKli. To frshn and revlv th aplandor of your Oriental Rug. wa offer tha careful eervlce of native experts working In our recently Improved hand-washing plant. Wash Cleaning . Hand Repairing , Storing Cartozian Brothers 11. 1 H A!T -WA9HTXGTOJI, I'lTIUtK BLOCK. A Cordial lavltatloa lo F.x teadad Iaapect Oar PUat. Touns; and old alike hearken to the Spring- song- dresa up. It U the universal expression of a refined human instinct. K. S. ERYIN & CO., Ltd. Cawfwea Cloehlaa; aad abtrta, Hca'i Urea A eeeaaerle. Kagllab Coat. ml Floor. SelUa Bid. txtb at Alder Btnct. H.LIEBES&CO. In Woman's Realm . . of HAROLD PARISH Wiiliams TONE PLACEMENT, and COACHING Studio: 507 EILERS BLDG. Phone East 574 an athlete back East, his father having recently received newspaper clippings containing- hla picture with the naval train K camo baskeioaii agKrenaiion. th Philadelphia paper calling him on of the moat aensational Daaaeinau per formers on the Coast. Tealry-Maaea vi,. v. uitnii and Fred V. Tooley ... I .1 tha Rev. C. Ntvhtm . . v. . kriii.'i homa. nur Hood River. Sunday, March St. Only the Immediate relatives wer present- Following tno ceremony a wedding supper wan served after which tho coupl left for The Dalles, wher Mr. Tooley will be em ployed this Summor. Mr Tooley Is ths daughter of Mr. snd Mr A. L. Mason, of tha Hood River Valley, and a craduate or me Oregon Agricultural Colleg class of 114. Mr. Tooley. alab. graduated from uregon Agricultural College, class of 11L Iterrall-W lederkalS. that of Miss Rosa Wleaernoia, -wno oe cam the brldo of Charles W. Herrall. manager of th Chevrolet Motor tar Company (Portland branch). The wed ding took place at Bl- iary a t-nurcn, u-iiiinmi avenue and Stanton atreet. Ilev. Father Daly officiating. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at th bride's hom ur and Mr Herrall have rone on their honeymoon trip to California, and they will be at home to their frlenda after April IS at th Olen Court apart ments. t SOCIETY PERSOXAI.S. . r- h. T7 1 w 1 . ritiini, frnm jura, ntui.u . . - The. Dalli-i last week, where she went for a few days" visit- Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Friedman and infant son. James Marion, have taken apartments at the St- Francis. Sergeant Clifton S. Roberts. Q. M. C. Camp Lewis. pnt a few days th last week with his uncle, W. B. Robert r rA,ra J Fnater. who baa passed th Winter In th Southland. Is HOW at rlotol lanarninim. uq An,,i She will soon return to her home In Portland. ,r - .na rr Tatr1d M- Botsford. Of the Wilmsn Apsrtments, are spending few weeks in Southern California, at th Alexandria. Lo Angeles, and the Maryland, Pasadena. Mr F. A. Younger and son. tsuiy. oi Lfebes' Furs supply just the touch oi warmth that Spring apparel requires. Lovely Things for Spring the Liebes modes are an inspiration. The charm of style, the beauty of ma terial, the fascination of color an en semble as lovely as woman could wish for. , 'As bountiful as Spring itself the apparel dis plays here contribute modes for women and misses in varied profusion. Suits of Springtime smartness Trig and trim are the latest suits, embracing the Eatriotic Eton that wastes no wool on needless frills, ut makes up for it with a smart vest effect; pony suits for misses; straight line, narrow-shouldered, Tailleurs; and the always useful Jersey. The color range is wide from khaki, cadet and navy blue to azalea. ,You will approve of the prices. Spring Goats of utility and charm Such good-looking garments they are soft, rich fab rics velours, silvertone, Argentine cloth; or extremely practical coats in serges, checks and gabardines, show ing the nobby trench and military cape models. And so reasonably priced. Pretty Frocks that pay a compliment lo Spring They have a quaint touch of the old-iasn-ioned, these delightful frocks with surplice .waists, tunics or draped skirts. The materials foulards and satins, soft j chiffons or crepe de chines, add to this -effect They, too, are attractively priced. 1 turners jor Fifty-Four Xears the National Lea (rue for Women's 8erv Ice. who made several lurrms -spiring- talks during; tha weelt In Port hara aaDeclally to visit her old friend Mrs. A. C Newton. Mr C. L. Blgboe. or Beaiuo, .1 truest of her mother, Mrs. L H. Bing ham, in East Fiftieth street ror a month. Mr. Blgbe. one oi mo burg- Pirates, has gone on to Pittsburg, t..r ha will ba Joined the latter part of April by his wife. Cantain and Mr r. tjKiauy vn Stade, of New York, arrived early last week and registered ar Motet x-on-land and since then they have been much entertained In an informal man ner by Portland people wno nao mw them in New York, where tney are members of the exclusive set. Mr Van Ktn bain a Young of much grace and charm. Captain van Stade has been stationea at ron &. - tana, for. some time, but has been sent here to buy horses for the Government He is now In Central Oregon. Woodland Beady tor Campaign. . -rt-T-T a vt wikIl. March 30.-(Spe cial.) Third liberty loan, from present jjr. f. A. Younger ana son. uiuy. oi i prospects, win oe iuhjt, . " -' the Wsshington Apartments. S North-i than subscribed for the Woodland dis rup street, have gone to Walla Walla trlct. as pledges for the loan are being p street, have gone to nana ana trlct. as pieagca mi - vlalt the former s tamer. v. I turned in rupiui, aw""' -- Tavlor for a few week Plamondon, of the Woodland Btaie A . 1 . , . i k. - . & in. n for Mlsa Clrac Parker, commannant oi nanK. wno na 'Sweetheart, You Look Ten Years Younger" Complexion Blemishes Banished No Sign of Wrinkles now one uta ir. unir ; : who aas watched har eotsplaxioa ckeili frosa wrinkled, eoaraa. ssllow agllnaa tn a I aas. soft. youthful beauty can raiis v- f a alias; oi Joy that cam over as wbaa first I a that say own, careworn. aTd lookicg all" was ..,..!: ra,.l n lug Its rlrllah. fr.aboaa ' " prior ts thla tbr was searea Ir a praparatlon. laeludlar treat ant at th high est prtcM. cn.r U.mak. aV .- look wots Finally a Frenoh Udy . " b."ty raclv which ah had obtained TCor in Parlay who told her tha reason moat rnisgs failed was b"o. th.y lacked the powr to geTdown Into th .kin aad r.n.w the Joutbful activity of the " waa only short tics s" ht. boaband xllsaad. Swthart. !umo alaDrrso. Tiaaalalliai ec Ortclaal Triaib riaseitsllia -Apply alsbt aa moraias; eup f -asemllk aad ana teaaoeesfal at raaiatad (rally axplalnad la thla article!. rm young rl t f tiiak boty rwlp Is a marvel." I am certain that snoat any woman oaa succsssf ully mil same plan. gladly ra it bare for (It of - i Merely I I W V.,.AM.llk and rub la a tear spoonful of ro a t a d cream whleh eaa be ob i n mA eAm rfni a- gista) ; wlps th L xce ana appir i Poudt rascina-1 Hon a vary fin complexion pow- yo vaal 'hat -any succ tba so I past iha 1 other wash &r prepared eapeclaJly for shiny noses and bad complexion. . If your face la badly wrinkled, gat a boa of Japanaae lc Pencil to uae la connection with tha roeaated cream. I have seen many wrinkled. hollow-heked, faded-looking woman banleh vry lga of wrin kle and vomplexion blemiabesAnd mar veloualy Increase har beauty,' through this stmpl and Inaxpaaaiv rselp Toaaloa Raeeeted taaraatati by Ma ssasns. faerarara S--b-S VTy Ti ..Id will hi r-- z::zT "ylyi that JetT ssTtidi Man at Frank. Owl Drwsj .t. JUsaaS ''.vCampflre) Girls Organize. ' CENTRAXJA. Wash.. March 0. (Spe- . . . Af . raranfira C ii uig"'".""' w- ' girls waa perfected in Centralis at a mA.Mnir HP fl Tl .SQRV H 1 K II I. 1 "O Brownsville Drive Success. Y3YsvnrKroTrTT.T.131 riv 3 fl A a result of tli'e house-to-houae canvass at nlan. Main (0(U, A euo. i - . - sx- j tw ni SHOES 7 'i- A WOMAN b as young as her feet fed. Adhere creche very shoes to keep your feet feeling- young, vigorous, nd also stylishly shod. This is the Walk-Over last that American women prefer -too winged, and heel military. It has a low heel, a city toe. The Walk-Over Shoe for street and shopping, for home, office, and college a shoe for a reason and so never out of season. Walk-Over Shoes ere manufactured at Cam- peHo, Brockton, Mass, are sold in all important towns and cities of the world, and the world over bear the same trade-mark. A complete line of shoes,. $6 to ID JEccrnomy lines, $5. Special lines higher. , WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP! 342 Waehinftoa IZS Broadway Phone your want ads to The Orego- - a -a a u ' 1 : 1 ililrni l