TITE SUNDAY OREGO XI AN, PORTLAND, 3IARCII 31, 1918. 1 L- -K r-Uka a r ButUara. La are! rt. "mm as garage. E. 17th tad eerie i:y vadera. WUti n a Ve Wt ILal MfMt -J r-am. i'rt.i iwdara. C 4th r- a f:rth4 attic. garag. s. a a r t , n h. trv mar . rM .tv - f :! n 4 porch. Afc. a- :r-'t. T'l-n. tvltrt. garaf a. - I rwon:, rfc. n -.- re. H. tit rt ,.jfft, r knoii. rm, ,t s4 f r. S. I'HA r T eVWe.a rm j ftt ': tot 144x14. K. at. . n r if.-k f"H. rT: . J d;.nf frrh f - ra. rtr..n I liitfh't d.atrtrf TV) rsKm. gi-rg. .-: mvUvra. b-rt p ft of t'ir;.-.ut. o ut lOMAivNL ML Liacana 4 i.ravl A. Wrf-fiee. tUTTU. L..v K CO. 3 7 j:..aft of T- la . tr HAWTHORNE IifNaALOIT TV im? hin to n men 44 T VaaoM- a I Wi. .:: tar n-e, bS 6 fu!T.. I r r: y m -i-n. or.r tttt. face. r ' if- at nr . n1 a.: p a.4. a ' a i Tai : r- fcjf. F-'.c . " litn. Oa a . frT to Su!:. e M !-ai-r w.th J. H vn( MAN C iVli'ANT Caaawar Cat aft 11. U.. 4:b fiAtO ATX f.rm nvlra bw. !4L h!f block -rTth;a to mkt r.i fo lrrr. cMT boma. OoO J ROnptN. 1 RaUwAjr Bldf- IIVjV On s Jpt t . Ju; fw bVkj fro -- rf Iflwr 3' .if I -f!. lot. Q J 4N CMl'A.Nir. x T i;.imr of fom f"- :. . Aio.a 209 A Lt rei h' F.-r kmahki Home r'ln 0-r"i- ri-t!T it)to bouo. f f Ii i r n kltt h'o. ai Wvitit'ln ion rh.i . n-r iti( my. rr. c rfufn in-t f.r :.'. nr rAMMb trm. f-in-t pnon- T "" -KI jJt lOV N KT, 3r rt..r-t f Tr,l. Min TlT NUT Fi f N iALnW. .N ltKI-T-ri'TH.X 1 --M 1 -ill"; urmt, 4 fxm o:'- , Itir P"uf. 4irio cnptt. tul 1 1J. v mri fnjjt i r . ttgn'nr of hr- ri kjvI c ht ka-BviMo. oti o tr la A. -rlfr. RtTTKW. A- C". tuk-arv i't ntlIla, a rr KMU'V. t"t i, f trio-. ft to p b'4o4 flor. cnfit aomn 4jb If bom, la fin cnfii(tf off h-il urfaco atrt. fC o i. tv al 1-j coa. AdUrooa v.. si c u vu:w hivku and jww'oin. only b 4; f -.; n'f I : t r r o r -no 3 tro rjrn. b g i.wt. Ictt-I) n;ri"'"1 h uo onH an ylinal r aaJn a r tr-n. ! MiUo . V cor. Mla m or air ( a4 oa- I. At kk:.ki K-r iiovi: 1 b ( ilnt tor calrto la B. T nl -rm K'')o--ak io-tt la ot ttMi f l.o riKurf. ff 4. on rntlih trm. t. t r aT st turr ti-irl lr I oft--. b. 3- a ; toa Tobwr 3tU 1R VFM-, rV R IN Du'' 7 Pwn . f tri, Ji rt. :. m bu t -Ira l'iit -y. f-io N'ior. aTH E. -'"ta N . r rn f r-- n ; r . ; I ;i tr $ 'p- lrixo wo : l-n A - 1 CbinLr of 1'oumf.M b.df vorvtoat '-. bof.f'f loa ao-l hrM Kor . ! . r ini imro to n-1 o J fir. p-t.- v.o. trm I Utl pur- h-r. Koo r m-r t: 1 K'TtDtr 1 TITt t-r of ' t -iiy -nn n t.-a bite fton. iit bomn(. I-o ; t tt '!. -ti n f and . In a B'Mxl rattan aro car a-?o Xa4 c 1'iuo Wi- MAtt rit' NK HL.'iAI.lW. T'ivr art .4 hta. f ' rar" aco. i:tin conv-n eiv larve lot, cloaa to J A. W I K M VX CO . T4 rk sr. Ntr o-n. Main Ml b'4n'"r. U'etrnuro'n1 b'll t-ln mfr. Ht-h f ifpra futr b kt-.-hi r 1 : cn a I Irrtprurenien ta hlaw-k fr.n ': ao 4rt. s :.- rl'Kl TM4 Hr II IHTH R.V-: ll-Tltl 'T. Fst 4l'n atret. 1 ht(rc au'b of Haw. tMfi. I -fory bue a low. b'drort-ri en , o" ! fl.wr. tnror I AoxlOt. evO raifi w-i'I ni.: r--- 9 .yw' i I( tl:t UlF.l;t-K. 24 Ftr. H:T Rt'Y IV fRTUD. tot". , nae pMxtrn . A r'ms f'rst fT'W. s'n l-f .oe r.-vo"r.a hae been ren 1 Oi s'3 r--r m ; hard-o-ir'ace. wa.klr c n tn.-. rat TTtor; t tarrua LUiott. n e - m r s me-a' orv. a-rtx'n ho-na. r In. near tr Pan-1v roo-1 bah. loltet. 7 f-ult lre. pa-l street paid, except .; wo'" tha prl.e. b. snap liarr. Main I ' ' ..J harnr of nuue-ce hidg RKNTErtJ. ATTNTI.V Rea'i ny ad under fcNtW T DAY- ee-t-n. t hi p t per. a bit:t a dan.lv mA lrrn a-roi ho-j wh i-if, w.irrh ffer $4 .d cwah. la.an-.-e like rent. J. r-p!.A Hi'.T VERY i'LOk IN. lVrthwck street. block trrrn O -W. Tt N Her. 3-too 10 cottage, street pv1 : p'l a4f 1 v ;"rnNi wifprik. rs stark. BARGAIN" IN FULTON. 5 f'jll an l S-rooru hi-, hard-etir- f a a ti front, for nlv Stji. ranh. r-t 11A monthly. t FOvha, 4J0 Chamber f rntm"r-e 9 I x pOWN ! hand'e a-rvm buria'oar with attle. f u 1 ccmcat bas'ient V -ry good looking. Pr:r- .4' ri'rpARn uiriRf'K. ?t Jark. fct-' LX t.K)I -4-rwro b'ingalow on acre ef ground: gtwt sol.: c1om to rarllne; prv- $ lJO trm o dtW and ninth: r. Umpire lot est meat Co 4ol 'a-d r-f T'ale. KLARNKY STV.EET. N'KAK SITIL eidencL well finished, street IPRI Wirrtr--?C ?4t fark. 4 R bona. 110 L. 7;b N., near "MV ftr rr!c 1 1 ? ritVK L .V'-'iffPT. T!VOTOV Tl.PO. TAKKi 3-r-wm oy boue and 3 l-.re In It. ffcntt tem $". down and gt month:v. Kmplre lavcstment 4wl Hnni of Tra'!-. J-7. ikik-t; CITY PARK l)Jern. .Vrom hou. It proTementa a I in. garden. lrei and laws, ate. If wut a rime int-u. thi. ft ' k'.. It N. Tahor ti J. .O.-CITY I'AHK-i:t'W taa-a i-rom hur.ga!w. In gd cn'Jtilon. - h'oeha of ear. g.r1 location. e:rct paved and paid. Ta'r 4 41. t A LE At trailve 5 room hant!' m. atreet pav ".i,v Pra t aww-r in. a'l p''i 'r I. V. Crer. Fl Frlc l.yo, terma. , N v -rom tri'o!te h'jniri'nw l . Wvrr-h 1.MH. wM take Z 1 hf auto or mri-h4n.tj. 'ii.n Bv nrl rrrn'nr o" Si:noy. fJellw.j 1 Nr. a'-V. S Ac HE il HOUND. t s rap; ". h m . ?;d ave.; fmit ? -a. s r ti. w-re.m n.tr. H K1NGI.ER w r 2. Henry B'dg. a. It Y 'trac ! hn en M t. Tr an cjuar tr b'")-k flno taw; two b'eeha from car- :i. t'.'"M. ary reaaoaad.a terma R loA M fn.wdarn c1! rur.us ff I ti j , yt V ..- at v ti rr 4.'1 aad kl bainca ent aw aee I .00. yx b t h a A 4 - TOO " brt um wl;b - "1 le--a J .- t.a caen i-r-T at . t J t..a 2 b'. iea J. F Gillmor aV-K- m-Mlorq tuM:oar an Ft Mark a.i M-,rr.t., f..t. for .".'a. an.y N -m from Rawtbarae cr. eee tM 4-4 f h; L-T ;Kl.i(l L-T V vrr- T.rrTj uftval.w. a-a enat Take lra e arr.a.'er r i-t;y rr '"jntf f.- JiM aji'v Van e:w 4 in I 3 x M rr 9 to l p M rr'rAij be. rrrt t-r rwraar t e aa'a et barya.n: - - U if htrnt Park A7. - -a:an li IVVTHiiRV K bowi. e"-nr. libw 04. -A- r -? ffW I y rnIera pavement, haxdwood fUora. Rf4L FTTK. FORCED al PRICES. POfTLAND"' choice Tiw : ! roAfna. p:tkrom. kru..r finihd. com :.? mo! ' m t r.ro .nut. on r I.AUnL'LIf URTS Nm bar: 9 rooms. n iir4-rofi. ba-fui. matte tntvTior kraoa a4 S-cmc iiinil fiaUii; bol Lr WIuLa VRTTR A44ifl. rfvr a4 rtvvr kAut i f Mi nr VtW. L HAWTHOHNC comer. rooms, movers. IloM.TH'r. mod. rooms. biMaint, I si-- j vkk I-rP. TR. CO.. r4 Ook. ROSJB CITT PARK -room HrvoAl.nxr iixti.A.AiT-ROOM Rtroo bv4 and paid. ItTlnc-room la cmr of boum, niff'y axrae iniarlor. ''it at l U-. .t!l Z.a..'l r.i:n. coqc f rnc V f u'l cmrnt boatman t. r !.. rT!in Pl J- l A Jjv.n" ii'VPAX No. T I'hlmw of C tti u. ,t!l l.a..'l r.i:n. coacrata f-rr . fu 1 cmrnl boamant. fur- U MAHT- mrc tide. 4t A f'.ark. Moia 20. A iMinar or.: branch office, opeo. wia Mauy a., bo paoaa. THIS HOUSE 1 NOT FOR RENT. 11CT 13 FOR RAI.E VERT ClfKAP. I'AViltl.NVd LiKK RENT. "Will :i it for leaa mon than hotuo can bo bui;i for rooma. dandr loratloo. oa Division atrt. Dtr -ia arvot. Taka a 1 00 a at It tth ue and yea will bo sufpnord to aoo m aat o ar olfaruit la tfels for a pneo of -T5. HT. CtlAKLKd LASU CO. 9t. lrtariv Hor-I. MorrUoo. j.'j-OM! of trio moat boaatlfnl tVroom unnwl on Mount Tabur. Haa ovary rmarn convanianro, inriudina fuuman braarat room, oxtra larva ettlr. tno lot l 1 ft.-all at to frutt and borrloo. Mm a moat wondarfnl mountain view, t-uo btock to rariino. .'xwj mortcea. a yoara. aq 1 -aa.il c pt aotno tarnia on rny aj u i ry , mut bo aold by April h. Foo Mr. Hil.r. tub A. O. TKfl'K CO blAHK iT, nr. 31. Main S01. Jt VIAT PHONE TAHOK -". IRVTVOTOVII FTNEST 8MAIX HOME. 774 Thompson, dk W. rornor .4tli. (hofny rin:h. tile bat ha. moot roily construction, quartrr bl'X"k. "v 0 nr son. offra at 4 IS.u. vbw bat It'a a boauty. R. T. btxeet. AccAt, for appointment. 1CAWTHOKNB DISTRICT. ONLT Co aoo tha borthaat craar of Xth and ffarrtann ata 4-roora cuttafa and barn, a onwU only f 1 -VX Tha lot la aorth mar than what o aro ahinc fnr Um pro party, mxm fwrmoriy hM at rou, A. 1 TKKVK ro,, mhK T Nar Third. Main CLK-I.V RESIDENCE. flood t-rwn Iiaum to K. Taylor, fjea ltth: has a bedroom. Tha locntloa wl appwal to anyone working at Kast fbd mi its or ship aide. Price, f40Oi, reaaooabl laruis. I-rEDDEM ANN CrPAVT. OM ChainKor of Cwmniarro. PORTLAND HKI;HTt Ft no room house. hardwood floor, all mojrfl rpstninre hot water boat. I corner. tuwr baiahta. avfanaive ctty and moun tAiaj view. but ful tres and ehrubtxtry one Mo- k car . wt:i sell for ahout pnr of troQD-1. HituOKU Mar. 4.7, A all rnorntnf. F.MERSON FTRKKf. itonA run. bal. like paying wi full kt. ub ihrM-hMm houa. batlu ele" trtc hghia. bpiesdid c banco for av little bom. Al. E. THOMrV. 4 Miaa. BVO, Open eninaa, 7to 0. lit: l TIFI'L West Pldo boms onty vow few train; hnu baa all modern convenlenr- lot. tm lol'Mt, , corner, aoutai oppoxiuiuLj a erO. lrir Matn 44? r-ae E. Tuit'i. 4.4 V W Rank P'nc. IMV:i)M iNT KKH1PLNT11 T room, hardwood f t. furnaoo. flro- 7 :. 1 tMj ft. io sIm"! ffsrusa a ' atiractl pUc With XlBO law O. PTltW. a;...f. Terna. i;oDAKl A WIEORTCK. 5 tark. 1AL'1AIS. ir 1 ? MAini. ivih at. : rent I-V rovma. nar N. W. Hteei plant. i.Mir JO rvon . nrr Portland ituiei. Main 4 MX far! FT. Tts1e. 414 . W. Bank bids;. J - K 1 "4 wdwn bu-. bM wood flora. Hutrh hitrhen. eement baernent. a . a-od location, Richmond district; -V0 others TLi-M rmsr realty company. t llenrr Bldg. Marshall IRVINGTON J VR1FICE, owner leaving r'Y. Make aut.-k s.e. $47&ti. terms. r a. ma .jnln-Dorrb. oa k f 'Oora. fire- p ace, 17th st. Mala 0?s evenlnga test TABOR Ties bargain In 4-room cottage, neat and oan. n very eaay tcruia. Vi.l e I furniture. Main .v.VA. K11SK CITY PARK. Foothwesi corner kvth and Sandy boulo- Vsrd; 0 room, new and modern; Ihie tolay; unlotaed aJl day; a snap and eaay terma. owner. Tiir 04s. .UH)M houo an.l & lot, near acboo s and college: price 4.'bM. $ I3 cah, balance long time; IS reriainiy oargain mr any on deiring suburban home, on nc car (re. minutes out. T J -ill, Oregonlan. DO ? ou want'a home? Have brasins. nousee ana oungniow ehoi.e locaiiuna, easy terma. Sea we for VO It A I.E. bv w ner. on e av terms. modern .-room nouaa, on aticmaaa ave.; convenient to s-hool. on car Hue; price -'-oi. AC iii vregoman. IKVIM'.TON BUNGALOW. Htrtctly mx1rrni lt loiloo. donbla g- rage. Addrews ow ner, 44 -Uih fcL N Phone EaM IJrt. IRVINGTON (YiRNKR HOME, GREAT BARGAIN. Near cluD. center hali, coal IU.Vhj. Sell Ivhjuc NauUausca A Co. N W. nnk Mdg -KOM BtNGALO on hard-surface tr-t; flreplare. wasn tray a. cement fioor; prit e gJlOO: aaaeasments paid; terms. Wood lawn 147V COZY l-rom houao and lot. hot and cold water. g and aoma xumiture, ten min utes' walk from car; 600l Phun Air. Byer. Marshall l- AM the owner of aoveral good houses In Hawthorne and Ballade? adds. I will sell on very liberal terms. Mr. Bradford, Itamapo Hotel. RARGATN. tl.0 -room houaa. pantry. electric lights, water, gink ana toilet, ground rent month. W, James, foot of Mrles St. TERMS. -rom bunralow. E Sid. or Di ilon. Consider Ford machine In pjft. Ma: calf, 617 Cham, of Cora. Mar. IRVINiJTON bungalow, .17."0. ft rnoma. at tic, big living-room, furnaca. fireplace, hardwood floors, nearly new. K. T. STREET. AGENT. V-Kix M BUNGALOW Largw attractive,, weM-arrangad. beautiful (irovaland Park. Hawthorn car: M1S0; terma Ilka rent; owner. Tabr 31-V IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Verv fine home, true value 923.006 take IK04H. R. T. Street, agent. IRVINGTN rXAP Fine home. garage, n-r Knott. eM. Nauhauaaa A Cow, X. W. Bank b!1. liKG'Tin L l.ttle- houaa full lot. several fruit trews, close In. terms te suit. lOul Francis. Phone Feilwood 31.e. IKV:NGT' N Hl'NGA lxWA SEE OUR LIST, f 0 TO .NtOlALSt.N at CO. N. W. FAMv ULPO. B T I R V I X G TO N HOME. . Real va ue $. 0i For particulars !'1rrw 1 . O Dot "V. CXME ouf t Calhoun et Pt. Johns car. north s!!e. 1 block to car $1400, Including a.-rr.a furr.!:ura. MIq 0-41. Pv KTLANP HEIGHTS, dandy Ilttlo home, wa.l located. 4 IfOO. terma. Neuhauaaa 4b 0 . N. v. Bank b?d. WILL aarrtfite equity In strictly modern bur.ga.o w for caan. or will trade for acra-ag-. AR 2A7. Oresronlan. Kio4 modom houaa and a era of land, lot of fruit treaa and Ner mas. $no cash raqntrwd. rvt on long time. Tabor 7170. T:.ZX T E KMX. a-room hoiiM. 75s I no. 2 b ocks car. Rlfhtnond dls'rtct. Metf f. 617 Chambor of Com area. Marshall 24:i2. J-RCmM houaav partly fUrmahad, Albarta Oi at rift : $l-'QO. X 111. Oraconlaw. ROE CTTT PARK 7-r. bursa low. mod em, a good bwy; cash $?."-0. Fhone C 2.5. FOR Plnii 5UNNYSIPK d-reons rotlage. I.TV) lf-ii; ftara-auriaco pal a. kail A0o a. Wus. SEAL ESTATE. For ?valr I1J00 4 -room bunco. iw, t. :b street and Hanco k. 12O0 a -rooro cwUofe. Lombard street . car tin a. 130 hm and lota, Mobile atreot. Br Iom Darn. 1300 4 - room muUrrn bnnjr!w. Pnln- uia dtatrit. 3 biock from car. l,rt 4 rooma, K lirtch. nar iieimont. 1 3-room roitiKf. E 7-h t. Nnrth. low-- e-rmnu mHi, ra bugaow on WooU- fok raritn. 1600 4-toom. w-U-hullt honae, . SOtb, haar car nhopa. 1600 a-room cott-ct-. Wli;rd and Buf- faio ata., 1 b.ork to t- Jrbnt car. lo -room rirtua. E '-' h anl i owil. HuO 4-rorn. waU-buiU bous, istb and Hrootr ;yn. 1700-a'rourn boua. lot 100x100, E. lS:h aod Frank 4 in. ITftO -room, Mil-bul!t fcuae. lot lOOx K. 61M and Hoj t. lS006-room cuu an I earare, lot 6oX lOO. E. lutb and Km re. 100 a -room hounv E. 13:b at. North. 100 4 -room bun c alow. Will la boule vard and Ka at. 100 l-hwm. vrrll-tmwt house. T2d at and t'oatrr roati. A. w 4rrinr, RITTKR. I.oW E A CO.. gft.VA-7 Hn.ir.1 cf TraJ bids;. M T. TAilOK HuMK. A KAKUA1N. Comer lot. hla-b, a.btly. level, , ouacaiow. 34v buat. br o ner for home; conta.us laia Iiv lr. c-hhiiq with i Arrp.aco. spacious d !mr.aroom. thr arga bodrooms, kitchen, pamry, front and bat k halls and bath oa r.rt fl U ing-r-Km and di nine -room have plain Slavs lndos. b.e c.ot In each ia- rwim. clusot in kiuhea. itnen and clothes c.oeta In back ba.l; at:J;ng doors biwot.-n l.fTi-room and tront ha.i. a.ao between dining-room and h4 and between front and back hall; rooin for three gd rooms bp i airs, which Is a. I floored; fine sleeping porch, hot water b-at. ftii. cement baw- mant. B-w garaica 14jl-0. ailh full cement HHr and driveway; two Iars cuerry trees and nrty choice rosea, uvuer, lou 6-Vb st., or D Hi 14900 LAm ELTfTTlfT. T rooms, thoroughly modern, hardwood floors, upstairs and down, sleeping porch, fireplace, full cement bjern?nt, furnar. Laundry trays, all rooms fin:hed In white. lot ttVxl'M). 3 blocks from prk and club house; owner Is transferred to Seattle; is Vliilng to sell this at a hargtaia. W. V. JORDAN. - ant-: Lumbermecs bids:. Fifth and Stark. Ldwy. 234n. Residence Tabor 147$. Office fcdwy. U44 d-ROOM BUNGALOW J-' 00 f 300 DOWN Tea ran move rtght Into thin home. It Is strictly modern, hardwood floors, fire- nlare. all built-in cnnvei;;-ncejt f uil tnent basement, hard siirticed streets. This Is one of the cosiest homfl in this district. Located near Easi u.'itrt snd Cru there. s this without delay! Mr. Render, with J. L HARTMAN COilPAAY, jw 7 Chamber of Cotumcice B.cg. A REALLY BEAUTIFUL HOUSE. Absolutely new, Un a reMricted part of Irvlttgton and verv iarr li mg-room, sua porch, dining-room and brrak fast -room. 1 bedrooms, laraa eeninsr porcii: beauti fully papered in latest designs ivory and mahogany finlh; price only 70ct. bee Mr. liattln. with THE KKFD A, JACOPS CO.. 1"4 Mh Pf. Mitin ohii. Sunday Taoor 44n. 1 BEAUTIFUL suburban home of ncarlv four acres, aciir Oregon ietfy carllne and oak Gro e. Has moiern house, vrry attrac- tie, every convenience; b rooms and line porchew. Haa aa fine a vanity of fruit and shad tree a any place in this county. Sale prit e S lo.otni. There mom y to be made on r rapes and other fruit. P. B. Van Nice, 401 Concord bldg. Marshall Zir.i. NEVER BEFORE ADVERTISED. Iot t'Kxl7r. beautirul bunguU)W In best part of Hawthorne litrl t, s blok car. A rooms and bath. - bedrooms first flmr: this boita is absolutely com plete, everything built In. even to dree-ers; j ail imp. In and pm-i for. t'rice -tuu. J. A WI'KNLaN CO.. 3M Rterk si., near tn. Main KM. NICE MOI'HHX H"1H. Concord mi., near Kltlinrnworih ave. Jitet the Ichadna for ahipworkers; S nice rooms. II vine -room with firi-nlare. two la rue ted- room. Very nice niKhborhool. Price al.o. fftoo ,own. hl .-.. like rnL THE t ftUSSLEV-ViuARS CO. . 70 hiark sf. Main ROr.3. Sunday call Main IW)i3 or tat .'Jj MT U R ATM K A D 1 RICK t Wn. flrl-tly iiit1rn 1 1 -rrHm reaideni-e. tile bathroom. - tolinta. f 1 rp,aes. plate glass windows, hardwood floors, flnmlied in mi hosanv. oak and whtte en.intet. e&P'-n- aie Mchllug flxttires, tsneatrv wnlls, cont $1 4 oou, lot 7ilw, strict Ui.provcmeuta 1-4I1 bODPARD A WTKDRTrK. 243 Stark. WILLAMETTE HT5. II'"ME KRMl'I," S U R E 7-R. strict 'v inod( rn horn-. e erv con- ten r. wonderful view, b o- k o car, dl- tnrt of fine homes. Fncu e-i:'..d. tenm 1I us show you t.HK und ro.p,L- f otbor nrsrins. Auto at your rv:n.. f-'KK FRANK L. MGUIRK. A B T M'.TN BLDO TO UL' VOIR HOME BEAUTIFUL country home. I'i acres, part I in city limits or ill laooro,. on Keo: t-,ec-l trio . P. car and Parif.c H.ghw-Hv; sta- Hon to front of the house; tair buildings. I all In cultivation, ruiminc water from I spring on the pla.e. Sp-c:a t csaa price to 1 : ih ; svmmj. Owuer, Taiior fco-L a I 1 '' OrugonMn. W A LK 1 NO I I ST VXCE. Waif blO'-k to E. Ankenv at. west of R 2th; a real pick-up In good 0-room rest- denr on lot iiisu"; ow n r wianea make quirk sate; wtp: prco only $jsoo; all srs, paid: w can m"ke part terma, A. H. BIRRELL ro,. 217 North we eru Bank Bldg. Mar. 4114. A 4 11 t. 1 3O0 D1 W N 300. Balanea like rant. 6-room modem bun galow, all buiit-ln ronvemenrfh, corner lot fixini; price $ m.mi, including sewer and eU Imp. re r. tutaibm. U. S. MORTCAGK Se INV. CO., 6i7 Yeon Building. ROSE CI TY P A Rlc B I NG A LOW. $.;oOO only. 1 bio k from far, full lot. ft rooms and bath, with fireplace and hardwood floors; we hava others from S..VM1 to mi, J. A. WICK MAN CO., S14 Ptark St.. near m li. Mgln '8. MURRAYMEAD DISTRICT. 1nrnom residence, 4 bedrof-ms. 2 sleep- tnc porches on second floor, maid s nom In attic, large spnee for billiard-rooin. 2 blocks south of Hawthorne; "rl-t!y mod ern In every respect. Price Jl,t00. r,OIDARI WIEPRICK. 24S Stark. OH SALE By ownr, J -room house In Woodstock, lot itl2. hsaement, bath. ssdewa k. .IIN.10: s.i.0 casn. See H. A. R'aeppier. 314 Henry blug. Phone Main WAY BELOW COST. 4 moms. $l.vuj; r rooms, $.tioo: 5 rooms. S2200; 7 rooms, $2Sw; easy term. Show with auto. F. FULTON. MATN 8170. BA RGAIN 5-room buncalow, strict .y mod ern. Iarga lot. r"stnctea aistrici, nose City Park, only $2MH); worth $3."'ft; cash $luO0. balance easy. Owner, .N lli, ore gonlan. LARGE 7-room house, modern; lot 50x100, on ham-auriace trc. iocaiea c. Davis at. 1'rlce $2100, and aome street as- seftament. Term?. JORDAN A OA R BADE. 212 AUsky Bldg. OR SALE j-room house, good p.umhins. lot ltMJxioo. all in narcin ana iruu; mm at 1150: a few hundred down will taka this; lt'a a snap. M. IL. Becker, 4tl McKay bldg. 1 ACRE TIGARD. 4-room bungalow and one acre, three blocks west of station at Tisrard, well im proved; 84-o cash: price ou. UODDAHD WIEPRICK. 243 Ptark. ACRES, all under cultivation, 6-room vrwwt ti Ana. !in barn, w ind mill. etc. good orchardT fine soii. on good road, 1 H mites aiecino 11 no. o'"". i-i him. "uur mell A Ruinmeli. 2.4 S ark t. (Gill.) OWKLL VALLEY ROAD. NEAR MTH ST. AO Man. baianre mo.. room home, all kinds fnnt. caraaa, all tor S2U5U. Cleveland. Main 116J. 2- ChsmtHsr of Commerce bldg. EAUTIFUL home. lonx2vi, !i-room modem! bouse, a 1 kinU fruit and l owers. k. 8ih N'. See this plice and make an offer. Phone Woocilawn - today. PIEDMONT DISTRICT BUNGALOW. S4io down, balance easy; ft rooms, mod- am. berries, fruit, etc.: a rood buy. Farr. Main 1189. 222 Chamber of Commerce brdg. $i.io 3-RO0M house on good 5uxlUO lot; TtK.MS. jiee r.aton. wirn THE FRED A. JACOB? CO., I04 8th Pt. Main 6-6Q. $,i4wvu ix-room modern bouse; rirepiace and luraace; corner 44th and Thompson; this prlc Includes hjrd-sur:ace Ptreeta. E B. Holmes Co., 172 Stark Bt Matn . SUNNYSIDE BARGAIN. Fast Washington, near E. 3th. 8-room. double-constructed collage; eay terms. I lovs A tiardner, 4i li-'arn or Trade. FuK aALE 6-room bungalow, strictly mod em. wi h restricted rintr.r!; bn ream; beautirul home. C 16 19. 6:'7 E. 4-"ith N. $-RO M houa and lot for s e. on Haw. thoma line; modern. beautiful home, i'2 ' "oTi bor 616 LAURELHURST Strict iv mfrn 1 bungalow, new- 6"xtL'o tor; terms. Rum-I meHi at Kummell. .4 Mark st. t A I.E Owing to fleath In the family. win se 1 my nau:irui no e at a aac-1 nrie. owner, wonn awn 'M.. - WONT Naw R-ro-m house, ail modern I ronvanlonrea cose to 4 nr :rs, garage, $4iOO. Terua If desUed, Wood.awn U. REAL ESTATE, l-or alc Hoatca, IRVOfGTON. A new mldeiice of b rooms, artistic In dt:irn. modern in all Its ppoln:men:s. every convenlcnc and EXCKP Tlo.VALLY yreil built, larga , Iepn: prt-h. Khlrti mity h heated if deired. conservatory, tiled flrep'.ace In botb. liv ln room and front bedroom. Tted bath vrirh suower. maul's room with private ba:h. complftt burglar alarm system. doub: wirlnc for electric lighting and beAtlnr. , Heauiiful IOOtIOO corner, well Improved wit h toy0 and shruua, east and south fronts .. one blni k from sireetcars and ttUMted In (be most desirable part of lr- vlnrtnn. This property has cost fully $13,000. but will sacrifice In selling, or exchange the Oiiulty for PIKAULB vacant or Im proved i'ort:and property. Complete views may bo seen at my orrire. HAM NORTON. u7 Henry UlUg. PORTLAND HKIGHT3 MODERN HOME on beautifully wooded -acro tract, mod ern bun jr alow tlDO qoum, moat conven lently arranged, fivo sieeplng rooms, two down, tnreo up; two complete oamrooma, rrajttva stone fireplace, dandy billiard room, lame closets, every convenience. I artiutred this through mortgage and will sacrifice; prefer to deal dlract with pur chaier. Give name and address for ap pomiment. S 13tf, Oregonlan. HOsE C1XV PARK SACKIKICE. 7uo cash will handle neat 5-room bun fa low ; has hardwood floors, furnace, fire p. ace; vacant and reauy for occupancy. NonreMdenr owner has authorized low price of folOO fer Immediate sale. Located at 00o Kast 50th ft. . Upea Xor inspec tion from 10 A. M. ENOI.tHART 4V EARL, Henry lildg. Main 72B. OVERLOOKING WILLAMETTK. Beautiful grounds and large home.gpver looklng river, area nearly 17.O0O square f-eU All street Improvements In and paid for. Large double garage. Corner K. th and Bouievard avenue. See property and make offer. 8ALB OR THADiu. U. S. 3IORTGAGK A 1NV. CO., 6U7 Veon Building. NICK HOME. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 7 rooms and sieepingr porco. wen uum houe; lot 6.xl00; g-arage: excellent lot. several fine fruit trees, aounaance oi or r(s nod shrubbery; paved streets. Price $3000, ternx. C A. Wnrrlner, KTTTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-0-7 Board of Trade Bldf. THonOL'OHLY modern 2-story home, like new, rooms, 3 elegant peanwins, will please anyone loklng for a real gem of a little home, located In Sunnyside, district, close to car: price $40oo. 1WK) canh. C. M. Derr, 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 037. . $l.-ito ATTRACTIVE 4-room bungalow. oeautliui lawn, garaen. smpoa, mwi -blo-k from Montavilla car; terms. $.lrti0 Cottage. 4 rooma. finished attic, gari?e. lot lOUaino. berries. 20 fruit trees, chicken runs, etc.. Mt. tcott car; easy terma. Irwin. 4ul Board of Trade bldg. CAN you brat this at 2"r.ti? 5-room modern houac. good rlawtnorne aisirici. wmr pair ing hard-surface street, raspberries and fru't tree, room for auto drive. From owner. Improvements paid. Liberty bondH, auto or terms. Must sveil this week. 047 K. filnt st. South. 4-KOOM cottace. bath. 2 large clonets. run ha cement with cement WS.IB, mtuonmj tuhi; lot ..0xlu0. grod garden spot; at A r- I nor LolR". on bt. jonna canine. ci.no- Srton rnah halance like rent. Call up Broadway blO or ' A 1005. Call up I M on cay. TTtVTVGTON BITNGALOW.- TTstra large living-room, oak floorm. fireplace, furnace, all built-ins; a sacri fice at 3."ou. 47AO cash. Jos. C. GtWson, ;erllnger bldg.. or Tabor 1'.U3. TAKE A LOOK AT THIS. ?ni7 K CLAY ST.. NEAR bD. lfX ln corner, 6 -room modern bunga low, Dtin h kitchen, buffet, laundry trays; nrtr-M KJiT.rt rrHKOiiiible terin. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. BUNGALOW, Richmond Addition, corner lot. on streetrar line, paved ; mil cement baaement. fireplace, furnace, stationary tubs and gas In basement; price, grvouu, tt-rma Laugley, owner. Board of Trade hide;. K.fttiitU h..iiK nlreiv arrnsed. fine condi tion, barn. K-nriige, 4 rn 101s. oearing fruit trea. berrlea. currant, rosea, shrub. bery, Iot ft. on csrUne. in auburbe; price low; 911KM1 down will do, J. F. Compton, 1hi Atunston bicg. Ki.KGAXTLY built, modern homo of eight rooms, 1st re lull Dapeineni. goon neat ins; vim. f irtnlaro. hardwood floors, moo - era In rvt-ry detail paved street, on 02d si. nf.tr Sunriv blvd.; price-$40'o. Main h;i7, a-k for Mr. M'ri or Mr. Taylor. liuUKitX -nwm house. Turner lot lhOxlOO, -irkifn notiee. Iru Kernel ana sarucn. fmo soil, fine view, oni block off Mr il- lametie blvd; snap at $'.Hm; terms. HOAGLAND A R1RD. V,. 3r,n 50S Williams ave. I.AI-RELHntST. Verv attractive 8-room 2-story bnnara- ino.ivn hfiuae. hot-waLer heat, fireplace. oa k 1 100 rs. eni-ioei pim'im " - i.in .-r.-f ttir.eV aarrlflee for sro"'l. job. C. Gi)son. Gerllnercr bldn., or Tabor 19i3. ft . K OO f H 41 l E. 77S. 125 down. $15 per month, bath, built-! In effect, laree ham and gara-e. fruit, I 8716 O-Sth at. S. E-, B blocks from Haw- I thorne car. BEST BUY IN TOWN. B ADLEY. 404 N. V. rs A rv bi.L'U. HOUSE AND ACRE, ONLY Sto. Mostly In cultivation; water, light, aome fruit; .l-ruom houso, dose 10 eiecinu aia t ion, only 30 minutes out. Eaay terms. iU at r.oo Concord bldg. IKVINGTON. 85H00. fiivrn-rnom modern house with garage. I good iomttou; former price $5uu; our 1 prlc. f.VMMt; terms. lis. Ml $.-, -h halanrA like rent, buys 6-room cottage, on carllne, lot ftoxioo. jard. garden, walking distance. Franklin High; no agents need rail. Owner mov Iti;; to farm. Tabor 5009. FOR SALE Modern 5-room bungalow. ftrtiinn S..IMI cH.sn. naiance eaiy lermu, paved street, furnace, fireplace, cement! bawement. hardwood floors, ivory mush.; 1 Hawthorne district, v i'j., uregonian. g a modern 6-room at 220 Willamette blvd. Buy now and have 1 rhnnges mad to suit. C. Lovegren. 014 1 Dekum Mdg., owner and builder. Phone MalnWTn. t -iioji Ti ROOMS and sleeping porch. Queen Ann cottage, 101 tar; terras. Irwin. 401 soaru 01 iraae Mdg. 4-L mm h'ltise, jooxlld lot, near council Crest c.iriine; gas, warer ana e;ccinc II niits. Price $1200: easy terms. Phone Marshall fiio. A. 4000. R. C. 6-ROOM bungalow, corner lot, rur- f I.'OO down. r. i.'U . ruune 1 541. $500 CASH. $22 monthly buys 6-room Rose street, al f or $2600. Phone owner. Tabor MODERN 6-room residence, good West Side district, near smpyaras; owner going mi, sacrificing for $:;4o0: small payment, bal ance iik- rent. m rtoyai uing. ONT $4.".00 with two houses bringing In rood rentals, wim 101 oxiw, in m ter of the city. Who wants this? M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 Abington bldg. 4 vtn MODERN 7-room house, playhouse. cummer nuw. f f.-- w ' 1'iOxUHi; one WtuoeDflKer car; terms. W. Sumner. Phone Woodlawn 3844. MODERN Portland home, on paved street. fin to car. 1 or inie ou iiiuutuijr w - ments. Address owner, dox a, roresi Grove, Or. $1000 CASH, $.10 monthly buys 7-room Rose L IIV PUHKHIOW, 0.0 liHIl Dl.i y ."lllicin, wails papered, furnace, breakfast room, all for $3'too. fhon owner, iaoor 00- WE have cash customer for 9 or 10-room houfe, good location, west bioe, or lower Portland Heights, up to i5.uuu. tioaaara Wledrick. 24i Stark. S21I75 60 SAN RAFAEL 82075. 9-rra. modem house, beL Wm. and Union terms: wak. dist. FRANK 1 McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. MODERN 6-room home. Garden Home. 7c far, 2 acres, iruit ana perries in tnuna- .nee: a aunay nnme, some terms. cuin erlnnd. Main 4972. owner. 7-ROOM bungalow, Dutch kitchen, buffet. full basement. wan trays, etc, oniy $:tioo, F. J. Stetnmets Co., 406 Gerllnger Mdg. Main B9L MODERN 7-room bouse, cement basement. furnace, sleeping porcn ana garage, some fruit, lot 50x100. paved etret. at a bar- gam ; walking distance. t-ast 5403. BARiiAIN'-House and lot on Morris at.. near Williams ave.; easy terms. Owner, ;eo. sierten. n- r.aat lain sc. rsortn. STRH'TLY molern, 6 rooms, nicely fur nished, on canine, Hawthorne orldge, sale, rent, terms to suit. 928 Clinton n. B 2709. SEVERAL deairable modern cottagea for tnle; low price, easy terma. K 1. GlUan, mi: rjpaitnng oing. 1250 BUNGALOW. S .7 i .JZ -a? ostwmeni, 1 nOxloO lot. Tabor 8743. -ROOM houe. 1433 Delaware ave. Tel. East 4"4?. $$qq. I -ROoM house ft nd 2 acres. $OO0; f'ty line. Q Ofl. Oregonlan. Oregon I 7-ROOM modern. 100x200, beautiful home. I Wlh lU a i I REAL ESTATE. DUTCH COLONIAL ROSE CITY PARK VIEW PROPERTY HOT-WATER HEAT-r- Located among the beautiful homes on Wisteria ave., 1 biocks to car, all floors are narawooo, entrance hall. den. Deau tiful UvioK-room. French doors from din ins -room to sun parlor, where you have a nuiitniitreni view or vuiiey ana xms., artis tic decorations and liahtinar fixtures, a real Dutch white enamel kitchen, upstairs 3 bedrooms, large bath, small mM'i room or store room and sleeping porch, iui deep light cement basement, fruit room. laundry trays, the lot runs to the foot of hiif with room for garage, on level. This home ts built like a battieshiD. very best workmanship, and built Just before the rise in prices. The price, is ridiculously row, value unquestioned, location not given by phone. i?hown by appointment on! v. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of commerce Bids., ta st stars; Sta. COTTAGE BARGATX iSHIPBUILDING DISTRICT). 5 ROOMS. -WELL LOCATED. RENTS STJ.50. STREET BONDS ALL PAID. WORTH $27,00. SELL THIS WEEK, SlftOO. 6fc0 CORBETT ST., NEAR MEADE. EASY TERMS. CONSIDER EXCHANGJJ TO ouu. WHAT HAVE YOU? WM. PATTERSON, 209 S ELLIN O BLDG. BUNGALOW SNAP 12350 4U!) DOWN t-0 MONTH 6V rooms, modern. In A-l shape, on cor ner lot, 4o by 110, hard surface streets an around, everything paid and all clear. Lo cated on E. 10th it near Irving ton. This is a real bargain and won't last long. See Mr. Bender, with J. L. HARTMAN COM- P an i , No. 7 Chamber of. Commerce Bias. 4th c Stark. A SPECIAL BARGAIN. 8-room modern Irvington home, $8000 value, lull basement, furnace, rirepiace. hardwood floors, sleeping-porch; very well built: larsre lot: street all In and paid good garage. Will sell for &5oo. $'Jr.00 cash, f.tooo can stnnd at 7 per cent, win be home after Monday and will be glad to show a prospective buyer a first-class buy; no agenta wanted. Phone East 22oo. C. Seaburg. ROSE CITY DISTRICT BUNGALOWS. $s?0 5 rooms. 5-nd street. 2N00 7 rooms, 64th street. 8350 5 rooms, 3rd street. 300 6 rooms, firtth street. S7.i0 5 rooms, 61st street. Si00 6 rooms. 45th street. C. A. Warrlner, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 2Q.V5-7 Board of Trade bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. A 14 PER CENT INVESTMENT. A beautiful home; 6-room, 2-story, mod ern residence: large lot. beautiful shrub bery and fruit trees: streets paved and paid; worth :i500: will sell for L'6oO and jtive reasonable terms. Chapman Witler Co., 107b Hawthorne at 36th BU Open to ri a v. S2500 BUNGALOW. L1vIng;-room, den, dining-room, Dutch kitchen, two bedroom and bath; fireplace, hardwood floors; a real attractive home, near Hawthorne carline. 34ii4 E. Lincoln -sc; a bargain, easy terms. A H. BIRRELL CO.. 1117 Northwestern Ban k Bid g. Mar. 4114. A 41J8. fS50 3-ROOM PLASTERED Ko by loo ft. Corner. Ground ready for garden. Rose City carllne. Terms: Half cash, balance $10 month. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Com merce Bldg. Main 208, A 2000 (Sunday only at Branch Office, 40th & aandy Blvd.. no phone.) $1315 FURNISHED, $5O0 DOWN. 7 BLOCKS TO SHIPYARD. ar Mississippi and - Stanton sts., 4-R. h ouee, good repal r. ha rd wood floors In 2 front rooms, lot 39x95, view. See our list over 4 mi houses. Auto at your service. SEE FRANK L. MfGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG., TO BUT YOUR HOME. 7-ROOM Alameda Park strictly modem home. Improvements palrrj garage ; price $40041. terms. Also 6-room modern home. 2 lots, sieeplng-porch: Broadway car, AIftmrijt district: price 44250. terms. Phone East 7630 Sunday, Marshall 5160 weekdays. BUNGALOW Almost new. furnished or un furnished: 4 rooma and floored attic: rire piace, Dutch kitchen f white enamel); big lot ; chicken-house; the prettiest, cosiest little homo vou'll ever find: $1575 or 1875, $1175 cash. Pretty homes all around; you'll like It sure. 075 E. 7th, Rosa City car. CHOICE home in Irvington, 7 rooms with Blt-eplng-porcn. narawooo. iioors, oum-in effect h. furnace, fireplace, also 2 com fortable rooms top floor; choice roses, shade trees and other shrubbery; garage to match house; reasonable terma to right party. 54 K. llth St. r. MODERN. West Ride home, 7-rooms and sleeping-porch, garage, etc ir you are looking for a high-grade home of this size, for about $11,000, investigate tnis. Y 142, Oregonlan. . ALBERTA car to KlIlmKSwnrth. 11CO Glenn: ery pretty, nearly new Dunsratow; o rooms and 2 attic rooms; full eminent basement, laundry trays, big lot fruit, roses; cot y.HnOo when bui;iing was present cost, but $2ri.Vl takes It; your terms. Main 679. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. Well-appointed 2-story 8-room house In best section of IRVTNGTON. near car, beautiful yard, lmmence trees: $4S-r0, worth fftlioo. C. E. BROWN. Tabor 59. during week Main 1700. BEAUTIFUL little home. 4 rooms, reception hall, pantry, bath, toilet, electric light, gas. full basement, plenty of roses, good neighborhood, one block fram car and pavement; $100 down. $20 per month, in cluding Interest. Owner, 85 E. 72d st. N. BORTHWICK STREET. 5-room cottage, very good condition, about 8 blocks from O--W. R, & N. shops; price $200O. GODDARP A WTEPRTCK, 243 Stark. 5 ROOMS, Hawthorne ave., near 35th, 1 block to-car; only siiuu. fcee toaay. air. Katon, with THE FRED A, JACOBS COMPANY", 104 5th St. Main 6-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. $1700 Furnn.ee. full basement, built-in effects. run lot. 2 hiocks from Kern farK; couian duplicate it for $2500: most any terms. HADLKI, 4U4 W. ty rll-Hj. Il750 WEST SIDE $2750. 7-R.. mod. house. Kelly st.. near WTiIt taker: close to shipyards; $12. .0 handles. FRANK I... MPUL'JKK, Ani.NUTU?! Kl-ilJlj. SELLWOOD, 7-room house, 2 separate apart ments. I furnished, electric lis nts. gas. plumbing, garage, fmit trees. Home and Income. Terms; smiq. ni. oregontan 1100 DOWN. K-R. modern house, 341 . 77th N- "MV" car. Price 1100 .clear. FRANK U McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG U-ROOM house near Kenton, $3500; can be Usea as two nats; win iimiuir, wuum consider unincumnerea rouse on oaiance. A. H. Ben, oernnger oing. MODERN 7-room house, built 1917. desir able district, east 01 aaa aattion. win build garage. At cost irom owner. S 14, Oregonlan. 5-ROOM bungalow, finished attic, modern, furnace and garage, on canine, sjouu.uu SK400.00 cash, balance mortgage. 1350 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE 7-room house with garage most exclusive part or irvington; very large lot; terms extremely reasonable. Wdln. 1463. A SNAP if taken at once; terms; 6-room bungalow, just west or L.aureinurst, k . irvinar at., bet. 0th and Gist. Owner win oe tnere an nay ounoay. BARGAIN. 750 CASH. Modern 5-room bungalow, Hawthorne carline, fireplace, furnace, mtg., $1500. Phone Kast ijij. ST. JOHNS 6-room, modern house, 50x100 lot. chicken-nouse ana some iruit trees; orice $2000, terma to suit. Empire In vestment Co., 401 Board of Trade. HAVE two bouses, good location, both rented, business property a-na acreage cloee In to trade for farm, AG 142. Ore- gontan. t wv. CITY PARK 6-room modern houa practically new; 8ao, down, S25 a month, owner, iaei .jm. $000 CASH. $00 and Interest monthly; Mt. xaoor noma, two iota: reaucea to it 00. 134 E. 53d st. Tabor 7418. SPECIAL bargains in HOUSES. If Inter ested, can at ous coucn nidg. Main 6522. " - : : FOR SALE Two houses. Apply on prem ises. 1US-4 lu. iiroaa way, jaonaay ana Tues day, to 4. 6-ROOM HOUSE, corner lot, for sale; on A ins worth ave., or owner; 93300. Wood- lawn FOUR-ROOM bungalow very cheap; sleep- lng-porcn ana garage; one oiock irom car. Fhone arter suncay. ain KENTON BUNGALOW, $1750; practically new and modem ; terms. Rummell A Rum mell. Zj4 btark at. cjni0 ROPE CITY PARK bungalow, hard bu trace streets in ana paia; terms. Kum- mell Bummen, x4 btarK st. FOR SALE 4 rooms, modern, oversize Tot, iranmin mgn 2cnooi aiatnct, 2000. Ta bor 7574. tUXXYSlDE 2 flats. 4 and 5 rooms, and furniture, rented S2.50 per month: 11 rite $525n. Hobbs, 4iq Chamber Commerce. FINE, modern home. 7 rooms and den. East Side, close In. fine neighborhood ; $5000, lerma. crn n wnri , nit . nam. .om. BARGAIN Svoom modern bungalow. Rose Cii - y car. eaay terma. aat Oow, REAL ESTATE. CHEAP HOMES ON . EASY PAYMENTS. S rooms, water, lignts, 5tixl('0 lot....$ 500 4 rooms, water, lights, toilet. Penin sula distriL-t, 50x1 IK) lot 800 0 rooms, bath, toilet, fine fruit. 50x 100 lot. Alberta district 50 9 rooms, modern bungalow. 50x00 lot. Alberta district 1100 4 rooms, East St. Johns, 1 block to car 100 4 rooms. South Portland. 50x100 1000 4 rooms. Ml. Scott, 3 large lots, fine fruit and garden, garage 1500 6-room modern bungalow, close to Peninsula School, luHxlu9 lot, ga rage, beautiful home 3000 6 rooms, 1 blk. to Laurelhurst Park. DOxllJ-rt lot, fine fruit 2650 Glad to show you any on our list. W. W. JORDAN, 301-2 Lumbermens bldg. Fifth and Stark. Bdwy. 2346. FULL LOT. 3-story building, 8 flats, all well rented. Good residential district, west of E. 15th st., between Hawthorne and Mt. Tabor carlines. Price and terms reasonable. Two 6-room furnished houses, good lo cations. East Side. Well worth prices aked. 6-room, well-built house, lot 60x100. E. 63d st., near Ml Tabor carllne. Price (3500. J. G. DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber of Commerce. $2500 e ROOMS $2500 COST S320U Owner must sacrifice regardless of loss this Is your gain. This place Is modern, with furnace, etc., has full basement and laundry trays, extra lage lot, hard surface streets, one block to car. very ciose near Division st. See Mr. Bender with J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 1 Cham ber oi Commerce Bldg., 4ih & toiar. PAIR LAURELHURST HOMES, EASY TERMS. irtSO down, balance S15 mo. and Inter. est. buys o-room and sleeping porch, fully modern home and garage, on Alazeiwern place; price yauu. 300 to $300 down, balance easy terms, buva 113ft Hassalo at.: 7 rooms and den, fully modern: $000 st. Improvements paid in full; $0000 home for-$-J400. Buy this and make $1000. H. C. Barr, Main 11 by, 222 Chamber of Commerce bldg. OWNER LEAVING CITY A nice suburban home with one acre frround right at car line, 35 minutes from city, 2 blks. to Base Line road: Hid chickens. 4 chicken houses. Incubators, garden tools, good barn and garage; ALL FOR $2o00, terms. Bee uua- taxson. U. S. MORTGAGE & TNV. CO.-, 607 Yeon Building. OVR of the rhoineKt new houses in Laurel hurst, of most attractive design, suuatea so as to command a wonderful view of the city-; six large rooms, breakfast-room and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, plate glass windows throughout, tile bath, fur nace, deep basement, all built-in conven iences, cement garage. a. xioinies -u., 272 Stark st. Main 8001. HAWTHORNE. Beautiful 5-room bungalow, modern is its middle name, beautiful lot, select shrubbery, location ideal, convenient to school and car: come in. Jet me show this to you. C. M. Derr, 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 937. 1Klv1.11 WITH beautiful colonial house, full basement, fruit -room and furnace ; first floor. 5 rooms; wash-room, Dutch kitchen 'and toilet; second floor, 6 rooms, sleeping porch, bath and toilet; attic. 2 room; 25 bearing fruit trees and berries. Would take some trade. AH 157, Oregonlan. 11 AAA S200 CASH. Hard to beat: dandy, modem 5-room home: in fine condition: cood plumbing, built-in buffet, furnace; can. sell on easy terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Mar. 4114. A 4118. IRVINGTON. Two real bargains in modern homes, one 8-room on B razee; one -room on utn st. North. Will be pleased to show, by appointment. See Mr. Smith, 727 Cham ber of Commerce bldg., COE A. McKENNA CO. 100x100 5-R. BUNGALOW, GARAGE, $2000. $350 cash down, balance $20 mo., buys a beautiful quarter block, 5-room bun galow, fireplace, etc., garage cost $200; no mortgage or st. improvements against this home; pay same as rent. Cleveland, Main 1189, 222 Cham, of Com. bldg TTNION AVENUE BIG SNAP. 0-room house, first floor rented at 15 ner month; owner occupies second noor. Lot 4oxlOO. Union ave., near Alberta. Price I29O0. Terma $1100 caan, balance i per ToDDARD & WTBDRICK, 243 Stark. $0000 HOUSE FOR $4048. Modem, 10 extra Utrge rooms, garage and furnace: lot 50x100; street paved and paid; near 34th and Hawthorne ave.; will guarantee $2700 loan; house is almost new aud a genuine bargain. Meet OWNER AT 229 HENRY BLDG. THREE rooms and lavatory, well-built, plastered house; gas, -electricity and phone; outbuilding, floored, glazed and painted, suitable for garage; 2 lots, 1 09x100 feet; one block from car, in Woodmere, at $900, about one-half its value; $i'00 will handle it 7904 61st ave. S. E. Tabor 1017. o ROOMS, looxlOO, fine garden, electric lipht, gas ana water, a diocks canine, $1800; $800 cash, bal. long time; east Mt, Tabor on Hawthorne, (-room nouse. 01. Johns, $2500. 6-room house, Piedmont, $000. 7-room, East Tayior, close in, SH.oo. B. S. Cook, 002 "Stock Exch. bldg, MARGUERITE AVENUE. 1 block from carline, lH-story, 8 rooms and sleeping porch, an modern appoint ments; $500 cash will handle: price $4000. GOD DA R D A WIEPRICK, 243 Stark. vAxronvER. wash. $1600 5-room modern cottage, close to carline, full lot, sightly; will sell on easy terms. The rrea a. j acoos urajjau;, 104 5th St. Mr. Eaton, Main 680u. $2000. HAWTHORNE 5-R. BUNGALOW, x.'too down, balance terms; 5 rooms down and 2 finished up; full basement, cement floor. Better see tnis. a. J. uarr, juain 11SV. 222 Cham, of Com, bldg. AS EASY AS RENTING. $50 down, $15 monthly buys modern 5 rooin bungalow, lot 50x100. J. A WICK MAN CO.. 814 Stark at., near 6th. Main P88. ROSE CITY PARK, modem borne, 8 rooms, sleeping porc)a fireplace, full basement, furnace, lot oOxlOO. No. 400 E. 44th at. North, $4000, Tabor 67U4. Owner. AP 60, Ore gonlan. A GOOD INVESTMENT. Building of 8 flats, fully equipped. In come $160 per month, ground 100x100; $0000 cash will handle; price $14,500. GODDARD A WIEPRICK, 243 Stark. A BARGAIN. - 6-room bungalow, modern In every way, all efurnished. Am leaving the city and will give someone a big bargain. Main 7031. J. Robbins, 301 Railway Exch. bldg. $200 DOWN, ALBERTA, $200. 4-R. mod. cottage. Going St., near 17th, Prico $1000, Auto service. FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. TWO cottages directly opposite and facing Northwest shipyards, $42o0; income Jb per month. Fine investment. This property win sen quicK. ian x $1200 I ROOMS and bath. SL Johns; BAST V . 1 L On. f With THE FRED A, JACOBS CO., 104 5th St. - Main 6369. lino 5-room modern cottage on tne iieignis, ium iui, bwu " on easy terms. The Fred A. Jacobs Com pany, 1U4 ytn mi. juain ooo. it. u- MODERN 6-room house, bungalow type, on improvea street, cio&o i , luiuo.. place, Dutch kitchen, built-in conven iences, garage. Owner, East 4422. FOR SALE By owner, a modem 6-room house, 18UU; ZUW caso, iui jujv, tun basement, garden and roses. Sellwood 123!. IF TOU HAVE $50 CASH yon can buy a 4-room bungalow for $700; balance $10 per month; worth $1000. 201 McKay bldg. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW 6 rooms and at tic, all nuilt-in leaiurea, 111 epia.ee, cic. , $2050, terms. Stark st- Rummell A Rummell, 274 NEW BUNGALOW, 5 rooms and sleeping- porch, lot iiBXiou; --iuu, easy wijub. see owner, 314 Chamber Commerce. FINEST 5-R. modern, new bungalow. Rose za cor. an. uioiuuj. HOUSE and lot, Hoiladay AddfUon, 308 E. 9th Nortn; ciose in. jnquire m jonn urant Tel. Broadway 3969. Tabor 5721. No agenta HL'BBELL A SON. 1421 feanay, oidest firm r . ? u- rtTV Pink' can ! 1 vnn B house cheap. See us first. Tabor 2161. tlOoO MODERN 5-room bungalow on large corner lot, ab vw.v w East 656L ' TWO modern houses in Irvington, 1 6-room, 1 7-room, witn garaiso, oa paveu-- street; bargain. Owner; no agents. Call East 333. EXCEPTIONALLY fine 7-room house, with garage. In nawtnorne district, reason aoie. Owner. Tabor 807. . $2000 PLEASANT, well-arranged 7-room no USc. WUU WHO Ul, 'V- "VIU AM. U OtUll car. Tabor 7C35. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, $2650; 6 rma.. modern, punt-in enects. j.aoor i. IRVINGTON R. T. STREET, IRV. AGENT. HOMES. FOR SALE Fine piece property. 2 houses. Inquire 34 wan rtaraei st. owner. 6-ROOM house and lot In Sunnyside. $1650, terms to suit, rnone owner, xaoor 2-ROOM fur. cabin, walking distance; cash, call suaaay. U1 jeuersoa at. REAL ESTATE. For Sale 1 1 ou sew. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, six rooms, modem, hardwood floors, fireplace, built- In bookcases, fine lighting effect, Dutch kitchen, furnace, cement porch. located on paved street, block from the car; price o750, cash $130. 2 ' 5-room bunpalow, full lot, modem, price $lm0. cash joo, balance monthly pay ments, 7lid street, one block from Glinan 6L; this is a snap, as you could not bund the house for that price. House and lot. nrire, SSnn 4STmft a.t- three rooms, sleeping porch, gas. water, plumbing. Peninsula district, either St. Johns or Kenton car; $100 cash, balance $10 per month. A bargain' 6-room modern house, hard wood flours, two fireplaces, furnace, built in conveniences, two lots, paved streets, three blocks from carllne. $t&0; Chehalem ave.. Council Crest; on account of mort gage having been foreclosed, will sell for $.li'i0. McCIure & Schmaueh, 510 Ger linger bldg. Main 28UI. tt-ROOM cottage, in Walnut Park; will bo aacruicea lor $-'00; $Ouo down, balance on easy terms. ff-ROOM bungalow, 6 blocks from Ken ton: well worth $'5oo; sacrificed for $170u; $400 down, bal. terms. 'or a1. 0-room bungalow, close to KiiUngsworth and carbarns; a snap at $22..0; easy terms. 5-room bnngnlow. Alberta district, strict ly modern, hardwood floors, fireplace, buf fet, bookcases, everything built In. full cement basement; a real bargain at $2"."0; priced away under value; easy terms. HOAGLAND & BIRD. E- "St-'- OtSji Wimams'Ave. FOR SALE 8-room hard-finished house, en wanuw nan, pantry, z hathrooins and sleep ing porch; full brick basement, lot 50x 100, some good fruit trees and gcape har bor, hard-surfaced street, cement walks. lr block to school, between Williams und Union avea. ; terms, $500. mortgage, which can be assumed at 7 per cent, $100 street improvements, $50 down and $20 per mo. for ten (10) years, then a warranty deed will convey absolute, title. John Jones, owner, Oregon City, Or., Route 8. $2600. HAWTHORNE SNAP. $2600! Modern 5-room bungalow, fire place, hardwood floors. Dutch kitch en, full cement basement. Close to school. About $700 cash required. ENGLEHART A EARL, 624 Henry Bldg. Main 7206. $10110 UNDER VALUE. 6-room, strictly modern house, H. S. at. liens all paid, tnken in under mtg. fore closure. Price $2000; $000 down; near 30th and E. Grant. Auto at your service. Wo have over ."00 houses. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG- TO BUY YOUR HOME. - $2500 ROSE CTTY PARK $2500. CHOICE LOCATION. H BLOCK NORTTT SANDY, 512 -il'TH ST.. GOOD ti-ROOf HOUSE, BATH, FURNACE, ETC. OWN ER, TABOR 4014. BARGAIN. BARGAIN. BARGAIN. A neat 5-room modern bungalow on lot 60x100; price $2250, including fewer and st. imp. ; $200 down, balance like rent. Don't miss this. See Mr. Ouatafson, U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO., t07 Yeon Building. CNLY $3G00 for a beautiful home, with ono acre and a half of ground, all In garden, with all kinds of fruits and flowers, witn a good six-room house, modern enoujfh. for any person; three blocks from. tho carline. . J. CLOHESSY, 415 Abing ton bldg. 72x140 CORNER. Well built 7-roo:n house, flna place fo- large family, good garden soil. CentraA East Side. Price $2000; C. A. Warrlner, RITTER, LOWE A CO., ' 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $800. Will SACRIFICE my 5-room house om macadam paved street, 2 blocks from fin school, lot 50x337Vs ft.; with gas. and, range, hot and cold water, electric lUrhta.' Dutch kitchen. 6822 50th ave. a. J.. Taboo. 1 01 n. FOR SALE By owner, Irvington homo oa Broadway; thoroughly modern. 7 rooms, living-room, library, dining-room . and. kitchen: down stairs, three bedrooms with large closets and bath upstairs, hardwood, floors, llreplace. furnace, full bnsement and floored attic. Phono East 1707, ; ROPE CITT PARK BUNGALOW. A littlg- doilhouse, cute as can b, all done in white enamel; 6 rooms, fireplsco Turnace, billiard-room and table, corner lot. pavement and you'll want it sure. lawn, trees, Tnbor 3 093. J050 WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR. 4-R. house and lot, 1600 Terrace" ave. (near E. tiOth and Morrison sts.) 12 Jarg4 fruit trees, grapes, roses and shrubs. Price $050. terms. FRANK U McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. MORTGAGE AND COST IS ALL Modern 0-room bungalow, white enamel finish, room in attic, good view, :t blocks car. good neighborhood; price $3000; ouiy $1000. bal. terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. LAURELHURST HOME SNAP. g4?K) Modern. 7-room. , $."(H1 Modern, 8-room, rear car. $OS50 Larse rooms, double garage. 75x100 lot, streets paid; best bargain in Lajirel hurst. AT CAPITOL HILL One house and lot for $000: another house aud lot for $1000; furniture goe3 with this. . This is getting; either of the places for just what the houses cost. Who wants it? 31- J. CLO HESSY. ,415 Abington bldg. - FOR SALE. Modem 6-room house, full basement, full lot, close in. Alberta district, price $2200; terms to suit. HOAGLAND & BIRD, B. 8595. 560' Williams Ave. NEARLY new 7-room bungalow, built-in conveniences, full cement basement,' fur nished or unfurnished ; $1500 cash, 1 bal ance terms; Roselawn, near Union. Own er. F 153. Oregonlan. - SUBURBAN ACRE. 3-room plastered bungalow, fine view, boating and flshinp, water and lights; will lease or rent by month. Call at 600 Con cord bldg.. 2d and Stark LAURELHURST, choice location, new, up-to-date house, 8 large rooms, sleeping porch and garage, 1 block to MV' tai; ave commission and see owner at ' 2-3 Henry bldg. FINE Rose City Park bungalow, modern, and well built; 5 rooms, large attic, full basement. nicely located lot, 60x100, Owner. Tabor 3823. .' BARGAIN-. Modern 7-room house, taken for mortgage, near Division and 24th, bloclc to cars; fruit, garden space; terms. Owner, 1075 Stanton st. C 1140. NEARLY new 3-room bungalow, first-class) plumbing, cor. 4tn ana vwuow sis. rr $1000, small payment down, bal. like rent. This Is a snap. Phone Woodlawn 410. $1000 WEST SIDE TERMS. 5-R. mod. bungalow, Clay st., near 16th walking distance: clear. ' FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABTNOTON BtPO. HAWTHORN E Strictly modern, six rooms. hardwood iioors, iurnace, xirr blocks to car. ; Irwin, 401 Board of Trado bldg. - FOR SALE: By owner, Irvington bungalow; modern, up-to-date. 5-rooms and break fast room, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace and garage. Phone East 1707. WE have cash customer for first-class resi dence, with 5 or 6 sleeping rooms, up to $12,000. Good location. East Side. Goddard & Wledrick. 243 Stark. ' FINE modern 10-room house, E. 18th andl Oregon, 4 blocks from new Benson Poly technic School; excellent for large family or rent rooms; vry cheap. Call E. 443k 9-ROOM modern home in fine condition, oa Morris street. block from Union avenue, all street improvements paid, $5250, terma. See Gordon, 732 Chamber of Commerce. JSrROOM bungalow, bathi full bane-Then t built-in effects. Alberta, near 2 carlines, only $2500. terms. F. J. Stelnmetz Co., 400 Gerllnger bldg. Main 6091. FOR SALE or trade. 4-room house and loft 50x110, on Estacada line at Bell. Station Price $750. Phone owner. East rfl50. FOR SALE 7-room house, lot 50x100; A bargain; terms. Owner, Sellwood. BC 022, Oregonlan. MODERN ft-room house In Sunnyside, -new. park. This can be bought at, a baealiu Tabor 421. ' - " A-ltTISTIC new bungalow, Hawthorne dlst., furnace, fireplace, built-in effects. Tabor 8044. - 6-room modern house, 5 blocka from Broa.d" wav bridge, no incumbrance. ouju, fuon cash. Call owner, Kast 4o7. 5-ROOM bungalow, on Morris street. $2200. Hoagland A Bird, 500 Williams ; ave. E. 3005. , 8-ROOM modern house on E, 4Gth. block N. of Belmont; street paved and paid; price $2750 on terms. Owner, 229 Henry bjdg. S-ROOMS. 35x100 lot, Tillamook, near Union ave., $1700. Inquire 092 Williams, ave. East 12W8. $2250 HAWTHORNE district, neat 5-room bungalow. 3 blocks from car; some terma. Irwin, 401 Board of Trade bldg. J MODERN 5-room bungalow, walking din tance, central East Side. Apply 62 "East 20th at., corner Oak. East 2M. CORBETT-ST. bungalow, 6 rooms, 'near Hamilton, at bargain; terma, AEC 102, Oregon ian. 1201 EAST HARRISON Six rooms, up to date, easy terms, corner; see this. Owner on premises. - SMALL, modern house on Roselawn ave., near Union, $1100, S500 each, balanea aj reuk AR 204, Oregonian. r