TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAy, PORTLAND, 3IARCTT 10, 1918. rL r.TTr. -a. II Kit C AT.K A rv.W HVH'. M R'. si i CT PMK. $-?.. -r buf .i. bihIiio. II 41t It. J, $-r HdcIo. Bandera. K..tt ait. E. $ m. $-J23 a-r hurctl. aadra, at iii) c $. r. bui. . . morrn. IC at $100. uwe buaft , mwlffrs. K. i.ti t. $-i r fcna ov. molra. HWTH"Rii ltT. $!, lr rofac. V i.frr A Tt.KM.H T M'lT At afflca lodAjr f-iTTt 1 to J "c:ock. J. -Htf(N.-. Pbr 7-: I REL MTITR. or -II A H At.; -I.ua. cill FARK ttk with extra room. mtrn' fca.i. Uvln Lnliimooii a-o hrO- 1 fuera, tig kit. a n4 pwalr 7. Wnjvm (mi eruai. ( iArn f!r- wff. big g-rga with f.l temnt i i x. u . rv, J bnu f mtt c fmprvasij ail lu. ir ron- - !. tli.. t b M4m4 .nly i . . ;r ,ov vwrtn af !nai a 4iu t. J. 1- UTVIA WFAN. .No I cnanfr ' DUkuicn- btU Mtn A. '. 4ua1r a-y Iiid-I CI :.. 4Jta A lUui) fee.,.., a.-, er Mi.uki a. Br I r:-. p-i. -.-H SVn tA, .'J f aVMni.i, rig trf ftit.K.N w.room tunlo. ia ftrt cm con4.tUn. hArdworwl floors. ftrpir. mic. 'tnnot h duplicated . inn w. r;. Kiiy at. -uwo j-rogm tuno. on l.vt.on ei.. canon. o a ptn11d mojrn buoratow on E. itih. nrr ltviiin. na hiork to a ' i raritn; roum fr a-arac. .k cari. taiao in irm to uu. " A fin ui-to-4n .Vrmiro iuiiva1ow. 'th Urea att;c anil lot atimi. nn .-vtn. Avar AlOaria at. Atiratll rooma ana flnlhd rooms nnd nua luor coui-i not t rplacl i-r ia tfiatt ;mW. K. alio, aeaf J U KAlUrP. wr Eirhans Main T5. 1100 raah ia4 li pr month ftr a rood tMinaaiw', clo u Ait. Tabor car. 1 .-. rah and $1 monthly for a cot:aa and rtrtrt nar Kom i.'Hjr ear. f0 raaU. $10 mou'.hly for a-room hooa. lot and aoma frutt ira. Ktna for a "pin chtchaoa. Woodstock car, 1 1 I. raal and monthly for a S-room f"'f. mail barn. lota. Albarta and KiLKHAKT EARI-. -' Iinr it(d. AUm T.'d- &AX 5TAT lar al l(o K1SLKY STATION -HKYOXD Atv ;K0VK (.HttUoN CITV CAKLJNK nf-il acra around. lnutiful 6,-room bunnlow, conipifttir f urnish-.!. mottfrn In kcrr way. Iarc Uvtna: and Uininic room. a ba. I roo run. bath, lutch kitchen, hali. hot and cold waiir, km. electricity. c. 14 Ixnrlnv f ruli tre, beautiful walka. tn nreon Cay carline. fare lc from Portland, cars evry mln. Any ona lokina for a country home, sur rounuvd by otnrr attracttra rrawiencfi. ahould Invaattcata ihia. This i an ex ceptionally -iod buy ami a completely lurnunj noma. Owtifr lavf In a few daa for Perm a. Valued at ftN. but will t soIU fr JJ.V Will roiuira camIi balance a par cent. Ions; Uma. Kor further Information, addreas L 1. iJluiuenthal, w ith J. L llartuian Company, No. 7 Chamber of Commarca blu., 4th and tarl ft. "2) KHAL ESTATE. For Sale !loue. LAt HKLHl hSr HNAP. T-rwm mixlera bouir. barUwnod florm, b a marl eiltna panai--l woodwora, fire-pta-w slwplns; porta, asK A-room bunffio. sjo, near the Ala-m-da. hardwoxI.mira, bM aatcr hrat. at-nluteiv ip rfl data. AJikAi. iwauttful a.ronm bunaaiow. walk Ins; d la tanca of aat fi.Ja and ahlpyar-l. houaa aina Could ao b hunt unlT j"W0L thr uaty mcirn. iirhm a a.. jmjl H- K MENt V k. t CO. 41-417 Itaiiwar Kk iut Wd.. I'ortiaft.l. Kr Phon Main 4"31 cfa mcniy a4 buys la mo h't4 mat di t44 sx r on s'tiii , ftiaifa aa Uw aa t -. I )uii want t st a ai tut e ti rn ana atp py I ) r.nf Al ttia ad of )iJr Wua, s?t toow far wbat b ai.i aat t.r l-ntf Ntbin. it mm h.p I n a mm a ham. H 1 a aw . t-wc r 1 1 r fhaapr (tti it t y O. jk I ry a , . ar bti a? L WANT A NKW Htii K ? Nvar n acr-upiad; Mc.lMl lyp of mUro loue. 1mm. a at t'i a o: brtk and piaa tr. rorr of .4' h and Jt . Juat f 'atahMi. I"rice 4r". n rnoini and '-ptn po'rh. 4 b-lruoma, f iniahad t.i w hit a aaarua of tba r haap f inisfi. but & roats rtibbad clow a . haru wood floors. Tats the c last; eat home in town of lis 'mi tuaf dtrkid mra tbaa of - fr.f f.r Sa ir. liittn, with TIlK HCU A- JACOlla Cukl'AXT. Hb fit. Main ItAWAIlOU.N'K. 5-r. modern bungalow, double construct ed, oak floors, beautiful Interior woodwork, f. replace, bookcaaes, buffai. K. front. ciora to school and car; price i-73. terms to mponaitile popit. K. aoth at.. on block of Hawthorne ave., 5-room buncaiow. fireplace, full basement, etat front, nil Improvements in and paid. Price only fl.Vi. terms. K. st,. one btock to car. al! ImproTe- tnents In and paid. firvom bunsalow, laraa attic, full baacment. owner prolog Kitai. wiit sell fumlshtd, -I'H- terrr.a Prices on the above arerrlht. bee me before on buy. t it, lerr, 1100 W. i:ank bide. lain 9:7. KKAI THI8 ADV. VKHY CAKKFl'LLY, HUSK CITY-MM-KOSli CITV. $Km) CASH EASY TEKMS-BE QUICK. Here is a real home. We can highly recommend It. However, I can't dt scnoe It In this adv. sad do It justice ViU may ft'a worth $ lOnj more than owner asks. It's full 2-atory. spacious veranda, lare reception hall, room for piano: larne, IjkhI living-room, f I rep. ace and bookcast-s. a. 10 tarco dininfi-rooru. paneit-a ; handsome bis; uui lei, mouei jutcn Kitcnen. screened-in back porch. 3 beautiful bedrooms and sleeping porch, fine polished hardwood floors tlownstairs. furnace, cement base ment, fine iawn, fir trees, room for K&rage. ou wiil do yourself justice to seo Lh.s before buying. Appointment only. XiAKK, Main I1S9. I'U C. QF C. BI,DO. BEAUTIPTTL HOME. VMLLAMETTG HTS. 7 rooms and sleeping porch. Ilvtng-room iarg iirepiace; aining-room ixi4. hardwood floors; attractive kitchen, ex pensive elec fixtures, built-in buffet, alt w hlte enamel finish. Second floor hus three largo bedrooms, large linen closet. Hunt of Port orford cedar; large bathroom with shower bath; full cement basement, with very best furnace. Grand view of mountains. Close to car. Lot 4."nlU Houe strictly modern. Big sacrifice. (ii.UUAKI) t WIUDKICK. i!43 Stark Ht. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. ROSE CITT PARK ALA MEDA D K I V K BUNGALOW Corner lot, beautiful large living-room, tapestry paper, oak paneled doors In main rooms, best grade hardwood floors, oak turret in dimiiMT-room in work of art) Kreuch. doors, bit; breakfast room, J bed room, massive, high-priced bathroom fixtures, his attic, room for billiard table or two rooms, cement basement, furnace price. J475U. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th & frtark. . .Main sus, A :ou. (Sunday only uranm oitice open, 4tn bandy iJlvd.) HIST sell my new home, near Alameda Jark at a big sacrifice; 7 room a, all mod ern, strict; y No, 1 construction and very warm; 7 rooms and sleeping port h ; laree It ina-room and tars dtnmg-rooni ; bant woo 1 floors, mirror iliwr. Urict plate- lass window s. f ireolara. built -In bookcitsa and buffet. Fine electric ha tit f ixturs, larare bathroom and den. Iut h kitchen la white enamel, screened-ln back prh, S larsa bed rooms, sleeping porrh and re ception hall upa;airs. All kind a closets. Pine ahado. fruit treva rosea, etc. 'iew tt. H'd. lin for Inspet-tion Sunday. Tw Itrofidwy car to Alameda Tark. PHICK 9.-I7.VI. $I.'mmJ CAPH. UAL. Call tilenn ave. N., near l'rej( o:t. IRVINUTON. Are you looking for a fine home with grounds? This house la situated in the choicest part of lrvlngton on a corner lot looxluo. Haa 1 rooms, finished In hardwood and white enamel. Can be bought for 11. 000 on terms. Could not oe uupucaieu today for li.ooo, ejee Bat tm with THE FRED A. JACOBS OilPAr, 14 fth St. Main OSOft 5-ROOM BUNGALOW GARAGE ROS1S CITY PARK S33.'iO attic, vith extra room, entrance hall, living and dining-rooms, have hard wood floors, big kitchen and pantry, 2 bedrooms, full basement, furnace, fire place, buffet, big garage with full cement d ri ve way, law n. rosea, 3 beari n g f ru i t treet. St. improvements all lu, sewer connected, balance to be assumed only $100, half block north of Sandy on 4$th St. J. L. HAKTMAX COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20$, A. 2U0O. I REAL ESTATE. For Sale- Houses. REAL ESTATE. "HARD LUCK," ' BUT TRUE. I5.-S.000 "HIGH-CLASS RESIDENCE" OFFERED THIS WEEK AT fJlwOO. positive sacrififce (to avoid foreclosure). $5000 cash will Handle, balance long time. SEE THIS SPLENDID MODERN HOME. WhiAL 11 r L L, SIGHTLY LOCATION (EAST SIDE WHOLE BLOCK) IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION INSIDE AND OUT. CONSIDER EXCHANGE, AUTO OR GOOD EQUITY UP TO $;4.i00 AND $3500 CASH. BALANCE TERMS. SEE IT AND MARE OFFER. ADDRESS OWNER. P O. BOX 222. JUST LISTEN TO. THIS. Nearly new. apick and span 1H -story Dungaiow, nan uiocK oil caritne. in fine neighborhood; convenient to stores, school, etc Laree livlutr-room. dlnina:-room. built. In effects, fine kitchen and dm or library on urst iioor; il small Oed rooms with large closets on second floor; lull cement uasement, stationary tubs; fine 50x100 lot. It's a beautiful little place. Price is only $2200. One couldn't build the house alone for that money. Terms $Jio cash, balance line. rem. l tll UKOotLri Y V lUAKa CO., 270 Stark at. Main 3052. Sunday call joainoiPij or cast 2 1 .'o. Hi ef rnmrM-i. 4 rHm bang., aa I "itian-tj mt . ioa ta M nitma a . ant I a ir fia ta and p.i for. 'ru I liaianva ttk rai. Wf tl'aiafsai. V. 9. M"PtiA..s, CO a? aa r dg t (AMI UN CKH AND rMII'lliJi FlJl,T a rna cfi.tr, a rwm a first fw. S iUrMm a-J baia aw aacaud fcf aa; tiii. et r- f.iluraa. rniBI a p4i-l. I -i li.UV ar trma. "C'tAKl Jk h. a.1 Mara ft 7 FLAT HARUAIN-WEnT VtlK V, idaw. Vary analua to sell br 2-flat bat d.ns. in f trt rnndltioa. a rnoma. batia. gas on n f.oe. large attte. bwae tnt. ! S;Iwi; Inraiton near Columbia an. I4t si., prtr r:utl from to Knrmtri rntet at $ ' per month. I f-af sow vacant and awnr o-cup.e iha other. Trm $lmu eaah. hataaca p r ra. "r-l'AHP A irpHli'K. 24$ ?:tark Pt. ACK1FICE. $ -0 down aivea you possession of r rom rosy bunsalow, closw to Jefferson High School, aawer and a. Improvements la and paid for. Price $.".H). U. s. Mortgage i.w. CO.. BUNGALOW BARGAIN GARAGE. Almost new bungalow, on Division St., near K. iluh i:.. at a big sacrifice: owner moving South; ery large living-room, nice dining-room, bath and Dutch kitchen downstairs. t unusually fine bedrooms on s cond floor; good cement basement, fur nace, saraire; everything complete and ready to move Into. $:tr.n. tikes it if sold this week. J. DELAHUNTV. East lO&d, eveninrs. I'uriTlK wefk. Main 1 7 (Mt. ON YOUR OWN TERMS. $I7oO 5-room house, 124 E. Clay aL near L. 4-d st. $21..o Bungalow, 1010 E. 25th sL N Cor Wvgant st. iil2oV d-roorn modern bungalow, 109U Knott st., near E. :Uth st. N. $1200 0-room residence, X. E. cor. E. h and Weidler sta. Key at Weld ltr st. Any of the above propositions can be purchased with a small cash payment and monthly installments to suit purchaser. F. V. ANDREWS & CO., 604 Piatt bldg. Tel. Marsh. 6023. Kf N . kr f ; ar n- U. f baoeralrtw t t. I rrrt. fins aru. I 'ii, fijil-at amat. ga. ,-irw i.( a - a. Mth , a ' Irapravwrrtea p.'i. s-lt car. I'aa ba i toiay. C. trii v smpaxij. i.a w ta aii g. OWXKK Ml aT HACfMKIOrl $txo IvauCifl aar III .NGAIW. T 't Mm . -Hn pnrrn anil re, nail, fnll cemani. wail-lis h tes base orient, fur. r- a. Ir. plaea. hardwood f l-ra, but It -in fir''-t. bokraae. mirrtr man (Ala. etc. : fc-ft. lot overlooking ciljr, npp Mt Tibr Park ; it b'o-t to car. t $s two jAfs IV'J raan rinir-rt. HAD1.KT, 4"4 N W HANK FM.TX3 IIKI'MONT HOME .AP. Fine 7-r-Ktn hnusa, 'J ilr. p;aes. bul't-ln effaola, etc.. corner lot 5os 1m. city liens all paid. 1 htock f rotn Kiillns worth a v.. In a reacririad I 'riti. surrounded by lino boat r a Pria $4ki, eapy tertna. irtUSl A IHJWNEV, 314 Hoard of Trad. Mam 71.72. LAKGAIN in modern 4-rooni buntrxiow, bath, set tuba, cetuent baaemrnt. l'uirli kiif hen, taa and el -t rU iiy. n hanl surf a a street n-r &th and Hawthorne. 1 bhck from beat rar service. In attrart i a home nrls hlxtrhoil. All SA.ej mnt paid. I'rlca $Wco. I.1IH) down, balance- like moderate rent Tabor 131.V SELLWOOD BARGAIN. SDMI CASH. Must be sold quick, first man with $100 raan gets this big snap; Seliwood is close to river and his; industrial center; nea well-built 4 -room plastered house, lars Jot. frti t d o tn wire, ricli soil, lurit chirhen frmt and berries; a chee:- ful iiiile A .U 410 Henrv Hidg. 1 ! a pewf-ff T a ii.ng f r ba . a in fe ha oua ! 1 aili Sell nnai a .-ivMa 'rorr: y muat I i wi-rt,.) ta Lora'vl la lppf a Bieai Oi-'fi. f. a. APL Apt, lla-lw AIbta a.. after - da . a-KM'4 lVi TA'.k $!. ..odi a-rnm tf aae. bain. 'a-trtr I an ta. -. aa jaa h.- I at . nar Ibhid a . w.airg n.-i.-, prue iv, sy arra, a v rM. :o n IKffSl lHH VET. 31 lloar.t r Trade. Mtt 7 VTHICTLY lP-TtTfc; LCNGA- La.VV Nice living-roorn w it a f ireplsea, dinlnr- rtm. bui.t.tn effects, den. 2 bedrooms and bat h. f u. 1 crnt baaentr nt w ft to ir- aara and wah traa. eerthing in first-I sbapa. fu.l lt. no bbdd 4ibi: pra I.I biHKMAXX VTA NT. tl4 I'hsntbar of Commerce. m aV-rKna bt-umr. law Ui, ora b. i -K L. .! t car. K'w aarden it. ar s4 -r-.i: a 4-trab. aeteh rhood . utlitutea ia Z'i a ad v.Urr; a tw huo-lml a r wt.i baud. a. bl. easy m. hv- U ) ftir aa a a Juquirw at tad lt . w t. 'rt and M'H'.ri.N 2-s:ory Aamet raa(dnra. H I f'Hun, r-irnar. fall tua eon ere fa b fc anertt. a-a ir. Ioi. all Improvements I paii. wt, term a tah. h.an saay. . e Tgrwn. wuh J. c. Corbta Cosnp-aay. a Ar. hav $ ' . od caah pavment. ""' ewar ir na. rniMi sfonaay and I w.il "-w them to you; thay ar cisaa. slain ul-t biiit: i(i).vhL $4TV win buy g ood reaidenv of T rooms j an aleeairg-porrh . ftrww.are. $ blraomi I S'areroom. fall fmn baaemant. god jmtirc rrrn:e h St.. aear Grant. I i a- v iFlFtlCK. 2ia -iark ?:t F'K CITY PARK i-wm buasalow. fira- p.i.--. ruraa . harttwood f i.-ra, built-in I b'b-aa aa 1 bu'fet; Riirrorel goora. a' ri SMtAcj pa i'T ; raaj ba n ad at low prtra r an4 ivn. ili Cnarub-r of Conanarva. I sit-i i a. .v. a-KfHM HI NuALon. S.'mJl Nl-a foa buss a low, ha in. bafat. auui-isj a.j. etr . pa I iirwi. oa t- -ia St.; prtea anay irma ;KI-I IsjVVNtV. g V4 of Trade. Mem "4-M lolH-HoOV Ilt;Al.W riHNMiKI. $14M. easy terms. d:shea compiet. good oak furniture, fine iarga gas ranse. lot a 1 12. larva rhu kea houae. abundance of evrry bushes aad some fruit trees, a real bwrgaia. A. v a rrlner. RITTKR. I.OWK C.. oj-o-7 Hoard of Trade Hldg. TTt AND VIM. HoT5E" Ht'NTKR. JUST LISTEN TO Id -vral ntonlha am wa adviaact you to asH-ttra a laaaa on tur houao you were rnttne. that ra nl ia gjir.g up. lMn t f'trifet the aaiuu I thing will take rdice in site Trt -a. Jil Y A IIMK RIGHT AWAY. KK THS KLIV M'iN" fMlTliWA G JN mi K C.., HToCK. EX. 7 IC MODKRV PfNOAIiW. $.V...0. Kumar, fireplace. Dutch kit-t;e. all butit-ia effects, line view, on cwrlinc, near bard surface. ecaool Store, etc. At-I trw-tlve houiw. ta goot repair. Worth $4ov: forvciosed: fwrx-vd sale, and $ ' ca alt. with, rent, terra oa balance, will ukiiuie it tiADLK T, 404 N. W. TIAVK PT.Dq. FINK RfSE CITY PARK HOlK. Iars ltinc-roon wit h fireplace. beamal ratling, dining-room, butt i-inv af fects. 3 g-xd badrooma. lara ctoaeta, lull cement baserncnt. gvd furnace, station ary tubs. etc.. good icutjk. near Rose CUT Far rmi. 1'rice $I-,,n; itihi 1,1 kl)bMA.. tr.MI'A.M, Pl- ( hmwr of Commerre. ALAMEDA DISTRICT HA KG A IN. T tare rooms and i.trpiM porh. hard- W004I f.oora fireplace, full remenl base menu furnace, clear of encum orances. price $ Jod. easy trme. t A. vvarriner. RITTKR. LOWE CO. ?VVS-7 Board of Trade B dg. I It VINGTON 1H T 'M Ct)lANI AU Htdendid locat Ion. 374 East 2.: h st. N , T moma. furnac. fireplace. mahany and white enamel Interior finish. A line home for $". twner moing from the city. For aala on eaay t e r m a. K. K. Bnwman si 114 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main .lo j it 42D A N I. HA WTHuilN K P.UNGAI.O v7 room modern; hardwood floors, hre- ptsce. luritait, full cement basement, psc airaej; e vervy 11111 g inciuu'd lor 9 worth $.i."oo. tiTtns t do a 11 ; can bu h n oniv by s ppolnt men t . y 1 ITH-WAG NKK CO., STOCK KX. M'IKRN lurelhurat reslJence, bungal type, large II ving-room. dinlng-rooru w It h hardwood f.oora, a bedrooms and ta;h, full-six concrete basement, fnrnwrc. gar age, ail Improvements paid. an b sen today. K-e, Shagreu. with J. C. Cor bin 1 nmpany. Lewis hldg. NEW H-room Rose 'lty bunaralnw being 1 ouhi rnr a nome. out wouia son. modern every way. bulit-ln effects. full-sUe cosi- r rete ha cement, furnace, all asements paid; price $1200. terms $HM rah, bal ance like rent. Can be Bern today. J. C. 'rMn Company, ;p. Ideals tldg. R Van PLACKrOR!:GONF.l.E7 4 -room bungalow, large- bathrKin, gas I range, gas itxtures. gas radiator go with tne pta: rirepiaea m itvmg-room. con crete baaoment, price $U20, terms $300 iinwn. GDDARD 4 WIKDRICK. 21.1 Ptark ft. OWING to change of business w ill sacrifice I pr-terty nrinyinar monthly rental $:; fo ii""". Wert rwvenue-producing prperty I in ipper Airt'na property. A uL li I'enln- sula Apts. 1110 A.blna ave. Afternoons I s'ter 1 o no a. NKW AND MuMKllN On accoimt of my Mltin aPl aell my I comfortable home, am! )nu will so my 1 na it tor m price or i:f to; m casn. .wount rtcott car to iTth nt.. hoioe No. 7 J 2 ..ith ave. Weekdays. Main ."4.7i. Fl'RN. tl'SE. EASY TERMS. Nii-c ii Ii-u.4e. completely furnished, S mi-im o- l it. utl ornent biiwuu-nt. divid ed into laundry room, fruit room, wood rem; nice lot with lawn, flowers, etc block from bard fund. H blocks to car. . minutes out. S. W. tir-at barxaln at $2000, witn a..w down and $10 per mouth. HADLEY, 404 N. W. Bank bldg. PRICE CUT If you can pay down about $1000. w-iii slash prfca on my hunalow ; f iv hsndome rooms, strictly modern, doub! corner, bee It totay. Unusuaily attractive. Finest part of lu!e city Park. 2d N. of Sondy. av E. 4Mth N. Deal direct with owner. 1RV1NGTON. Look at K. 11th. K Interested will give you a price- that cannot be equaled 7 rooms and sleeping porch : modern every respect. Garage. Thia property will surely be sold w heu price is known. See rmiin, wmi THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 1' 4 f.th git. M a 1 n 6S 1 FtJU KALE Nice o-noiu houte. 2d st., wTl ready to move into; g-od terms; price a 1 uu. Six -room house. Piedmont ; street all paved andpaid for; tin location; $:2oo, bod terms. 'all Monday. H. S. COOK, wvj sttuk Exchange Bldg. CLOSE TO ALBERTA CAR. Modern u-room bungalow, full cement basement, cement floor, laundry trays, pnne.ed dining-room. Dutch kitchen, front and rear porches, chicken-bouse, concrete walks paid; very attractive homo. Pric $1umi. terms ,"i rash. it DD A It D Ac WIKDRICK, 24.1 Frark Ft. ALAMEDA. New a -room hfuse; never been occu pled. Modern In every way. New houses h re hard to find. Tn is will hear tli closest Inspection. I 'rice $.7000. See But tin, THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 14 5th St. Main C9 nr. JiH.N- CAH. Nlea and c:ean. wih itvinr. bed and a-a en aad !' ewiroowi up: fireplace I e-'1 ! m . a arirl- and aw. $latMa s a: pr ztwiita and Interesu win a jfonaiay. KH. fT Bf hauae. roswnln ta ship ' r:i raetarte. abA4. rarl'a a rwnm -r. i.i:ef. a'amea 7s, loan. W i-l I IK VI NGTrN e-u mjf iih and giva tarma t. . M rr..i.k; a inv. to, , Veoa B dg. ROSE CITT BUNGALOW. $12.v Modem. S-rm.. furnne ftreplara. fHil irin'til baaexnetit. brdwd. floors, white enamel fintah. :il'H. with cemeut-f loored aaraae anl driveway. Three blka frm , cere, aa 4ath at. iorth of Sandy; $uov mti All at. bonds paid. HADLEY, 4e S. W. HANK BLDG. ACHk.KTV til f.Al. 'V m- Ur. u 1 h.mnt. built-in Iit. a air-Ti !. :-nlmi. bearing fruit ire-S. pef-e or y Bl.rf. ejy irmi UTM.WAG",.K a.. ?T"-K FX. Rfc C7Y i'AKK. -em piodrru B-:ri4,n. aa k fTeore. T rap. a. a. rirre- en block of Sandy I r.u ard. tb Will go quks. f l-rr I h w IUrr b!dg. klao ; a " IL'T.t a eeetH 4 room cottage with I an IH'W-ra eonnianea booiraa, buffet, I w -. ji aaaerneac. large. abua ace r tru't. aar avli.iagswaria aa - r -"n rail lej, 'MTT bwngalear. flv room a mv:rn - et. fail let. e!a U . prle $tV,d. $n caaov wa.anca $1$ a roonth Incinaing ,. irttereaL Rttr hariy. Maia lirl, eoa 'hatv f 1 orrv BFNGALOW. $75 F. 2dh North. 4 reema modern In eery reepcc; pot the ftrdtnary type and finished dif-1 ferent from what yma have been loogingi cioee to car and achoola c Air. I itaft irv, with THr I KhO A. J A CO tiM tUaTfAl. 104 :i ri u Main to I FIN K home, seven rooms, fall bas"nert. modern except furnace, corner, 7x7 property in excellent shape and a snap I at tne riant price. si.to. immhi cash and balance lung time. Main 193, oMS-v Cham. ot om. I-H'MJM modern ntttaae. hall. bath, etc.. ZA't near Gladstone; house nrwlv plastered. painted and enlarced, pltimhlng and fix- J mr-a an new. Price $it;ito: $.Tn cash. ha Ian re $S monthly. Hobbs, 416 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FT JOHNS "?1?M E KNAPS! Feveral Rood homn. .7 and rooms, at snap price, from $12'0 to $.LVni, easy lenna. fee os for 61. .!hn property. CSRt'b'SI Jtc DOWNEY. $1 Board of Trarle Bldg. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. $200 Mod. littlo o-roont bungalow, hrdwd. floors, fircplsce, floored attic, few Lullt-in effects, cement basement. at tractive appearance, oOxloo, paved bl, cor., wi:h garage, 'S blocks No. Sandy, on od st; $ioo cash. All st. liens paid. HADLEY, 404 N. W. BANK BLDG. LA RRA BEE STREETBA RG A IN. Larte 7 -room hous. lot ulone worth price we are asking. No. 26 Larrabee at. Take a look: price $:m;o. terms. C. A. Warriner. RITTER, LOWE CO.. 20.i-.V7 Hoard of Trade Bldff. TW7 EAST LINCOLN ST. Modern b-room house in good condi tion. Owner obliged to leave the city, we are offering same at a very attrac tive price. The house includes a large itving-room and aming-room. oen an Dutch kitchen on the firt floor and bedrooms and sleeping porch on the sec ond floor. This is a very homelike pia Is situated lu. a very desirable neighbor hood. Is convenient to car service would be a very attractive home for anyone. WAKEFIELD. FRIES at CO, ." Fourth St. NOW VACANT $2boO $7i70 DOWN' Half block to Rose City car, 5-room oungaiow, iuii, aeep casement, xurnace, hardwood floors In main room, built-in buffet and bookcases. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20S, A. 20-70 (Sunday only at Branch Office, 4ih & Sandy Blvd. no phone.) SHIPYARD workers, don't pay exorbitant rents when you can buy a dandy 4-room modern bungalow within 10 minutes' ride of the South Portland shipyards on 5 -cent fare, gas. electric light, block and a half from station, on rental terms; will take $200 cash and $15 a month on this cosy, . up-to-date bungalow; will sell it to you for $1500. which la $.700 under present market value. Call at 404 Piatt bldg. for particulars or phone Main 880. For Male -I I ounce. RESIDENCES. BUNGALOWS. HOUSES AND WAR GARDENS. ALL KINDS. ALL DISTRICTS. ALL 1ZH1S. ALL PRICES. MANY classy house, any exclusive dis trict, all modern throughout. iu rooms, forced sale price $f.iuo up. WORKING-MAN'S BARGAIN. Buy this, live there six months rent free finish second story and soil Xor net profit of $r.0o. TO SETTLE AN ESTATE. $.7500 value, 9 rooms, modern, $4423, terms. FORECLOSED. $.H200 value, ti rooms, modern, $2200, terms. NUMEROUS places, prices ranging $10o to $2000. UNION SAFE DEP. & TR. CO., 2S4 Oak. Daring. IRVIXGTON. New 8-room residence, modern to the most minute detail, tiled fireplace, tiled shower and bat lis, conservatory, extra large sleeping porch, can be heated if de sired; fine 100x100 corner lot, east and south frontage, in lrvintjton'a most de sirable district. " Thia property cost $1S.000, but am will ing to aacrifice in sale, or might coin. sider desirable vacant or improved city property tor equity. R 34, Oregonian. 7 ROOMS MOVE IN AT ONCE t;;oo down $;5 Month ROSE CITY PARK A good full two-story house, occuple only six months. Kull deep oasemen 1 u mac:. lu undry tra vs. Every room white enameled, hardwood floora In mai rooms, double stairway. pass pantry Price. $4200. J. L. HART MAN; COM PAW. No. 7 Chamber of tonini;rr Bids--. 4th Stark. Main 20S. A. 20a t Sunday only at branch ofiice, 4oth Sandy Blvd.. no phone. 1 1 1 : ii Kt.ll l "RST anaoa are scarce. This worth in vast iirat long. rtautiiui, roouen .t.i-v an. I hMlf K-riXHtl buntTUlOW W'lt nil built -In convenience. In one -of th best sections of Laurel hurst. fine homes it! I around: nlace worth J50i: can be bought for $17.70 on terms of iloOo down, balance monthly; no inoumorance 01 kind: all assessments paid; no trades con stdered. If you are looking for a rea ..... u V. o rw-hl rirlcp look tills UD t morrow. Multnomah Development Co., 404 Piatt bldg. NEAR WALNUT PARK. a-':..7ti r-.nm mnHarn htne and aaracre. ful cement basement, modern plumbing n lighting fixtures, dining-room witn oui fet. living-room and Dutch kitchen on fust floor; two bedrooms and bath on second floor. House is double constructed snd extra well built. '1 erms uo casu. balance monthly. . , ;oDIARD & WIEDRICK. 24.'1 Stark ht. START MOVINO TODAY $Uo:0 ROSE CITY PARK ' This nlaca Is certainly worth the price. Ton will say so too. Dandy view from living and dtntng-room. Him't delay! See it todav! J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY No. 7 Chamber of Commerce-Bldg. Main 2's. A. 2030 (Sunday only at Branch -Office. 4fth ft Sandy Blvd. no pnone.j J7O00 WEPT RIDE $7000. NEW COLONIAL BUNGALOW. rooms, complete and up to the minute; garage; a carlines; about 15 minutes on Morrison Y) car; terms. O. C. GOLDEN BERG. Main 37SO 4-R. BUNGALOW FOR $950. Rwell, attractive new home ; poreh on three 4ides. Dutch kitchen, fruit, block to hard surface, on 2d St.. near school. This pnierty is worth $1300; forced sale at $y.'ii, with terms. lou can't beat it. BADLEY. 4i4 N". W. BANK BLDG. A M carrying t"o much dead Portland property and must unload one of the best pieces mat 1 nave in oraer 10 mi . m tle money; will sell 5-room bungalow and large lot Rlxl08 at Lents Junction at great nacritice to raise money to pay bills; all kinds of fruit, chicken-houses and gar den space; $1100 takes it if sold this week; must have $0.70 cash, balance can stand. See owner at his office, 44 Piatt bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. 612 E. 4tTH ST. N. SIX-ROOM HOUSE FURNACE. HATH. ETC. LOCAT1 ON UN EN ' "ELLE D. PRICE $2,700. TABOR 4.714. KXCKLI KNT CITY VIEW. Well-built room house, linoleum on floor, gas a;o ea an J ehauea. all go; three bM sa from car. 34 iu West tfiue, price I tJlao. term. . A. vt arnner. RITTKR. Lowe a CO. Hoard ef Trad Bldg. BCAvrirvv vovnt tabor homk btrictly modern residence. 7 rmi. Sieep- 1 ftig porch, hardwood fioore. furnace, flre-j b.acr. tollata. 3 bedrooms and Data on I moniiI Toor. and 1 bedroom on third Iioor. Lot l"Otl'tt. paving 4ald, IT lea reduced I hkk CITT PAfta, 7 room, modern, full meat be-aeoaant. brtrfc frmt cloaet, hsrd wwwd flaera,, fireplace fuxWa'-e. $4.7; Hiniiiaia cm to. fluvv from lu.00 to $7 - I'I'AHU as Wliii'R ICK. S43 Stark Ft. K. MAIN FT. NEAR E. SiiTH. Two-atnry. aroonin, f urna e. firep!see, full basement, house In aond condition : street paved and paid. Price $2lH.; $J00 rim w 111 nanu'e. li'T'DARD at WIEDRir-K. 241 Ftrk Ft. GREAT F ArRI KICK. Fp'enilid acv en-nmm house. a!so foTir- I ro.pi boiise. 1 pper Alh'na's hest district. W'lck sale asrrlfl -e $smi below present n ue. Apt. in r-eninsuia Apts.. ii.t.7 ibinm ave. a rterTioona after I o rioek. FT. JOHNS CAR. FVnr room. Jot .M jIim, close to car. ele-trie and water, lot of bearing fruit; $7m. od eay terms and H per cent Inter est; a snap for you. Phone Main &4.TO Monday. A bNAP. Modem R-room bunsalow. near lis thorn, furnace, tlreplsce. hardwood floors. bullt-tn effects, full co n ore t a basement. la-re attrc. look tnia up at on-e W. H. ROFS. MOO N. W. Bank Hidg. i MR. IB H'SE-BUYER Make 'offer, owner leaving city, must sell S.7&00 modern house, rooms, sleeping porch, lot i0xl50. gar den. iruit. flowers, sarace. paved street. biks. Hawthorne car. west slope Mt, Ta nor. a k. o1, oregonian. IRVINGTON HOME $.72.7n. Modern 7-room house in ex col lent con dition, ftna lot. Between Broadway and lrvlngton cars. ENGL EH ART & EARL. 624 Henry Bldg. Main 72d. KuSK CITY BUNGALOW, GARAGE. $2 $:t30 cash down, bal. monthly payments, 5-R. bun train w. hardwood floors, firenlare. garage, hard-surf ace st paid, lot uOxlOO. Ii. C. BARK. Main Iln. 222 C. of C. Bldg. $2 IHWN. HAL $20 MONTHLY Pour room and bath, with hard wool I $j rtUYF $noo house on Alameda Drive, LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. - Strictly modern, five rooms, full cement basement. 1 blocks and from Rose City car, 15 minutes from Fifth and Washing ton; owner leaving city, will sell with or without furniture. Tabor 2104. ACHrl AM Molrki ONLY $ 3 rooms, sat-f. ttcnts. some fralt. are r'ad . lo-rem C r.oee la a at lea, ey le-ma a i at Jo outer btd. LA "r R i: t ill hTt IZmZ 7r.mm op to-oTT. m nun kiittk.nv. itru .a a ..at a"t. Sit rn iaiiili, Uaa e only $.b ( rn.rae. 7 r-r rent, a lual I - b ifitrk. BP 21. i 'rt wiun. j r r 1 1 laniA.tw. well palnled. al room - ant aieeping pwrrb. bar te-ood floor, fur na:. r irpit . mi I built ta f fe ta, f ui aea- rar Prtre term. Ma 4a .i v-m nam. ef Corn. floors and asual butit-la conveniences. I on . y $ ir.jo. rim liar beua but a rooms I aa I bath fr $lid. Ke v lehman with I TH L KKlD A. JACOBS COMPANY. 1A4 ith M. Main 0s9. modern every respect. 7 lot ttdalOO. Home terms. Fe Mr. Gustafson. U. B. Mortgage a inv Go 7 Yeon Bldg. rooms, garage. CO.. WOODSTOCK BUNGALOW BARGAIN. 5 rooms, modern, on car line, price $1600, easy terms. C a Warriner, RTTTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-.V7 Board of Trsde Hldg. 1UE CITT DISTRICT BUNGALOW. otrtet'y modern. doable const runted. tt.-e location, ea block from car; price U tea a at r.a; terma. A. Warrtner. RITTER. Lowe CO. 2a Board of Trsde l:idr. iHW TilOrtNi; J1 Ndll.oU. t'rn, m era : buut-ln Iutcta fciti-hn, f-!i rtmrpt raaernet. larg lot. Autlli). f eu. t t-a and taMn k. MMp. v in. corner. K M.r- r"a ait I7h s; ; v d 7-rrm Ke.iaa: d-. am. rms. thia t a avamna -affv iher s 4a lbtfatmnt r boma f''-n r..mt J1I; v a: r K t. we ui--4. e-w. m.d 4 aad ri- t nr.i nea f -r aa.: raay terms IV ANDTN I K I A Rc-ALTT . t. - -.' Henry H g Ki"PT rtTl" PARK'. !.: and Kji. i apt 'ona'ty g.-wwl bua. f -r pvartieMiiara pheue aer. Tabor o asees. I. A t'RELHI ' Rjir l"MiA.MV. ftaw and r-.ir-. teroia. Jtummeii Rumoielt. 274 "ur a-. Modern bungalow. OA Hawk: aLKKPlNG PoRCH. 4 rvoma. larg e.e-ping-prrh. stere roorn. bathroom, hot and toid w ater, gas and .ctri:itv . futl base man t . ctmuoli a ha paid. price f t Tni. i-lAMD aV UlEDKICK. 241 Stark Ft. uprriAL FOR iWEJtTMfcNT OR A 1P"VE. -rom h ou, 1 block to Hawthome rar. uoiy $.'.wo. 1 cash required. KN'GLEHAltT k-ARU .M Henry iltdg. Main T.'nA A REAL CHEAP HOME. $I4oo win buy erery roey bungalow of rooms on fnat t oor, i bedrooms and i Nil n on second rioor, eemer.l baaement. laundry. ).. 4,vl', to itlrj, num. garage. Oi'LDAHD A W1E1HICK. 24J Mark M. "$73 hut a ru t N L HErM ot" 4 room. ga. vity water, futl loL ex tra good furniture, clrkr n-huusv, other utbuifMnga. an SJd St. lTrmt PADLKV. 4H X W. HANK PL DO. -rt(OM modern ounaaiow. acre and no rock or a ravel, private water system, S j nnun rm io rinianu, 'rt-gn l ity Mne. t-riea aaw. .eiaoo, itenry bldg.. ow ner. V A Nt ot KH housea, on paved afreet to steel shipyards: two pe-uae. mnd-rn. or. 7 rnoras. one S, lot fBNi. w ell rented, terma. Address box 53. Jennings Lodg . ra n. FOR PALE. In E. Mt. Tabor, corner of Haw. thnrne., n-room house, bath, kss. electric h this, ftn garden, some small fruit, loo ,ow ta tne uma lor garden w Phn Tabor 5uM. $4' 0 LAURELHURST HOME. Full lot, full basement, furnace, beamed cetunaia, outcn kitchen, eras and e'ee- I tnrttv. easy terma. V hltinrr-Keliy Co., t'moea. d i ic a. A .N-RESIDENT client has f.r a very oo-i .-room house on pi ved s:ret. 1 block from rarMn. prlea $ tsn-t, hirh Is :oe tnan its value. v in lain m. Gregory, ALAMEDA PARK $2,700. R-room modern bungalow, $d00 cash, bal. terms. CLEVELAND. Main II. r. of C. BM ON Lincoln street on the West Side, close to tne Diiftlness center or tha city, a lot notion with two houses !n good repair. The price. 17(H). Half cash will handle it. M. J. C:ohesy. 4L7 Abinvton bldg. i 4-P.OOM house, furnished, bath, electric Hants, gas. sidewalks, lot i'ox.7n. shade trees, fruit trees, sells at $14oo; must have some cash oa terma I'hone Marsha 1 32 U2. owner. HAWTHORNE COTTAGE. $1700. R-room eottaare. fireplace, cement base ment. 40X10O lot. paved street. Price $17mt. Terms. Ralph Ackley Land Co., 210 Roth child hid. CARPENTER'S SNAP ?00. NEAR ODDFELLOWS HOME. 2-story, S-room plastered house, full haMemtait. except floor; roof needs reshin- gliij, eds new plumbing, redecorating ana nal itina: lot Ottxioo; cement walks and grading paid; lot worth about $700 tmniliiia- when reoaired worth $2000: tota $27'Mt. Terms $2.70 cash, balance monthly. GoDDARD & WIEDRICK, 24d Stark ISt 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. STRICTLY MODERN. Full cement basement and floor, fur nace, fireplace, ' modern bathroom, hard wood floor in living-rooms; street paved and paid for; location near East S2d and Harrison. Price $;t050; terms $1450 cash, balance at 7 per cent. GODDARD ft WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. best West side sacrifice. IRi;i Overton st. Large living-room, dl ins-room, library, pantry, 4 bedrooms an two baths second floor. Maid's room, ba and storeroom 3d floor. Oak floors throughout. Ruud automatic heater. fireplaces, fine iawn and roeee. Big cu lor quick sale. Open 2 to b today. Tel pnone .Mam -'i3a. NEAR WILLIAMS AND FREMONT, ONCE WAS OFFERED $3500; NOW $2300. 8 rooms, splendidly built all double constructed, Roy n ion furnace, full base ment, wash tubs, etc.; all street improve ments in and paid. All In A-l condition. Terms $500 cash and $17.50 monthly with interest at 7 per cent. You certainly will have to hurry to get this. Don't lose any time. Phone for address. But hurry, please. Remember the price, $2300, with all improvements paid. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 204 Stark St., Nr. Rd. Main 3.71tf. Sunday, phono Tabor 3721. MODERN BUNGALOW. 4 rooms and sleeplna porch, double con a true ted. built-in effects, a as. electricity, well furnished, 1 blocks to Rose City 1'ark car; $2I2-i; a fine home; terms. F. K. STEARNS, 202 Wllox Bldg. Main 3517 Evenings Mar. "770. THIS Is tax time owner" needs a littt ready money; will si'll well-built 2-room house and rood lot with fruit trees, nea Myrtle Park Ft at ion, at a big sacrifice give me $1K. cash for my equity and as sumo $400 morta-Hare: look thia up tomor rom ; must be sold this week. Call 404 Piatt bldg. $S50 3 ROOMS PLASTERED ROxlOO ft. corner, ground ready for garden. Rose City car line. Terms: ha 1 cash, balance, $15 month. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Com merce Bldg., Main 20S. A 20.70. (Sunda only at branch office, 43tU ft Sandy Blvd no phone.) $3450. WORTH $5000 OR MORE. Laurelhurst home, move right in. cash. bnl. terms like rent; T rooms, den hardwoitd floors, fireplace, furnace; $0O. St. improvements paid. Ureal, opportunity out of town. Owner. BORR. Main 11S0. 222 Chamber of Com. Bldg. GREATEST IRVINGTT1N BARGAIN. 54 E 21st st. N.. 6o-foot lot. 80-foot street, bedrooms and sleeping-porch, Lars' living-room, dining-room, horary sun-room and pantry. Oak floors through out. 2 tlreoiaces. Fine trees and shrut bery. Big sacrifice for quick sale. Open today, 2 to o. leiepnone iu. i4ii. MONEY TALKS Must have real cash to pay taxes; will make big sacrifice on my 5-room one and a half-story bungalow with sleeping porch; house cannot be built for $2000 today; give mo s.iiro casn ana as sume my $1000 mortgage and you can have the place. see owner, u nan oiag. today. MAKE Y OU R O W N TERMS. Five rooms and sleeping-porch; only $lHOo. This Is a modern house, and $100 down wilt handle this. Another for $ioo, on anme terms. This Is a desirable loca tion for parties working in shipyards. Near Piedmont. nee w ictcman wnn THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5ih St. Main tiS6J. SEE THIS TODAY SACRIFICED $;t 2.10 H A W T H ORN E DISTR ICT ti rooms, sleeping porch, cement base ment, furnace, located at Jab E. 42a st This Is a two-story house and very well constructed. J. L. Hartmnn tompany, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce, bldg., 4th and Stark sts.. Main 208, A 2050. 4.700 A very completely finished 9-rootn bungalow wit n sleeping porcn, luiuaw, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in con veniences, two bathrooms, SOxHM) lot, situate 7:t2 E. 42d st. N. Inspection by appointment only. Easy terms with month ly payments. F. V. Andrews oc Co., 604 Piatt bldg. Tel. Marsh. 0023. ROSE CITY PARK. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. Near East 57th st. and Sandy road. 5-rm. bungalow with sleeping-porch, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, buf fet, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, 2 bedrooms and bath: price $:uoo. GODDARD or WJEDRICK, 243 Stark Jt - ROSE CITY PARK x-tnon $4000. i.iw-nted st 407 E. 40th North: 0 room end sleeping porch, garage. Drive by and if interested call ttaitm. witn THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 10 5th St. Main f(9 NICE BUNGALOW. Moderate price, choice district, easy terms; a little money hero will secure you this fine homo and be & good in vestment. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar4114, A 411S. BEAUTIFUL f rooms and bath, finished attic, close in. strictly . modern, except heat: worth $3050. but for quick sale priced at $2850. terms, see wicKman with THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 oth Ht. wal" 68ti9 ROOM modern bungalow and quarter acre of ground close to school and car; the best buv we have haa in our onice ior a ions time; built-in conveniences, chicken- houses, fruit trees ana email iruus; a reai bargain at $1400; easy terms. Multnomah Development Co.. 404 Piatt bldg. LAURELHURST foreclosure, sacrifice, $0000 home for $3400. $1000 cash wiil clean it tip to date, mtg. $2400; modern, 7 rooms and den; hot-water heating plant cost $soO. Take advantage of this. Buy it and make $1000 to $1500. Cleveland, Main 1180. 223 Cham, of Com. bldg. WALNUT PARK BARGAIN. Fine 7-room residence, all modern, flno lot, street improved; a bargain at $r.500; coet over $0o0O. C. Do YOUNG ft CO., 514 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $.1250 $400 DOWN BALANCE E AS Y A beautiful ti-rooni bungalow, w-ith at tic, strictly modern, furnace, fireplace, oak floorfv- all built-in conveniences, fuil Vement basement, laundry trays, etc.; street assessments all paid; 3 blocks from Hawthorne car. We have many others. In fact, tho coziest homes and the best buvs in this district. See Mr. Bender, with J. L. HARTMAN COM PAN 1 No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. I R V I N O TON HUM E If you are looking for a home in the heart of this beautiful district, this will please you. 7 rooms, including den, full cement basement, complete as most houses, with hot-water heat. This house Is fin ished In quartered oak. There is nothing omitted from basement to attic. Gar;iK) In comparison it h house. Price $2ooo, less than cost. See Mr. Bender, with J. L, HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. MT. TABOR $3250. If you have seen other homes and have not found what you want, by all mpan eee this. A wonderfully well built bun galow of 6 rooms with every convenience, hardwood floors, massive buffet, fireplace, furnace, etc. Unsurpassed view. Excep tionally large living and dining-rootm Lot 50x148. All we ask is an opportunity to show you. A. G. TUEPE CO.. 204 Stark St., Nr. 3d. MAIN 3510. $2751 $30O DOWN $2750 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 0-rootn bungalow, with attic, furnace, fireplace, all built-in conveniences, full basement, cement; streets paved, sur rounded by good homes, 2 blocks from, Hawthorne car. This In a good buy If looking for a home In this district. See Mr. Bender, With J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce hldg. $2100 A BEAUTIFUL little R-room bunga low located near f kam.ia imiii SCHOOL: has furnace and built-in fea tures. Large lot with chicken-house. Wo run sell It for $200 rash and $20 month. We have n few small bunsalows that we can sell for $100 down. Ji' you are tired of pa y i n g ren t. see us. A. G. TEEPE CO., 20 Stark St., Nr. 3d. MA IN .3.7 1H. H A W THORN E DISTR I C T $ 2 1 50. SOME BARGAIN! Just think of It. a R-room bungHlow with hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, cement base ment : near car. all for $21.70. You who have been looking around', have you found anything like that for $2150? Just let ua show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., Nr. 3d. MAIN 3.710. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS, $3500. Beautiful 6-ronm bungalow on West Sido on Willamette Heights with h-plendid view of mountains. All street improve ments In and paid. Way under market price. Oak floors, furnace, etc. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 201 Stark St., Nr. 3d. r MAIN" 3516. ROSE CITY PARK. 5 ROOMS $2050. $2050 Beautiful 5-room bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, etc. Street im provements in and paid. Owner non-resident and instructs us to tell at once. See this. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stsrk St., Nr. 3d. Main 351. Sunday, phone Tabor R2.75. ROSE CITY CAR, 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $2500. Owner wishes to sell at once. Beauti ful 5-room bungalow, largo rooms, at t h full basement. Will give easy terms. Call today- after noon. Southeast corner 8Md and Fremont. Take Rose City car to 3d and walk 3 blocks north. 5 ACRES, BASE LINE. Just ofT Base Line road, west of Rock wood, 5 acres, clear; $300 per acre, terms. See dt; it s a snap. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 41 14, A 41H. 7-ROOM house, 2 sleeping porches, sun par lor, gas and electricity, almost an acre, great vtfriety fruit in bearing, roses and shrubbery, chicken-houses and parks, in city limits. Price $4500. Tabor 2381. W 70, Oregonian. $2?50 HAWTHORNE district, 5-room. bath. built-in ettects, nara wooa noors, wnue enamel kitchen, gas heating system, fire place; the cosiest bungalow In town and priced right; terms to suit. Stanley S. Thompson Co., 302 Oak St.. near 5th. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Modern 5-room bungalow, asphalt street, beautiful view; best home environment; lot alone worth $2000. Price only $3050; $.700 cash, balance easy. THE CROSSLE Y-YBIARP CO.. 270 Stark St. Main 3052. HOUSE AND BUILDING CHEAP. Corner 7th and K. Uniting sIk., "0x100, R-room house, store building, rooms up stairs, double garage, barn; this is a good investment; $0.7in. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 1203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MODERN BUNGALOW. An tip-to-date 5-room bungalow on East TlAth st. corner, near East Lincoln; hard wood floors, fireplace, attic, cement base ment, laundry trays, etc. J. L. KARNOPP. Railway Exchange. Main 67.7. STOP RENT. $300 cash. $25 month will buy nice lit tle bungalow, Hawthorne district; only $2000. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 N. W, Bank bldg. Mar. 4114. A 4118. FOR 6A LE Modern. 5 rooms, Penlnsul near I nivertity Park, big bargain ; price only $1500. J. O. Gustaff, 501 Gerlinger nuiiding. IIOXK BUYERS Thli will tntereat you. 5- room mndara buns; alow, au eiy furnished. biiM k to 7 -miaul car serv l-e; 4oHt, rental s2' per month, easy terms. 211 Aiuhv bldg. Lai 1 tl. Hi R.tT we'l located, e M is: Main 13 A RE a SNA P 4 'V $J7i. r rn ng heme. V NT. Hank Vplne). l-roum h.KM ft ntsned. gaa ir4 electricity. $IIuo. terma. r. 1 it LAl ruU'l P..-r s-r..m. e n Du:;i :n fry fui; S-;0 .,'! U77. r -a. briefly ml- l"t. near car. t fnr : sn -R'wM modern baarr.ant, Hut-, me: I. 7 fi'ark Mtern ho" til-w. f Ireplar, fu .: I :.. term. Rummelt at ii.I. sell at a mtI'i j iltv in 3 -room -wae on Imr a-eet: lox loo :t ; near Jhnm re -line Un.M!4vq 1274 A HSAI- BARGAIN. T rooms. em 1 -modem, in nwt locality. ;wy plnc p. M Phone Kut je.e) "Hoi 1 Eh and small. r!ae in and rr u :n Ur hettef rail In. it w tl Par ya- P5hr" 401 MKy Mdf. R'X'iV and lep'ng Tnreh. modera A!s- rnme. - lota Broadway rnr. lur. T'rnx Phen V;. T-ltO I tie S ;.-.rt D -rm hMie. rear Union aa-t Going. lots of fruit: wT'l ei eTepttoaalir cheap terma AM fle; oronitn. LI build tn suit far eea terms. Id h?vrka fem Peninsula sh'pya-da 4 am st. . K, f P.Vn TO V MOV VS-O f R P K'IAUTY :e neuhafurn a co. n. w. nk. nidg! at-r"f We?xaVw $tpM ema'T . Kne trr Phrea W G4K-D HOME WEST JULE Market st . near Hth. 7 roomi. fireDlare. bath, apiandld oaditioa; lot 6oxlie, dtk I hoppAHD a- WIEDRICK. 241 Ptark Pt. CtNTsH OF sLNNTMDG 5-room modern nutiiito. n crnr lot. wtia garage; Oragoa investment 4t Mtg. Co., 17 Sd (. 4-ROOM. modern California bunamlow. beeu- tirully furnithed. Not a Oitng to buy;! year a fuel la basement. Dutch kitchen. nirawocHi iioor. rtreoiuc. r'rice Jooo, S.iwi down, balance terma. Etist 770. MUST aacrifir for cash my strictly modern I a - rco m nungamw. all nulit-ln ronvenieneea int (kOstiM fi. Hawthorn district. Owner. 1 n nor G ROOM ? IOnTLAST) HTS. $1.7.. Worth $ J.Ton. at 535 Terrace drive. 2 Plicae to Portland Hit. car. g-xd view: $-'0 cash, baL monthly. P. o. box S73. HAWTHORNE BUVOALOW, strlctty mod ern. 4rsitM mt; $20i. Include all street imprnvemenTa, eay terma Rummell Rummell. 274 PtarM at. 1 CoRN EH lit, with three houses, nn Ot h atreet. for $ii20. This place Is worth $!. 000, and Is in the renter of tho city. M. J. Cloheesy. 415 Abtngton bldg. $23O0 BUY8- 8UNNYSIDE HFNOALOW. $.7O0 down; on Belmont, near 27th St.; hard-surfer; dandy home: easy terma BADLEY. 404 N. W. BANK BLDG- A QUARTER blnck. comer and inside lot. at Woodstoek, with email house and barn, for $i;o0. Who want 117 M. J. Cloheasy, 415 Arlington bldg. 1 Nli'K hntnt In lrvlngton. 415 H. 12th st. North. The houe contains 7 rooms with a lull lot. Who wants this plare for $3500? M. J. Cioheisy. 413 Abtngton bldg. MODERN -room ho us, furnished, built-in ron vemencea, Dutch kitchen, fireplace. turret, gaxag. cloa) In, East 4422, or 1 LENT 5-rom bungalow and 4 full lota, cloe to sc bovl and nuninesa center: $2 mi, ay terms. 2oj Block Excn, bldg., ttd ani 1 emnt.i. CoK A E. -rw)m hous and full lot, be- teeen l nion an.? vt ii'uma ave : 9 ;hhi. Oregon Inventment a) Mtg. Co. 170 3d st. 3-RoOM hnua. gaa and ia'r In the boue. prt Ivhi, terms. B. F. Updike, 144J Leaware ave. Rosr. CITY PRK BARttAIN A-ronm bun galow, lot .inxlfkt: $22.7d. easy terms. F. arHiuyn. Olu Chamber of Commerce. iain 1 w.vfi. mi KKAiMr.Aii ew and modern 7-room house, $ V7; Improvements all paid : terms; n per cent Interest. Tabor 8741 or R. C PARK district, modern 1-ronm. boue, E. 7ih st.. 1 block to R, C. car: $2500, terms to suit. Tabor S741 or Main 5M2. FOR BALK Modern house. 2-3 acre of ground, fruit trees, henrace, garden loo's; arily furnished; $4(Mm. neiriy all cash. time. Phone Tabor 2020. pari bal. MUST raise $.7d0 cash at once; will sell my modern 5-room bungalow witn concrete basement and good lot, located on auto mobile road, for $100; give me $500 cash and vou can have three years on the bal ance; house cannot be duplicated for $2000 today. See owner. 404 Piatt Ding. MONTANA AVE. Choice 50x100 lot and 6-room house In fair condition; buy thia at bargain price and fix it up; $2000. easy terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 4114, A 411. KXTHA GOOD BUY IN FULTON. Two full lota end 5-room house on car- line for only li2.m $o50 cash. $10 month, with V interest. We have many bargains in homes. See F. Fuchs, 420 Chamber of Commerce. REAL HOME IN ROSSMERE 5-room bun galow, furnace, fireplace, built-in con veniences, hardwood floors; street paved and paid for; price "oo. s-.-iou casn. nni ance 6 per cent. 500 East 41st st. North, between Thompson and Brasee. A BARGAIN $1750. Nice five-room bungalow, good base ment, bath, paved street and sewers all paid for, terms easy. c. De Young- A Co., 514 Chamber of Commerce; Sunday, Wdln. 2251. NTCELT furnished 4-room all-modern cot tare, 1 V blocks to Kenton car, for a rosy little home. See thia. At a bargain. 1010 Minnesota ave. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, modern in every particular; S rooms and den. with or without furniture. By owner. Call Ta bor 111. jiv-o A-ROoM modern bungalow. 1 bio k to Tremont station, Mt. sott car; $150 casn. per montn. raoor so4W. -R00M house, with bath, fuil cement base ment, wh tray a etr., 17th and E. Taylor, $J.TO. terma AJ 61. Oregonian. CLOUR IN. Fst Side, g room engage and aosa.t lot 1754 K. th et.); $127o. terma Qeegon Investment s Mtg. Co.. 170 3d at. h pay '.I n, r.4.in t NN&IIfi. modern. 7-room ct:ge, saap I --S'X payment paid. Tabor 332. H'd'Si-; and lot. M'rr:e and Vancouver ave., aie.to. ier-r.a. i.w ner. Geo. Mrrtea, 624 Ee. 13'h N.. Pwrtlaed. 7-KOOU hous. $24 mi, near Jerfarsoa High chooL modern. Tabor $50. HtCKIFICE. WEST SIDE. Small bunsalow, close In: fine view prop., VniNi. A F 73. Oregnnlnn. 7-ROOM house, lot 50x120: paved street. walking Distance; a bargain. See owner. 5VI Rodney. 5-Rt GM bungalow, well built, fine cnndl tton Inside and nut. fitrmtce. f replace, rsrage. very reasonable. Tabor 2707. N E W residence, six rooms and sleeping porrh. furnace. firer!xre: close to rsriine. In good district. AV 523. oregonian FOR SALE House and lot. corner 3.7th t and ant h aye. P. E. ; price $350. t; jy McCoy. Jefferson. Or. S-ROOM house, Buffalo at., tisr.o Small rash payment, e.isy terms on balance See Rlppy. MeK:iy bldg. Main 622. $15imi FOR 5-room bungalow, 2 blocks of m car. . minutes out: a snap. Owner, 22:i Henry bldg. corner bungalow, down. Owner, 401) ATTRACTIVE 5-room F win ton. $22r.o, $250 Multnomah Hotel. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, a rooms, fire- piace. iuii 101. .iuu: easy lentiB. t . vnn fluyn. M.'i Chamii.r Commerce. 1 or IRVIXGTIiN'S SWELL BUNGALOW Some- thiny iholce, beat ot wommanihlp, com 0ef ill every (tetait. beautiful new dra. perlea, all for $7."0li. terms. Neuhausen & Co.. N. W. Bank bldg S.MAI. I4 liuiiKlows, cottaces. anil larger houses, at all prices, and easy terms, in all parts of city. TAI.LMAIXJE REALTT COMPANY, III! Henry bldpc. Alarshal! 3.5. 47"(il a snap; two-story modern home with hardwood floors and 100x100 feet, corner, in Piedmont, four blocks from I'nlon avenue. K. V. Andrews A Co., 004 Piatt bid. Marshall i0'2a. 5-ROOM bunitalow, Kenton car. near park: fruit, berriea, etc.: a big- snap at $111110, term. Johnson-Dodson Co., ti$4 North western Bank bldg. $2200 8-room home on East Sth st. North, between Shaver and Mason sts.; small raih nnvment. balance monthly Install ments. F. V. Andrews & Co., 604 Piatt bid. Marshall 602S. MODERN It-room bungalow. hnrdwood floors, concrete basement, wains, etc. in stantaneous gas heatlnir system, all city conveniences. Double car and Jitney serv ice. Call S!l Division, near Kast la to 4 P. M. Sunday, owner. T 67, Oregonian. tdWVTHORNE ave. district. .Vloom mrictiy modern bungalow. furnished : fireplace, hardwood Iloors. built-in effects: pric j-JTriO; also 6-room with Karaite. J97". in cluding all improvements; terms. 'Jabur fi2.-. IRVINOTON BUNGALOW Owner will sac rifice $1000 for quick sale. Attractive, modern, large -living-room, fireplace, oak floors. Call today from a to 6. t70 East ISth. near Siskiyou. Kast 34. Main 8078. ROSK CJTV PARK. Beautiful, cozy, convenient fi-R. bunga low; sunporch. fireplace, furnace, large attic, paved street, near car: J.uxio. John-son-Dodson Co.. 6.J4 N. W. Bank bldg. 22r,0. Four-room house and three lots. clns to Franklin High School: one lot In bear ing fruit: easy terms. 614 Panama bldg. Main 7309. BEAUTIFUL 7-room house. Roso City Park; old ivorv woodwork, oak floors, two fire places, "large lots: was built for home; it's a beauty: $r."00, terms. Johnson-Dodson Co. 634 Northwestern Bank bldg. MUST HAVE CASH to save, other Investments ; price greatly reduced. 6 rooms. E. Madison st., close In. at a real bargain. Mar. 4114, or call 21T Northwestern Bank bldg. IRVINOTON colonial. large living-room, dining-room, breakfast-room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, bath tile fliior. attic, full-slzs concrete basement, furnace, garage: all improvements paid. Price $t;.VJIl. J. C. Corbln Company. 305 Lewis bldg. ROWE CITY CARLINE SNAP Large S room home. sleeping-porch. fireplace, hardwood floors, cement garage; IUOnIok with nice lawn and roses; 1 block to car line; all street improvements in and paid for Price $5."0i. AM 42, Oregonian. BEST BUV IN PORTLAND. Sacrifice, 5-ronm modern bungalow and good 6-room house on 1'Mixloo lot: good f arden spot. Close to rnrline. worth S::-J0o. VIII sacrifice for J2200. Terms. Sbi l2 "Williams ave. Hoaslln. Bust :i.v.l.-, IF YOU have $3200 cash you can buy a splendid Jrvington homo of ft rooms. Of fered at bedrock price. The small bal ance can be paid at your convenience. Hardwood floors, fireplace. Also other de sirable features. T 48. Oregonlan! J145o TAKES 4-room bungalow on one-half acre 01 grounu in j-utivt'i ...oiii. t, n-r" to 6c carllne with transfer privileges; terms to suit. Empire Investment Co., 401 Board of Trade. ROSE CITY CAR. 4-room bungalow, full lot, good chicken house, fruit, etc., 75th St.; price $960, terms. Owner. Sellwood 38. THIS IS PRICED RIGHT. 1201 East Harrison st. 6 large rooms, plate-glass windows, up-to-date corner lot, $4000, easy terms. Ownerjhere. IRVINOTON . SACRIFICE Elegant home. choice location, near tirazee st., xoimi, worth $12,300. Neuhausen & Co., 833 N. W. Bank bldg. ' FOR PALE Good 6-room cottage, close in on Kast side, small payment, Dsjance like rent. Sellwood los. ST. JOHNS- Cosy It-room brick bungnlovv. 2 nice lots, plenty or iruii; Hunting (iiruiiii'it of shipbuilding plant; price $2.!00, easy terms. Empire Investment Co., 401 Board of Trade. IRVINGTON Strictly modern 7-room resi dence, 4 bedrooms, convenient to the Catholic church and school; $5500. 537 Pittuck hlk. East 2M3S. FOR SAL.F; Lot 5007 Si, 5-room house, gar den, fruit. K. 20th, between Pine and Ankeny: $260o, with furniture; leas un furnished. Phone East .1271. I2.VOO WILL buy a 6-room house, lot 60x100. near canine, men ana Ainena. fnone owner. Broadway 1731: terms. IRVINGTON SNAP Dandy little home, near Knott, 6 rooms, oak floors, fine furnace, $4750. Neuhausen c Co., N. W. Bank bldg: tisoo 6-ROOM bungalow, modern, cement walks, roses, gar-len. 1 blk. cars; easy terms. Main 3672. McFarland, 603 Yeon bldg. GOOD 5-room house, near Piedmont car- barnn; easy terms. Pittenger, 10'Ja Mary land ave. fVKNISHEr 5-room bungalow, st. Ownr. 031 Division L'P-T IATK "-room furnished borne. Own er. Tabor 2320. 'IRVINGTON BARGAIN Well built, modern home, cnojre location. rooms, sleeping porch. .pt2.-i0. terms. Neuhattsen & Co., N. V. Bank bldg 15 MIN. WALKING DISTANCE. WDSTSIDE 6-rooin Swiss chalet; price $2200; easy terms. Phone owner. A 53114. 16-ROOM home for sale. E. 82d st.7near Hawthorne svo, $6500, eaoy terms. AR 71, Oregonlaa. FURNISHED" BUNGA LOW. 4 rooms, full lot, paved street, close in; $11.10. terms $4.10 cash, balance mtg. Own er. Sellwood 3. 5-ROOM bungalow, near Richmond car; must sell this week. AO 41, Oregonian. SIX-ROOM cottage, walking distance, cor ner lot; terms. 614 Panama bldg. Main 7300. 1241 EAST 30th North. Alberta car. 6 rooms, stone blnck house. $2450, $1000 cash. J. Haas, 309 Chamber of Commerce, 6-ROOM house, Kenton; small cash pay ment, bal. like rent. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 Northwestern Bank bldg. $27,10 FINE 6-room home near corner of Killingsworth and Union. Owner, 418 Church St. HAWTHORNE and 4th, K-room, hardwood floors, fireplace. $2100, $2M cash. J. Haas. 309 Chamber of Commerce, MODERN 8-room house, 3 lots, 50x100. lot of fruit trees, 1 blouk rem ear. Call 275 Clay; see owner. ' PIEDMONT CAR BARN DISTRICT Nice 6-room modern home, full basement wltti furnacje; price $3000, terms to suit. Ein pire Investment Co., 401 Board of Trade. 4-ROOM HOUSE, not modern, but very neat, corner lot, 50x100, 200 feet from Kenton car, near Peninsula Park, for $1000, terms. 110 E. Buffalo tt. PIEDMONT CAR BARN DISTRICT 5-r cottage, 50x100 lot: price $12oo, easy terms. Empire Investment Co., 401 Board of Trade. ATTRACTIVE, well-arranged 5-room bun galow. Hawthorne district; $3250, terms. Phone owner. Tabor 3165. OWNER will sacrifice modern 4-family Hal, good location, all rented. AR 77, Oregonian. 4 ROOMS and bath. Myrtle Park. Mt Scott line, $1150. No agents, sellwood 862, or ad -dress V 81, Oregonian. HAVE several houses for sale cheap In the city, also one in St. Johns. 0 rooms, $2000. Particulars. 321 Water st. S ROOMS near car; small payments. BEERY. 1035 C. of C. Main 1415. SMALL bouse aud 50x100 corner lot: M10 easy payments. Owner, Woodl&wn 8544