TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, FORTLAXD, 3IARCII 10, 1918. immmmdONT TALK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ENEMIES2222 Our New Illustrated Spring Catalog Just Off the Press Send Us Your Name for One Today FREE! Tlirift Stamps at 2 5- and War Sarlnrs fciuiA at II I on sal at our jtcf'Rimodatioa Bur rtu. iimnt. Sixth Hrl A patriollo way Smileage Books Creme OilSoap Free A 10c cake of famous Creme Oil soap free tomorrow toevery purchaser-of three cakes of this soap at 25c Creme Oil is a pure vegetable oil' soap that U an excellent value at the regular price of 10c a cake. This special offer for a limited time. Toilet Goods Shop. Main Floor. JUST IN BY EXPRESS A SPECIAL LOT OF Shell (Imitation) Knitting Needles at Pair 50c ' Shell knitting needles with assorted colored heads. Exceptional values at, pair 50c. Jewelry Shop, Main Floor. Our Demonstration of Nemo Corsets enters on its second and last week. Mrs. A. L. Craig, an authorized Instructor of the Nemo Hygienic-Fashion 'Institute, N. Y., gives free consultations and fittings all this week. Corset Shop, Third Floor. or tickets for soldi' u In cantonment the ater on sal Main and Fifth Floors. I looks or 14 coupons, fl: book of 100 coupon. IS. Easter Is The Grand Clima x areni 4 T. 4 " 3 toisi """ XVtt Quality Store-or- poktlamd Wssa slssls VtanMst tstar Mv V Coming of M t Every Desirable Feature Is Found in Meier & Frank's Assortments of the New Spring Hats We know of no other store here abouts that can show such quanti ties of new Spring hats in such a diversity of styles and trimming effects and at so many different prices. If yoa want an inexpensive hat, simply but smartly trimmed, to put on immedi ately and wear at any time, we have scores of such. If yoa want a moderately priced hat of tha better grade, you can choose here to your heart's content. As to the finer things, we have a peer lesj array, many of the models exclusive to this store. lists for dress and street wear in all shapes and colors are here in great va riety at most moderate prices. Millinery Shop. Fourth Floor. A Few of Our More Recent A rrivals in t New Spring Wash Goods 36-INCII SUITING LINEN, YARD 75 Fine quality 36-in. fancy suiting linen in natural color only. Yard 75c. 36-INCII DRESS LINEN, YARD AT SI 36-inch dress linen, non-crushable, medium coarse weave. In old roe, old blue, pink, yellow, mustard and gray. Yard f 1. 42-INCII DRESS LINEN, YARD S1.25 42-inch drees linen in fashionable shades of green, yellow, light rose, dark rose and blue. Yard $1.25. 3S-INCII VOILE, YARD FOR ONLY 756 33-inch voile in Dresden, floral, plaid and large coin dot designs. In combination of two and three colors pink, blue, green, lavender, yellow. lard ic Wash Goods Shop. Second Floor. Meier & Frank's First in Fashions! First in Value-Giving! Witness These New Suits, Dresses, Coats The keynote of the new Spring apparel modes is simplicity. That this simplicity does not detract from but rather adds immeasurably to the fascination of the new fashions none will gainsay, having seen our assortments. Delicacy, freshness and charm, of course, are om nipresent. Colors are soft m the main and lovely. Bizarre effects in colors and patterns have well-nigh disappeared. Blue is a strong favorite as are also grays and tans, but there are plenty of shades for those who are not satisfied with any of these. The spirit of the hour is well reflected in the new apparel. And it is beautiful. Y e mention here only Beautiful New Silk Suits We have just received by express the new Moon-glo Crepe, Koshanara Crepe, Taffeta Baronette, Satin Duchesse and many other novelty silk suits. New loose belted models, pleated or full shirred styles, some with belts. Many of these new silks will tub perfectly. Lined or unlined. Navy, gray, tan, beige, pearl, Belgian and Copen blue, black and white are featured amongst colors. New white jersey suits in slip-on style are shown in tur- . quoise blue and beige. An admirable selection $35 to $75. Lovely New Dresses All that fashion favors for Spring Wear will be found in our assortments of new dresses. We call to your especial at-' tention: NeSr navy taffeta and serge dresses and a goodly assort ment of new wool jerseys in tan, Copen and combinations. Many embroidery trimmed models. A plentiful selection of serge dresses in the new coat models, tunic and one-sided drape effects. A wide range of styles in taffeta dresses, wool embroidery trimmed, plain tailored dresses with shawl collars and tuxedo revers of white satin, overskirt effect, bead trimmings, etc. Others in navy, black, taupe, brown and steel gray. Moderately priced $17.50 to $95. New Coats for Every Occasion Full-length utility coats of tweeds and homespuns. Lighter weight dressy coats of poplin,' gabardine and Foiret twill. New semi-fancy coats of satin, taffeta, heavy-weight silks. Short coats of silk tricotine and jersey, satin Baronette, . wool jersey, velveteen and a fine assortment of the new sleeveless coats for wanner days. All the new shades and styles. Priced to please $15 to $165. Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor. i- Exquisite Loveliness Embodied in Our New Spring Waists A most representative collection of Spring waists is ready at Meier & Frank's. Every one new, dainty and in the most alluring styles imagin able. Waists that will delight every one who sees them as well by their quality and style newness as by their moderateness of price. All the wanted materials are shown in all styles and colorings. For tomorrow's selling we feature new waists of GEORGETTE One attractive model in high neck style, hand embroidered, with strips of Madeira embroidery forming vest effect, turnover cuffs and collar of the same. Another model of flesh colored Georgette is trimmed in army blue, with fancy pleated frill, round collar trimmed with hand hem. stitching. Many other styles and colors in new Georgette waists. $6.50 to $20. 0M Waist Shop, Fourth Floor. The Following Have Just Been Received In Our Big Silk Shop Springtime Foulards Taffetas Fiber Sports Satins Pussy Willow Silks Pussy Willow Satins Gingham Plaid Silks IN OUR DRESS GOODS SHOP Silk and Wool Canton Crepes ' Silk and Wool Lansdowne Silk and Wool Poplins French Serge Wool Jersey Cloths Spring Coatings Take Advantage of Our Tailoring Service Skirts cut to measure free. We will baste, fit and make ready to finish for $1 upwards. Skirts accordion, box or knife pleated, made ready to put on waistband, for $1. Materials to be purchased in our Dress Goods Shop. Second Floor, Fifth Street. New! Just Received! Real Filet Lace Collars Real Filet lace collars are very much in demand for Spring wear. We hare just received a fine as sortment of these popular collars in the new roll. Tuxedo, sailor and V-neck stvles. Collars are mod erately priced 14.95 to $14.50. Cuffs to match collars, pair $3 and $3.50. New Organdy Roll Collars Wa har a fir.e se lection of new organdy rcll collars in plain and hand embroidered models. Some late trimmed, others with ruffled edges. Tuxedo styles. Priced 95c to $4.50. Neckwear Shop. 3 La In Floor. the Home, B each , or Country Cottage NEW SPRING CURTAINS. Curtains for beach or country homes. We have a great variety now on display and sale in our Curtain Section. Lowest prices. CRETONNES. New Spring cretonnes ih "bright colors. Priced 35c, 55c, 75c,' $1 yard, as well as several other popular prices. NATURAL FRIARS CLOTH. Basket weave, natural Friars cloth that is 50 inches wide. Yard $1.50. ALYTA MOTIFS. These motifs are particularly suitable for dra peries, pillows and table covers. Specially priced. CURTAINING. Reps and poplins in a variety of colors. Moderate prices. Many other equally attractive new articles. Specials for Tomorrow mm mm maam 41 i m 1 Filet Nets priced at, the yard, JJ9 Scrims priced at, the yard, 39e Valance Curtains, the pair, $1.(5J Motif Voile Curtains, pr., $3..'i.' Marquisette Curtains, with real lace, pair, $0.15, $8.35, $9.85 Select Spring Wall Papers at Meier tt Frank'. The softening Influence of carefully selected wall papers Is certainly more desirable than the harahneea ami cliln- of jui plain piaster. The modern home has wall paper. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Hon. I Or. Zir. uiH si. 12 and other popular prices. seventh Hour, sixth street. New Spring Embroideries BANDINGS 256 Embroidery bandings in eyelet patterns on good quality cambric. 3 to 5 inches wide. Yard 25c. FLOUNCINGS 496 Organdy flouncings in dainty, ef fective patterns for waists and children's dresses. 16 inches wide, yard 49c. 26 inches wide, yard 89c. EMBROIDERIES 986 New underskirt embroideries on fine nainsook. Very pretty de signs. 36 inches wide. Yard 98c. FLOUNCINGS 496 . Infants' ruffled flouncings on Swiss material. Dainty patterns. 26 inches wide. INSERTIONS 256 Imitation Filet and Venise laces and insertions in white and cream colors. 1 to 3 inches wide. Main Floor. Fifth Street Sale $36.00 Wardrobe Trunks at $26.75 L im ited Nu m b er C o m e Early Tomorrow, while any of a lim ited number remain, we will sell these finely serviceable three quarter size wardrobe trunks at $26.75 instead of the regular price of $36.00. Fiber covered wardrobe trunks with ALL ROUND CORNERS. Closed top. Cloth lined. With patent locking device that does away with all outside catches trunk can be opened and locked without stooping over. Standard make trunks. Good $36 values at $26.75. Luggage ShopT Sixth Floor. We Will Sharpen Your Lawn Mower $1 We have an expert lawn mower sharpener. We will call for, thoroughly sharpen and deliver your lawn mower all for $1.00. Have your lawn mower put in readiness for Spring. Do it now and hae it in shape when 'needed. Thone and our auto will call for your mower. Basement. Fifth Street. Springtime Is Sewing Time Do All Your Spring Sewing on an "Eldredge" Two-Spool Rotary Sewing Machine s Do all your Spring sewing on the only fam ily sewing machine in the world with no bob bins to wind the Eldredge Two-Spool Rotary sewing machine. Sew directly from two spools of thread one above, one below. Buy , one tomorrow on our most liberal credit plan pay only $1.00 Week-No Interest Liberal allowance for your old machine. Begin Payments on a Model Dress Form Model dress forms are very simple to adjust. We have Tine new assortments priced from $12.50 upward. Buy one tomorrow pay only. 50c Week-No Interest A, mm. A. cond Floor. Fifth Street. A Few Representative Items of Dependable, Artistic, Meier & Frank Quality Furniture at Lowest Prices II M I' V. Dining chair in Will iam and Mary design. Leather or tapestry seat. At $5.15. Oak table in William and Mary design. 42 inch top. With 6-foot extension. An excep tionally good value at the low price of $14.35. Wax oak chair, as illustrated. This is a splendid value at our very special low price of, each $1.98. fed T d J; Dresser, in American wal nut or brown mahogany. Mir ror 28x30 inches. Top 21x40 inches. At $31.50. Library table in William and -Mary de sign. With solid oak top. Top measures 26x42 inches. As illustrated. Only $12.50. Wax finish rocker, large size. Spring seat covered with good imitation leather. At $9.25. Buy on Liberal Credit Plan MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS IN REASON ' Furniture Shop, Eighth Floor. Our Grocery Specials Tomato Catsup, Snider's, limit 3 bottles to customer, large HO bottle dA, Coffee, M. & F. Special blend, fresh daily, served at our Tea Room and Dairy Lunch OQ Counter, lb Peanut Butter, strictly pure, none delivered, limit 3 lbs. to a JJf customer, lb Naptha Soap,. Victor brand, best quality, limit 10 bars to a AQs customer, 10 large bars... Ninth Floor, Fifth Street PRACTICAL ECONOMY A great deal is being said these days about economy in the kitchen. To the range you use may be traced in a very large measure success or failure in household economy. If your kitchen is equipped with a 'Universal' Combination Range you will find that you save money in fuel bills every time you use this range. You will find it a perfect baker, time saver and an ornament to your kitchen. It gives you a com plete wood or coal range and a com plete gas range in the ' space that would be occupied by one stove. Use the fuel most desired; a turn of the key changes from one fuel to the other. Built of cast iron, the Uni versal is the most durable of ranges. Let us show it to you. Moderately priced. Your old range taken as part payment and on the balance you can MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS IN REASON I 7,,.,, i,,.. .fr1', jj.miJi i-Htnr - ii i Sixth Floor. Fifth Strtet I ! ! 2 I