TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, rORTLAJfD, SIARCTT 10, 1918. with .noT.rwh.lmlnc.aec.. thronah- TlIllIlIIIllIIlltlllIIIIIIIIIIlIUIf UIlIIIIinilIltt!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIf IIIIIlIIHIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIf llll out th. roan try. will b shown et the I -j- tanMt Thtr commencing; todav. Thla photoplay. "n transcript of life I with Dtiinrnui dramatic and epectaru- lr (mix, unfolds th. lit. .tor of j beautiful girl raised by her parents for I lb matrimonial market. IS Jo du muw of tlm. I.rle meets ' CaEfornia's Cyclonic Love Story Opens Engagement at Star Today in lMoiul .on w a millionaire, mnd. In trroMinn with tha family plan. I marries hlra. It m happena. however, j that lb. youna niti I. not .. wealthy I as wa at first supposed: and when Lorelei learns thl. and b finds that has been duped, they . their sep- war. i.orwle brcmln queen f the nl.-hi world In which sh. lives. Thifci ao from bad to worn., th. situation, as It develop. Involving th. bniihr. who ha. now tfioma a Mack-I tnai!r of th. lowest order. member of I an underworld vane: Jarvla Hammon, a sir. I micnl. with a reputation for nnn-rupuliun.ss; a daughter of on. of th. mill workmen, who la seeking r'vna. on Mammon, and Lorelei's bus- ban'l All of these .Ivm.nl. consplr. I In rtiniprnnk l.oretet and bring b.r to j an awakrnlnr about th. slntiah of d-I """ apnl Inm whirh sh. ha. fallen. ith th" awakening come. th. de sire to help her voung husband, who bow la also at th. lowest drptba of y y t t . ' : - At lat Tree ran stand It no longer. and she leaves him. This Is the on. I thins needed to bring him to hts sense, an I he s'ts hlmveif to work for bit on. thins. tr win her love. From thlse eltua lion develops an en-ting that Is as thrill Ins as It Is eminently satisfactory. brincina th. young rouplo together i with a foil understanding and appr. ution of the fxtth of rectituda. JVEWS OF THE THEATERS lnntirme frm V e and bt. evvn company lu th. dramatic I --, "The i;irl at th. Cigar Ptand.' This Is a plv that stands unique, and I It Is admirably presented. Kranris and Nord hav. a novelty art. In which slngtng and danrlng predomi nate and which enda with a genula. lurfirtie. Kuth Rotand la seen In otto of b.r I "b-"t parts In t he fourth .plsod. of th. great rathe serial. Th. rrc. of Folly. Ki:ly King, th. great colored come- I eltan. and bl cetmptny In th. hilarious rouMrai comedy. "Kiploits la Africa." will elos. th. local sngagtment with th. coatiaooua perforaiAUC today from l.it to 11 o clock. it - , v . II : ' i Ft r-- W f '-a. 5v '"-' . '-v. 4 - J.-' -. f . . 1 I 3 ff'-J 4 OIILIJOV.VIKU" ILs RE.Xi PLOT X-yrlo Offcrinc. Dc(Ianiac Today, I I Om of ransaal Mprfl. An offerlnc of unusual m.rll will b. Th. Mtlllonalr which open. th. week at th. l.yrlo thla afternoon. It carries a renuln. plot, something that Iaa been ronspienouslr absent from th. J.yrto shows recently, and at th. aam. tlm. glv.s Slik. and Tony. In th. per pns of IiIlon and Idjce. .very oppor t unity for their clever .Id. play and ad alb comedy situations. Tb. story I. told of a youna man who has just Inherited a million, his sweet. heart and her domineering, fortun.' Ihontinr mother. Tom lxng la Ms nam. and he has brought Mlk. and Tony, old pals of his days of poverty, along to help him enjoy hi. new fortune. There Is a clever housemaid named Sally, who Veep, all th. boy. busy guessing and all th. women worried until th. fin' lb. when It Is found ah. ha. chosen Tony. She prove to b. th. real helr- m to Tom's fading fortun. and moth r-in-law geta a wallop when tha truth cornea out. but Tom and Klora stick Bad .vsryon. la mad. happy In th. nd. There will b. a good half-doien big pong specialties. Including "In the Val ley of th. iloon. "The tiaromle. of tb. T". & A." "I'm Going to Follow th. Hoys' and many other. Monday Is bargain night. Tuesday country ator. right. Thursday ladles souvenir and Friday chorua err la" cont.su Jiatine. very day. npHE most thrilling scene, one of the most virile characters, and the two most important personages connected "with "The Eyes of the World" are shown in the accompanying illustration.- Above is the hair raising fight on the cliff be tween . Aaron King, the artist, and young Rutlidge, the wealthy scapegrace, for the love of Sybil Andres, the heroine. A-top a boulder, perched on the ragged edge of the highest granitecliff in California, these two young men staged one of the greatest fight scenes ever recorded by the cam era. Of the three portraits, er . . r-v- , i . " I ... . ' -I i t.-e- I 'if i -5 V-"5r'-J,WL Ih. S Iff I ft , - ; " i . , ,AyA-' the man on the left is W. H. Clune, the well-known ex hibitor and producer of Los Angeles, who made the pho toplay version of "The Eyes , of the World." In the cen ter is Oakley, the forest ranger, and on 'the right is Harold Bell Wright, dis tinguished author of the story, who supervised every detail of its reproduction. "The Eyes of the World" will occupy the Star Thea ter screen until midnight on Friday, with perform ances starting daily at 10 o'clock. A special musical score accompanies its screening, which will be at popular prices. niiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiitiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiHiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiirt GRAND OPEiLV AT IIirPODROME X'lne Array of Comedy, Dancing and Cliattrr Will Enliven BUI. Orand opera and practically .vary other hind of good singing will b. In the predominance on th. Hippodrome bill to open today. llecaus. there will be lota of singing. It must not b. understood that this form of entertain ment will monopolism th. programme. for there will be a fin. array of comedy, dancing and chatter, and In addition two novelty acta. Th. programme will Include an exceptionally good romantic photodrama. "111. Hoyal Highness.- In which Car 11. lilackwetl will b. tarred. Th. quartet which . comprises the Cell! Grand Opera Company will be Individually recognised aa artistic. They hav. a repertoire which range, through th. classical and aeml-clasalcal aci Into old-time melodies, the last being In the nature of a balance to th. procramm. lest It be too heavy. Something after th. fashion of tntnstrvl show set of end men. Elklns, Far and Klklna. send back and forth tattledor. and shuttlecock a series of idsaplltttng quips, Jokea and stories. Indulge In som. excellent singing and laiu, la some fine dancing. laAtllary aerlaliata. who seem to tiav. purposely avoided th. beaten "Path of performers of their class, are the LMck-UgumUa trio. Their el' fctbllions are unusual to a degree. A cl.ver couple Is Col. and Coleman, but a petit, mlsa with mora than her ahare of good looks and a blackface comedian who poasessea th. aofteat kind of a darky accent. ilaasra. Scott and Imuglaa are two live wire comedian, of th. fat and lean persuasion, on. being as broad as h. Is long and th other aa long aa th. Llher la broad. A rarity at beat and ten fold so when ther. b. mora than on, la th. mono- jped. performer. There hav. been one or perhaps two Individual tnonopede entertainers her. In the pa.t year and half or two years, but It Is not known that a pair of them hav. been seen on th. stag of any Iortland theater at on. time. King and Hrown hav. Just en. man's allotted number of leg. be tween them, but they nevertheless In dulge In some acrobatic performances that almost bewilder th. audience. Th. photoplay. "His Hoyal lllghneas,- 1 of th. Anthony Uopa-llarold. ale tiralh type. SHOW Of WONDERS IS COMING! I Flora "Lee. Whit, and Clayton. Tom I In Iwts. Krnest Hare. Charles Wright, oirl Sidney I'hlllips. Dan Qulnlan. Jacqu. KuJawskl. fcdwsrd aiuicaney. aoei Arilsley. Patsy O'Meara. Virginia Smith, atvrtl. Vlctorln. and. Irene. Zolar. There are IS huge scenes in tb. "Show of Wonders," running th. gamut from th. Interior of a 1'ullman dining car to a Burmese temple. BROKXX THREADS' SCUXDCXED Alcazar Flay era to Offer One of Lat ent Broadway Release. One of th. latest dramas to bo re- leaaed for stock I. "Broken Threads.' which th. Alcaaar Play.ra will present for th first tine her. for the week following -The Two Orphans at the Maker. It recently enjoyed a .access ful run at the Kulton Theater In New York City, and deal, with life la San Francisco and th. Coast. Th. story la that of a big-hearted mining prospector and a cabaret singer. The girl has succumbed to the wiles of the son of a rich politician In order to help a widowed mother, but now come. tb. real man wno oners ner lov. and marriage then the shooting of her former lover, the prosecution, backed by relentless power, conviction. Imprisonment and final vindication and happiness. It la told In a series of Intensely ora- mallo ailuation. with sidelights or romance and comedy, and a number of unusually well-drawn characters. Broken Threads- has been pronounced an Ideal stock play ana win pe pro. duced In the usual high-class manner of th. Alcaaar I'layera organisation. It will open at th. Bak.r next Sunday matinee. SCREEX THRILLER AT 6TRAXD nulls-Hall Trio. Headline Vaude ville Half of rrorrtmme. Camel Myers, brunette beauty. "Jls covered" In Los Angelea not so rery Irng ago by that famous director. IX W. Griffith, make a starring ap pearance at the Tirana i nenier irany m ninnnnnniir VAUDEVILLE Winter Garden Spectacle Will Be Seen at Helli on March 3. v This city will enjoy a rare theatrical treat n the mammoth New Tork Win ter C.irden spectacle, th "Show of "Wonders.- coming to th lfellig The, ter four nights, beginning Wednesday, March S . with a special prlc matinee Saturday. Heralded by th most flattering ports front New Tork City. Chicago, lioston. Philadelphia and other large centers, where It baa proven th sense Iton of th season, tb bus extrava ganza should easily prove th gala at traction of thia clty'a present theat rical season. Kach year th producer of th Win ter Garden shows strive to improve on their already splendid achievements. nd In this, th lt)th. they hav out clon. all previous efforts la ord make it Just what Ha name implies. real -Wonder Show.- Every det to cast, chorus, costumes, music and rente equipment ha been perfected to the highest sta'a of development. Included In the marvelous cast ar. such cvlebtitle. of th. musical comedy asuxl, aa Luat&u Villi lioatidl Win Sunday to Wednesday Celli Opera Co. : In Old Madrid." r.. IS Elklns and Fay Versatile Entertainer, " E Leach La Quinlan : Something Different. 7 Attractions 7 Z Carlyle Blackwell HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS mystery photoplay thriller, "The In the Dark." This Bluebird adaptation of the Walk novel. "The Green Seal,- and five comedy flavored acts of transcontinental vaudeville, comprise a bill programme for fandom. Sensational action, romance and mys tery, all revolving about a girl wear ing a green seal ring, are the princi pal Ingredients of "The Girl In the Park,- which takes the spectator to Chinatown resorts for much of its spectacular action. The picture opens with a thrill, a girl being chased in the dark, almost captured three times, nd rescued by Bruce Ferris, a young man destined to play a most Important role In his life. Ashton Dearholt, pnpulnr lending man from the American company, where he supported Mary Miles Mlnter and other stars, is Miss Myers' leading man. The picture was directed by Stuart Paton, who made "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" one of the Universal "knockout" productions. The Willis-Hare trio, featuring a tiny maid who won many Portlanders when she last appeared here, headline the vaudeville section of the bill. Lewis and Abbott, in their original comedy- conception of songs and sto rles; Eleanore and Roberto, in a sen sational comedy musical oddity; Wal ters and Van Holten, in comedy song, dance and 'chatter, and Reeder and Armstrong, in piano and vocal enter tainment, are other features. P arm i.i siu iiiritSatari tti mi r, s ! TODAY MONDAY AND TUESDAY ipllp A fffM , v j ri - aT. -ll a I aV r. . . a 1 1 uiiun r. J 1 III """fii.-VlW fa f-1 T T T"l V T Mr. Martla Beck. Preaeata. NELLIE V. SARAH NICHOLS PADDEN TLLSOIEONE And a Company in NA3IE W IE CLOD" . . . , , . , . ...- A one-set play by Lewis Beach. NATIONALITY? 9S12 THE ITASTOS! VAL AMD ERMK Men who laugh and tha world Inurhs with them. PHHA Jk COe In a classy singing and dancing act. CHA. rtASLO AtD ART CTLIFTOK Present "Xtie Unexpected- -TOLOR CRMS- A study in color, light and form. ORPHKfM TRAVEL WEEKLT CONCERT ORCHESTRA WILL OAKLAND & CO. . IN "Danny O'Gill, U. S. A." 5; .--v. ' 1'' t v -VA S f K t I 3?r , r lib i m - - ' i m ' 7 i That Bewitching Miax CARMEL MYERS .in The Girl in the Dark Branded like a slave girl In the depth of Chinatown. Exciting? VVe any so. ala Greater Vaudeville ROAD SHOW KO. 36 5--BIG ACTS-t5 with Willis Hall Trio SPECIAL, ATTRACTION Little Miss Hall s Vaudeville. Smallest Donna, Prtaaa COJIMESaXG WEDSE9DAT George Walsh JACK In SPIBLOCK PRODIGAL The Popnlar Star la the Faaaleat Picture Ever Screened. MMMN ANT AGE raeqaaled V a Wd e 1 1 1 Broadway at Aides. Matinee Dally. St 30. Twice Nightly, T and A. Popular Prices Boxe and Loges Reserved. WEEK . COMMENCING TOMORROWS MATINEE THIS AQ.UATIO ACT SIARVELOC9 Winston s Water Lions g Nymphs and Divin ETfTIRB PRODUCTION TJNDER PERSONAL DIRECTION OF1 MR. PEliRL tVTLKERSON. Canfield and Cohan Leslie Clare & Co. In "As Tou Like It." In 'The Girl at the Cig-ar Stand." Homer and Du Bard Dorothy Harris In "A Jitney Classic." The Charming Comedienne. Francis and Nord "The Price of Folly,? The Novel entertainers. With Wonderful Euth Roland. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE TODAY, li30 TO II "EXPLOITS IN AFRICA" LY RIC Musical Stock Keating & Flood, Managers Continuous Performance Sunday, Starting at 2:30 Matinee Daily at 2 :30. Mon. Bargain Night, 20 Evenings Continuous, Starting at 7:30 WEEK BEGINNING SUNDAY MATINEE, MARCH 10 The Lyric Musical Comedy Company and the .Rosebud Girl3 in a dashing new laugh-getter Special Mon. Night 20d Only 3 Other 8 Big Feature Nights UlllUIIIUIJaUUUUl . H t III I MDMA 11 F . Rich in' everything laughter, musical specialties and pretty girls. New costumes and scenery. 3 SPECIAL FEATURE NIGHTS THIS WEEK 3 Tuesday, Country Store; Thursday, a Handsome Souvenir Spoon FREE to every lady; Friday, Chorus Girls' Contest. 13