The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 17, 1918, Section One, Page 14, Image 14

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Portland Academy Undergoing
Cleaning Preparatory to Oc
cupancy by Medical Unit.
V ., . . .
w :?-. - " I --., .
N.d V ; '1
Prrwntl I qolpmrnl of KnltMrd Mea
1 IW-toe t'orwardeal t'rnm S
t runrirnlrn Told lo Mj
Uhh Join 10 Minnie.
after (hi months of weary waltlna;
aat nianr diaappointmente and delay.
Him II.MDttal It. Ill lir(! medlral
nnll thai mil rome ont vf IB slat
nf frifi dunr-a the present nar. Is
preparing fir r-fohiiiitton and t iprt
t o ra fop ' Iwte. AnKrlria
Lake, the taller pari of this wrk.
Tn bu!Mms of Portland Aradaroy
re n -l.-ted as tb plar of
motlLstinw and ara andercolna a thor
ta rl'antna- preparatory lo their oc-cuMji'-f
ljr lha Iroop. and tne type
writer. In the anil jadiuariera al
raom ' Medtral butldln- tit runnlnc
an Man (ear.
All of mil arttvtty and mora whlrh
la lo Mil w Marled by a t.tearam
r-r-t i U.I Tufl.tar by tT. Kobart
f. TnnT. Utjur. director of lha anil,
f -m Colonel L. M Haui. d'pa rprnl
uri-na of lha ttfii Invtalon. wit II
krad-)uarra In Man Kranrleco.
JoMltaallM la Orwaraw.
Tn l'lrnm aald:
Tilxriphic tnetraetlona reralved al
the., k.adquarter for moblltaatlaa ti
1'aled paraonaal Haa Itoapttal . ander
comma of Captain Ctla H WlrM. and
a correlation prwaad lo Camp tawii.
Amarlraa Lake. N . a nr ordara will
lairwr from lhaaa baa-Jqoartara. Can
aea Mflur Basilar In I'orilaad without
.sparra lo for man durtnc
mobilisation Haporf by mall any
CAnfi of adrfreaa enlisted paraonn.l "
To ihh teles-ram Ir. Tenner replied:
"T. iltAlie avartera terqrta for tnoh lit -aatloat
aa per Instrwrtloaa I ti r aeon H Jen
aral January IT are pour aiatvabla. Kx
pans ronaiaia only of ariuai coat of
heal. I "il and waier. I'oinl of raoblll
uiiot. I'ortland Academy. Tnirtoenib
and Wwitomn atraeta Addrvaaas of
aaiuted men forwarded."
Ordeea Kapeeaew Take W eea.
Ho lha Met of lha 113 enlisted ma la
lha arte to, wetar In the banda rf lha
M.atern IlvtHa ttrariqiarter In riaa
pranciarfK If "ordara Uauo" without 1
delay, lha man will raretva their ordara
aerie Ihta week, and will ba ready
l by the end of lha weak.
rlaea lloapilal ePranaT. fll-fledce4.
from lha a-umie of tho faruttv of lha
I'nlverwlry of Drrffoa Medlral r-hool.
who In Iay offered lo t4raeto.iBe.
pi lMr(4s an army hna bo.pltal. I"i
efftrer of wnirn ahoull b farutty
mambera and r.uatee of Ina trnlver
aity of reaon Medt-a! tepariment.
rursea- General irorcaa areepiad lha
Offer In a lelecram dated Uar 11 Tha
atarf I ! Immediately drawn op.
and tim i;raa f'hetpa an appointed
ehtf rtir. with authority lo rocrult
al rec'atered naraaa for foretarn errr.
l-a The entt.tmenl of H2 man for tha
jnii (tarred July V and Auciat 1 2 tr.
K. I. Henaow. reerultina; officar. re
p.ytd "l4t
I alfte brtairr Thaa 3 Maapllaba.
p Ihta t!ne Viae I'hr pa had ath-
rc4 around bar tha authoriaad aS
njrea and. a far a. peraonnel la ran
aeracd. the unit waa rrady to travel.
ConatderuMe rlelar enaued. however. In
te matter of eourrtment. When It la
aonetdered thai an Arm baaa hoapltal
muat be readt to .are Tor 4i patients
at ore time a, minimum. It will ba
realise. that a bae hoi'ital la a larara
an.lcrt 4kiii. and -na that renutrea an
lnimrna amount of r-tutpment. ooma
idea of the prfM"rttna f th umt ran
W arained by walhlne Ihroucil Ml. Vin
cent a and the (rood riamarltan boa.
pital In Ihla rtty. Inai.cetlnc all tha
UJkpaphernalia that (ea to make up
lhee two lnotltutlon. from anllaeptlc
cauie to X-rav mat-hmee. and a dm
fnitn acacia to atnalbarta pulvle.
and then reflertlne that an Army ha a la larajer than tbeaa two -on-Xand
hoapitala combined.
I.alpeaaat la rule bed by IJka.
The matter of a-iulpment waa brouKht
to tha attention of Senator Chambar
l.ia who took II up wllh rapialn
Hidney K. Burnap. now Major, head of
tha Bureau tf Haa Hoapitala. An at
tempt waa made to hava tha crand
ItxlKe of the Heneyolent and Protac
tiae Order of i:ika rontributa aome
thtna: toward the e.juipmcnt of tha
Oregon baao hitapital.
Tha Klka are not ace uatomrd lo dolna;
lhlra: half wat. however, and Ihry
Bid. -We will e.iuip our hoapltal and
.1 it r-aht and ar il do tt all by our
Irlt ca."
Tha mtnunum coat of equipment for
au.h an arjm:4iin ia tlO.OOo Tha
arran.l lodKe of i:ika art aalda lJ."
for the ecuipmnt of t."e ba hoapital
The IVrlUnd chapter of the Hed I'roM
then contributed :) for lha personal
-uiprrent of tha r uraca.
wraaa lae-raaaaw to law.
While thia waa toltf on. Inatrue.
flora wera rivr,l from Wajhlnrtnn
to tntraaaa lh nurrhcr of nuraea from
ito !. laa ITalra waa araln
railed upon to do aorre mora rarrutttne.
tort aaaln. "A. I rad"
Tha unit waa c rttfl'd by tha Red
Ooaa a beinaT completa In peraonnel
an.i c-nuipment January J. January I
ward cafe from Waahtpcton lo pre.
para f-r rmMI atlon. an da thrill want
Ihrouc' the : rr.eK-al officera. tha
rhanlain, the l' nur.ea ar.d tho 11
enliated men. but weak later rama
another official P'aM. aakine: "Tha
rt-.Oiiliijtlon of IU lloarital 4 l
rot deaired at thla time Haao hoar I
t a ara not ca led now until two
monrha before they ar to no Into
fo-nca aera ice.
Tha neat meaaaa-e from WaahlPaTton
called for five rmlian emplojrea for
c erica I work in tha boipltaL and Mua
Ihelpe recruited thrm aa nuickly a
ah h-d the Bute i.
t ajf ttaaab-era a Taetr Taea."
I'lnallc laat Tueaday rama word that
mobi'iaathoa had been wrderad. Thla
time it baa tha itamp of authority,
and from averv ane'e looks reaL Men
and women alike compoa nc the unit
are flcurattvely "on their toaa." rl
pactlnar a rail every time tha telephone
rirja or tha poetman loks sidawia at
tne houa.
Tha prraonaj equipment of tha en
I atrd men la bein forwarded by
praea from Smn Kram-lara and aa soon
aa it arrivca rrobi'iutton w!!i taka
p ace. The men will be Fathered at
Tortland Academy, ftven. a phyelcal rl
am'natmu to make aura that they ara
atltl fit for aervic and shot In l!ia
arm with rreventatice for amallpos.
typhoid and paratyphoid The nuraaa
Ilia already received their thre pre
ventative tnnoculaMons.
.Major Tenne. .n a statement yea
terdav. nrared al! men In lha unit to
atay with their jo be to tha laat min
ute, ao tha least poaeibi In duet rial dla
turbanea wlU resuit trota tha nobUUa
tic a.
I i" . ' . ' sas.a , .
Auditorium to Become Region
of Enchantment.
hrrir Arrancrd bjr IxM-al I'nlona fop
Amc-rk-an flc-d rroea Will Re
Held In Hall of Flwtrlral
noadrrt April I, ft and .
Sfacoiflcent la a blase of patriotic
color wlf ba tba Auditorium on the
Ble-hta of April . t and . when tha
mem her a of tha clly'a alecirlcal unlona
and tha electrical Induatries of Port
land will combine In glvlnc a triple
mrt of dance fur the benefit of the
American Ked Croaa.
I'Ifly expert electricians have been at
work for soma lima each night at the
Auditorium perfecting the electrical
display a. and will have worked a com
plete month before Ihelr task la com
pleted. NoibiikC of tha port baa aver
been attempted In aura macnitude In
lha history of Portland or tha far l fir
I'oaat. with lha exception of Illumine!-
Ins; effecta In buca expoalllona. and tha
electrical craftsmen maintain that the
result In the Auditorium will rival
any of three.
Mora than !" Ilchla in the red. white
and bin of Hid Olory will chase tba
laat vealice of shadow from tha mam
moth ballroom, and the plana for thi
ct pieces are vanrd and tremendous
In detail.
Above will blaxa four srreat symbols
of the lied I'roa. with a central aervlc
fiac of the electrical workers, al
correapondln? color. The cuata-of.
arm of the L'nited Matea and several
of the allied nation, of awa-irwiplrlnjc
macnitude. will be imonf tha striking
elea-trical color rffatrts. Flood htrhta
compleielr Iraveraina; the circumfer
ence of tha ballroom w ill be In red
and blue.
I'enlrally located on the floor will
rise a colonnaded bandstand, sur
mounted by'a bronze statue of the liod-
deaa of Liberty. In full life aize. Other
striklns; effecta ara now in process of
The nlffht of tha 4th will be dedi
cated to the President, the Army and
the Navy; the niR-ht of the tth to tha
American Ited Cross, and the nlcht of
the tth. marklna: both the Initial day
of tha library loan campaiKn and the
anniversary of America' entrance Into
the war. will ba dedicated to the third
liberty loan. One hundred per cent of
all receipts will be donated to the Ked
Crus. aa all materials and labor have
been contributed.
The three local unions represented In,
tho patriotic project ara Local I'nion
No. 44. Local L'nton No. 44A. and I'nion
No. IIS. of the International Hrother
hood of Klectrical Worker. J. C.
Came la iceneral chairman of the com
mute ore arrangement, while W. H.
Ptckerlnir. Miss Kaon and C. W. Hurd
represent the three unions.
The contractora' association is co
operating and furnishing; material, the
Portland iiallway. Light ,( Power
Company Is furnishing current, and tha
Northwestern Klectric Company and
the Pacific Telephone 4t Telegraph
Company ar also actively assisting. In
the preparation of plana the commit
tee baa had the advice and approval
of the City Commissioner. County
Commissioner, representative of local
newspapers, and many prominent mem
bers of Portland's Industrial and busi
ness circles.
Jolly Traveling 8a Ira man Reminded
of Salvation Army Drive.
When a veteran captain of the Sal
tat Ion Army walked through a chair
car on the Astoria-Portland train late
KYIdar nlht, be started aomething
about which ha does not yet know. A
crowd of Jolly traveling salesmen, see
lug htm. wera reminded that there It
a big drive on for funds for the organ
isation: result, fro, from pennies to sil
ver dollars.
With tha collection which they had
taken on tha train Incloaed In a tin
ran. Kd C. Aalibaugh. of tbe Rosen-
feM-Smlth Clyar Company. Portland:
M. K. Meyer. M. A. Uuiut Company.
Portland, and C M. tiettman. The Nut
House. Seattle, appeared at The Ore
gonlan local room after tha train got
In and turned tha fund over to the city
editor. It will ba put In tha hands of
he officials In charge of the drive.
Mia Jcaale M. Iloovrr. of Stale l"ni
vcraltr, lo Aid in Concert alion.
March 1&. iSpcclal.) Miss Joasle M.
Hoover, head of the University of Ida
ho department of home er-oncnnlcic.eyes-terday
received notification from the
National Kood Administration to the
effect that she lis a been appointed to
the management of an organization de
signed to effect the ubatltuttnn of
dairy product for meat in Western
houseboiila and which will be active in
the 11 slates of Orrgon, Idaho. Wash
ington. Colorado. Wyoming. I'tah. Cal
ifornia. Montana, Nevada. Ariiona and
New Mexico.
Mlsa Hoover will leave at once for
Washington to confer with Food Ad
ministration official with regard to
the details of her work. Khe has been
granted a leave of abaence from the
university until July 1.
Logging and Mill Operators to
Meet in Portland.
Programme Will Include Addresses
and Inspection of Vancouver
Spruce Ctiul'p Plant and
Portland Shipyards.
Recommendation bent Council That
Six lie Appointed.
Women policemen may ba the next
Tha law enforcement of the Portland
War Emergency Council forwarded
yesterday a recommendation to the
City Council that six women be ap
pointed to patrol the streets in plsin
lothes for the women's protective
division of tho police bureau.
These women would have supervi
slon of tho dance halls and other
places of amusement frequented by
young men and girls.
P)lhlan lo Honor Soldiers.
AHERDEEN. Wash,March !. (Spe
clal.) A roll of honor containing the
names of 17 Aberdeen Pythians now
the Army and Navy will be unveiled
here Monday night at a meeting of
Wixlikah Lodge, of this city. A special
musical programme for the occasion
and an address by Editor J. W. Clark,
f the Grays Harbor Post will be fea
tures. The men whose names appear on
the tablet are: Major O. H. Austin. Cap
tain H. A. 1'omeau. Lieutenants W. H.
Sampson and ti. W. overmyer. Regi
mental Sergeant-Major Palmer Dem
eree. Regimental Commissary Sergeant
Roy Nichols, fergeant James Uillles
Edgar Junes. John Heyden. John S
Johnson. Uoodbar Jones. Frank Lund
berg. Arnold Nelson, John M. Ptnckey,
tleorge Itos and W. H. Osgood. Jr.
J. "
' - -rss
jt A
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What probably will ba the most in
teresting meeting of lumbermen held in
Portland In tha last few years is sched
uled for Friday. March I. when the
West Coast Lumbermen's Association
will hold Its regular monthly session
here. The association comprises the
most Important logging operators and
manufacturers In Western Oregon and
Western Washington and almost every
plant in the territory will be repre
This meeting will afford the lumber
men a chance to review tha war ac
tivities. In which tha Industry now Is
engaged, and to make plans for further
concerted effort In that direction. A
large part of tha programme will ba
devoted to this phase of tha associa
tion's work.
The lumbermen will Journey to Van
couver In the afternoon to inspect the
Government's spruce cut-up plant. If
is probable that they will visit one or
two oj the wood shipbuilding yards In
Portland If time permits. The day's ac
tivities will close with a dinner at one
of the Portland hotels.
This will be the first session of the
association since the annual meeting In
January. The February meeting was
abandoned on account of the great rush
of Government orders at that time.
R. H. Burnslde. of Raymond. Wash.,
Is president of the association; E. D.
Klngsley. of Portland. Is vice-president.
and Robert B. Allen, of Seattle, ia secre
On account of the renewed actlity In
the lumber Industry, due to Govern
ment demands, the membership of the
organization Is increasing and now rep
resents nearly 75 per cent of the lum
ber cut In Western Oregon and nearly
85 per cent in Western Washington.
New Offices for Rent or Lease
Strictly modern rooms and suites may now be
had in our fine, new building. Rooms will be ar
ranged to suit tenant. Please inquire at the bank.
The United States National Bank
Sixth and Stark Streets
Workroom aad Supply Department of
Portland Chapter Will oae To
morrow for Seven Days.
For the first time since it opened, 10
months ago, the workroom and supply
department of the Portland chapter of
the American Red Cross will close to
morrow morning for seven days.
This Is to insure centering of activi
ties of all auxiliaries of the chapter on
the Belgian relief old-clothing cam
paign. which begins Monday, and i
an official Red Cross activity.
So rigid is the closing rule that the
elevators will not even stop at the
eighth floor. No supplies will be re
eeived or Issued until the Belgian re
lief campaign is concluded.
Edgsr W. Smith, Lawrence R.
Wheeler. Claude C. McColloch and City
LCommlssloner Blgelow will make per
sunn appeals next wees ucigre ine
leading city clubs that their members
aslst the clean-out-thc-garret cam
paign In every manner possible.
Ministers of Portland have promised
enter into the campaign from their
pulpits, while Chairman Smith has ap
pointed large and influential groups of
clubwomen as heads of directing com
mlttees in various sections of the city
Any fire station In the city of Port
land will receive your old clothes con
tributions, as will any street-cleaning
barns. Members of the Red Cross are
sked to canvass their block and in
uce some passer-by to haul the load
o the fire station.
Mrs. Coles and Mr. Cook are members
of the choir.
After Mr; Cook's departure for the
East, Mrs. Cook will live for the pres
ent at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. M. M. Hall, 604 Elliott avenue. At
Fort Meyer, Va., Mr. Cook plans to
meet his brother-in-law, Bertrand M.
Hall, also a member of the 37th United
States Engineers.
The marriage engagement was an
nounced to the Hall family at a dinner
given by Mr. and Mrs. Coles Thursday
night and came as a surprise to nearly
all present.
Marriage of Arthur Cook and Miss
Elolse Anita Hall Celebrated.
Speakera ta Appear Before Varioua
City Club aa Well aa Before
Theater Audlewre.
Four-Minute Men will talk on "The
Income Tax" in Portland theaters and
before city clubs during the week.
So important does the Government
consider this subject .that the Treas
ury Department asked that the Four
Minute Men diverge from the rule of
speaking only in theaters, and for the
next week present the matter before
the prominent clubs. Officiate) at Wash
ington have written each club and
asked them to call a meeting or pre
sent a Four-Minute man at their regu
lar meeting, if held before the end of
the week. The list of speakers is as
Walter H. Evans. Orpheuxn; John H.
Stevenson, Baker and Liberty; Seneca
Fouts. Pantages; Estes Snedecor. Co
lumbia and Suiuet; Frank S. Grant,
Star and Lyric; John T. Dougall. Peo
ples and Strand: Edward L. Fraley,
Hippodrome: Frank H. Hilton, Circle
and Majestic; Forrest Fisher, Chamber
of Commerce. Monday: r. Edward H.
Pence, Realty Board. Tuesday; Waiter
H. Evans. Ad Club. Wednesday: Thom
as G. Ryan. Progressiva Business
Men's Club. Thursday; F. H. Whitfield,
Civic Club, riaturday; A. G. Clark, In
surance Federation, Saturday.
a th.1 a. e.-- WaA .a.:.
lw -W
Per y -ma c eVZcsA
-C aS? s 7 C.V
We wish toexpressourheartfeltthanka
for the many kindnesses shown during
the recent illness and deatn or our De-
loved wife and mother. Km ma Wagner.
on Eczema
II will take J oat a saw saaaasBts testes
m aad ask as what ear experience baa
ban m taw way of graaaml naawmns
with tba seething wash it ails. D. D. D.
sac, aa aad Towr aasaay hook
as Wee ta trst battle relsreas ywa. Ask
today. N
Title Licxxxicl Waal.
. OW1. DBHU CO...
Miss Eloise Anita Hall, one of the
most widely known and admired so
prano singers of the Pacific Northwest,
who made a big hit in the recent per
formance by the Portland Opera Asso
iation of the opera. "Mignon," and Ar
hur'Cook, an accountant in the Port.
land branch of the Canadian Bank of
Commerce, were married in the chapel
of Trinity Episcopal Church at 6 o'clock
I last night, the officiating clergyman
I being Dr. A. A. Morrison.
I The marriage was hastened by the
I fact that Mr. Cook has Just enlisted in
the 37th United States Engineers, and
leaves this week to Join his regiment
at Fort Meyer, Va. Only the imme
diate members of Mrs. Cook's family
were present at the wedding ceremony.
Mr. Cook's people live In Liverpool,
The bride wore a lovely traveling
gown of blue. Her dainty hat was
trimmed with a white dove and her
corsage bouquet was of lilies of the
valley. Her maid of honor was her
sister, Mrs. Blaine B. Coles, and the
best man was Mr. Coles. When Mr.
and Mrs. Coles were married last Sum
mer, Mrs. Cook was then Mrs. Coles'
bridesmaid and Mr. Cook the best man.
These four singers met as members or
the choir of Trinity Episcopal Church:
Mrs. Cook - was formerly soprano
solonist there, while at present Mr. and
For time and money spent,
your personal reward is
greatest at
Steel's Business
Our Know Why System of
Practical Education
Is Superior to AD Others
Its interest holds our stu
dents. Employers seek our
Oregon BIdg., 5th and Oak
Bdwy. 328
Cowlitz Tax Money Pours In.
KELSO. Wash., March 16. (Special.)
In the past few days a great sum of
tax money has been paid to the County
Treasurer's office at Kalama. Friday
was the banner day, when more than
i 15.000 in tax payments was received.
This included the check of the Weyer
haueser Timber Company, Cowlitz
County's heaviest single taxpayer,
which was for $83,000. On the 13th
the check of the Northern Pacific Rail
way Company for more than $71,000
was received. This days payments
were the second largest, totaling about
these classes.
Guaranteed $4.00
' at DeHoney's
beautiful acad-
'emy, 23d and
Washington s t a -
New classes for
beginners start
Monday and
Thursday eve
nings this week.
We guarantee to
teach you to dance
in 8 lessons, for
$1, to all Joining
We do not teach before
dancing parties or give one-hour les
sons. This is the only school devoting
the entire eveniner. 8 to 11. teaching one
class lesson where you will not become
embarrassed. Will meet with rerinea
DeoDle and be sure to learn correctly
Our $4.00 term is worth $12.00 and if
you ever expect to learn dancing, call
this week, day or evening. Learn from
America's best professional lady and
frentleman instructors. Private lessons
all hours. Separate hall for beginners.
Plenty of practice free. If you have
failed in other schools, remember we
guarantee to teach you.
Advanced Dancing Classes
will start Tuesday eve., 8 to 11:15. Learn
new dances, new steps, including the
Liberty Glide Schottische, Walking
Waltz, etc. Don't fail to join this class.
You will enjoy yourself and learn the
Select Dancing Parties
every Saturday eve. Best music. Pop
ular prices. Go where the Refined
Dancers go. A ' Jolly time is assured
o all. Pay us a visit. Phone Main
656 for our latest Catalogue on
: Hotel
Puts Its Guests in
fine trim for a
day of- Business
It serves a
Fine 50c Luncheon
r jeZ -
v-e" vWX
Makfff a Hydro-Carbon Gats for Oooklnr and
H rat In.?: 96.5 Oxrsen. 8.6 Kerosene Vapor.
Can be net into stove or rangre in 10 min
inventors ana Manuiactarers.
63-63 Vi Sixth M. Portland, Or.
II M Flnesr in be
sHr Northwest ;
(qT Kates
$2.00 upwards
I Campbell Hotel
Twenty-Third and Hoyf SI reel.
Phone Marshall SRI.
Dinner Served 4:3(1 to 6:110 P. M.
75c SUXD.iY DIXXER 75c
.March 17th, 191S.
Ripe Olives.
Noodle Soup.
Creamed Turkey in Casserole.
Sirloin Steak.
Mashed Potatoes.
Buttered Cauliflower.
Lettuce and Tomato Salad.
Tea Biscuits. Home-made Jam.
Chocolate Cream Pie.
Cherry Nut Ice Cream and Cake.
Cheese. Coffee.
Hood River Apples
$1 Per Box
Fancy Potatoes
98c a Sack
maix sees.
At stud Sunburst,
Cit-a n era r-nnnor astro a
jfitf$&& Kampeska Peggy
'jMii Boy, white; first and
second, Tacoma.
Tango, e
haded silver.
for sale.
Rose City Cattery
Tabor 7274.
New Houston Hotel
Sixth and Everett Streets.
Four blocks from Union Depot.
Near business center.
Fire proof and Modern.
Rates 75c to ft-OO.
Chas. G. Hopkins, Manager.
2 Campbell Hill Hotel
'741 WaMhlnRton Street.
Phone Main 7SK4.
Dinner Served 5 to 7 P. M.
i i
There's an air of
warm rnmfnrt nnri r-rncren-.
iality about Seattle'sfamous
' . 1 mar I 1 J I I
noiei. mu aoa uancing in
cafe every evening a popular hotel
- your friends will be here. Rates to
suit the most modest purse. Club
breakfasts at moderate prices.
In San Francisco
5 i &UUfi
Geary Street lust off Union Sonar
From $1.50 a Day
Breakfast 60c Lunch 60c Dinner 11.00
Sundays: Breakfast 75c Dinner $1.25
Mtmlcpai car line direct to door. Motor
Bus meets principal trains and Teamer,