THE SUXDAY - ORECOXIAX, FORTLAXD. MABCIlv 24, 1013. HAL ETTB. f a Ml-Ut& LoT P.N A PH. f1Wrnr. Tlth end Rum., pitas Pen. 'r. ih al Urooktyn. plus llene. 9 - t and Ifc'-tf:c; eay lrnn $.! 4tn and -. a-, z-rao, shack. i ; i.ea; $0 t4i). f i:jri.-?e lot. b.lra beach, imp. paid. --- -r ai end avew oxluu, I ns paid . $7 cmu. f v. jjii.'i, K-.h anj pai: $iv ruh.' ;w 5mIa t.. , B-irreil Height. "Zi years in!" Main -A J . r. H that C?il ha to on y A-wtt eau-faj-e in the city; Capitol Htil ba citt wa:r. c.:t hx.. m nd trtc hsnt. Capitol H-il ias a twUMAfd which u prirtf 4 j hard-surfaced a.i tna taron lii l wnrt crr of t;.m ci:y Tne iot are tMing ofr'l from $ loo. (J 1 1 (u : sia. J. J. CubHir, 414 Ab- i-fB b; :c R-rf CITT PARK. 47th and A iii-t Pnt!ful ujtr b.ota. x-rice llti laoor 4-1. v AiiiCH block la bt p.irt of fortnd U.-ua. has L- n orcrrr-l so.d by the owner. a nouf.u-.!, f.jf oOo. f "0 rasa, tn baiaiM, ra stand. Tu quarter blocs. 1 wortn i .. ht u can be t uibt far. AC J. cuMMj. 41 i A.cgton - b d. a.v.iP lit V -$V. Riwb CITY PARK LOT t'rnr 1 b,Kk cr. e-ist front. J. K M.UtTMAX COM Pa.W. N. 7 1 nam-l-r wf itnairr b.ii-. 4-b JK Stars. aL V i : n 2'. A 2 -. 1 - - rri ,y ofCy l'rtn;& i;ri. 4". .1 arid y. B-i phone. , lu.t rsA Lfc, Kim lot 5'Hl7. Vrnor r J - a. t w fru.C trni wn fin Kuf! luut. triu. ITit. 4rU. lmnr. lu T Ki.K'A.M i'x:iio on c-r ll iimrni, (-. a i chcip, or nui t - j. : f j r t an 4 lot . ou d cont, I hxI . n;odel liunH or litf prt t rrra: 4-ti Aurd wf rraUs, vn r-.i pt.or.m Kut 1.". T T VACANT LT Tura a brJ-a lb W draiga and bullU aathir. lum :r in auot 1! airJ. slant l.i Portland. K. It. Iii.y v'o . tontrc In arcnttevta. or:tiaMt;a ink bd(. 6Ak: TWO FINE L4.Tf. rMen- dlsirl Xrhftd. Or.. artln- cvrtr. au.l ujta frontage; 1. ir liuni or n (mal. ejI', 4 !". Urmi iral i PT. J"i had Kng. i'lL Htr Tills l'IKtM"NT l.T. Vt b ty orU-r of hnr, rnutne aatriftt-s of atx4jteiy M.i r-id-me it 41i, . W. fur a-s : J "' ch. Xoj. ll'MMJL ml'"!, 4-11 nd i Etk st. and 4it ciar 4tid anU In .on, aAii uanr, r. 4-1. nr C'.lr.toa. ohi iiiife: Ita'f aers. w.i.ui.t 4-room furnished BiuM. :r. s"as. truir. sv fare. i rr- ; o w r. - r . V 14'. lrtun'.iB. ita. NAP 1 lor a Portsmouth, feci K i.iarnstte boulevard. 4 1 w Sud assu-na scri aaseastusnta. O. TvIt. I" 4; at. "t U.I. aacr;fl my f.a laurs.ourst lot for fas' nI Barb Property. J) trt f At. fcV Jrwotn . r citf at I'Af View, t t ; fin ( of ocean and Til la Hi ot Hy liorn bunb. is (cuted $ pr nm.. ! ari. baane easy. lr, Kiibo. M-nteauo. Wail 4SKAilllE Mod-rn. i rwmr fireplace, bath. bt of pluiiiMn. block trnm ran, largs Pjc - b ; ery attractive. Taoor Ijw. $4tHm j-riMm luruMiitvl houas. hart. t or !ale -He lit I .. xtloW til ,tiAl- ' . artist tr. orl.nal. itr wrtl built. elanily fin 11 i-d tinniih 'Ut. if j.u are ttHikaua .m-th.n tl- l"r HKK THIS V -i a-- rd. n-ar Thoo.pson aireet. Jast 314, N K A It VKKNOV ANI Al.HKHTA. I w. ?-rorrt tJoul'e-coratru-ted house, lot lov an a "iu(l4n of uuica foe and nruM-ery. Pr.. e i;H. Ot !' Al'.O Wtt.l'K.- K. f TA UK, ,oT'VAiK. 5 roms. ba.U bth. e'e'FT'! Ilgh', s 1 A. fi.:i -ate ro.i. ! uaiennt . lot 4. i'. hrd surface street btok and luif to ear. j i Kitrv compxt. iti riTr. SjiKit. I"i.Y inurrii o-rvoiu huiice. fa -I'm ilisirut. ticr irii4r!. cw SM wnr txnf r.-st end wi.itiLf rime. hnitli rjynint iln and 1 ru .ike r nt. l- tt: b tc IN'i llUK ;.!! Kat -"lh at. N-, -r xm bue. Mk ll'Kn, ntoderu, if you Want a om1 huuie mt lees timi cost t b ji .l. c i.l srid - lr. imit n. at Vm 1 han. I'oitu bl'ia" '' . il' Kun ll'N AL VT. mm ri-.e. IIa.1 fi.le. hsr.l . yoful f.oors. tuf kitchen, buffet and f!reflai-e. h ard -urf a- enents and , see i-r in and i td for: teltwod I J -V l. 1. Harris ltt r-rtoWln ?t. tu.Lr.Kl L .-NAP Kf e. amly f ur utsite- 4-ruoru bii.luwr I' U utile. S' loel i jJ'- o. i t liftt $ '". H- caa. Ialan uk fal, jl are sure lt lle thia. K. T".' X K r iK iALr. "M pix-fn houe. all mod rn. uu i't. 1I1 k.nds -f fruit, ber rice, all atiirr cuittvittioit. rti-keu-boue anl urn : o iloau. N rm to suit. Kt Ht'ilin. i'ij Willi.uii ave. ;.i;iHu. mod-rn. A :md ,1'ark ; hardwnd l.o- r. m hvte enamel D- ah. f'lit t ment bsemert. (jrnj . S vrsr. Jt'JOv, terms to r-i'..r.." r"P e. .'. .n-.o & ruorrs. mod. p.'fh n. nrar Puunda O ;! lK.H :P.- AHIN'iTX PI. no. bt home barsAto. nrar wth and Orerton 4Vrtou retd.-m. 'i;. -J t'to.k ik inn( 3d and arrlu i. & H vM aid bt.rt. n-r Ist and 1'rvii.u.l, an y e w !. nun. a 11.1 Mv n jnijr Vo1 n Jl. lii v 1 n ; r n ii : oru, rv: i it r'i.tivK i.i.-iT. hk.-t ilah i.r. nki iiALr:. a. Co.. UJ .. w P NWi Pl.t h ; m !.; t-i tw. atiraitt in it. ! Vtue So re'.ti-n . Irvinaton . !TU -n iMi V y fTin. a to a. IS I. Ph vrn Jkt'KV 1,111 H.r N i Pine bi: rihtt ave . neer Sith s. ; w-ll b-illt attractive. t-U N. . liei.k ,btwS- .-0 I'oWS. 4.vtfTi p.ASe-d s,-1 .-h.-.i:. rff T V -e . A- , NTH. .t I ' ter 1 1 . lcorse bi,4i,r hiff in In P e I'uy Park : - brJo,. floors. On p-aed Streets. Pbune ji . ; M A' Ih'ifne 1 .r .' t. m. rvma. -ui p. i.TH "& r !. After i-un-t W ..n pi'll M.T 'or B-eet 1-tMe b"n4!w. 4 r "ms and brN. plnmNJ and tred. i er ky n: owner mm! s'M at sacrl : -e r4,d o"r. J!e - I 1.'. A VrHAv Th K 3 fm hu neat and clean. on-r tot. laiirnemepts ail in. near rmTn car. np at $... Terms. : J iH-lwr 4tT l t ?rifer f Comn-.T re. J V N -irr a;..'d In H w T h-e ar-d Hatladar a ld rfofv. eetl n tttMral e-m. Mr. li radt,.r 4, Karuapo Hotel. 14ih a-d .AN? 1K. t ai l pr TON btin-a. lo4. ' t vi. kV Te. 1 h a l to acra doe- to iT-T"n v i on hard sur f.e m fh"- T! r lie. I ;. 5- K 1 W m-- tra b . r and S rr b-Mtt-in re-ne-. ce ner. id t'ybeurne. ;.ovi Ult jl f THINK 4 r"r'. h st. . n--r It. s ear. on y Irrma M Ore- ; irv a-c 1 I ke rtut. S e v.; v;.- -.v -i i:w, 9. ere- ,i;aw. f.-r latomt now it r. ti. di'funt (.evily for L(f rfmp( 1 ff-i'ni n I iK N;T- i mu'KI r"He; Oirrn.n g h.-ie. T rm, nif. er tTri and Knott. Nf;.iiiKi a Co. N W. l ank b .!g bf t : ; 7 -rw. m hoc. ;epir-s pr.-j. full r-Tn-nt '.nt. 3 KM, fry't. rh. ken f;re ;-w rr"""). T t Ml 4- .; fAl.K- -O r t il t at. .. 4-ri-fn h.ttiee, er. 1 l en ;y $-' . c t nearly $jMo. 1 ikT hct m F. 1 li v.-. tii.i:n 1 iTTp. IP S-fd P'd. .""'.- UV C- ' . A !'l 1 T ' Pl.DG. ;t f:c: .t! N lleavM-.l rt t. r."0, et'ar. K !.t IT-r-. T-n A l- U rtif, eectrte lishta, bath. a.v a'kM c d J. J. -d ave. at K Anker-y. 3.1t.a H 'v V m.'-lern. KuHl-in feetorea f'lll KM-nfil. 4 bi-H,a to rr. Ha thorn . t-Vt K -k. II" T-r"h mt $1 hTH .Vrt d'tri-t. rTt bunsa'ow 1 K.1m'n and wt"1e-n, at 1 1 14 $! and 'h orr 2 K.'-K CITT PARK scalow. it foom and dn: we.arw 1 n t--e , for al ty twiu, a aoor iij REAL T STATE. t " Mi R"M"D H' tMKS. CHKAP. All no b- bd to trmi and aro clou to car lin. u them la all 4;inAI-HFKTA IH.TniCT: S-roora bus. &oxlH.ft. i t. lUtatA Ur. toiUt. tr ; lih m. t5 CM VRKaI TT 1'AKK DISTRICT; 4 ronia and lv-inc prtii. n;y fcslf blot k from tft. Jotin car. on h rd-urf rt street, fuil tot. 1 $1000 Wol Lawn lip:TRrCTr On th fvonm, ba:h. tlt, iirrita. tc : full "t, fin fruit. This is f ir pi.-.r cost. 1100 AI.UKKTA iI.-T.UCT: 4 -room. VCK'U liDuat. tntb. toilet, wlc. bp.indiJ location. This was tk n 10 on mortaTSK, so is Wss thin ft. $1100 T. juHNt X blork from car. lire lot and food bous. Thts was luk-n overly a bank, winch U tUa cauM of auch a low prl-. $1500 JAKKtTT PTUKET. Br Vnlon a vs. ; 6-room ftau.. bstti. toilot. tc Huum can I bs bulll for th.s t.gur. IXULl.KllTA DISTRICT: Full lot. bth. luitrt. etc.. fine fruit, lvu ft fmtn Arrts. on iiotn. $w00 3-I.''M. bun.ow. flra- p.c-. toitvt. vie; iirtfi, lot t'i 2-lVJ. ou.y 1 block from M. Johns car. A UtlAL'Tl- IX '.A4K. V. W. JORDAN, Sni -2 Lum b r mus b id r. u nrh and ftsrk Pro.idwy 534. l.Al I.KLHl H.T toLw.MAL HoL'PK. lwcstv 1 n fine corn-r. '2 short b.ocka nt. of MV car. nrr park; 4 private ce ment Donbes. tlvtnc rm titer across fro-tt of house, eiitrinre fcatl. aolonial dir.,njc roo;ti. sts French d ixm. fineet kt: l en aitb breakf aa: roin. lavatory and cMt 4 0et. uverailo square bedrooms, j tl.e bath, isise sm.teed s.eeplna porch, altie. ai!s beautifuuy papered, artlaltc flljrea. full cement basement, beet fur-na- (irii ith aide a:rnc to houee. This Is t rnd new. nsver ;id iu Irnme- I Uiaie sa.e necesearr. em oii'-r. rcf h Iure.aurst tra t office tolay. Tabor 444. L'unrg wfc Main 1 Mr. Knapp. frK CITT PARK IVoKt AND XAUOOANT -roo-n bunralow: paperei tlvlnr nd dlnms-room. mhoinv buffet and book C t-e. Pro-n.a ti,ure between Uv ai and d.i,.ii(-nHJuii. d.indy kr.cneo and break-(t:-ruu. i;u. i-in e.'f "s in bathroom, tail at our branch office today. J. i IiAKTMAN C.ti'ANY. No. 7 Cuamber of Corn me n-e It.dtf M-iin I"1, A t."0. tiireawA of.'.ce. 4i.b A Sandy, no puvuej Hi'MB PAkiiAIN. Corner. k7u. close in. improvements: I Flats recrnily coutotrtd. L pper, four rooms ar.d t-ath. furnished ; U r, five ruonn sn.l baiu. p.-rt-y furnlphed- A lao h-ruom huu, t uritteiied ruttiplete. Street I imt ruvem-nt. cement walk, all In and I tid. Pr-ent la 0 nr. $4J. monMi. C t materiai;v IticrvaMed. Price for all. V. No trad.-e. A!out w will han dle. Address it. . Adams, owner, I S (HwttTi U ave. I'bnue Wood la O Wl& ilori: :ITY PARK Kl'NGALOW. Hot -water heal, whit h will save too I eooagh on fu each year to pay your I tjfrS, ff-rooiu. laree bedrooms; ftrep.are.l f 1 1 cmriil baernent: s;a;itnary tufs. frutt v;ul. In fa l a comp ete :v modrrn home. imps, all paid. Prica 4JliC U. bv irKrmn, a it n THK FKED A. JARS CO.. 104 5th St. M v i ft-j. Sunday rail Wnodlawn 31. (iW.VCH 111 !T hELI. A beautirut tittle home f r any on who wants something neat and tasty, nearly new ti-r.ofii bunca.ow. H acres, fine soil. now in prunes and berrlea, 1 mile from the rfnirr uf as nl e a iittie toan as vr-a" efforUs. near I'ortland: will sell houe witti part or all of land. Invest I it te U In terse t'1 : owuer roust raise money; the I prire will he t-t ult vu. .all owner about I a ;n morntnas or everlnga. SeiiwoodlJ aiiHNt HI tiALOV $J.04. Fine, larse 5-ruoui bunvaluw. fireplace. aak loAr, buffet, Oookieavs, luti n kitcn en. laundry trays, cement porch, brlctt piers. d"uMy buiii . H bio K to t ar. losi iik. on Kfvnolds ave.. nenr ililwaukie ae. tiear the river, price $x. g.'.tM cash, .v per month. In.:.:inc lntr-tt OKI .SSI st DOWNEY. 3M Board of Trade. Main 7451. $4m DoWN Rots City Park; 7 roims. whit enam e'ed 1 hrnushou:. full mnl basement. civhI ' furnaie. hanlvro.TI f.n.irs In main I r.-oma. J. L. HAUTMAN Co.MPA.VT. No. T Chamber of Commerce BdC. 4;h at Mark M. Main -",. A -iO sundsy only I pranch Offua open. 40th and bandy, 1 lUWTIIi ilt.K III Ni A Lows - 5 room. mo'i-rn, nenr ioitk and Division; price slrt. st down. I A room . modern, near M1 and Sher- mm- t.rl. a gJ.-.Vk. S.VMJ (town. 5 r "i. modern, Woodmers; price ;ka. $ down. 4"! k. ,Vith tn. Tabor .43. WEST 81 DE. $-V.oO. On of our riinta, leaving the city, author liep sale of his lovely K-room home at ery rloee pro; f Ir.-pTace, furnace, all m-Mlern. large lot. Willamette Heights. For terms at'p! A. H. HlltKKLL CO.. C17 Northwestern Pank HUlr. Marshall 4114. A 41 1. N1.W IKYINGTON BARGAIN. Bd E -.t.i st. North. Op n today. 2 to B. id ivory finlh. oak floors throughout. h-auliful pep-r; two fireplaces, two baths; double runatructed garage; guaranteed furnace. E. J Maul, tinner. Marshall 1 or rft 531. ito-. CITY PARK ni.'NGAl.i'W. Ilu.-luese takes me from Portland, must sell my homr. 6 rooms. 2 blocks from Ktndr blvd.. ffot water beat, hardwood fionrs. beemed ceiringa. f replace, every I mnvenlence. lot aoxluo. shrubbery, owner. Marshall .Vt T.IiimiM HOI'SK SNAP. Coo'l 7-room houre. doubly built and at fln bnme. on K. iih St.. near Alberta: r( oener $Iho. Don't live her and I Wanta to sell at $2"' Anv term. OKI SSI Ih iW NEY. 3t Board of Trade. Main 74-2. oil MA LK Dy oa ner. store and dwelling combined and a roms witn eirerom, am .aiTient J larse lota, on suburban car line. rtaht at station, ftc fare; no other , tor aithin 1 mile; a ill aacrific for quuk anle. proedaay 3.. i;. CA.-M wlil take my $1 . equity In 7-r.wm h-vuae snd lot. n-ar Jefferson High fi-hr'- improvements a. I in and paid for, or trvie fur clear acreage. 1'hune "tl awn V71 , 'RIPICK saie: 'uah property on Im proved street. hou"e and fruit, luo feel (mnt. c.mer lot. near a tores sr-t school, 2 rnrMne. Inquire at &4'J Eaat 20th iouth. bTIU'TLV modern hooee In Irvlngtrtn. east hmmti. for .. K.ur-rnm Dunciiow. $-V0 rarw .'u-room hue. semi - modern, lnt 4-tAtoO, $?i0. $450 caah. 371 S Laat r..rrtn $ ; DOWN. $:i MONTH. 4-nwrn n .ta'ered h-viiee. 4Xl'f lot. 5- ee-M carfare, good school, futl prlco oniy :'. - 1 .; T V'TORE CO. A mi NOT" BLDO. TV. KOil ONE. Ftetv'r residence. blocs', Alameda I Park. $0. worth double. 20 block I V.t-hans-. 1 and Ismhlll. li ma 1 . 10 a . roo m mltro houaa. Ro mer. vry cheap: will enpMer two good lota as part of first pay in sou Act 114, 1 Orefonisn, Wlt.UWETTK HTS $7MH TVautifil h.vm of 7 rooms and sleeping fo-. h. sTiCtly m-irn. 'ti a r; i at imkh in . 1 .t r. rv. v 1 N.T 'N li A KG A I N Pine home, six I rm, aieplMg porx h. oak floors, flr- S bttnk iron car. s.;wi ormi V,. t twn st Co. "'S N. W Hank bidg $.NoO HvVE $ S-room mixl-rn bunsalow. A I Ner a dis trict : small prmn! 1jo and $1A per I onin. woo..wq siji'. m I'riRTA )ivi bulnes lot. comer ef I Rtid A oerta. A is s-rom modern I ottaae. oq easy terms, by owner. Broad- o ITU. a Vv ill" KN -room. strict: modern i'ire. Jaardwd f" .wr. eic . corner paved :reta: largain. Tauor d5s7, or AC bJ. r. t r I n DIVISION STREET. : DWN. R rw'T bardwtfod Loors; very : T M'-or.K CO, APIVGTN BT.TM1. b-Hi'M houee. coe In. on Svael, lot I worth tbe prtrs fnr pn e and term Sec I R M cc-itar-. a ith sleeping porcb and i-.mi. rne b'ck from car. Call, auter Hrsnd i!.vln J.o.i. i.t l Nu i K'n 't. 1. .rk t- d !N A P At tractive home, near 50. Neuhaasea A Co.. 6o4 N. W. . A .-? nio-l-to bungalow. It roc r et. t I'ara: $.;.iai. TAILOR, 1oH Sherlock liids;. Foil ja 1 1.: .".-rocm tnc Vm bungalow. Rose Civ Prk. by owner. V 1 o. tregoulan. 1. PA KK Modern R-rvom Nnnlow. near 4?1 -n1 TVl-vmook: term. Tatr a741. Kt -M hoae and tot, five b(ocks Tron car. t H tbs. laln eCT. Pi'R 8AI.K Atr a or h -room hungstow. lth at, near Cal. ovd.aan 7o. $.. ""ASK. 7-room ht r. tjrjr 3lCi. Tb-r tW'7. usv. East Tay- WILL ti bursa l $ ut ft'r nt niod-ra 6-room ; Irrtnn F 1 12i Oregon lan. NEW hen In Gladstone, taken on debt, foe ' 4 ra'.oe ft h 104. rregr.nlan. -K-K'M mo-ie-a bur.galow, Ijiureihurat, ery reaaocat. Ak 113, Orcgonlan. KAL E5TATB. for Sale Ho!t. FORCED SALS PRICES. PORTLAND'S choicest view pmperty. 10 rooms, thrve bathrooms. ery dxii coin- LA V REL HURST'S best-bay. nina rooms aid billiard room, modem througboul hardwood Laish and o-coal anamel; oni DEATH compels retrenchment; Wlllara tnetts Addition view reidenca about ona half original cost. S rooms, sun room. alteplns; porta, lara (rouaUa, parage. KOXRESIDKNT offers Milwaukle resl- drnce. beautiful river view; square eet. modmjj a-room buaalow and aleep- porta, uniy aovu. IRVINGTOV HEIGHTS. 4 room and bato. L-oniDleta: iarce h If -story unfin- uned. buy j;bls; urmi and make I ow; aaa. H A WT HORXE comer. place, only $--). rooms, firs- I MODERN 3 rooms, baaament. tuba, fire- HAKE DEP. a TR. CO. 24 Oak. CHEAP AND EAf'T PAYMENT HUMES. I o-room house, $14'i. 6-room brick bunclow, 2300. 0-rooxn cuita s;e, .iimhj. 4-room house. Jlti.'.o. lroom noUMe. f H t. 4-room house, 6 -room houe, fi-rooin house, a-rootn house. 1 T". $1IMM. SJ1H. : Any of the abnva houses 1200 dawn. I oa.ance uionttny paymDt. See Irfin. i"l lid. uf Trade. y , $145U CASH Large 6-roena modern house, two more I moms can be n mined on second floor; I full liutch kitchen, wood! If t. cooling closet,! etc; ainuow shades, extra fine eiectrlo Iix- tures; large basement with la u miry trays: r&uxluswfuut lot; this house could not be I bul.t today for less than $LoOi, blocks from Kosa City Park car No trade, no I agents. CALL B18 COR RETT BLPO. MCE LARGE HOME MOfXT TAUOR. I v rouiua. J fireplaces, furnace, full ment baewment, wuud elevator to top lioor; 10c i9iuii; several Irult trees, rtne I place for a garden; all '.r-et improve-1 menu in and bi d: thrte b ocks to car. W ill consider small place in trade as part. I 1 -m fiMuv; terms. C A. Wnrr!ner, RITTEK. LOWK A CO., Board of Trade Bulg. 10 YOU KNOW VALVKii? TtS: Vkl CAN DELIVEK IT. Ease Uth s:. . between' Stark and Oak. 80xl0 lot. cement sulfwa.fcs, curb and sewer la and Paid In fuil and a fl-ronm I od cottase; tola! price JlToO, can be han- I a ea on term: unjoining - oiocks nem . high as $12,000 and $I4.oO. This la in-I proneny. (No. t,4 rl- Oih.l FRANK L. MrGUIRE. ABINGTOX BLPO. I LAL'RELHUKfT. 5-Room iiunea .ou I2S-0. Splendid o-room bunsalow, with1 hard-1 wood floors, firep are. bu:ir-in buffet, In Laurelliunt.. wi:7i ."Oxlodt lot. ail sti Improvements inciuded in price. Lei us I ax w you. A. Q. TEFPR CO.. Main 8'ie. it; stark St.. Near Sd. $ UK) CASH. B-room cnttue. gMrase. chicken houae I and park : 1 b.o- k from streetcar; paved I streeL 1'ric f.uvu; easy terms. V. LEE. Sea 11. I II. A. DRYER. "The Acreage Man' ftlO l.fwu HMg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Modern 6-room bunicilow, best home n- Tlronment, asphalt atreet sll pld, beau tiful view; lot alone worth J'M Price $duVM. $.o0 rafh. balance easy. THK I'RuSpLEV-V IGA KM CO.. 270 Hlark at. Main a..3. Evenings bundwy, call Main 5073 or Est -7 I'KuuM houne. 2-slory. gas snd fuil p'umb Ing. hard-surface street, fu 1 lot. 2 biocka from Ankeny car, located at JOCi E. Davis I at. Ilnuae la not in Sood reoalr but tl aa r.flced at the ndicuiuiialy low price of $Jmh. and a small stieet assessment. . Trrmi. JnkUAN A OA R BADE. 212 Allsky BTdg. t J 00 HOSK CITY PA R K 'J : 00 . 5-R. home, K. and en, fireplace, h. w. rnorr e . cement basement: .'M a'lll na die; we have several good buys in Kose I Citv. Auto at vour service. be Fit A N K L. MiGl'itiE. Ahlngton Bldt-. Tt PCY TttMiK HOME. MODERN tt-room bunajlow, 2x40 ft., fire nlit(-. bookcases. built-in buffet. linei t-loeeta, etc., larre attic, unflniahed, lot I 5nliKi ft.. 5 larse cherry tree, in strlcted district; -'7j0. JpiOO cah neces sary; houie cannot Ae ouiit ior a.iou. Oancr. Twbor t3J. BCT A HOME DIRECT FROM OWXER. I With a paying butdnetut connected, which the wife can handle and niake $lo per I month while your salary Is all banked. I AC bl. Oregomau, aEri this buritalow tolH between 2 and 4 1 o ciiK-k: o rooms, bookcases, our ret, iire- v place, etc.: fine lot. fruit ti eca. roses, eta J.aurelhurst dlJ-t. Rose Cltv car to 3'ith; r fcouth or Mv car to aoth. go rortn. PJA taft Irving st-, after today Phone Main 37H7. ALAMEDA PARK 2-story, ha:t, living, din- buffet. Dlate c ass. tiffplac). book canes, Dutch kitchen. break fuut- roti in a bedrooms, bath, white enamel; fuil basement, furnace. Ali particulars. owner. AH 11.1. Or"'nian. No agents. 4ihm WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS $400 7-room strictly modern home, every con venience, wonderful view, block to car. district of fine homes: let us show you ilni Autik at Vour service. FRANK L. McGL'IRE. AHINGTON BLDO. UliKK flTY nrvr.ALOW3. Have some ni.e ones at right prices. Call and a wn-u I have, C. A. Warriner, RITTER. LOWK A CO.. 10:1.5-7 Hoard of Trade Bids;. ft , vi i v n, t a I. NKAU SKIDMORE. 7 rouiua, cement basement. laundry trara 1 liedroom and bath on first floor. S bedrooms and storeroom on gecun floor. Lot 4nxl'Mt. Price $2;hhY. CmDDAKD A WIEIHtlCK. 4J PTARK. MY 7-room modern home. Rose City Park, splendid view, 2 lois. everything to be desired placed in this residence without regard to expenaeu Price $tunn below dup lication. Will show to any real prospec tive purchswer. A TW. Oregtmlsn. GOOD ni(Hlra 5-room houte, ail wired and I aith til larre lot. with lawn. r.ea and fry it tree-; a fine home for '-.-.o- vtuid tiTtn. I mm owner. Cad Ta bor 34otj. Sundas or evemus after 6 o'clock P. -M. . A HE AUTIFl'L 7-room bungalow, sleeping porch, modern tnrougnout; line tocation x. thli If vou warn a sood home at eacrtfic. 107.1 Maliory ave, I'hone owner, Oak Grov 16 W. 4-ItOOM bun r alow and furniture; $1C-S, $250 cash, -balance terms: 1 block to car. F. K. STKAKNPJ ""2 WIUox bidfr.' Main S.M7. Kvenlngs. Mar. 8770. luoo WEJ?T FIDE $K0. B-room modern cottase. Cay St., near l:h. walk dlsU. Jf5xD0 lot, clear; $5O0 handl. FRANK L. McOCTRF. APTVGTON BLDO U'OMiniTiiLivi-' IttTH STREET. 4 -room house and attic, barn and good ehicken-houae. bearing orchard. Lot 20OX JO; price $1700. $2in down. UODDAHI) A WIEDKICK, 43 FTARK. VOU HALE 4-room hou and lot 6nio0 n r.rMliam carlioe. Jt ft. from station; tortus ta suit. Phone owner. Avast v5"- . - : lumijdWN 10-Ri OM HOUFR. Near N. W. Steel shipyard. In "good re pair, free of Incumbrance; prie -.0, on ertfT Pyments. ro oen-i. - .. " HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. ls rooms, strictly modern bungalow, garage, fireplace furTtavco, etc; price I2v7o. terma Tabor ea. U'll.l. riAl-RIKICK. $500. Almost new 5-nKm cottaxe. basement an I attic, buffet, Dutch kuchn, price S 1 1.0 ; cash $ 4..Q. Phone t.. iKkIN(AN"S home, ft rooms, on car- line 1" min. nil, iuru-!uni hi., mm raid: $!". $100 down. $15 per mo. See Oraper, 401 Hoard of Trade, E, Gl.tSAN. No. 2155, corner fccth; ft-room - houe. bam. city improvements all paid; $-um. $2-m cash. Geo. W. W att, 603 Cham. of Com bidg. Main 2QM. MODERN 4-FLAT Near Walnut I'ark. Tnrom $H0 month. I'rice $0r). CODDAKD A WIEDKICK, 243 STARJC 6-U0OM house, close in. little cash, balance easy; your opportunity to get r:ose-tn home fry rhflp. Johnson-Dod-son Co. k4 N. W. Bank b dg FoR P A IE Modern houseboat, with gas. electricity, city water, phone, etc. Phone rVlIwood 'BARGAIN $li50. Woouatoct. modern 7- KMm house anu tot. on canine, ttu owner. 4.'J Aoth ave. S. E. H7tM MODERN R-room bunraiow, Kenton. 44 Ki:patnck at. $:50 dwn, terms to ult. Q G. Reeves. Wet; Furyo bidg. . sell my resident 1 ao'.e If taken ioon. on carline, rea iG M. Oregnntna. EjClTY in g'od H-room cottage, bath and pantry. Woodlawn 1152. FOR SALE 6-room houe. A'.berta district. 1 b'ock from car. r nne vvooqiawn S4.z HOOK and lot on lliwthorne due; beauti ful home; y-'2M. 1 snor 'ft.-to. IJilCSE ar.d W fr sCe on i1nes-orth ave.. by owner. .ooo. i-none v. 00a 1 awn .kis. TWO ouih Portland homes. $2"O0. always rtoud, 450U Uuwn. owner, si n.. REAL ESTATE. for Sale Iloosea. BARGAINS. ' Modern, up-to-date 3 -room bunra'ow; hardwood floors, fireplace, ate. Cor. aW-ab, near Lincoln. x $2400, A fine 6-room bungalow at 243 E. 47th, yone didck irom nawinorne ave., au-igot iat; a real bargain. IGO. . A modern 6-room house at 14 E Davis, 'near o:h; cannot be replead, for less than $4ooa $1100. ; . A fine 5 -room cottag- at 0S9 ,B. 9th; Improvements all paid, 1 0 2ioa. A One 6-room house at 459 Baldwin at.; ffood condition; lot 50x100; easy terms. . J. U KAKNuPP, Ry. Ech. BIdff. Main 6T5. IRpXGTOX HOME BEAUTIFtX. T74 Thompson. S. "W. corner 24th; ma hogany Qnlfti, tile bat hi, most costly con struction ; quarter block. This Is the dnet smalj home In Irvinffton and I know every one; -your architect's appraisement would be JUS.tHK) to f:t0.000; owner left Oregon ana oners at is.-uu. Oh. but It's a beauty! SEEN H V APPoINTMKNT ONLY. R, T. STHEET. EXCLLtilVE AUENT. MORTGAGE FORECLOSED. Owner helpeaj. Will take $2000 for eoultv worth about STOOO. Four-flat build ing, modern, in good condition, on East Second street, near Broadway. Tins la a good investment. RPTTER, LOWE St CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldff. Bl'NG ALOW BARGAIN PARAGE. Almoat new bungalow, lnrood district. at a big sacrifice, owner moving soutn; very large living-room, nice dining-room, bath and Dutch kitchen downstairs. 3 un usually fine bedrooms on 2d floor, -good cement basement, furnace, garage, every thing complete and ready to move into; It:. 00 takes it if sold this week. J. DEI,AHL'NTY, East 2086; during; week .vain itoo. lKVlXUTON PARK BARGAIN, $32UO. Will sacrifice my 7-room bung low; Panel dimna-room with beautiful buffet. living-room has attractive fireplace, book cases and window seat; complete outcn kitchen breakfast-room, sleeping porch, sewing-room; house double . constructed, plate giass windows, east front, near car. This is a real bargain and will stand close Inspection. No agents. Phone owner, Wood la wo 4S.'0. VHV NOT BUILD? Get an artistic home according; to your own Ideas by responsible firm. Prices are soms higher than .normal, but they will not be lower for some years. We design intf build residences, apartment, anything. aasist to? nuance same ir uesireu. -l! R. BAILEY CO.. INC. i. Contracting Architect!. 924 Northwestern Bank B!dg. A REAL BAKOAlN IN KENTON. Th ree good aroom houses on paved street, -with all city liens paid, one block from Kenton carline. d oiocks xrom JNortn Port. and car" terminal: once very rea sous bis and terms with small cash pay ment. lnvestlgata at once. No agents. CALL WOOULAWN 4711. Ask for Mr. Thompson. HAWTHORNE AVENUE DISTRICT. iLtli U M Hl'XlUI.OW. Fin modern bungalow, 242 E. 47th, on block from the avenue: lot oOxio. If you need aomethlng like this, snap it up. Ry Exch. Bidg. Main 6,r. MODERN house, 6 rooms and bath, cor. lot. good location; price J:ouu; in oiornuu Knrinn. th famous health resort, with l li mineral aorinss and dry climate, for property in Portland, near the water or on tne coast. 01 oiriin California, about same slue, owner, n. P. Madaon. nlorado prings. l oio. tuL-i 1. nnMK. MARINE VIEW. One of the finest homes in Portland. 12 rooms, everything up to oaie, iwh;j. Karaire. paved street, neamuui iu aiiu. f :o.-.r earner, coat $2.r.Hil): must go at a snap, 'terms 11 you wn ni'-i. consider smaller house 011 thia. 201 McKay bids. ' DON'T MISS THIS. rrr.iit.ii it Arwm hmiM. several nice fruit trees, street improvements all in and paid. Price fiioo; jjw cami, eaay. ' RITTEK. LOWK & CO., 203-0-7 Board of Trade Bidg. $100 DOWN. IC-rm modern buiiealOW. ClCC and gSS, full cement basement; Alberta district, on Emerson st. Price only $2io0. Let us show you this. Auto at your service, tie Frank L. MeGuirr, Abingdon Bidg.. TO Bui JOL.K nujm. 5 ROOMS. $1650. viee modern 5-rooni home; good plumo- . lng. electric lights, buffet, just repainted. In tine shap. E. 72d u M. V. carline; $0 cash, bn lunce terms. A. U. K1KRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Dldg. Mar. 4114, A 4118. A. KfcAL HOME Bargain All modern con- eniences, wnn nuniwwu I water heat, fruit ami garage. Hawthorne di-Htrtet. Will sell For leas than coat and ccept satiaiactory oouu- v." . . ?, - Miohi furnished. J. i- ivooena, Northwest'ern Bank building. 72X14fl CORNER. Lariro, well-built 7-room house, ood rarden 10II. centrai h-ast aiue.. .naa $22oo. Terms. BITTER. LOWE A CO.. 20J-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. SELLWOOD DISTRICT. Good 4-room plast.-red noU9e.chiik": house, fruit, garden apace; ' -r . n..r,iont tmtHL will Se.l at Dig advance in few months; net quickly A. K. HILL. 4il Henry B.dg. MODERN IRVIGTON HOME. A a real snap; furnace, fireplace. beamed eel ng. paneiea uhihi-h . Butch kitchen. Come ae for yourself; consider some trade. By owner, i. 11th st. . K,wr CITY modern bungalow. 120x100 lots, aar-age. Corner Sandy blvd. V ill take trade 2 modern houses ana noxiov iui each. Evergreen Station, Oreaon City car mie; good terms. Geo. Moore. 3lf Cham. of Com. VANCOUVER, WASH. 10-ROOM HUt, lXt tJUXl'"'. - - corner C Take a l- BITTER. LOWE A CO.. 3-S-7 Board of Trade Bidg. 203-! a NICE 6-room furnished house in Lower Alhlna, convenient to the shipyard; snap. R E. MENEFEE A CO.. 416-417 Railway Exchange Bids;, 1 n on e pib 1 Rl'NfiAl OW. 15 mln. ride. East Side, hard Bwod floors. Dutch kitchen, buffets and fireDlace. hard -surface pnvemenu and :.. .n1 nald for. I2:"0. Sellwood :o22. H. H. HarrlslOl a Brooklyn ""ESPECIALLY FOR NEWLY WEDS. If you have $50 first payment balance $10 per month, you can own a nice four room bungalow, price $700. Corai early, as room bungi this snap ,-iil not last. 2Q1 McKay mng, . -..T.C.T- V 6-rm. bou... .IWlV. Porch .nd J w v r.r: rholc. loratton: lease .'" ".oi.ibli narty. Owner. 22U Henry MODERN bungalow, line ,""lct. clo.e to car In excellent rendition; No. MJe fc. Tttnna nion- -. 1 rw , f bunailow. large, we.I arranged rooms. In beautiful Groveland 'Park. Maw- Korne car. $.1150. terms like rent. Owner. Tabor oio.' pv t-tiFCL corner. Irvington home; Army officer, ordered awe will sell at sacrifice, furnished or unfurnished, his 8-room mwi- n hnme. Wltn KrRt-. . vi Luncaiow. finished attic, modern. furnace ana " "7 , Sleoo cash, balance mortgage. UiO Haw thorne ave. WiLL sacrifice for cash or terms 7-rc bunga.ow bordering on Laurelhurst; la I-room lot auid plenty of roses; no agenta. y-a East Everett st. I'hone Eftat 2Q- 2-KOOSl house and furniture, woodhed and -hiiivard. Take Fulton car, get off at Carodne St. and JIM rveaver pu FOR QI'ICK sale, IT00. nair casa. suour- ban home, near mi. 1 rooms, bath, cement basement. See it. Tabor 5QS4 5 ACRES house, barn, cow, plenty of fruit, near Lents Junction: bnsaT, aa nart payment jonn . -.Uh - Northwestern Bank bidg. BY owner. 110x131. Hunnyaioe. oeautuui iu- mom mouer 11 uuuat-, A . " , berries; good apartment site. O 2, ore gonisn. . 7-ROOM bungslow and 2 acres, near Court ney station; gas inu n imm, -vuv, terms. Owner. C. W. Llnd Mllwaukie. Or. MOIFRN -ROOM HOME. CLOSE TO ROSE till A L J '- 1 Ana, $ -JO. .0. TERMS. H 77. OREOOXIAK. MODERN 8-room Irvlnron home for sale cheap bv owner, wno is leaving city. East 8128. J-ROOM bungalna. East Side, close in: must sell at a sAcririce; lot 00x120; improve ments In and paid; terms. K I, Oregonlan. S-ROOM modem house on E. 46th. Mock N. of tteimont: street pavea ana paia; price $27S. on terms. Owner, 229 Henry bidg. $7M) TAKES my 2-room bungalow on choice I OI. who ur r 1 11 K J 1 w4 1 iitb. r llculara see owner. 404 Piatt bidg. REAL ESTATE.' for Sale House. 0 WHT PAY RENTH 'When, by makins; a small cash pay ment and the balance In monthly instal ments, it will enable you to be inde pendent of the landlord? Any of the fol lowing; properties can be bought on easy terms to uit you. All street Improve ments, bonded liana and taxes nmlrt $100 5 -room house. 1242 E. Clay U" e- I'tiH su, ouxiuu-it. JOL $.i0 ti-ruom bunsalow, 40xl00-ft. lot. jojif r.. .';.tn st. rv., cor wygunt su $JJfa 6-room house, E. tith st. ., be twen Shaver and Jlnsnn ra. . $:t;J50 6-room modern bunfealow, 1099 .nou st.. near K. 3tth st. rs.. oxiuu rt t4Jo0 6-room home. cor. E. -yth and weimer sts.. key at 03 Weidler st. 4."oo W-room bung-alow, complete In F. V. ANDREWS Ac CO.. 604 Piatt bldg. Tel. Marshall 6025. Sundays and evenings call East 6043. BUT NOW A PARKROSE ACRE TRACT t- IO lu DOWN, $15 MONTH Jnst outside City Limits, gas, water and electricity, also car service. A paved street to the city. Early planting aoil no rocks. ..J. I. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. Chamber ofjCommerce, 4Lh 4s Stark St. Main 20$, A 20o0. "x v $4500 - ROSE CITY PARK - $4500 This beautiful home of 8 rooms, and den. has everything to make it attractive. It is strictly modern, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, all built 4.n conveniences, full cement basement on E. 40th St. The choicest part of this district, terms can be arrangea 11 you have j.siw casn. e sir. Bender with J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BUNGALOW of exceptional beauty, 40x60, lx large room, hall, aleeping-porch, bed rooms with large closets with full-length mirror doors, plate-glass ana Arencn win dowfl. hardwood floors, white enamel fin Ish throughout, elegant fixtures, fine paper, fireplace, built-in window seats, bookcases., buffet, larjre bathroom, built-in uresser, outcn kitchen, lovely Dreakiast room, large concrete porches. Will con slder good auto hi part payment. Com Sunday and see place. bMU E. 37th. Ta bor 621. Main JWoit. FORCED SALE. Elegant Piedmont homo, must be sacrl flced; contains 7 rooms, large reception hall and sleeping porch, full concrete base ment, furnace, oak floors, all modern built-in features, two toilets, full lot to alley, paved street : buy this today for 3.-.00 and save $1000. Call at i:i:i0 Will iams ave. lien r l-T i i? h la n ri fnr innnertion Sunday, 1 to 4 P. M. After Sunday phone ti road way .044. No agents. TINE ROSE CITx DISTRICT HOME. 7-room house and finished attic: hardwood floors. fireDlace. furnace. full cement base-uent; garage Very nice location; 2 blocks to car. Will consider acreage for equity If price and location is rignt. .Trice 4mjo. C. A. Warriner, RITTER. LOW K & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. ROSE CITY PARK. 5 ROOMS $2S.j0. Beautiful 5-room bungalow with hard wood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, ce ment ba.ement, furnace, etc. Located on 60th at., 1 Vs blocks north of Sandy boule vard. Pi Ice Includes improvements. A i: tekpk f Main 3316. 204 Stark St.. Near Sd. LARGE HOUSE AND GROUNDS. S-i 00 m well-built house, lot 100x100, good garden soil, some fruit trees and ber ries. One block from car, central East Side. No. 1403 E. Hoyt Take a look. Price $17Ga , C. A. Warriner, rittp:r, LOWE A CO., 03-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. THREE rooms and lavatory. well-built, plastered house; gas, electricity and phone; outbuilding-, floored, glazed and painted, suitable for garage; 2 lots, loox loo ft.; one block from car, tn Woodmere, at SouO. about one-half its value: $250 will. handle it. 7004 6 1st ave. S. E, Tabor 1017. IRVINT.mS DUTCH COLONIAL. Splendid location, 37t East 2rtrl st. N., 7 rooms, furnace, fireplace, mahogany and white enamel Interior finiah. A fine home for $ Til mo. Owner moving from .the city. For sale on easy terms. F. E. Bowman si Co., 21o Chamber of Commerce bidg. Main o02I. $18.-i0 TERMS $1650. GENUINE ALBERTA SNAP. 6-room modern, block to car, liens paid. G.. C. GOLD E N B E KG OF COURSE! "35 years in Portland.'' Main 4803. Foli SALE Choicest home on Portland Heiehts In the choicest location on all the Heights. Large, spacituis residence and highly developed grounds. Large flower sard ens and hundreds or rosws. View Is unexcelled. Price $45000 from owner. P hi, Oregonian. GOLF JUNCTION. Brick Hoose 7 Rooms. Llv.-room 12x14, dt.-rovn 12x14, with buffet; Dutch kitchen, bathroom and toi let on first floor; 3 bedrooms on second floor; basement under all. Price $3400. GODDAKD A W1EDR1CK, 24U STARK. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. Artistic, e it elusive, none like it in Port land, ti rooms, all on ground, modern, re strlctcaJ. district, paved street, paid. 1 blk. to carT easy terms. Pee Mr. Eaton, with THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, K4 5th St. Main ttbGd MODERN 6-room bungalow, all on one floor. hardwood floors, not water neat; tot ai 1O0 located in Rose City near Sandy: all improvements included in price, $o70; terms $I0oo cash, balance like rent. J C. COKBIN COMPANY, SOS Lewis Bidg. MODERN 8-room house. Willamette Heigrhts, large grounds with natural trees and shrubs, fine hot water heating system, large fireplace, property well worth $17, 0o, but will sell for much less. Terms If desired. L. K. Moore. S17 Board of Trade. 7-ROOM modern house, hot water heating plant, a good house, not far from Jeffer- son High School; lot could not be bought and house built today for less than $7000; price $4t00. Best of terms. L. K Moore, ait Boara or 1 raue. TAKE A LOOK AT THIS. - 20S7 E. CLAY ST.. NEAR 82D. . inoxioO corner. 6-room modern bun go low. Butch kitchen, buffet, laundry trays; price 22.u. reasonaoie terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK BX. $2500 ROSE City bungalow and garage. $2500, (3,)V oown, uai. -.i iiiunvuij rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace. ment basement, st. paved and paid: on 4th north of the Alameda. Barr, Main llll. 222 C. of C. bldg NEW bungalow, 5 r., bath and sun porch u mile N. E, Reed College; also one a Williams ave and Morgan and one on Taylor, close rn. Geo. C. Howard, owner, 314 on. $675 BUYS a good 5 -room bungalow with lot box 100. near srood school:, built 4 years: city water; 15 mln. walk from Montavilla car; sold 3 years ago fur $1J00 great bargain. P. O. pox am. KvrEI.LENT 6-room house. Hawthorne dls trict. 10 minutes to city, full basement, furnace, fireplace, lot 40x100, f rutt-bearlng trees, improe-ements pam. .trice -pduu, terms. Owner, Tabor 42iu. NEW IS-room bungalow, fireplace, cement basement, oaic lioors. ih iota, nign loca tion. West Side, south, fic fare; near new Fulton Park School; $2500, terms. P. B. Van Nice, Marshall 5454. 401 Concord bidg. 8-room cottage on brick piers, plastered. Lot soxioo. Price ssr,tt. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 STARK. $100 CASH, balance ($1450) like rent, buys up-to-date 4-room bungalow; fine garden, roses, fruit, berries, chicken run. 940 E. 1 st h. M ain e v I HAVE houses for sale In all parts of the city ranging irom ijo up, can give easy terms if desired. J. W. Streit, i85 Alder st. Marshall 220, Main Olio. BIG BARGAN $850. 6-room plastered house. Lot 40x100 to alley. ML bcott car. cost i4u. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 STARK. BARGAIN LV FULTO N. 2 lots and 6-room houee for only $1250; fruo cash. $10 monthly. F. FUCH5. 420 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN bungalow 5 rooms, lot 60x100, citv Improvements an mane, near aaw thorae, close in. Price $2700, terms. H. Hatfleld. 1q514 4th st. 819 MARYLAND STREET. S rooms, bath, Dutch kitchen, cement basement.-Price $25O0. GODDARD A W 1,L KlUrl. Z43 oTAKK. WHY PAY RENT? I will sell my 7-room house cheap; locatea juu.t e.. iatn st. rv. Call at 218 Lumbermen bidg. Bdwy. 3712. KENTON 7-room modern home. . furnace. etc. $26"0, easy terms, rtummeii A Kum mell. 274 Stark st. . MODERN 6-room house, bungalow type. Iirepiace. luniaw, ijuiuu niLuueu, uuui Sn conveniences. Paved street. East 4422. 864 ACRES, 70 in cultivation, good build- in cs. near Oregon uuy. v onerein. 114 First. x 5-ROOM cheap cottage, lot 5CxPX), near St. Johns canine, irice sa.o, terms. r. nai fleld, 115 K 4th st. $2600 ROSE City Park bungalow, garage. etc. Ml. improvements paia. 'xerms. num me!l & Rummell. 274 Stark st. 6-ROOM 2-story modern house, furnace, near cars. E. I2tn a. 1200, terms. TORGLER, 106 SHERLOCK BLDG. FOUR-ROOM house and acre fruit, 13-min- ute ride. Ore. feiec, 00 laxe, a xu7, oregonlan. REAL ESTATE. for Sale -Houoea. A MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. " $150 DOW N $23 PER MONTH. -This attractive home - was built three Tears ago by the -owner and- nothing but -the beat of. material went Into it ; the rooms are good size, nicely fimshed and conveniently arranged; fireplace in the living room. built-in effects In din to g room, handy Dutch kitchen, plenty of cupboards, den or sewing-room, with bath on first floor; three pleasant bedroom; full concrete basement; lot is oOxluo. with beautifuIView from porch; plenty of ad joining lots for war garden; the price is $2450 (leas than it cost to build), with the above terms; location is 325 E. 70th N. Open for Inspection today. Maclnnes, 210 Oregon bidg. Phone Broadway 1653 week days. Tabor 861 Sunday. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. SWELL BUNGALOW. LOT 50X100. Attention, please. This beautiful 5 -room bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, furnace. Dutch kitchen, etc., is open for inspection today from 10 to 5. You can't find very many modern bungalows In the Hawthorne district with a lot 56x100. This place ts ready for oc cupancy. Move right in. The price is low. Located just one block north of Hawthorne at J231 East Madison, near 41st St. By all means see thia it's juet what you have been looking for. Remember, open for in spection today. After Sunday, see A. G. TEEPE CO., Main 8516. 204 Stark St., Near 8d. "HARD LUCK," BUT TRUE. $53,000 "HIGH-CLASS RESIDENCE" OFFERED THIS WEEK AT $21,500. POSITIVE SACRIFICE (TO AVOID FORECLOSURE). $5000 CASH WILL HANDLE, BALANCE LONG TIME. SEE THIS SPLENDID MODERN HOME. BEAUTIFUL, SIGHTLY LOCATION (EAST SIDE WHOLE BLOCK) IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION INSIDE AND OUT; CONSIDER EXCHANGE. AUTO OR GOOD EQUITY UP TO $2500 AND $:1500 CASH, BALANCE TERMS. SEE IT AND MAKE OFFER. ADDRESS OWNER, P. O. BOX 222. - 'S-ROOM HOUSE ACRE TRACT $1450 Parkrose If you want to get out, raise ffarden. berries, chickens, go see this the house is small, you can build on later If necessary, 5 blks. from Sandy Blvd., and carline, pressure water, .gas, electric ity. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bidg., 4th & Stark St. Main 20S, A 2050. (Sunday only Branch Office open, 45 th & Sandy, no phones.) GOOD LOCATION VANCOUVER, WASH. 10-room dwellingr-house, corner lot lOOx 100; steam-heat ig system, fireplace, luu cement basement. Carpets and gaa range go with place. Can be made Into several good apartments. On hard-surface streets. Price $o5o0; terms. C. A. Warriner, RITTER, LOWE 0 CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg 2-STORY modern 7-room residence, Irving- ton district; large living-room and dining room with hardwood floors, kitchen first floor: three bedrooms, bath and inclosed sleeping-porch second floor; white enamel xinisn ttirougnout except Gining-room which is mahogany; full-size concrete basement, furnace; lot 50xlO0; all im provements included in price. aG0O. J. C, CORBIN COMPANY, 305 Lewis Bid? STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE BUNGALOW, 12OO0. Nice living- room with fireplace, dining room, built-in effects, den. 2 Deurooms, bath, full cement basement with furnace and wash trays; everything in first-class shape; ruU lot. no bonded aeot. vv 00a stock district; price $2000. terms. LUE DDE MANN COMPANY, N 913 Chamber of Commerce. . OPEN FOR INSPECTION TODAY. FROM 1 TO 4 P. M. $4500 LAUHELHURtiT - HOME $4500. $500 down, bal. terms monthly; vacant few days ago, move right in: for sale few days only. 251 Laurel hurst ave.. near 39th at, 7 rooms and aleeping porch, fully modern; owner -paid $0000, now nonresident, says sell for $4500:4bettter pick this up. Cleve land, 5 far in lift. 222 C. of C. bidg. MURRAYMEAD PRICE $8500. Strictly modern 11-room residence, tile bathroom. 2 toilets, 2 fireplaces, plate glass windows, hardwood floors, finished In mahogany, oak and white enamel. Ex pensive lighting fixtures. Tapestry walls. Cost $12,750. Lot 75x100; street improve ments paid. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 STARK. $lO0. A SNAP IF SOLD BY THE 28TH. 5 -room house, all ground floor, built-in effects. In neighborhood of nice homes, only built 2 years, elevated lot, - blk. to car; small cash' payment, balance like rent. See Mr. Eaton, with THE, FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 nth st. Main 6869. S77K RTH and Mason. B-room : liens. si hh Brown, near union, o rooms: nem $1000 14th. nr. Shaver; paving paid, ber ries. fruit. Very cozy 5-rm. mod. cottage, $100 cash. G. C. GOLDENBERG, ABINGTON BLDO. "3,5 years in Portland." Main 4tod. YOU'LL FIND A HOME will give you more real joy than automobiles or tneaters; a charm irom tne snies win nauuw u there" and that's the tTuth. Call Mai 7 before, 10 A. M. or evenings. I ow aeveral rribj'v beautiful homes in choic locations, large and small, and on very easy terms. . si-Jim KOUITY TOR LOT 6-room modern house, with furnace, full basement, bath, toilet, etc. 52x100 lot, lawn and rosAfi. streets hardsurf aced. Thi house in located on E. 21st near Ladd Ave. Price $3200, mortgage $20Oo. See Mr. Bender at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. HOMES, ALL PARTS OF CITY, SNAPS. unit Lents. 4-K. bungalow. $1500 Mt Scott, 6-R. furnished, 70x125. $J250 -unnyside, u-rt. Dungaiow. J2300 Piedmont district, 6-R.. snap. -.ihi Modern home. V acre ground $2500 Close in. lOOxlOO, fruit trees, 0 R. CHAS rtliNOLllv at. vjvj., -o xicmy -Jtutt- 1P1VR ROSE CITY PARK HOUSE. Large living room with fireplace, hss mH eeiiiner. dinine room, built-in ef- fectR. 3 sood bedrooms, large closets, full cement basement, good furnace, stationary tubs. etc. Good garage. rnce a-t-uu, terms. LUEUOtJlAft LUftirAli l, !13 Chamber of Commerce. npE- tnd.TV for insnectfon today from 1 to o'clock P. M. 1136 Hassalo; fine modern 7 rooms and den; spacious veranda. $000, at imnrnvmts. all Daid. worth $5000 to $0000, out of town owner says sell for $3450. only $450 cash. Dai. terms 10 suit. Cleveland. Main 118". 222 C. of C. bidg $3S00 LAURELHURST BUNGALOW $3500 tt-room mouern ouiiga 10 w uu all street assessments paid; $500 cash will handle, balance like rent; a big snap; get kev at Laurelhurst tract office today. E. 39th and Glisan, Tabor 3433. During week call Mr. Knapp. Main IitiO. for sai.K Choice home, two blocks Beau mont car, on E. 40th N. Eight fine rooms. Downstairs bedroom and lavatory, t oui bedrooms and bath upstairs. Paved street, 'Fir-enlace, furnace, everything up to date. Price $4500. W. B. Roberson, Title & Trust bidg. Marshall 240. 40O3 40TH STREET S, "E.. corner lot lOOx 100; 2-story, a-room residence, oatn; araaii ham- enncreta navement to Mt. Scott car. Just about 4 blocks; $2500; terms $800 casn. Daiance iik rent aui nuiri J. C. CORBI in coa COMPANY. 305 Lewis Bidg. STTNNYSIDE SACRIFICE. Read my display ad in first section to day's paper and come out uns arte moon to 924 E. Salmon st.. near E. 29th and see a $0500, 8-room home for $4500, on easy terms, j. "emuu lj. r.aa A SACRIFICE SALE. 8-room modern house, every convent ence. E. 42d. bet. "Lincoln and Harrison; only $3250; easy terms. Auto at your se rvlce FRANK L. McGUTRE. ABINGTON BLDG. iRVixr.TnN SACRIFICE. See my display ad in first section today's paper and come out tnis anernoon w ir.11 E. 35th St., N., near Tillamook, and see a $7000. 8-room home for $4350, on easy terms. C. E. Brown. Taoor o. SELLWOOD GARDEN'S. About 200 yards from O. W. P. and S. to n r lot R0t30O with 2-room shark; nrlce $900. Goddard & "Wiedrick, 243 Stark. -PORTLAND HEIGHTS A mnKt deitirablo bnngalOW. 7 rooms. well built and thoroughly modern, level lot, garage, paved streets. Price $4000, terms. A , oregoman. 5 BOOMS near- 27th and Division, hard- surfaced streets, ail in ana pmu iw; oo, $250 cash, easy terms on balance. O. O. Sletten, Main 3517. $2250 5-RM. Hawthorne home, modern; 20U casn, wn n .wuv. G. C. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "35 years in Portland. " Main 4N03. WEST SIDt: $3700.. 8 rooms, hardwood floors; fireplace, hot-water heat, good plumbing. Lot 30x60. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 STARK. BARGAIN ON GLADSTONE AVE. Nice ground and 2 houses for only $2500, $8oocah, rest at 6 per cent. F FUCHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. 6 ROOMS, modern. R. C. P. dlsL. $2500; $750 mtg., for farm near jrorxiana; win as sume. D 104. Oregonlan. HAWTH(fitXE bungalow, strictly modern and up to aate. u erms. nummen c xvu na me!!. 274 Stark st. $2200 5-ROOM bungalow, 2 lota, Alberta aistnct. .iuo cMMii. mb' 0.5 -w. SUNNYSIDE. -7-R. cottage, $2450; terms; hard-surtace paid, loos A asnington st. 8-ROOM house, with three or five lots; all kinds fruit, senwooa io. THREE-ROOM modern cottage; new plumb ing; close to car; terms, aiain 001. nooui. REAL ESTATE. For Sule Houkcs. HAiVTHOH.VE DISTRICT, $2250. v- A REAL BARGAIN. Just think of it; a real modern 5room bungalow with hardwood floors, firt-fflace. built-in bookcase, buffet with beveled plate g-Jass mirror and leaded glass doors. Dutch Jntchen with every built-in conveni ence, ironing board, en nop v over kitchen range; cement fioor in basement, wash trays. Large attic. Short distance from Hawthorne ave. Sireet improvements in cluded in nbove price. Don't pass this by. Not a thing has been slated in this adv. but what inspection will verify. Requires $400 eash. , -.A- G" TEEPE CO.. Main 3516. 264 Stark St.. Near 3d. IRVING TON B UNGALO W $0000 TERMS Fee this home on E. 26th st. appeal to you : has 7 room ii It will tnctly modern in every detail, furnace, fireplace, uuiuwwuu. liuura. an oum-in conveniences, is artistically designed, hits full cement basement and has beautiful lawn and ( shrubbery of every variet v. also garae. All street work paid. Soe Mr. Bender. With J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce blug. CUT THTS OUT. Choicest location in ROSE CITY PARK, only 14 block to car; No. 512 E. 40th st. Good, warm, 1 -story tt-room house, fine furnnce. cement basement, excellent plumbing, beau tiful lot. 50x100; owner out of town, must sell. No commission to pay, no mtg. to assume, price $2500 for quick sale. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $3250. mrJVyK'R TRANSFERRED TO SEAT TLE and must sacrifice his beautiful six room bungalow, located 011 the West Side on Willamette Heights. Level lot, 50x115; splendid view of mountains; oak floors, furnace, fireplace, etc. ; street improve ments in and paid. Heroxcertafnly j8 a wonderful bargain. LOCATION: 41a New ton st. Take Willamette Heights car to J2d st., 1 block north and l west. Terms. A. G. TEEPE CO.. Main 8B16. 204 Stark. Near 3d. IRVING TON HOME. . ' With all modern conveniences at bargain, large lot, with bearing fruit trees; a real home. Cash or terms. Might eell furnished. A block south Broadway car. See owner at ODS Weidler et near E. 21st st Irvington. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, NICE LOCA TION. 6 rooms, fireplace, full cement base ment, furnace, good garden space and room for garage. One block to Hawthorne car. Price bi50, with terms, if taken at once. C. A, WsiTlner, RITTER, LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. .BEAUTIFUL HOME. 6-room modern, lots 17fxl00, large poul-try-houfce, garage, beaming fruit and ber ries, also 2-room house, near by, 176x100 lot, water, lights and gas, & blk. of Evergreen ataflon, Oregon City line; good terms. GEO MORSE, 315 Ciam. of Com. FOR SALE- Afc A REAL BARGAIN. My 9 -room home. Has cement base ment, furnace, two fireplaces, wood lift, etc., newly tinted and floors refinlshed; located on four and one-half full-size lots, with assorted bearing family orchard; on paved streets. Price, $0500; $Soo cash. Would take smaller house, auto, or acre age. Owner, BD DD, Oregonlan. HAWTHORNE AVE, NEAR 31ST ST. 2 stories. 6 rooms, garage, living-room 16x18, oak floors, sleeping; porch, fireplace in living-room; 2d floor has 3 bedrooms and bathroom, with separate toilet. Splen did cement basement, with furnace, laun dry trays and fruitroom. This is a strictly modern home. Price $4750. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 STARK. MODERN 5-KOOM BUNGALOW, with fine large Bleeping porch, on 2 line lots, a dandy home for raising garden and chick ens; easy walking distance from St. Johns or Peninsula shipyards, $l65o. terms, W. Baker, 185 First sL Phone Marshall IS9S1 or enquire 1310 Nash ton st., St, Johns car line. , WELL arranged 4-room bungalow, large floor plan, which gives you large roomy rooms, lots of windows and built-in effects, fireplace, full basement, corner lot, nice lawn and shrubbery. 1080 Fremont, cor ner of 65th N. Price is right. No mort gage. Terms. Main 937 or Tabor 6419. Mr. Derr. - ! ROSE CITY BARGAIN. , $3200 New bungalow, hdw. floors, flre- place, furnace, built-in china closet and bookcases, finished tn white enamel. . 50 xloo, garage. In cluster of good homes, on 45th st., just north of Siskiyou; $500 cash. See any time. BADLEY. 404 N. W. BANK BLDG. WAVERLEIGH HTS. 1012 Brooklyn st., 3 blocks south of Richmond car, I1, -story, 5 rooms, lot 4 Ox 100; fireplace, dining-room with buffet; Dutch kitchen; full cement basement. Price $2650. Terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 STARK. $35oo TABOR HTS., 5-RM. modem bungalow, on E. 50th, block to Mt. T. car. nice view, $400 will handle would consider small bungalow -up to $2006 in trade. FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG., TO BUY YOUR HOME. WAVE RLE Y HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, full cementbasement, furnace, all street improvements in and paid, one block to car. Price $J5oO; terms. C. A. Warriner, RITTER, LOW?; & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. FOR SALE IN WOODSTOCK, $2250. TERM3 a-T-i-ootn house, 4 rooms, bath, pantry and three unfinished rooms above; hot and cold water, electrio lights; lot, 4"x120; rose bushes,1 lawn and garden. Phonta Broadway 40S0. room 672. A. M. Scott, owner, between 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. HAWTHORNE DIST. FORECLOSURE. 0-Rm. mod. 2-story house, full concrete basement, wash trays, furnace, fireplace, built-in effects. 50x100 lot, E. 32d E. Main, N. E. cor. St. paid. See FRANK L. McGUlRE. ABINGTON BLDG., TO BUY YOUR HOME. it VERY cute little bungalow of four rooms, furnished, with full lot, near the station at Capitol Hill, with city water, gas anl electric lights and the house entirely fur nished. Who wants this for $1000? M, J. Clohensy, 415 Abington bidg. A DANDY buy In Laurelhurst; modern bun galow, good location, nign-cmss nomcs an around; a $6500 home for $4750. If you are looking for a good buy in this dis trict, do not fall to look this up. Call at 404 Piatt bidg. OSWEGO LAKE. View acre and 3-room plastered bunga low, lights, water, a bargain at $175". easy terms.. Call at 500 Concord bids 2d and Stark. TWO beautiful places at Oak Grove, contain ing 1 4 acres, with rine nouses; everyr.nin- complete and modern; these places are be ing offered very cneap. so.. J. Lioaetby, 415 Abington mog. - S2500 5-ROOM new and modern bungalow 4otn St., soutn or imwiiiome nvr, nmu wood floors and all built-in conveniences. James J. Flynn, 81o Chamber of Com merce. OnI?I.P.TF;i,Y FURNISHED $900. 3 rooms 12x14. 10x12 and 9x21. ClfJ! water, toilet. Cement walks, gas. Term all cash. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 STARK. . FINE 8-room modern house, corner lot KOvlOO. aleeuinar norch. full cement base ment, furnace. ,xgs.s and electric lights. A number of fruit and shade trees and rosea. 574 East 3:td St., cor. ot urooKiyn. KENTON. B-room modern bungalow, $1750, terms. 80x100 on Lombard su, $500. Ida R Cooper, 1765 Derby St., Kenton. IRVINGTON CAR $2000. j 5 rooms and bath; cement basementa I street improvements paid. Also garage. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 STARK. SMALL bungalows, cottages and larger houses at all prices, an parts 01 city; easy terms. Tallmadge Realty Company, 1 Henry bidg., Marshall 355. IN the center of the city on the West Side with two good houses witn run lot on Sherman st., only $4500. At. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bidg. !200 WILL buy 795 E. 7th atreet North; basement, bath, gas and electricity. Lot , 50x100, pavement paid. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243- FTARK. 6-ROOM modern house on carline, furnished , or unfurnished; small payment aewn. Bal ance as rent. Phone V. 2"0ft. MODERN o-room bungalow, walking dis tance, central East dine. App;y u- jlub. 2"th st., corner usk. r-am i-ROOM modern bungalow In heart of Ken- ton, $1500. Ida it. cooper, ntw jjeroy, Kenton. BEAUTIFUL home for sale by owner, rea sonable; very aiirHuiive, j.iaveu BLieei; cariine; fruit. 106S E. 30tn North. $3750 -MODERN 6-room house and garage. 1314 tiarneiu av., 111 xr icumun l. oee own er. 258 Morgan bidg. OR SALE Good 6-room house on oar, lot on East 3ist sc.; oniy uuu. just nearly -'"Q: ternis. ARTISTIO bungalow; Hawthorne district J no tncumnrance. Taoor U44 or 24"0. WILLAMETTE HTS. $4000. Modern 8-room restdnre, lot fifxT. , GODDAKD A WIED1UCK, 24343TA1UC