12 TIIE SUNDAY OREGOyiAX, PORTLAND, ilARCII 10, 1918. Help Wi AU:.-Ut.N AND liLICIThJ WAMKl. A Urt raAauUccurrr mark:tng at.-a- aJvrtd product throuii retai.er n-1 bo.M.n aeeires iorci;, s:eeuy. tab. a.ema t rail m ru ! trade, liberal guaranteed month? dninf c cuat pus (ommJilnl and ipfKi whi.e ir; mi On.r pp tea: ion from men m tr,c vf rrpoo;o. house fr at least turee year m Mtra capacity- fc given consideration. o4 opportunity for pro motion to biir position fur the nsht in a. AlpiW;! to reciv consideration from roust giv full details as to ae. married r sins:. aad ! previous m p.nymvnti and rrMoot f r thnifi. Oivt t prion number, so quick action can U tikoii on arrival of tmp.ojtr in Port. and. Y M. (TfmaT AKTh'LK of tremendous demand. "National j r nM-witv " fliL-lualTaiv own'd and coo- rolti by w.. la no ready for market: pmfita will run upward of $59 a. year leree fore of fommiwloti - ue, city end country, to etablh suh aeents prictpal cttie stat: you will control own territory; mnn ic vis t.overnment create demand for you. j- rm 1-aa-tt. Pres., S S. Dearborn atrt. Chi-g'. 111. iii:.suk: WAN'TKD tta hav a propowi- tr that will interest any high-grade MiMnuo looking to better hint If by taking up a hi-h-grade specialty lin In aa eclu.aive ana guaranteed territory. Men with eon knot lcue of croren. ni'ti pr.xlurtA. confwHnry or hardware line 1 prr-rrl. and men hn art capable of I rarntoc from $Mx to f5ot per year or rrre . straight rnmmliwinn; bond require a. Wtrott Automatic ale Co.. ltrolt. Micb, kALKSUriN L-rn about th nw Ci ..rnr .t.u-e i.Mne Retail 17.50. Add". jtracta. Mu.tip.i-. loes th work of biai bin. ouaranteeu. -e.a on aifihL tnnrmoai drmanl. Carry in Too' p-xk't. Kuil llrn or aide Una. plem:ta , profit. Protect., territory. Dept. iruiator Corporation, Grind Rapids. Men. -LALE-MEN. SERVICE MEN Nw Carbure tor for For 4 c-ar, impl. not a moving prt. Installed AO minute, guaranteed to ub' znii'ag and atart In wro weather winr ht.n or oriminf : 1 5-d y f re ml. Writ I . J. Cirourttof Cow, 5o5 i W. Jarkn Mvd-. t'htrajro A rtl Ketii tea and cofea aaleaman. it. a a capb4 of illn -ooJa to bouao- ; w . rurni ci a.t necfiMry f nnt t Bt bet reeu :: permanent pei- ci.na with h;Qrit irr and omraiwi" t m o who eta qualify. laatiSAta. Idcai Tra i 'o.. Til I nt'-a ava. N. Ia1.Ma. wntt fr terrtiory In Ortno hnd !n tnlrii effU ap-laity, earn- t'xg M to "Mi may b experteu: rtxht pun cat arrange tor auuao.a fU4ranit, orvfor man wttn car. Glva a-. pren-e. clpQon number an4 full particular. Ad tirm hot 37. rtnian ntXr WATLIV FEMALE. A XTKD Gtrla to atart tralnlnf at onca lor an .irrptlao and Ure-ian ballet that w ill ba atsl Id tba Auditorium next montJj. No experience will be rogulred ana no cnarg w ii i t. mio ror tne train trie Tbta m an oooortunttr for an am' bicirnu irl to ilanc in the lartfaat ballet ver ted in Portland, with a pageant of Iimmj and balJrt of All lt:r. that ahow talent for danclnr will have an op- IxM-tontty to Join my baJUt that will tour llie orpneum this hummer. AIo Uh lrla for a danclnc and alnc- In revue in Muii and bera aso a PaA- taffea tour. Keme mber that I make no charg for tne training In tba company and nu pro- vioua at as a experlenca la reiuirea. Ail of t'ortiaud i tatkmr about tha beau tlful Hawaiian act at Pantaieea and tha two rharmtnir maid who danca to th bauntina airaln of tba Hula mumc. The two Btria. who dance with all tha rhythm and fir characteristic of tba little brown maiden of the sunny aaa are from my atudio. ttTn mananvra wera not long In reailMlna that thia act should be play ing bijr-lim In tha Kajft An Orpheum tour I betiijr arranged, and will leave fur Chicago next week. 1 will extend a cordial in vita: ton to those who are Inter ested In tha ballet to call at my atudloa and ae over &oO glrla In training for the i-aIral ballet. Stud ion, Monaieur ilar ct. Cortland only ballet master, premier artist. Imperial Kuanian Ballet. Wheeldon AwtApt.i (No phone. I'HIIIOPKACTIC hoM oat the greatest opportunity In the world today to women practitioner, Un frtur.at; y the war la laklna; many mn practitioner out. Women, berng ejuai:y auccraful In tii practice of Chiropractic, can prepare thmlves In a short tlm to em from $Vhk to .vso per year. In eticat. Hoth day and nlaht claafea. PACIFIC CHIKOPKACTIC tt!ltO Cor. YambJil and Park sta.. port.aud. Or. Tel. Mala lull. Arfr- gll co;nniunication to Dr. O. W. KUIott. Pr. HELP WANTED fEMAI.E. LIPMAN. WOLFE AV CO. reauire the irr Icea of aovraJ experienced aa lee women for me roiiowing aepartmenta: ( oac and suit, millinery, wash gooda. draperies and art beedl work; permanent poeiiiun. with good salary offered to those who can qualify; must be able to furnish the beat or rer-rences. Apply superintendent's of- iic jaonuay morning, between 0 and 10. WANTED Toung- women for telephone worn; pay wnlie learning. Apply Pacific i eiepnon ar j iegrapn Co., bin floor, Park and Oak sis. DKMONSTRATOR FOR HIGH -CLASS FKD PRODUCT. MUST BB KXPKKI KNCKD AND PLKASINO P K R Si N A L I -TY. OPPORTUNITY FOR PKHMAXtNT EMPLOYMENT. FOR 1NTKKV1KW, AD DRKSSJ DEMONSTRATOR, F 6, OREUO-N1AN. lil.A.VK TKLK lt Al'll JHO-)L. will opf-n In Worcester building April 1; ex-bout hrn Pacific expert telegrapher and station agrnt In charge; raliroada now employing nin and women as station agents, $H to pr month, claw limited to u pupl's: b one of the Enroll now at Hht-ritK-k'a Railroad School, room 1. Vorcejtt-r biig. WASrtD Housrkefprr for widower with 2 bys. H and 1 yi-ars old : an unincum bered. Inte-Jlrnt woman between and 4-" year, capable of assletlng In the poet offlc and teiepbon: no washing or bak ing; permanent ; per mo. Address J. Henderson, Postmaster. Cascade l-ke. r. M TT.LIKERY makerA Apply between and II A. M-. auperinteniient a oince. oaaemeut baicony, Meier ac Frank Co. btV'ERAL women of unqueationed culture and refinement. 25 to 4 years old. with high school or college education, for de si ruble traveling poaitlon; preference given to those who on account of misfortune, business reverses or because, of the war find It necessary to enter the business world. No investment required, as wa pay salary ana raiiroau rare, fetate aire, eou cation, personal description and If free to begin at once. Address Jno. A. Hill, nngress Hotel. Seattle, wain. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestic. GIRL or woman for aecond work In private family; wages I3u; splendid home and good treatment. Apply at residence, 045 Xnott su. In I rv in s; ton district, or see j. i aowmw, at the Brownsville HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. COMPETENT girl for general housework in Doty, Wash.; two aduita and baby, baby's vtMuius;. omj oo. rnooe .Mrs. t i. .Mer- aereau. 1'ortiana Motel, Monday in after noon ii possiuie. LjARN the auto and tractor business by actual experience under expert Instructors. Biggest, best equipped EXCLUSIVE auto and tractor school on Coast: established Jlio. Thousands of successful graduates. we neip student earn living. Sou prac tical tractor course free. Write for free 64-page catalogue, or call NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, Figueroa at 8th. Los Angeles. WIDOWER 40 years of age with little girl. W years old. wants a housekeeper, lives in me cjiy. tome to azs Worth 17th St.: win be at this place from 1 till l Sun- oay evening, can at room 4. WANTED Capable woman for housekeep ing and plain cooking; steady employment ! to right party. Will be treated as one of I tne family. Mrs. w. 1 Vogut. Hub- oara, ur. THOUSANDS CLERKS AT WASHINGTON wanted immediately by U. S. Government. ILl'O month up. Men. women, 16 or over, 7-hour day. 30 days vcatlon with pay Easy, pleasant work. Common education sufficient. Your country needs you. Help her. live in Washington during these stir ring war limes. Write without delay free list positions open, trankltn Institute, school. Dept. 3MC. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Giri to take care of babv and assist with housework. C. S. home, bunga low. East Slue, good home to right party. woouiawn u.i. LADY for light housekeeping, small farmer wun giri; aiu montn; east mountains; oiam pariicuiars; iare aavajiceo. jox lt oateway, or. FIRST Pyorrhea is an infectious disease. z. w e cure it. examination rree. 3. A light fee to cover operating expense oniy. 4. Results or no pay. 5. You may be the judge. THE LONG DENTAL EDUCATIONAL CLINIC. 617 Broadway Bldg., Portland, Or. OUNU country girl, to aasist with house work: small family; nice home, in IrvinK- ton. 54jj East lSLh st. North. Telephone NOW is your opportunity. Railroads and telegraph companies are short ouuo tele graph operators, competent, experienced instructors Qualify you in short time, Telegraph School, Allsky bldg.. Third and Morrison sts., Portland. W ANTED 1 oung woman for very light housework, small wages and pleasant nonie wniie tooKing lor better employ- menu u 41, oregontan. WANTED Good woman to assist with light nouseworx ana be companion to plain middle-aged couple at Carlton, (Jr. For further information call Main 3u3. ORIGINAL. HOLER. BARBER COLLEGE. Founded in Trade taught in eight weeks; tuition -earned auring tne course; get you a position, furnish tools, schol arship transfer card. Write for free cata logue, uurnsiue at. WANTED An experienced woman for gen eral nouseworK : must be a rood cook : jrood wages; family of three adults. Phone East HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOI 4tili Hawthorne Ave. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL AND ME CHANICAL. UNLIMITED PRACTICAL REPAIR EXPERIENCE. LIPMAN". WOLFE a- CO. require the serv ices of a thoroughly experienced corset saleswoman; must b am to lurnish th beat of references. Apply superintend ent s office JUouuay morning, between and 10. FA5TE5T (lin auto necessity en th mar. kt. vry demonst ratios aai. i:.' faxk at. fiALKr-MhlN Exceiteat permanent poaltion. r kpabi ate:na. in Oregon. scan v Mah tk 1: stapi lln f.r general retail trd. Liberal rnmmNfliPi. Weekly dan. Ric Co.. iUi W i:.Um bUg FoH snrt msreanti; trl r to aeli a NEW propoaiti.ui of MERIT Vacan-v now. Attract! mmm !ia contmt. w-ehly f..r penea Tue r. Htmier o. nhl'M, Jwlr. 1 0 Carllo bldi $Jv-:& KARNF.t weeky, soiling ad Terr ta me fo aclualwly. or a aid line. he. i lna iMni rommindnf. Ktrr merchant a pw;e.a ruatnmer. mpis Iiaht. Terms iiral ftaa DpL Kemper Taomaa Co., tnrinnati. lt:oKt L aMmaa at oo. general trade, t iregoa ; n w. strong propoelt Ion. 1A. Kit WANTED Young ladv assistant dancing tcarher. capable of learning fancy b;l room dancing and eh!bi:itn danclns; free Instrurtlnna if accepted. Good chance to Iarn professional dunrlng aid make money. t'j l thia afternoon. D Honey's Aad-mr. .d anl Washington. WOMKN'S Protect lv Division, located room 3'3 l'ollre Headquarters, -d and Oak st. will famish Information, gtv protection and assistance f re to women and sir la. Interview a confidential. ATTENTION Indies Intereaied In crochet work or th selling or their rinisnen wora In th K.nt; also tho Interested In borne work, rail or write, haiesmanager. -14 o-k Knhani bldg. W.M AN. unlm-urnbered. not over 40, hote. 1 or roomina-hou jprlenc preierreu. to car for 40-room bouse. 4 rooms remeo. men only ; ino1 pia ;n rook. s:at wages expected. AV oregonian. W ANTED Experienced operator on power ma bines for iadiear neckwar ann aniri- in Annlf at Kastern Ove.ty CO.. hjv, oth Pt, between OaX and titark stsu Manchester bldg. LJ PMAN. WOLFE V CO. requlr the serv ices of an experienced woman cook t act as second cook. Apply superintend ent s office Monday morning, between and 10. TWO waitresses for hotel in Eastern Oregon. :;r, room and board; fare advanced. Two waitress es, each Jo-.Oo, room and board. On pantry girl, same place. $32.&0; free 1 are. a One waitress, close In, $14 a wek. CALL NORTH SECOND ST. PLEASANT-APPEARING girl with strength to handle suitcases In hotel checkroom and competent saleswoman at news stand eight hours daily and every other Sunaay f.'Mi; references. AP 4J, OregonUtn 1'uUNii lady attending short hours at bust naa or ntarn wnoo wantea oy young cou pi with one child to assist In light house work in exchange for pretty room and board and small salary. 3-0 jouuoo at. Phon Marshall 3J0. in- ap.en.l d rrmm ln contract 1 WEEK, expenses advanced. No can- LADV solicitors wanted. Good opportunity for good workers; purely aavertising: no merchandise or asm plea to carry: give phon number when applying. Af o, oregonlan. tor I ail. U weekly tor ipna. Conti nental Jewelry Cow llO Coatlneotai b.'J . Cle.n.l. O. F A :TlKY R E P K K K N T A T I V E. now In Portland, is opeo'ntf a branch for the Northwest and repair th service) of I perienel salesmen and distributor for city aad country territory. Kvery l-mon- atrattoa means sale. AR ei. ttruonian. HELP W AITED FKM UE. COUrETKXT saTeawoman. cloak: and suit d-prtmnt. specialty tore. .itt pra.crrvd. , stA. saiary. AO 4. Oregooun. I ti rtul Hl.Y experienced saleswoman In dfia department, sood pay. aiso good op portunity for buying position if ou pos-- ability; state pe rienc aad taiephon nun rer. & al. ( rr g rnan. isdni. Women to travel appointing ants f"r flavors In tubca Experience unnecessary. Re. Lab. Mfg. Co.. 4lfl Como b,lc. Chlcaro. EXPERIENCED stenographer In office of lead I nc suecialtv bouse; sxcei.ent oppor tunity for a capable and confidential per son; state experience, references, ag and salary expected. r , oregonlan. HVB brlsht. capable ladl-s to rJ- ',m" I GOOD, experienced cook for restauraut. In nnnraia anta en . I -atcountry; must b capaoi OI taking IUU week: railroad fare paid. ooiricn Dru ompny. dept. 7'l. omaha. Neb. harg of kitchen; wages $00. board and room; goo a nam lor rigni party. au Hell wood 3023. riVK briaht. eaoab a ladle to travel, dem onstrat and a-ii oeaier. 10 iov per month. Railroad fare paiu. ooourica Drug Company. lept. 7'l. Omaha. Neb. rill! hnrhi raoabla ladles to travel. dm onstrat and a-n aea.ers: .- w 1 HOUSEKEEPER Family where husband WANTED Intelligent and cultured ladies for a good permanent position at gooa tnoney at th Carlton Hotel uuring After noons. Ask for Mr. Dew. V ll'K-AWAkkl woman of snatur year for permanent work, affording unusual op portunity for promotion, not otliem work; r-rrnce. AP 41, lreionian. V AN rEl V oman to gt dinner each e -nng between i and 7. p ain cooking. "a;l Marshall lw. or A apL I. aXtr i siindy. A. rEL Experienced ateuographer; gid sa.ary. parmanai poltln. Appty Iwtn tte M Jtor Car Co.. il A;dr su I'bon Mam Mot. month, railroad far paid. Goodrich. Drug Company, dept. iol. omaha. Neb. W AN TED Experienced bookkeeir, on familiar wlih tlenanmenc sir wora. rrferencea required. Ansr liF 67. Or gon tan. WANTED Thret ladi of cu.ture. for sum nriAi eh Hd weixar work. i.ioerai re muneration. Oall between 3 and 3u4 Kothchtld bldg. M a k hi money writ ins short atoriea or ar- tifiea: blv pay; fre information talis how. Address United Pre byndlcats .o Anseie WANTED Thornush.y experienced waist j Nlnaomtn. Write, stating references, ex tMTienc and iry expected. J. S. Gra ham. Seat l. and wife employed, children In school; no neavy work, pay aid to -u per monin. AN 40. Oregonlan. WANTED Refined woman with good home to take care of 6-year-old girl; one who will glva a mother's care. AM 4b, Oregonlan. WANTED A young woman of good business ability to solicit accounts lor local bank, permanent poaitlon. with good pay. A hi 7 1, Oregonlan. FREE deak. room, with guarantee of some work, to a public stcnugrapner in ex change for answering phon calls. 10 Oregon bldg. WANTED Ruslnew woman to share apart ment; large. Itsht. airy rooms, & blm-kj ( irom r". rirnce a;nange. max- hat! 311 AN Eastern firm wanta a bright, energetic woman to fill position Jut vacated by on who la leaving city, good pay. per mnent. W Tw. oregonlan. WANTED Experienced girl with reference fr car of cniidra and aom bo us work. oed wifrf. Main w40. bl alNoi; RAPHE R Must hav good prk nc. i:aie aU pArticuiara. AG 4. Orego- nian- VAN'.El w.rl for off.c work In tiforir a establsbmvnt. App.y S. 1-"S TeBtb St. ladies' U etas. RAPID t put fr r.pr work, either per manent or temporarily. Apply after JO . m . jie ?ai.nng thig. fe,tt 1NU machtn operators wanted for waist maaufacturlna. A'So finlahera Rt 1 M.anuf act uring '.. rornar 4th and Couch OiKIrf wanted f r light factory work. M.mday morning. Tap D.uing Co.. 129 fc. tr t. Tot V lady stenocran-hee by wtin i hous. Address) In hand wrU log. AN tre;r- laa. Va ANT ED Experienced cioaJi and suit ladies, permanent position. Apply Rosen' tnal . ltj Rroa!way. JaiDDLK-AED laxly to do housework for family ( 1 In smal out-of-town p.ac. Ie! 1 woot I .X X R Ks j MAKER want competent hetp. arpraatkt girL il road way 136. Ftie-iner bl'lg .o flTxAM'. student In court reporter's of- OVe. an t!) inosielf of accurst Ivpe- , writing pr-'erred. A r" 4J. Oregon Lao. 1 1 RT-v LA.-i experienced cloak and suit lady; no otfcer itd app'y. Fashion Cloak at jun o.. I'nn and an:ngton. e NTE 1 Stenographer and tvpist. mut t rapt-1. accurate and experienced m cor- rip-)nqBr , 64. oregoman. BAi'MFLOR wants nc clean housekeeper. not nr 3t var: goo place for right r-ay- fi av oregonlan. " i J.-T-CLA?a w m- r. short-order rok. beet . wage, s bourv The Hollywood. v Mlu, Van-ouvr. phone 31. e ANTED .H-con g -1 for g:rV boarding- Aon la Eugen; girls. i'bon Tabor TAILoRfc.s-Must hav experience; steady poe.tton: good wag. App.y Mr. Hard. H-n ?e.(!ng w ILL giv good bona to working girl in it-hang Kr i:ght seririce. 2 la family. a I M indav. r: - V l K K EEPE R on who understand sten Agrapny : tat tr. expertenr aad al- -r wantett. At. 44. Orrnlan. HKM.-IKKwf:i t-DT K R FFIKA.vr or r-rtE w oRK. pij field, on nVMIt'tN. 44 DF.KUM P.LtJ. e r -: N m;k APli R In lumber office, good at f station, a good plac for right person. Phone t'o'umMa 17 W AX 7 ED 'om patent maker of hotueiuad brea-l. I i'h T N rEt girls. Roberts Uroav. 3d ciK wanted for farm. V vndar Phon Mala 6 74. AN rET TvpC aa a-d! aalary epetet. m wfianr. ape4 AR 7. Oregmian. WANTED Veetm kr and helper K KnrlH A Co. ie!ilnc bMg n ;a iHI;Hr .adr t ca.l on buatneea men; sai in . sdv work. W aj. oregontao. TV llMitl liH ld housekeeper, not over 3J; mis oo "iti '- .. v a. 1. 4 rcnian. yl 1 v-ru itCatkabia aiDocriDhr for la office. Hour to . Stat expeHenc j and salary desired. W rit box ooe Dallas. Oregon. . WANTED To correspond with middl-aged woman willing to assist cook in camp; no objection 10 on child. AF 72, Ore gonlan. WANTED citock record clerk, must b good at figures, fo tt previous experience ana give reference la your application. AJ 4.'. Oregonlan. WANTED Stenographer for permanent po sition; good opportunity ror advancement. Htate experience and salary expected. AG 7 0. Oregonlan. RARE chance for refined woman to secure excellent home (Rose city rark in ex change for vry little service in small family. 4o. oregoman. WANTED A capable woman for general nouse worn; nours v to 0. 137s Tabor Court, cor. of 9th, near Salmon. Tabor 0401. LEARN AUTO AND TRACTOR TRADE In a blif school; courses complete, practical. We help students earn living; Illustrated catalogue iree. isationai Automobile School. Los Angeles. GIRL to assist in general housework and care of i! children. Apply 1418 E. Lin coln, corner 03th; Hawthorne car; will pay can are. SHIP DRAFTSMEN WANTED. Learn through new course now ready sure, easy home study method. Call, phone or write international correspondence Schools, tHM eon bldg., for particulars. WANTED Girl for general housework. Home in Irvlngton. Must be fair cook. 1 Satisfactory wages. Apply M. J. S., 736 1 l-UIOCK DIOCK. UNCALLED-FOR tailor-made suits and overcoat for sale, $3.o0 and up. 010 Stark. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MIDDLE-AGED woman helper in housework. and sometimes 3 In family; modern hame, near Vancouver; wages $15. Jkl 34, vrpfnnian. ELDERLY woman or young girl to assist with housework and care for year-old cnna on term 30 min. from Portland. MU- waukie Jf-A. WA.Mti-A woman tor permanent TiouRe- work; no cooking, bib iovejoy. Call morn ings. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and general nousewurk; two adults; no furnace. Apply o.ti rweamey sr., ot-rore - o clock. A NUMBER of high-grade men, experienced iti office work, salesmanship, construction engineering, etc.. have recently registered with us for employment; we carefully in vestigate each case and have records on file for your convenience; employers can save time by calling; on the employment department of the Y. M. C. A. WANTED Position in a garage by a grad uate from the Adcox Auto School and a good trouble shooter. Phone Tabor 1005. i ABSTRACT of title men, do you need expe rienced help? Up 41, Oregoman. Bookkeeper and Clerks. COMPETENT girl to do cooking; good I POSITION, by young married man, as time- wages. Call at 429 Vista ave.. Lh n e. cor. Carter I WANTED Young Swedish Klrl for general housework In family of 'J adults and baby; wages J0. rhone sell. !uU6. WANTED fiirl for general housework. small family, Willamette Heights. Phone .Mara nail 137. BACHELOR wants a refined young woman as housekeeper, state wages. Box Vol. Astoria, or. keeper, material checker, or In purchasing dept. Experience, 7 years heavy hard ware, Z years railroad maintenance. 4 years auto accessories. Excellent letters of recommendation from all concerns. O Oregon ian. SITUATIONS WANTED MA LE. Mlbcell aneous. MR. BUSINESS MAN, LISTEN I have lived and learned ror nearly 49 years and have for a long time occupied and, I be lieve, filled railroad executive positions requiring good Judgment and the ability to think quickly and act promptly. I have aeciuea to sever my railroad connections If I can enlist in some other line of busi ness. If you require the services of a first-class man one who can obey orders but prefers to use his own judgment, ac cept the responsibility and deliver the goods try me. 'ou can reach me by ad dressing C 62, Oregonian. A PATRIOTIC American citizen of middle age, at present employed in city, is will ing to offer his services in a patriotic cause and will go on a cattle and hog or wheat ranch; experienced in raising hogs the Iowa way; some experience with cat tle, good handling horses; best of refer ences. M 27, Oregonlan. SALESMAN, traveling with his own car through Willamette Valley and southern part of Washington, also covering by rail all principal cities in Eastern Oregon, etc., wishes to take good side line. Only goods of high standard considered. Preference given to material to be sold to building material dealers, hardware stores and lumber yards. Write L 06. Oregonian. AN expert saw filer and timber faller; has had 15 years experience in Oregon tim ber; wife good waitress and also can do stenographic work. Who wants us? State wages and full particulars. Will be in Oregon by the first of April. Address Wm. Dickinson, 311 E. Market st.,- Harlan, Iowa. SITFATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeeper. BAPTIST lady, refined and capable, middle aged, with boy, wishes work for Summer in single man's home; has some income; references exchanged. Mrs. Duvis, phone Main 4133. ELDERLY woman wishes position as house keeper for gentleman; country preferred; no children; particulars and stamp first lt-tter; no trltlers. Mrs. S. .Lawrance, 30S Salmon st. HOUSEKEEPING, neat, kind, respectable Catholic lady desires position as house keeper for a middle-aged man; no objec tion to country. Mrs. it. Casserly, Victor. Montana "WANTED Unincumbered widow wishes po sition as Housekeeper in gentleman a noni or charge of apartment or rooming-houe; capable of taking full charge. S 7t, Oregonian. WANTED By woman 48 and son 16. po sition where they can bo together, woman to do housework, boy to be generally use ful, farm or ranch preferred. Mrs. Clara Unland. Myrtle Creek, Oregon. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants good place in nome to earn ooard and room for self and husband, who works in St. Johns ship yards, Mrs. R. L, Hickok, 400 Everett. Phone 2ioH. WANTED Position charge of most any me c nan leal proposition : am first-class elec trical machinist, having charge of men and machinery for past 10 years and qualified as gas engine expert; oniy consider sai ary over $150 per month; am now em ployed. N 26, Oregonian. INSTRUMENT and toolmaker wishes posi tion with growing manufacturing firm where there is an opportunity for advance ment: apprenticed as machinist; 7 years' experience technical schooling - in electric engineering; Class 4 of Army drafL F Oregonlan. SAW FILER with several years' experience wants position as head Tiler; would also consider position as mill foreman; pine mills preferred, but will guarantee satis faction In any timber; best of references. J 34, Oregonian. MARRIED man above draft age wishes to make change; 31 years experience In gen eral office work, cost keeping, timekeep ing, buying In railroad construction, lum ber and logging; prefer Portland or some good town. AK 60, Oregonian. BAPTIST lady, refined and capable, middle- agea, wun ooy, wishes work lor summer in single man's home; has some income; references exchanged. AN 6-, Oregonian. DoraeHt irs. EXPERIENCED waitress wishes short shift of 2 or. 4 hours. Tabor 8053. HOUSEWORK, no laundry; good home In preference to big wages. Marshall 1050. Miscellaneous. YOUNG woman, with experience, wants to cook or take contract cooking for largfl crew in shipyard or lumber company out of town; can furnish references; have daughter 17 and boy 14 as waitress and helper. Phone Marshall 191. 485 Alder Ft., citv. EXPERIENCED woman of 30, without any incumbrance, wishes position In general merchandise store: accurate In figures and making reports; bst of references from postmaster; suburb or city preferred. Phone Wood lawn 5L'20. A REFINED, capable widow, one used to mee-iing the public, would like a position, managing apt.-houso, hotel, or rooming house. Would consular housekeeping where lady is employed, or for man with chil dren. Woodlawn 3368. SHEETMETAL WORKER. First-class jobber on auto radiators and renders desires a position witn a reuaoit firm outside of Portland. T 62, Oregonlan, WANTED By two young women, willing workers, employment In or out of city; will consider any kind of work where good remuneration is given. S 60, Oregonian. BUSINESS man, large experience, acquainted with San Francisco and Nortnwest tern tor v. wishes Dermanent general or dls tributing agency from local or outside firm of sound rating, correspondence in vlted. P 37, Oregonian. YOUNG man, 28, married and in class 4, desires position; am experienced in ledger work, timekeeping, storekeeping, statis tical work and general office work ; A 1 references, interviews solicited. AL 41, Oregonlan. blKb for housework and cooking; can ar range nours lor business college student. fcast 7tf. GIRL for general housework, small family I and good wages. East 7.18. o03 E. -6th sc. is. GI RL wanted for general housework In small apartment. Apartment 03, Amer ican Apartments. GIRL who can sleep at homo nights, walk ing aistance uroadway and East Ninth; apartment, small family adults. K. 6131. YOUNG man. 28, employed, desires extra work ror Saturday afternoons, evenings or Sundays: am experienced In bookkeeping. cost accounting, statistical work and han dling correspondence. J 26, Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT Office manager, high- grade man ; 1 o years lumber experience ; best or references; aesires position; a ran exempt; will accept position out of city. A N 79. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and office man desires post POSITION by Al sawmill master mechanic with large sawmill and logging co. ; -l years practical experience running and construction in large mills on coast. Aa dress P. O. Box 1270, Tacoma, Wash. POSITION WANTED Display man and card writer, with best of references; three years' experience; not in draft age. I? 68, Oregonian. POSITION bv exnerlenced specialty sales man, acquainted with grocery, drug and ciKar trades in city ana state. A -so, ure gonian. YOUNG man with new Ford delivery car would like about 6 hours a day work with same: will consider working single- handed. Address room 31. Medford .Hotel. FARMER and stockraiser wants position, foreman on ranch, or will rent furnished ranch; have own help. AK 70, Orego nian. tlon. IO years' experience in the machine FOREMAN Years' of experience in machine WOMAN or girl for general housework, small ! latnuy; no wasning. ;u t. AOtn s., near H road way. East 4302. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and aom nouaework ; oest wages. .Main uum. WANTED School girl; good home and I some wages. JnO K. 31st. Tabor 343. RELIABLE maid for general housework. nice Laurelhurst home. Tabor 4.40. shop and foundry line; familiar with I the business: best or references; single 1 man; can go anywhere. A E by, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED male stenographer-book- keeuer. exempt. 2.. ban kin k. life Insur ance experience; No. 1 references former employers; prefer out of town. E. C. Fe t e rs on. .New FerKins Hotel. SALESMAN Experienced In hardware, ag ricultural implements, nun supplies ana mining machinery, is open for engage- and blacksmithing, manufacturing 01 "neavy tools and rigging. Can bring own crew. str o, oregonian. I WANTED By a hustling, energetic, wide awake salesman a good line profitable. fast-selling article to handle as side line. what have you? u- 2, oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. ment; 13 years' retail for self, ten years J BOOKKEEPER, experienced and capable of HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. tvmporart oosltlon for young lady pnonosnaph department, g.ve age MV I ; hav special work for a lady experienced expected, etc- la first leter. v 41. or- m meetlnc th public. Call Monday fore- W ANTED Thoroughly xprtnced cloak I and ault saleswomen; give experience, ref erences and saiary expected. J. S. Gra ham. Seattle. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for department noon. Lite. luo Morgan bldg. Western Union BOOKKEEPING AND OFFICE WORK. Girl that has bad some experience in books. Is bright, wanta to learn; give expe rience, ag. wag, phone. AO 32, Oregonlan. .tore "orV Vf-r y to keep up flat of and furn;sh b-at of reference. Aftawcr A A- I ro)rn- 4 pop; no children. Call Monda 8. oregonlan. WANTED Lady to aw for classical ballet teacher In exchange for lessons In ballet dancing for alf and child. N 23, Ore- gonian. of a y beiwaen lu:30 and 2:30. 327 13th su. West Hide. DRESSMAKER wants an experienced helper; must have shop experience, taoor o-t.a. W anted Domestic. v -r . 1 :! twuekeeier. Oerman pre ferred, good hom. Inquire- 4U2 Lombard I JAPANESE for general housework; must be West, week days; atter a ociocx or any 1 neat, and oonging ana ure wna amaii time Punday afternoon. I family. AB HO. Orgonlan $2. l'ER DAY Pd on lady In each town I EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen- t. attribute free circular Tor concen trated flavoring in tubes. Permanent po sition. F. K. Parr Co.. Chicago, eraJ housework; Johnson. THOUSANDS Government war positions pea 10 women. 1 or over, iw umnnv. a-m free. Franklin Institute, a school. Dept. 7v4C. Rochester. N. T. BT IARCS wholesale ho us trl for filing EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen- oral housework : no rum ace, gooa wag-es, adults. Mala 1877. GIRL for general housework; family four adults. 444 et A i in reei ono. ei- phon East GET WELL. FREE. FREE. FREE. Every day from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. and evenings on Monday. Wednesday and Fri day from 7 to 0 and Sundays from 10 to i THOUSANDS OP SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any other way are invited to investigate Chiropractic methods. which are permanently curing hundreds very day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you, make a com plete diagnosis of your case and direct your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC is the safe, sane, sure and modern science of curing and pre venting disease. CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause- health returns. The above service Is all free to you. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also b had In college building by members of the faculty, either lady or men practitioners. .PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEUE, Comer Park and Yamhill. Telephone Main lol4. Dr. Elliott, director of clinics, private office in college building. Main 1014. Res. Woodlawn 680. traveling salesman. East 6641 BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, general busi ness experience, including salmon cannery work: would xo to Alaska: first-class ref erences; over draft age. E 55. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED manaeer and buyer of Rro- cerles or merchandise wants position; gooa detail office man or executive, quick at figures. Ar 4.i. Oregonian. PERMANENT position wanted by expe rienced onice man, competent 10 aa most any kind of clerical work; can furnish best of references. ttr o, wregonian. COLLECTOR, with 10 years' experience in Portland, wants steaay position wnn-iirm city references and bond; have motorcycle. K 3'J. oregoman. ACCOUNTANT, capable and efficient, will do your income statement, keep small set of books at reasonaoie rates. 11 e u. Oregonlan. YOUNG married man wants work mornings; electrical work preferred. AK. 40, orego nian YOUNG man wants position as stenographer in or out of city; not subject to draft. AH 73, Oregonian. RELIABLE contractor, accustomed to han dling men and big work, open zor engage ment. W 7. oregonian. taking charge of credits, collections and correspondence, desires to locate with wholesale firm; salary $100. BF 64, Orego nlan GIRL, high school graduate in stenography. wishes llKht position in stenograpny clerical work while finishing night school course; moderate salary. C 2'), oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper of many years experience desires permanent position where ability counts; Al references. AK 67. trregonian. INTELLIGENT office woman wants office work, prefers real estate or Insurance, chance to learn and advance. Broadway 2936. CAPABLE young lady wants employment; formerly employed by state supreme oun Rep.; also worked for law publisher, San Francisco. AF 61, Oregonlan. ENERGETIC, capable woman wants oppor tunity to learn oriice work; can operate typewriter and learn anything. BF 40, Oregonlan. . SITUATION as stenographer; G years ex perience, city references, law orrice pre ferred. Phone Stenographer, Main 1586. YOUNG lady wishes position as bookkeeper and clerk, would leave city, x 04, ore A LIVE, neat-appearing medical student de- I LADY stenographer, 9 years' experience, BIG PAY for men. women. Tremendous de mand for draftsmen. Pleasant work; $100 to 200 a month. Study spare time at home; we will help you secure position when qualified. Write for free book on drafting. Special offer to men subject to draft. COLUMBIA SCHOOL OF j DRAFTING, 404 McLachlen building. Washington. i. c. WE WANT several women and men to pre pare for telegraph service to help fill the many vacancies caused by men being j drafted for war. Those who are looking I forward to the future to earn a livelihood can earn from $75 to $t0 per month in a very short time; no previous training re quired. For full particulars apply Tele graph Dept.. room 21S, Railway Exchange j bldg.. cor. Mark ana jq sis. sires work clerking on Saturdays only. AE 67, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants position. all or part time; exempt; best of refer ences, o .t4, oregonian. YOUNO man, stenographer, wants position in city; not subject to drart. Art oj, ore- gonian. POSITION by bookkeeper of experience; married and out of draft. b4. oregonian. BOOKKEEPER wants work evenings. AP 57, Oregonlan. YOUNG man wishes a position aa book keeper. AL 02, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. YOUNG MAN, exempt, wants position as wishes position in Portland. Vancouver. Wash. Box 765. WANTED Position hs companion to lady by intelligent young woman, free to go anywhere, references asked nnd given ; can read well, enter any walk of life. B F 27, Oregon la n. WIDOW, lonely, stranger, would appreciate home in refined environment, cultured, ex tensive travel, pleasing personality, will make self generally useful, city or country; no remuneration. A M 51, Oregonlan. YOUNG lady with several years' experience as clerk in country store wants position In grocery or confectionery. Phono Main 5687. room 303. LADY", good cook, will do houBowork, cook ing, some washing and sewing for room and board of self and son attending school. BE 47. Oregonian. ENERGETIC young woman with some ex perience desirea work as office assistant, not afraid to work. All 74, Oregonian, or call Main 1 114, Monday. A LADY of refinement and experienced will care for children evenings during parents' absence; can coach French and English and music; references. Mar. 340. BY middle-aged widow, cafeteria, bakery or delicatessen; experienced. V 116, Oregonian. WANTED By lady with experience, po sition in general store In or near Portland. Phono Wdln. 5570. WOMAN wants work by day. Woodlawn 2705. Phono Sunday afternoon and even I n gs. EXPERIENCED primary teacher wishes sit uation : satisfaction guaranteed. BF oi), Oregonian. WANTED Position as telephone girl in hotel, from 4 to 6 or morning, by the hour. Luella Uelane. Main 3 Its 3. CAPABLE woman wants opportunity to learn to operate linotype machine. AN 4, oregonian. WANTED A position In physician's office: no experience, but very willing. Call 2045 evenings. EXPERIENCED girl wants linen-room work in nrst-class hotel or coat checker. Ar 44, Oregonian. YOUNG lady working from S:30 to 5:30 wishes place to work for room ana boara; good references. AP 53, Oregonian. "WANTED By middle-aged woman, a place to do light housework or Housekeeping. T 76, Oregonlan. GOOD laundress wants work by day; price reasonable. Call Sunday and evenings after 6 o'clock. C 1118. WANTED- Position by experienced newspa per woman; good proof reader, jv 30, oregonlan. WANTED A position In physician's office atternoons and Saturdays; reterences. can B 2045 evenings. PRIVATE exchange operator with hotel ex perience, relief or regular work. All 1-, Oregonian, or call Main 1114, Monday. A YOUNG lady, experienced clerk in hotel cigar stand, needs work immeaiateiy. uu Tabor 2779. Pearl Kennery. HIGH school graduate, with knowledge of typewriting, desires position as oirico giri or clerical position. Woodlawn 13o6. YOUNG lady, 6 years' experience in hard ware store, wishes gooa steaay position Call Marshall 5830. YOUNG lady, experienced saleswoman or clerical, desires position with reiiauie pea pie. AF 76, Oregoniam WANTED Position as stenographer; nine years' experience In law office. A v 448, Oregonian. LADY stenographer, bookkeeper and cashier wants steady position; best 01 reterences; 10 years experience. f. o. dox and clerical wow: I rTTu r for araneral housework In Answer in own nanawrmn wvt poooe , ,V. VT h lutb N - lr- nuir.trr. A 21 Oregonlan. GiKL with good offic experience, knowledge of bookkeeping pr:rra; iisit a. p -trace, references and phon number. AB Tl. Oregonlan. JWO good dining-room girl wanteu at one. Apply v aaning ion xioiei. jaoa ima wo. Wash. country hom. vington car. COMPETENT woman to do cooklnc and general housework, gooa wages. aii Main 2Mtf. WANTED Middle-aged lady to care for child 4 years, some ouaeworic a aoor -a. STENOGRAPHER When answering slat experience ana salary reqm a. a a. t regonin. GIRL for general housework: family four aduita. 444 E. litn at. -eiepnon -u 6152. TEACH ERst needed for 1VIH-19. Clark Teach ers Anry. 41 t r.amoer h commerce b!lf . Spokane. V4 ash. WANTED Girl for Phone Main 295s. general housework. riiVHTOLTKH operator, wholesale hou state al particulars luuy. au s. orego nlan WANTED Olrl for general housework. Ap ply 3ai lotn st. -CHOOLOIRL to work for room and board and aom wage. Tabor jots'. WANTED Maid for cook and general house work, smait Tami;y. good wage, good borne. Cail 3v uroaqway. NEAT, reliable girl for general housework. Hell wood - 1J. ClloRt S GIRLS Highest wage, long en gagement B uraveung. Appgr t-aaina 1 beater. W ANTED Oood girl or woman for general housework, vtooaiawn 1. ANY girl la ctd of a friend apply to to I :vtlon Army nacu no ie. a-aaa 1 15th at. V. or phon East l.'J. GIRL for cooking and housework. 23d. Main t ANTED Good cook; also aecond maid. Phon stain ojia. MU'l'LE-AGElX refined lady to demonstrate and soli exc usi ionti im. in targe re tail tor-s of Portland. Ar 44. oregonlan. GIRL to aasist with houswork, small fam ily. 8 Lovejoy. W ANTED Young lady for concession work. I . " WANTED Neat. midd!e-agd mixed work. Eait blM. lady for on wi'h aom xprlnc preferred. Apply I GIRL, for housework, good wages. 4o 32 d 1 o3 M aln St.. Vancouver. Wash. t.. Wlllamett Heights. Main 7S'tf. W A NT KI Woman to run cleaning and prafir op: no ruunrfo. Auartu r. o. box 4"ow Hrmi-ton. or. WANTED Waltr: must be experienced; good wsge room ana 00 ra. a. lory li-.t-l. 171 LowneOa.- WANTED oirl for general housework and p ain cooking. 4t E. lith st. North. WANTED Experienced gtrt for housework. 32n Multnomah, near 1st. srrA.H.KAi'H ER v be answering a: experience and aa. ary rrquir-u. j 4 urt- frn tan GIRL to assist with light housework. Main 44T 10th St. EXPERIFNCED waitress. $10 per week. 6 days. Newport Restaurant. 147 N. 6tb at. lANi'V hand Ironers: good wage, perma nent w-rk; only no inorougniy ex pert n ed red apply. mono c.sat S.'T. OlRL for housework, good wages. 40S $2d Wlllamett Heights. Main 7 SO'.. STENOGRAPHER and of fir apprentice. whan answering scat airy r eo,uirs. EXPERIENCED girl. West Side wages. Msln 52 1 7. Monday. good WANTED Girl for cooking and downstairs work. 4t. Main villi. WANTED Ladv dinner cook. $. to $IO P-r month, email reef aurant. Jta 3d st. Raraapo Hoti. TsTh F LEVATOR l.l R U Vr woman f-r ro'inlr work and 1 tab e 4 hwr fattv. to 2. 5o kk WAI.-r and pkl-t htp wantrd. onl frt i need app'y. lo Strand b'Hg.. Park at. I'.iJXAKKH S helper. ee FtrWft .pts. sj Ca:i evenings af- WANTED Ki. ctH.k and suit ss.sdlw. PP r I.a Mo-da. Mrrtwon rMl.KT.T woman to car for child 4 years i. . N V Orennlan. WfcNT ladv for bueheting mens cimhea 3.1 st l.lCITrt for cole--tlon agency. ftjnnian. T $A VJU ---- waaud. A NerUi ed st. LAiY wanted for studio. 204 N. Jersey, St. I J.nns. EXPERIENCED waitress anted ; call after II A. M. Mandarin 'H.. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Main 46oX Council Crest. WANTED Strong girl for housework and neip wun car of two children. East 79. GRADUATE nurs for Institution. irforlan w CooK or itntral housework ; no laundry. Appiy jHain iji. H(USEKFEPR wanted. '60o near Ivor Take ft M car. East 43d, EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. . Main 740. 772 Marshall St. ,K!: A,T-K no1! rr c-h''an V.V WANTEI iirl fur general housework. Call eld; IS years' p. 714 Everett. Mar. 2l, i rolumbla MS. CA VP. res'aurant. hotrl. family help. Hansen s Empt. 32TH ah. st . rm. 803 GIRL to lee OTIS help with housework for ind $10. Sell wood 24S4. piano EXPERIENCED waltre Restaurant. 4"2 Hoyt St. at North Bank WANTED Girl for general housework family of three; reference. Tabor 27 OlRL to at.t with light housework. &3?k 1 si., oet ween nan ana unroin. GIRL for general plain housework; 4 aduita in ramny. tin evening, wdln. 352R. LA DT to work In upholstering dept. Hey-I WOMAN to do plain cooking and house wood Bro. A WakefiM Co.. 14H .V. ith. work for small family. Main 2415. W ANTED C.lrl u assist Phone East 31.-u with housework. A.N'TEL A woman for general house- ork : adults. 7'H Davla at., near 22 d. VV AN TEI Wait rea. 1U I2th sL Tha Nor- looia. Ataia vu. WANTED Middle-aged woman, llrht house work smaa xamiiy. 1'hon labor 4177. PRACTICAL BOOKKEEPING TAUGHT AT STEEL'S KNOW WHY SCHOOL. BETTER, CHEAPER. EASIER, QUICK ER. IT'S NOT JUST PERSONAL AT TENTION, BUT THE KIND YOU GET AT STEEL'S THAT DOES IT. DAY AND EVENING. OREGON BLDG,, OTH AND OAK. BROADWAY 328. traffic manager or accountant. Six years' STENOGRAPHER, capable and quick to experience. Beat reference furnished. BD iv, oregonian. ELDERLY man, experienced hotel clerk. wante ins de 1 eht work. Jack Kusseu. American Hotel. Phones 1975 Broadway, A 1103. learn, college education and. some expe rience. AK 47, oregonian. TYPEWRITING to do at home; work called for and delivered. A if w, oregonian. SPINNERS WANTED. GOOD WORK. GOOD PAY. OREGON CITY WOOLEN M.ILLS, OREGON CITY. KEMINGTON-WAHL COURSE. (MACHINE BOOKKEEPING.) Demand for operators exceeds the sup ply; positions guaranteed. See us at once. urseii rrivate business ocnooi. Lumber mens bldg. MAN AND WIFE WANTED. To do cleaning and attend oil burner for 3-room modern basement apt,, turn. Man can work full day; no children. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. WANTED Young man or woman with suf ficient experience in corporation account ing to tak charge of work of light and power company in small nearby town. Apply 1216 Spalding bldg. COACHING and instruction In topics of day. history. English literature, trench or sen era! review. Ethel FarrUs, 705 Everett at. Phone Main 1020. MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand Typewrit ing School, day, evening. $0 month. .UU 14th, near Jefferson. Main JW. WANTED Man and wife to manage me dium aire apartment-house; good salary. Apply lo Eiiera bidg. TEACHERS for vacancies now open. Yates- Fisher Teachers' Agency. oi uroadway bu tiding. ROOK KE EPE K for about 4 or 5 hours' work in afternoon; expertencea in small corporation work. AO 61, Oregonlan. TEACHER WANTED All kinds of teach Ing positions. M. 4SA3. Flak Teachers' Agency. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOCS. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you th barber trade in eight weeks; tools free; scholarship ana diplo mas given; paid while learning; position guaranteed ; tuition reduced. 233 Madison. UNCLE SAM needs 10.000 stenographers; enroll now ror shorthand, typewriting. bookkeeping. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE, Allsky bldg. ORIGINAL MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL. Teaches men and women barber trade in B wka. Special rates for short time. $15, in cluding good set tools, diploma 234 Couch. THE ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. 874 Wasco St., Cor. Union Ave. Call, write or phone E. 7443 about fre trial offer. Day and night classes. SPANISH language correctly, taught by professional native Instructor; conversa tion ' acquired in brief time; hours 4-6, 7:30-P:30 P. M. Call 40 Allsky bldg. I TEACH you French in 3 months by con versation, inquire Corbet t bldg., room 307. Phone Main 102. ask for Mr. Berry. PRIVATE lessons, adults or children, fun damentals knitting, crocheting, weaving, stitrhery. East 6329. TELEORAPH, steno., bkpg., board, room. tuition may b earned. Catalogue free. Mac Kay Business College- Loa Angele, COMPETENT salesman wants position with auto accessories house where there is a chance for advancement; reierence. 00, Oregonlan. MARRIED man with family wants janitor work In office building. Address 4305 ?Dth st. S. E. POSITION wanted as stenographer, 1 year of experience. .East U3o. Dressmakers. HARDWARE man with years of retail ex perience wants position; references. AL 42, Oregonian. Al GARDENER, florist, designer, first-class experience in an orancnes 01 tnis line. wants work. F 78, Oregonlan. I AM now prepared to take orders for mak ing your coat, suit, skirt or gown; it pre ferred will cut, fit and pin up preparatory work at moderate prices; make-overs my specialty ; your home $4 a day. Phone Main 1356. 504 Goodnough bldg. Mrs. J. F. O'Gara. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing; make over given special attention, i-riees rea sonable. Main 1809. POSITION as elevator operator In office bldg.; can show first-class ref. Woodlawn 352;. xtifHifiAK University graduate wants po sition as principal of high-class public school; go anywnere. u. oregonian. FASHIONABLE dressmaking at home or by day; city references, can -lain :. ask for L. Bartel. DRESSMAKING Remodeling, one-piece dresses, $3.bO up. Main J-. alterations; 6yt Everett MEDICAL student (A-l masseur) wants work a few hours a day. BD 71, Orego nian. HATS made over and trimmed; latest styles. Tabor 6S34. can mornings. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $2.25 the day. Tabor 4007. OX Y-ACETYLENE welder wishes position In EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing garage or machine shop; references. AE 45. Oregonian. by the day. Tabor 2351. kvpkhiexceD driver wants truck or com mercial car to drive, can ior vvooa, ,as. 8 4 J. YOUNG man with light automobile want Job where can use his macnine. can wooa- lawn iH3. SEWING as apprentice with dressmaker ox tailor. Ar 43, oregonian. MENDING and darning by the day or take home. Fhono East zun. Norse. STABLEMAN, middle age. wants steady Job; understands taking care 01 gooa horses; would help in garden; married. AP 42, Oregonlan EXPERIENCED general merchandise man wants position or manager, couniry wwn; general store. JN 'J. oregonian. A FIRST-CLASS auto truck driver Is open for a Job. -MSft xiaisey su rnone .cast 2 So 2. DENTAL student wishes work lew hours each day. W 7o. oregonian. MATERNITY" AND SURGICAL HOSPITAL. Normal confinement cases taken care of for less than one-half the usual charges. Cases, Including drugs, dress ings, physician's services, two weeks hos nftnl rare, for 140: all other oueratlons cared for in the same proportion. Phone Woodlawn 166. 10i5 Williams ave. NURSE can take one or two more con firmed invalids, eiaeny or uniortunate, in home: refs. Oresnam. or., k. a ., box 111. GRADUATE, experienced nurse, will take any case, reasonable. Tabor fai43. EXPERIENCED young woman cook wants position; small crew men. none juarsnau 5 1 50, room 2 2 WANTED Place to take core of children evenings while mother is away; refer ences. Woodlawn 1011. LADY, capable, would like work in Dr.'a or dentist's office. AP 5!, Oregonlan. WANTED Position as companion by young woman of refinement. BD 63, Oregonian. WORK answering phone, no typing, by young lady; references. Woodlawn 1611. COOK wants position, cafeteria or delicates sen; experienced in pastry. East 7175. COLORED woman. Broadway 1S64. any kind day work. EXPERIENCED woman wanta work houa cleaning, etc. Phone Woodlawn 3041. EXPERIENCED woman wants washing, ironing and cleaning. Main 7315. EXPERIENCED laundress wants day work. Phone East 5507. LACE curtalna done up, first-class worlc Main 4381. YOUNG woman wants position as nurseglrl, wages not less than $25. Phone Main 75ti8. SWISS lady, housework by day. Call Tabor 709, evenings. m LADY with experience will dye hair at home reasonable. Main 3S7i. EXPERIENCED, good girl, wants place, sec ond or lady's maid. A it 70, oregonian. TRAINED nurse wants infant to care for. good home object. Phone Marshall 4485. YOUNG lady wishes position as cashier In restaurant evenings. 1 , oregonian. LADY wants day work. Main 9132 WOMAN wants day work. Wdln. 2440. WOMAN wants day work. Tabor 8147. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. W1SH to rent a modern suburban 6-8-room house, convenient to fortiana, witn gooa garden space. Phone East 287. Monday. WANTED to rent a modern. 5 or 6-room. furnished bungalow; rignt price ior cooa place. If you are Interested call East 7071. RESPECTABLE family wishes to rent a modern 5-room bungalow in gooa aisiricu Phone East 6353. WANTED To lease, about May 1. six- room modern resiaence, ciose in. tan la bor 7250. WANTED, April 1. 7-room furnished house. sleeping porch ana garage: auuns, reier ence. Call East 1645, mornings. BY responsible couple. 4 or 5-room, fur nished bungalow or iiax. -a.ii x.ov i--u, after 10:30 A. M., today. ACTIVE. Intelligent man, 31. wants work mornings, 8 to 1. t. o. oregonian. WANTED By middle-aged practical nurse, any kind of nursing. Tabor 6424. YOUNG man wants work in the evening. AC 53. Oregonian. Housekeepers. MECHANICAL draughtsman. experienced. desires position, si-o. w s. oregonian. AS housekeeper for widower; must be good place; no objection to leaving city; best of references; neat, capable, reiinea; good cook. C oO, Oregonlan. CHEF First-class man. wishes position; I EXPERIENCED housekeeper. widow 44, state wages. T 63. Oregonlan. WANTED By man, 60, light inside work. Main 116. daughter 18, first-class references, nosi tion as nousekeeper, notei. rooming-house or apartments. v 11 1, oregonlan MOVING picture operator wishes position; 7 years experience. Alt o, oregonian. MAN and wife wants apartment-house to manage. Tabor Jo 06. WANTED Position as housekeeper by un- incumberea laay tor elderly couple or widower; no objections to one child. Phone East 7339. STRONG high school boy wants work after S and Saturaays. rz, oregonian. WANTED Position as Janitor or watchman by middle-agea man, laoor tzw. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants management or apt-house or rooming-nouse, or house keeper in gentleman's home. W 60, Ore- gonian. JAPANESE, employed, wishes to work after 6 P. M. C 27. Oregonian. WOMAN of experience and ability wants management or apartment or rooming- house. AM 49, Oregonian. ON modern poultry ranch, single, reliable uVo'srX e bor 51 P7. and good worker. AJ 49, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED auto truck driver wants job. J C41I Monday forenoon. Main yui'.,. CARPENTER Leaky roofs patched or re- hingled. Marshall !.'. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position as housekeeper for bachelor or widower. Y 10. Oregonian. IITNGLES When you want shingling done JU w ooaiawn vo. WOMAN of refinement desires position as manager or nign-ciass rooming-house; gfcrencecxchane X 43 Orefiuui-vn. 3 OR 4-ROOMS furnished flat or house, cou ple. Will give best 01 care, j 00, vre- gonlan. WANTED To rent small house with large garden; state particulars. AF 67. Oregonian. WANTED To rent or lease, or 7-roora, modern house; East Side preferred. Tabor 7133. WANTED Furnished modern 4 or 5-room bungalow. Tabor 429G. WANTED TO RENT a 5 or 6-room bun. low on East Side, $15 to $20. Wdln. STRICTLY modern 0 or 6-room house. Im mediate occupancy. AB 56. Oregonian. WANTED High-class West Side residence. Reply Box 309. city. 5 to 8-ROOM house or flat, good location and repair, by March 20. W 79, Oregonian. MODERN 5-room house and 2 or 3 acres, near Oregon Electric. AE 44, Oregonian. MODERN R-room house In Irvington with garage. P'ast 3177. SMALL unfurnished house or bungalow on Rose City carllnc. Fhone Tabor 4S37. WANTED To rent modern 5-room cottage, West Side, adults only. C 33, Oregonlan. SMALL house, with garden, on good carline preferred, furnished. AL 5S, Oregonian. WANTED To rent fi-room house. Poryaad. K 00, Oregonian. Soutk i