o o SECTION FOUR Pages 1 to 12 voi- xxxvi r. rOKTLAXD, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 10, 1918. Dramatic, Photoplays Automobiles NO. 10. Sec Our Full Page Ad vertisement on Page Three, This Section Merchandise ofcJ Merit Only See Our Full Page Adr vertisement on Page Three, This Section fl i 4 S i ; The New Easter Apparel Is Lovely and the Prices Wonderfully Moderate Ten New Models in Spring Silk Frocks aft $20.00 You will realize that a most extraordinary purchase has brought such lovely Spring Frocks at such a very modest price. All the prettiest style touches have been used a dark blue satin with stripes of lighter blue and red and green and gold has deep tunic edged with solid blue Georgette to match the sleeves. A braided Quaker Gray taffeta ha puffed hips to vary the straight lines of the frock, and a navy frock has waist of Georgette trimmed with steel beads and skirt of taffeta with over skirt. The other styles are equally smart And all the very newest and most popular colors arc included. Priced very special at $20. . New Spring Suits. In Wide Array aft 37.5 Have you tried on any of those altogether smart, new ti4teur suits that are tailored in effect yet not so severe as to be trying? A most pleasing assortment of suits of this kind has just been unpacked and will be here for you to see Monday some of them will be in our win- dows over Sunday, too. Clever models on straight lines and -cleverly flaring jackets with straight skirts that are so jaunty. Many are in the. ever popular Sport Effect that promises to hold its own this season. Every suit is man-tailored and the jackets are silk lined. In serges, wool poplins and gabardines of the very newest shades. A VERY SPECIAL SALE OF NEW SILK PETTICOATS WITH FANCY SHIRRED TOP, CORDED FLOUNCE OF FINE CHIFFON TAFFETA IN ALL THE POPULAR' CHANGEABLE SHADES $3.95. Third Floor Lipman. Wolfe & Co. To Half Conceal and yet Reveal Milady's Beauty New Veils Both circular and flowing veils, in the most fetching new effects. Most of them are in plain mesh, with fancy scroll pattern or chenille dotted design or heavy border. All the new shades taupe, purple, navy, white and black are here to match all costumes. Priced $1.00 to $5.00 Alain Floor. NEW NECK RUFFLINGS To add a touch of Spring to the new suit or coat or frock, in satin, organdy, net or Georgette crepe, in widths varying from one to four inches. Both single and double pleating. . Priced 50c to $2.95 the Yard Main Floor. FOR MONDAY Very Special New Georgette 40 Inches Wide A wonderfully, special offering just in time for Easter Blouses andFrocks and trimmings in the ' very newest shades WHITE, CREAM. FLESH. NAVY, BLACK. MIDNIGHT. MA RINE. INFANTRY. SAP PHIRE. CORAL, ROSE. PINK. DELFT BLUE, OLIVE DRAB. GREEN, BROWN. TAUPE. ORANGE. YEL LOW. WISTERIA. SAND. RESEDA. COPEN. PLUM, CHAMPAGNE. GRAY, KHAKI. $2.00 Yard Main Floor rt -erf Henri Bendel Has Sent . Us More Hats With a French Accent Is it any wonder that our Millinery Salons have become the meeting place of all the best dressed Portland women? Where else could you find such delightfully distinctive and original hats? While these newest hats are French in design, they" plainly show an Oriental influence, for everywhere those rakish Turkish turbans are seen, with different straws and touches of trim ming, trying to conceal the fact that they were originally designed for some far-off Oriental. The hat sketched is of fine shiny black straw, with an upper facing of satin. Like many of the. large hats, it flares up sharply away from the hair in back, but droops to shade the eyes. The only trimming is a bit of burnt ostrich. Large, simple sailors, with simple tailored trimming, the tightest little cap-like turbans, hats with a clever criss-crossing of quills, gull wings, birds in the most unusual color combinations, and cleverly placed, flat ribbon rosettes and buckles all go to emphasize the great variety cf ' styles here for your choosing. T BESIDES BENDEL, THERE ARE NEW HATS FROM HYLAND, UFLAND, RAWAK, BURGESSER, WAUSCHAUER and VOGEL. Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. J? Kayser Italian Silk VESTS Of First Quality On Sale Monday Only at $ 1 .69 The supply limited and the price more than unusual, so. if you plan on having a few new till vests at this low price, we advise early shopping. They are made with pretty lace bodice top and ribbon shoulder strap, or with dainty lace trimming. All of fine quality Italian ilk; remarkable at $1.69. Main Floor Lip num. Wolfe & Co. 1 i Another Shipment of Crepe de Chine Silks, Special Special MONDAY ONLY Chamoisette GLOVES Factory seconds of a famous manufacturer. Of excellent quality in two clasp style, with the slight est imperfections. In white with plain or contrasting stitching. ' 59. Main Floor. Crisp New Undermuslins ON SALE MONDAY at $1.19 A good new assortment of GOWNS. ENVELOPE CHEMISE and MUSLIN SKIRTS at this extremely low price. The gowns are made of . fine longcloth, in slip-over style, with yokes of lace and embroidery. The envelopes are in dainty styles, with yokes of fine tucks and lace or shadow lace, and the skirts are of longcloth, with flounces of embroidery or tucking or Val lace. Fourth Floor Lipman. Wolfe & Co. 2000 BEDSPREADS ON SPECIAL SALE MONDAY EVERY BED SPREAD OFFERED IN THIS SALE IS FAR AND AWAY BELOW THE REGULAR PRICE. THESE SPREADS WERE BOUGHT A YEAR AGO AT THE PRICES THEN IN EFFECT, AND WE HAVE NOT TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF THE PRESENT INCREASE SO YOU CAN NOW REPLENISH YOUR UN EN CHEST AT LESS THAN PRESENT WHOLESALE COST. Full Size Crochet Spreads, $2J2S B-d tpttikds in a splendid weight and a good assortment of patterns. Wuh neatly hemmed ends. Single Size Bed Spreads at $2JS0 Extra heavy spread that should appeal to hotel and hospital - keepers. I lemrned ecds. Very splendid quality. SHEETS IN A SPECIAL SALE MONDAY Full bleached, seamless sheets of heavy quality. Sue 81x90 inches. $1.10: size 81x99 inches. $1.15. NO PHONE ORDERS FILLED. Full Size Satin Spreads, $4.98 rine quality satin spreads, with hemid or scalloped ends. Many pat terns in the new circular designs. FOR MONDAY ONLY. Full Size Spreads, $5J25-$SJS Made extra heavy, with raised pat terns. In the new circular designs. With hemmed ends, $5.25, and scalloped, $5.75. Threeaarter Spreads, $4.50-$5 Made especially for twin beds. Beau tiful satin finished spreads, in a variety of patterns. Hemmed. $4.50; scal loped. $5.00. Full Size Crochet Spreads, $2.85 Based on today's market value, this spread should retail for half as much again. Good variety of patterns. Full Size Satin Spreads, $3.98 Scalloped spreads with cut corners, in an unusual assortment of patterns. A limited number at this price. Imported English Spreads, $6.00 and $6.50 A special purchase of just 1 00 of these spreads direct from Manchester. England; 81x90 inches. Hemmed, $6.00; scal loped. $6.50. Second Floor Lipman, W olfe & Co. i Tonsito Depilatory $ 1 .00 A scientific paste hair remover that is most effective and abso lutely harmless. To be found here only in Port land. Beauty Parlors, Mezzanine Floor. Silks of the same remark able quality that were of fered in our sale a few weeks ago. Another ship ment which should have been here to enter the sale at that time but perhaps it is just as well, for this way more of our patrons can be served! SPLENDID QUALITY 40-INCH SILKS, IN WHITE, FLESH, MAIZE, PINK, GOLD, SKY AND MYRTLE VERY SPECIAL IN THIS SALE AT $1.39 THE YARD. WONDERFULLY EFFECTIVE FOR FROCKS AND BLOUSES. Second Floor Lipman, Wolfe Sr Co. FOR MONDAY and All This Week WATCHES CLEANED 75c NEW MAINSPRING Guaranteed One Year 75c Main Floor. A First Showing of the New Spring Voile Blouses Specially Priced $2.50 These new blouses have touches that make them pleas ingly different from the voile blouses that have been shown before; the collars add much smartness by their pointed or shawl effects, edged with lace or prettily embroidered. Some of the collars are of pique and others of organdy and on many blouses there are cuffs to match. 1 You will want at least a couple for your Spring wardrobe because they launder so beautifully and the styles are so new and pretty. Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. I i I: o o I i.