The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 10, 1918, SECTION TWO, Page 16, Image 38

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1 Jl I I l M
Inal to Piwe
After 30 Years' Experience I Have Produced an Appliance That Actually Cures Rupture by a Natural
Healing Process. No Medicines, No Plasters, No -Tricks, No Lies.
Read Every One of These Wonderful Experiences as Told by Well-Known People.
Don't Submit to an Operation Before Writing for This.
Every Day That You Suffer From Rupture Every
Hour of Truss Torture That You Endure Af ter
You Read This Page, Is Your Own Fault.
laairad mt lap Hard laa ( a
(aahtoa ml a Bmka .xaallant-e.
laalraa mt Karrlaal tkr Hrakra Tlaaara Apart With a Pad Draw
Tares (.rally Trsetbrr With a Hnaki Asallaaee.
laateaal Wearla a teel rlax or aa laflralble llaraeaa. Try the
Wlvrf !tt Hraaka . aajlaaer.
Tkr Itraaki Aaallaaee llasa fa Vaa Wltkaat Koree aad mm Are
Hardly t aaarlaaa mt Its Pmnrr. .tad Abavr All Else. IT HOLDS
The Brooks Rupture
Is Sold Round the
Mle tkr kaaar tkr
Rraaka Appllaaee tew la at
Maraaall. Mark. Ita baalaraa
esfrarfa ta praefleally ever,
rorarr mt tkr rlvlllsrd warld.
Tkr koaar kalldlaa at Mar
akall la tar lararat ratakllak
aarat mt Ita klaal la tkla mr aay
alkrr rawatry. aad areaplra
aa, ft. af Hoar aaaee
rxrlaalvrly derated ta tkr
Brataka Aapllaare. (Tkla alora
aal larlade prist laa affleea
ar atkrr latrrrata.)
la l-oadoa. Kaalaad. tkr
Braaka la, aaalatalaa a larar
ratakllakairat -la tkr hlaa
way llaaar. Klaaaaaay. W.l.3.
la Aaaatrrdaaa, llollaad. tkr
Karaaraa kaalaraa la raaaarl
r1 fraaa a. 4 Palrlaatraat.
mm will kr aaaat aarlraaar
. mmm win mrivf asaatv ramai
I arraaaal attratiaa la aa, mt
tkr Hraaka laatltathaaa. rltkrr
la tkla raaalr, ar aaraad.
Kara la ( klaa. J a pa a, Af
Hra. atk Aaarrlra. Aala.
Alaaka. a aal la (art all avrr
tkr aaarlaU era ta rraaatr
talaada mt tkr ana aa kr rr ve r
rtalllaatloa kaa tarred krr
ay-jaa wilt flad tkr Hraaka
Harlan Asallaaee krlaataa:
rrllrt aad raaafar ta raatarr
aaf frrrra.
"Never a Minute's Discom
It!oomtnaTilal. Mich.
Mr. C. K Brooks. Marshall. Mich.
Dear Mr. Brooks:
Your letter Is at hand and In answer
to same will say that I am thankful
that I ran Inform you that I am not In
. need of any repairs for my Appliance
whir I bouarht of you about a year uxo.
I have not been obllsred to wear It for
nearly three months, and believe It has
caused core for me.
It never fata me a minute's discom
fort or Inconvenience.
I should be glad to recommend your
Appliance to anyone auffrrlnr from
rupture. ery respectfully yours.
1. W. STKONfS.
-A Blessing to Me"
Mutual. Okla.
Mr. C. V itrouka. Marshall. Mich.
iar Mr. Brooks:
I have bean puttinc off ansarerlns
your htn1 letter o that I could send
voii a c oo.l rrnuri.
1 took off the Appliance the first of
March and I feel that I don't need to
keet it on anr lonarer. I think I am
The Apptianre has been a lOsaina; to
me ami I am thankful for your creat
Invention. Yours very truly,
A. NO HTM. R- No. I.
"Perfectly Cured"
Pueblo. Colo.
C. K. Brook. Marshall. Mich.
Iear Sur:
I have been fterfectly cured by your
Hut I won't be without It because It
I so easy to wear and I want to be safe
so that there will be no danger of fcet
tmc ruptured asatn.
Yours very trulv.
x 3-J K- Northern Ave.
Veteran Cured
Mr. Wm McAUams.
of Kansas. 1 1 L. Is
a veteran of Co.
H.- th Rest-.
IlL VoL. of which
he was Second
Aieutenant. He baa foucht
acatnst the suf
(frlnt and tor
dent of Rupture
for years and haa
finally won the
victory aa the fol
lowing brief letter
Mr. C K. Brooks. Maj.u.U. Si
laar Sir:
I laid your appliance aside March 3
and have not worn It for Zi days, for 1
think that I am cured. I hope that 1
may never have to wear It again.
Yours truly, '
Wm. McAdam. Sr.. Kansas. IlL
NOTE: Readers of The Portland Oregonian may feel every confidence
in accepting this offer. They are assured of courteous treatment and the most
-Imm the sft Ribbn Paramatta
Soundly Cured
At the Age of 81
Mr. C K. Brook.
Marshall. Mich.
Dear Sir: Less
than a year ago I
sent to you for an
appliance which
cams promptly. I
at once put It on
and it fitted per
fectly. I have worn
the appliance not
quite 10 4 months.
It kaa cured say
I tried the other
day while the ap
pliance was off. to
see if' I could force
anything out of
the opening to
make a break
there, but f could not. though I tried bard.
Now 1 tliink this quite remarkable, as I
am In ray eighty-first year. 1 am an old
veteran of the Civil War. born and raised
In the town of New Hoston. titate of New
Hampshire, from which place I enlisted
In the loth N. li. Vol. Infu In Company C.
commanded by Col. M. T. Ltonahue.
I cannot feel but that I owe you this
testimony, for I had never expected to be
cured. However, thanks be to God. I found
a cure through the valuable Appliance you
mudtt for me. Your friend.
Holly Hill. Kla.
Child Cured in Four 3Ionths
C. E. Brooks:
Ir Sir: The baby'a rupture Is alto
gether cured, thanks to your appliance,
and we are so thankful to you. If we
could only have known of it sooner our
little boy would not have had to suffer
m-nr as much as he did. He wore your
brace a little over four months and has not
worn It now for six months.
Yours very trulv.
2 1 Jansen tt.. Dubuque, low.
"Sound as I Ever Was"
Ithaca. Mlcb.
Mr. C. R. Brooks. Marshall. Mich.
Lear Sir:
I am happy to say to you that I am
entirely cured, thanks to your Appll
Have not been troubled in any way
In It months, and am sound aa I ever
was so far as rupture la concerned.
You ran refer anyone to me If you
wish. Respectf ullv.
J. P. KING. R. F. D. No. t.
Cured in Six Months
After 18 Years
Hlnton. Ky.
. E. Brooks. Marshall. Mich.
Dear Sir:
I never wore the Appliance a minute
over six months and was cured sound
and well and 1 want to say no man
ever did any harder work than I did
while I was using it I hauled to perch
of rock, too big for any man to lift.
I was ruptured IS years and words
cannot tell now thankful I am. I'se my
name if you like. Yours sincerely.
IlL" KITS KIEI.KS. It. R. No. 1.
Thankful Beyond
Riverside, Ind.
r. . Brooks. Marshall. Mich.
lear Sir:
I am very clad to say that your Ap
pliance has cured me. and I am as sound
as I ever was.
I haven't worn It, for eight months.
I work hard, but the rupture doesn't
bother me any more at all.
I don't know how to tell you how
much I think of your Appliance; It has
done so much for me. I will recom
mend It to anyone. Yours truly.
Threw Away Trusses
West Sound. Wash.
C. E. Brooks. Marshall. Mich.
Dear Sir:
I haven't worn a truss for over four
years and I am sound and welL
It gives me pleasure to say this to
you for It was your Appliance that
cured me.
You can use my name In your busi
ness If you wish. Yours very truly.
"Now Sound and Well"
Atchison. Kan.
Mr. C. E. Brooks. Marshall. Mich.
Dear Sir:
I have had two Appliances from you
and am now sound and well. Yours
1651 Commercial fat.
The above is C. E. Brooks, inventor of the appliance, who has been curing rupture for over 30 years. If ruptured,
write him today at Marshal, Mich. He knows all the torments of rupture from personal experience-
Mr. Brooks cured himself and now stands ready to give you the benefit of
his experience and years of study.
Doctor Pronounces
Him Cured
119 Towle Ave.,
Mishawaka, Ind.
Mr. C. E. Brooks.
Marshall. Mich.
Dear Mr. Brooks:
Answering your letter,
will say we need no
more Appliances, as our
son haa been completely
cured by wearing your
We recently had him
examined, and the doc
tor aald the openlne
was entirely closed and
that it wasn't necessary
to wear it longer.
Thanking you for your
kindness. 1 am.
Yours very truly,
Wanted to Be Sure He Was
Sciota, N. Y.
C. E. Brooks. Marshall, Mich.
Dear Sir:
Have neglected writing you as I
wanted to be sure that I was entirely
cured of my rupture before I said any
thing one way or the other.
I can now honestly and thankfully
say that I am completely cured, and 1
wish to thank you many times for
what you have done for me.
1 wouldn't begrudge flOO.Ou for the
same thing again if I knew at the be
ginning what I now know that your
rupture Appliance will cure, anyone.
Sincerely yours.
R. It. No. 1.
"Seems Impossible"
Holland. Indiana.
C. E. Brooks. Marshall. Mich.
Dear Sir:
Having used one of your Appliances
until it was worn out, I have been
going without it for nearly a year and
have not been troubled the least bit
with my rupture, so I am well satis
fied I am cured.
It seems nearly Impossible, but I
have gone through a Summer's work
on a farm without one and have not
been troubled.
I was born ruptured and never wore
truss until I was 21 years of age.
and got your Appliance. If I ever need
nother one I shall send In my order. .
Y'ours truly.
R. F. D. No. 7.
i.. '
Ten Reasons Why
You Should Send for the
Brooks Rupture Appliance
1. It Is absolutely the only Ap
pliance of the kind on the market to
day, and in it are embodied the prin
ciples that inventors bave sought after
for years. ,
2. The Appliance for retaining the
rupture cannot be thrown out of post,
3. Being an air cushion of soft rub-
ber it clings closely to the body, yet
never blisters or causes irritation.
. 4. Cnlike the ordinary so-called pads,
used in other trusses, it is not cum
bersome or ungainly.
. 6. It is small, soft and pliable, and
positively cannot be detected through
the clothing.
6. The soft, pliable bands holding
the appliance do not give one the un
pleasant sensation of wearing a
. There is nothing about it to get
foul and when' it becomes soiled It can
be washed without Injuring it in the
8. There are no metal springs in the
appliance to torture one by cutting
and bruising the flesh.
9. Ail of the material of which the
Appliances are made is of the very best
that money can buy, making it a
durable and safe Appliance to wear.
10. My reputation for honesty and
fair dealing Is so thoroughly established
by an experience of over 30 years of
dealing with the public and my prices
are so reasonable, my terms so fair.
that there certainly should be no hesi
tancy in sending the free coupon to
Cannot Say Too Much
Poddsville, Miss.
C. E. Brooks. Marshall. Mich.
Dear Sir:
Your Appliance cured me sound and
I feel like a man again and I am
telling all ruptured men to write to
Many thanks for your goodness. 1
cannot say too much for you.
Yours very truly,
R. F. D. N o. 1. Box 52.
' w
. ...'....-:.. ;.- .... X
1 j
Cured Without
"Was Sore He Would Be a Cripple"
Ada, Minn.
Mr. C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich.
Dear ir:
Enclosed is a picture of my children
and the 'little man you see seated on
the chair is the one who was cured by
your Appliance,
i J 111 "- SJa I MLa
He had been
ruptured quite a
while before we
wrote you and I
was sure that he
would be a crip
ple the rest of his
life. However,
some helping
hand showed tne
I ai. '
an ad in a news
paper, with the
result that he was
in perfect health
through the wear
ing of a Brooks Appliance
three months.
for Just
.The doctor advised an operation,
which I would not consent to. Your
advice was to put an Air Cushion Ap
pliance on him. and I must say that
it Is worth ten times what it cost.
I wish you could have seen him be
fore we used the Appliance and now,
when he is fully as sound as anyone
could be.
I cannot thank you too much for
what you have done for my boy.
Y'ours respectfully,
The Brooks Guarantee Is
Satisfaction to You
No other rupture appliance, truss.
lock, device, pad or plaster Is offered
to the public on such terms and un
der such a guarantee as the Brooks
Rupture Appliance.
If for any reason whatever you do
not wish to keep the Brooks Appli
ance after you try It, all you have to
do Is to send It back. Y'ou don't have
to give any reason, you don't have to
write us why, you dont have to send
m for any return instructions or
labels. There will be no argument, no
dispute, no misunderstanding but you
will find . that doing businesa with
Brooks Is Just like doing business with
a First National Bank.
Within an Hour After You Receive Your Brooks
Rupture Appliance, You Will Have Thrown
Away Your Truss Forever.
For .Many Tears We Have Been Telling Von That IV'o Truss 'Will Kvor
Help You. We Have Told You the Harm That Trasses Are Doing.
W e Have Told You That the OXLY Truly Comfortable. Sanitary and
Scientific Device for Holding Rupture la The BROOKS RIPTIRK
APPLIANCE. 'ovr We Are Offering to Send Y'ou This Appliance OX
TRIAL to Prove It.
Pennsylvania Man Thankful
Mr. C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich.
Dear S:r: Perhaps it will Interest you to
know tjiat I have been ruptured six years
and have always had trouble with it till I
grot your Appliance. It Is very easy to
wear, fits neat and snug and Is not In the
way at any time, day or night. In fact, at
times I did not know
I had it on: it .just
adapted itself to the
shape of the body and
seemed to be a part of
the body, as it clung to
the spot, no matter
what position I was in.
It would be a verit
able Godsend to the
unfortunate who suf
fer from rupture if all
could procure the
Brooks Rupture Appli
ance and wear It. They
would certainly never
regret It.
aa--.Jjg aiaVf ii-nmiiirfin
My rupture is now all healed up and
nothing ever did it but your Appliance.
Whenever the opportunity presents itself
I will say a good word for your Appliance,
and also the honorable way in which you
deal with ruptured people. It is a pleasure
to recommend a good thing among your
friends or strangers. I am.
Yours very sincerely,
80 Spring St., Bethlehem, Pa.
Others Failed, but the
Appliance Cured
Mr. a E. Brooks. Marshall, Mich.
Dear Sir: Your Appliance did all you
claim for the little boy and more, for It
cured him sound and well. We let him
wear It for about a year In all, although
it cured him 3 months after he had begun
to wear it. We had tried several other
remedies and got no relief, and I shall cer
tainly recommend it to friends, for we
surely owe it to you.
Yours respectfully,
No. 717 S. Main St., Akron, O.
Doctor Said "Operation"
Artesia, Ariz.
C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich.
Dear Sir:
I received your Appliance and have
used it. It has done the work you
guaranteed It to do.
It is too cheap at the price.
The doctor said that he, or any other
doctor, couldn't cure the rupture with
out an operation, but the Brooks Rup
ture Appliance did. I remain as ever,
"Results Are Marvelous"
Middletown, N. T.
C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich.
Dear Sir:
I tried all kinds of trusses without
any relief until I bought your Appli
ance. .
The results are marvelous, and I
praise God that you may live long and
prosper, and may help suffering hu
manity as you did me.
You can use this letter as you think
best and I will answer any inquiry
that is made with a stamped envelope
My age is 65 years.
Y'ours very truly,
V. C. JUMP, 180 Linden Ave.
Sorry He. Never Heard of
Brooks Before
Buckley, 111.
C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich.
Dear Sir:
Glad to advise you that after wear
ne your Appliance three months I took
it off and Wave never had to put it
back. .
Am completely cured, and must say
that I am sorry I nevtr hear! of you
people before.
Yours very truly.
Box No. 23.
Free Information Coupon
973 A, State St., Marshall, Michigan
Without cost or obligation on my part, please send me by mail in
plain wrapper your illustrated book and full information about your
appliance for the cure of rupture.
City (or town)
in writing ;to Mr. Brooks and
thoughtful of skilled attention
Brings Instant Relief,
Perfect Safety
Everlasting Comfort
The Brooks Rupture Appli
ance Is beyond question the
most universally Indorsed ap
pliance of any kind In the
world for the retention and
core of a ruptured condition
In men, women and children.
It Is the result of more than
30 years' experience and the
percentage . of actual cures,
effected by Its use Is a little
short of miraculous.
The Brooks Appliance haa
so many Imitators that It Is
never sold In drug stores, or
In any other way than by
mall, direct from the maker.
This Is further necessary be
cause every Brooks Appliance
la especially made and fitted
for the case for which It Is
Many hundreds of Physi
cians and Surgeons recom
mend the Brooks Appliance
and condemn trusses aa more
harmful than almost any
other method of retaining or
treating: rupture.
Y'ou may not think that a
rupture appliance can ever be
truly "comfortable" but that
Is because you have never
tried Brooks'.
Tried All Kinds of Trusses
Now Cured
Walla Walla, Washington.
Mr. C. E. Brooks,
Marshall, Mich.
Dear Sir:
I wore your Appliance for one year
and was cured, after being ruptured
20 years.
I feel like a different man. I tried
all kinds of trusses, but nothing did
me any good until I got your Appli
ance. It has been worth many dollars to
me. Yours truly,
1023 W. Birch St.
Cured in Three Months
Salem, Ohio.
430 Cleveland Ave.
Marshall, Mich.
Mr. C. E. Brooks,
Dear Mr. Brooks:
I am sending
you a small pic
ture of my son,
who is now 5
years old.
We ordered your
Appliance for him
when he was only
2 months old, and
yet want to say in
about 3 months
all signs of rup
ture were gone,
and he is some
boy today.
I shall be very
glad to say a good
word for you
whenever the op
portunity presents
Yours very truly.
! V'f"' V-
f "'-NT.
fS .' i A Vs.
'J 11 .'