t 10 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, MARCH 21, 1913. i,Nv ft t 1 to nrmGC-xML f.t tf- iur rncRD (jtpt.rvnm asset, 'ill. DVii.v HIl.lV 111! At (:. Tt: y. r i , :to- CAi:ft koh. i:. old. rvWt. l-P K Ul. S MILK TO 1 itt . r t , l IT U6f Al.t'S A . pr Trorrv t?tttcT- -1' h A .N it H R T LAND- NEAK "! Ajf r ..-(. i-vum-; nw . o TO $ AClK UV I'likK F 4 A Kti AS CuCAP ATI $!OOV, A-- i Arp.Bj AT N"R EVFFTT. WASH. flAK. fi'UM'lU IK'VK SITE. , f-LLL TLKVit tl KVHANu".). CMklAP A r .). UAKK ' Ki.H. A l-P...-!" W-.SLis 1'. U. BOX 2-2. t TTW the fet t"-an-e bsr- ing orrnaxda is Hood H.w-f for I n.n4 ridnc. ri.road and sehoo.. A I pf"M itj.ig; vnr moving to Port. an L ' A-i o. Ua a3 Uwxi Juvsr. or. , 4VALa TO FV. HAN'.kl anoity $-i. in Al trrr-ta 'fa. fa ffra la puuura Idar.o; 1 crrl Cultivated and d. Libre ,1 buit; no buUU lr.. iovh -s.. 1 S mi jy from ood 4wa and K K on state r. Tiway. 4a rai! and It- I: prue fir: -c ctAf. wit-itH-a:vl Ini- p.okd iin1 to iuai my ati-itt. Ad'lfa nr. A rt I'.aiA, T S M. W.i-tar tUitl, W ST .-: li i i t - i L K N U. flare ! a:r. bian y 4tiipre4 sm Nar va a bom. ai in im, fruits n 1 f:n..r o.-chafl. g --l ba..dtn. Wa(r, I'Mrt a i and urnn Cry pJ brtwwr. t rr- :' Iffij at-te ilrpet and limits. :.; ronaiar at c:y ii. F. 1 1. A. Vii r'.it. Ti ArAi9 i:a. :.! H 'I A. . e. 1 li-a'-fe ran-f In t.'ia C.ear tr 1 .4.10, jr.n bur.i.u. i'xj'1 b'tri orrhAr i. ma I fnitt. f-TtI. ;ii a rr ;;;.. linJ, b!. p ; is I lir r. a 1 -rw n bous and g iota nd l-r l. act .a KunUX U.ttx l;n--3 a t -i R.l ra fruia K:u jO. W t.l for I'ort pr-rty or merrhan- d.M. A i lra U. L. crawtrea, Zul id W F-jrVan i. r. Z 4-ro.jm h.u-. t-ntd i a e-dtese ft in, wil UCAi.-d ad rnt-.J ; n,f wants iT rn up to ll'k r. j.: be wvrta l,e inoa. Price of bouse. KtWFT TR'"T. Te Fi V-i. orvs'tls. Or. 1 HAN'iK A-t n bu" 4'h :.. 'il r ;t. I b.o t iif end p-l Strt. t n c r. for mn-.x.i firm. Itn p: Nd r unrrr. d. lrt-:ion. ( il: Wi.l d t iti. inure t n p.'''r essi acl 06r, X bC or- t -. so. lo UKe. r "n4e. i.-rtn4 for two fml f.-i- f.i. .0 S l worth g -. ' r r.sa, i a. 1 n rt 1. Ti 7 .arg cherry s t f.' m one tr; to it'll. ow y re ! or art, am . pay na: If year r c!tv. farm r erac. hss m.-U la fr hane o S- t r "! f ' I parttc-j arw. ao la- f ld 'u-e e-n dr1. e firat-c'ass .t ie vt -o:i. o 1' llft. .J iiry fc F-f. I'ort s-id J-'1 H-'d. " i:n ;u. "!-o. fttnrtf i.r'tr'" intn l SH and r f..r. !' io fcts la W days, aur ni4rlii s Titr iW.t.t i:rXTU AOTVCT. J.'. A'K..t 1 s r.u t- rs n r s trtt. ac-mmeiaie . 4' t of h. A. r-.li hn'i f-iruiire. Tra-ie ' property. ote pnonew II. Ore tn I l. Rtt'A l-M T-sj arr . f I :i t trade for prof- Ira N.i-tht. Tlii trai-t if U- rrt ri'' In f lr(e.k; prie $!! A 1 !r-' b" - V rr-f tier .n. x f.k - ua- bun c 1 1 'n.Jr I ur .ui.ru r AP 41 Ir ir S'..t 4 or -rovuk, modern. A VTV I T tr: I a.r-a iar4 w.:h snrin w r. ' unl and rou . & ti. frnn s-t.n a t! I . mle fr..-a llo--i I :r . 1 i raws far end lob. V ooa- a.. v N K i.Kl'V I'M rr fH ' ' ' jwr. b . t rT. b'n I ....r-l -f AND fT''K K A NH 7"i a f p.- tTlld limtrr: ti' me.i.r rm. C. W. Cathsr. 410 k . t ? i. ci or t ". 2 mod rn bouses ta .m, A i 1 7 ri-rpa V nl trad for frfT r bu-i4.ow m l h. sifh-r sepa r er i4'.uef. e agu.s. -Lwoer. Cu .u Flrlt l T cft'"- Inc. me rt- ri-ul!M. a t mo- m r.r. . k o r, fir. 1 atlon. C kn or term to suit in b' i.. near (lta of at he you uno-. Or. b.. on I ft U 4S f" pr.';Mn. c iv farrn. or avrcasa it L-I i rj.ri. W ca-i s-l i' S it. U witt ua T.mde ou.pa.ijr. iicary bidrf. Alar- it n f t or wat land uu:y. -i' I'ifc.o'a. for rt-i- rt-nca ir-;":'.y n b.us or in rwi.g- t-o. U'J 5i. i'it"B.. m WT?r Finn or nac .ad. f 8 -roon --i-rre In IUwfir; n.sirtrt. T. K. 1 r-t i.ii, 11.0 L. liuc-teU at. i iwoa Tabor 1 ; - - $U A' HK.H ef wh tin !"' r 10- S :::'' i . or r ' r tn k. 1 ie in tersl Oregon, nt.'rtet; will trade fr r praooal prope.'lj. bw v ant .;: VK I. Nl. 1 .iui:y .n s.r..-t v modra 1C , iu. Uui must be good. f r m. or trad. northet cor. wt .iti.i'(Mi. . . - in: a and abitaxd. Call Alain N-.l in ntrl v i-i.m, as fir-t rw unglow. W. N. re f n i ". n. c - up'.cd. r;nt rrtj. or bun A iv a. A tra-i f' r 1'cilAud 1 ,.. 1 ; T J -r ?r n.ta. i m i-k : et.:;-l ! eare. t ' r.fTiat t.-ur.r c o-. J--U'7 Park Sl brei An:s aed Mrk sta vh t.vij :o s d i s T . f .1. $'ns r mrxy. t.Ci re of (tear Und at A d -r a -rxim ha ta Port t fir ic'x J. ik nd mrm. th'i-s. I -iirUft, saras W A. ' 1 V S.-.t A ( S'tuvrr) t- 1 Li )wj.' Owner. AP W ha lark. L sa. an- tt pon;i.U protHrt. Ore- nr L'r,tr 4 y um b tr I'lioUS tr. oae vt ... a i.t- J- o""i 1 r"l. rrk. . an 1 toon, fr city C, ACK 0-t Co. is ail A 'nj. OS ts. r a r.. !. : p-i. e H-'. w ; t-: " To. -Aiid r.s.wa-.t pfwiarii. C44 -. l. v - T i rr ri."M. 7. on rm. rr T i Ti --k . ' t-e sime tre r stwa ! " r-n-ii and t.'0S 03 bt r MV .r-s .nl-n r-a r.A t F t fruMT "- '" JOl TV A T:;- P'Mn I 1 r irt - l - s I Vi le Vi - I "ie f r t ; 4 - - y. f '.tt. T . e- .1 -.1 w; w:U III or. K'T. I 1 d. C t-r a. " urr ''ta I.' .d La... s rrnn r- r r 1 re f r"pf a-1 r"..f'T -a t'-i.td btl. 7 S t m. f-nced, 25 111 Co V ! V. In rt r- vul. for r-el r FIR moUra automek.. N ka x 1 r r tw r- .-r. 1 ? I a: t-d li. AI..- r I lot - rl $ t r.r . mi F-r A' .tt'S " r S f- ip-rty as f;rat at i-rh rt H b to trJa i.r 1 rd p 'Tty, Sui4 assume some. w n jj 4;.rti LOTS 'n .tce r f e sal or fr l'ft!ai pe-.p-tT. Jt. Johns r;.ien.e prr(rrd. K 1. . Tron.. i-T 5 11 M -k 7. al lijfW.n ttirtof.Tr t'ftt r r Wu l p-e'o-rl. Address V. . " .1 T tt. . V.ol CA t M a. Cl R aw r. erf Ie Arc . en rtr f r crtif r nnrh m Oregon, ef VnM-.t'on T 3'K OrrconUrt f if cl aa-l 7-.t In'. p':a . trade iMf eaaty. woer. 29 L aiy j l-l I b ie- TO rCltANf.E KF-L CMTATR. Fc har.ga High new $0-a pert inent b'lck building. Chu(x HI., weti lo cated. X. 4. & and 6 room each, lot 15og 1 ; ever thing blah -. nd modern ; inmrrm ti;.ou. pr rnt per year; price 1 lioW: mortftct $7 1. , pr rent; owner anis ixa ranch in West &ad wui r r exchange l4no arrest ef hut and to--k rncu. Alberta, Can. All food soli, ome tmprorf mati. price $.'S pr cr ana rlr , m ticQ Xr umber; what have you? 1 hat the following letter from St. Lou la. -f m in the market for an lmpred ranch, au-h aa iap raiaing aad general farming: poeaibie mould like it all atnrked." Write me If you hat sme- tnin to nil tne bUL L. a. K. Or. LOS ANGELES FOR PORTLAXO. Fottr- atory. 69 - room, 'modern brick parttnnt hot. compit!y asd alKantir fumtahed. britiftrp la about 91uuo pof month. irtc -v5.-hK). wi.I coniar Fott- jaaa iaccn ftxwpariy patl TtlTTER. LOWE CO.. SOki-v-T iioaxd itl Trad B.df. UHAT HAVE VuU TO TRADE? ate eur IImim H.dga. Apts.. Farms. Homes, AcrvAga, Lota. HJ.ftnrtrlt b.dg.. god Income, for CaL l UifHj iinck. for improved vaWey farm. $ .,thApt. bidg fur afafa ranch. $ rf,.Hi u heat atock ranch, pendieton. j In dependence farm, for Portland, et.ovo Apt. house Income AdTft month. Ivr farm. dfA KlV'Sl.fcR AV CO., Henrr P'rtl. To U'.Al't For borne in or around Piedmont- utatrtct. a choice business corner lot In Koae City Park, value -on. clear ex cept a small aa-tmieiit and also Jltoo euttr In a good lio-ecre farm, with latr build. ng. near Cape Horn. Wash, All may te bad for hou.e worth $4ovu. J. J. AlctAKTH V. Ablngton bldg. . Full THADK Oaa4 foothill ranch about ha.f c.eared. llui dinca. orchard, fenced. It ml.e frum to. P. it. R. Kiceilent land. :nall s.otk proposition. W ill take good bousw enulty for r.A.f ths price if owner w..t live oa It. Pa.ance nvrtgage. Puce '"'0. but it i wortn $!ovO. P WJ, Ore gon, a a. Fitt TUAl'ci V Ar4l naiti. 0...tajn Couniy, 11.' a a. At fvnead ana cras roc'i bu..d:QK. ITiven wa.i and ! uurnp. t res ;ntr w beau Sou acres prepared f"r bpr.ng whtat. A.l god land. Ao waste, prlta IjI.'Hi. Wl.l tAke $0.UH) in trade. It. ant and morwase. . H. Koo arson. Trt.e A Trust bkig. Marsha!! 4l. a IIKAITIKI'L ACItKS en Baae Li.te r.l. just eaat of Monta- villa. J'tO ft. of hard-aurfa e pavement. A most beautiful location for a suburban home. Win roaaider exchange for r sl dfu la Portland. J. C Cxoaaley, Alain aoA s ltto At kL TIaIRLH 1 mile of railroad erooui bouse, sol eValeJ feet. In salm. 7-mom house la Alllwaukls. Or.; lots JQux luu. rtoee In. 'two lots la Portland. Wnat bare yon? 0-v V..r. owner. U Cham, of com. WA.Nk a s-od wheat or stock ranch. Will m.vm h.an. v imorot ed cur Drop nr. bal ance in t4ih. or ul buy iuai.tr p.ace if bfke la rig;; 1. rew us. H. A. 1'KYFTL Tha Acrk Man. 514 LeiS il ! a hKS tinit-T. t miit of It K 4-rooin hnu !! tilAH fret, in hsiem. tr. -m m bouse lu Mtl w aukls. Or., lots JO &I0-1. c om In, J lor port and Whst have you? . yor. owner, 3IS Cham, of Com. Foil hAl-H OK THAln T o acres, S3 mtn. fro, I'urtiand. oa Hd Mertrlc acre r r-rL gowl wil. fruit I re a. brrie. ft ritn mIcrn tiumaiow. Cement basement, wafi tr boi kuiI cold water, gaa, beta. N" i 1. T'snnun. tXCKLLKNT TRAI'KS. We be S'a r.irnuk buiEr pportnnl le and Portland property to a hangs, en for ib other. No erhemera or boi a.r fropo-aiens cnsitlereO. V r I . 4J Chamber of Commerce. k.i'rl (Nt.K rlt F VKM OK Ai'KKAOt S ,uo equity io 1 1 9-0 Portland liegbta lot liT'-J equltv In $.?0 Trvlngtna lot. t 4.- tulton I'ark lot. wt 1 auTa t.i fun pa-tKu.ara. AN Oreg.Hai;. VVA.NTFtj To trade ST'ittv In 4 -room fur- tith-d houe. lf 7--mlo. several frull tr, for I year's rrnt on 10 or snore srs Improved and with nn stork and It an. l sed for this Spring. AK lu, T'fir n. Fw 'IT Tf In swell p-rrvm reel den e; cn ri fur , iarse basement, lighta, wj'r. ,-t, f'u.t tti and 1 'f in:, F.jt h e.'i e-nri4e for hlf i -gradt rar. ' 1 7 or " M moil-i . w m cons.dcr the best rn.v. K . r- t nU. U AN r EI . KAUM Will trade my buinrw. bom. ot hr proprt y and nun rash. I -.r i-nr.tf farm In V liiamette Vailer or within I,- n!-a of rrtind; sive futl paxticuar l ot 4-"l I'rrmrflo-i. W aah. io Ai I; KH, ner Kedvill. A -room house, chir en bouses, smad h'f. fruit tr-s ani rlrrl-i at a g-eai sa- r fire for tvi or fade (r hous and lot in Port land. J71S llorrisoo. FOR ItALK OK EXi'HAXGK - six-room botirs and une U-rooiu bouse on lu'xlo' coru.r Wt In Htevens Aild.. - blks. from Orrtitd av or woud svll separate. 34am t.i. A. J. le Lino. . 4ll.l trails lot. KmI Stue. In paved dIMrlct. free of all Incumbrance. emr ut nlilMwalKs, pave. I at.et. for lltit auto a first pay nirnt. or ill trade ior beat tie property. Ai ST. rgonlan. L."NOii". bui'ding, tnu.pmfQt, In good Wt: am.ni V..v lotn. on.v laundry . 11. doing a v eras of $J"0 per week c m1 rea.its f r s.:tn; wi.l pay you to !!'': kie. P irrsnin. io TRAUti Oood -rworn fairly modern hcujw. 1 block oif Brum'. uy, reutitii for $13 a month: price. $'-.oi. Will .-t iniller Itouae or airetge UP $lj.rt. J. J. V'-CAKTHT. AbuiKton bldg -l.iM modern hou. 2 lots loiximi, Woviafoa. v.lue .i.oO; would exchange fr rim-li about eo.ua! Value; preler r or. et t-rova Uitrlt. J. J. Ocdr, Grand a., and K. Ankeny. ! ai Ht.S in JefferiM.n County; want vu cant lia or will put In some well lo- ti1 I'ortlana property ana ezeniige an f.r bu and lot. Cail Main 2H. Ill -l N I'OU N Kit. fuiiliHl, on Division i far if Sjooo. will llitni for heua and It up to $?-Vu. L. J. Gvlser, 417 Chamber 01 Commerce. ll ACRES. -nom boure. bars and chlcken- bousa. on im t-r 0 street, near car. -a . or ei-hne for hoU nr.d lot. clear. tl" fhifi of Com. h!dg. l-in ft; 4 ST SIDE buie corner. n mail thor- kui hur. storerooms on first floor, flats ai: ei tirhni for urrovd farm p-. $-."l Call 2", RuaH st. WANT C-' or Curry County land for Port- Ur-I and iarhrt eiu.lias In bungalow: wi.l gn land. P. B. Van Nice. 401 Co n oid b; !g. Marshall Lo! trV in Fori. aud nu-fo rn house on lot ...lo. tor:hrr with 1 immi.oii it. timber. r rar. se'I or rirtianct for farm or acreage. I lli. iteconian. lir AfllLS of fine wheat Und In Red River VnUry. ortn uaKota. ail in cult, trans for vi:y or farm iaud hex. At ki. Ore- gjnian. H'n.KT.N Louse 7 rooms on cerliae, wm.k.ng 1 t ar.ee. ierae lot. nice lawn, fruit e&J .-u iry : trade UT awreage to $5v0. H V 1. OrS"r.!aa. ANT1 I lrm In esehange for good Fortljn l re -tenre. atreet from owner, fruiu 4' to lo -rem. lcst b ciear. Vou can se me at - Hancock st. or writ hAl K or tra.le for automobile. 4-roorn h.ase. full lot. prj st- fruit tree, ber rir and rose tuaue. by owner. 1113 K. i,rnl at. ""- AC I-Li un.mpnvl Und In Wahkiakum Cour.'r. -I'l.tittna, ch-p. or W). n as f.rst payment oa house aad lot ia ci;y. liAE !- rrm 1 m.rs o acrva tVfi i. s mr b fa. for h u or o,ii t,.e pne and ("--ailn. ! .nverdA.e. or.. oa tirni'er. nc ty I'ort land. 13. Oronun. m L F.nJUITY la mo'rn bungaiw; ra tar 1. will aasume. bee owner, 4J6 ..m in at. V r;-H M cottase In F!em, Or, for i"i'rfr near trranktn Higa School or a auto. ."rllatKiti ; ; K V I".r.nni mil n hr li ;i improved lot fr suitable farm prop- f ot iu4i a ua. i oreg -nian A'RLM t lo fruit tree, nar Albanv; l..ir large ore bar da; take lot. H 10O, rsnlan- a ARC 5-rioB p.atr 1 house. fine rhl ken hou -a. Capitol H.ll. Or. Kle. : lot f r -iuit; give r-hono. B I02. Oreonlan, V 1 1. 1. .l r nciar.f my one - hair in-i-rrt la beautiful ri 1ri' lot for room- trrr-hua, 0 eW. res -n t n. t" ItoS CITY molrrn homa; easy larm. will con:dr about trade; r- ri: o nrr. p frrcnniaa. ILL i nr. e choice Irvlngtn tots for buae acuity and assume. N s5, Ore- g..m ai. - H or trd fr eiJit.e; no rimn)luln; r: n c your barealna to 22 Henry b.dg. 'l ' f It N turico. r oe to car. for lots or fti. T A rnian. ONE - FAR I'M. trade for auto; no Junk wanted. Trwr fc. VII trade 4. room boue and lot 5-iliO f- - Ford lonrtng tar. Phere East llio. ANT 5 or 10 arras for close-la corner. T- m-'tn hnue. Faat 8IZ Ai'HF'. elu in, to trsda for grw1 hou good umber roaUav 1' a, orcaonlan TO KXCHANGF REAL ESTATE. IX WILLAMETTE VALLET. 1 ttr-A jo A. cui mot enn b cleared eaatiy; ficd biark aoll; 50 A. bottom laud, family orchard; watered by apriov aud crvek p.rad to bidita. -room. lW-t"rjr houaa with runo outside. tuUQ Juat belu built. 4'x4o-fL tool ahed. chlcttrn-houie, ttof htiUa. milk hoan-, wuodshed, hop. F.ac La f enct d on aides and pArt of 3d wuh rati and wire; 4 bor5. 4 coa, J yeariinK. 1 calf. 1 aow. a chlckena. 2 J-yr.-otd atecra 1 a-yr.-old attrer. wiifon, mower, walktnr plow, - seta hrneaa. hay and rae. binders, barrow, alngia tub-rr. bay rack, vhtat drill. Hal K. t 1 . chvei and cream route, 1 mil to at hooL Price 'l,'0, prt trade. 1 1 7-o. KalplM Ackiey Land Co.. IlotiicUi.d bid... b Waah. aw TiiAl'K Folt EQL'IPPKU VAi.LEV FARM. bno acres in Crook CouCty; 80 acres o nder Irrtgattonv water right paid for 4-U acres more; 6-room bungalow, barn. garage, equipped blacasmith nop; build ings all brand new, on cream and mall ( route; at oca consists of 60 horses, eignt milk cows, 2u heifers. 10 yearling calves, brood sow and chickens, lour farm wagons, four seta of harneas. mower, rake. barrow, four plows, new 1-horsepower I tractor with new tractor plow, cr?am i separator, tons of bay, telephone: pries I a.in.iwm; win trans (or an ciuippea Wil lamette alley farm no to SJO.iHMX John E. HOWARD. 815 Cham, of Com. CHKAP STOCK RANCH. 640 or acres in Laae County, Ore iron. 40 acres la cultivation, balance bunch i grass, blueatsm grass and sagebrush; land lies level, is good soil; small hoiute end barn: Dries SiO oer acre, ao Incumbrance. Owner will exchange for well Improved xarm on gooa roaa ana near town, witntn SO miles of Portland; prefers 4t to 73 a Tea, must be nearly level, with good drainage, good soil and fairly good build ings. Will assume some if necessary; or will consider exchange for strictly com mercial bearing orchard, with fairly good Duiiuinga, at Aiooa luver, but will not as- i sume. uOUDARD A "WIEDRICK. 2 Stark, nbXL lAIPitoVED fcn-ACRB FARM STOCK KD AND EOt'lFPED South of Portland, mile from R. R. lauuu, iiiuuk ) 111 cul., umiae m .u.c. fins aoil, level land, family orchard, good O-room white house, blic red barn and out- bulldllica. runnina stream, we.l. KaS gine. woven Wire fences. Personal : 5 cow a it horaea 10 hiu'L chickens, com- P ets set farm Imu.ements. feed and seed. Price l..uvU. 'i'aae clear residence lots. wait 1r,-.i f .. .1 rrf n a - tm S;iin ileweV. at J. L. If A K T MAN CO M PAN 1 . N o. 7 Chamber of Commerce B.cg. fiHlll'CK aawmlll. on the Coast, with lU.OOU.- Um fL lsi-cits spruce timber: hi be a experted by liovt. agents. In addition to this tUcre Is contracted 51.0uu.ol of good j snrace timber: ail of the timber carrie suf:icicnt percent. tg of airplane stock to make It verv Droiitabie t nanai. mm null has capacity of So.iko ft. n-r day. 1 can be Increased at a small expense ; dnnli nlni4 with ImfH block a CtC- logs can be delivred at mill for 5 to 6 I pr M. Pitce, -',0'0; liberal terms to ex- perienrea sawmill man. ' r-1. rviiju AcklvT Land Company. 110 Kothchtia biug- KrfAl Tik l l. R Hi i V K FOR TRADE. 1 have fur trade one of the nicest bnes In Rose City, corner lwxIW beautifully la hi out and arraa:ed. improved with a strictly muUirn l-rooui bungalow, all on one floor, evc-ryrhinit complete : line ga- r. lots of ahrubbery. a mlirhty n home 01 f b ltoif. . 1'rWe 111.""", mort- a-.t n:,Hi bondt-d S'mi7 Will trade o:hr city pmnerty; prose- cheaper housea J H riAklKl.S. b:ti i'nim..of Com. Bldg., 1 H V I N'iToN S ACK1 KICK. 2 flat buitdin. modern In detail, hard- find floura ihrouihuu'. corn'T lot: must Io. on account advtrlty. JSacrifice for -o.oO, Including all l:niro.ements amount ing to about $llt1: bJtt-i'ng rouin ni oe built for tha: worth $5M; ejuiiy $104; will take bunr.iluwr and assume about $15K); consider li or acreage, l'rincipais J'.hnt'L'n. 1 "2 Jpa!'llrg Mile f At'KtS. line U. r.ear.y two-thirds in ru!r.v,tln : plentv of wood; high and sightly; located c.ose in on good road and in fine district: price or y $- per st-r: will accept good small I'ort. and residence aa part trad. SAMT'KL POAK-r 1?o2 Northwestern Bank- Bldg. ivi VT 1:1)1 .l V. .liTl.AXH KKSJDK NCE. For highly Impnn ei 20-scre farm. S miles from Port, and ; every foot In high state of cultivation, good huie and out- buliiMncs: on main roa-1; price ooit; will teas $ :oo In trade, ba.ar- e mortgage. M'tlPHKMANN C MPAN Y. Pin Chamor of Com mere. S.T.ItV KMH'K HOTKI. K H THAPB. 1 hate for trad a S-atory brick hot. In first-class r-uidifton and cunple'teiy furnished, l l".ed m god live va't'-y town of 7f.no population PrW-e $IO.imni; inrumhrtm S1A imhi. Wilt trade for lim- hr, 4rin land or small city property. T 1". fr-gonI:in. L'MNL'MHKKKl Tortland hnm, witn aome nifdern con veil b-ncep. UKraiaa cjooe In. on corner lot; price $''0. and I for exchange for improved ct-!n acreage of sbout same jnue. and mlzht consiuer desirab.e arr aire witfiut huiidinga. SAMUEL lHi.K to- N rt 'i we rri nk BMg. WESTERN 0KKG0N LAS' HKS A., 7-K. house, good barn. 4''"0. $ A.. 4-K. houe. 3 A. orchard. l-.'-OO.--4 A.. 4-R. houe, g-od erepk. S2H(. Tra.le one or all for houses, acreage near city or cl;tr lota THOMAS. 42' Lumber Kchsnr. 1 HAVE Km acrs 7j mi.es from Portland on olnmbta Highway, several acres In cultivation, building1, orchard, half tillable when cleared, lots of w..oJ. I'rice $47Mt; Incumbrance $l'.iw Will trade for city pmprtv snd awimif. T 1". Qregontan. 1 irooo CLEAR city resluene property. We I ha eli v residene pronertli s. will ex change lhm for suburban acres ge. Must be well improved, on good road, 1 heap fare and a bote all. must have g-od modern b'HIdtng. Wllllan:-. 20 Cham, of Com. E WANT a piece of Southern Oregon property, prefer In or around i 1 rant a a-s or M'-ilford. Have I'ort land buainss rmp rty brinr'n g $.o per month ; vaiue , $m as 1. inc. --ioo, per cem. Miiumo, Chamber or t minere nng. ilAVK several small houses In Seaside. Or.; 1 am authorized to trade for Portland property and misht s5uin. SAMUEL DOAKV l?n? Northwestern Bank m7i'g. 1 HAVE a ma, hin. am all over the coun try An ula and trades. Write me at one description of your city residence, for sate or exchange; slso your farms, large and small.. Cm on now. N S4. OrKonian. fciiuALKR diversified Oregon farm: bulld- ir.s. stork, equipment, perron tl property oH s:.'. on 11 Ine! tided. Friee S I. Ktehange ff Income ry property equal value. i 1M, uregoniai.. AI'TO WANTED. tit, ini ..iWltHi rlnar. fn Roae City. Will exchange for good light car. I Rig ponrd of Trwd. Main 74T.2. OWN F. K aitod Pt- corner, it h cottage. street toaved. on rarnne. want 10 iraue for 50-acre larm. partly Improved and on, good road. 12-sJ Belmont su Phone Tabor gb 147. YaoULD trade Hood River bungaio lot lor Kroperi y ot san' r-iararwr er id ! 1'ortland. Tel. Sellwood bo4, or see H !nk. Oerllnrr bldg. -1 12 ACRES, all In cultivation, good house, all I kinds of buildings; up Columbia River, on I ..wwt i'rii-e f35Mi. Want city prop- rrtr. Williams, 82 Cham, of Coin. bldg. lllL-,. arm Knutrrn frtn-ls coming. Want a well iniprova xarru or irom 10 a err, within 50 miles of 1 ortland. Au 1 . Orrs'-nian. CALIFORNIA preferred, c ear want I : giv home Address Harnett, owner. Hotel PerktPf. SJ'i-ACRE Improved stork or sheep ranrri. 1 with unltuitt.-d oUTrnnr. vv 11 ffnnnr for city trorrtv or a. rears tip to $'oo0 value. Owner; I3 Cham, of Com, bldg. hiluv farm. locked and eiulpped. r.i change for mrrrnannis sr.y Kinn. win pay rash difference. S. R. Cotton, Yaqnina, i"t'n. WHAT have you In eix or sfven-room mod ern hou. na tnorne o;anei. 10 change for five seres, Oregon City car- 'ln. 4''? AH IO!. Org. n Ian. 12'- ACRE stock and dAiry ranch. Llnco.n Conntv. own anl imptetnenia. sime gooo timber. Trade for city property not too t:r out. OwnerT J- iitrori. J.i . 1st St. li.v"K g.-w. hewtlDK atov and Vnriln 32-20 rife; want typewriter; bring your machlna pj ody. 425 K. 3-h st. S-ti'h. ONE lot In Pe.e i i'v I ar, a-o Laur- VK hurst. lot smau uuuga.ow. o-, wiv-i gnlai. W I l.LA M KTTB Valy farm to exehsnga for Portland property. . 11. nosa, nw N. W. Bank bldg WANTED S or -pMm bung.ow. gjnn casn and Srtilla corner mt in Arwir iooge a f .it pavnent Weekday. Inroad wjiy 273. I 1 HAVE IO aTa. well improved, som In erop aom pemorvsl. 4" mi.ea s-utn; ior i on- land rexlcem O M. Oronia to TxcwANfiK Micri.i.AEora good steel range and Al heater to I trad for good gas rang ann water neat er, or cheap for cash. Call Tabor 512. $ GUARANTEED fIrsl-cIaK Burbank pota toes. sl.2't per sick, vv m: sen some ior sed. or will trd; what "ire you? 350 Fast lth t. Piione Fast 1724. LADY'S gold watch, an.l chain Eigtnl. Want gooa wxj. rut i anytmng sise to same value. 81 E-st 7rt-h st. N. TRADE Four-hole, large o en. Jewel gs rrnr. aiue tor a iiurary uioie. 04 7J;a L N. 11 V car. . TO EXCHANGE MISCELLA'EOl8. I lit. A UTIFL'L new niabogany-Lniaiied aultar. Hill all or trade. New Columbia irafonola. Will exchaase for mining atock or rea.1 eatate. New bAnjo-ukuiela. WiU mull or Ira da. AV 61t. uregonian. PACKHORSB and outfit; mill ride or drive; want phonograph, camera, t lemlsh Otant raublia or what iave you? lluat sell or trade thla Week. C. K. Webter!eyt t7 Marshall at. Pnone Broadway 4-5. SWAP " Potatoes for motors, machinist tools, gas engine, or what baica you? Phone aat Of .4. O.NK new Corona typewriter; will trade for small nana printing press, not to exceed ij pounds; must be in good condition. H ureKonlan. , W1L.L s 11 or trade for good range. 1 new ferieciion oil water heatr, 14-burner ot stove ana l oven, b . Peterson. io: Gloucester St., Portsmouth, V to 11 A, M. FIRST MORTGAGE for o0 n 10 a. Klick itat land or 40 a. free and. clear two miles out of W lilte Salmon. fr car worth tn monry. Owner. 314 Cham. Com. FOR BALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc WILL SELL at public auction, at the big Darn, near tna rartt. Vancouver, w asn., M.irch 30. 1914. 1 o'clock sharp. 17 hea of "horses. 6 sot of double harness, tt set of doubletrees. 1 bay team of 34io lbs., 5 yrs. old: 1 team of bay mares. S-OO. 7 and yrs. old: 1 team of grey g., 6 yrs. old, 3100; 1 team of bay mares, 6 and 7 yrs. oid. 30u, 1 bay g.t lo yrs. old. 1Ck; 1 brown g.. 7 yrs. old- lOOOi 1 steel-gray g.. 6 yes. old. 1550; 1 bay mare. 0 yrs. old. 145: 1 bay mare, a vis. old. lotfo; 1 M g . yrs. old. 1175: 1 bay c.. 7 yrs. old. J0O; 1 bay mare, 8 yrs. old. 1050; 1 buck sxtn mare, b yrs. old. 13 00. A, E. Free- but ger, owner.- N. H. Alorss. auctioneer. lerms of sale. cash. JT'BT TRKr-FTTVinn RHTPMFN'T good young horses and marts, from 4 to 8 year old, weighing from lloo to isoo pounds; some weii-matched teams, heavy boned and biocky built; all well broke and In nne condition. Prices very reasoiiaoie, G. D. WUiiamson, U. . -stables, --- Fiont street. FoClt head of young geldings, welglit around 1350 pounus, right out ot Aura work. each. 8pan of biocky built mares, 6 and 7 years old, free of blemishes, true to work. IJIO: also 1U head of block built young farm mares, weighing around 1400 pouhus each, at Mod! stables, .tilth, ana Da vi a TKAif-mares, wt 2$00 lbs., good color, good age. true and right out or naru worn; also heavy harness and S S-ln. wagon with ro k bed, all in first-class condition; price $450. Can be seen Sunday. K. H. Folken berg. near Folkenberg tita., V. R. R., or Llniiton road to Holbrook School, turn I'm miles south ; good auto road. MUST BE HOLD CHEAP. 20 horses, mostly mares, some extra weii-matched teams smong them; weight from 2100 to 500 per span; age from 5 to 8 years; pric from 10 to (5u per span: ail kinds of good double and single liAruess; everything guaranteed, -63 Kus- -ell. near Williams ave. WB HAVE the finest assortment of young geldings and mares, weighing frum 1 JUU to I75u pounds, and mules weighing from looo to 14"0 Rounds: also seven sets of double horse harness; ail slock sold witn guarantee. iKAZltK ft ."MClvt, A 40 E. bth and Main. OWING to sickness want to sell my brand new team, wagon and harness, 3 4 -inch Mollne wagon and hand-sewed breeching harness: bought everything new March , lid: must be sold at once; can be seen ai 2o E. Mil st. . M. Smith. OL'K last lem of good, hon-st work horses, it weigh 20(H) lbs., for $1.0. can be seen working at Uth and Olisan sts. Central Door at Lumber Co. A liooD bis; team of horsed, harness , wood waK'in: Aiso team or fitrm mares, welxht 22o lits .: ouit farming, will sel chf.ip. Brooklyn rar to 7" Woodward av WANT two fine t ea me. o e r 1 2o ; trade I'ort land hou-s. lots or aorfajto at Uia ne and cash. Phone Ore k oil City, 4J8 W . or A 4, Oregon ian. FOR SALE or 7 head work horses, weight 1 I OU LO !!., II W . A. It OOWa IUi rules N. of Indepenuence. or. $2.'ii EDISON phonograph and other furni ture to trade for Heavy te:im; win pay difference. B Tucker, lualatin. or. Fciit SALE Ciood. 1-horse second-hand pop corn wagon. Addrcas -'J iliLrl si., Jlc- ai 1 n n v 1 1 1 e . or. LUKAU KKPARAToR Alwi some god cows. horses and w agons. national Laundry, barn K. ith and Hawthorne. ON E horae. 164M1 pounus; one horse. 1000 iH.unu. for sale cheap. Hj llta at. KIVK heavy hom-8 and harness; also dump wagons and two larm wagons, aee rwner. Hi h. com. I4...1-LH SOR KEL mare, ace II years. CaH Montgomery bt-inu s. t a.l Minna y, noura i to 12 A. M. Jront and Montgomery sts. CA1J.KD to wur and must aell my team and hamers. weight about 240' ana good work ers. $150 for quick sale. 534 East Oak st. WANTED Spitz and foxterrier doss, any ae under 1 year, notei xeroy, apt. -o. Marshall r.OOl) oalr farm mares. 12im) to 12.r.0. farm wagon anl names; gooa team, noise aua mare. liHJ lb.. Caa idti rront rt. MATED tram, weight 22M0 lbs., sound nnd true, with their narness sna larm waaon, $l.r. Spokane Barn, E. JSth and Madison. WANTED Team, 14O0 to 14.10, not over 8; also harness and wagon; can call weunes day. It Crregonian. DEAD HORSES and ani ma. s hauled away free, Portland Rendering Co. Caii Wood lawn 20. DEAD stock taken quickly; we pay the most for dead and crippled stock. Tabor 4203. FOR SALE Horse, harness and light spring wagon. M. Johnston. Columbia 125. MAY MARE, rt vears old. weight 14o0. L. o. Buckiuy, Buckley ave, and Section Line Road. ONE pair mares, weight Stables, 13th and Couch. 3100. Weinhard DEAD stock and old horses bought. Phone MilwAUkte 01-J. Calls pmd on dead stock. TWO young mares for sale. Inquire boo Montana ave. WAGONS for sale cheap. 8 E. 7th St. N. Pinnoa. Organs and Musical Instruments. fc-1, UP-TO-DATE. $-" talking machine with latest records; 70 ouly; no agents. 24 2d st. WILL give highest grade talking machine. value $1M, for gooa upright piano, loo lMth st. RENT a- piano, most reasonsble tnns In Portland; no squares or thump boxes. Harold S. Gilbert. 3S4 Yamhill st. NEW PIANO $100 equity in new piano for $0. Sunday. 41o 4-d st. to. tu. W 00a- stock car. - NoTK player piano, mahogany finish. with 1M) rolls of music; big bargain. Hall A Cassidy. J28 1st St. -,,rt nuvs mi music rolls and cabinet, bench and scarf. v. C 1 , h ou se 51 it no. Oregon ian. ONE good bass drum and set of traps. In answering stats siza, condition and price. A E IOL oregonian. $Jo NEARLY new graphonola $37.50. half casn. 1 j j iiiii uc wu w- w AU 114, Oregonlan. FOR SALE At a great bargain, fine new $.150 Bush A L.ane piayer piano, sona ma hng.iny case, for $550. Phone Main 2070. $375 KOHT.ER A CAMPBELL mahogany p.; a no. $14 j casn. Call after Sunday. 653 Washington. , M t?J A graphophone and 10 records, $12. Terms. Kd wards Company, fith and oak sis. , VICTROLA IV, nearly new, $L. dwards iimpanv, otn ana oart sis. Wol'LD like to buy vlctrola for casn. Lugai THrnvflfWi. i. o. oox . cny. BEAUTIFUL new Stmdivnra cabinet phon ograph. itnrgain. 010 r-nera mug. MU?T sell fine $450 piano, excellent condi tion; nel casn; a 1 .v. 111, vregonian. UPRIGHT piano, flnt 1 cond i t ion, siau dard lrirt io:h st. make. terms. COLUMBIA Grafonola for rent with records. Empire Transfer, l-ta inn ac aiain oNOGR A PUS AND RECORDS WANTED. MAIN 44i5, 7ABuR6Tal 128 FIRST. R v in violin for sale cheap. Main ,t j PIANOS tuned, $3. George T. Peck. Tabor .74. und. w tng. uonservatory. WANT&D Piano, upright; cash. Marshall 52 e. VP 'TtR talking machine and 6 double- f,irr! reroros only . lt itn at. PAY CAfH for used pianos. Gilbert. 1 amniu st. UPRIGHT piano for sale cheap or will renL Also organ. Hall tk. lassiay, 1st st. FINE cahinet Vlctrola. mahogany case, bar- gin. Hail lassiay, 1.0 ist st. ViCTRoLA, new; need money. 1140 Ver- FoR SALE CHEAP lo0 phonograph. 80 lect lona TatKr i4J4. BEAUTIFUL upright Weber piano for rent. I'M l"th st, PIANO. Haines Proa, wonderful ton and perfect condition, for $225. East 7i66. POR RENT An upright cabinet piano. Call Eaat 7215. GOOD pano for scut. Mar. io27. FOR SALE. Piano. Organs and Musical Inatrumenta, X HEAL bargain In a used table-style talk' Inir machine, mahogany wood and guaran' teed perfect condition mechanically. Cate is slightly damaged, but can be placed in good condition.. Ktirular price l-.'o. Will sell for $liO. on very easy terms. We do as we advertise. Bring this ad. with you. Hush & Lane Piano Co.. corner UUi and Washiugton streets. RECORDS FOR LEtS. 7.1c 10-ln. D. D. records, ised for demon gtratlng, 45c. tkc lt-ln. D. Z. records, used for demon strating, 25c. l.io to 3 12 -In. operatic records, 1 eacn. 1 to $2 10-ln. operatic records, 75c each. K,JJY Arturs tu.MfAi, sth and Oak Sts. CLOSING OUT $275 upright piano J45 casn; a sov one. 910 casn, ana one, $115 Cash, Also modern, virtually new $375 upright. $10; a 423 one. $215 cash; a $y0 organ, $20 cash, at Security Storage Co., 100 4th st, at Washington st. Pianos stored, 00c monthly, or bought and sold for cash. Phone Main 5323. ,WR. SHIPBUILDER, do you know that you can set a larx cabinet talking machine, and 10 double dlo records foo only J60? Edwards Ijnola 1 plays all recoyds, finished in mahogany guaranteed ; pay $1 a wetk. KD WARDS COMPANY. 5th and Oak Sts. A Good Place to Trade. . GOOD 2d-hand cabinet ptyle talking ma chine, case has been slightly damaged, mahogany wood. Regular price $85. Will sell as it stands for $00 We do as we advertise. Bring this ad. with you. Bush Lane Piano Co., corner ltn and Wash ington. BUY a library table design talking ma chine " with plate glass guard top; reg ular price $25, glass top $10 extra, will take 155 cash if sold at once, or $175 on time payments. W. X. Le Van way, Jr.. 2s5 Miarrison St., near 4th St. 20c DAILY buys $375 piano, less 25 per cent, ebi.zj; uc daily du-s o.u piayer piano, less 25 per cent, $487.50. Best savings bank for the home; secures musi cal education, entertainment and the prop erty, tichwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth st. GRAFQ.NOLA See the new model $13 graLUiiuKu r me ior picnics, umuciiik vni -ties, special terms, $3 down, $2.5o month ly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Mor rison. FINE, genuine Aeolian Arion player piano. nne case, eiegent condition ana u runs music Cost $050. Price only $225; $20 dow n, $10 monthly. Hyatt Talking Ma ohine Co., 3:1 Morrison. iiHA S D new latest improved talking ma chine, reduced to only $W7. mciuaing selections of your own choice. Graves Music Store, 151 4th St.. near Morrison st, Will take easy payments. Ul'RlOHT cabinet grand, used a couple of years, gooa condition; ao not want to ship south ; will take Sl'iS cash or lib erty bonds. Write or phone Mr. Kike, Eaton Hotel. BEST bargain in city: $500 Kimball, almost new. make offer: s4io Marshall & en- dal. . plum trench burl walnut case. $150. You can't beat them for value. 312 Worcester bldg. Main 3SC4. CASH talks louder than advertising; we have four slightly used latest model talk lug machines, best makes, at reductions or about nan ror spot casn can iionaay. 28" Morrison, near 4th st. CABINET TALKING MACHINE, plays any make disc record; $bo machine for $3u; iiiahijr,ny. CIEVURTZ FURNrTTTRE COMPANY. 15-101 1st s ., nr. Yamhill public 5Iarket. FI KST-CLASS Edison "riumph phonograph, nr.e wooden horn ard lto good records. Cost $123. Price $23.50: down, $:i monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3ol Morrison (exchange dept.. $lfK EDISON diamond am hero la outfit, ma hogany finish, guaranteed first-class, only $."b; $. down, bal. 5 per month. Vern L. Wengur, 142 "a 2d (upstairs), neaj Alder. EDISON diamond disc Have you heard the nw Edison? Indestructible records, elec tric stop. Special terms. Hyatt Talking .Machine Co., .";?! Morrison. WO CASH buys $375 Ernest Cabler upright p!ano, and $2j. cash a tr")0 8S-not Helnze player piano at Security Storage Co.. 10ft 4th st. at Washington. FOR SALE Piano, upright, dark walnut, good as new; 70 eash. balance $bO on terms. Mar. 0U1 Sundays. O 65. Ore gunian. PIANOhA Can be attached to any piano; nearly B0 roils best music; total cost J-V.o. Win sell for $12o. A 100, Ore g"iiian. $ld CASH will buy slightly used $250 Ldison diamond disc phonograpn. Ask for Mr. Le Van way, 2bi Morrison at., nar 4th st. LDISON Cylinder Records W carry a Qom- ple; catalogue 01 new Ed i won blue am berol c lirider nv.urds. Send for catalogue. Hyatt Ta.klng Machine o:. 31 Morrison. $2".- K'jr bT V in Ss-vmo bungalow, player inr siou; ftanaara make, metat tuoes; t- rolls of musl;: payments 8 months ahead. Call today. H70 E. 23d St. N., city. JACOB DOLL, beautiiul French'l)url wal nut case; in perfect condition; guaran teed as a new piano ; $225 : easy terms. ti. F. Johnnon Piano Co., 149 Oth St. $2'i-"V KDI SON diamond di:, very latest model, used very little, looks like new, mahogany finish, only $ Ui2. - Vern L. "Won ger. 112 ',2 2d (upstairs), near Alder. NICE litle practice piano; genuine rose wood case, in excellent condition, $14,"; will consider terms. 140 Gill at Main 310 UPRIGHT PIANO Good as new; will sell cheap. Empire Storage, 145 11th st. Main lRn. Ki MBALL make upright piano, oak case. like new; will sell at a bargain Ir taken at once for cash. 141 Oth st. Main 3lot. PLAYER PIANO, cost - $3-00. never been used, exchange for automobile or sell at a discount. Hotel Navarre, room 407. W ILL exchange new vlctrola, grafonola or Edison ana records lor goad piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison. $lloo CHICKERIN'S concert grand Din no. style 'C, for $oo cash. Practically good as new. c isommer uo., Dtn st. $J5o KINDER A COLLINS. $l'lo. - . si.iu r arrana ceo nan piayer, 2:"8. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3S4 Yamhill St. FOR SALE Will sell or exchange -fine $100 'cello, saxaphoua for first-cia&a 'cello. V 877. Oregonlan. Furniture for Sale. USED SHOWCASES, BOTH FLOOR AND coin 1 r.K; also meat showcases with re frigerator base, cheese cutter, and buy lot of used fixtures suitable for restaurants and stores at verv low prices. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, 1K5-191 1st st.. nr. Yamhill Public MarkeL OWL SET.LS FTTR LESS. We have a big lot of used carpets, stairs nd room sizes. In Axmlnsters and Wiltons, at the very lowest prices. OWL FURNITURE CO., 204 First street. WILLIAM AND MARY DINING SET, com prising 45-inch' dining table, 6 beautiful chairs, upholstered in genuine leather, and handsome little buffet.; only used a fow weeks; $S5. terms. GEVUXtTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, l5-lil 1st St., nr. Yamhill Public MarkeL Used Niagara combination range, bakes in oven with coal, wood or gas; a snap, $5, set up and connected, terms, GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. IV.-ifri 1st st., nr. Yamhill Public MarkeL HANDSOME mahogany dressing table, music cabinet, table and writing desk (ivory) for sale. Inquire 471 East Ash st. Tele phone East 623K. I AM going away April 1, and will sell the beautiful furnishings of my home. Many cnoice aines wnica cannot now be aupii cuted. 6SO E. 01st et. N. GOOD furniture of 3-room flat for sale chrao: close in. at a barxaln. Call 165 E. Oth st cor. Belmont. Phone . 1094. Must sell today. SECTIONAL sookcrtie, . golden oak; also heating stove; good aa new, lor ball cash. 423 E. SLHh sL South. FOR SALE 6-hoie Universal range, gas attachment, wnite enamel ana nickel finish. $7. Call Wood lawn 1150. QUICK SALE Peninsular range, colonial bedsprinff. mattress and heater, ail in good condition. 107 E. S2d st. N. 20 SPRING MATTRESSES $1.2.5 each; new English breakfast table $2.50. Oki Furni ture Co., 2'iQ 2d at. OAK furniture suitable for 3-room apr, at 654 E. Alder,, r.at B. between 10 and 2:50 o'clock. FURNITURE of 5-room bungalow for sale, furnished in mahogany, old ivory, first class. 348 E. 4th North. FOR SALE Furniture, mahogany and wicker, refrigerator, home-made fruit and Jelly. 634 E. 57th North. Tabor 5754. Foil SALE Kitchen treasure, linoleum, fine kitchen range, wood or coal; used few months, jav Union ave. North. ONE Furrough's parlor pool table, 4x8, com plete with balls and cues; Aries $30. Call East 2S54. FOR SALE Reliable gas range in fine con dition, large size, cost $65; will sell Sun day, for $30. 255 Cherry st., flat 5. FURNITURE of an S-room house complete; must sell today; no dealers. E. 8U03. FOLDING canvas cot beds, something new. Marshall 5642. GOD furniture. In flrst-c'ass Condition, for sale by private party. Tabor 5404. DINING-ROOM set. rus, dresser, bed. cot, steamer chair, pillows. 407 Harrison. NEW chiffonier with glass., $10. 1134. MALLEABLE steel range. $50. and several ether pieces of furniture. 43 12 in. st. FOR SALE. f urniture for Sale. THERE'LL be many happy folks In town this week. New 4.0-pound cotton-felted mattrwses (not a bit of jute or any other substitute in them) on sale at $10.75 The Exchange Department will inter est you if used furniture at less than the cost of new is what you want. 8-3x10-6 Brussels rug $22.50 tt-uxU Administer rug 15.00 Velour upholstered couch with spring edge (good as new) 8.75 Solid oak arm chair with cane hack and tapestry seat 11.75 Quarter-sawed oak stand table with oval top 4.75 SoKtl oak dining table. 48-inch round top. extends to 8 feet 24.75 Full-size golden oak (high bead) bed at only 4.50 Three-quarter-size iron bed in gold finish .75 Mesh top bed spring In 4 size 2.73 0-hole Monarch range with water coil (in first-class shape), set up and connected for 75.00 4-buiner Vulcan gas range, set up for 25.00 EDWARDS COMPANY, Fifth and Oak streets. A Good Place to Trade. Tour Credit Is Good as Gold. LIST OF GOOD BARGAINS IN OUR EXCHANGE DEPT. Dining table, 6-foot, oak, 42-in, top$13.50 Dining table. 8-foot, oak, 48-ln. top. IS. 50 x.arge overstuffed, rocker. Boston leather ' 10.50 &me 00a ra, quartered oak. rennlshen, in fine condition, worth new $40, now 22.50 Large walnut arm chair, upholstered in good grade tapestry 5.50 Wood beds, $2.50 each; sprin-g, $1.50 each. WM. GADSBY & SON'S, First and Washington Sts. $uo A. B. ,GAS RANGE with elevated side oven and broiler, white splashes and trays, glass in oven door; this range was used only 4 weeks: $;J9.50, installed. $'0 Reliable gas range, side elevated oven and broiler; almost new, only $33.50. Also 4-hole Vulcan gas range. In good condition, for $10; other gas ranges as loV as $10. You need have no fear of high gas bills if you select one of these ranges; easv terms if desired. MISH FURNITURE CO., 14 First st. BIG REDUCTIONS IN DAVENPORTS. We have Just received a carload of bed davenports in a variety of the very latest designs; all have the Sing Patent Nu-fold bed construction that will hold a 40 or 4o-pound mattress, which insures aa much -comfort as any regular bed. "We bought these right and can save you from $ 10 to $2j on the prices asked by the uptown stores, arrd give you terms if desired. MISH FURNITURE CO., 184 First St. NEW AND OLD BOUGHT AND SOLD. OKI FURNITURE COMPANY. 2O0 Second St. Phone during day. A 1209. Main 6331; at night, A. tfUoi. Alain ittbd. $30 BUNDH AR Wilton rug, siza SxlOi, slightly used, for $30.50; it will surely in terest you with its beautiful colors and viiuciiui cuijoj 14 uu.11 Lies. 84x1014 W'hlttall Cildema bodv Brus sells rug,-in splendid condition, for $27. ro. Also several large velvet carpet sk al most like new, at $1 per yard, terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 1S4 First sL EARJjV English dining suite, genuine quar ter-sawed oaK. comprising 45-inch pedestal dining table, neat, attractive buffet, with French plate mirror, and 6 massive full box seat dining chairs. For those who are satisfied with oriv the best, we heart ily recommend this splendid suite cost Finn, ior ?i4.7r, terms. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 14 First st. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. iron beds. $l.o0 up. Springs, $1 up. Mattresses, $1.00 up. Chairs, 7oc up. Do-Psers, $. up. Dining table;. $3 op. 204 FIRST STREET. VERY slightly used "Soo Eclipse" steel range, with water coil, nice and bright nickel trimmings, perfectly smooth; a pretty ranee and a good one: $."i5 new. now $35, installed. Another Eclipse range In good condition for only $14.75; a splen did range for little money: easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 3S4 First st. 2 MAGNIFICENT ANGLO PERSIAN WILTON RUGS. In as good shape as new; one is 9x12, ; st $55. and one is 8:3x10:6, for $5. 1 These are wonderful bargains; terms can be arrange. GKVUKTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 1S5-HU 1st st., nr. Yamhill Public Market, j BEAUTIFUL 48-Inch Adams dining table. In exqnislte figured mahogany, superbly finished, and 4 handsome dining chairs to match ; the table alone would cost about tio; $47.r0 buys It all : come and see it, you will be delighted with its I grace and beauty; easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 3K4 First st. GAS PLATES. GAS PLATES. 3-burner gas plates, regular price $4.75, nt $3.35. 2-burner Dlates. regular $3.75, at $2.35. These are made of malleable iron; you can stand on them- without breaking them, and they use very little 5ns H FURNITURE CO., 18 First st. BIG MASSIVE GENUINE MAHOGANY DRESSER AND CHIFFONIER, with mag nificent French plate mirrors; this set would cost new $150, and we will sell it for $1)5 on easy terms: these are new. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 785-101 1st St., nr. Yamhill Public Market. NIAGARA. 6-foot portable range, double ovens; practically as good as new ; has only been used a very little; has water coils, she if and hood; a $250 outfit ior $125. OWL- FURNITURE CO., 204 First street. BUCK'S COMBINATION RANGE, bakes in the oven with coal, wood or gas; only used a lew weeks for demonstration pur poses: a $110 range for $05, terms ar ranged. r.KVi:nT7 FURNITURE COMPANY. 1S5-111 1st st., nr. Yamhill Public Market. 16 YARDS stair or hall carpfTt. beautiful de- I sign, velvet, regular $4 per yard; very slightly used. For quick sale, $1.50 per yard. OWL FURNITURE CO.. - 204 First Btreet. . n n a a TJAxrr.P' a rtvens. enamel doors. splasher and trays, has only been used about 3 months: $85 range for sij..hi, ae livercd and connected. Owl Furniture Co., 204 1st st. FURNITURE of 5-room apartment for sale, i 525 Everett, apt. A, Wellington courL. COMPLETE line furniture for eaie, $110. 12;;2 BortnwlcK sc. .Mississippi c.n. Dors. Birds and Pet Stock. AIREDALE puppies, aired by Ch. Bilmer .Bingo, y cnampions amuus rPfltnriL Beet on Coast. 5 months, $40 , each. McKenna Park Kennels. Cot. S14. McKenna ave. and Lombard st. n a -v' ArtJTirsi and other c&Ke birds, kittens. pups, pets, cages, goods, remedies and supplies. J.UU5uai.eu oiiu. ow. logue free. RouUedge, 145 Becond su. near Alder. a.m-Tn.ni.n thnrouchbred St. Bernard. weight 150 Iba; a line specimen; price io. 6504 55th ave. S. E.; Mt. Scott car. Phone Tabor 3400. FOR SALE Registered Irish Setter female pup, 3 months old; best pedigree in -the country. W. L. Powell, CorvaMs. Or. FOH kaLE Two hlgn-eiasa Boston buli terriers, also several other small breeas.J Call U'l 11th st. s. vrt-n Mrvl TRoaton terrier. "King Newo." regUtered. A. K. C, 21577. Phone Tabor I BEAUTIFUL St. Andreasberg Roller. Also fine singers. Femaies and cages. Wood- 1 lawn 2371. BEAUTIFUL orange singers and females for sale, its n. 24th at., siae entrance, be t ween 10 and 4 Sunday. BOSTON bull terriers, perfect marked, pedi greed stock, 4 males, 2 females. CU 304 Park st. fhone 31 a in z-io. FOR SALE Pedigreed cocker spaniel male I pups, 3 mo. old, $15 and $20. 204 W. Far- get, near reniiiaum tvc PHEASANTS 3 Chinese pheasants for sale ( with netting, so. rnonq w ooaiawn FOR SALE White Angora rabbits and I others, all sizes. Tabor i397. YOUNG silver gray Persian male cat with I pedigree. K.ast jaw. NEW ZEALAND bucks and does cheap; months 01a. laoor :'u. i;o r. ixst st. FOR SALE 2 Flemish Giant does. Inquire I at K15 Ea,t Stark . PEDIGREED English bulldog, black brin- dle; unaersnot. r-none laoor nzo. FEMALE dog license for sale. Phone 68 W. I Livestock. 75 COWS. 30 head of young stock. Kolstefn grade, farming equipments; a 5-year lease. I Stock for stile without lease. Columbia Highway. 10 m. ouu rop., jonn Shaffer. Tabor 4bjJ. DURHAM cow, with calf, giving 5 gallons a day; sell cheap Oregon City car to I Arlington station, up river to wagon bridge, I cross, turn to ieic. urst nouse. in urin mtlrh ecin t freh nnd i-mnlno fresh: also 1100-1 b. horse and light farm 1 wagon and plow at a bargain. See goat 1 man at L. S. Jo tables. Front ana Madison. I FOR SALE. LaveetecA. AUCTION SALE. Nine miles east of Vancouver, foi miles north of Fisher, three-fourths m: from Harmony school and church. Frida March 2i). 1H1S. t 11 A. l .Eight cows, 1 grade Durhamcow, fresh J in j une, yeaning betters, 0 J ersey, fresh in last eight weeks, one fresh l time ofsjsale; 2 neifers, ires a in April; yearling Jersey better, team of hors hogs, 1 full-blood Duroo Jersey brood so e two-months Duroc ersey pigs, 6 Dur Jersey gilts, 1 Duroc Jersey boar, 40 sio hogs, a dozen lull-blood R. 1. It. hei. several R, 1 R. roosters, one-half doz full-blood Black Minorca hone, wagoi buggies and machinery. i W. si. WOOD, U WIGHT SKINNER, ' Auctioneer. Own1 A UC TI ON SALE. Five blocks east of 2d st., on Poer Valley road. March 27, at 1 V. M. Four cows, 1 milking, 3 fresh soon; 2-year-old heifers, bred; 3 yearlings, 2-year-old Guernsey bull, Jersey thoroug bred bull, 14 months; 1 brood sow, shoats, DeLaval separator, Buckeye 1 cubator, 200 eggs, farm implements, sacks Burbank seed and 100 sacks No. Burbank potatoes, 12 thoroughbred K. R. cockerels' and 6 thoroughored R. 1. p u 1 i e is. tt. a WOOP, KURTZ, owner. Aucionei by the pure-bred jack, ' Jumbo Mc., N 'l,Ti "i':u uy j. v. r.Dner, AluUllt A gel. Or. Was foaled in lttuO. Will s cheap, or exchange for horses or catt. Addrecs L. D. Bnuth, 253 Meade st. Po land. Or. FOH SALE Extra fine young cow, giving quarts milk daily now. WU1 be lresh latt part of April; gives about 6 gat. dai wnen fresh. 412 Clinton st., corner Oi Sellwood 22itJ. CHESTER WHITE brood sows with pigs f. sale; also one mighty fine boar. Twel miles east of Portland on Foster roa one mile north ot Damascus. John Chi wood. FKESH cow, young, gentle for lady, chea Mt. Scott car. Tremont station, bioc. south. 7306 both ave. FRESH milk goats, kids. Also cow, freh soon, neavy milker, teouth Portland, o st., upstairs and top road to 73 12th TWO cows, " one heifer, horse and very reasonable. 17H7 Endlcott st. vv AAUD Duroc-Jersey brood sow, brc m u. . . a-.. Arciii uom, uuuie, jr. Launches and Boats. FOR SALE One sea-going tug; 62 ft; long and 13-foot beam. 4 1 oet. 8-in draft, pilot house control; Imperial ca - gine, a cynnoer. 1 For sale One double-ender outside fisV Ing boat, 30x8, Al condition ; one mas cabin w ith two bunks, capacity about tons; 8-horsepower Atlas-Imperial e gine, including tto fathoms of 14 -11 r anchor, trolling gear, compass and oth equipment. THE MANN-ANDERSON CO., 1502 Yeon Bldg. FOR SALE Glass-cabin laupch. 37x74. 4 a. ajiijucu incuiuiii uuiy eiifiiiie, spet 12 mi. House for same,' 0ix20, built c pontoons; the best ouuit of its kind the river. Could not be duplicated f $iu00; i2000 cash, no trades considerc A. T. Whitman, Standard Boathouae, fo of Madison. TWO HOUSEBOATS, on reasonable term both have three rooms each; price $4' and $ti30 resp'ic tively, located at Wlllan ette Moorage & Boat Club: Colun.b Rive.- fish boat hull, 26x7 feet, in fa condition; $100. J. J. McCarthy, Abingt. bldg-.- FISHING or work boat engine at bargai 10 ti. p., 2K:ylinaer, 4-cycle; comuli with propeller, gear, etc.; burns distillat Condition guaranteed good. Call Jameso)' Sellwood 1022. IOUSEBOAT and boathouse, launch, sal Jing"motor; also 3;-H. P. Evinrude m, tor and life belts; two gas tanks. SeiN wood 3273. HOUSEBOAT for sale, furnished, five roon and bath, electric range, float awniiu everyirung iirsi cia.s. '. VVIllamet Moorage. Sellwood 27oH. FISH BOAT, 25 ft.. 7-ft. beam. 4 hors- 4-cycle Sheffield engine, $100. 248 Han ilton ave. South. Portland. Or. GASOLINE marine engines, 3 to 60- H. t ror saie en tap. x uitou iioat a aids. Ma 2005. FOR SALE 30x8 1 yacht, excellent co:, a it ion, new sails, 7 1 jo, $'o with mote reverse gear and clutch. T 102. Oregonia: WANT to buy modern houseboat. 3 or rooms, on terms like rent. V 15o, Or gonian. FOR SALE Modern houseboat, 4 rooms an bath. House boat N o. o, Oregon Y a c h U1UD. 22-FT. motorboat with pep. Also one cano Cheap. oU4 Tenino ave., frellwood. TOWBOAT for sale. 200-H. P., 30 gross ton Ati 1.11. uregonian. Typewriters. SELECTED STOCK. Before buying get our prices on rebul typewriters from our selected stock, ful guaranteed. Very easy payments. M chines sent on week's examination, fres o cnarge. Rebuilt Department. , REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., ' fto. Broadway. Phone Broadway 621 TYPEWRITERS. Don't fall to see the new Oliver fl; $100, now $40: Pay like rent if desiren free trial. See W. W. Ferguson, 38$ Burn "side St., or phone Broadway 2105. WE can save from 50 to 75 per cent on a maa.es 01 typewriters: sena for our nrh list. Retail Department, W HOLES ALi 11 rej w ni i EJK co., iizi Washington St. NEW Remington rental plan, rent applie to purchase. Visible models. Remingto Typewriter Co., 8 Broadway. Phon Broadway 621. WILL exchange new vlctrola, grafonola unison ana recoras ior gooa typewrite 1 Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morriso: WANT to buy late Underwood typewrite must oe cneap ior cajh. J luS, Oregi nian. - NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at c; .rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark St. Main 140 REBUILT typewritersand repairing. Oregt lypewnter 1.0.. um St. Alain 3tiUS. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Coron Oeafers. iu. W. Pease Co., 110 tfth. "WANTED To rent Underwood typewrite; j a our ot 10. Automobiles. SOME NEW ARRIVALS IN TTSTCD CART 11 rAK 1UU TO LOOK THESE OVER. lfllfl Hupmobile, runs and looks new. .JRfi J"" uiiner iignt six, .lust new.... b(i 1016 Overland, model 83. Guaran teed 90 new R' 1017 Saxon Six. 05 new 7.-5 vn biuaenaKer t, i-pass. Just new car go: jio tstuaeoaKer 4, o-pass; o new tires 00 Plerce-Arrow, model IS, 4 -pass, bug; new cord tires g no High-speed bug. newly rebuilt all over 40 T012 Mitchell light 4 roadster; new tires, electric lights ; 30 1912 Mitchell Baby Six. Perfect con dition 80 $4000 Pope bug. cost $850 to rebuild. 30 Pierce-Arrow Six, 7-pass; nice con dition flo Ford 1-ton truck; looks new fif Light delivery, panel body 25- $5000 Stearns-Knight. A fine "buy III I 4uj OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. NEW BUYS ARRIVING EVERY DAT. CONLET'S USED CAR CENTER. S. W. COR. 15TH AND WASHINGTON. BRICK BUILDING, SIDB ENTRANCK, PHONE MAIN 3842. YOTO DOLLAR "BTTYR MORE WTTTT Ufi WB HAVE A BIG STOCK FOR YOU ; STTJDE BAKER, 1017, T-pass, S good tires. Car in Al condition $60 " I CHALMERS. light six touring, Al tires, inciudin? spare. jar mecnan Ically first-class $67 WAXWELL. 1113. run 3500 miles. spare wheel and tire. A bargain at.$77.'i WTrnsov 6-40. snare tire and tire cov er. A dependable car, cheap $G0 OVERLAND touring, model 83, Al tirea. sDare tire and rim. Mechan ically O. K. $35' CHALMERS 6-30, touring; newly painteu, exceiieut urea aua epa.ro rim. Looks like new $05' .CARS SOLD ON EAST PAYMENTS. OPEN SUNDAYS. WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES CO., BROADWAY AND BURN SIDE. li16 FORD, 5-pasa.. in best of mechanics.! condition, just painted ; Bargain; liosrty bonds acceptauie. Tabor 607,