TIIE SUNDAY OHEGONIAN, PORTLAND, MAR CD! 10, 1918. LIFE SKETCHES BY ARTIST WHO SENSES SPIRIT OF THE DAY A n r tA t to t rrHP A r o " " 1 ... I i r- tiiMri f . '1 .Ti. v AMONG US MORTALS The Ladies9 Choral Club By W. E.HILL hfr. 6 a 1 28 -ft on 1 nJ3?-!7 "1 7.1 1 si 3 : 1 L ft V4 Stanhope Hoppe, whose "Sandunes in Normandy" is being given for the first time, is called upon to rise and bow just t the moment when jhfl was all but dis robing in the rear of the box in search of a coat check. "For Me?" The soloist who sent herself some flowers register ing pleased surprise. iffi mi in ill .TV." The conductor takes the stand. Mrs. Fred R WoHow. soprano, who is about to sing us "Songs of Araby," whether wc will or do. ::-y. . : M-;'..4v. -? She only comes to half the re hearsals, and is anything .said? Not a thing 1 4. if o m e o d y s music teacher n hour) ashing back to r congratulations and eather in new pupils. if possible. r v. L "Oh, what shall we do without our Tristan' this year?" The lady in the guest-room-wastebasket-effect gown is talking opera with Mr Butts, the rubber merchant and ia not going very big. Ja Vl 5 . ;frti? izr' jst' . Frt of tha rst row at. the yearlyrecjtal of thedub given in the ballroom-of the Ritz-PlastorJ