THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, TORTLAXD, 3IARCII 10, 1918. 9 TO r.(IMM.K KEII. rTATK. llfcI. "RAM II IfoME." IN UKUTfHJ. -iiori.i.A t k . 4 M'uiN-i , r hoK i-oot r -i - o-i:.- f N hk ci i.Tiv a r- Ti - . . - i I N l F HVf i-'t n - r h; Ht it ni i r.ti .lH'-i r TM .Ik.i iH)tt HU r. i i'T r ' 'K fAHT. t'H J W I . L " f K- ',. rrill . - f fTfii N. OW .N Kit. I MMIi 1 1... 'u Iowa It. ! er. a eio., f) 'I i I- w : h C ner. phe-. I H. s.tCori. o ' fiUI- r. J A fee b4f. - r iv rmim p : tl hot aa-t f. . :--r. . ric I ; r l. 0 . r n . t r - ;rn ha?.. a. gre. r n en -I hg Lu woven wire. art ma- t route, r'oa-- t Knw to :rit .r rr.1. esTTr. THAt)K FOU FUII'PKD VALLEY FARM. a-re m rwk outtty. J0 acm un.Jrr irrigation, water right paid for 420 ar, mo--. .rMm bunaluw. barn. IT -rutpi! bl. kimiih shop. butid n H brand rivw, in cream and null route, ;iM a rnnmti of " horsee. fj milk . h-:f-ra. u yearling ia!, brtxd ew a mi ruirnni, 4 (rm tKui. 4 aets l hrnrg. rnujifr, rake, harruw. 4 plows, bee? I horsepower ir4 tor. It h t: -at-tor pww. rmm separator. iin of bay. teh phone, pn ti,i"H, m lor an lol.rel V iliii.rtlt Vat.ry farm up to 9 J. -no t lluwtfd, 310 .ambfr of vnmr e. a.t44 f'l fr- pmrii. 4 -- I; VL.T't k' Kl.r.Y l..M Cw. HAvrt.i. Hf li-iWr: I hit At ra. " ' li twtiiTtfnti. (U a-"T- r) f trra uud. all ( runtit"il. i . f in n ri4rii, : h. a-M trint, aprms ni riv fr'tl. RuiK muni) rl. 1 S r1 ri'rt4. !(. it t arh ah-rt !;'. vtirt of Wii i ir o'j prprtj). H P lM. It A. liVr it. ;.: L It ) f rrn. i U THAt'K. .w!n 111. rn ioirt-n. Two a ra in nrthanl. abut .f h:rH ontr has i Ki'i.iti p.At for rh a na an-1 tun - ti. r'tAr 4 1 ly b i&4 p tir frtn .anl can b r-nt' a.r t rt4a f'r rxi ,onl-b' i r. H . il i .K lrrt an. I tor .-an j- . . '. 6 nt-a. a-rnron ni"l:m bun- r r; f-r rt t . pt .'" 4-'. t 0 I" t-M- tf rt:-k. pr.i 41 .. t rir e';'t u -n UiTi ( r-kr. ail tike B-trt i i( .n I rr.antl. l l .nhl.r ui w.m . itl'lr raMvrn flti up li 4M7" ,. irra r" H. 1. 4W U ba.r t i n neutral itxr'haniif 'ra In auatnc Mtt.a l wna tii. I'ir .r c ki i-rti. hartari f u- n in f to that ll eonMrfr g.M4 rm in richn(. if tni Inutr.n .u- r;t lor fur:ar Information. I'ri ' th' buntaavs rani Xruoa ruv lu Iv INSET 4 TR ACT. lfmiiK-TM bau''ful T-room n J - rn low. with trrnvtil k-niut. w'th furx., ar Jwoo-t fl'jvra. r ttrtc liht. rhii to rru.ui pcoptrrty anl r-r.t ta II M iny fitTrrlR, 'A' r: CO.. i.-ar l ot Tr.i- bil Vw. ifi1-F.i T- rtax Nn(.o, furrar. j? r p,iF. h r.f mitl f ' r and - .n Ttw f "'. rir f tni-u-Ti-b-anr. Wi.t t r'k f C f irm miil b.m K. ar'1 imp f.T.on up t Tt. KAL.rH A' Kl.KT LAND C.. Koth.'hi t r. )rH r. ' H a N r ti-at:ra I arm. J l.t ' l i.tln, f..r-.fnj a I p oat inn l. i r--a In Umtrr w zi, Ta ftaJy la pww f-r t.rt'i r-t. u acrrs raIy l r t. pn.Mt bnt.iiinx, fli .-t : prt- "i pr -r r-. Rfrc(( -.''. fhanca for farrn ti lrrkuO liia Kucn :iU Uoi' I " t V. a kr. tr w. .r.NA l'Kl'Krtrr WANTKU h.a nr m1 I aim to C-' - f T M 'nr. it proknr rt? ; a not Icr. 1 ) .y C . t'J' A-l .ami; aH M ' tana r iitd Vtra proper .y ia aa.iit K 1NNKT TR rr. n. 'tr a . ' Or T ir Iina 7-roorn mol"rn ho.-a In :h urt to tra-ta ff am ail pic ff 4JtMu t.tfI (imm 41 4 41 1 K- tv Ki tian TlT-lr. I'nrtiAn.l. r. li;oil-I.A8 1'AIKV FARM. W hat a J arm I mtM on npa.u rtad friu bum'-. in f ailuy town of i,H' p .p.a; in htn atata of ru:tiv-t.- i; .:n flna bulUlingp ami othrtj m.T (arm . auippd lor dairy ; prit a !.-'; nmnt-r wui runiu)r trndi o 41'. inm tn amai.f-r farna tr rol rt y inrotre prop. rtv in a. moat any loau la tnc Vally r i'o llaf.t KI.VVKT TKVr. Th Raa; Ktt Mn. ''r;ia. Or. wiM r-wt ITV in j. ! ta.rn bnrk la- ron. f.r unincumii rwl land inhfr. ". 4rttity In hi Idaho 4rt-arra Irrl- tl farm. ftr unimpmvtj Va! ranrh t.r r'Mfr) tiM It tnrahfrr. $.'. m tMiuiiy li $ I i mh Mai-tt orcunrd hfar Kam. for I'ort ani r Nnttt property. S10 7m1 rquitv in 4-rrMm roominc-hnuaa. all nwtnt tupll. I.r i.ninrimlrrl rancb or pnp r n y ai: Hart. pTicm 4ltt.lHKt. BuX li. M -t r TO KXC'H 4Xir MfHTKF f.AJVFOI S. A VRliZSU of th firm 1 lenviuff th city and aania ua to all for tnem ona of the finest muhotfny talk in a machine ever made treat i.'.'.i and Juat iik new: will lake $l.i eaah or diamond. Ilorty bond or hat hav you 1 At thia prli-e the reo orda I nearly la teat atlectional are In cluded. We have io left with ua on aa.; an rKant regular to machine whkh can he had fr only $K.', caih or easy p&y mnta. Ke Mr. Coraner. main floor Eilr iuaic tloue. Kiirra bid. Entrance No. 141 Hrtadway, at Alder at. FOR HALF. Hoi Vehicle, He. ON ncounl of rfttrina from buaina 1 nl ofrt-r for aaie at public auction tbe entire equJjmrni o." the Central btble. Includ ing l hAra-a. 2 mulea. a lot of alt ktada of aC'Mia iptlutltna 1 aurrc, 1 injht. farm kacori. am hurka. l'a aeia of i ng and dnuti; lurn-a, I fd cuuer. Thrt of f : e f until um inctudea a fireproof af. aiao a Jiuik roadaier. Ther will be many othr thing for the farm and; barn too numToua lo mention. Tne aaie will begin Saturday, March lrt, ai 10 ucWk A. M. 17th and Aider. W. U MMKV. rrup. FOR SALK. Fianoa. Orajana and Muaical Instrument. RECORDS FOR T.ESS. 12-lnch recorda priced from $1.25 to- $4 by such artinta aa Hipollto I.azro. Maria Harrlentoa, Marcel Journet, Meiba. Morgan ivinaion ana otners; your choice at i earn. lo-lnch re cord a from $1 to $2 by Maggie x yte. uacar beagle, t lorencto Conatan tino. Carolina White, etc; tbesa wl.l be on sale at oc each. Three hundred 10-!nch Victor record. angntiy uaed: your cholre at Z3c each. Several uaed phonographs, with record a. irom up. EDWARDS COMPANY, Fifth and Oak Sta. A Good Flace to Trade. F UK il L. A N i . lw artvf. a:i l-ve and under prrpetual rr r;ht; tfr dw on the land. fn-d. part'y rlered and on ma;n county ri-l -r itend. ir. The land ia ivn you ?.- and ai: yuu py f r u tb watrr at o. rnrtirot prt . I aant lo I ralo fr umn cuniSrr I city prop"rf or emuil furm nr Ivrtlabd to aui '. No Inrumbrancel Til. LA Hi m 'K bAtltT HANTH. aTa. i A. In cultivation. god h?'i aoi fn. plenty of water, aoi ra .. j in i ..a trotu 1 t iani-wk. r 2w lilfT. 2 farm and dairy equip m-rt; pnr fjo.utiO: mil. S.uiN; will con ader near hnuM tor equity. MToN AM Mn LKI.UN. V'r ;Jll M: hainlr of Com. Ft "t riAl.K of rirhanif. ri IihI in central l hlraa and retail die . joinin w holi-aa' and retail altHiabmn H. It and iliHka; ideal for h u4 or huain a proiertr. It . Tl. ta in.hnif i ha niirrhaa price of th iwrfr. A ill luk caah. or would K'mwI (urn land aa firat pavment. onr. 1(K urrKoniao. UnlKISi.UAN H A 1' A HTU KVT- liI'K Apartment huuK of - room a, located h.t -n I il Ion anil H il llama aaa.. 4'i !. clo to Phopa ab4 ahlnvarda. all ret: tl . prt $ I owner wleh-e to vKhanc ior a 1'orU.mJ home or farm up to John 11 o a axd, 3lu Cham Kr of 'inni4n . iialAl'TI H I. It. . HOVE FOR TFl AlK. a -room atrt- tiy modern bungalow in ru .. corner lOili. beautifully arranged. lota of eorubbery. flna Kraae; roat all. vv morttfrt 14 . bonded $-'M; all trade for otner property and aaaume: pi f r rhrtnri houae. Jm H. Marie La, bO liam. of louu blig. K1VK arrra. a'l In cultivation. 1 at re five. r-ar-o: d orchanl. a-rikom nnuae. a to ra.irod ate t top anl town, on nard aurf a road: will trade f,r modern hue in lirt:nd : price -tK. W llHarna lon Inveattuent t'ompat. 4'.'2 Chamber of "mmert b-uUlirg. Fort land, or 112 West Vh utrM-t. ar.ruuvrr, aahlngton. V II. I. TKAhK FMt ANVTHINO. acre of lanJ on Columbia lllshwav, 1 mil-1 from I'o.'tUnd. hair tillable, aev eral ai ra In cuit at ion. hUM. orchard e-.-rtn an- lot of fine a od timber; prlt o 4M?". Iiirumbranr fllmi; will trad f-r anthtng and aaaume, prefer aouee. AN t T"Kiuin. ull E.'H ANtiK Ftno tract Irrigated ai fair Und in ll-rnufton dtatrU l to ex rhanffe f-r inrome property UP to or $... a bi4-e aprtmot-hiute, well rented, for firm luud or e'ear vacant lota or hua eu nit lea. V . 11 Skinner, -4 Henry todg. I'hone Main AKMKOA IHSTKlCT. Iteautiful t runiii brn-. -annot occupy en amount of death of wife. Will trade equity f r clear lni or lota, balance $1 p. r month. Including tnterrau -Ol McKay b'lMdtnc A'"i;K ranch to Central Oregon; rl h un.lT loarn 'l In frolr.r community; allIa'e for iKkrailnf or grain; clear of lrt u-nbtaii.e Went aood country t ore or c:ty poverty tm;ro1 or unimproved. rift- tf in umirn.-e 4lh a. -11. 4M hunrt ow. f-irnahr-l. .'.4 r i f a r rt tb"!, !-. arv anal.a pa t- e ,it il'.iB or ail. tike of, L rtiap p i a u 4 .ny t!iinf U .ue i.f 1 7 . i n. vl t v terma. local t.f ( a -rj H ti.rn an-t iiq af . near F J4tb M Itt'KitAV II VC M. I o You w ant a aubur ban noma. bJ gMy hP 1. in nt-hmta for or city p op- ei-iy : at t . i.e M. A I'kTIH. il Lawta ! l. g. Tf lAi'HAMit lea.ra farm. A. c4r. g-..4 fc""ij4). an.l wil. Imat'J near I'ort. a . wJ! !. g-oi 24-hanl car aa p,rt pvrneut. TMa la an acaptuna It pportar.ity for qui. a deal. 3o r;. li-: uoct, pbone fl a ifouuay. aj fur Kraa. T t t io. i& anern f xm ct '-aft In l a, r ear af Incumbrance. 2 f .i iota !: 1.' 6icmr fruit t.e aad rfcki ma - h iu e . a tut a bout a. x -ruum new r fte- y aw n'.ifrn h ouo on g od a:ref. '-4nort or Irvtngfon diMrt prerred. ii I at'tum. H..r.a Wod.awn -H KO.U.k.T TRADES. arr atevkei. realy to e? In. ten niautea fnua aUctrt.. valy geai, take tr I '.twj e?r rMidav. re t aoit at tf V hat all kinS of go tra-lea. -hrrnera and boi-atr (eilowa atay away. F. t u h 4.'( h. cf Com. S l.TH in lnta It ft. front. IJ7 t. 4ep. a acra oa S-d at. twiaifn Mt. itit( and Eracada rarlln. or arfic on north for lw i Kiver Nout j miUa front Wllandi for a home cloa la. I' ban a U ua i.'e. i rY property, centrally located, and ranch. Southern lregon. Ijw a'-rea, equipped, to trad for a large ranch, either a heat ran. h of a iitv-rif iej or cattle ranch, up to iYo or :.o. Inquire lti Or and ae. s. li- A"IC F a e, improved ranch near Bea vert on. half mti to car, for one or more ho.o .. f.ifnt value: prefer Ml Scott tirirt: will include laving hens, 1 row and Unplciuvui. 61o Cham, of Com. bldg. HAVE 1H shares mill a. ck that alaavi pa a ' di oJenda, beidej accumulated urpiue. stock now worth Al.uvu. W ant Vai"v farm to fjJ.'ei or !ea. tl IS liKt'h.. 4JH Henry PMf. ConNER, J-Ih, apartmenl-houe site. c om in. aa diatance. -at blue. lt-'et harg.n in J' Might con aider trad to ;4mk. rte 910.inhj. J t. tiTAFF. tlerimger R .tg. FCITT In 7 -room houe. all mod- rrn con Yen la area, large mi. pavea street. Feet oid. walking dUtanre : e-hang fc amaiier prorty farther out, ciear or nearly clear. AN iG. oragonian. VAMMIVEH. WASH lots, about 12n fet frm the ertnr line, fine building lota: near tre barratks. for a house In l'or:'and. a i.l aaaurne. m glit comid . r-ie J. ii. Oua.aff. T,l i.rnincrr bidg, W E Jl AVE the flneet aaaortment of young gvld.nga and tnarra. neighing from 1 -. to Wit pvutida, and mulea aeighing from lotto to 1400 pounds; aiao seven eeta of diubl hora harncaa; all atok void altb guarantee. aVRAZIER A McI.KAN. 4' E. Hth and Main. 61" A N of geldinga. vt. 2Im tba.. 7 and 8 yr. old. aoun.l and true, work aingla or nnutie. $m. opan of very blocky-built geldings, h rtara old each. vt. 250 Itta.. free of bletmehea, giMxl workers, l-'IHi. aleo noma small horafa we will sell cheap and 1 J head of young marca weighing around 14 lbs. At Alotiai Mablea. .tu and lavia. FcF K young farm mares, also '1 ceidlnga. weighing frotn to 1175 lbs., all sound and broke to any kind of work : 4 good ttoubl harneea. 4 farm wagon. Com and sea them, work and try them youreeif ; no reasonable offer rrfujied. Call Tranafer liam. -oa Uuaeell. near WlUUms ave. FINE PIANO BARGAINS. We are offering a good uaed Stetnway upright for F-'TS. aleo a Decker Son for $150; a Rehr Bros, for $lbo; a Haliet At Da via. lGo; we have a number of good eeconU-hand organ for $,IQ. $4U. We have three good used baby grands at greatly reduced prices a Kurlimaa, Ma son A Hamlin and Haaleton Bra. Visit our piano exchange department. "tt Floor. I.tpmin, Woife A to. TAKE NOTICE. Juat received carload of good young norae ana marna, wght. 1 11X3 to loon inn.. from 4 to A yra. old; aome well-matched teama, heavy boned and bloc ay built. If In market far good bmA call at L. S. St a hi. -ii. Front at. Williamson. IIAVR three fine young; team of hornet, all In fine condition and will work any here; etrelieni blooded stock; will at reanonabie pr1-; harnsa aiao. W. K. avavie, au iieiana. Or. J'hone .No. Ii, AM forced to sell team, age fi and ft. UoH) lb., and harneaa: 3 dairy coaa. 14 chick en, S-lnch Bain wagon, farm wagon, plow. harrow, cultivator, all small tools, milk cans and patla. soeder. hack, harnesa. aeo- arator. Bargain if taken at once. Call sio otn il Phone lain fiuoA. FtR KALE Flna 6-yer-old atanda,rd bred onviog nora. wl i.mmj ids. : thla hurae ia porfoct; aJso fin cart, rubber Urea, mad py n. a. iioyer, by recuse. . Y. : horse. cart and htrmaa. A Seybold, 75 E. oith at. N.; U' car, get off at dth, 2 blocks aoutn. TEAM, mare and gelding, weight -CkK) ibe.. o ana a year oid, souna and true. go. 12 head of young, sound and blocky-built ALMOST new Columbia Urafonola with push button filing system, mahogany finish, guaranteed perfect shape; regular price al'.'i; will aeil for tlOd and give -4 aelec ttons of muaic, on terms of 910 down and 94. AO per month. We do as we advertise, lirlng this ad with you. Bush A Lane IMano Co., comer lth and Wash sta. Dealers ln Vlctrolas. Sonoraa, Columbia n n d record a. VOSE A bo.V piano for aa4r, only 9150. some terms, una conauion, otaumui good used piano much better than a "Cheap John" new one, and will last a lifetime. Also 93 talking machine, stan dard make, good aa new. walnut case, at great reduction. Room 21ft Panama bldg., ,;d and Alder. Tel. Main 3I0 from 10 A,, M. to 4 P. M., or house phone Broadway i '-'7 IT? for appointment. I CLOSl.NO OITT 927.1 upright ptano h - s :l.o one. a:. rain, ann -i-o vu. 91iri earn. Also modern, virtually new 937," upright, 910; a 945 one. 9-115 cash; a 990 organ, 90 cah. at Security Storage Co.. 109 4th st- at Washington st, P-"0" stored. 50c monthly, or bought and sola for cash. Phone Main 5323. PIANOS taken in trade; we will exchange a new grafonola In oak. mahogany or wal nut finish, price 9120. nd records to the amount of 915 fr your piano, we no as we advertise. Pring this ad wun you. , ,,.k . ine Piano Co.. cor. 12th and W aBhlnjrton st.. dealers In vKtrolas, Sonoras. Columblas and records. UKNUINE Edison diamond disc. oniciai laboratory model, very iaiem. au'vninuv atop and modulator, beautiful mahogany case. In perfect condition, used very Mttle. with worth of diamond disc records. Otitllt cost $ il.r. only 1230. Vern U W ea ger, 142 H I'd tupstalrsi. near Alder. UKAT'TIFI'Ti IXHOPHONE CABIMST HORNLESS TAbKlNii ftlA-" ii " hoganr case. Plays any make diao rec ord, 935: easy terms. OEVFRTZ FURMTimE COMPANY, ISA to 191 First st., near Yamhill Publlo Market. FINE Edison Amberola, 934i mooei. wun tM Candy records; aa guaranteco m feet condition; cost new 92T.O; only foT. 910 down. ' per month. W 111 take In your old-style machine a part payment. Vern L. W enger, 142 i 2d upstairs), near Aider. FOR SALE. Pianoa. Organs and Musicai Instrument. PIANO BARGAINS 9450 Smith A Barnes, handsome mahogany, case like new, 9135; 9450 full size Wheeler piano, good ma hogany case, 9117.&0 cash for quick sale. Storuge Co., 312 Worcester bldg. Main JlfcMS4. 400 ACRES of piling and saw timber. Call or address Young & West fall, Sherwood, Or. rurniture for Sale. WESTERN" SALVAGE CO., FURNITURE SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK. Black walnut bedroom suite dresser, bed ami commode), 922.50; solid mahogany dresner Said bed. 95o ; larg-e. niaaAive, oak highboy chiffonier, 917; Princess dresser In birdseye maple. $17.50; chiffonier in hirdseye maple, with mirror, $18; solid oak chiffonier. $10; Iron beds, $2.50 to $5: bed springs. $1 and up; davenport. $18 and up; No. H cook stove, $H; Superior Bridge Beach steel raatre, with water colls, $o"; 5-hole steel range, small sixe, $lo; Acorn malleable steel range, 18-ln. oven. 915 ; Acorn gas range, up-to-date, the $45 kind, in fine condition, for $25; genuine Wilton rug. H 3x10.6, the $85 quality, we have two of them, one In two-tone green and one in tan colors, $30 for the green one, $35 for the tan one; 9x12 tapestrv Brussels rug. $13.50; 9x12 ingrain rug. $350; "Huosler" kitchen cabinet, 918; equare extension tables. 94. 5o; round extrnnion tables. $0.5o and up; wheel invalid) chair. $10; library tables, $3.50 and up; center tables, $1.25 and up; kitchen tables, 75c; several rooms of linoleum. 35c to 50c ocr yard: baby beds, iron and steel, $3.75 to $7.50; full size rubber hath tub, 95; "Daisy" vacuum cleaner, 93.50. We do all sort of ex changing, allowing you a liberal price for your old furniture, carpets and stoves. We furnish houses throughout with new or fine used furniture, on easy payments. we cnarge no interest ana we deliver xree of charge goods In the city and surround ing. For out-of-town customers we pack And ship, without charge, to wharves or depot. Give us a call at our new loca tion. Nice, clean stock and -large variety to select from. N WESTER SALVAGE COMPANY. 06 1-503 Washington, cor. 17th st. Both phonos. tDoa't mistake the address.) BIG RED UCT ION aI ND AVE N PORTS. We have just received a carload of bed davenports in a variety of the vt-ry latent designs: all have the Sln Patent Nu-foid bed construction that will hold a 40 or 45-pound mattress, which injures as much comfort as any regular bed. We bought these right and can pave you from $10 to $25 oa the prices asked by the up town stores, and give you terms it ac-sired. MISH FT'RNITITRE CO., 184 First street. FOR SALS, Furniture for sale. BARGAINS IN OFFICE FURNITURE. High-grade, up-to-date, roll-top desk, solid quarter-sawed oak. wit h sanitary base, 42 inches wide, cost $03 recently, now $45. One brand-new, solid oak, flat top desk, with aniiary haser 52-inch. top. worth $35, for $28.50. One 62-inch, solid oak, flat-top deak. slightly used, for only $10.73. Two 52-incb, flat-top desks for $12.50 cah. MISH FURNITURE CO., 181 First st. TWO NEARLY COMPLETE OUTFITS. HERE THEY ARE. THE BEST VALUES IN MONTHS. Quarter-sawed oak plank top dining table that extends to 6 feet $21.50 Set of six solid oak chairs, with genuine leather slip seats 23.40 Golden polished dining table equare top extends to 6 feet 9.00 Set of six golden polished chairs to match -. 9.00 Handsome quarter-sawed oak buf fet, with fall length beveled Plate mirror 29.50 Quarter-sawed oak Morris chair, with, genuine leather auto-cushion seat and loose cushion back 25.00 Quarter-sawed oak Princess dresser, with lSx30-in. beveled nlate mirror. top la 22x42 Inches 25.00 Golden finished dresser, with 18x24- inch mirror 8.00 Light golden waxed, combination bookcase and writing desk 12.00 Velour upholstered couch, with back rest Two full size iron beds, one for $6.75. the other for One three-quarter size in blue for only Full-size wood frame spring Full-size steel spring Reliable table era ranae. set ud and connected 42.50 4-burner Vulcan Bias rauge set up and connected 25.00 9x12 Floral design Axmfnster rug... 25.00 .EDWARDS COMPANY, Fifth and Oak St. A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE. Your Credit Is Good as Gold. FOR SALK Ty pew ri ten. 6.00 S.50 5.50 3.00 6.7 THE BEST DINING ROOM SET WE EVER BAD IN the store o4-in. solid, quarter- sawed oak dinlno: table, dividing pedestal: nO-lnch buffet, wondertul china closet and 6 heavy chairs and 2 big carvers, all to match, in lirat-irrade. selected, ouarter- sawed oak. Chairs are upholstered in finest genuine black leather. This set came from a fine LaurHhurst home and cost nearly $40o; same as new; $225. See it in our miow window. tasy terms. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, 195 to 191 First st.. near Y amhill Public Market FOR SALE Wardrobe, oavenport, chairs. baby bucgy and iron couch. 2to East 2d st., N. Dogs, Birds and Pet Stock. SELECTED STOCK. Before buying g-t our prices on rebuilt typewriters from our selected stock, fully guaranteed. Very easy pnymenus. Ma chines sent on week's examination, fnee of charge. Rebuilt Denarfmenr. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., 88 Broadway. Phone Broadway 621. BU HROL'G HS adding machine, with stand, like new, $100; butcher's scales, $10; one large hand truck for handling heavy bar rels, $lo; two hand trucks, each $0. Call 3 29 Front st. UNDERWOOD No. 5 typewriter, elegant con dition, 2 -col or ribbon, back spacer, elite type; price $72.50. $13 down, $4 monthly, or will rent for $4 per month. Hyatt I'alk Ing Machine Co.. 331 Morn&on. NE W Remington rental plan, rent applies to purchase. Visible models. Remington Typewriter Co., bS Broadway. Phone Broadway 821. Launches and Boats. FOR SALE. 12,000 TONS STEEL RAIL. 14 LorOMOTICES, DIFFERENT TYTES AND SIZES. 1 10-TON LOCOMOTIVE CRANE. 12 MARROW-GAUGE LOCOMOTIVES. 15 STEAM SHOVELS, DIFFERENT SIZES AND TYPES. ALL KINDS OF SECOND-HAND MA CHINES BOUGHT AND SOLD. ALL IN FIRST-CLASfiJ SHAPE AND READY FOR SERVICE. 70-1 AMHERST ST. COLUMBIA 331. FOR SALE Glass-cabin launch. 37x7Vj. 42- H. P. Campbell medium duty engine, speed 12 m. Houso lor same 55x20, built on pontoons. The best outfit of its kind on the river. Could not be duplicated for $0000: $2000 cash, no trades considered. 21-foot launch, 3 4j -H. P. Gray engine, 81 m., good condition, $150 cash. A. T. Whitman, Standard Boathouse, foot of Madisou. SUITABLE for river or deep-sea trolltnp; length 34 ft.. bam 9 ft. 0 in., raised for ward deck, cabin and pilot-house com bined; lo-ft cockpit; 4-cyllnder, 4-cyre. 20-11. P. engine. Will eell for $100, less' t han she could be built fur today. Al 51. Oregonlao. ATTENTION, FISHERMEN If you want a bargain in a Columbia River- fish boat, fully equipped, phone Sell wood 417. Don't delay, this will go quick. AIREDALE puppies, sired by Ch. Bllmer cestor's. Best ou Coast. 5 months, $40 FOR QUICK SALE will sacrifice 35-ft. 20- each. McKenna Park Kennel McKenna ave. and Lombard a. Coi. 14. enclosure 20x15. house 4x10: all for $10: pointer dos, well trained, 2 years old, gen tle. So. Frederick iJoisen, Aurora, or.. Route 3. BELGIAN hares and New Zealand rabbits, good stock, for sale cheap, and 3-home-power gasoline engine. Call 1670 iC. 23d t ' DkA .spuwoou car. base, ltt-luch oven, big V-inch hot-water I xivz-n. inx t ""uu"l-c'1 o.Uoo coils. A truly wonderful range, sugntiy passenger launch, with 17-H. P. en cine, all in first-class condition. The Manu-Auder-pon Co.. 1502 Yrvjn bldg. FOR SALE at a bargain, one 35-H. P. Atla marine engine, guaranteed in first-clHss condition. The Maan-Andcrson Co., 1502 Y con bldg. PHEASANTS 1 cock, 3 'hens, beauties; wlreS-ROOM bougeboat. excellent proposition for CANARIES and other cage birds, kittens. pups, pets, cages, goods, remedies and supplies Illustrated bird ana pet cata logue free. Routledge, 1 15 Second St., near Alder. shipbuilder in tliis city, Vancouver or le- wnere. oou lor quick saic. AJ 40, ore-gonian. WANTED Fts-hboat up to 40 ft.; sea worthy: must jbe in A-l condition, riprht price; give full description and where lo cated. AP 55. Oregonian. SEA WOLF. 38-ft. seagoing cruiser yacht; worth $5000; sell $25ou. Would make line fish boat. 409 Multnomah Hotel. mares weighing about 1350, at th Model I SEVERAL used pho-nographs. like new Siables, 5th and Davis. A WRITER press with extra good supp.y ipe, uit.e used: cost iio; itl sell for .u. or might trade; juat the thing for circulars and all a mail printing. 12 Front I Street. lir.AJ siora ana oia no rat nought. Call up I "r -1 in r auu , ilia rciUKX 31H- waukie CU-J. Phone call paid on dead I toe. HEAVY FARM HORSES. We havo 2 teams of heavy horses that w win sen cneap. Multnomah r uel Co. A LOT of iiudwood and other wagons for eaia; aso norse ana harness: parties go ing out of th horse business. Appiy 20 i.rjnn ave. l Vlctrola and cabinet. $:.on 1 120-dlso cabinet phonograph $9o.OO I 1 r.,mrx n.hnnoirean1 and 50 rec ords and cabinet, all for $10.00 Cali Emu Gehrm at "20',i MUwaukle. or I Tel. Sell. 3227. - KvrHivr.E YOTTR RECORDS. No doubt you have many good records that you are tired of. Do you know that you can exchange these for fresh late records by paying a tew cents un ferenoe? The Talking Machlna Record, Exchange. 516 Filers bldg. 20c DAILY buys $35 piano, less zo per cent. $2Si.Zo: uc aauy uuya o.'j piae mano. less 25 per cent, $487.50. Best " savings bank for the home; secures musi cal education, entertainment bmu um i-'uk-erty. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth st. j used. Our price $50. including pipe, de livery and all plumbing to range. We have a big stock of usea ranges, gaa ranges. and cook stove that will save you a lot of money. Terms If desired. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. ltj to 191 First st., near Yamhiil Public Market. NEW AND OLD BOUGHT AND SOLD OKI FURNITURE COMPANY at service: Sunburt. orange: Blue Boy, blue: Peggy Boy, white; lango, snaaea WANTED Canoe and equipment, bargain silver. 1250 E. Morrison st 209 Second St., Pnone A 1209 BEAUTIFUL choice canary birds at the Bird Shop. 1151 East 28th st. North. Phone C 2217. YOUNG Airedale doe. fine specimen, noth ing better; reasonable if assured good home; act quick. K 35. Oregonian. FOR SALE Beautiful yellow singer and female canary, also large Breeding cage; cheap; good stock, w oodiawn anw.. FOR SALE Two hign-ciasa Boston bull terriers, also several other amaii oreeus. Call lol 11th st. N. FO ft service. Boston terrier. "King Newo. registered, A. iv. c. mini, arnone lauor 9 7 q i -w i n i mrvnuin icn.THV T3T7"5 slightly used. Oriental pattern, in a vari- I BELGIAN HARES, good stock, cheap. Four I and good condition; state particulars. -A L u, t'regonian. LATE model typewriter, AI condition, cheap tor casn. i aoor 4.t4. PROPELLER steamboat, for towing or con vert to xismng. ii uu, oregonian. GAS LAUNCH, row boat and some salmon seines, aialn 7930. Marshall 5364. NEW launch-house reasonable. Would make a dandy houseboat. Sellwood 1216. FOUR-ROOM and bath houseboat, up-to- date, in oungaiow style, hell wood 249. FOR SALE or trade, 3-rooni etrictiy modern hungalow-bousoboat. K 76, Oregonian. Automobiles, Yol.SO, sound team that w-liche SoO! Iba. with heme. $.io; one odd horse, weirht Mm), for $7o. At Central Door A Lumber Co.,I3th and Ollsan st. THREE good farm teama. weighing 240A Iba., &oo lb, and 2nou in,, harneaa and wagon: must b sold. 1967 East Stark. Wontavllia car. ety of rich tones, making it suitable for any room in the nouse. a spienaia oar gain at $44.73. Also 9xJ2 Brussels rug in good condition for $10. StaxlO used Brussels rug in two-tone brown for $10. to. .Easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 184 First street. . NEW hornless Lyric phonograph and i J selections lor siw.ou, sens reguiarjy ior ..... . t - t ,i x k I 't In m hi A or Victor' records- guaranteed 'for one year THREE SPLENDID BARGAINS IN GAS Terms. $2 cash. 50c week. EDWARDS RANGES $45 Vulcan gas range, with does (bred), buck and 8 3 moutna old. Phone Oak Grove. 152 M. FOR SALE Three Chinese pheasants for $7 Phone W oodlawn 1924. nosTdV TERRIER dud. sire, little "Charlie Chaplin," dam, Cramus (Beppo). Mar. 3061. SETTING EGGS for sale, $6 per 100. $1.25 per set. Phone Tabor btJ. CO.. Fifth and oak sta. A TEAM weighing 22k) II,; matched team. und. will work in any harness: harness and farm wag'jtt, $14o, W oodyard on cor ner or r.. ntn ana iiawtnorne. WONDERFUL KROEGER PLANO, In nolld rust wo u case, in apieiiuiu iuuuhivi. tone, $2Mi; easy terms can oe arrangeu, i GEVURTZ rlKMltnr. LuwrAi. 1S3 to 191 First at., near Yamhill Public Market. - elevated aide oven and broiler, four cook- In ir burners and aim merer. $24. Installed. One Estate gas range for $13.50. One "Direct Action" gas range for $12.50. cou rt ec te d. W e guara n tee t h eee r an g es to give satisfaction. Fasy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 184 First street. FOR SALE Singers, females. 50c. East 660. Phone ONE bay team, weight 30, at $450; Juat ngni ior ioging or lunioer nauiing. ia.i East "338. F. W. Kipper. 410 lioiladay a e. ALL RECORD Brunswick phonograpn. nas gy'ERAL MAGNIFICENT SILK FLOSS vioiin-conairucieu AND FELT MATTRESSES, full sixe, n nrst grade flora! and striped ticks, from the Gale Hotel, lianas, iney woum cosv new WANTED Teams for hauling tie and lum ber; close to Portland; South Hall: wage: by contract. sis Kail way r.xchunge. OK bALE one good stock pony, spotted: aiao a good single-footer pony; weight I ih pound. 7ti . uurungion it TWO wagons for sale reaaonabla. Broadway Towel bupply. wagons at Portland Pure M 1 1 a: to. atabie, fc. aa ana uroa.iway. WANTED Work for 13 heavy horaea. Gov one-third leaa In pric than other manes, plays all records, better be sure to see one. Wakefield Music Co.. 427 Wash, st. FIRST-CLASS Edison phonograph, play U and 4-minute recorua. enu io records, price $12.50, $4 down. $3 month ly. Hyatt Talking machine Co., 331 Mor TRADE your piano, phonograph or any mu sical instrument ior a new iui u"ril,y I'hone us to come and make you a good offer. Main o5mL Seiberling Lucas Music Co.. 124 4th St. from $20 to $:t5. Only slightly used. A great snap. $10 to $15: terms. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 1S5 to 191 First st., near Yamhill Public Market. ernmant work preferred.' A. E. Freeburger" I ALMA GLUCK We have just received t Weal Park. lK SALE 2 horses In ood condition, i weigh about l"o lb. Call 761 Rodney ave. or phone Wood lawn 1 .'. br.AO rtortibs ana animals hauied away tree. rortiaua itanaering Co. call W ood- laan ,'. OUR head goad farm work horses. 10Oo ll'Hi, 9.5 each; also 2-year-old co.t, 12 wo. !"", 4 ail Alder st. kLAl.TV MEN. NOTICE. If vou tn a cirut wiahmg t trad ranch or property In a low altitude for Summer rru addre J. r. Egeoaperger, JnfcpS. r Ar Mr .!: rti farv sree nvar New b-. all in cn'fva. toaj. rrt lo crop: batld n. t . 9ta4. M .rtgAtr 9i. J year, per cent. Waul VAJ pout r'f eril'y. tMLF.Y. 4-4 N W BANK 4 ACKES of unimproved land Dear Carl ton, r . free of Incumbrance, to xchane f r I'ort land home. C. M. lerr. lloo N. W. Hank bid bit K I'. MAN CO. WHEAT LAND, i . acre arri oth. good Soil, sell fair terma. take port, and for part. be owner, 314 "'nm. t'om. Mar. '-4'. 1 I K property, eity. farrn or arrtir. naa snertt and 1 reaaanably prtri. we " or vienang it; have sum ex aert'ortAl bar itna. TAI.L.UAix.a; htCALTT CtMPANY. ' Henry bldg, Marshall 350. -A HK bouaa wT!h m acres cf land a!T In fry.:, an.l f.wr. at 'ik rove. near and riar. price ;). w t ; t.aa a prt piTwnt small hnu or r.'ir-;ow. rloa- m the c!v. to h v-4ua of e. " I -..iyj 4 A i: n gton b!g IVALU p artment. t urnished. rented . tn roira 9 1Wp month; n't for la'1 y : $ Iom caf or mr'ipi wl.l hand. a; wiil for fo.(ht;.s rinvi. S'04'kel. ei!ppe. lfc.4l wi-h owner A.l ;rrM 4lJ JviKfoa !. KRT TJHK ft.R FAR ML tla of bat en t-t Sue doing 9?4X r' month Invlc arotm.i A4tMi Clean, aland, gfing btiat Hnnl f.rm HAt'l.KT. 4tH N W. BANK ULtnl. -KiM..W mtxlera home; flreplare. cl In. t:t Mi.le. or 3 lout. pvi street, trade for ia. 4r houe. must f mieraa 2 bed" rooma an 2 lots, pay dt3erenv. AF 71, T""g n .art aiHAN'i my 4rwnn moiern buncaiov on N W. rortiae. II iwthorr tlttriri for 5 room mKiern bur a.ow. on I or 2 tore f jr nr out, aaa imi-.g some TaNir 37' 2 AC K i: w.-.l linprovett. bear I ert."n". t t nai4 for c.voU hntut in rorr.artd. J..hnt.B-iuia Co.. eC4 Nortawcatara Ft an a b .1 t 1 oA. ijiurur b.oca. f.n location f.r C" or pir-ti'ita or gara t-. Wa- of atul $l&.vuK No agaata. a J. bUSi- f m ore- li ?E and on M.arie nr Williams . a'ua 9-r'rt: etrrtaega f,e farrn e'l-ial vatue titn.r. Ota Martuo. 624 East Utb N . l'-t'artl $; " ' t, H mon' h a-t 9 1 J.ooti W eaf Si la Snnmr (i.)na. 9'mmi nrnrifir: w ttl ex eiaie e tn'reet fr a 9 lov ban it o w ; iirnian IO A HES. NEAR rt.ilTl.AM For a nice i:?t. home in I'ort laud; oi-ne or pav cash dlfff rente. t;E T M4if;K '.. Ating:.n RTdg 5 At'ikKS. pew 5.itn bunge.ow. barn, cloa tn. good for chukena. small dairying tkm 5 or 6-rooin houe part pamiDL twner. t t . Irfiin. IiA lb aert tract of mm1 rioeia acre age to trj.!a for cjt y property. bCANDIN VVTAN-AM FRIf AN REALTY '. i.')-.'. laeory Hide. KoH INCi'MK CITT l'RPERTY. Desirable 3n-acr grain ranch near R. R.. in. I,:rrn .ration, a. so modern home In R. K. terminal city. A 27. Oregonian. FoR PALE or trade 9-room house and 1 acr cleared at a4etsr station for bo us and lot In town; good outbuilding. Ta bor 33IO. W ILL FXCHAV'GK g k-room dwelling at K !. Wah.. for Portland property, or mske ret aacriric for cash. BD e5, i rTrhn. DAIRY farm, stocked and enulpoed. F.x- rhanc for mm-handlae say hind. Will pay ciah difference. t. R. Cotton. Y equina, i tfri on. Wil.L traje an aad Cv airhtl; h-riHim house, ctoee in. htlr lota. N'ob Ittll Anne. In a.m. for good property In Portland. AO 45. 'regonlan. TRAl'E for ranch. Ircotn property or buel neaa in a low altitude, a rummar reeort, fa!iv equipped. J. F. Egensperger. Joseph, r-ton. v'A NTKD Larger farm In exchange for my 2J-are borne, well Improveti, near Port land, en carl In. Box 2V, route 1. Oe- ego. or. 1 A'- V o' eltit-rr-4 ber,nc orv rir.i, ;u-.nb-re sad Ve.ow Newtown, ta t.i take 1'ert- a prop r v. Oregon!. TO KC II A NC. F M ISC F-I.LANFOrw. SWAP a pair of finest quility blue kid wen lug s;ipp-r. gise 6, i wttlth : will sell reasonable or swap for rue; also s fin me, i a! volume. in perfect con d ft Ion. ta.ut $tO: wiil trade for rug or what have you M 4o. of ii,KN et-wnd-banil apple and pear boea. 7 rente each; aiao .o grai or to mato lu boxes. 5 cenia earh; boxea acart-e and hv.i: buy theae now and be ready I .ur crop. Call 121 Front at. WAXT horses over 1200; will traGe acreage. iota, nous, no incumbrance. All Oregonian. 1 NEED a farm team, wagon and harnei Will trade my lklft auto, electric light ana smarter, ior a me. -j a nor a.Hl. KENTUCKY JACK, aired by Jumho Mac. No. 4U43. Address W. J. Bitter, 253 Meade street. FOR SALE Light farm wagon box. fully iron en ana paintea. .ever used, t'rice $i. Aioena i,or. a.o.. .utn ana Atoerta. r.rrv M Back From Old Virginia." by Alma Oluck. in Victor records. Limited supply. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison. rri5fiv Hear the new Edison diamond disc PhonocrftDh. electric stop, mae- i structlble records, special terms. Writ for catalogue. Hyatt Talking Jiacnine to.. 311 Morrison 910 CASH buys $373 Ernest Gabier upright nintin ann itu cam ijju oa-iiui Helnze p ayer piano at Security Storage Co.. 109 4th at. at wasningion. THREE bass viols. 1 'cello, 1 piccolo, 1 flute. ketti druma. l mnrimuo. 45 music racKS. If interested address Laurelhurst Club or call N. O. Pike, Main lt74. ! PIA USED SHOWCASES, BOTH FLOOR AND COUNTER Meat showcase, witn remger ating bae, cheese cutter. National cash register and various merchandise suitable for stores and restaurants, at very low prices. r.KvrRTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. Ib5 to lil First sc. near Yamhill Public Market. 160 JEWEL STEEL RANGE FOR $31.50 This ranee Is every bit as good as new. nice, smooth top, duplex grates and water I con, eei up mm uu11utr1.-t.m4 ivi i satisfaction guaranteed. Also 6-hole Sur prise steel range in good condition for e-o. easy terma. M16H FURNITURE CO., 184 First street. THE following goods on sale In our used dept.; I large oak bookcase. $l.5u; 1 large quartered oak sideboard. $22.50; 2 walnut panor cnairs, upnuiaiei-eu jh wy eetrv. tM 50 each: 6 oak dining chairs. ttr.ii ea-h: 1 oak extension table. 6-foot. $12.50; rockers, $2.50 to $5. Wm. Gadsby sons, 1st ana v asningLon ta. SELLS FOR LESS. WANTED Pair of Irish setter bird dogs, j Phone Main 3C'J0. FOR SALE Thoroughbred toy Boston bull terrier puppy, labor 22S. SERVICES $4. registered orange; silver Persian kittens sold. Tapor iai. FOR SALE "Topaz." famous orange male. at a sacrifice. M rnst izn r. CANARIES, trade for chickens or potatoes; singers and females. 88 E. 8th st. North. FOR SALE Thoroughbred fox terrier pups, reasonable, woouiuwn TJia. REGISTERED female English bull for sale. Tabor 655S mornings. WANTED A Tabor 24 6. STREETCARS For Sal p. STANDARD GAUGE. 4-fL, Closed Center. Open Ends. Double Brill Trucks. SEATING CAPACITY. 3C. LOCOMOTIVES. . .. INDUSTRIAL CRANES. FLATCARS AND GONDOLAS. RELAYING RAILS. A C, CALLAN. 413-414 Oregon Bldg. Broawway 330. setter puppy, male. Phone PIT bull pups for sale. Tabor 1727 Livestock. LANOLA piano player and loO fins rolls I w PT'TiVlTlTRE CO music. cot $30o. price $37.50. $10 down. OWL FURNITURE CO. $2 50 munthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. H?r?ngl $1 up DEAD stock taken quickly; we pay the most tor aeau ana crippled stock. 'labor 4203. 1 WORK HORSE for sale; weight about 1.00. aiatu 4. JJ. bjj First st. TEAM. htmfi and wagon to trade fr tva. labor . 0. 531 Morrison (exchange dept.). wiXTEn To rent, bv couole without chil dren, a good piano: will pay reasonable 1 rent. Phone Mr. Flanlgan, Hotel Ockley, Marshall 230. Mattresses, $1.50 Up. Chairs, 75c up. Dressers, $5 up. Dining tables. $3 up. 204 FIRST STREET. $45o CABINET grand piano, used one year; j 50 OXIDIZED METAL CHAIRS, with quar W A VTKla A sound hors welghmg about 10a. en. 4. r goniaii. la io;e 94ni. of borsen. ham cm, a agon. uaR ,rove i-w. 'iliitLE hor a bargain. av about 1200 pounds each; SUA -d BL liaow. Organs and MnacJ iDMnimeiKa, A FRIEND of the firm la leaving the city and wants us to seil for them one of the f meet ma horn ny talking machines ever made (coet 922.1 and Just like new: will take $155 cesa or diamond, liberty bond or a nat nave you 1 At this price the n nrde (nearly AO latest selections! are in cluded. We have also left with us on sale an elegant regular $so machine which can oa had for on.y 96.. cash or easy pay ment, isee mt. coruner. main rioor Ei.ers Music House. Eliers bldg. Entrance No. 142 Broadway, at Alder st. do not want expense of shluolnc: Snuth : will rent or sell cheap for cash or Liberty bonds. Write Mr. Hike. Eaton Hotel. COLUMBIA graphs phone and 30 records. coat new ior oniy iin caan. 50c a week. EDWARDS CO., Fifth and Oak sta ONLY $300 Beautiful manor, any piano 1 paver, excellent tone, new styie e ana 65-note, inc. M music roll and bench; best buy In the city. 24 Market st. W ILL exchange new lctrola. Grafonola or Edison and re corns ior goo a organ. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 331 Mor- rlson. vjh.son Amberola and 20 blue Amberol rec ord, only ao. .to aown, i wee a. vern 1 w enger. iu -'a (upstair, near 1 Alder. tar-aawed oak seats. Thev sell for S3. 75 new. We can sell these for $2.75 each. They are Just the chair for Ice cream parlors or restaurants. rjnsy terma. MISH FURNITURE CO., 184 First street. SLIGHTLY used 5-piece green plush up- lioiaierud narlor aeL mahogany finish. $24.50: on 4-plece Imitation Spanish leather parlor set, mahogany finish, $114. OWL MIKiNllUKe -0 204 First street. 20 FINE. HEAVY, 2-INCH CONTINUOUS POST BEDS in ivory, Vrnis Martin, and white. Sell regularly for at m. r.KVTTRTZ FURNITURE COM PANT, 15 to lfl First st., near Yamhill Publio Market. AUCTION SALE. Brush Prairie, Wash.. Mora., March IS, 10 -Mil A. M. 9 cows. 1 fullblood Durham, 8 high grade Jerseys. 4 fresh by time of sale, 6 j Durham heifers. 2 fresh. 4 to freshen I soon: 2 Durham calves. Durham bull com ing 2 years old, from N. C. Hall herd, of Ridgefield; all tubercular tested; 6-year- old horse. 1300 lbs. : matcnea team a-year-old mares, 2600 lbs.; O. I. C. hogs, 4 O. I. C. brood sows, one with pigs, others to farrow soon: 12 head To to inu-10. snouts. 40 Barred Rock hens, big lot machinery. SAM FRAlJENJiUKU. OWNER. COL. W. S. WOOD, 1 AUCTIONEER. ' AUCTION SALE. Battle Ground. Wash., Tues., March 19, 11 A. M. 16 milch cows, Holsteln. Jersey, Durham. These cows will be fresh within month: Jersey bull, 3 years old ; 4 brood sows, team mares, 6 and 7 years, wL, 2400; 3 H. P. gas engine. Sharpless separator, Swiss power corn cutter, cider mill. Bliz zard ensilage cutter, old spring wagon, small tools. R, D. LAWSON. OWNER. COL. Wr. S. WOOD. AUCTIONEER. GOOD USED CARS AT GREATLY RE DUCED PRICES WHILE THEY LAST. 1IU5 Ford touring, excellent buy.' 9875 Briscoe 5-pass., aluminum body 450 1016 Cole, best buy in city. 1016 Studebaker, extra Winter top, at a sacrifice. Velie touring v lute gas Saxon 2-pass.. like new Ford touring Cole 30 Ford worm drive, new, cheap. Ford bug Ail these cars win bear inspection, come in look them over before you buy. open Sunday. Easy terms. W . H. V ALU.N UFO It LJ. 522 Alder St. Main 2402. 300 . 400 .... 675 . . . . 275 . 250 30O PUBLIC PALE. Wednesday. March 20. at 10 A. M.. 1 miles southeast of Dundee: 40 splend milch cows of high producing quality, con sisting of hiffh-grade Holsteins. Jerse, and Dbrliams; mostiy fresh or comin fresh. One registered Jersey bull. A tubercular tested and free from contagious abortion. C. w. ALT MAN, owner. J. W. HUGHES. Auctioneer. S. L, PARRETT. Clerk. OWL SELLS FOR LESS. We hav a big lot of used carpets, stairs and room sizes, tn Axminsters ana r 11- will, .vi'kanr f l rt rluMi tnlkiri machine for good bicycle, Hyatt Talking Machine I Coos, at in very lowest prices. Co.. 3m Morrison. OWL FURNITURE CO., PIGS, eh oats and young brood sows for sale. Few boars, 5 months old ; Jjuroc Jerseys, Base Line road. 3 miles from Montavilla. Box 5o0, or Mount Hood trai to West Ascot, south to Base Line road. ask for Cross. USED piano wanted In exchange for splen 204 First street. EXTRA loud Grafonola. for dancing, easy to carry. xu:iy guaranteed, on.y 114; 4 down, balance 91 week. ern L. Wenger, 1 a- a -i t upaiairsi. near Aiuer. ords. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth. FOR SALE By private party, late model hmerton piano, in splendid condition: like new. A hlKh-class piano at a bargain. a r ts.1. oregonian. ,.KIn. t.lbinr m.r-hln mH rM. I 20 VINE 5-INCH RISER STEEL SPRINGS. IOr XU II-BIZe UeUS, III 44.1 ucw 4.-uuu.t- tion. regular :, ror g.Y.w eacn. ;evurtz furniture company, 163 to 191 First St., near Yamhill Publio Market. A i U A R A N 1 K ED 9110 phonograph, with $-5 worth of records; records of your own choice; term. Co., 9th st. G. F. Johnson Piano , W I LL give high-grade, all-record talking machine and j:amond ring tor upright piano. 1 vt, oregonian. GENUINE Fisher upright piano, only $135; term jtfti itn st. FoR SALE Stewart tenor banjo. $7. 206 13th. st. VICTOR talking machine and 15 records. oniy 4.k ibi ivtn su THREE lot In city of Tacoma, free, clear. trs'ie ior goo a piano, r 1 1. jrr conian. S20 VK'TROLA. aim oat new. guaranteed. only si.; 9.1 down, i weea. vern 1. wen ger. 142 2d QJpstairsi. near Aider. RENT, or consider buying If cheap, cash. piano, upright, mahogany. Call Main due. mornings. $350 KINDER A COLLINS, $'la. Imu rarrana cecuian piayer, sis. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 3S4 Yamhill SL HAVE beautiful $20O Vlctrola and 20 records to exchange for piano. Hyatt Talking Ma- chlne Co.. 331 Morrison. HIGH-GRADE standard make piano, almost new; will aell cheap, because i am d raited. 432 Washington st. $5'0 PIANO, used 2 years. We are leaving Portland, will take cash. Br 4b, Oregonian. BUSH and Lan mahogany case piano, coat 9oOO. for sale cneap. call u road way 21S2, room 242 Kamapo Hotel. EIGHT. COWS, fresh and coming fresh 1 lew days. J erwtya, uuruuma aiiu nuieicma. 4 to 6 gallons. teii or traoe ior oee cows. Fulton and Rlverview car to Rich ardson ave., 1 block east in pasture. FRESH COW, with calf, giving 5 gallons a day. extra large good dairy cow; sell cneap If taken at once. Oregon oity car to Ar lington Station, up river to wagon bridge, cross, turn to lett. nrst nouse. FURNITURE of six-room modern house for aAia at once, farty can rent nouse wnicn ha line garaen spot ana irun trees REGISTERED' Shorthorn red bull calves. 11 months, sired by grand champion of $14. Call 432 Prescott, Sunday afternoon. Unlon-ave. car. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. $45 davenport witn paa, jji.ou, aeiiv- ered; as good as new. OWL FURNITURE CO., 204 First street. BEDS, dressers, chlffonleres. chairs, refrig- erators. dining-room tables ana Durrets, I porch chairs, fruit jars, etc All real bar- I gain. Come early. No dealers. U39 E. Main. Tabor MU3. 50 IRON beds, springs, mattresses. 4 size. In good condition, $7 bed complete; fit for logging ramp, rooming-nouse or notei. Kline's, 192 1st St.. near Taylor. Oregon; these are In fine condition. Hoi man. 04 5th st.. is. cor, btara st. MILCH coats wanted, write description, age, breeding and price. ruroc-Jeraey hogs for saie. Thoroughbred ,30-pound boar. $75. Joe Smith. e3 Pike, Seattle. MILK GOATS. Fine lot Toggenburg milk goats, fresh kids by side. 302 Front st. Phone Main 3030. ! JERSEY and Holsteln heifers. freh in July, one s-y ear-old Durnam ouu. i:te i ay ior street. PIANOS tuned. 93. George T. Peck. Tabor 4.T4. traq. New lung. Conservatory. MILTON bS-note player piano with JoO rolls I FOR SALE Furniture of modern 6 -room WANTED Pasture $ head cattle. Route 1, box 22, MilwauKle. of music, very cheap. Hall & Cassldy. 126 1 bungalow in best part of Rose city; bunga- I HIGH-CLASS milch gnats, fresh now, r irst. .wain 1 uhb, PAY CASH for used piano. Gi'bert. SM Yamhill st. FOR SALE or rent, nearly new upright pi an. lerma. rroanwar o-m. Harold S. 1 WANTED To buy upright piano, cash; stat make and name, age, condition and price. AM 50. oregonian. fca". f x . buifalner tn I'nri lan-1 ika'e ran pal 00 crop. pavmnt. "iorp T"e a . 7a,ti ave ? E houe aat tot 2 " J a re d t and a I'ort. aad. WILL eachange vocal and Instrumental In atruetion for tlreeamakinr. suit or cloak or rtir vibrator AJ 52. Oregonian. Wit.L Ameriraa Hampahire pica for new tui.a row. it. vt . vt a. born, oaram Pome i'hone Mtin hW. I-H 'i' l rv f'.T p I a-a "l f -" rrper'v aiv tat T'-e e-..n- eft 'lw and fm ft 1'tittrd n tan N W i'4 uni'. a I'.rafono.a and records: will L i' aae for mining a"-k. real e:t. or you have. A V 5i:i. Oregonl.m. . tr i.f r lMl' N i s . r L. 71 I 1 r.l in a 2 a r sao friiii. p 1NO WANTED: havw 2 lote clear of In- . I rumhran.-e to rehange. Jritan, $01-2 i-t I ! 1 ?. ember-men a btcg. iBrT ! WANT Mtv K R AN'i'll Ti 9To nm. ia irr.ornreo income eitr property t tr-a ! 'or same f. o. cog , j. for 4 - rvu -n " I'fcT I' Incubator. No r d 1 7- r. Oliver tire. ntpf. hat rrta'-hine. eT'jreit nebultirr. for hat I aeJ. I'm 1 1 4'4 Dfkdm btdg. ' t Too LOT iear of lnci:rrbrant;e. beautiful W n r t.i T- tr.i ii for beack prt-' view, ai'l trad foe diamond about same r-v Tihf Ml.l I emouet l-4jin iajouau.e.i will aril or trade. AV r. for rrt f t n 1 bi.NTlsTkr foe tvr-ewriirr or what have I y a f I 1. ti-pntin. tra-'e for e4.(:l.a ei.' Kffm I nr b 1 . I he-(r IararifM.-1 lot t -r b.ryci or good g aroe f!' Ht T" A arrrir.wi (r el or tr.-iw fnr ! j aactMSMebU. aa JvauSw AJ L OreoiaA. ) " K Vk . iL'-n.i: p'iver Tn-.. trade r aei. AV 4w2 Orageaiaa. A 1 . E OR EXCHANGE Good violin, nman, 760 E. 40th South. PIANO FOR SALE Upright, walnut case. good condition. A bargain for casta. so dealer. 3t E. Main. Tabor 8493. PIANO WANTED Will pay cash for bar rrln. Main a5sH. CoRN KT for aaie cheap. Tabor 311ft or AL 4(1. regonlan. HAVE $500 Wick piano, damaged by fire. now being reiinisneu; win sen. ror 927H, terms. Wakefield Music Co., 427 Wash. st. WANTED Use of piano for storage; good care taken. Call Marshall 1114. WANTED Piano, upright; cash. 521. Marshall PIANO for aaie; $75 c&ah. $142 on, contract, Phon D 1351. VELIE auto for sile A 1 condition ; f.i'i. just overhauled; Columbia AI2. Ft 'ft S A I . K rood old violin: good tone; $35. S.i.ih Washington at. Room 1 1.1. FoR SALE Brand new player piano, cost 9 41, Hotel Navarre, room 4t7. 17.M PTRA DI VARI US mdel violin. with ca sc. 9.;.", ; bargain. Tabor 1 5. DENTISTRY In exchanr for"taikinc nia rh'no. L 3 4. Ore go n I n n . fcMSON phontgraph. with AO records, for eale or tmd. Setwtod ft.1. WANTED To buy upright piano; will pay rash: one suitable for country home. Fred W. Groves. 250 North llrth. WoULD like to buy Bulck. Hudson. Chand ler or Olds 1 for rash. Desire no trades. Kdgar Brayffeld. box 4. city. SCO RE cards: wa furnish you score cards for your "300" parties without charge, Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison. STEWART phonograph and six 10-lnch D.D. records for 99.10. EDWARDS CO., Fifth and Oak sts. v low for rent. C 34. Oregonian. FOR SALE Full 9x12 Smith Wilton velvet rug, plain brown, good condition; bargain; also 1 mission oan rocKer. .wain ow. I iti'HKN' stove. $10: kitchen cabinet. $2.50: both la good condition. Call Woodlawn 1 995. Toggenburgs. O. F. Goettel. Newberg, Or, FOR SALE A No. 1 horse and cow, very cheap. Call Mar. 2o2. FAMILY cows, several good ones, for sale, fresh. R. Sen lech t. 'i igaru, or. FOR SALE 22 head of sheep. Atrops, Snerwoou, or. G. F. FURNITURE for sale, almost now. 240 Stanton st. Call I WANTED A good milch goat; state breed and full particulars. AR 7. Oregonian. FURNITURE, Harrison. goose feather pillows. 497 FURNITURE for sal very reasonable, dealers. 8S2 Alberta st. FOR SALE, by private party, a young Jer sey cow. Call 3ia urana ave. &. Typewriters. r L HMTLKJS 01 i-room upper nat, ail new, 275; flat ior rent, inquire 10th st. RANGE for sale cheap, st., Vancouver, Wash. Inquire 101 E. 2d WE can save from oO to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send Tor our price lint Retail Department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington st. YICTROLAS and Gmfonolas, new $85 and $110 models just received. Special terma Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 331 Morrison. FOR SALE Will sell or exchange fine 9loA 'cello, saxaphons for first-class 'cello. V 377. Oregonian. tirallv new, A grafonola In test model, prac- . with reeorda. Tabor 3124. W 1 LI. P cash r WA,SIU 91ao to rant. good piano. Kant 7 11 y. Iu7 KENT a piano, most reasonable terms In Portland ; no squares or thump boxes. Harold S. Gilbert. 3K4 Tarn hill at. PIANO, like new; must sell quick: will give easy pavments if taken at on re; cheap. Celt or writ 433 Columbia St.. Apt 15. EXPICRT p'aver-p'ano tunlrr. repairing. V. iraiiiar, 25 Marks t sc. Mala 6012. FOR SALE Two oak dressers, cheap. Belmont, cor. jtn. OLIVER typewriter, model Newport Kestaurant. 11 s way 1655. price 920. 6th. Broad- FURNITURE of cottage for sale. $12.56. 236 14th st. Rent WILL exchange new Vlctrola, Grafolola or Edison for goon typewriter. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co.. 331 Morrison. FURNITURE for sale and 5-room house for REBUILT typewriters and repairing. Oregon rent. Call 605 Northrup. Typewriter Co.. 94 5th st. Main 3608. BLACK leather couch, like new, cheap. 431 riast 4iin r. A""$55 MISSION dining-room table, $20. 1665 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 7112. FOLDING canvas cot bed. something new. - Marshall 5642. LATEST model Underwood. $65 cash. Railway Exchange building. 216 NO. 5 latest Underaood typewriter. condition. 316 fcpaiaing mag. best REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona Dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 6th. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand renta Is at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark su Main 1407. WANTED To rent ; ton. or Underwood typewriter, Reming liF 52, Oregonian. USED TRUCKS. WE ARE OPEN TODAY. 5-ton Kissel. Just the thing for logging. 2-ton Reo. just overhauled and painted. Inspect our GARFORDS before we de liver them on Monday. MOTOR SALES CORPORATION. 354 Burnsldo Street. Corner of Eighth. v J GARAGE for rent, 50x100. having power. aruiprtHH. emeiy w neeia. uiivu. luige, workbenches, washrack, ready to move into and go to work; close In, East Side, busi est street on the East Side. R 6, Oregonian. OAKLAND Sensible Six, 5-pass.. A-i condi tion throughout: price $750; will take dia mond as part payment, some cash and terms; no real estate; state what you have to oiler as above. AE 46. Oregonian. 1918 FORD, fully equipped, speedometer, spotlight, etc., three weeks old; been run 600 miles; will sell for $475 cash. Call Eaut 224 between 10 and 12 A. M. FOR SALE 7-passenger 1916 Cadillac. $1550; in first-class condition. Phone Main 876 Sunday after 2 or call 899 Weatover road. FOR SALE: Bulck roadster C-36. mechani cally perfect; cost $1340 without extras, $6"o. East 2075 today or evenings. Mr. VVard. FOR SALE Gray & Davis lighting and starting system for Ford: a bargain. Sandy Road Garage, 24lh and Sandy. 1117. 6-CYLINDER, 7-pansenger Studebaker; run less than 5000 miles; excellent con dition; a rare bargain. Phone Tabor 821 3. FOR SALE 1917 Super-six Hudson, run a little more man ouuu miioa; 111 pei ice, condition. East 4753. 1W10 MAXWELL, Studebaker, Garford. Win- ton truck ; bargain, aanuy iioaa oarage, 24th and Sandy. 1915 FORD touring, with electric lights and starting system; o&iguiu. jdi uuu WflV 1572. 1917 FORD touring car. like new; must be seen to be appreciated; terms, uroau way 1572. 1017 FORD touring, with extras: car only used snort time; terms 10 rcsponsiuia party. Broadway 1572. FoR SALE OR TRADE 7-pass., 1917 Stude baker, in rirst-ciass conauion, very reason able. Call owner, Wdln. 4051. FOR SALE 3 and 6-ton Packard, long wheel base; B-ton, nearly new. Morn son. E. Water and Salmon. HUDSON roadster, combination delivery. $150. Peter Furst, urea nam. or. ; rt. 4, box 149. BUICK six, 5-passenger, Inst 1917 model. low mileage, looks almost new. can be seen anytime at 429 E. 13th N. CLASSY bug for sale. Call after Sunday. 3714 65th st. P. M. CADILLAC "S." Cash buyer for late model in good condition. Give particulars ana price in answer. AF 66, Oregonian. 1918 CHEVROLET, 5-pass., good as new. only run 2000 miles, for small larm. AF ?4, Oregonian. FOR SALE 7-pass. Locomobile, like new ; consider small car as part pay or goo.: property. Y SO. Oregonian. G. M. C, 3M:-ton, cheap. Excellent mechani cal condition. -ps. i-arK st. CHALMERS Rl Broadway lo 2. G Snap at $17 1916 FORD touring car. in A I condition; will sacrifice. Broadway 1572. ONE-H. P. motor. D. C. and startitig rheo stat, $50. Marsnau iu. 1917 FORD touring, good condition, some extras.: $4 in. owner, 'labor Zit, FOR SALE New 1918 Dodge, never been used ; terms. Marshall 5364. FEDERAL. 1 V -ton. with body. N. Park. PASS, car for sale. Sellwood 2427,