The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 10, 1918, SECTION FOUR, Page 9, Image 47

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Eugene Man's Valve Grinder
Horses Ran. Cows Skedaddled end Even People Hid From One-Cylinder
Is Success.
Cadillac, Second Car in Portland. Owned and Driven by Eugene lioch.
It. K. Vcltum, Proprietor of Garage
In Eugene, Perfect Machine
Thai Grind Valves In Tenth
of Time Inquired by Hand.
EVGEXU March . (Special)
Fix months from the day Vcltum at
Clow, proprietor of a small gars- In
Euarene. pUrwl their first valve grinder
e the mirktL the Veltum Clow
Manufacturing- Company closed a con
tract for ths delivery of IZv.MO worth
or ths machines In Ths vatve
grinder Is ths invention otR.Fi Vel
tum. who mads ths first one for Ms
own us and used It for ssvsral years
hefor the commercial possibility of the
tool In connection with the automobile
business was suggested.
C it. Wiggins, of the Archer wig-
gln Company, of 1'ortland. and George
Johnson, manager of the Portland
branen of t'hanslor Lyon, called the
Inventor's attention to the fact that he
bad made a tool for which there waa a
treat need. Thai waa about on year
Grladlaar SfaefclM Light.
The little machine weighs J pounds.
The average set of values (eight from
a four-clinder englnei takes ftve
hoars of a workman's time If ground
and polished by hand. The machine
does this work tn 20 minutes. It will
operate perfectly on 10 pounds of air
and can be regulated at any speed up
to 10 strokes a minute. Valves of
any size, from the small needle-vajv
to the s-lnch valve, may be ground by
It. the aUe of the valve making little
difference In time required for the
ork. Any power-driven automobile
pump will furnish sufficient air to
grind valves p-rfectly.
Valves on the .i-horsepower Unit
Caterpillar engine owned by Lane
County were ground easily, the grinder
weighing only U pound mora than toe
Mr. Veitam came to Oregon In IS
from Iowa l'tl,, Iowa. where he
learned the machinist trade. He was
emptoyed In 1'ortLand for about two
years by John li. Keller, pioneer auto
mobile dealer and agent for White
fiteamer cars.
I ground valves by hand so long
that I decided there must bs a me
chanical way and that power and ma
chinery would do It." said air. Veltum.
telling how be came to develop bis In
vention. I am not a draftsman, but I
outlined the first machine on paper. I
ftsured It out and when I made the
first one It worked perfectly.
"The original draft was exactly Ilk
tli machines we are making today.
Xfy first machine was of cast Iron, but
we have substituted aluminum die cast
ings. That has been the only change.
The first machine I made has been In
ve In the shop three years and Is In
Lerfect running order. It has never
een taken down sine ths first test."
Vibration Is Overcame.
Tn grinding a valve by hand, any
grinder has a slight vibration. This
waa the Inventor's most difficult prob
lem. It waa necessary to avoid vibra
tion that would be la any other direc
tion than the actual grinding process.
It was essential to center all motion In
the direction of the actual cutting or
grinding operation of the machine. An
oscillating motion was developed and
the grlnde so constructed taal In op
eration It sets exactly over the work.
It motion being so collected aa to
touch all points In the valve to be
around evenly. In other words the VI-
CriMon of the power mechanism of the
grinder virtually become a part of the
grinding operation.
When Mr. eltnm and his business
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7rstJDflirori4uiomo&u'(3. cf&usnauer i J fo cAJn J902,
IXTEEJJ yean Isn't o very lone; a
things go. but It' a long, long
time In term of the modern auto
mobile. Today there are nearly SO, 000
auto In Oregon and some 25.000 In
Portland alone. Tet In 1902, Just a lit
tie less than It year ago, Eugen
Hoch, of the firm of Elumauer & Hoch
brought to Portland the second auto
mobile this town ever saw.
The late E. Uenry Wemra waa Port
land' pioneer motorist, but Mr. Hoch
wasn'r far behind him. Mr. Hoch' car
was a one-cylinder Cadillac.
A mighty different automobile from
the Cadillac of today waa that car with
Its one-lung motor. It made A racket
like a -battery of machine gun as It
advanced and It waa no speed marvwl
at that. Horses rsn from It and fre
quently folk did the same. Cows went
wild. But even then the Cadlllao waa
noted for the same sturdy dependa
bility that characterisea It today.
When Mr. Hoch first went motoring
op the Willamette Valley or down It.
aa some prefer to say he left a trail
of shattered nerves and mixed emo
tions. In some place the native
crowded around In curious throngs, but
In others the whole population scat
tered. All this seems funny enough In
this day when automobile are so com
mon, but some folks at that time really
regarded an automobile as a visitation
of the deviL
Mr. Hoch relate with relish how on
one occasion as he waa chugging his
way through one small country village
a girl was so startled at sight of the
inr.r. contrsptlon that she leaned a
barbed-wire fence and took refuge In
the nearest house.
Mr. Hoch did much motoring In his
old Cadillac Later he owned the sec
ond I'lerce-Arrow In Portland and kept
It for several years. He 1 still an
enthusiastic motorist. Nowadays he
prefer a lighter car and drives a Hup
mobile, which gives him fine service.
He says the passenger automobile Is an
absolute necessity these days.
Blumauer & Hoch also had the dis
tinction of being the first wholesale
house In Portland to une a motor vehi
cle for delivery purposes. Their de
livery car was an Oldsmohlle. the first
automobile of that make In Portland.
Bnalneea Hoeses Operating
i In Vancouver Most Have
Two Licenses.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. March 9.
(Special.) One of the Washington
laws regarding automobile trucks is
stringent and In many cases works
hardship, and there Is a clamor to have
It changed. Aa It now la. If a man
owning a small delivery truck in his
business in Portland or anv place In
wiih airplane type motor
THE character of service delivered by a motor car,
and the cost of maintaining that car over a protract
ed period, are in the final analysis the real factors of its
economy or extravagance. A really good car, which
serves capably and without waste through many seasons,
may very well be a more thrifty possession than a car
which cost less to buy but more to keep. Many, many
men are recognizing this truth today, and are buying
Nationals in preference to a cheaper car, of less merit.
Their selection is made not on the fallacious ground of
initial purchase price, but on the more intelligent basis
of final cost in its relation to service rendered.
j I 111 L . . "
Six and Itbdvc Cylinder CModek
7-Pata. Touring Car, 4-Pass. Phaeton. 4-Pas. Roadster, 7-Psi. Convertible Sedan
Open Car Prices-The Six, $2150; The Twelve, $2750
The Si Sedan, 82920 The Twelve Sedan. $3430
Gwtrtmettt'i War Krvenut Tax Extra Charge
Eighteenth Succtstful Year
Eleventh and Oak, at Burnside Street
Oregon decides to take hi wife and
family for a spin to Clarke County to
visit friends, on Sunday or any other
day, he can be arrested for operating
a truck in the state of Washington
without a license. Any time a truck
from Oregon comes into Washington
without a Washington license, the own
er Is liable to arrest and fine.
The business houses In Portland and
Oregon, which operate trucks in Van
couver or Clarke County, are required
to get W ashington licenses. In addition
to the Oregon license. A stnee or
4 -
; i L
J i
f R. E. Veltana. fixrat
Mam. alvv-4.rlaer lie Ilea
I Invented That la lrovtag Bis; I
( aeecesa.
partner derided to try out the commer
cial possibilities of the tool, they cor
responded with a number of Eastern I
manufacturers. Prices asked were pro-I
hlbltlve. It was then decided to manu-l
f aetur the valve grinders In Eurene.
Tne grinders. Including the aluminum I
eastings, are now to be made here In I
their entirety, except for a few small
The 5.f)fl contract received la from I
the Warnock A Worth Sales Company. I
of sioux city. Iowa.
Jitney operating between Vancouver
and Portland is compelled to have two
licenses. A Ford stage or jitney is paid
for according to horsepower,-J23, and
$2 additional for four seats, making
$31 for a license In thia state, plus 25
cents for the application. A higher
powered car would have to pay as
much more In proportion, and if op
erated between Vancouver and Port
land, the Oregon license hag to be ob
tained as well.
Automobile licenses In Washington
this year are higher than ever before
and will bring several hundred thou
sand dollars into the State Treasury.
A truck operating here must also
have a mirror attached so that the
driver may see in the rear. A person
operating his "pleasure" car for deliv
ering anything must take out a truck
license and attach the mirror, too.
Stages are also provided with mirrors.
Lubricating Pump Spindle.
In repacking the gland of a water
circulating pump use plenty of graphite
with the packing. The spindle is sel
dom adequately lubricated and the
graphite will go a long way toward
making up for this. Incidentally the
use of glycerine in the cooling water
as an anti-freeze precaution seems to
assist in the lubrication of the pump
Over 68,000 automobile tags were is
sued from the office of Secretary of
State Phil Cook during 1917, and it is
predicted that the number will be
ereatly increased in 1918
Bond Being Voted to Insure Con
struction or Stale Illjrbwaj. -LEWISTO.V.
Idaho, March . (Sp-
cUi) Idaho County highway dltrtctl
are voting supplemental bond Issues, I
In quite substantial amounts, to Insure I
the north-and-south Idaho highway!
running through their several dtstricta
The VVhitcbird Highway district has
voted Siioo to supplement the f IS. 000 1
voted some time ago. The Orangevtlle
district voted bonds la the sum of
IJS.OOO several month ago and 1 now
asked to provide an additional sum of
tli. 000. A bond election to provide
this amount will be held at aa early I
date, at which time It 1 expected the!
district will express Its sentiment I
for permanent highway Improvements I
by indorsing the enlarged bond Isxue, I
The lake district expects to vote a bond I
lseu. of 12500 for the building of three!
rnlle of the main highway. The three I
district will provide a total of ftt.SOtl
for the construction work between I
tirsngevlllo and Whlteolrd. The state I
will provide aa equal sum and the Gov.
ernment will apportion an amount!
eoual to that furnished by the state. I
making a total of IliS.OOO available fori
tfel construction.
Fgiz The Big Bay's WoRk
TTHE stupendous activities of today demand the
most efficient personal transportation. The
Velie, as the most economical car in both time
and expense, fulfills every man's need.
It has remarkable value at the purchase price,
costs little for upkeep and operation and is business
like in its practicability.
To everyone who must move about inthedty.
or country the Velie is a necessity that pays for
itself in increased value to home and country, bet
ter health and full relaxation in spare moments.
There are nine superb body styles. See them
today. YOUR car is among them.
D. Cw Warren Motor Car Co.
Distributer Oregon and Southern Washington.
ES-60 North 23d Street.
PmilJtm mt AmimahSmt, Mmtf TVwca- mnJ Tractor
1. mmi limns TeHaw DW
W.liS in W ssao us lis MiJih.
Chassis $400
Runabout $435
Touring: $450
Coupelet $560
Town Car $645
Sedan... $695
F. O. B. Detroit
The above prices, which became effective Feb. 22d, 1918, involved an increase on the
Chassis, Runabout and Touring car, while prices of the other models remained unchanged.
The increase in price on the first three mentioned models was absolutely necessary,
not only on account of the steady advance in cost of material entering into the manufac
ture of our cars, but also due to the curtailment of our factory and assembly plant pro
duction. In past years it has been our policy to permit the buying public to benefit by our
increased production through our corresponding reductions in the list prices of our cars,
so it is only reasonable to expect a proportionate increase now in prices when our produc
tion must be cut down.
Today you can buy one with reasonable assurance of delivery, but no promise can be
given as to delivery later on. BUY NOW.
Any one of the authorized Ford Dealers listed below will show you the full line of Ford
cars and give your order immediate attention, and likewise pledge you the assurance of
an efficient after-service, if such becomes necessary. BUY NOW.
Rushlight & Penney, Inc.
East 3d at Broadway. Phone East 303.
Talbot & Casey, Inc.
East Ankeny at Grand. Phone East 8118.
Robinson-Smith Company
6th and Madison.' Phone Main 1100.
Francis Motor Car Company
East 13th at Hawthorne. Phone East 3770.
Palace Garage Company
12th at Stark. Phone Broadway 1572.
Pacific KisselKar Branch
Broadway at Davis. Phone Broadway 321.
Buy a car within your means
i i - - r--l 'iiinl .Miil.iihMiLuiikiltlii.MtiilriUMtlK''riiitiii. J