The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 10, 1918, SECTION FOUR, Page 8, Image 46

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    8 "
Insurance Man Warns Motor
' ists Rates Will Go Up if
Losses Continue.
TV. M. Klingcr, of Saa Francisco,
Ix-clarca Companies May Etcn
rtrfu to Insare at All In
less Situation Improve.
ro of two thinrs Is going to hap
fa in Portland, and happen vrjr toon,
in connection with the unrestrained
epltienic of automobile Urging that
la going so merrily alunir here.
Lither tha thefts nuil bo curbed and
the thleTee punished when caught.
yM-h Is a rare eir-ptlon at present.
aa tha wont automobile theft risk on
tha whole Coast.
"The raising of theft insurance rates
would be onlr the first atep. Inles
conditions Improved at once the next
step would probabljr be to refuse to nn
derwrlte any automobllea la Portland
against theft.
"In Detroit tha automobile owner
rannot obtain theft Insurance at alL
L'nleas Portland takes decisive action
to curb thievery the soma condition) la
likely to prevail here.
Ta levins; Caraew fa Seata.
"Aa tha result of campaigns against
automobile thieve In Loa Angeles and
San Francisco tha number of thefts
baa been reduced to a minimum. Tha
courts thara have aat down hard on the
thieves and on the "fences' behind them
through whom they disposed of stolen
cars and accessories. The work has
also been aided by the passage of ordi
nances aimed against automobile
"Some of these ordinances mtrbt very
well be adopted in Portland. Four or
dinances that recently went Into effect
In San Kranclaco are particularly appli
cable here.
"One of these ordlnancea requires
dealera In eecond-hand cars to report
to tha police on blanka furnished by
the police complete descriptions of all
second-hand cars taken in by them for
trade or sale.
"Another or (if nance requires that no
outomoblle wrecking company may
wreck or diamantlo a car without first I
obtaining a permit from tha police de
partment. "A third ordinance makes it a mis
demeanor for any person to have In his
possession an automobile tire, knowing
It to be the property of another, from
which tha number haa been removed.
Truck Bucking Mountain Snow
En Route to Gold Beach.
Fcmr-Wheel Drive) S H -Ton Truck
That Went Through Pass Creek
Canyon on Way Over Coast
ilango Into Curry County.
Somewhere in the Coast Range
Mountains between Granta Pass. Or,
and Crescent City. Cal.. a V4-ton
Duplex four-wheel-drive truck is buck-
ng anow about this time, en route to
Gold Beach. Or., where It la to be deliv
ered to the County Commissioners of
Curry County.
This is the same Duplex that made
the remarkable run on March 1 through
Pass Creek Canyon on tha Pacific
Highway In Douglas County, aa told
In The Oregonlan'a automobile aection
last Sunday.
With Roy Greullch, aervlee superin-
Its scope ao aa to include the entire
Organised primarily to aasist traffic
officers and tha motoring publio by
standardizing traffic laws, the Cali
fornia association already haa proved
of value in other directions, principally
In running down automobile thieves
and speeders. These reaulta are ac
complished by an Interchange of war
rants and Information.
Another result was making a uni
form crossing signal so that now any
motorists touring California knows Just
what to look out for when ha comes
to a street intersection, whether he be
driving In the northern, central or
southern part of the state.
In addition to having the backing of
the Oakland Chamber of Commerce.
the movement for a National traffic I
officers' association Is heartily Indorsed
by H. C. Oetermann. field searetary of I
the National Lincoln Highway Asso
It s proposed to hold a National con
vention, in Oakland in the coming bum
Steamer Salesman Goes With. Twin
States) Motor Car Company.
George V. Adams, one of the best
known automobile salesmen In Port
land, haa severed his connection with
the C I Boss Automobile Company to
join the sales organization of the Twin
States Motor Car Company, distributor I
for the Chandler Six. the Baion Six and
the Mets. He will give his attention to
all three cars.
During tha week before ha Joined the
Twin States Motor Car Company, Mr.
Adams was one of the busiest little au-
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Announcing the Four-Passenger
Chandler Sport Model
ADDITION of this new four-passenger Sport Model completes
the already attractive group of Chandler body types six designs
of open and enclosed or convertible cars that incorporate most
careful thought for your thorough comfort and convenience in the
details of appointment and equipment.
Of striking design, with high hood and radiator and low-cut
body, this attractive new Chandler model at a glance gives the true
Impression of power, speed and all-'round efficiency of performance.
It has very liberal seating accommodations for four passengers,
rides wonderfully and is mounted upon the regular Chandler
chftftttlq except that thirty-two-inch wheels and a gear ratio of
3.78-1 are used. The body, hood and radiator are painted in a beauti
ful electric blue, highly finished. Running gear and fenders are black.
Five white wire wheels'are offered as extra equipment, list $110.
Sovm-Ptusengtr Touring Car, 91593 Four-Passnger Roadster, SI 593
Four-Paumgmr Sport Modal, $1675; Five White Wirm Wheels, 9110 Extra
Convmrtibta Sedan, 32293 Convertible Coupe, $2193 ZJmousine, 32895
lAtt prices F.O.B. Cleveland)
Twin States Motor Car Company
R. R. Coeter. who la retail sales manaa-er for the ChandW, Is at the wheel and next to him Is John X. Sharp, president of the Twin States Motor Car
company. Chandler distributors, 'in the bark seat are 1 V. Kawllnga tleXl-hand side), field manager lor the Chandler In this territory, and K. E. Murphy,
ic-praldnt of Twin titalrs Motor Car Company.
The new Chandler sport model Is a four-paasenaer ear with tha reerular Chandler chassis, but a special body In electric blue. It differs from tha stock
taurine- roadster, also, la harms' a near ratio of S.7S to 4.49 for the roadster. This hle-h jrear ratio makes It a speedy traveler. It also haa 32-Inch wire wheels.
One Important fraiore of the sport model Is that comfort haa not been aacrlficed a whit for appearance. Tha appearance la there, but so is tha comfort. The
car show a in the photograph haa been sold to it. J. x.erryman, of 1 orlland.
launched locally. A committee of the
Citizens' Club, composed of A. C. St.
John. H. B. Quick. T. J. Lonsr. I. Kvarno.
M. Sprinkler, John Denhof and Fred
Hess, with O. J. Albers, one of the Lew
la County trustees of the organisation,
at the head, will make a local canvass
to obtain an enrollment. Chehalis has
several hundred car owners, and in
Lewis County there probably are close
to 2000 cars.
Ship by Trainload.
What is probably the larg-est ship
ment of passenger cars ever received in
Syracuse, N. V., was delivered several
days ago to the Syracuse Motor Car
Company, the Maxwell distributors. The
consignment was a solid trainload, con
sisting of 125 automobiles.
Look over the field, study It and get
a machine if you can.
r tha Insurance nntrrwntera are vir
tually rertain to Increase tha rata of
automobile theft Insurance, probably
tiy oublinar It.
This waralna was brought to Port
land last week by W. M. Kllnaer. of
Kan fTanctsro, Varlflc Coast head of
tha autoraobll drirtmr.t of the Lon
don m Lancashire Insurance Company.
M r. Klins;er says the Insurance com
panies are stirred, up over the situation
la lort:andi due to heavy Insurance
leoaea from thefts, and are determined
to at something be done to remedy It.
In the past year, says Mr. Kilns. r.
tne Invaranre com pan t em have paid out
fully tlw,W In Portland to owners of
ara that had been stolen.
Jey Riders) teal Cars.
MY. KTtnger Is conversant with tha theft situation all alone
the faclfle Coast, and he ears that
tsrn-rtn silk rkrilti:d
The sale of used cars and parts
la rrsulated by an ordinance
passed In Cleveland, says the
I'owvr Waron. Dealers enaaa-ed
In the business are required to
furnish the department of safety
the names and addresses of all
persons from whom second-hand
machines are purchased, the time
of purchase and the make, license
and factory number of the vehl
'clea. The Information must be
fild with the Chirr of folic
dally by noon and must give com
plete particulars recardlnc the
previous day's business. Viola
tions Incur liability to a penalty
of 1 100 and aia swaths Imprisonment.
while Portland has a better record than
the other large cities In the number of
automobiles recoverd after belnjt
etoleo. It has a much larger proportion
ef automobllea atolea for Joy riding
Vurpoeee than any of the others. Even
when recovered, automobiles la such
rases are almost always mora or less
The reason for Portland's better com
parative ahowlna in the number of
stolen automobiles recovered. Mr.
Kllnger said, is due largely to the fact
that there are fewer outlets here for
the disposal by the thieves of stolen
cars, parts and accessories thaa In baa
)rnctMv Los Aaaeles or Seattle.
Mr. Kllnrer conferred with Chief of
retectives C'.ark and Police Captains
Circle and Moore to see If more vigor
ous artlea could not be taken, against
Ctleves by the police.
All three of these officers cWlared
they have ao few men at their disposal
that they are handicapped la any cam
patgn acalrat automobile thieves. They
complained, also, that the courts are so
lenient with captured thieves, and that
automobile swears whose cars axe re-
covered so often refuse to proeecute.
that the police feat discouraged and
(lad It of LtUe as to rua dowa the
Coasts rrsred a Aef.
At the same time, they promise co
operation la aay campaign that may
be undertaken.
"I doubt If motorists here, and th
courts realise how Inevitable It Is that
rates for automobile theft Insurance
will be Increased unless the brakes are
put on hard to slop the operations of
automobile thteves la 1'ortiand. said
Mr. klmtir "The courts can help
groatly in this work.
"Instead of getting better here, con
ditions are beconuna worse. In other
towns along the Coast vigorous re
s''tive maure have been adopted.
eUrtleularly la Lne Angeles and fan
Tranctro. and with murk auccsea. Hot
1 am sorry to aay tha Portland la now
raarCeOV e iaatfaaca tMB Mas
"Still a fourth ordinance makes it a I tendent. at the wheel, the truck left I lomohlle salesmen in town. On one day.
e I th Northwest Auto Company in Port-i Tuesday, fie closed sales for seven Max-
mlsdemcanor for any person to have
In his possession an automobile on
which th factory aerial number, the
engine number, or any manufacturer's
Identification mark has been defaced
or removed.
Mr. Kllnger is establishing In th
Northwest for th Lomloa Ac Lanca
shir Insurance Company a chain of
branches of an Identification bureau
recently opened In Kan Francisco. Th
branch here will be in the office of
Fields A Honey-man, Portland) agents of
the company. This bureau will collect
from automobile owners, by means of
postcards to be mailed to them, full
description of their cars, together with
Identification numbers and other iden
tification marks.
When a car la stolen this data will
be turned over, not only to the local
police but to police of every city on tha
Pacific Coast.
Fuel Administration RccognlxcsIm-
portance of Auto Industry
"We long ago dropped the term
"pleasure car for that of "passenger
cars.'" saya W. L. Hurhson. of the KIs
selKar, "because that la really what It
la the moat dependable and flexible
passenger-carrying utility the world
haa ever prodoced.
"In this connection no other proof Is
so conclusive and final as that of th
ruling of the Fuel Administration, ex
emptlng garages, and service stations
from the observance of "heatlesa Mon
days. In this ruling It stated that mo
tor vehicles of alt classes were consid
ered aa coming under the head of 'pub
lic utilities.' -
Bi rbone Bill.
It Is estimated that more thaa 10,000
telephone calls are handled daily by the
-Itch board operators employed at
Vrillys-OverlaAd. Inc. More than (00
phonea are distributed through the fao
tory and offices. About (00 telegraph
and cable messages are received at th
Toledo office of the compalny each day.
An automobile kept by aa Intelligent
man now ia less expensive than a horse
and boggy.
;-'Y '
land on February J7 for a drive-away
delivery to Curry County. The county
haa purchased It for heavy road con
structlon work.
After getting through the mud of
Pass Creek canyon, which has been
Impassable even to horse-drawn vehl
clea for the laat three months, Greullch
reached Granta Pass, 100 miles south
of Itoseburg, on March 4. He drove
th Duplex up the 20 per ent grade
of Wolf Creek hill on the way, and
through Cow Creek Canyon, which I
bad enough at this time of year, though
not comparable with Pass Creek
Snow Deea la Meaatalaa.
The Duplex may have reached Cres
cent City by this time on its way to
Gold Beach. It probably la atlll in the
mountains, however, for C. M. Menzles,
manager of the Northwest Auto Com
pany, haa not heard from Greullch
since' he left Grants Pass. The Duplex
will have Its troubles getting over the
mountains, for th road Is still closed
and it will have to break through the
snow for most of th distance.
'Arrived her at 8 P. M.. Greullch
wrote from Grants Pass on Monday,
Th roads are rotten. Hare been buck
ing snow all day, and am leaving for
Crescent City in the morning. They
tell me that there la four or five feet
of snow in the mountains.
Everything going fine, but it is sure
hard traveling. All we can average is
a couple of miles an hour, as the roads
are Juat wida enough for the truck, and
you have to back for every turn. Don't
think we can make Gold Beach before
the end of the week, and it takes two
daya by horse stag to get back, to
Granta Pass."
In a letter written a couple of days
be for from Rose burg, Greulich told
some Interesting details of the Duplex'
unn tarougn rasa Creeic Canyon,
Masl Above Frame.
"I sore wished a hard job on myself.
and w are not halt through yet," he
said. "We can hardly make the people
believe that we came through, and
can't begin to tell you road conditions.
Friday we made 12 miles from 6
A. M. to 7 P. M. Today we made 33
miles from ( A. M. to :30 P. M. It's
100 miles from Itoseburg to Grants
Pass, then 135 miles from Grants Pass
to Crescent City, plus the 80 miles to
Gold Beach, so you see we have some
trip to make yet.
Of th IS miles we mads today, 25
waa uphill and mud above the frame,
and you can run only about one mile
an hour. To give you some idea, this
morning ws had to shovel the starting
crank out of the mud before we could
start rtie motor,
When we headed Into Pass Creek
Canyon a man with a touring car de
elded to follow us through. The last
we heard of him he had wired for four
horses to pull him out to where he
could ship his ear by rail."
f W. M, Klraa-ev. of aa Frai
Who lru Pertlaed Me
I That Asm Theft lam
Rates Will Be Kateed Here U
Thefts Are Jl CatrheeL
liaitai a a. a tri
Oakland Commerce Chamber Urges
Portland to Join.
Letters have just been received by
Chief of Folic Johnson and Sheriff
Hurlburt. urging them to take steps to
organize a state traffic officers' asso
ciation and become a part of a Nation
al association. The letters come from
Joseph O. Wallmann, corporal in charge
of the traffic department of the Oak
land. CaU police force, who is president
of th California Traffio Officers Association.
Thla organisation, which was formed
through the efforts of the Oakland
Chamber of Commerce, baa been so sue
ceaaXuX that, it. 4s m opooed l broaden
well cars, four of them being new cars
and the pther three used cars.
The following day, Wednesday, he
sold four more cars of the same make,
giving him a total of 11 sales for two
daya In the past 80 days, Mr. Adams
haa sold 28 cars, mostly Maxwells, not
quit equalling his record of last Au
gust, when he sold 84 cars for Mr. Boss.
Kor Hemphill lias to Let It Go
When Purchaser Insists.
Roy Hemphill, manager of the West
ern Motor Car Sales Company, Is wir
ing to San Francisco in hot haste to
hurry up a shipment of Truxtun Truck
Attachments which Is overdue now. He
received on demonstrator a few days
ago, but a purchaser came along who
demanded it so insistently .that he let I
it go, thinking he would have a car
load more right away. The Truxtun,
which comes in 14 and 2-ton capaci
ties, is an internal gear drive truck at
tachment that will fit the chassis of
any make of passenger car.
Chehalis Antolsts to Join Body.
CHEHALIS. Wash.. March 9. (Spe
cial.) An energetic campaign for new
members for the Western Washington
Automobile Association Is to- be
Save One-Third on the Cost
- of Your Tires
Firestone, Batavia, Repub
lic, Lee, Savage, McGraw,
Etc, Etc
..8 R.S5 to 812.7.1
.. 12.60 to 15.60
.. 13.75 te 19.20
.. 17.5 to Z1.40
.. 19.45 to 22.00
.. l.5(l te
.. 17.65 te
.. 22.25 o
21.35 to
34x4 Vs.
26.25 to
24.SO to
25.25 to
37.25 to
30.85 te
24. JO
If you will state the size
tire you use we will quote
you prices on the different
makes we have in stock; be
sure and state the style of
' bead, straight side or quick
detachable, plain or non
skid treads.
331 Burnside Street
Portland, Oregon
Branches in All Principal
rfJ.aeiBBa Sfi B :. . rs8
Play Safe Order Now .
rl a week or two- the spring selling
season will be at its height. Every
day makes plainer the wisdom of plac
ing your order for a Grant Six now.
The demand for. cars of all popular
makes will exceed the supply this season.T
Most manufacturers have been unable
to build cars ahead this winter and few
cars are in warehouse.
The reduction of passenger train serv
ice has greatly increased the sale of
cars to suburban dwellers in all parts of .
the country.
The farm demand Jr greater than
Thousands of people who in normal
times would buy more expensive cars
are buying Grant Sixes this year." And "'
finally we have no assurance that pres
ent prices can be maintained all spring. "
For all these reasons and because no
matter how long you wait or how far
you look you cannot match its value
we urge you to place your order for a
Grant Six immediately.
. The new model i3 absolutely the fin
est car mechanically and the most beau
tiful car ever sold at a comparable price.
The nationally famous Grant Six
economy (20 miles to a gallon of gaso
line, 900 miles to a gallon of oil), the
roominess and comfort of the car and .
the reputation of its wonderful overhead
valve engine,arejust a few of thereasons
for making the Grant Six your choice.
.Price, ,51055 f.o.b. Cleveland
Eleventh and Oak at Burnside