THE ' SUNDAY OKEGOXTAX. PORTLAND. 3IATJC1T 10, 1913. be given by Vernon auxiliary on Mon day. March 11. at Oddfellows' Hall, (60 H Alberta street. Refreshments will be served. - Oeorge Wright Corps, No. S. Wo man's Relief Corps, will give a card party Wednesday afternoon. March 13, tn their hall. S2S Courthouse. The women of George Wright Corps, No. S, Woman's Relief Corps, will meet for sewing Friday, March 15. at the home of Mrs. Alice Sparks. 87 East Eleventh street North. Irving-ton car to Mason, walk four blocks west. The Sisters of Israel will entertain at a card party Tuesday, March 12. at 2 P. M., In B'nal B'rlth building. The festivity is the annual party of the organisation and the proceeds will be used for patriotic and philanthropic work. Mrs. A. Fleshraan. president. will be assisted In receiving by the officers of the society. r r- V 1 -I ' I i --.., ; r i . V I u l S YXUUU I 1 I I ii ii I X'W V'. I . 1 II I III rt . -r ' ri I I t v i I ILi : v 1 e-saBeeeeBBBBsj Ulzr Sr 7-.J S-JTrj. A fcSL ' . . .' ,v " .... 'A II I - J.- : v h i i Ben TTur Court No. 9 will give a St. ratrlrk's party in their new home in the Woodmen of the World Tempi Eleventh and Alder streets, Saturda night. Soldiers are Invited and will be admitted free of charge. Cards, dancin and refreshments will make up the pro gramme. All are requested to wear green ribbon In commemoration of the day. A St. Patrick's party will be given on Wednesday evening, fliarcn 13, l the Turn Vereln auditorium, on Thir teenth and Main streets. It will be an Informal affair. The committee I charge Includes Grace Michael, Hattie Jensen, Alice Schmaly, Margaret Wylle, Lottie Mlkol, Andy Amacher, Al Mielke. Henry Bauer, M. J. Fischer, Paul Bauer and William Oetlnger. Wlnslow Meade Circle, Ladles of th,e Grand Army of the Republic, will glv 500 card party Monday afternoon from 3 to 6, In room 625, Courthouse. prises will be awarded for high scorr All are cordially Invited to attend. At the last social meeting beautiul past president pins were presented to Mes damos Baxter, Westerberg and Abra l. by Mrs. Koontx. in behalf of the circle. Marguerite Camp Coterie Club will meet at the residence of Mrs. Anna Wleaensee. Grand avenue and Shaver treets. Thursday, March 14. at 1:30 P. M. All resident and sojourning Royal Neighbors and their friends are Invited. Any Union avenue car to Shaver treet. then one north. Thursday evening. March 14. Utopia Rebekah Lodge will receive an official istt from Mrs. Mary A. Laukaster. president of the Rebekah Assembly of Oregon, In Orient Hall. East Sixth and ider streets. A class of candidates will be Initiated. All members of the or- er are requested to bring dl?h towels for a shower for the Oregon boys In France. The committee on arrange ments for the evening are: Mrs. Ida teele, Mrs. Ida Anderson. Mrs. Mary wan, ill's Gladys Thayer, Mrs. Mae howell. Mrs. Mary Tomllnson and N. P. Tomllnson. Camel la Social Club will give a ben- fit card party and dance in Masonic Temple March IS. Mrs. Jesse II. Gra- ara la chairman of the social club and rs. H. R. Crawford la one of the com mittee of arrangements. WEDDINGS. Cttnn4 Tmm Ps B 1 of hr borne and surprised her. In honor of her recovery from her recent long lUaesa. Mrs. Carty la a charming hostess and Iter residence Is frequently the ren desvous for Impromptu gatherings bv her friend, but this evening was voted the moat plewsant of alL Besides dancing, an Impromptu pro gramme of music, vocal and piano, anit vaudeville sketches were presented. tom BurcMn evoked rounds of laush tsr. such as Mrs. Carty's vocal carica tures of notables, and the character ketches of Frank C. Thompson. Med ical Corps. Vancouver. Wash., brother f the hostess: William C. Schuster on plaao. Clifford Cruson tn "trick magic.' the anecdotes of K. A. Thompson. Sr. ad last the lovely voice of Misa Ituth Mart Carty In choice selections. crowned the evening's pleasure. This party demonstrated "Hooverls ln" by each person contributing to the evening's refreshment. The dell etc as coffee was made by IC A. Thomp on. Jr- brother of the hostess. The one regret was the absence of yrttl Thompson, twla brother of Frank C. Thompson, who Is In the Quarter Toaster's Corps. Fort WlUlara Ii. Sew aid, Alaska. e e The meeting of the Iowa Society was field Wednesday evening at the Multno mah Motel, with a E-imber of soldiers from Vancouver as the honor guests. The musical programme was arranged y Mtse Mae Ilos. assisted bv Mrs. K. L. Knight, violinist: Mlse Stella Jones, cellist; Miss Eva Wells Abbott, so prano: John Abbott, flute, with Mla Ilose at the piano. Judge Stapletoo aave an Interesting address. The evening was completed with cards and dancing, the btgh sroree be-)na- awarded to Mrs. E. Edmondsea and J. R Bickover. This was the last meeting with Mrs. Jennie R In hart, and the election of rrtcers will be held on the Id of April. e. Mr. and Mrs. IL c'reenherg enter tained at their hocne. ; Park street. Sunday evening, the occasion being the confirmation of their son. lavtd. Pin nr was served to e guests, after which ti"' and games were enjoyed. see Mls Lorlte it. Hughes, of 10 Oofng Street, celebrated her birthday Sunday evening by entertalnteg a dueeti of her friends with an lmprmpa musicals. .Among the guests were sis soldiers, representing as many scttes. from Com. (any F. Vancouver Barracks. see Much Interest ss being manifested tn the preparations for the dance and card party to be given In Maaonle Temple r-atarday evening. March 1. by Camelta r-nrial lint, Order of the Eastern Star. This la the second of a series of parties to be given by this club for the benefit of the Masonic and Eastern Star borne. ad promises to be a delightful affair. jk. special ftature will be the presence of about 4 of the boys tn military serv ice now stationed at Vancouver. All rnenbre of the Order-of Eastern Ptar nd their friends are urged to help make this event a memorable occasion to these patriotic young men. Patrooe and patronesses sre: Mr. ad Mra T. J. Mendenhall. Mrs. A!t-e C. Cowell. Dr. and Mrs. L M. Pmvls. Mr. end Mrs. A. A. Graham and Miss M Xlnley. Committees are a follnws: Arrange ments 'and Poor Mrs. Jessie H. Gra am, rhslrman: Mls Laura W. Brophy. Mra. & E. Finch. Mrs. T. A. Crawford. Mrs. P. F. Clodlos. Mrs. IL R. Crawford. Mra L M. Green. Mrs. O. S. Cutler, worthy matron Camilla Chapter, Order Eastern Star: Mrs. Thaxter Reed. T. A. Garbade. C. J. Roswell, R. U Aldrich. II. lc. Crawford. A. II. Trego, W. O. Halites and It. IL Lehman. Cards and refreshments-Mra. W. S. Punagan. Mrs. Jacob Nielsen. Miss Edith M. Gmahllng. Mrs. Henry Brophy, Mrs. C. L Keller and Mrs. W. U Bent- lev. e Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Barksdale enter tained a few of their friends Friday evening at their home at Oak Grove. Four tables of "too" were arranged, the honors going to Mrs. George Bots ford and Mr. Arthur Jepsen. After the game, music and dancing were enjoyed, and light refreshments served. The guests Included Mr. and Mra. George Kotsford. Mr. and Mrs. Harold War ner, Mr. and Mra. Jack Mcf'herson. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jepsen, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Robnett. Mrs. Helma Gillespie, Mrs. I A. Menton. Grace Stokes and Mlaa Lillian Mcpherson. e e At the home of Mr. and Mra. Karl Koberstetn. George G. Burura was guest of honor for a surprise party Monday. Among those present were Rev. and Mrs. E. Probst, Mr. and Mrs. George Klkles. Sidney Nlklea. Cecil Nlkles, Arthur Tonslng, William Krueger, Mlaa Ruth Anderson. Mtsa Helen Larson, Miss Evangeline Mcintosh and Miss Paula Kruger. ' COMING EVENTS. The 117-11 Follies dance, scheduled for Friday night at Chrtstensen's Hall, Is being eagerly anticipated by a large following of members and their friend. A number of surprises are being ar ranged for the evening. The commit tee Includes: V. Lucille Clodfelter. Georgia Pollock. Harry Hammer. Zeta Ausman. Rose KaroU Ll.llan Anderson, Howard Suade, Frank Taylor. Ruth Ansel. Gladys Steele. Lena Halslmer. Lillian Granson, Francis Haffenden, Mary Mulr. Al MIrlke. Dorothy Car. HI. ean Draper. Ray n ard. Gate Fox. Eva Vinton; patrons and patronesses. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. C K. ChrUteasen. Mr. and Mra. Moss EUrey. e e e Sumner Relief Corps gave a birthday party on Saturday afternoon at the Courthouse, la the honor of members of post and corps whose birthdays are in January. February and March. Cards and conversation passed the time pleasantly until dinner was served at (.19 o'clock. Two hundred guests were seated at the tables, which were handsomely decorated with flags and Spring flowers. The table for the hon ored guests was laid for 41 members of post snd corps. J. Ross Fargo entertained the as semblage with several aoloa Misses Kathertna Love and Eileen Rowe gave a humorous dialogue. The abort pro gramme, eoncluded by the singing of "The Star Spangled Banner," waa fol lowed by the regular meeting. see Corinthian Social Club will give an Informal dancing and card party at the Mason to Temple. Friday, April 4, for the benefit of the floral fund. The committee In charge are: Harry A. Mc I'har. chairman: George Klnnear. E. J. Mendenhall. E. L. Clint, Dell Morgan, Vera a Smith, Marguerette Tarr and Maud Pope Ailyn. Holleabeck-Ganther. A pretty church wedding was sol emnlied Monday evening, March 4, at the First German Evangelical Church, when Miss Hazel Bertha Gunther was united in marriage to Loel Hollen beck. The church was effectively dec orated with palms and ferns. Before the bridal party entered, the bride's brother. Herbert Gunther, sang "I Love You Truly." The wedding music was played by Miss Esther Schuknerht. Herbert Gunther and Chester Gunther, cousins of the bride, were ushers. Miss Edna Gunther was maid of honor, and Frank Murphy acted as best man. The bride was charming In a gown of crepe de chine and silver lace. Her veil was of tulle, fastened with orange blossoms, and she carried a shower bouquet of bridal roses and lilies. She was given In marriage by her father, B. R. Gunther. The maid of honor wore a gown of nlle green crepe de chine combined with gold lace, and a picture hat of white velvet and gold lace. She carried a bouquet of pink carnations. An Interesting part of this wedding was that the veil worn by the bride was also worn by her mother ST years ago, and Rev. Air. smuKnecnt, who of ficiated at this wedding, also officiated at her parents' wedding. After the ceremony close friends and relatives assembled at the home of Ihe bride's parents, 664 Sixth street, for the reception. Refreshments were served by the young women in the Willing Workers' class of the church of which the bride was a member. The bride's bouquet was caught by Miss Katherlne Younger. Immediately after the reception Mr. and Mrs. Hollenbeck left for the Sound cities. The bride's traveling outfit was a suit of blue serge and a chic hat of toube satin and crimson tsraw. Mr. Hollenbeck Is the son or Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hollenbeck, of North Plains, Or. Mrs. Hollenbeck is prom inent in musical circles. They will be at home to their many friends after April 1 at the Lillian apartments. HaaaeB-Barns. The wedding of Miss Eva Burns, of Canbr. and Leo Hansen, of this city, was an event of Sunday in the Danish Methodist Church. Mrs. Hansen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Burns, of Albany, Or., and Is a graduate of the Washington High School of this city. She taught school for the past year. Mr. Hansen la engaged In business In this city, where the young people will make their home. Brewer-Whitney. CASTLE ROCK. Wash.. March . (Special.) Reuben O. Brewer and Miss Floy Whitney were married In Vancou ver. March 2, by Elder A. D. Skaggs, at the parsonage of the Christian Church. They were attended by Mrs. R. Brewer and Miss Margaret Lampkln. Miss Lamnkln acted as bridesmaid. The NewBIousesat$3.95 We have Just received a ehlpment of new Spring Blouses in fine qual ity, heavy, washable crepe de chine. Colors are white, flesh and maize with a full range of sizes. Priced for quick disposal at 13.95. C. F. k. 309 Morrison. V ice-rr.. and Mgr. Postoffice Opposite. '"'fei ii MAKING A NEW HOME or refurnishing an old nothing that you can choose will give such last ing enjoyment and satis faction, and with it the knowledge of distinction in its ownership as one of our ORIENTAL RUGS CART0ZIAN BROS, Inc. Tenth at Washington, l'ittock Block. bridegroom Is a son of C. W. Brewer, of Vancouver, and a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. R- Brewer, of this city, with whom he made his home. He is now with the Navy, stationed at Bremerton. Mrs. Brewer Is the daughter of B. L. Whit ney and was born In New York. Mr. Brewer's furlough terminated Tuesday evening and he returned to Bremerton. Mrs. Brewer will remain In Castle Rock for the present. Prl ce-Brandee. The marriage of Miss Katherlne Brandes to A. R. Price was an event of March 1. It was solemnized at the home of the bride on Johnson street. which was decorated beautifully for he occasion. The bride wore a lovely white satin gown and carried a bouquet of rosebuds -and hyacinths. For her going-away costume she wore a blue tailored suit. Immediately after the wedding ceremony, Mr. and Mrs Price left for California, where they will re main for a month. - Jennings-La Follette. D. V. Jennings, of Portland, and Margaret La Follette, of Tillamook, were married on Sunday at Tillamook. few close relatives and intimate friends attended the ceremony. Mr. nd Mrs. Jennings are at home at the Stelwyn Apartments. . Long-Ward. Miss Maleta Ward, daughter of Mr. nd Mrs. W. S. Ward, of this city, be came the bride of Harry C. Long on Thursday afternoon in the First Pres byterian Church, Rev. John H. Boyd officiating. There were no attendants, and only relatives were present. Taylor-Waller. A pretty home wedding was solem nized March L at 8 P. M., at the home of Mrs. XV. IL Myles, 867 Cleveland ave nue, when Miss Willie Mae Waller was The Prettiest Hats in Portland Are at The Wonder ORE AND MORE .WOMEN are saying that every day. DOESN'T IT INTEREST you to know that women are finding the very kind of hats that they like here?. A ND DOESN'T IT INTEREST you to know that while our hats are marvelous in design, in coloring, in work manship and materials of Lisere, genuine Italian Milans and shiny straws, with all that these hats are modestly priced, and range from $7.50 to $25.00 at Alder united in marriage to Henry Howard Taylor, of this city. The bride was at tractive In a gdwn of white silk em pire style, trimmed with rosebuds. She carried a bouquet of white carnations. After a short honeymoon at Oakland, Cal., the couple will reside in Portland. ENGAGEMENTS. Mrs. Minnie Mack Perry announces the marriage of her daughter, Lucille to Magnus Robert Manson. Both young people are well known In the younger set and the wedding came as a surprise to their many friends. Mr. Manson has enlisted with the 22d Engineers' Corps and he leaves shortly for Virginia to enter the training camp. SOCIETY PERSONALS. G. C. Haworth recently arrived at the Hotel Virginia, Long Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Newbegin, Miss Catherine A. and Wade Newbegin are A benefit dance and card party will 'I Wore My New Silk Dress to the Dance, Sophia" The girls are so enthused over It and curious to know where I got It and I Mgst couldn't resist telling them that I bought It al CHEJIRY'S on their Rasy Payment Hystem. I feel so good about It that I Just tell everyone about this new way of buying pretty clothes. If it hadn't been for you I wouldn t have known anything about Cherry's and their plan of doing business. I am so enthused that I'm going up to get me a new Spring suit and Mother Is going to get her a nice,' nobby new coat. And their stock of waists you should see them most anything you can think of la styles) and materials. Father even says that he la going up Saturday night and get him a new Spring suit. Yes, sure, the whole family will be Cherry's boosters. You Just pay a little down and a little each week and dress like a millionaire. They are at 3I9-J1 Washington street, Plttock block. Adv. BE CAREFUL Buy Your Suits of Stern. See my models. 'J. K. STERN LADIES' TAILOR 447 Alder St. The New LIBERTY BOOT Just the smartest boots for Spring wear. Blucher model in plain, toe styles with plain toe in graceful long effect, military heels, welt soles and uppers of fine tan calf. PRICED $9.00 Second Floor Lipman. Wolfe & Co. cThtsTtaWia JMorit CM New Spring Styles H T "DA TT LADIES' TAILOR 1U. lAll 511 Ellcrs Bide. coifctrnaNeirr aiio BesrAuaurr I 388 WashlagtOK St. 127 Broadway. Why Not Have Sunday Dinner mt the HAZELW00D Tt really is a delightful place to dine, and there are any number of good things making up the splendid and varied Table d'Hote menus. At 35c there is the best Vegetable Dinner imag inable at SOc an exceptional plate dinner and for $1.00 is served & menu that would do justice to a banquet halL Dinner Is served from 12 to 8 P. M. and you surely will enjoy dining at iiiiiiiiimmninmmMiiiiiimmiiittiiimmrs Baby s First Clothes To a real mother heart there is no joy to exceed that of plan ning, buying and making of Baby's first clothes. You'll find it a particular joy shopping for all the little things at the Baby's Boudoir. Every thing your heart may desire is here, all ready made, or de signed, stamped and cut all ready for you to make. We will help you plan the complete little layette and instruct you in the ways of needlework, if you are unfamiliar with the ways of making Baby things. Here Are Three Specials That Will Interest Every Mother Because we bought fleeced Baby fabrics months and months ago we can name these very low prices. BABY WRAPPERS, cut ready to make, 60c They're of a special, double-faced, down fabric com plete with ribbon bows and crochet cotton. Made as you can easily make them, they're priced $1.25. Note the width of Baby Boudoir garments the little wrapper is al most twice the width of ordinary Baby wearables. BABY NIGHTIES, cut ready to make, 55c Soft, fleecy fabric, including tape and crochet cotton. Ready made they'd cost $1. BABY GERTRUDES, cut ready to make, $1.10 They're of a special flannel full cut. Exceptional values. Shop by Mail Your order will be given prompt, care ful attention. We offer an expert ma ternity corset service. 388 Morrison St, Bet. West Park and Tenth. Christensen's Dancing School Eleventh and Yamhill NEW CLASS for adult beginners beginning Monday evening, March 11, 7:30 P. M. For particulars, call Main 6017 and A 4680.