THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, TORTLAXD, 3IARCII 10, 1918. . - , . 0 .....jr T j . ' , v-.v.y , 7y v - , I a 1 rZi f If ' . ' i . . V -. " - - - 1 --ferr r: ;. it .'. - (I., St V r -Pu XX TsSff Mil's v-1- Tifsl xx jijj?)'' ""0 - . , . . fiii 11 r - .-- - - . ( . : sim a j - . I ' 1 -f- 'I - ' ' - Jj " :--rVv l"Vr-w A J Pioto TIE Tnt of paramount Inlvrot In oclal clrcUa of I'ortland Uilwttk lh woddlnc f MUi McMaster to Captain Iidrlck Chrta t!an Oldvnboric. hlch a mlO-WHk nt. It aj a charmln wcdJinc. aim ptm in drtall. with all th attract Iveneaa an.l artlacrr of a bom function. Ka. A. A. Morrtaon read the acrvlr t I J o'clock t Ardfour. and lb an-iict!on aa pronounced by Rl Ra. waitar Taylor uranr. A daclded mil nary air oaTaiopod th av.nt. tha tall, bandiomo brldrcrooca beln tlcnded by a brolhar offtcar. Lleutrnant Reads ilulk.y Ir.iand. and olrht Army of. or (tit t-na-tncarins Corpa fron Vancoorer Harracka. ribbon b..r.r. .1 fo thnr khaki nnlforma and ar-untre mnt. mad tha affair dlatlnrtlva and din:flJL Tha Stara and titripaa. r( "tr comblnad with prlnc flotrara. oft caoll l;icht. and tall palma. mad m piaaain mil for tha htndiomt irowna or tha bridal party and tha numerou uta. Tba ctr.mony wa aolamnliad lit tba 4rawlna--roorn beforo a bank of palma. iwrna ana aaatar iiuaa, tn dominant not otc tha Hurt A mar lean flac ar rand aa a formal background. All about tha room wr cluatara of upheUa rw and farna. and in tha dlnlna--library and largo ball daffodils fr;aa and narciaaua wra artistically irrtnitu. i.iia-tima rrlaoda of tha ram ry and cloao rrlmcia of tha brldo and rrtaacrooin wara tha only cuaata. th affatr bain aa Informal aa waddlnra eaa cavaiopad into, dua to war tlroca int on J a. an unusually atrtklns and jovaaoia riru waa tunnlnc la a mar- valoua sown of cloth, of tlittr and all ar laca. Tha loan waa mad round lnctti and tba allvar laca waa irraca. rul.y drapad oar tha aklrt and bodice. Tba toil veil, edged with exqulalte lace, faatenad to a coronet of atlver laca. formed tha train. It waa decked at tba extreina edge with tiny cluster f oranca bloseoma. tha brlda bloaeoma a!ao bin uaad aa ornamentation on t.ia crown. Another dlatinctlva note of th bridal attlra waa tba bouquet. In etead of tha customary ahower or aoaa gay. tha bride carried a long abeaf of -aatr llllaa. which later waa caugbu by Mlsa Marlon I oorhita. Mr. Katberin alacMaater Vaaon, ister of the bride, waa matron of honor, and ber (own waa a charming; creation of billowy tulle, adrtp with irtdeecrnt baj. Th other attendant! wera afra. Jad M. Ireland tAilsa Macalastert. alan a illr of tr UUae tiladya I'ltta. of Vlrtnrn; Jean i!a keni and I"oily Young. lra. Ireland wae charm Ing In aer wadding gown of white aatia and either lace: Mia I'iita. a lovely gown of ! pink brocade aatla and 1 Ir.r; Mia Mackenale. pasted pink chiffon, tull and a bit of Uer. trim- 'a & Z, 07 c 9Jf ml nr. AH carried ahower bouqiieta of Ophelia roaea and vloleta. Mrs. Macalaater waa moat attractive in a handsome gown of cloud-gray chif fon with a llltl atlver lac and bead trimming and a corsage of orchida. An orchestra played tba wedding mualo and alio during; tba reception for dancing. Th eight officer from Vancouver Barracka held th allken corda that formed an aisle from th atalrcaa In tha broad ball to th altar In th draw Ing-room. Following th ceremony buffet aupper waa served, and th many gueat aauntered out on tba enclosed porches, which war also decked keeping with th military affair with a number of large American flaga. th I'nlon Jack being given a prominent place over tha fireplace In th recep tion ball. Presiding at th prettily decked re freshment table during tha evening at alternate hours were: Mrs. Cyrua A. Dolph. blra. Helen Ladd Corbet t. Mr. Pater Kerr. Miss Failing. Mra William C. Alvord. Mr. E. C. hevlln. Mra Hal ter F. BurrelL Mias Mary F. Falling. Mrs. David T. Honeyman. Mra. Wheel- right. Mra Honeyman presided over th punchbowL which waa placed in the library. Thla wedding and that of Misa Alls MacMaster and Lieutenant Ireland. aolamnlsed early In February, ar two of th moat notable and charming events In th aortal history of thia sea son. Th Ireland-MacMaeter wedding a mora brilliant affair, being larger and mora formal. Th ceremony waa read at Trinity Church, and th reception followed at Ardgour. th handsome residence of th MacMaatar family. A charming feature of iveanasaara wedding waa th predominance of the eub-debutant aet. About a dozen of tha young girls. In their charming little party frock a. wera permitted to attend th function out of their cloa asso ciation with tha bride a family, and they added considerably to th charm ing ensemble. Th encasement of Mlsa MaeMaster and Captain Oldrnborg waa announced at th wedding reception of Lieutenant and Mrs. Ireland a month ago, and It caueed qulta a ripple of pleasnreable surprise among the throng of guesta And I'i'ltir Cards W. (I. SMITH & CO. ill Mergaa Bldg. assembled. The wedJlnff data had been set for Easter week and Captain OUlenborg'a mother and sister, who mak their home In New York, had arranged to com on for the event but tha uncertainty of war times and unexpected war order made the earlier dat neceseary, aa Captain Oldenborg. who Is exchange officer at Camp Lewis, la to be tranaferred elsewhere. The bride la one of the most widely known girls of this city, aa well as being a tremendoua aoclal favorite. She ia very clever and Interesting, and a devoted worker in war circles and other fields of a aerlous nature. iShe spent some time In FMattsburg. N. Y.. at the Hostess House, after a course in secretarial work at the Y. W. C. A. in New York, and she wa responsible In a great measure for the establishing of the T. V. C. A. Hostess House at Camp Lewis, of which she waa one of the hoateaaes and secretaries. Captain Oldenhorg la a member of a prominent and old New York family, and he was graduated from Tale In 1912. He came to Camp Lewis a few months ago and he is very popular with the men at American Lake. Mrs. Oldenborg received her earlier education at Portland Academy, and later she attended Oldsfield School In Maryland. Still later she accompanied her parents abroad and spent some time at a travel school in I'arla. She will ac company her husband as long as he re mains In this country, and the fact that she probably will go to a cantonment away from thia vicinity is the source of deep regret to her many friends in thia city and Camp Lewis. a One of the prettiest and largest of I the bridge teas In the chain of Peo ple s Institute benefits waa that one given Thursday by Mra K. C Shevlin. Guests were asked to make up seven tables of bride:, the event also being a aort of micareme celebration. At tractive prizes were awarded the high est scorer at each table, who were: Mrs. Hirsch, Mrs. David T. Honeyman, Mrs. George A. Marshall, Mrs. Oscar R. Menefee. Mrs. Harry 11. Falling, Mrs. A. I. Maxwell and Min Bertha Tongue. The rooms and tea table were adorned artistically with bowls and baskets of double yellow 'tulips and ferns. Presiding at the exquisitely appointed tea table were: Mrs. Hirsah, Mrs. Henry Ladd Corbett, Mrs. William MacMaster and Mrs. Frank M. War ren. Yesterday Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd en tertained with a five table bridge tea, as a part of the People's Institute chain of benefit parties. . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jacobson were dinner hosts Monday night honoring Major Ian May Bieth, the noted soldier lecturer, who gave several splendid talks In and around Portland. He left the same evening for California. Miss Ruth Shull entertained Thurs day with a charming luncheon honoring Miss Cornelia Stanley, who will become the bride of Lieutenant Woodward Sat urday night. The table was adorned with a huge bowl of pink roses and ferns, and the plnk-petaled blossoms were also strewn over the table. The honor guest's place . was especially marked with a big fluffy pink bow tying a bouquet of orchids. Fourteen of the close friends of the brlde-eleot shared Miss Shull's hospitality. -- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clark III (Ha gel Dolph), of Philadelphia, are making an extended visit in Washington, D. C. During; their sojourn in the capital city they are occupying apartments In the Altamont. Miss Cornelila Stanley will plight her troth to Lieutenant Clare Wallace Woodward, United States Army, on Saturday night. The ceremony will be solemnized at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. James P. O'Brien, North Twen tieth street, and Hev. A. A. Morrison will officiate. It will be a simple wed ding, with only close friends and rela tives in attendance. The bride will be attended by Mies Ruth Shull as maid of honor and Patricia O'Brien as flower girl. Lieutenant William N. Bur gard. will be best man. Mrs. O'Brien, who la an old friend of the Stanley family, announced . the engagement of Miss Stanley and Lieutenant Woodward about a month ago and since that time the charming young-maid has been de lightfully entertained by well-known folk, ; Lieutenant Woodward was recently transferred from Camp Lewis to Camp Wright. He Is a member of the 14th Infantry and he was graduated in 1917 1 r 4 1 A Neceatl) of Every W o m t( n' Wardrobe is a tailored suit. We guarantee correct lines, fashion- nhl rut. . rtnA a a a A material. Our Wnicf a. v v iu u Department Specializes in Doth Tailored and T iff . 1 fancy tvauis Tailort to Men and Women !s"arthOTrafTa Bssk Bids. J fiat a.n; i . .sasJaaarT) You, Too, Can Dance Every cial function or home party practically, now includes dancing:. Don't be a back num ber learn to dance. Professor Montrose M. Ringler, master of modern dances, will teach you quickly and simply. His method is the best, his terms most reasonable. 4 (1-HOUR) LESSONS $1.00 Classes held in beautiful Cotil lion Hall many, many other beginners. Classes under the personal direction of Mr. Ring ler; a number of efficient in structors assist. Phone for Appointment ' Broadway 3380 " You will enjoy the Informal Dances Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings class nights, Monday and Fri day. Ringler Dancing Academy 14th Near Washington St. j For Spring Such Charming Dresses! Clever little styles in Jersey with tunic over skirts or panels, embroidered in contrasting colors, as well as other Jersey styles featuring the vestee. At $27.00 there is such a pretty style. It is made quite plain with four little buckles at the belt, front and back, and at the sleeves. A white satin roll collar and tie finish the neck. Then, too, we are showing dresses of Georgette crepe and crepe de chine that are differently styled and that you are sure to like. We will be glad to have you come in and see our Spring dress stock. freah erery day. Merrioon at. bet. ith amd Stfc. TeL flOlYERS. w Aim $1.95 Special Selling Heatherbloom Petticoats One model in extra heavy quality Heatherbloom comes in a novel Dresden pattern has a flounce and narrow, bottom ruffle; elastic fitted top. There are many other colored and striped effects as well as the staple plain black. " All are exceptional values. See Washington-St. entrance window. Novelties in separate Skirts are arriving daily. We are now showing as pretty a line as it has ever been our good fortune to procure. Your Charge Account Solicited Outfitting QtS Washington St. at Tenth Are You Wearing A Spring Hat? If not why not? We have any number of chic hats for you to select from both large and small styles featuring all the newest ideas. 'Will you step in and see them? - A word to the spies is sufficient. Don't tell all you k"ov.