SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 12 Editorial, Society and Music VOL XXXVII. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 10, 12x8. NO. 10. losaoi 30E30E I0E30X aoi S. & II. Green Trading Stamps Will He Given on All Charge Accounts if Paid in Ftdl by Monday, March 11 Don't Overlook This Saving Filled Books Redeemed in Cash on Fourth Floor Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors on the Second Floor Furniture, Carpets, Rugs and Draperies on the Third Floor Model Grocery, Bakery and Delicatessen Departments, 4th Floor o D o Special Demonstration This Week Kleinert . MiJ Cray, factory representative, will conduct a special demonstration of the famous Kleinert ShirliM in our Notion Department, First Floor. Consult her in regard to your shield troubles. O n o Th Standard Stort of the Northwest Knit Two Socks At Once A revelation in knitting it's the Australian way use, 4 needles, dou ble your output without increasing your work. Free instructions. U. S. Thrift Stamps For Sale Here Invest your savings in these gilt-edge securities and help your country in its hour of need. Thrift Stamps and Savings Certificates for sale at the Main Office on the Fourth Floor of the store. Olds, Wortman & Kin Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods D n o o D o D o n o D o D o o D o o n o o D o o D o n o D o o D o D o o D o o a o D o Revealing Fashion's Favored Modes in Women's Easter Apparel The Garment Store extends a cordial invitation to you and your friends to call and see the beautiful new Spring wearables. Our stock has been assembled with great care and we feel confident you will pronounce it the most representative showing of the new fashions to be found in all Portland. Don't fail to visit the Garment Store Monday and view the new Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists, Petticoats and other Garments. J 11 X f HI Women's & Misses' Dresses At $12.50 Up to $45.00 Second Floor Fascinating new frocks of silk taffeta, satins. Georgette crepe, wool jersey and serge. Smart new tailored effects for street wear, also novelty styles with fancy collars, belts, sashes and pockets. Tailored, pleated or drape skirts. Many of the new models are trimmed with silk braids or are silk em broidered. Our showing of the new dresses is very complete. $12.50 to $45.00 New Skirts for Street and Dress Wear Ranging in Price $5.00 to $32.50 Second Floor Your Spring outfit will not be complete without at least one sep arate Skirt. Never were the styles so attractive as this season there are smart pleated effects with wide girdle belts and sport pockets, also tunic and gathered model. Beautiful and striking new plaids, stripes and checks, as well as the wanted plain colors. Wool jersey skirts, serge skirts, satin skirts, taffeta 6kirts. Visit the Skirt Section and see these new models. Prices range $5 up to $32.50 Spring Waists S4.50 to $10 Second Floor An extensive range of styles, from the neat tailored models to the more dressy styles for party wear. Georgette crepe, crepe de chine, satins, taffetas and. of course, the dainty lin gerie models. Many pretty styles are trimmed with hand embroidery and filet lace edges. Priced $4.50 to $10 Silk. Petticoats $3.49 to $11.95 Second Floor Taffeta Silk Petticoats in a full range of the new plain shades, also Silk Jersey Petticoats with taffeta flounces. Any number of styles to se lect from with pleated, scalloped or tucked flounces. Some are shown in novelty plaids, stripes and floral ef fects in all the new season's best color ings. Prices range $3.4 9 to $11.95 Women's & Misses' Suits At $22.50 Up to $89. 75 Second Floor Don't delay RIGHT NOW is the time to select your new Easter Suit! No matter what price you care to pay, we have a model that will please you in every particular. Beautiful' new Suits made up in tricotine, Poiret twill, mixtures, homespuns, hairline stripes, checks, eerge, gabardines, wool jersey, Eoshanara silks, satin and silk poplins in latest colors. $22.50 to - $89.75 New Coats for All Occasions Ranging in Price $15.00 to $87.50 Second Floor Novelty high waistline effects with large collars, fancy cuffs and pockets new loose styles and semi-fitting models with wide or narrow belts. Great many of the new Coats are trimmed with buttons. Materials include poplins, serge, gabardines, wool velours, Bolivia cloth, duvetyne and novelty mix tures. Coats for sport wear, for motoring, for street wear and for dress occa sions in a wide range of new Spring colorings. Priced at $15.00 to $87.50 Special Showing of New Sweaters In the Latest Styles and Colorings Second Floor NEW SHETLAND Wool Sweaters very popular for Spring wear. Several attractive styles with collars and cuffs of eilk material or of white Angora and Sash or belt to match. Splendid range of colors. $7.50 to $15 Second Floor NEW Angora and Mo hair Sweaters in the latest Spring shades with collars and cuffs of white or contrasting color. One smart new model has roll collar and wide belt with fancy buckle. $0.95 to $15.00 Pure Silk and Fiber Silk Sweaters Priced From $6 JO to $45 mm I if $12Tea Sets $8.98 Quadruple Silver.Plated Spoon Holder, Creamer, Sugar, Tea Pot Silverware Department, Third Floor Only ai limited number of sots at the above price, therefore it is to your adtintage to come early Monday morning. Standard quality uadrupltptated silver Tea Set (four pieces) Sets QO QQ are from rur regular stock, tilling at $12 while they last 0070 ALSO a limited number of four-piece silvcr-platd Tea QQ SeU formerly selling at $lti30, now on tm!e at low price of DUmiO BREAD T RA V quad ru p !o sil- I SANDWICH TRAY quadruple ver-platcd; mpular price Q" QQ I bilver-plated; regularQQ Q is JiSO. sperial now at070 price $4.23, special at 30 I V New Books and New Arrivals "Gunner Depewn By Himself A thrilling mory of fighting t rix mud, iai'.ipoli. the Dardanelles and the lifrman prlnon camps. Thin lauph tnir. fiirhtinp sailor boy wears the Croix de Uuerre. the Three Bars, the fanftard and the Caxualty Stripes. "The mowt amaxlnff storv of the war. 1.60 "The Cavalry of the Clouds." by .Alan Holt 11.25 Varrjr On Letters In War Time." hv ConlnKsby liawkon $1.00 "f'rlvMte Peat His Own Soldier Slory." by Harold feat - J1.S0 "letter of a Canadian Stretcher Hearer." by It A. U $1.35 "You Are the Hope of the World." by Horman Hogedorn 0c The Book Shop Main Floor New Georgette Crepes and New White Dress Nets Lace Department, First Floor New Georgette Crepes in over 80 of the latest 1918 shades. We can please you in quality and color assortments. See them tomorrow. Indestructible Crepe, yd. $2.25 Georgette Crepe, excellent qual ity, in best colors, yard, $2.00 Special lot of Georgettes in about 20 shades. Light C"I HVZ. and dark. Special, yd. 1 72-inch clear finish white Dress Nets of excellent quality. Priced special for Monday, the yard $1 72-inch good Lining Net Cftp on sale Monday, the yard vltJU n i 1 A- V. V M Preliminary Showing Beautiful . New Spring s Millinery THE MILLINERY SECTION is in complete readiness with a wonderful display of EASTER HATS bright, elegant models, fairly sizzling with newnes. and embodying all this Spring's latest innovations in shapes, trimming effects and colorings. We earnestly request your presence. TAILORED HATS TO $15 DRESS HATS AT $5 to $50 Millinery Salons, on Second Floor ( t 1 ri to 1 -si 3 Easter Boots for Women NEW BROWN KID Laced Oxford with full Louis heel, hand-turned sole and narrow plain toe. A very dainty number. Priced $7.50 pair. NEW LACED BOOT of white kid with medium heel, narrow toe and imitation wing tip. Very smart. Priced in this sale at $10 a pair. NEW DARK BROWN Kid Boot on long, narrow last. Brown cloth tops, perforated tip, low Cuban heel. A very dressy street boot. Laced. Priced in this sale at $9.50 pair. SHOE DEPT., MAIN FLOOR. Garden Tools Third Floor We sell Garden Tools of the best quality only and our prices are invariably lower than else where. Supply your need here. Shovels 50c Long or short-handle ' Shovels as illus trated. Light weight for women 50 ea. Long or short-handle Spading Forks priced now at $1.20 Garden Hoes ;V Cultivators at 75 Lxng or snort-nan-dle Shovels (man's size) priced $ 1 .25 Turf Edgers 75 Garden Rakes 38 Lawn Rakes best grade 59 Weeding Hoes at only, each 98 3-Piece Garden Sets for $1.10 Grass Hooks, Shears, Trowels, etc Portland Agents S-W Paints and Varnishes i rib ri March Sale of Laces and Embroideries Our Annual March Sale of Laces and Embroideries starts tomorrow. Don't overlook this opportunity to supply your Spring needs at special low prices. 1st Fir. 42-Inch Flouncings At 79c Yard Main Floor 42-inch Embroidery Floun cings a special lot of selected patterns well worked and effective designs. r7Qtf New scalloped edge. Special, yard ' 27-inch Voile and fine Swiss Flouncings, new lot just received. Dainty designs for misses' dresses. Well worked r7Qp edges. Sale price, the yard only ' Fine Val Laces, Special 5c Yard 15c to 25c Laces 10c Yard Main Floor Two - thread Val. Laces and Filet Laces good as- sortment of patterns and ri?tha. Mondav. th vard tJv Lingerie Wash Laces, Fancy Vals. and imitation real hand made "Binche" Laces "I fin worth up to 25c yard at -L"v Venise Lace Edges Special 10c to $1.00 Yard 65c Irish Laces at 35c Yard New Venise Lace Edges, Gal loons, Wide Bands and Wide Edges specially desirable for collars, camisoles and trimming of dresses. Variety of patterns. Special 10c, 35c, 75c, $1.00 yard. Small Cotton Filet Medallion in variety of designs for Spring sewing. Ticed, dozen at i.p Real Hand-made Irish Laces 1 inch wide. 65c grade. On Or sale now, special, yard at OeJU New Hand-made Filet Laces priced now at (55 to $;$ a yard. Real Cluny Laces 20 to 75 L a r g e Camisole Medallions. May be cut-apart for other pur poses. Priced now at, each 5 Great Sale of Richardson's Fine Linen Cambrics AN EVENT OF GREAT IMPORTANCE to every woman who de lights in having fine Linens for underwear, waists, dresses and hand kerchiefs. Richardson's Linens are known the world over as the standard of quality. In order to insure equality of distribution NO PHONE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED ON THIS OFFERING. 63c LOT 1 Richardson's Linen Cambric the yard LOT 2 Richardson's HOn Linen Cambric the yard i J- LOT 3 Richardson's 79c LOT Linen Cambric 4 Richardson's Q Q -the yard JIJ LOT 5 Richardson's Linen Cambric, special tomorrow $1.08 yard. bale oi bheets Dept., Main Floor BLEACHED SHEETS of good heavy qual ity that will give splendid service. Fine for hotels, rooming-houses, apartments, etc., etc. Six 90-Inch Sheets Only $122 Six 99-Inch Sheets Only $138 SlxlOS-Inch Sheets Only $1.48 Table Damask 68c Yard Main Floor 72-inch Mercerized Table Dam ask in beautiful patterns. Rich satin finish. Launders and wears well. Special JQ price in this bargain event is only "OC Colored Crochet Bedspreads in three- quarter size. Assorted colors. Special $1.7o f Short Lengths Table Damask reduced. 3-Pound Comforter Batts, each only 98 Linen Pantry Towels, special now at 340 Bath Rugs assorted colors, each for 750 New Spring Wash Goods Wm Answering every call of fashion in weave, color and pattern Portland's largest and best dis play of the new tub fabrics. New Silk-Finish Pongettes in all colors. Priced at 40 a yard. New French Batistes with col ored corded stripes and embroid ered figures. Special $1.75 yard. Printed French Batistes $1.50 New Imported Voiles in all over-printed effects, also beauti ful satin stripe voiles. Specially priced now 75, $1.00, $1.25 -New Spring Voiles in all the wanted plain colors, also dainty printed effects. 350, 400 yard. 36-inch' White Gabardines for Spring wearables yard at 480 36-inch White Batiste, yd. 200 White Linene for dresses, wears and looks like linen. Yard 220 Ki-Ku Nainsook of finest grade. 12-yard pieces, special $5.50 Jap Nainsook in twelve-yard pieces, specially priced at $2.40 Universal Diapers, strictly an tiseptic 27x27 inches. Doz. $2 -Headquarters for Piques, Flaxons, Longcloths, Nainsooks, Voiles. Good Savings In This Sale of Curtains Marquisette Curtains Third Floor Beautiful new Marquisette Curtains with imported lace edges and medallions in corners. White and ivory. Designs on these Curtains are entirely new. LOT 1$ 7.00 MARQUISETTE CURTAINS $5.95 LOT 2$ 7.50 MARQUISETTE CURTAINS $0.45 LOT 3$ 8.00 MARQUISETTE CURTAINS $6.80 LOT 4410.75 MARQUISETTE CURTAINS $8.90 Voile Curtains $1.48 Third Floor 294 Pairs high-grade Voile Curtains priced for quick disposal. New, up-to-date patterns with dainty lace insertions. 2Va yards wide, reg- AO J) vr-itTrF:t'i4 uraae, special, yara at oe S.v3k 85c Grade, special, yard at 90 r " ii. 95c Grade, special, yard at 780 TV TVT.ATn T.TKOT.KTIMS I ' t 't . -M Mk. ulation width. Sale price, the pair at only. ANOTHER LOT of fine Voile Curtains (J1 QO with lace edges and insertions. $1.79 and PA.J SCRIM CURTAINS with valance special, set 990 Linoleums I Reversible Rugs Reduced Third Floor Shown in rich Ori ental and in domestic patterns. $2.50 Rugs, size 21x36 P" QQ $3.98 Reduced Third Floor Print Linoleums in neat patterns note . the prices: 75c Grade, special, yard at 580 INLAID LINOLEUMS $1.25, $1.35 Inlaid, yard at 98 $1.45 Inlaid Linoleum, yd. $1.19 inches, special now only ( $3.00 Rugs, size 26x52 i inches, special now 30x60 Reversible Rugs a 1 - t-T r ' mi 1 - '""S,-7?!5w ''ai -i 4 , H 'ft . Sl O n o o n o o D o D o D o o D o D o o n o D o o n o D o D o n o n o a o 0 o D o 10301 IOC