THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTXA2STV MARCH 31, 1918. ' Girls Exclusively and Just rirlfl from 4 to 14 Summers, we out fit completely in outer apparel for sports, home ' and school wear. Riding Habits a Specialty - 'Mail orders solicited, and promptly and accu rately filled. Samples sent on request. S, Wonder Millinery The Shopping Place of Those Who Know and the Reason Why: FIRST Wonder Millinery hats are selected by expert buyers, whose life-long training enables them to buy. the best in materials and styles. f&j ...... .... . . . Sffh-' s ! I - lura to Urcgoa oa Ihm first boat avail-1 1 J J - -,. .-. til S. - V; 1 ': '.' ' '. ' . ' . ;j iJ'ti - - ' . u)f Bert C. Ball returned from the East ftereral dara lira lie wn arrompaatea' hr hi father, who la rteUlns; ilr. and tdra. Bail for me time. Mra. Graham Otaaa and little grand- fog. Peter, accompanied by Mr Ralph William aad Uttla son. Ralph. Jr.. will spend aater week at tha Claaa cottaa-e la Oearhart. a Mr. and Mr. Harry Broeka. of Bend. arrived In Portland Thursday for a few clays visit at the Benson Hotel. e Kewa of the wedrftn- of Mlsa Annie VoKar Brown, of thta city, to Charles "V Mctlooa. of New Tork, reached Iriende here last week. The ceremony -waa eolemnlsed In St. Agnes Church. New Tork. ob Saturday afternoon at S )e o'clock, and waa read br Rev. K. C- iX. Towera. Only the famlllee of the c-oaple attended. Mlsa Ada alayalL of Ft. J'aul. boina; brtdeemald. and Hamil ton Burcn. Jr . artlnar aa boat man. The bride la a daasbter of Mr. and Mra, LTnct Milton Brown, of thlo city, formerly of Denver, and aha la a charm- Iner ttirU and durlne; her reeidenca her waa popular In the younrer eel. She waa a-radoated from the L'nlverslty of Oolorado. Mr. MrMnea la manaicer of the Erie City Iron Works Company and member of tho New Totk Athletic. Raritan Taller County and 'Wykaayl Country clubs. Mr aad Mr. HcHom arc l!tinr In Plaehurst. X. C-. aad they later will snaae their homo la New Tork City. e e Mrs. Allro Beneon Brack and children will spend Raster we-k at the Moore Hotel, ri-aside. leaving Tuesday for tho beach. Mlsa Frances Evelyn FilTer will fcfom the bride of Alfred F. Fmlth n Wednesdar evenina at tho homo of tho brlde-elect'a mother, at 1 o'clock, to bo followed by a reception at 9 clock. A number of dllchtfal aff-tlrs have snarked the last week In honor of this charmlas; maid, amons; whkh waa the brldtje-tea riven by Mrs. Clarence l ubenka oa Tuesday, tho tea for which 31 r, Lerov Fields waa hostess on Mon ty. tho knltilnsr tea Ktven Friday by Mie mrt fatrt.-k and tho dinner tor which Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mattern were toots Friday atchC Miss Fuller was epettor for tbe salt "Weslarovo. launehed Wednesday at tho Columbia leaver Shipbuilding- Cnmpany'a yards. and sho waa presented with a hand- smo arold mi purse by he fiance, who la president of the company. he also received aad carried durlnr the r-rremony. a kuao bouquet of Ophelia rwi with a shower of white car- ate ia. Tho weddtnr will bo ono of the Boiable event of the season. Ir. John II. Boyd will read the ervtcwi and tho bride-elect a mother will a-ive her In marrtaare. There will r-e no attendants, and tho families of tho eouplo and rloso friends only will attend tho marrtaao service. Tomorrow Uenevteva Fnlter- rield WH entertain wlti a brldft Me. end Vra Robert Fnon sieort nave as taoir hooso auest Mrs. Fred Geb- kard, af New Tork. Miss 9 Han n a Cummins; will become tho bride of Lawrence R. Wheeler on the ereiinr of Tnlr. April la. The Juice of Lemons! How to Make Skin White and Beautiful At the coot of a small Jar of ordinary cold cream ono can prepare a fall ejoarter pint cf the moot wonderful 1-moa ehia softener aad complexion bautiRer. by squeeatns; tb Juice of two fresh lemons lata a bottle con ttinlneT three ouaceo of orchard white. Caro should bo takea to strain the )utco tarouch a fine cloth so ao lemon polo seta ta. tnea tsia iotsoa win aeep freeb for mon t ha Every woman knows that lemoa Juice ta ased to bleach and remove soeb blemishes aa freckles. aliowaeso aad taa. and la tho Ideal saia aoftsaor. smoothener and beautl- fier Jast try H! net tare oaaeoa of orv-aard whlto at aay pharmacy and two leasoao from tho arrocer and make aeaal lemoa lotloa aad masse ao It elaiir late tho face aoek. arma and band. II should naturally help ta watte, soften, freehea and bring out tho rose aad beauty of any akin. It b truly saarveUwa te smsstaea rosuja. ted nle Adv. fsnrtlon wilt bo simple and small, and It will bo solemnised at the homo of tho bride-elect's father. lr. W. A. Cum mins, la Riverside Drive at 1:1 o'clock, e e e Mra. Wllber E. Coman left last week to spend Easter with her son. Kdmund. In San Francisco. He la attending; the Vnlverslty of tanta Clara, and when be returns to school Mrs. Coman will vlalt la ttoulaera California for a few weeks. e a The annual sliver tea will be held at tho Old People's Home, Thirty-second street and Sandy boulevard, on Easter Monday, from I to I o clock. The worn en of the Trinity Church Oulld will have charsre of the refreshments. Mrs. War ren Keeler. president of the guild, will receive, with Mrs. I. J. Minn, president of the home, and Mra. Martin Winch, vice-president. eVrvlnr at tha tea table will be Mrs. A. A. Morrison. Mra. Edward Falllna. Mra I. IX Feters. Mrs. John McCracken. Mrs. II. R- Powell. Mrs. J. H. Amos. Mrs. J. A. Cunningham and Mr. J. W. Hill. There will bo aa Interesting musical prosrramme under the direction of Mrs. Warren E. Thomas. Tha decorations are la charge af Mra Ella Stephens. It ta hoped many friends will call during tho afternoon. Ross City Park ccr. see Mr. aad Mra. John T. Hay. of Seattle, who are en route to their homo from California, were house gueats of Mr. and Mra J. Coulaon Hare the past week. Mr. and Mr Hare entertained for them with a dinner party Saturday, E. V. Zull aad Charles H Koriia. of Vancouver Barracks, also were honor guest. Additional guests were Dr. and Mrs. W. R Hare and Mlsa Frances Hare. On Wednesday Mr Hare waa a luncheon hoateaa honoring Mr. J. C La Barr. who returned recently from a year's residence at Cannel-by-tbe Sea. Cat o e e M. and Mr. Frank Kerr were din ner hoats on Saturday evening, enter- talnlnc Dr. and Mr Charles Edwin Seara. Mr. and Mra. George Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa Talbott aad Mr. and Mr. Anderson Cannon. a e o Mr. Frank Kerr and children. Fran eea aad Stuart, ar spending Easter week In Hood River at Mra. Alma liowe a farm. a e Mr Charles A. Gray, a charming matron of Salem, who has been In charge of one of the sorority houses at Eugene campus this year. Is spending the Eaater vacation la Portland at tbe Portland HoteL e e e The Laurelhurst Club ha completed arrangement for Ita annual Eaater ball, which will be held Monday night cotillion Hall. The regular floor committee of the club will attend to all thoe who patroalae the danoa. aad as It Is open to the publto. It Is expected that la point of attendance It will eclipse ail prevloua affairs of tho kind. e e e Among the college girls who are spending their Eaater vacation at their home la thla city la Mlsa Varna Barker, who la a student at the University of Washington. tine haa aa her bouse guests two other university girls. Miss r-ieaaor ncLorauck, of Seattle, and Mlsa Cree Cunningham, of Everett. Wash. They are being entertained delightfully by friends here. one affair being aa Informal auppar party Tueeday alght with Mies Jeaaette Wiggins as hoe lees, and tea Friday, given by Mlsa Lo-lle Mrooaagh. a Foeoot Hall, oei the Co lumbia Highway. Her cues La son .Misses Verna Barker, Cree Cunning ham Eleanor McCormack. Florence Kendall. Helen Adams, Jean Stevens and Jeanette Wiggins. see Mr. Ralph Walker and two children mill leave today for San Francisco to make their future home. Dr. Walker will loin his family In a few months, e e e Mr. and Mrs. Otto U. Mattern were hosts for a charming- Informal dinner party, Friday night, honoring: Miss Frances E. Fuller and Alfred F. Smith, the wedding of whom will be an event of Wednesday night. The table, which waa prettily decked with a broad bowl of blue and yellow blossoms, was ar ranged for Mr. Smith and his bride-to-be. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C E. Smith and the hosts. Earlier In the day MJss Sara Patrick entertained a dosen or so of the younger girls with an Infor mal knitting tea honoring; Mlsa Fuller, see Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Charlton re turned last night from an Eastern trip. Mrs. Charlton left early In the Spring to rislt her niece, Mrs. Wellington Gil bert (Lavelle Toung), at New Haven. Ci nru. and later she went to New York for a few week's shopping and visit with old friends. While In tbe metropo lis Mr. Charlton was entertained by Tom Dot-son and Jack Proebstel, two popular Portland boys. She wag Joined en route to Portland at Butte by Mr. Charlton. o a e The Oregon Chapter.. A. Daughters of the Confederacy, will give a sliver tea on Saturday. April . at the resi dence of Mr. S. J. Clarldge, 926 Wood- worth avenue, for the purpose of rais ing funds to maintain cota In tbe Amer ican hospital at Neullly, France. This la a very Important part of war relief work. There will be an attractive pro gramme of music, reading and folk song. www Mlsa Alice Dabney yesterday enter tained with an Informal tea party In honor of Miss Ethel Malpaa, fiance o Lieutenant John L KiddelL 44th In fantry U. 8. A. About 1 of the bride- elect's closest friends shared In the event. The Riddell-Malpas wedding 11 be a church affair shortly after mid-April. e a e Mrs. Margaret Burrell BIddle was a dinner hostess Wednesday evening complimenting Mia Shanna Curamlng and her fiance, Lawrence R. n heeler. e e Mr. and Mrs. John R. Napier are ANTISEPTIC POWDER A soothing, cleansing wash; thoroughly anti septic Essential to personal hy giene. Excellent for catarrhal conditions and female disorders. Indorsed by physicians. Packages 50 and $1 - Portland Hotel Pharmacy Sixth and Morrison Sts. being- showered with congratulations upon the arrival of a daughter last week. . e The Association of Collegiate Alum nae will hold its regular meeting at the University Club Saturday, April C, at 12:45 o clock. Flease telephone for res ervations at the buffet luncheon to Main 695. The programme will bo of compelling IntereBt- Mrs. H. B. Torrey, Mrs. H. P. Cramer and Miss Ethel Wate man will report the widespread work accomplished this year by the educa tional committee and outline the plant to be completed. This work Is one of the main purposes of the National Association and the Portland branch has a large number of Its most able and enthusiastic members In this department. The main feature of the programme will be the informal address by Mra William D. Carlisle on her experiences In Russia -during the revolution. Dr. and Mrs. Carlisle re sided In Russia seven years, coming to this country last October. Mrs. Car lisle Is a popular and interesting speak er and her subject Is one of intense in terest. The president, Mrs. Forrest Fisher, has called a meeting of the executive committee at the University Club at 11:30, April 6, preceding the luncheon. Members and friends of the Collegiate Alumnae wtll be pleased to know that Colonel Leader's lecture was a success In every respect. The college women and the public thank Colonel Leader most heartily for his assistance and his message. Also William Boone s organ recltal nf National sirs preceding the lecture was deeply appreciated and they gratefully- acknowledge the assistance of the Army men who escorted th Colonel, and those who so graciously acted aa ushers. The Alumnae thanks the press for It fine co-operation i making the evening a success. The management deeply regretted it un avoidable failure to present Arthur Kayuy-Cote in his delightful solo work, but Mr. Cote was detained at the last minute. It was a deep disappointment to the management aa well aa the public ' The management went "over the top. clearing the financial responslbilties to he woman's building fund for the State University, of the Collegiate Alumnae. the Oregon Alumnae and the Pan-He! lenlc Twelve hundred dollars of the 13000 pled-red three years ago by these organizations has already been Invested in libertr bonds and the association of collegiate alumnae will invest its esuu pledge in the third liberty loan fund for the duration of tho war. The college women are very grateful o Mrs. Alice Benson Beach and to Mrs. George T. Gerllnger for the unlimited time, strength and ability they devoted to the success of this big undertaking. Alpha Phi, local chapter, entertained Wedned-ty with sn Informal tea a SECOND Our designers are always in touch with the fashion center. Our own creations, diversity of modes, beauty of color and line and superiority of detail insures you the best. THIRD No store in the city gives better values than the Wonder Millinery. A medium priced hat is in- dividually selected with : the same' thoroughness and care as the more expensive ones. FOURTH Our salesladies are kind, courteous and helpful, trained to know your needs and to assist you in making satisfactory selections. FIFTH "'Truth, courtesy and correct styles prevail throughout." Prices $5 to $35 m stow- . u tVcTtr UaddJ -I Hi the residence of Miss Lois Macy in Laurelhurst. Tbe tea table ' was be decked attractively with Spring flow ers, and it was presided over by , Mrs. Gwendolyn Smith Ely, Miss Leila Guthrie, Mrs. S. V. Barker, and Mrs. R. M- Townsend. Misses Katharine Graham. Lois Macy, Lucille McCorkle, Grctchen Colton, and Dorothy Parsons assisted about the rooms. A feature of the afternoon was the exhibition of dancing by little Lorraine Platts, and vocal numbers by Miss Esther Banks, e e e An entertainment and dance will be given by the M. A. A. Club in the Audi torium Thursday, April 13. The eventnr will be devoted to Illus tration of the work of the members of the club. The programme . includes: Aesthetic dancing. National dancing, athletic numbers by the juniors as well aa the men and women members, num bers by the Multnomah Amateur Ath letio Glee Club and the new orcbeBtra. This will be followed by a dance to be given on the main floor of the Auditorium. Patrons and patronesses are: Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Brunn, Mr. and Mrs. Cooklng- nam, Mr. and Mra Ralph w. Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Holt, Mr. and Mra Alma D. Kata, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. Lansing Stout. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. 8wygert, Mr. and Mrs. Hair Removed Xblliraefc Thla aaeeaaw fer neiiln aw babr la teailr ettaerewt Iieea all etam I t atteaea hair new aala aa wall aa aa It a eea tasa by asses Oady saalas Doahnas haa a aaaway bsik sraaraasa ta aeh ake. Af tele aeaafrs ta an Si aad S3 or by aaatl tvoea aa ta sjlala wrafser re evtwt af wrfe. book: wit eatal f setkertuaa, tl what ra awtr aw fem 4 i M II. why It ta i eeai i a aad aww DM trade eWvttallaea H. m a sa 9wwtm sealed laps oa reewret. UeJHtraele. Fara. Ave. aad lk IhHrw Iwk. " FREEST 'Of Course, I'm Going to Have, a New Outfit, Melva." "Not lust a suit, either but the whole layout even to silk petticoat. blouse, etc So much more sensible to get everything new at once instead of spending.all your money on the suit and then having to wait until It's' half worn out before you get the rest. The clothes question has lost it terrors for me since I buy at Cherry. A little down end few cent each week from your salary does wonders np there. Tou see for yourself that I am better dressed than I ever was before In my life. They carry men's suits and over coat, too, and are always open on Saturday nights until 8 o'clock. They are at J89-91 Washington at, Flttock blk." Adv. K WeExcel DYEING FRENCH DRY CLEANING Gown Making OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION BROADWAY DYE & CLEANING WORKS Portland, Orertm MASTER DYERS AND CLEANERS j andPrinted .OOMMLNCMT 'ANNOUNCEMENT iVI9ITING-4 BUSINESS CARDS yfc fiv FTn. rkaVTv Rr!PrXrrT-r!w 1C V T ..v.-x..., T '1 iff ava -mj j- 0 ',. K : W- INVITATIONS STEEL DIEand SOCIETY .STATIONERY ASK FOR CORRECT FORM FIFTH AMD OAK T8. yfr5pw K MAISONeVlOLET (A Lk I I ' 40WnmieM I f JM l PARIS. FRANCE I -Md Sold in he beet chops fAfrl I all over- ihe -world. Sr-w ffQ 2trbCTC. Sd 1CX foreuntte Q tf FRANKM.PRlNDLEtCQ 1 7 71W.33ihStN v; II Ladies' Spring Suits 1 Made to fWT, iTIEKC JWr Milt! awm viuw BC A T T M8 GsLISAN STREET. aji-Xl A J Telephone Bdw. 3971. FACTORY DEMONSTRATION SALE! GUILTY OF UNDERPRICING That's what we are accused of by all merchants. They further accuse us of disturbing the women's apparel market. We Plead Guilty as Charged That our garments are always underpriced. We don't have to get their prices for several reasons. lsl-WE MANUFACTURE OUR OWN GOODS, saving you middleman's profits. 2d The tremendous quantities we sell in our chain of stores enable us to sell at a minimum margin. SUITS, COATS, DRESSES $15 to $37 compare with others priced at $30 to $75. Exclusive nevw models daily at both our Portland stores. LA MODE 288 Morrison Street ROSENTHAL 1 Broadway $19