- S A careless remark dropped by you may furnish a spy with inspiration for new propaganda When in doubt, don't say it. o I 9 I i Exclusive Agents Belber Luggage Suit Cases and Traveling Bags Luggage Shop, Mezzanine Floor Juptnattwolx & G cJ "Merchandise ofc Merit Only" Never Have Pictorial Review Patterns ) Been So Attractive as This Spring This Store Only Second Floor i This Store Uses No Comparative Prices They Are Often Misleading and VERY OFTEN Untrue Stylish Stout Week Featuring a Corset Demonstration by Miss Katherine Daugherty THE SUNDAY OISEGOXIAX, rORTXAXD, MARCH 10, 191S. I ! i j lu, .',4.' .-. .wvj -T? Ji inns- . ' 1 b a i- n w imtij Your Minor Will Show the Improvement In Your Figure To Our Stylish Stout Patrons We ask all women who are stout, who feel and fear that they are becoming stout, to read what follows seriously. It is made after a year's experiment We are sure of our ground, so we spealf plainly, that women who are seriously concerned may profit. It is A fact. Here is a corset that actually slenderize the ttout woman! Tct statement will probabh b enough to interest the woman who has suffered in mind and body from increasing weight; but. lest she be skeptical, and. in view of all the claims and counter-claims that have been made, she has a right to be skeptical, let us tell the whole story. A maker of corsets stopped one day to ask himself wherein the corset for the stout woman differed from the one for the slender woman. He found that the one thing that had been considered the essential feature of the corset for the stout figure was the rcrj thing that made it a failure, insofar as it was supposed to reduce flesh. The corset nowadays deemed correct for the slender figure does not "fit' in the sense of following every line and every curve of the body; it is com paratively straight ; it allows the figure to remain natural ; it outlines. Bui the corset for the stout woman what a difference 1 What a sad difference! Pressure, pressure, pressure binding, harness-like straps, that. pull flesh out of place; that lump flesh: that stnve to control flesh (and do in one spot only to bulk it in another). Result: Hollow back, round bust, accentuated breadth of hip. Corsets that are supposed to suppress actually accorr$!uh the opposite effect. For more than nine months this maker experimented. Over two hundred living models were used and. finally, the Stylish Stout Corset was evolved. The idea was revolutionary, and yet it was so simple I It applied to designing corsets for the large woman the same principle as is in use for the slender woman. Straight lines, without pressure! For pressure implies contrast; a pulled-in waist means an accentuated bust, and a woman seems larger than she really is. Let the waist remain normal; now work for symmetry; for lessened con trast; do not pull flesh out of place, control it in place. And. there, we have what the Stylish Stout Corset really does. It controls the flesh in place and comfortably, making it possible for stout women to enjoy the same style lines as slender women do. It reduces the bust from one to three inches, the hips from one to six. when properly fitted. And we have seen to it that women will be properly fitted in this new idea corset. The Stylish Stout a made in both front lace and back lace at $6.50, $10 and $15. We trust every woman who is at all interested will avail herself of this opportunity and come and have a talk with our corsetiere. We look upon the Stylish Stout in the light of a revelation to the corset world. You arc cordially invited to meet Miss Dougherty in our corset section, 4th floor. Do YOU Know the Poppy? $27.50 $3.00 Down $1.00 a Week Puts the Poppy IN YOUR HOME on the first payment. The Poppy is a complete cleaner. Its high-speed fan creates a powerful suction. The Poppy cleaner is built correctly. The material and workmanship used in the Poppy are flawless. The operation of the Poppy is not expensive about a penny a day for electricity is all it costs to keep your home spick and span. This small sum saves you hours and hours every year of broom-drudgery, with inevitable weari ness and backache. These hours you save mean freedom for rest and read ing, social relaxation and civic duties. Electric Comer, Main Floor. "POPPY". All Aluminum ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER MACHINES UcTNSCD UNOfff KENNY PATENT. MONDAY Stylish Stout Suits Easter Models Serges, gabardines and wool pop lins, in black, navy, tan and gray, At $35.00, $37.00 to $75.00 Stylish Stout Dresses Of serge, taffeta silk and Georg ette crepe, in black and new colors. At $27.00, $35.00 to $60.00 Stylish Stout Coats New coats of black and navy poplin. At $22.50 and $35.00 Stylish Stout Blouses Of crepe de chine and George ette crepe; new models, in white, flesh or maize. At $4.65, $5.00 to $10.00 Stylish Stout Petticoats Taffeta silk and jersey top pet ticoats, in black, navy, gray, taupe and changeable effects. At $5.00, $8.50 and $9.50 Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. MONDAY "Stylish Stout" Petticoats, $2.75 Cotton tops, with silk flounces, fitted tops, with elastic In pretty changeable colors; also black, white and navy. "Stylish Stout" Apron Dresses, 98c, $1.19, $1.39, to $2.00 An excellent assortment, in which are included regulation coveralls, slip-over styles, side closings; in fine percales, ginghams, with fancy trimmings. Also two-piece break fast sets in light percales with fancy pipings. "Stylish Stout" Drawers, 50c, 85c, $1.00 and $2.25 Longcloth drawers, in plain tucked styles, with ruffle; all em broidery and lace trimmed, open 'Stylish Stout" Muslin Gowns, $1.50 to $3.50. Slip-over or open-front styles, in extra large sizes, with yokes of lace. insertions, embroidery, V or round necks and kimono or set-in sleeves. -Also plisse crepe gowns, in plain flesh. At $2.00. Stylish Stout" Muslin Skirts, $1.19, $1.25, to $3.50 Extra large longcloth skirts, with embroidery flounces and lace inser tion trimmed styles. Fourth Floor MONDAY "STYLISH STOUT' Silk Stockings $2.00 Pair Heavy pure thread silk stockings, in black and white, made with very elastic silk lisle tops and lisle soles. "STYLISH STOUT" Silk Stockings $1. 50 Pair Our well-known "Silk Service" make, of pure thread silk, with elas tic garter tops and six-thread spliced heels and toes that give the very best of wear. In black and white. "STYLISH STOUT' Knit Vests 35 c. 3 for $1.00 Fine quality Swiss ribbed vests, for large women. Sleeveless style, low neck, beaded or lace yokes. "STYLISH STOUT' Silk Fibre Stockings 75 c Pair Medium weight black or white stockings, with lisle garter tops and soles. Sizes 9 to 02. "STYLISH STOUT' Silk Lisle Stockings 60c Pair Light and medium weight, full fashioned stockings, elastic garter tops and extra heavy spliced heels and toes. Black or white; sizes 8j2 1 ioy2. Main Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. MINERVAYARN this store only Fifth Floor. it . Just Received A New Shipment of MODEL Collapsible BUST FORMS $1 Down $1 a Week Just in time for your Easter sewing. Each section of the Model is equipped with patented automatic self-locking device to hold the section in place. You couldn't find a better form than the Model, and the easy terms bring it within the reach of alL . The Famous ' FREE Sewing Machine $1 Down $1 Week See the new cabinet machine that is pictured above. We will gladly explain the fine points of a FREE- for it is the machine you should have in your home. No extra charge by our easy payment plan. Second Floor Lipman, Wolfe fie Co. March Sale of 5000 Pieces Imported and Domestic China and Genuine Porcelain CLOSING OUT 8 OPEN STOCK PATTERNS AT HALF PRICE Sale Opens at 9 A. M. Be On Hand Early 4 IMPORTED AND 4 AMERICAN DESIGNS Last year in announcing our March sale of open-stock dinner sets, we emphasized the fact that prices WERE SURE TO ADVANCE and advised our customers to take ad vantage of the sale prices. The response was immediate, and we disposed of all our sale dinnerware within a few days. This year, with imported china PRACTICALLY OUT OF THE MARKET and with prices-TREMENDOUSLY ADVANCED, we announce our annual sale for the cleanup of 8 special sale open-stock patterns. The savings are MOST EXTRAORDINARY. In some of the patterns COMPLETE SETS may be secured, and GOOD ASSORTMENTS in all of them. Dinner, breakfast, tea, fruit, bread and butter, and soup plates, fruit saucers, oatmeals, meat platters, chop dishes, soup tureens, cover dishes, casseroles, open vegetable dishes, salad bowls, cake plates, breakfast, bouillon and after-dinner cups and saucers, ramekins, and many other pieces. ALL AT HALF PRICE. In some- of the sets we are short tea cups and saucers, so offer for this sale only mi 1 00 Dozen Thin China Tea Cups and Saucers In Several 1 A C i Designs I i kDkZL Sixth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. i VjJf;::' start ivr.''v"' Js&&itmi rJJj March Sale of Room-Size Rugs AXMINSTER RUGS AT SALE PRICES Axminster Rugs, 8-3x10-6, Special $22.85 Axminster Rugs, 9 x 12, Special $27.45 Axminster Rugs, 9x12, Special $34.85 Axminster. rugs of good quality in attractive Oriental and conventional patterns that are suitable for living-room, dining-room and bedroom. GRASS RUGS AT VERY SPECIAL PRICES Grass Rugs, size 4-6x7-6, Special. . . ... . .$3.95 Grass Rugs, size 6x9, Special $5.95 Grass Rugs, size 8 xlO, Special $7.95 Grass Rugs, size 9 x 12, Special........ $9.95 Grass rugs with pretty stenciled borders in colors of blue, gray, brown and green. Very suitable for bedrooms, dining-rooms or for outdoor porch use. 409 WINDOW SHADES Very Special, 49c and 73c Each Machine and oil opaque window shades, all mounted on perfect spring rollers, complete with screw, bracket and rings, and all in desirable colors. Sizes 32 to 48 inches wide, and from 5 to 8 feet long. These window shades are manufacturer's seconds, with slight imperfections that in no way affects their excellent wearing qualities. INLAID LINOLEUM Special, $1.12 Square Yard Laid Good quality inlaid linoleum, in attractive patterns, suitable for kitchen or bathroom use. Fifth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. BASEMENT SETTING A NEW STANDARD NEW SPRING COATS $17.50, $18.50, $19.50 100 of Them Many Models All Sizes You must not judge these coats by coats you ordinarily see at these prices. In style and quality these coats are far better than you would ever expect at such modest figures. They are made of wool poplins, serge, gabardines and velours, in all the newest shades, including Pekin, tan. gray, Copen, navy and black. Full length, with belted effects, novelty collars and pockets. styles that you would only expect to see in much higher priced garments. 150 Novelty Silk Waists $2.25 -New Spring silk waists, with large shawl collars and hemstitched I m.i r I I I 1 . T -II 1. e I revers. iviade or auraDie lustrous jap suk, in wnite, maize, nesn ana tea rose, in the prettiest or models. Economy Basement Lipman, Wolfe & Co, IN THE BASEMENT SILK i Skit Rich Black Eastern Silks Tomorrow begins our Easter Sale of rich, lustrous black silks. It is the best assortment of black we have ever shown in our basement silk store. All perfect, first-quality, depend able silks, in the most desirable weaves. It will pay to an ticipate your silk requirements for many months to come. -35-in. Messaline and Satin, $ 1 .39, $ 1 .49, $ 1 .59. 35-in. Black Peau de Soie, $ 1 .49, $ 1 .69. 35-in. Black Taffeta, $ 1 .39, $ 1 .49, $1.59. 35-in. Black Faille, 98c. 35-in. Black Canton Crepe, 89c. 40-in. Black Crepe de Chine, $1 .39. Economy Basement Lipman, Wolfe & Co. j e I v I i o CO