TOE SUTAY OREGOXTAX, PORTIiAND. -MAKCII--10, -1918. LOIR HIGHWAY TO BE OPEN BY JUNE 1 ROAD CREWS HURRYING WORK TO OPEN NEW COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY TO ASTORIA BY JUNE L Work Is Progressing Fast on New Road Down Colum- J bia River to Astoria. CLIFF ATGOBLE IS BARRIER Yrrea Construction Company- Tmk Ing Oat Many Tons of Rock I'rora 1 1 0-Foot Precipice to , Make New Road Safe. Py tnta tomlnr Jan 1. at latest. nd perhaps befora that If tha present rats of prorrcsa U maintained, the lower Cotumnta RlTer HI Kb way will h open all the war from Portland to Astoria for automobile and motor truck It will bo do makeshift road of patch sjsorK construction when It la opened. There will not be anr stretches of bumpy corduroy, or of mud op to the labs In wet weather, and all that. The new road wtll be a real hiajhway, wltH do fra'te of more than 5 per cent. built on permanent lines and destined to ba a arret commercial aa well acenlo thoroughfare. It will not ba pared for its entire eiKth. but where It Is not pared It will hare a flrst-clasa macadam sur face. Crewa of men are now macad mulnr I? mllea of new roadway, which will be In perfect condition for trarel when the highway Is opened. There are on!y a few plarea where the actual construction work on the Dicaway has not already been complet ed, and thry will all ba finished before Juno 1. One of tba last obstacle to the epenine of the new hlrhway Is now be- tnir remored by the Warren Construc tion Company Just below Gobie. Or where a crew of men Is tearlns; and bleatlnc out the side of a rock cliff ll fei h.ich to make room for the hjrfcwer at the foot of It. The writer went to GoMe last week In an OrerLand Country Club roadster with Harry Hayes. Oregon's famous "(load Kin and territory man for the Orerlacd Pacific branch here, to sec how tnis work Is coram; slonc- It Is enmlnc alor.r aood and fast. J I. F. Wlrknrr. construction superin tendent for tba Warren Construction Company, who la personally on the Job. says tba work of blaatlnc down and haullnr away the JSOO cubio yard approximately SZj9 tons of rock that must be remored from this cliff to rle plenty of room for the roadway, Should be finished In sis weeks. The crew has been wnrklnc oa this Job only stnra February IS. but In that time virtually 1009 coble yards of rock hare been pried or blasted down. This Work presenta an Interesting little feat of engineering because of tb fact that the track of the Spokane. Portland A Seattle railway runs only 3 feet from the bottom of tha cliff. .All the blastlns baa to b dope with the greatest care not to block th railroad track. Not one train has been topped er even, delayed up to the The highway grade wa buttt be tween the foot of this cliff and th rail road track two or three years ago. In order to squeeze In th roadway be tween cliff and railway, part of th cliff wa cut away at the bottom. This left a dangerous orerbanglns; preci pice from which big plecea of rock hare been falling erer since. 0 when the present Stat Highway Commission decided to complete the lower Columbia Highway to Astoria, the contract was awarded to cut away enough of this cliff, from th top down, to make th road safe la future from falling rorks. Th roc k blasted down from th cliff Is being used by the Warren Construc tion Company in making a fill a few hundred feet away, where th new hichway crosses Gobi Creek. The new part of th lower Columbia Hirer Hichway. which will glre a di rect all-Winter road between Portland and Astoria, paralleling? th Columbia J.leer. In place of tha present Inland route, whlrh Is open only during the late Spring, hummer and early Fall months, joins the Portland-Gobi sec tion of the highway about 'two mile south of GoMe. The arren Construction Comnanr has built the grade from thi point to past irooie. and Is now macadamising r. The work la being don with great thoroughness, and th road will be In Tine soap when It 1 opened about June 1. Of tb 57 miles of this new road now etng macadamised. 47 mllea are be ing done on force account by th state, usirvjr th Warren Construction Com fanr s organization. Ten mllea of tba lT.wy this side cf Astoria la Clat sop ounty are being; paved by this company. InndenraUy. Construction Superin tendent Wlckner. who under it- D. Jloyt. of Portland, was In charge of all this work last Fall, mad a good start m mat line oa a road record that wouia nsre neaten erea Ilarrr Harm' mark of :."0 mile In a year that won Mm th tul of "Road Kin.-" of Or- When Mr. IVIetmer met Hay for the first time at Gobie the other day. he tnld how h had trareled In a Ilttl car tip and down th new highway at th rat or 100 mile a week for a few week last FalL Rut about th time f was getting really warmed up. along ram th rains and Hays record wa are ior another year. Tn rtad between Portland and Go Me is now la fin shape, with the pina-ie esrepeion of a stretch of about inree miles this side of Peer Island, where th going Is very rough. The highway Is pared from Portland to rrprKw. is m excellent condition as .-. -.. n-iens, iair tor tore or ionr mues Beyond that town, poor on the Der Island sector, and then first clae on- th last fir mile Into Gobi. K " : ' ' - - ! m mmH d Ayr.- -y - jv 1 --- ni fevN -m h J . v-v- -.-v-i ? vj-;fV f Jji -ii. .4 , ' ill vrVer- . A-K-r J vr-i.X'- v:i l l;J .w rerTrvV' - 1 tffeVv. : W 11"'): ff V "-i"liTw' - 11 i y-SJ?I - . 7 y MaiipmolbOllej Tie Comfort Car Economy is comfort, too. 'This Hupmobile is 600 pounds lighter. Its tires last longer. It goes 24 per cent farther on a gallon of gasoline. t, Manley Auto Co. llth and Oak at Bumside 'j Miiiipinniolbille stunts on th radiator of a Maxwell car m front of his hotel. The car has the U. S. flag painted on it and Is used by the Navy recruiting officers. i This I2-Feot-ni Cliff. Jast Below nble. I Oae f th Last Barriers t the Opening of the New Highway. The 'Warren Construction Company I Chisel lac Off th Side ef th Cliff i Make Raasa for th Highway Next to the Railroad Track. 2 H. J. Wlckner, Construction Foreman, on the Job. Tola Reck. Pried er niaated Dawn Kroaa the Cliff, W 111 He Hesaoved From the Roadway After Enough of It Haa Been Shared Off the Cliff to Make the Highway Safe. X Maradamlalas the Xtw Highway. The Car Beside the Road Roller la an Overlaad Country Clab Roadster, First Automobile on the Sew Grade, la th Center la saperlateadeat VYIrkaer aad at the Left la Harry Haya. Road Klag of Oregon. 4 An Attractive Spot on the Road to Gobie. Harry Haya and Ills Overlaad Ceaatry Clab Roadster. GRANT EASY FOR OWNER ACCESSIBlLtTT- AMD bIMFUCTTT . FEATI RES OF CAR. Factory Engineer Telia - at - Palna t 31 ah .Grant aa Nearly Aataxtle aa Car Can Be. While tber may har been a point to th song. "Get Out and Get Under." that was ao popular a few years ago, the motor car of today has been so greatly Improved In accessibility that It Is bard to believe that there ever could bar been automobiles of. the old-fashioned type. Accessibility of all part a that require Inspection, adjustment or lubricant Is desirable not only for the convenience of th car owner, but for the safe guarding of th manufacturer's repu tat Ion. It wasn't a question merely of sav ing th car owner a lot of work. and trouble, though wa wanted to do all we could In that direction." aays George 8. Halzraan. bead of th engineering department of the Grant Motor Car Corporation, of Cleveland, "but equally matter of Insuring that Grant Sixes would be properly taken care of. that led us to pay a great deal of attention to the matter of accessibility. We knew that most ownera of Grant Slxea would attend to their cars them selves. Thla la unlrersally true on th farms of course, where the Grant Six la on of th most popular cars, but it Is almost as true In tha cities. t rur problem was to protect avery working part .as completely aa It can be don In the moat expenslre car. yet without compelling tha owner to take bis Grant Six to a garage and a com plete machln shop to inspect, adjust or lubricate It. ln the lstt Grant fix the ensrlne. th fly wheel, the starting; pinion, th clutch and clutch throwout are boused and protected, yet the owner can get at any of .these parts almost Instantly. When he lifts the hood be finds no overhead wiring In the way. the vacuum tank Is against the dash, the electrical system, the oil pump, the carburetor, every part of the power plant Is easy to get at without Interfer ence with anything else. There ia arm and elbow room to spare. "We believe the Grant Six Is as near to being absolutely automatic as motor car can be. It has been our aim to build a car requiring; a minimum of attention. In our engineering depart ment we work months to Improve some small detail which the average man would consider perfect already. No sooner do we finish designing and re fining one car than we start all over again to see where even the slightest Improvement can be made. This Is one of the reasons why the automobile h developed more rapidly than any other piece of mechanism ever Invented by man. But we shall probably never get to a point where a motor car will work as well or last aa long when the owner forgets to screw up tha grease cups or change his dirty oil as It wtll when he Is thoughtful enough to give his car the very slight attention that Is all It asks for." Motorcycles In -Army. At any of our numerous Army can tonments th visitor la quickly im pressed with the large number of motorcycles flitting about the spacious camp, evidently performing errands re quiring the greatest dispatch. Tbe motorcycles In 'the country's various training campa are In great demand by officer whoae .presence Is urgent In different parta of the cantonment with in a short period- of time. . A new style of automobile tax has been brought Into effect In the Province of Alberta, Canada, where the tax Is now charged on wheelbase Instead of horsepower. GAR GETS TO TILLAMOOK DODGE STAKES REMARKABLE TRIP i '. , AFTER DARK. Hlllsboro Man Drives In First Car of Season, and Does It Between A. M. a ad 6 F. 31. A Dodge car driven by Wilkes Or ville, an employe of M. P. Cady, garage man and Dodge dealer at Hlllsboro, not only made the trip into Tillamook, but made It after dark, according to infor mation received by Howard M. Covey, Podge distributor at Portland. This car was evidently the first one to drive Into Tillamook this Spring. The feat of driving over by daylight would b unusual this early in the season, to say nothing of doing it after dark. According to the word reeclved by Mr. Covey from Mr. Cady at Hlllsboro. I the car was wanted by the Tillamook dealer to deliver to a purchaser. Or ville left Hlllsboro at 6 o'clock last Saturday night with the . car and reached Tillamook at 6 o'clock the fol lowing morning. DUPJLEX FACTORY MAX HERE Alex Smith,, of Lansing, Mich., Is Looklne Over" This Territory. Alex Smith, factory representative of the Duplex Truck Company, of Lansing, Mich.,-was In Portland last week to be in this territory for two' or three weeks. He arrived here Just in time to find that the Duplex had become famous through the feat of a Duplex truck sent ou"t by the Northwest Auto Company in going "through Pass Creek Canyon, Douglas .County, en route on a drive way to Gold Beach. Mr. Smith has gone to Eastern Oregon to look over that territory for a few days. .Doug Fairbanks Stars. v Shortly after arriving In San 'Fran cisco recently Douglas Fairbanks was photographed executing one of his agile TVALUSGt-OKD MAKES CHANGES Alteration Give Additional DlspUj Space for Itrlscue. To make room for a proper display of I tn nrteo car. which b recently took on f.,r this territory In addition to the Fremler and th Liberty. W. H. Wal- rfngford Is having alteration made lis I nts sales quarter at Alder and Six teenth streets. I'ndrr th new management, addi tional space for display will be pro vided, and th stockroom, containing ran tor a!l three rare, haa been en- urgea. i n service station win remain nxt to th salesrooms, aa at present. and three rooms on tb second floor will also b used In which to stock parte. Ran 10 Milrs Dally. Tt 3. llensley. of Weatherford. Tex, I ron his Maxwell truck 10 miles dally I dsltrerina oil to customers. Hi load I average, jooo pounds, but he make IS mile on a gallon of gas. ' This truck is doing th work of six horse and I three wagons at one-third th expanse I 1 One UNITED Tractor Can Dp the , Work of Several Big. Trucks ONE UNITED at $2490 gTvXsyrxr the service -of a fleet of trucks. It hauls semi-trailers. When one is in transit a second is loading and a third iinloading. . As additional equipment is needed, it is only necessary to secure trailers at a cost of a few hundred dollars as compared with the purchase of motor trucks at several thousand dollars. ROBERTS iMOTOR CAR CO., Inc. DISTRIBCTORS. 8 TRUXTUM' THE TRUXTUN UNIT converts - prac tically any pleasure car into a modern, sturdy, internal gear axle-driven truck. It gives to second-hand' cars'a new value, a new life of usefulness. The TRUXTUN makes it possible to obtain trucks quickly . and in large numbers. " 'It makes the thousands of used cars an available National asset in our transportation crisis. One man with a TRUXTUN, Unit can do thev work of 3 drivers and 3 teams and -do it quicker, cheaper, and better. May we demonstrate? A phone call will re- - ceive our best attention, or call at your con venience. . Model A, VA-Ton, $390 Model B, 2-Ton, $490 WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES CO. BROADWAY AT BURNSIDE, PORTLAND. . v a Distributors for Oregon and So. Washington. Phone Broadway 5368. TERRITORY OPEN FOR HUSTLING DEALERS AUTO DIRECTORY ((HANDliR 4-pass. Rdstr $1745.00 7-pass. Touring All Chandlers are equipped with Bosch magneto TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR COMPANY 514-516 Alder Phone Main 851 ELGIN SIX HARROUN CARS PACIFIC MOTORS, INC, 23d and Washington Streets. Franklin offers more of "what you actually need and want in an automobile." BRALY AUTO CO. Main 4880, A 3881. 19th and Washington Sts. MINUTE MAN SIX Brunn Motor Car Co, 444-46 Stark St. Phones: Broadway 2958, A 2958 LIBERTY SIX The car which sells best in direct compari- son with others. . W. H. WALLINGFORD, 522 Alder St MACK Trucks Capacities, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 5 Tons. Complete Stock-Repair Parts. F. C. ATWELL, Sales Agent. Washington at 21st. Tel. Mar. 440 SIXES New Light Six, $1250 Factory Mitchell, Seven-Passenger, $1525, Factory MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER CO. Broadway at Oak OAKLAND Oakland Motor Co. of Oregon 344-50 Burnside, Off Broadway. Phone Broadway 80. Oldsmobile Distinctive High Grade. Light Weight, OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON Broadway and Couch Phone Broadway 1640 is ready to serve your requirements with suc cess, , Touring $2340. Roadster J2340. D. C. Warren Motor Car Co. 68-60 A. 23d St. MAIN 780. PREMIER The car with an aluminum motor. High-grade con struction throughout. A car for particular people. W. H. WALLINGFORD. 522 ALDER ST. EIGHT CAPACITIES -34 TO 5 TONS Investigate Oar Trailer and Tractor Proposition. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO,' Tark and Flanders Sts. Smith-Form-a-Truck BAM.OU WRIGHT, Hrnailnay at Oak. Distributor tor Orriton. Some unorcupied territory open. Write tor proposition. The "Blltwell" Series Represents the Latent and Best lm Motor tars, .its value at .11 rum in 1-rices. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. 58-60 North Twenty-Third Street. Phone Main 780. AUTO ACCESSORIES Auto Theft-Signal PREVENTS AUTO THEFTS See the Auto Theft-Signal at Our Salesrooms Archer & Wiggins Distributors of High-Grade Automobile Accessories SIXTH STREET AT OAK BOWSER GASOLINE and OIL TANKS STORAGE SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC AND PRIVATE GARAGES. S. D. Stoddard, District Sapt. Sales. 719-20 Corbett Bldgr. Main 147o. SATISFACTORY MOTOR CAR REPAIRING COOK & GILL GO. Phone Broadway 26. 409 Davis Street. D R. SPARK SPECIALIST fin the treatment of 'crossed wires', "sparkless" b a t teries.etc. Offices with Gibson Electric Garage & Storage Battery Co., Alder at 12th. Marshall 1752. We Stock Them. We Repair Them. We CharK-e Them. Kree Advice and Inspection. AUTO ELECTRIC EtlIPME'T CO, Sixth and Burnside Streets. ana ona-tvau mm