TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MARCH. 10, 1918. f MIWTOD.IT. IflDnillTDY t . ,J I ww-. .v. Zjitjs, ---;.ri MR. FARMER .D PRODUCE SHIPPER Too raa obtain -top market pricrs fur all your poultry both dreed and IIt all kind, of Irriued Mcata id Troducc, by ahtpplns to ua. Wo a. fears CaaaaUal.a CASH PRODUCE CO. It M.rriaaa, l. Mai 4.HJ.3 WAVTlI-IOlp TO VKT Int. Hfc.S3 POLL- ! THY PAN-A-a'K-A KKl Oo Is any of th. d.lr. btoa and gat a frv, crtal ay-iaa.ah ao-a fir 13 bma f rtr ! i wk 1 1 ul proa. t you taCi.r than ail th talk la to orld that f.a-a-r. a ! will kp ynar poultry haalthjr ana maka yaar B.n lair. IT. tiraa Inatanl Klilar kttla IK an poultrv. ajutr-fc and ra; atsarafttaaai. Kor ttaup aaa Lr. H.aa KM, Kmdr. i-t your froa trial pa-b-ac a' ! Maaaa Poultry Pan-ct-l frorn arty af trim oaalara: ftoatla-lc Xoad Jk toral Co.. Iti Won'l: J. J. Uuti.r. 'rol: J. IL Hart Mw. '. T0 Loin aart; IV. O. Daataman. al Tnatar road; .ajrt BM. 10.. n?.. VdIoo aaa ; Kroadoay 'a.ai a . ll N. ath: Portland tn I'o. 1W I'roat; Trarnont Phsrmaf-r. ". T;M & r: lira I. U ftarbar. 4-l H. 1 : Xi. tV-ott truc r, Lama: bt. Johaa rkarraat-jr. lie. Johns; traahara tra fax. troham; Mllaaukl. Merc o-. Milaaalila: Coffall Brsa. Marc la. til an-1-7 Htatlon. ! I I at I H a I aauo N. . v w V t M IIANKN prUa Whllo P'.Tmout! itarka won fir p-o Ihr-o yrars siratcht at foriiao'l ihna; arlnnra wh-r-r sltawa. brvl to Lair, eaias for hatrbtnc lo $.1 ar ISk f-w C.MMt fftrkrIB l-fl and 3 cood rocks, birtls 3 years aid. for C P. ffc-IIANEX. Rout- a. Tnfa l'a.. yort'ant. nr.rn. fAl.K MACHIN'CitY. 2 H. r . A. C. motor. I li-lnrh Jointer. 1 ctrrular roaal 1 amery stand. I1 rip and cut-off ua a. Ixt ! . bVII i'ACU'iC K.M1IVEERINO a EQUIT MKNT ". VI tat Xtracl. T:epbon Main &t-- from selector araeoers: arau lo J anraia ImMtUI rorkerals: ancestors brod Taacard s Koyal fork birds. Trapneated. xanaa Il - Pr 1. j P-r poat paid. O. E. llauder. Box i'leai liofna. tr. LiMCIjT Va'hlta ftocka blaheat official racortia worlds esc-larlra ronfat. : mwmm- heaat la Lar. a In and Da v. Frea rat alusae. Ideal Poultry laruX lloqalam Huh. '..( rom rhnna. larae. wall-colored In tr lavlna atrain ft. I. heda. Rena better. II M for IS: ST vr J0O: alao four fine eockarala. s.&0 each. B. A. ilifhal 'ranro. Or. liKKKD RCK'K acta and chicks, seventh t.ir nHiiiDuoaa traoaaatlns: hena real arda 1W to 24 esse par year; malea from b'stt-ra-ord hena Itand for folder. i art Kaatnar. Hoota 1. Tacoma. Wash. a r waiiTt: it.HDH.vi Cocks and cockarais. cholceet breeders f-an pnlicraed pens of high producing Fn lab. hena. -l and each. Mc Kenna Park Poultry Farm. Col. 1. Mc K'Rna aad Lombard sta w,Ta; 1.F.OHORN baby cbix from bea.y larloc lUnsaalaadl stv-k. alarcA Uell.erj all par luo; April. tlaX V. a cuarantea safa arrival. Tbo Ploaear Hatchary. rata lama. CaL 1 E want settlna hens In April. 3Uar and June. Will take all roe have and call for them weekly. Write or phone ua Dua Marmot Pheasantry. Marmot. or, prtona. Teboe Ta A X HAT Incubatora lh-ei a.ae. cood coa ditlon for sa.a at Slo each: worth double thia prt.o. A-t pMnnptiy If yoo want one. I. B. Srmmoada. aill sua ae. a. Tahor Tl- aVaTALL'MA HAIlHEKr I'M ship da-o a chk-ha to poiats raa" h ad la tkrae daia. We cnai.eaie tne haa. pi'a aniia Prae ctr- eu ar L. W. Clark. Potaluma. CaL Ivlli: llarred Hack maiea for sale. Thomp sa strain, prisa-wlanlua stock. :so ana Parks strata. Hue ft. box route a. ten'. .f.Mon. Phon. t SI. 1-K i i-SijCK lacubatora. at broodera. t"0 chick-aiae. for sola, reaaonab.y priced. la aorkina erdar. Ca.l ilroadaay bt week data IlLVKH t.amplna cockerela. prlla wtnmna a'aak. four chalra M2 io. beautiful blru f -m fouth Hand, lad . assa. toaaid :rnt. Palnilaw. phono l.reaham 4U. l'vR SII.F. 31-a-eac petaluma Incubator: tpkers sdapcaate bovar. V 110. Oreso- alaa O. A, :. kravl-lo-lay Harrad Hocks, aira 1 54 se'.tlnc. c. J. Mvlotoah. O. A. C Cotvaiiuk a re-sort. IM'iAN Ht NMJH du. k aces from heavy lay era. t iw par aottlns. safe 0-.iTT taaranlrMt asnford Stanton. Aloha, trr. tr:M INa. Ke:iertraaa Wklta irrpaatoaa. fl a aat'lna 1S alb at a . C. Italia aio'wood 3tV H HA1.R rani, black Minorca yotsnc tarinaj heaa aa4 rooatera 1'hoae a. Tor Rk4rk:ll and three laylna hena. blah raja R. L etock. takea alL Jli Cham ber of Commerce. TH"K. 'HiHBBKD Plvmouth R.ck Xichliin straua. fcast olth I wood 'T 41 THOKUl .HURi.ia.niiaar Laced W ragila ears. I- par sectlne Pranrls llreear. auW 511 e i. K I'hone Kenwood 71 II -ETTINil Kiaai.4 FOR KAI.E II. K. '. hboda fe:aad rod. F.DaTah liaron leehoma. afar z-esc strain. Tabor ao. foH KALC s. C white l-sbara acts for hatchlns. a'afl Tabor Tsaia. NfARUT NK-i:i-t : v.. ::id at. .v X Kar Incubator. laee to3ar. UaVINO HK!l and pullets aad roosters for sale. !; Slt St. . a.. BARRED Rock esse for roli sfter Wedneadar. haUalo. WJ.a. KAHHIT.t and Tabor 1S.VI Barred Kock hens for sale. FR nALi: Toaiuf White lesriora rooater. cheat, set K. -.'th st south. '. WHITK Le horns -h. st 2aa Tamhiil. b axel. Il.-.O I -1 and 3d. 2 FINE White Rock younc h-aa an.t 2 cocker-la for sale (Mlaaeil IITrt. tt rsn -lR A(.E x Incubator, ane aa''on oil. Wood awn S"P ea.y uses C1I.VKR CAMPIME eexa. $iJO per 11 tirac Bardalev. Kenton flrerton. Wood'awn Hlw. WA.VTEU Voa-U'lna hena park st. Ms in lj"U Eatee Grill. 121 IKTTINii F'-JiS hama. IV for Thorouahbred ti. phone Kail. Us- OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office. Unas 1U Caartksaas. Ml M. Eaacrmavra. yeaa rroaw a to a. viola S7a. H aaaa Ptaoaa A SAsa. Malat coil after affara kaaara. Waua f 7e Heport a'l reaaae or crualtr to the above addreeaL yhmriv lethal chamber for email animals. Horaa am balance for alch and diaabiad anlraala el a raoment's not Ice. Any ena deal-ins a doe or other pet com maul rata with aa. Call for all loot oe atraved a'ark. as we tooai after all Impoundlnc. T here la no axare elty pound. Jua oralaa I a anrtaiy Phone Your Want Ads to TIIE O REG OMAN Main 7070 A 6095 ran 4kM.rVtCO aJa to C ' a o w.m4 I i i mi Oa Taaaatav Wiillmm i - 1 CI' Thl nrarlr naw home Is looat M on one of the hixhrxt eleva tions In the most exclusive aec tiona of LAfKKLHl'KST. with a rlortnua view of both mountains, to short blocks to rur. It is unusually well built, hits hrdwootl floors and finish, three Immense fireplaces, finest of ma hogany floors and trim, two aerv ants' rooms o. third floor: room for Karaite: l.ian anil shrubbery. The house was planned and built for a horn by a prominent arrhltea't at a rout of 17500. who met with reverses and lost prop erty. It ran be bought today for less than the actual Incumbrances. Terms. Kev at Laurelhuret Tract Office to.Uv. TsOor 3t.T3. IturinK wt-ek call J. 1-KLAIU NTY. Main i;o. I also have a clussy six-room bungalow In ljaurclhur.il for $000. CITY OF NORTH BliND t'tMlw RIV I A HKKIIItK OK IX IlialHV A.M IV)I. Bit;. I own ln lots within the city lim its of North Bend, t r.. alze ILxll feet each, within walkinc distance of the (tret l hi tl-nl Itl In s plants anil other manufacturing Industries of that thrtiltiK citv. Tlie.ae lota are bound to be In the center of n MaT city ere lonif. I nm about to brpln e a t e naive hutMiiiaT operations In rurtlarifl ami will clone nut a part of m V North ltend holdlnats at etnr per lot in h locks of SOT !.: T II KOI II I. T! Tt KAt II Bl i :R. and w ill icive terms of only ! riovn and $12 per month on the four lota. Abstract of title with each four loia. This Is a rare op portunity to make liitln money grow into t I ic money. Thomas "iKars. owner. Tfie Crossley Vicars Go. Selllaa Aaeata. "O Mark. M. WANT TO riCV KIRfT-CLAJW ENTKR PRISK Wit. I. CONMDKR tUVID. CLEAN PKMIMSITION CI" Ti -.T..0Oii. M NOT ANSW'KH IK VOI R PKOPlLtlTION' IS RK TAIL MtKCHAMHSIMi. 1'REKKR MO.MK- Tllivr, IV PtiRTLAMl AMI WILL ftN SIIKR ANTTHlNi: THAT 1st HiL'.M. RKP- ITAIll.K A.VI KSTAIII.ISMKK AWiUKSS PRINCIPAL KOR INTKIHIKW. Illil Kr 1. Y STATIN': PACTS. ANHWKK.1 STRICTLY CO.NPIDENTI Al- A R T4. OREOONIAV. Garages Call for llluatraled Prtce l.lal. 1M Aakeay .a I. I'koae Broadway HP. Sam Connell Lumber Co. MODERN WEST SIDE HOME OR StAUK AT A f At KIKItU tlEht room's, every modern conven ience, hot-water heat. hlKh-Krade fin ish; tram are. Owner I e a v I n k city. ttll-OOO. If Interested address OU.NKR. AJ 33. OKKt.OMAV. BI IM'. TROPK.RTY FOR 9 U.K. ARK YOt LOllKIXi KOR AX AI'ART- MK.XT MTKf have 'for sale a close-in. West Side corner. SO by 100 feet. Ketones to a non-resident who will aell his equity at a larice sacrifice. H. II. HI.OkMOM. ! (Yiaiber ml Commerce Bids. Phone .Mala x.17. CPKCl LATORS. TAKK NOTICE rbiltio on Washington street, nra Tenth, at a tempting price. I'osttlvely the only downtown lot on the market. THIaJTKK. S'2f IIK.XRY HI II.IMM. $35,000 at 6 'e Wanted 4-u.Mty rttnni.tii of rlt.-in. m-nlrrn hu Bra but iling ant ln! .orii. . l.t..oMj.uo lhaical n.l I'rrMinal Hlk r.Kca.ictiL fliMMl Annua! Imom. faoda mantel on or t-' r .irtl 1, 1919. 1'r.ot-tpA apply lo ft. II. HI OshoM- ( bMirit f i inmrrrt Bldf. I'tiorm M.i.n .-7. Pinched for, Cash MIST HttK SIO.OOO CAML YOI' CX llK Tlllt t MOW K a'UI.IMM) APAHTMKXT. Til T XKtKR II 1U A t t( M V AM AI.U.s KT OtK.R .V0, UH $25,000 OTI C RKt K. CH lleary Relldlaa. FREE SERVICE BY r ACH IC TIT I K A TKisr CO, W hsv atl th record In this conntr aff-rtlnc i:ty aftratl and fvot-ted riaht up lo ih mlnut coer- f.r iniormatio I at office. M4fH at. f'hon ilr. 1 JNO. B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOA.VS. Insurance, Surety Bonds Il WILCOX RLDtt Mala 7 HZ. A 370X MORTGAGE LOANS FARM AXI RFSinKXCE PROl'tKTV. AO CO.MMISMO.X. Wm. MacMaster Tl CORBKTT RlIM PORTLAXD. OIL MORTGAGE LOANS OX BISIXKsal AXI RKSIUEXCB PKOPKHTa. R0BK.H19O.X a KWIXfJ. iaT - Aarthweatrra Biak Ride OK Mortase Loans aee Oregon In- X. vestment Mortgace Co.. Stock Kx- hanae Vldsc- Third and Yamhill Streets. CLASSIFIED AO. RATES lrr tin. is Ha m4 tw ftlw tinwa. . , , . S2 m a4 ttara MMtrititt Urnrt . Sv mm mH 4 r wea riitfUt tinirca.. 4r lb ate nilm anuljr I a4 vrrtiinMta u4tr "Nv Twiajr"" imI all mit Tl-ifira- UMa. esrvpff lb follciwla, ;b follciwlaai numiaM Maal tac Kra( K-ai I rtiaf 'aailt. baM-rd ad Kwiiii I'rts af kmmlis Hkapla Mma--ea''l-ata k amiiiaa. alra a lva aara claaallirallaaa ara 1 caaa a uaa vara iaarrtloav. la aJniamaia will tea raciiita. r ivnitc-mtia Uiiaal addlliaaal tkargt. Inrt aayra rvaa4icailMa wUJ aat a arra aa mur mm mairrtauj aiia-.t taa alia mi lm atrtfcpat--al. aarttww-anrata ar ta tw-lc-eOwra". prwUird iMMtftiarr la a aatiMcribrr tm iHtbr pavB. l.'i acr UI mm H(r r turn pbmmm. mill will bm rrailsral I ha f.liwln a-a Qfrf Ua will ao4 mm n-apoa..bla for la aaertiarmraia uara a rr trie- bet kar aabaraaa a-dwl--taat iTtutr- vrr IM aonaa a in ana mmmm ttm prnaitHMa mi pay awel ml taia liniir trrilMia.wl. "lilaaca.a Waal-" aa4 -r raMaal" ad artlaaaaaaia will av aw 4-1 wt-w-d am hm tflepaaaa. Ordrra for aaa Mwri aalr will ba a--rptrd fur "t arm! lara frar awia," MBaalarwa Upworfaaltlra.'" fitir NEW TODAY. AUCTION SALES AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 169-171 SKCOND ST, Near Yamhill. HKI.UAK ALrJM)AlS Monday, Wednesday and Friday EACH HAY AT 10 A. M. MIR ALL KIMI.I OK MKOIVM-U-R A DK. HKCOD.IItM) KIRMTl'Hi; CAR PHT. R V ti S. RAN ti K !. IIKDIJIXti, DISIIK. l"Tr:MI.S and other effects. Goods Sold at All Times in Our Private Sale Department UK CARRY A IMMKSSK MM! OK TIIK UIHI' KIK!IT l.llllllt II A ) K. ALMOST AMTIIIVt. YOI MAY F.KI) TO I'lKMMI A MOUKRN IIOMK. In cluded in our line aro MMIK tKRV f HOICK I'IKI'KS IX t lRCASSlAX H LIT. H1IIIIM-: a K M.U'l.K t.KM lH .M AHOOAXY and "I.OI.IIKX OAKl also a very costly UH'KKIt H'lTt Via.. SKTTKK. HOIKKKH, ARM II A I H M, TARI.F.a, TAIItH llr:rir.i etc., settee and chairs are upholstered In tapeslr; also I.K.ATIIKR l)AKX I'liKTH, rockers. Morris chairs, etc.; MtMK I.IIIHAKV TtHI,l. book casea of various styles, lurce assort ment of IIIMMi Ml ITKS. BltlfS and KXMKI. BKIIS. MI'lilM. and MAT. THK. HOOl-Miy. K Itlt.S and CAHI'KTS etc. Steel and Gas Ranges la Flrat-flaaua (onditina. Almtaat .Make on Want. WAT KU IIKATKIt.H. l:ic. Any Office Desks and Fur nishings Store Fixtures and Equipments Includinir showcases, counters, cash reKisters. cumputiiiac scales, cretlit sys tems, meat s 1 I c e r s, enrese cutters, butcher's supplies and other effects. nOXT KAIL Tt ISIT OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT TIIK LAIMiKST STOCK YVK V. Kit H AIL ALL KRK.KII Cnillll til H WTKK.I). !tLI AT M'KI ll. PR It US AT Al.la TIM KM. If Vo Are Not One of Onr Customers Ion Are Loalng Mosey. T. U II.SOX. I'ROPRIKTOR. Wanted We Pay Caah for Kuralture. Ktr.t Srtocka of Merchandise. Ktc. MAIX 126. 0 OUlPQVO KSTABLISUKU 169X On Tuesday Next A IIIX IX; - ROOM ftl'ITK of seven rleces, 54-liich six-leaf extension table, ive. chairs and carver, in quartered arnlden oak: also it be.ttitirul niatioe any, deep upholstered louutrini; set an swell nialioicaiiy electric table lam with tapestry shades: one old colonia davenport, a Knjax Oriental rue. gold en oak buffet (lare), with lare mir ror: golden oak rockers, square cente table, mahogany dressers, also in on and maple; bedroom suite In Jacobea finish. silKoiiiie anil cotton mattresse twin beds of very sinurt style and u to the minute, sanitary couch with mat tress. KOR TIIK HOI SKaVIKK Am on kitchen furnishiiiKS are KnRlish break fast table, refrigerator, gas stove an Kuud water heater (very eoorll kitchen t hairs, utensils and o forth quantity of pictures, bric-a-brac, books, silverware, glassware, dishes, etc These goods are on display for youi most critical inspection next Monday Kour excellent body Jttrussels carpet ox various sizes. aAI.K TIKSIY XK.XT AT 10 A. M AT TIIK HtKK.lt Al CTIOX HOI K, MASOMC 1KMPI.K III II.DIXt;. On Thursday Next we "will dispose of household goods, comprising dinlnir-rooin. parlor a n J bedroom furniture of the best srrade, in atoldrn oak and mnhoitany, a HOOK l'A.K and kitchen utensils. SA1.K AT It A. M. Till KM1AV AT Tilt: HAKK.K AlCTIOV HOlSiK. MAM.MC TKMPLK IIL1M.. OTR VVK III V. SELL AND CIS. PO"K of your (tooi Is at the best prices in the city ana sen tnem at auction either at our own rooms or residence, on consignment, and our salesmen will call at your convenience. On Saturday Next at 10 A. M. Unclaimed Freight and Baggage Sale March 16th, Next, at 10 A.M. AT TIIK OHTII IVK DKPOT KIIK TIIK !, P. at . HI. AMI !. K. HY.t O.'S lly Order W. fr . TI It FIR. Comptroller S P. . Hy aad U. H y 1'ak'M. late of first adv. Feb. 10th. 191S. W. C. BAKKR a W. II. DKA. At TIONKfcKS. MASOMC TKtll'LK 1U1LDIM.. WtSr PAItK A.l) YAMHILL. STS. I'llONK MAIN 3332. MURRAYMEAD I.I.I.VK1 ROOM It K S I 1 l: ' K V KIST TnEVI'I.KOlRill STHKET. four bedrooms on second floor, two rooms and attic; hardwood floors both tioors: livina-room and hull finished in mahogany, library in oak; breakfast room, dliiinic-room. kitchen and bed room in seven coats white enamel. Se ected llathtina- fixtures cost IS50. It ijxioo. corner; both streets Daveil. An unusual opportunity. J3T.00 cash will nanuie it. i-rk k S8300. (.OUUAHII A IMKUIIKK, 43 Stark. g.-S.OOO HA I.K OK TKADK. The finest addition lo li.4k-r. the h.at imiom town in urmn; clear inrumhranra. tiam-suriar. streets to tract, llulidine re- irirtlons. Ils .h'xIinj to alley; near.v errs. The finest homes In linker are build ing to e.ine of iracl. illpe for improvements se.llns lots. . nilnu'ea walk to i-enter of llv. Atuta main business a:reet. Powder River runs through It; iiihmi yearly from rtver gravel run he had. Assessed at over .nam. owner llvee eiscwhere and can't at- nd ea RKNNr.l.Y at Mil. I KK. .1-T9 Salmon St. MORTGAGE LOANS Il'eads aa aaad for aod farsa and aHty laaaaaa af rltnae litrttal rate. j Prwnapt. Reliable Service-. j A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-210 orthvresrra Hank Bulldlaa. Uarakall 4114. 41 lh. NEW TODAY. For Sale or Trade This fine business property in beautiful Woodlawn Addition to Portland. The above building, consisting of 3 stores, full basement, hall over all and practically new and in good, clean condition; fine opening for a first-class grocery, feed and meat market or other mercantile lines. Price for complete outfit, in- cluding'fine vacant lot adjoin ing, $12,000. Will trade for farm land or city property. See owner, E. W. Hughes, and the property, 553 Dekum ave., on YV. L. carline.. LAURELHURST 7-Room Modern Bungalow Brand new, just being finished, hardware floors throughout, fire place, bookcases, linen closet, full cement basement, furnace, garage; lot 50x150. Buy now and select your own decorations. Price and terms on this property will surely interest you. Open for inspection today. Located at 1189 E. Burnside Between 39th and 41st. N. 0. Ecklund Owner and Builder. Phone Tabor 680. THE BUNGALOW BEAUTIFUL Open for Inspection Today TWO OK THK I.ATKST CRKATIOXS l. IKIUKKV SIX-KOO.M ol.MiAI.IIWS Located Corner Klf ty - ninth and Sandy llonlevard. Hose CTty Park. Splenillil Home Knvlronment. T'be Vlasterpiecea of m U rll-Kaoni Builder. Very larire living-room with fire place, music-room (or bedroom) off; French doors, lurjre dining-room with magnificent built-in mahog any buftet, hardwood floors, old ivory enamel woodwork with ma hogany trim; exquisite decorations In the dull coloring effects of mod ern tapeKtry paperings; large, light, airy bedrooms; white enamel kitchen and breakfast nook; full cement basement. Price S3750 and S3850. Convenient terms. Hit; CROSSLK Y-VltaARS CO., Specialists in Homes. 270 Stark Street. .Main 3052. APARTMENIT SITE ('hoick locality". cuk:h .nob hill. Glose-in Quarter Block PRICE $18,000 KASV TKRNS. AR 72, ORK(.OM.. To Rentr Warehouse WKMMK ni IM)I; iformrrlr OAE- I.ON MOLINK PLOW). I'nlon Ave. and Flandera J4.t 200 feet of switch track on U.-W. K. & N.; four-Rtory, reinforced concrete, 60x200; 52.000 equare feet of iigni space, posts on upper two floors: two elevators, one 10x30 in elze. WoBtlrrfol for maanfactarinar or hl:h- rlann itoriite. Low Insurance. W. H. WrJiiU. Iron BuIIcIIds;. Main 4912. Factory or Warehouse It.o.eH"e Ckolce l-'nll OlLCdUnartrr Blocks, With Hall road Tracka, Kast Mdc. short dis tance from Union Depot, Will build to suit for responsible lessees. See OW.XKIl, H. PALITZSCH, 275 East Fifteenth Mreet, .North. REAL KSTATE. Kor Sale -Lots 3 H.Nb, high, sightly, well-drained, level lots, block from car, 20 minutes out, on rovu car sr r ice, uurgain, put not sacri fice. A j dJ. oregonian. $700. 100x100 corner. 3 blocks Franklin High rrnoui, terms, on i,uiHnia Uldg. .Main FINE home site, over 2 lots, on Hasaalo st Laureihurst. 1 block south of Rose City car. Phone owner, Woodlawn 6o7; no agents. FOR t A Ifc. Central business lot In Twin t aus, Kiano, casn vaiue ...jU; will con sider afortiana resiaence. Robert Martyn, Ca. nm si. i., runiHna. 2iHxl00. CENTRAL East Side, 25th and Ash sts.; price s-tuou. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $300. NICE lot. 1 blk. from car. 20 minutes out. -Mr. anipcavrpemer, put yourself ud Hhack. $1Q cash. per month. Tab. 8349. RVINGTON LOTS WE HAVE THE BAR- UAI. r-L Ac CO., N. W HANK BLDG. UNION AVE., corner, fine for apartments sale or trade. Kennedy and Miller, 329 Mlmon. WO or more lots, Irvington, Alameda, l-aureinursi, it use uy preierred. J 21, Oregonian. WANT corner lot In Irvington? We have it cheap. Kennedy and Miller. 329 Sal mon. 75 CORNER, one block Irvington car buy, buijd. ssve rent, terms. Kennedy ana .-.mi 329 Salmon. ARK ROSE 3 nie lots. 1 block from Co lumbia blvd., .Moo. Terms if desired. Own er. 21 fc.. iiun st. jNortn. W EQUITY Laureihurst lot. want clear lot further out. or what have you clear? V 115. Oregonian. LARGE lot for sale cheap by owner. Phone Sellwood 224. COR. LOT. faces front entrance Franklin School. 54th. Make offer. 112 E. 11th. LOT for NMle. sultablo Tabor ..4. f o r an a pa rt men t. I nqtitre IN'E corner for sn apartment. Central East Side. Owner. 1UJ e, Salmon. PLUCK on Union ave., with trackage; no reasouabla oiler refused, F 66, Oregonian. i J S3 Li 1 fitiTiiVir- - - REALESTATEL For Sale Lots. PARKROSE ACRE TRACT ON- COLUMBIA HIGHWAY, Sandy Bird, sightly location. 2 blocks to car on paved street. Very easy terms. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Blda;., Main 208. A. 2050. (Sun day Only, at Branch Office 43th Sandy Blvd.. no phone.) 70X100 FEET " ROSE CITY PARK LOT EXTRA LARGE Dandy building site. S. W. corner 61st and Fremont St. J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Main 20S. A. 2(150. (Sunday only at Branch Office, 45th A. Sandy Blvd. no phone. rURTLAXD HEIGHTS, the choicest part, l quarter block of rround. corner and in side, especially adapted for apartments. The owner of this property is a non-resident and orders it sold at a sacrlfce for about one-half the value appraised; $4000 buys this DroDertv: only S2U0O casn quired. M. J. Olohessy. 415 Ablngton bids. REMEMBER that Capitol Hill is on a 5-cent carfare, with city water, city school, elec- l trie liarhts. araa and n hard-surfabe street ! Into the city and tots can be bought fori S:io0 to :'.. per lot. M. J. Clohessy, 4ij i Ablngton bldg. WANTED offers for two lots on Highland street. Columbia Heights; one in riea- mont and one on Union avenue near Russell: estate must be closed. Investi gate these unusual bargains. Johnston, 702 Spalding bldg. THAT VACANT LOT Turn a burden Into Income, We design and build anything. furnish the money If desired; eight years in Portland. L. R. Bailey Co.. contract ing architects. Northwestern Bank Diag. VACANT lots pay nothing; build and get an Income, all kinds of buildings designed snd built; furnish mouey if desired, cnaa w. Erts. Plttock hlk. FOR SALE I.ots 12 and 13 in blk. 5. South- moreland. Portland, clear of mtgs.. cheap tor cash or good terms, u. A. Mltcneiu Orenro, Or. For Kale Beach Property. $4u 3-ROOM furnished house at Gearhart, AK .. Oregonian. for ISale -Houses. S 1 7XJ GOOD house. 4 rooms on the itround floor nnd rooms, unfinished, on the Fcond ; nice yard : very neat place ; lot .ttixnnt; 'oca tea near uenver ave. nnd Humboldt st. $1000 Modern 4-room bungalow in Konton district, on block from carline, hard- surfaced street, all improvements in nnd paid for. full cement basement. lau.iary trays. Lot 33?sxl00. Very , attractive plare. $2600 Hawthorne diHtrict. near East 27th at , Rood 7-room house, fine sleeping porch, cement basement, with garape. laundry trays. Klegant location. Im provements !n and paid, lot ouxluu. Bonn1 iruit and berries, fine lawn. $3700 Beautiful ii-room modern bungalow in Hose City Park, all built-in con veniences, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full basement, all improve ments in and pajd; one block from carline. near 4.th st. $0300 Modern h-room home. hardwood floors throughout. well arranged, built-in conveniences, full basement, furnace, fireplace, improvements all paid, in Ladd's Addition, near Haw thorne. SKE MR. 1RWIX, 401 Board of Trade bldg. Phone: Main .370. Evenings: Kast 1460. IRVINGTON HOME BEAUTIFUL. 774 Thompson, S. W. corner 24th; mahogany finish, tile baths, super costly construction quarter block. No phone information. SEEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. R. T. STREET, AGENT. BARGAIN IN A NICE HOME. 7 rooms, hot water heat and all modern conveniences, lot 50x102, nice lawn, paved 'street, highly restricted district and 2 blocks from car. Price $4850, or with all carpets, linoleums, furniture and piano. $o3.j0. $2000 cash, balance on time. See F. M. Brown. The Shaw-Fear Company. 102 Fourth st. PORTLAND H EIGHTS Fine 8-room house. hardwood floors, beautiful fixtures, mod- I ern conveniences, hot water heat, level quarter block, lower heights, extensive 1 city and mountain view, shrubbery and fruit trees; one block car; will sell for about price of grounds. BROOKE, Mar- I shall 4S27. A 3h39. Call mornings. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Superior, almost new 9-room residence, close in; wonderful location and view: hardwood floors, white enamel and mahogany throughout: sleep- Ing porch, fireplace, two bathrooms, plenty closets; large grounds, fine trees. BROOKE, Marshall 4827, A 3839. Call mornings. HAWTHORNE AVE. 5-room modern bungalow, fireplace. built-in bookcases, swell buffet, hardwood rioor. -uuK'h Kitcnen, xurnace. paved st.. included. $2750: terms. Main 4543 'or Tabor 932. r. E. TuRgle, 414 N. W. Bank Bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $27."-0 6-r. modern. 2 sleeping porches. furnace, fireplace : all lower floor hard wood. Owner lent $22."0 on same. Paving, etc. paid. Requires some cleaning up, but a strenuous buy, terms. FRANK L. McGUIRB, Abington bldg. 7-ROOM HOUSE. $2500. Corner lot 72x146. E. 55th street. 4 blocks from car: house has cement base ment and modern conveniences. $lo00 cash, balance mortgage. See E. M. Brown. The Shaw-Fear Company, 102 Fourth fit. "OWNER GONE TO WAR." 9 -room, .complete and modern, promi nent Irvington corner, garage, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, all conv., $6750. Com plete furnishings also lor sale. FRANK L. McGUI RE, Abington bldg. RVINGTON DISTRICT 6 rooms, reception hall and den, fireplace and furnace, $3200; easy terms. Close in on Williams ave., 6-room cot- tare. SI S00: small payment. MITCHELL & WHITE. 104 Sherlock Bldg. HAWTHORNE SACRIFICE. Six-room modern bungalow; corner lot; flreolace. furnace, built-in buffet. Dutch I kitchen: will sell at practically the cost of I the house. Geo. r. Moore Co., 518 Abing ton bldg. IRVINGTON CORNER HOME. $6750. 6-7 , rooms, si. oorch. attic, garage, white fin ish and all floors oak, near 17th and Thompson; phone for appointment only. R. T. Street, agent. 12230 EAST OF LAURELHURST $2250. O-r. moaern oungatow, iuniace, i .re place, buffet. Dutch kitchen; all conv, I doubly built, great reduction; terms. FRANK L. McGUI RE, Abington bldg. I.-om MODERN 2-flat building. 4 and 5 rOOmS, eil IU1IIW1ICU, HaUIICJ-IllcllUri , equity $3000, discount for cash. BF 43, Oregonian. OWNER must sell immediately for snap a nice five-room bungalow, wen located I in Richmond district; all clear and ira- I provements In. Sellwood 938. MOO VERY COMPLETE HOME $2400. Hawthorne bungalow. 5 rms., fireplace. full concrete foundation; best buy in this section; terms. FRANK L. McGUI RE. Abington bldg. 220 J RMS. and breakfast room, all in I white enamel: floors all hardwood, mod ern. Only .'t,V cflsh. FRANK L. McGUI RE, Abington bldg. SALE OR TRADE Seven-room house and one acre of land, Estacada line, one block from car. Tabor laiv. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Very fine home, true value $23,000; take $16,000, fino location. East 1503. BIG SNAP $100 each, 6 or 12 full, sightly lots near Rose City Park and car. Thom son. .Mohawk bldg-. Mar. 125. tf-ROOM modern bungalow. 32d near Haw- i thorne. Consider trade for smaller house; cash difference. Phone -U4. v. r SALE 7-room house; lawn and in desirable location; very easy terms. Call 539 Gantenbein ave. wiM. aell to reliable party at $25 a month. Including interest, a 5-rm. bungalow. Rose City. O 21, Oregonian. FOR SALE 7-room house; cheap if taken this montn. ou t.ri bi. rnone sen wood 315ft. double lot, 3 oiocKS irom canine, iruit and I berries; terms. Owner, phone Col. 231. A FINE 6-room nouse, ciose in. lot .uxioo, i fruit ana oerries, joo; iuw casn, oai- i ance to suit: no agents, b.it E. 11th S. 75 CASH 2 -room fur. cabin, walking dis- I . w ,...-. f ft I XT Huna-aav Till I lanCF. if .a . v V -m. . - aw.M..j. VA Jefferson st FOR HIRE for good care and board, gentle farm team, jjuu ins. eacn. urive single or double. Phone Tabor 4WJ. BY owner. 5-room house, bath, basement. cement walks, nice location. x oiock car, $1400; af-i'm casn. ancouver ave. THREE-ROOM f urnlshed house for sale; full lot. Hlt r... JOliI .. -n. i irtri La. 22 ROOMS, modern; location the best; this; will go quick. i. in si. LOT 100X300. with chei house and fin e garden spot, for gal ;p. Tabor 1090. $1200 WILL buy a 4-room cottage; good conaiTioii, e""" Jtvi wag. -ROOM $210... house, $1 7."0 ; also 5-room house, Carter, Tabor 66.VL LOT AT 26th and East Flanders for sale or exenange. Tanor two. IRVINGTON R. T. STREET. IRV. AGENT. HOMES. IRVINGTON $3900, near lith and Knott, Z rooms, si. porcn, snap xv. x. aireeu KEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. BUY A HOME FIRST, and let JORDAN sell It to you. We have a large list to select from in all parts of the city. Will mere'.y mention a few. $7500 PIEDMONT 7-room. thoroughly modern house, hot-water heating system, lovely large billiard-room, fine lawn and roses, large garage. Terms If desired. $6000 IRVINGTOX 7 rooms and sleeping porch, Schuyler street, fine lawn and rosvs, thoroughly modern; Terms. $4850 LAURELHURST 7 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors up stairs and down, fireplace, full ce ment basement, furnace, thoroughly modern. Terms if desired. $3250 ROSE CITY PARK 8-room bunga low, corner lot. garage, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace. etc.; thoroughly modern; $1000 cash, balance to suit. $2S00 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 6-room cottage, facing on Hawthorne, newly tinted. $1200 will handle. Ground worth the price asked. $2500 WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS 5-room cottage, close to car, hard surface streets, etc.. $5c0 cash will aatnd.'e. $1800 MT. SCOTT DISTRICT 3 large lots, fine fruit and berries. 4-room house, bath, toilet, garage and chicken house; $200 will handle. $1500 ST. JOHN'S CARLINE 4-room house with modern conveniences. Terms if desired. $1200 WOODLAWN 6-room house, bath, toilet, etc., fine fruit; terms If de sired. $ 800 ST. JOHN'S CARLINE 4-room house, with sleeping porch, lot alone worth the money. Terms if desired. $ 300 WOODSTOCK DISTRICT 3-room house, fine fruit and garden, 50x100 lot; $100 will handle. W. W. JORDAN. 301-2 Lumbermens Bldg. Broadway 2343. HOUSES. $1600 4 rooms, good view, 4139 49th ave., near Woodstock car. $1750 5 rooms, nice yard, 1179 E. 13th st. N., corner Church. $1750 6 rooms, garden, near Mt. Scott car. at 4812 71st st. S. E. $4000 6 rooms, sleeping porch, modern, bungalow, near Hose City car, at 470 E. 51st st. North. $5000 7 rooms, modern, bungalow style, fl4 E. 23d st. N., near Knott. Heasonable terms, but no trades consid ered. Full particulars and inspection by appointment. CARL. R. JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Main 8699. HALF CASH NO LESS BE QUICK 28ou ROSE CITY PARK PAVED STREET AND SEW EH PAID LM FULL Close to ear, 5 rooms and attic. Fox furnace, living and dining rooms have hardwood floors, fireplace, and built in buffet. As this place is rented, we can not give location, over phone, and have tenants disturbed. Information at office only. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th and Stark St. I R V I N G T O N. Handsome residence. Irvington, 100x100 large living-room. music-room, dining room and spacious kitchen ; bedrooms bright and airy. Beautifully shaded porch for .Summer comfort. Close to car. Neigh borhood stores within few blocks. Owner now on the way to France. M ight even take smaller house or good lot as part Payment, bee Air. jjattln, witn the FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th St. Main HS60. WHY NOT BUILD? Get an artistic home according to your own ideas by responsible firm. Prices are some higher than normal, but they will not be iuwer for some years. We design and build residences, apartment, anything. Assist to finance same if desired. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC. Contracting Architects. 924 Northwestern Bank Bldfi. NEW, thoroughly modern 8-room Laurel- hurst home, fine lot o0xl04 feet, large liv ing-room with fireplace, glassed sun par lor, music room, four fine bedrooms, two fireplaces: splendid basement. It's simply ideal and a great bargain at $4600, $1000 cash, balance $40 monthly. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO., 270 Stark St. Main 3052. Sunday call Main 5073 or East 2725. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern 6-room bungalow, fireplace, fur nace, built-in bookcase, buiret, drawers, cupboards, gas, electricity, bath, cloak room, mirror door, attic, basement, win dow screens and shades, newly tinted and painted. Price $2750. OWNER. GEORGE A. ROSS. Phone Main 5330. RENTS are coins: sky hinh. sure as fate, but here a a way out and a chance to mane money: If your family is large It will just suit, if small, rent upstairs; it will almost pay Installments. I offer strictly modern, b fine rooms, 2 toilets, finest kind of gar den, convenient A or WL cars, partly fur nished if desired; $350 cash, balance easy. 1197 E. 17th N. Main 679. . MODERN, Ladd's Addition, full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, hall, par lor, fireplace, dining-room, three oak floors, buffet, pass pantry, kitchen, hall with lavatory between kitchen and dining rooms, porch with toilet, four bedrooms, screened sleeping porch, bath, toilet, lava tory, stair to floored attic, garage, paved alley, street; price $4000. Woodlawn 5172. CaLOSE IN. EAST ASH STREET. Large, well-built 9-room house and sleeping porch, full cement basement and furnace, beautiful yard, no city liens; price $5000. terms. C. A. Warrjner, HITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A MODEL HOME IN LAURELHURST. 7 light, beautiful rooms, 3 fireplaces, 75x100 grounds, high and sightly, over looking the park; shown by appointment only. See Mr. Smith. COB A. McKENNA CO., 727 Chamber of Commerce Building. LARGE 5-room house, full basement; good. mnriorn n nmb nz and corner lot: i diock from streetcar, only 12 minutes ride from aa ami Washington sts: street improve ments all in and paid; for $16."0, half cash, long time on balance: do not want Portland property as a gift. Box tio, Sherwood. Or. SMALi.. home on Peninsula, lot 4oxl02. 3 rooms, glass and screened sleeping porcn, gas and water, new cesspool, colony house and yard, small fruit, near 2 cars, corner Bryant and Newcastle sts. Some cash. Mrs. A. T. Mims, owner, Oswego, Or. R, K. 1, box 2S7. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, large attic, well- built, hard wood floors, fireplace, built-in conven iences, full cement basement, furnace, nice location; price $2850, easy terms. C. A. Warriner, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SACRIFICE SALE. Good modern, colonial. West Side home, 7 rooms, full lot, well located, near 21st treet carline; can't beat It; terms but no trade. Call early. . K. s. JACKSON, 207 Ry. Exchange bldff. MARYLAND AVE. BARGAIN. Well-built 5-room house, large attic, 1 block from Kenton car; price $1750, easy terms. C. A. Warriner, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MODERN BUNGALOW, ALBERTA. Well-built 5-room bungalow, one block from car. street improvements all paid; price $3000, easy terms. C. A. Warriner, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FINE LAURELHURST HOME. Large 8-room house, modern from A to Z, garage, best part of Laureihurst ; price $7300, terms, C. A. Warriner, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CALL Tabor 3032 If you want an excellent 7-room house, lot Uixiow. line garuen anu fruit, 2o mins. to city, near grammar school, Franklin High and Library. Price $2600; terms, or will consider Mt. Tabor lot as part payment. 1 5 ROOMS, lot 50x100. No. ozz PoiK St., at. Johns. Price sou; terms. 8 rooms, large grounas, iwxnv, ?w Depauw st.. University Park Addition. Price $.000; good terms. J. S. Sullivan, 408 Henry bldg. ST. JOHNS. Modern 6-room house, H' acre all In fruit and berries, chicken house, wen lo cated. Price $3500. Land is worth the PKMTKR.1 ATTENTION. o fita nnrt small apartment, reasonable. center of town, always occupied, no car fare, good income, no lncumorance, Dri cash. Owner, 52fe yianoers. 4 BIG rooms, 50x100 lot, Aioeria car. gar den tools, cnicaon iitu) x . , .Z, ' ideal home place; cheap If sold this mo. Buyers or agents see owner iwuaj, East 23d st. North. . FOR SALE by owner, six rooms and sleeping porch in irvinglOii. biiil-uv jumucii., I.O.IU- 'OOd IlOOrS inrouguuui, muni w bviu. y-a.il owner. Main .tw.; no ageing. $2400. TERMS. 6-room modern house, wide parking, nam """" J- "J" T.! el".. trees; inveonH o" ..o . a..vu. car: evenings or Sunday. 347 E. 51st st. S. BUNGALOW on 60x100 lot, Eastmoreland district, nas nrepiace, namRfj ttnu cnica-n park, near two carlines,-$1500. Call Sell w ood 3653. 4-ROOM house and lot, 50x100. lights and water. -lOO leet rrom canine: win consiuer uto trade. Phone iast nto. jloo House and lot at 3!t Killingsnorth ave.; great bargain. See H. Jarkumsen, 1926 Portsmouth avenue, it interested. REAL KSTATE. For fciale Houses. DUTCH COLONIAL ROSE CITY PARK VIE VV PROPERTY HOT WATER HEAT Located among the beautiful homes on Wisteria ave., 1 blocks to car. all floors are hardwood, entrance hall. den. beautiful Jiving room with door to porch. French doors from dining room to sun parlor where you hav a magnificent view of valley and mts., artistic decorations, and lighting fixtures, a real Dutch white enamel kitchen, upstairs, 3 bedrooms, large bath, small maid's room or store room and sleeping porch, fuil deep light cement basement, fruit room. laundry trays, the lot runs to the foot of hill with room for garage on level. This home is built like a battle ship, very best work manship, and built Just before the raise in prices. The price is ridiculously low. value unquestioned, location not given by phone. Shown by appointment only. J. L HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th Stark sts. TRADE FOR ROSE CITY BUNGALOW fl-rooin, well-built house, near Peninsula"1 several nice fruit trees, berries, rose bush es, one block from car, walking distance to shipyards; will trade for Rose City J""o0alow aod assumo some mtg. piiie C. A. Warriner, HITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bid-. $1150. TERMS TO SUIT. Three-roorn bungalow with sleeping porch, lot 30x10.-1, lawn, shrubs, bushes, berries and garden, city water, gas and electric lights, on Oreijon Electric .Railway, two blocks southwest of station, oc cai-' iare, 15 minutes from business district, lo minutes from South Portland shipyards. a. E. Parker. Multnomah station. MODERN BUNGALOW, o rooms, floored attic, built-in effects, fireplace, furnace, iull-slzo basemen u $Jw0; $u00 cash, balance per month. Alameda district. F. K. STEARNS, 2U2 Wilcox Bldg. Main S. 17. Evenings, Mar. 3770. CLOSE-IN BARGAIN. ,0!"room cott. fairly modern, lot 65x 100, good barn or garage. 1 ia blocks from tt!!Ban,e from school, Eaat loth; price $1800, terms. C. A. Warriner, HITTER. LOWE CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bid?. MODERN HOUSE FOR KALE. S rooms, with bathroom, basement with furnace, 1240 Michigan ave. corner Simp son, opposite car barn. 2 blocks from Al bum; lot 50 by 100; cash $1.00 and SlM'O mortgage. J. llumfcld, 22 Ainsworth bldg. Main 6S41. BARGAIN, ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, modern, large attic, 3 blocks from car. all street improvements in: price $2650, terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade BIdp. $300 CASH. BALANCE EASY". Modern 6-room bungalow, Groveland Park, nice location, 2 blocks from car street improvements all in; price $250o. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. MODERN BUNGALOW, EAST RIDE. 5 rooms, nice yard, some fruit trees, very good location. E. 2Mh and line; sacrifice price $3oo0, terms. C. A. Warriner, ritter. Lowe & co., a03-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. -ROOM Irvington bungalow, -,si East I2ih North, between Knott and Stanton; owner, non-resident and now offers this place foe. sale for first time; modern In every par ticular. See it Sunday from 2 lo 4 or any J I me during week. No agents answer. l-i. 5783. REAL EAST SIDE BARGAIN. " Very well-built 7-room house, corner lot, 72x146; don't miss this. C A. Warriner, RITTER, LOWE &. CO., 03-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAURELHURST. Before buying elsewhere obtain our list of exquisite homes for sale on easy terms In Laurel hurst, the show place of Port-. land. LAURELHURST CO., 270 Starlc St. Main 1700. A 1515. BEAUTIFUL, modern 8-room house and two sleeping porches, best restricted Piedmont district, luoxioo corner, plenty trees and shrubbery; value $8000; will sell at bar gain; 4 cartings; investigate. Owner Co lumbia 112. LAURELHURST. Nifty 7-room home, mahogany and white enamel finish, plate and art glass, oak floors, all conveniences, double construc tion. Royal court and 41st st.. three blks. north MV carline. T;.bor 2793. LAURELHURST New, modern and com plete 7-room bungalow and garage, largo attic, lot 55x150. Come out today to JIMl East Burnside St., bet. 39th and 41st. Owner and builder there afternoons. Phone Tabor OsO. ROSE CITY PARK 6-room modern bun galow, hardwood floors, built-in conveni ences, full cement basement, paved street, lot Sox 100, fruit trees, berry bushes, etc. Price $3500, some terms. Phone owner, Ta- 6910. FOR SALE At a sacrifice, cozy, modern. 5- room bungalow with sleeping porch, 2 blocks from Kenton car. Only $1650. Small cash payment; balance to suit. Cull Wdl n:5326J $100 CASH, balance, $830, $13 monthly; 4 cosy rooms, xruu. roses, garden, near car shops, newly painted. 763 East 21st st. BL car. Its fine to own your own home. Main 679. FORECLOSURE SALE. 7-room, 1 -story cottage, lot 50x105, on E. 69th street, near Glisan carline, $2200, easy terms. Nottingham & Co., owners, 102 Front st. FOR SALE Small payment down, balance like rent, one acre, nice 4-room cottage, on carline. Take Oregon City car to Hull ave. ; inquire at Blue Front Grocery, owner. ROSE CITY PARK. ' 5-room modern bungalow, 100 feet south Sandy blvd., large attic, full basement, ex tra well built; sacrifice for quick suie. Owner, East 3122. RESIDENCE of 13 rooms in Nob Hill dis trict, suitable for furnished rooms, board ing or private sanitarium; in first-class condition and good neighborhood; must be sold. AK 640, Oregonian. 4 ROOMS and bath, full lot, S blocks to Albina shipyards; also small house, 75x100 lot, walking distance to Northwest Steel Co. For sale by owner on easy terms. Phone Main 4132. ONE lot and 2 houses, 1 5 rooms and 1 il rooms, both rented, for sale at a very reasonable price; it's well worth looking into. Y 79. Oregonian. FOR SALE Modern in every way, Irvington home, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, with or without furniture. Call 499 East 13th, N. mornings. CHOICE Mt- Tabor lot, 66 2-3x100, on 61st. near Belmont, witn i-room cottage; low price, easy terms. Owner, 43 E. 61su Phone Tabor 23S7. NICE 4-room bungalow and sleeping porch. bath, Dutcn aucnen. noi ano coiu water. Price $1450 if sold at once. 1S10 Siskiyou St., Rose City Park car to 70th st. 7-ROOM modern bungalow, 5 rooms nicely furnished, X dik. uom .uoena caniue; uov will handle this nicely. Geo. L. Ditto, Woodlawn 1379. MODERN 5-room bungalow on Improved acre overlooking uswego J.uae, fouuu, terms; would consider trade for city home and assume to $1000. AE 56. Oregonian. 8-ROOM house on Immense lot In most ex clusive part of Irvington; must be sold; price $6000. terms extremely reasonable. Phone Woodlawn 1465. LAURELHURST AVE., new. up-to-date home; 8 large rooms, sleeping porch and garage, 1 block to "MV" car. Owner, 229 Henry bldg THOROUGHLY' modern. 7-room house, with furnished attic, double garage, nice yard; will sell furniture if wanted. 265 E. 10th, corner Madison. Phone East ;uoS. CLOSE-IN D-room bungalow, all improve ments, in Waverly Heights, hard surface paid for. Owner, 1010 Brooklyn st. Phone Sellwood 3022, FINE two-story, 6-room house, 2 bath rooms. sell or exchange ror smau cottage. vi Belmont st. Mrs. Arnold. FOR SALE Very desirable S-room resi dence, $7uUd, on jonnsuu si. ; wanting ais tance; terms. Owner. H 46, Oregonian. ROSE CITY PARK Strictly modern 6-rm. bungalow: $500 down, balance like rent. Tabor 4477. HOUSE and two lots, paved streets, worth about $2000, for $900; $300 or $400 cash, quirk sale. Tabor 6987. FURNISHED 5-room bungalow; full base ment; fruit and berries; lot 50x100; very reasonable; close to cars. S 55. Oregonlu nC MODERN 6-room house, full cement base ment, sleeping porch. East 24th and Mult nomah sts. PhoneEast 6623. MODERN 7-room house, Willamette Ilts., fine view, 60x100 lot, hard-surface paid. $4500. Phonft Mar. 1760. EQUITY in 5-room rottage with bath and pantry, good condition, well kept yard. Woodlawn 1152. FOR SALE Homo broken; bungalow, strict ly modern. nnxWO lot. $1500. Call owner evenings. Wdln. 1 471. SNAP Modern furnished house, garape, new 191S auto. 4 lots. 92. if ; 1.V cash, n:t 1 ance to suit. BF 4!. Oreconian. HUBBELL & SON. 1421 Sandy, oldest firm ROSE CITY PARK, can Be. I you a gooA house cheap. See us first. Tabor 161, 4