THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. rOItTLAXD, 3 J ARCH 10, 1918, 21 PRICES DROP LAST Potato Markets Slump in East v ern ana Southern Section. GROWERS HERE STILL HOLD Sewntarn of Valors at IUf Conium- Ins Section Aldrd by Effort of 1'arnjer. lo Dispose of lira Surplus IV fore Too Laic. f Tetato shipments from alt sections la the $ ink hate imiI4 cars. Mala rowers rxaaaad 3 cars ta market. Jflnne K rr MA aad YVIeeoaeln 3. aaxa ptng ta ( that af their crop an thm avart eefore It arenl la pieces entirely. Sa the sam e-r1d Oregon snipped only ) rara aad Waahlogtoai rJk California ac cnnM far Ita. t a larg part af la protect la canraawl wlthla ia koandarlen. atae Half of Ha deity shipments going ta Ma rtaactaro aad Las AnaM la hi ik:i review af tha palala allua'lon. Itobart L. Hmm, In char fa af tha Port )aad efflre af tha aureaa e( markets, eare: The far af reckoning for tha 1IT crop Ba-eroa ta ha at haad. Tba eoairan af pcare Vmm keen a steady ratraat anttl growers aa) bay era allka la thia aactloa ara tnor- ugkty lamat4 Tha boldere af heavy S'eraa ta tha storages la Caloral tlbey ara eaoetlv imirfl ara la deepnir. Field rta potataaa at tba collars ara being off-red at pa-aiic pee cwt. for atock feed and tram tha prKaa paid for graded stock, elm Vr porchaawa caa presablr ha mada la Wl- taaatn. Only a llmltad amount caa ha turned aa atock food, however, aside from la taadlag af bogs aa tha grower's own $rm. "Tha Northwestern farmer da pot seem lo look at tba aitoatloo tha aama war. Thar da at reveal tha eooree of thair apt.mtam. hn anra of thorn ara refuelns ta eall at le than II par cwt. Tha buy ar ftgvjra that Iba ehaky condition of thr (oatbara maraeta doaa not warrant them raying even that morn, as transactions han 'moat raaarj la ihla aa-rtlon. Lark of eara ta, prnlln( tha shipping of many al ready aold. tha ancaail bera la aJmvat at a standstill. -Tha rctord of c a riot thlpmanta to data .allows: PMpped Feason Season Slarrn l-I. lod'lo. 'cb. 2V California a ol,ndo. 1'larto. ........... slain i i-hiaan ......... l r-'. . ....... l.ntn Braa J "v I BI laianH. V T. 4thr Tock.. Nar'h twkota Co'n. . . "V aantnatrfo. ..... V laforvain 0(bKra. S7J 44'. II 14 14 S.' )' PI a.-.v fc.."l-"-I r:i .h; so.aio &14I .HH ii A P..'-l"t "in -": t.TT S ll.t U.-:.'' 4 u; i-.; s..tti a.i-T.i 1 UTO 2.wT 3 1.1 1 9 7 1 " b.Oli 2.214 Ttala J.IM nra haa baa a priea rartaioa ward a'l ain lha Una. In Chlrao. tha a'andard Wlacoaalo round wbltaa. aaeaad. a-a aaillna la cartoada at!.3 In a aalr af l af a a.k a. aod naarlr l andar tha top prtra for lha araaoa. In Xlnaaapaiia a car af Klnaa hreoahi II 07 yatrdar. la comparlaon o II.M af laal k. "araaaha ara aaluos thara la carlou t II tS. aakad. -Tha haar rrlpla ara d!lTrinf ttl-1.- blowa an tha fouihara rarkta. aiaa. Tsar haa baa) rportod aatk f"r aoma tlma. but prtca haa b fairly ataaia aoill thia w.ak. Oraaoa Parhaata ara oft Ia la tha -.w Orlaana onarkat. oln thra from liar la Tart Worth. Taaaa. Colarada ad Idaho round whliaa haa dropped back ta II leas ts par cl Tha a rrao-iara BBarkat baa bald Ita prlraa. bt la taportad prr whi with annaiil almoa biL "la tba produrln -! looa. iba daeltoaa baaa llhi IB tha Wrov. hot ary Botlt-o. aMa la lha Eet. wh.ra th.y ara cioaa ta la h'.l markata and raa doralnala lham If l-var rati ta. Tha hlaina maa haaa do riad ta a.l bow and ara matin Ihalr tlork rapid'r at tha greatly radarad prlraa of t.n4t.:i p.r rat Tha Now Torkara ara aaahiag la tbir crop. too. aa rapidly aa tha BiPt:y of rara will permit, acaptlnc II J.ia Tha atarch factorlaat whlrh ara arat .rad a.I thrauaa tha potato-growing ar tiosa af talna and Xaw Tork. ara ronatim na tha ca He aa faat aa poaalbia. paying about a a Tc p-r cwt. -Tha demand for aad potaioea 1b the Poota la ari:i ry har. Irh Cebblara f-ra Maine ara baaing aold for Taa plant Ina Tery day In competition with Early oee af Oregon. Early Ohioe at Sfianeeota and Ji:iaa Tnumpha of veMoue north central a-atra. The Taaaa growara made a fortona f -nan their eany potatoea laal year and are going lata them rmrr hatly agaio. rtant--g la aa proareaalag la California, el ace 1 14 recant raise there.' TRLCT IIITJ ARE Afi.n K.trTD Cffrra far IHewlaa C.mdo Ara Paltar Rig bar M Marebaata' EacbMga. There waa aa edranra at II In Mda an brewing barley aod M ceata aa feed barley at the exchange yea'arday. Ieal and Kaat ora eata wra aachaaged. Cora waa ataady to M ceata higher. Tha following notice waa leaned ta mem tera at tha Ev-hanae: "t a Moarfay. March 3 1. at tha membera ronn'-ii. Chamber af Commerce, diarweelon af the pablle elevator itxatioa will follow tba boob lunch. Aa tha grain trade la directly concerned, and aa this la aaoat the ftret bo t Ice It baa re called with reference ta Iheaa alaeator mat ter, it la hoped that aa many aa noeetble will attend." Termtaal reeelpta. rn car, were reported ly tha M.rchanta Esrhaage aa tollowa: Wheat. Bar. fir. Oata. Hay rortland. rtatarday . ... 1 g IT lul ago I 3 4 bee eon to data ....3M 5 T Hit 173 e..r ago lJ 1U2 Ileal arceoma. mdar . . . .... .... .... .... Tar ara ........ 4 ... .... .... 3 e.aoa to data .... -- A 1W4 Ittr ir la' M - IM Seattle. Friday Veer ao 3 a 5 I T eaaoa la data "14 54 1rtl .l "441 X ear ago l.'ou'livd alirt ( of MTBT CEX-tUtKRIKS BI T BCTTEal aga Ara Mmm4r at riaaaa Wrtbi Maeirolo aalpta aaaal Ugbl WMpaaeate. Tea egg market waa ateady at lha clooe aaitb aatea aa the etreet generally at U centa. nua coonL. and oceaeloBeily a half cot higher. Reeelpta were fair aad an lo an enta few. Batter waa firm with email arrtrai and a good demand. Caaatry c ream an ee ara hair ing a better home trade, which leaeea only a teii'l orr-t'ue . r-eefcea here ta fa there EGGS 34c PER DOZ. Laaraateee aa laaeaa-dlate ahlpaoaat. lOOO CAp: IU. MKtn Pay More If Market titaaeaa. vac rwsrTi.ELv cuiunti: ir. HOGS Sit Pe-e r.aaraatrea axi Tap Qaallty. nri ri...i-.or ACY IICAT lil- 12-lS 500 CAPONS t aafed at Oaera. rrarw 35 Oa Pep i.fe. far Paacr Iry-Picked atwrk. H bat Haea Taw la Thia Llaef TURKEYS XaK. 1 Oaaltf T 35c? Praaaad. Pfa faaaMaalea heraed. ( arrka Owlly, TMal tOMAH rn. Ir, .apltai liaxava. Jaa t reat Slicrt haa beam aoma baying of batter her by creamer Vee b tha Interior. Dreaaed meat and poultry price war nn chaagad at lha cloea. EASTERX APPLE MARKETS 8TEADT ralr Moreaaewt la Weatera Baud Frail at Lewd lag lHatrlbwUng Peaata. Flfty-aeroa rara of aoplea were ahlppeu from the Paclfla Jferthweet aa Tharaday ta lha following daedaationa: Baltimore 1, Ed mantaa 1. New Tork City S. Seattle. 2. Btlllnga L Everett 1. Omaha IS. Vancouver, Caa.. 1. Bnffala I. Caihrla 1. Phoenix 1. War. 1. Chlcaga 13. Laredo X. Plttabarg 1. Weyboro, Can.. 1. Dallu 1. Lee Angelee L Portlaad X Whltefiah 3. lnvr L Minna- apolla a. Quaaah. Tax L Eaatara market coadltlona aa reported by telegraph: CHICAGO ArrtTele. Waa Mil (ton . New Tork 4. pennaylvanla 1. unknown 1; 30 car track Including broken and unbroken. Job' bing demand aad movement good, market teady. Extra fancy Upltaenbarga. medium la large. 3.:3M: chalc ta fancy me dium. 13 9 2.-3; extra fancy Jonathana, me diara ta iarga. 3a;x:S: choice medium ta laraa. II.T5I PA. Extra fancy Wlneeap. larger i -j 0 ISO; choice medium to large. IITSfjipo. Extra faorr Homea medium 1 imZ: larger Extra fancy De licioua. medium ta large. 13 01.34; choice medium. laj3.e. BOKTOM Arrlvala. Oregoa 1. Maine 1. Waahlagtea 1. Jabbing demand and move ment moderate, market ateady. -Oregna. quality aad condition good. Extra fancy apitaeaberga, medium. II. TS. Extra fancy daymen, 139 ISO. Extra fancy Wineaapa. medium. Iletfi; fancy anxall. 13. Auc tloa pticee: Extra fancy Wineaapa. large. l2.aOw3.TB: medium, 13.139333; email. (J 43; fancy Wineaapa. amalU ILT091.M. Ktira fancy Cptiienbarga. large. ll.tVSM 1.2Z: medium. ll.a3wI.T3. Phipadelpbla Arrteala. New Torlt 13. vlrgiala a. Weatern S; 33 cara unbroken. Iemand light, market ateady. Extra fancy "taymeaa. email. I1.S0. Auction aalea. Waah Ingiaa 4 car; demand good, market ateady. Quality generally good, many aged, bra lead. Extra faary Ftaxmeno. large. I2.t3e3.30: medium . ll.vo3:3. email. II.3O0I.T3: fane), laraa, II.MaiM: medium. 11.439 L?Q- Extra fancy Wineaapa. laraa. XL! rut ft BEEF MARKET GOOD mail, fLouo:: 1PI 1 :.. vi T.7I3.WOO :i.r.i.utMi 1.4S4. OOO 3: medium, tl.0393.43 Jumble all. II. U. New Tork Arrlvala. Virginia 1, New Tork 1: ai cara for cold atoraga. Dtmand mod erate, market ateady. Extra fancy Ppltx enberga Wineaapa. large. 12.73; medium. IZ.30: email. 2Z3; N'eartowa Plpplna. aup piy heavy, medium ta large. email and eralded. I10. Auction aalea. Neaiowa Plpplna, II ISfll.M. Extra fancy Romaa. I1.T0 9 2.40. Wineaapa. 1.S02.13. apltxenberga. II. 3093.33; average, ILT3. WASHINGTON WHUI STOCKS SMALL Kappljr Held aa ranee la Practically All for tired. ErwiB T. MarrbettU field agent at P po ke n. of the Bureau of Crop Eatlmatea. Deporlment of Agriculture, laauea tha fol lowing eatlmatea of grain atock oa farma In Washington an March 1. Ills (alao 1P1T and IP14. Crop. 1 1T ' orn 12 Ikl imi Wheat t.&u4.otM 4 SI 4.000 t'aia ;,Mi.iNNi .4.t.tNN Barley P3T.OOO 1 ojiooo There haa been considerable drain on the corn crop In lha atate. due to high prlcee of mill feeda. oata and barley. However, the corn acreage waa materially Increased and the crop waa of lha beat merchantable quality In many yrara. whlrh haa Influenced Uin retention of n ellghlly greater per cent of corn an Iba farma. In splta of tha unusual demand for feed purpose, than la lha normally anfavorable year, when a consid erably entailer amount of corn waa of mer chantable quality. Tha amount of wheat retained on the farma March 1 la eubetantlally below the amount usually retained at that tlma of rear. Tha fixed price of wheat, with no prospect of future Increase, the patriotic reeponee of the grower to market their crop early In lha peaaon. and their efforts to feed lean wheat oa account of tha ab normal damaad for ax port, have Influenced Iba marketlag early In the season of that percentage of wheat normally retained on the farm for feed and lhat usually mar keted Immediately aucceediag planting aead and a email perceatage that waa not atlllxed for needing In the Pall, due to un favorable climatic conditions, whlrh also aecesaltaled tha retention of a greater per centage of Spring wheat to be used In the seeding of acreage not sow n laat Pall and Inrreaeea la acreage that may occur ahould the planting aeaaoa be favorable. Tha high prlrea of oat pad barley la exceaa of the prtce of wheat ara necessitating tha feeding af wheat 00 occasional farina thai do not produc other feed. In aplta of tba patriotic deaire of the grower to feed the minimum amount af wheat. practically only tha feed and aead requlre- menta af tha Individual farma. and lha ex- pnrtehle surplus, oa account of the con stent demand aad high prices, baa reduced the reearvea of many grower to tha actual farm demands. Mixed Palala Will Bo Raised. Aa advance la mixed paint pticea. effect ive March in. Is anoeunrsd b tba trade. Pure prepared paint, whit tint and all color, will be Si cant per gallon higher: rubber paint. 13 centa, and porch and atep tat. 33 centa hieher. Tha new ecbedule of package costs, baaed an one.galloa cane, le aa fo.iowa: Plve-galloa rant, 3 centa per gellan leaa than la. l-gellon cana. 10 centa per gallon more lha le. s -gallon cans, 31 centa per gallon mora than la. -gallon cana 40 rent per aalloa mor than la; 1-14 gaiion cana, to centa per galiea more than la Market Is Higher. Fruit Jobber have been compelled to ad vance bananas to 4 centa crated by the high er prtree ruling at lha see, board and they would not be surprised to ee a further ad- anca. Tba prewent f. o. b. price la the highest aver kaowa and thero la not likely ta be any re. let for tha nail thro or four moatha Pet at a Shlpeaewta Ara Light. Only 10 cara af potatoea were reported hipped from tha Northwest, deetlnailona being aa foliowe: Prom Oregon El Paso I. Sacrameato 1, Stockton I. Hed Bluff 1. Prom Washington Chinook. Mont, 1. Kellogg 1. Spokane 1, El Paao 3. sacra meato 1. Bid. Tr ago. .I1U.U0 134.73 T2 AO IS M ... 77.30 Bid. .170.00 T2 no 77.30 .! 30 . 44.00 .. T2 00 .. 71.00 ... SBO ... 64.00 PORTLA.VD MARKET O.I OTATIONS Orala. Floor, reed. Eta. Verrhanta Exchange, noon eeeton. March delivery; Oata No 2 white feed ....... Harlev attandard feed ........ "A" brewing (IO dsjrsi: Oata No 3 Parley F-1 brewing Kaetern oata and corn, bulk Oeie No. 3 white la-lo. clipped, white Corn No. 3 yellow No. S mixed ISO deyar Oata Val Clipped T.llaw TI.00 Mlaed 71.00 WHEAT Bulk basis. Portland, for No. 1 grade: Hard wnJte Blueetem. Early Bart. Allen, Oalagalua. Martin Amber. I303. Soft white Palouee. biuaatem, fortyfold. White Valley. Gold Coin. White Ruaalan. 1X03. While club Little club, Jenkins club, white hr bride. Senor. 12 Ol. Red Walla Red Russian, red hybrids. Joaea. fife. Coppel. II Be. No. 3 grade. 3o lee. No. 3 grade. a lean Other grade handled by samples. KLOI H Palanta tto; Valley. 4o; whole wheat, laoo. graham. I 20; barley flour. 11213 per barrel: rye flour. IOU0 13.30 per barrel: corn m eel. 93.73 per bale. MIL1.FEED Net mill price, ear Iota: Bran. -" par Ion: ehorta. 13 per ton: mid dlings. '. mlxsd rar and lesa than nr. kde. boo more: rolled barley. 1770 ?; rolled oata. !Tea7a CMBN Whole. I"": cracked. IT par ton. HAT Buying prarea. f. a. a. Panland: Eastern Oregoa timothy. 127 per ton: Val ley timothy. 24t23. alfalfa. 24a)3.&0; , m, Clover. lt, iuiv, 9. Healthy Tone Is Noted in Local Cattle Trade. SUPPLY HAS BEEN LIGHT LVmand for Brttrr Grades Improves Dnrina; Week Prices Are Well eUslntslned at High XTeI and Botcher Stock Is Stead'. The Hveetork market cloeed unchanged and qulef. Saturday's run waa small and only a few aalea war put through In tha half day the yarda war open. The re eelpta ware 73 cattle. 32 calves. 63 hogs and ISO aheap. W. V. Calhoun shipped In 3 car of cattl from Nam pa and the aheep were brought la by boat by W. W. MrBrlde from Coon Island, The day' aalea were: !. Price. I wt. Price. 4 raw... hi3 I 7.00I leow.... 4T0 I C OO leg.... 100 tHI! 1 cow 1UM a.') Reviewing the cattle trade at the jrarda. the Livestock Reporter says: "Since MondaVa fairly liberal-elxed supply af cattle we have had a very nominal trade la the cattle alleys. Receipts for the last few daya were only 300 head, most of whlrh war off-grade fypaa from the Valley and local points. Tha market continue very healthy, and price are atlll In line with week ago. lemand for tha better gradea of been cattle haa been much Improved dur ing tha week, and everything In thia Una found rea,dy buyera with the high time of the year. There waa quite a apread of the 11c beef ateer types, with numerous sales at tlo.73 and I1U.S3. Bulk of tha fair to good ateera aold from 110 to 110.30. Strictly fat off -grade ateer aold aa high aa 110 and 310.33. while medium gradea of ateer atuff Id from to la. bo. A few loads of atrictly good weighty cows aold at 39.50, while the fair lo good kind brought from $( 60 to 9. Medium grade and atrictly fat off-grade klnda were worth around Sc. Hutcber atock found a good market In. Suppllea have been only nominal with a fair demand. Ordinary off-grade coara aold from 34.30 to, with tha more common type getting from 33.SO up. The hide and rib typee told frfcra 4.30 to 33." Quotation at the yard follow: Cattle Price. Medium to cholc tear. ...... ,in 3. It. 00 larg number will go to wst oo th farm era' hands. Th Deaehutea Valley Potata Grower' Association haa had a big demand for seed, which has brought good price Twenty cara of Na 1 grade have been shipped and there is a standing order for eight mora If tha cars can bo secured. Good lo medium ateera Common to good ateera Choice oowa and heifer Com. to good cow sod helfera. fannora Bulla I'alve Stocker and feeder Hogs Prime light Prime heavy Purs fcheep Western Ism be Valley lamoa Yerllnge Wethers Ewea 9 .23 a 10 33 S fN4 9.40 8 IX) .f 9.30 7ji Sir. 4-.'o0 4 2. SO" M.uO 7. SO tr 12.00 10, 9.30 18 SS?17.1S ld.Au916.ftS 14.00013.23 IS ooaj15.R0 14..1O0 1.V0O 1.1 (Xi U 13.50 12 iOi 13 V0 9.00 a 12.00 STATE ORIGINS OK STOCK LOADED Shipment af f aille. Sheep, Hog, Etc, In February Compared. Telegraphic report to the Hureau of Mar kets from railroad west of the Alleaheniea show 110.074 cara of cattle and calves, hoga. sneep, norees and mulee and mixed atock loaded In the various states during Pebruary, lain. The number of each specie in the varioua state follows; Arkansas .... 71 73 4 41 9 Cattle. Horses. Mixed Colorado. State. Alabama. .... Arlxona ...... Arkansas..... rornia. ... Colorado. .... Idaho Illinois Indiana a ........ ...... Kentcky ltulsiana. ... Michigan l inneaota. ... MlasliaalppL. . Missouri ...... Montana. ... .. N'ebraeka.. . . . Nevada North Iakota Ohio A Hll Cat lie 233 hd 71 l.Si'd 1.4H7 XI2 7.414 1.219 . .. ..8 .. .. ..4 Host. Sheep. Mulee. Stk. SAX FBAXCISOO PRODUCE JtAKKET Price Cm-rent Eggs, Vest-table. Fresh Fruit, Etc- nt Bay City. SAX FRANCISCO, March . Butter Ex true. 31 H tr 33c. Ext a Fresh extras. 40c; . firsts, SSc; fresh extra pullets, MMc Cheeae Toung America, fancy. I'Hc Poultry Hens, nominal. White Legber roosters, 25 27c; fryers. 406450; broilers, 30 0 33c: aquaba. tin, pigeons. 11.7302; gesee. 18l20a; turkey, mixed and off alack, 30033a. Vegetable Asparagus, No. 1. lSt?20c; squssn, cream 70cal. hubbard 1.?5 1.50; eggplant. 1O012Vic: pea, email llxea 79 12HC. telephone l'lha Qlac; peppers. oa25c; tomatoes, 11.3001.75; lettuce. 1.25trl.50; celery, 1102; potatoea. river. 1101.23: Salinas. 11.75; aweeu 14.25 0 4.50; onions, Australian brown. 31.200 1.5o; garlic, 20Uc; cucumber. 1202.30; pumpkins, 1; beets. II. 50; carrots. 1; turnips, 3101.25; rhu barb. 10012c- Fruit Alligator pears. 12 9 2.50 doxen: Winter Nellie pears. 12.00 0 2.23; lemons, IS.3O0; grapefruit, 33. 76 03.30 boat oranges Nsveie, amall else, 1506; tangerines, 32.50 03; bananas, Hawaiian, 504c; pineapple. 24a. 1607: apple. Newtown Plpplna. L21 01.13; Spltxenberg. 12.50. Hay Wheat and wheat and oat, 128.500 20: tame oat. 2030; barley, 324026; al falfa. 124 0X4; bariiey atraw. 6O0ttOc Mtltfeed Cracked corn and feed com meal. 177 0 -0; alfalfa meal. (36038; coooa nut meal. 844 30. Flour tlO.bO par barret Reeelpta Flour, 6H32 quarters: barley. 4'JO centals: bean. 1707 aacka; potatoes. U21 sacks: onions. 53 sacks; hay, 220 tons. STOCK GAINS LOST Selling for Profits Causes Re action in Wall Street. BEARS ARE ALSO BUSY CORN PRICE IS STRONG MERCHANTABLE GRADES SCARCR tS CHICAGO MARKET. - PrcTalllaa; Molstare aad Warmth Likely ta IHmlalah ATaUabla Supply. CHICAGO, March 9. Owing to unfavor able weather and to tha comparative scarcity of merchantable grades, th corn market today gained lfi strength. Prlcea closed steady. He net higher, with March 1.25 and May I1.27H- Oats finished c up. In provtalone the outrome ranged from 2c de cline to a rise of 12 centa. -Aa prevailing moisture and warmth ap peared likely to diminish the available sup ply of corn aulted for commercial purpose., the relative eraaHnesa of the total amount of such grain ahown by tha Government crop report received a good deal of atten tion. Receipts here showed some falling off In quantity, and there waa further disquiet over rural complalnta of a acarelty of cars. Week-end evening up of tradea strength ened oata. Reccipte were meager and shorts seemed to have over-exerted themeelvea aell Ing In anticipation of tha Government crop report. Notice taken of the huge supply of curetf meats In the West had a bearish Influence on provisions. The effect, however, soon wore off. largely aa a result of increasing gtrength of quotations on hoga. Leading futurea ranged aa follows: CORN. Open. High. Ufareh May . March May . . ... .11.27 .91 4 .891. 11.27 OATS. .92 .90 Low. V.27 T4 .01 "4 .89 Close. 11.28 1.27 H .92 .8X May 14 73 312 v.ts IX.' 9.('M 4.3U2 12.000 a..V.H 1.544 4.W 4 If.". 17 32 223 V) ft 41 K.t 48 r.d 1.2 VI l.Si0 l.OOil 1.-4 150 l.olll 77 27 fi!7 144 42 221 312 1.7.S8 l.-l S.iWd "11 4 'J .2H 2.911 123 .9 347 .Ml R.I7 Oklahoma.... l.cxxi Iregon . . . South Dokta. Tenneaaea. ... Texsa . I'lah Waabingtoo.. Wl.cansin . . . Wyoming. .... .Iitj P.'O 172 1511 14.1 41 5.211 14 r. 1.T73 411 124 1,714 4.'.3 T 3 51i 4.7 3 473 46 1 1 32 77 238 88 7 82 .10 47 73 2 114 2tWV liM 54 128 14 ( 3 (!. 55 l 21 91 149 :in 3.1 8J 341 15 34 19 13 62 98H 12 40 77o 1H 5.(4 8 ;2 124 lotl 8I I 4 6U7 V alia J grata hay. Total 44.7W 4.3t2 9.954 9.8T3 7.52.1 Jan.. 191. .50.1HI 47,'JtM 10.794 5.7'.-4 8.129 Pauarrm .Meat Trad Conditions. Weekiy report of meat trade conditions for week ending March o, luis. uenerai market conditions: Boston. while receipts of all dressed meat has been no more than normal, an unusually Ight retail demand cauaed a duil and arag- sv market. All retail dealera coneulted re port tha week's buelneas between 40 and 60 per cent below their usual volume. New Torn. Cars continue to run laat and many are loaded so heavily that proper refrigeration la ImpoeeiMe. Tnere n.s neen no real activity in tha meat market thia week, and whenever any particular claaa or grade of meat waa cleaned up tha reason for it was that th supply waa ngnt. Philadelphia. Notwithstanding tne isct ht mnv rara of meat were late in arriv ing and that several failed to get here, there waa a sufficient quantity for tha re quirement. Retailers report a very poor business since last psturuar. Washington. Reeelpta ol meat were less han laat week. Arrivals were In better con dition and prlcea were ateady to strong on everything except pork, which remained weak and draggy. , Market Closing. Boston. Market on bee ftoday Is closing la dull and listless condition ana win oniy clean up with the aid of the freexer. Some low prices are being maae on local siaugn i.r.o ,.! ealvea of light weight and poor quality with other gradea cleaning up fair ly well. Pork la cleaning up In good shape on a steadier market. All lambe unloaded will clean up at prices engntiy eoov terday'a average, with a few cara being car ried on track. No mutton remains to be New Tork. Soma cattle will be froxen. Off condition cattle of all grades are being cleaned up at a great aacrlflce. Veal. pork. lamb and mutton ara cieanina up ..u- r. l- ...hin. i ftrat-claaa condition la going strong at prevailing price. The other kind la being aold at any price it will bring In order to clean up atock. 8torage ralla are well filled with beet, out roniaia a. rr moderate supply of small atock. Philadelphia. All classes ui cleaned up. The market is going out imui. on good fresh steer ana cow. - v UCBlly nothing left on hand. Bulla cleaned u pat aacrlflce prlcea and veal showed a llt ,i, . r.r undertone at the last. Lambs are all aold out II per cwt. higher than any tlma during the week. Mutton Juat held up al ateady price. Tner la no pork on thia mVtl.'i...- Th market cleaned up well at atrong price on everything except pork, which will be carried over in light supply. Cnlcage Livestock Market, CHICAGO. March - Hoga Reeelpta. 23.0O0. Monday. 44.000. atrong. 23c above t.rdav'a average. Bulk, sin.wunn.ooi light. 8I8.9O0 17.80: mixed. I16.SO017.7O; heavy. 11817.33; rough. 116016.30; pig. Cenleil Reeelpta. BOOO. Monday. 18.000. weak. Native ateera. 18.40 0 14: atockera and feeder. 17.70011.25: cowa and helfera. 16.00 011.73; galves. 18.750 le i u J,t. aooo. Monday. 13.000. 8beep. I1O.78018.43: lambe. 114.25 . 17.90. Omaha Ureatork Market, A 17 A Kerch 0. Hoga Receipts. 15.- 0O. market 200 to 23c lower. Heavy. 116.50 tr16 9; mixed. sio.oAietio.iu: "wv n 0 14.93: pigs. llO.5o013.ftO; bulk of sales. 114. 400 14.70. Cattle Reeelpta. 12O0. market steady. Vatlve ateera. 250 13.23: cowa and helfera. I7 5O01O.5O; Western steers. 39.50 n 12; Texas i steers. 17.50010.23: cows and heifers. 17 0 9 23; cannera. 14.50 0 7.SO; ttorkers and faedera. I4.o0 11.25: ealvea. 19013; bulla, atasa. etc. l7.6O0a.73. t.hp Receipts. 1600. market steady. Tearlinga 112014.50; wethera. 1110)3.23; ,,, 110.73 0 13.78: lambs. 113.25017.23. Central Oregea Pwtateea fihlppeeL BEND. Or.. March . Special. ) Large shipment of Central Oregon potatoea are new going to California aa fast aa cara can b aewaWevY tor lli"i la spit of this a 48.87 24.13 26.37 2S.13 25.55 MESS FORK. ..48.50 48.75 48.42 LARD. May 24.0T 26.17 34.03 July 26.27 26.37 20.23 SHORT RIBS. May 33.10 25.I7 2.1.07 July 25.55 23.47 Cash prices were as follows: Com No. 3 yelloa. nominal: No. 8 yel low, nominal; No. 4 yellow, 11.7001.73. urn is No. 3 white, 930 934.C; standard, 96-ae. . . It ye Nominal. Barley1.M)0 2.42. Timothy 1508. l.ard 826.15. Ribs -I24.15 24.63. Clover 32Nt JL Pork Nominal. " CORN RECEIPTS READILY ABSORBED Dryers at Chicago Ara Now Workia-g Night aad Day. CHICAGO, March 9. Despite record-break. Ing stocks of corn on farms, the market value of the cereal haa rleen this week, chiefly owing to efforts to provide enough here to permit dryers to work night and day and to allow maximum shipments to the Atlantic aeaboard. Compared with a week ago. prires this morning showed an ad vance of He to e net. Oats gained Utjlic to 2c and provisions S to 75 cents, ex cept Marck lard waa off 27 cent. N'otwlthatandlng fine weather greatly fa cilitated the movement of the corn crop, the big receipla were readily absorbed and it seemed evident that aa much corn aa possi ble which would be euited for shipment to the entente alllea waa being accumulated. Many reports were current that the number of cara available waa Inadequate to meet rural needa and that the pressure waa urgent for more, aa three weeka hence farmers would be busy with field work, and would be obliged to Interrupt hauling. Assertlona that much acreag might have to he aban doned aa a result of a serious shortage of , franklin Shares That Featured Friday's Ad vance Are Cndeja Greatest Pres sureBond Market Is Steady -0a Llgbt Transactions. KETT TORK, March 9. Material reces sions were registered by Important stocks during today's short session., pressure being greatest in the laauea that featured yes terday's broad advance, Reading Buffered an extreme reaction of 2 point. Union Pacific 8a and other raila. aa well aa prom inent. Induatrtala, shippings, equipments and specialties 1 to 2 poiiua., - j Tha decline probably resulted from a com bination of profit-taking and soiling, shorts putting out -flew lines on foreign advices which suggested a fresh Teutonic offensive on the Western front. . Moderate strength was manifested by a few laauea of relative unimportance. In cluding minor metals, but the more general reversal of the close left the market de cidedly heavy. Salea amounted to 270,000 aharea. Laat week's severe contraction In bank reserves waa fully rectified, the actual ex cess expanding by almoat 43.O00,OO0. Re aervea of members In the Federal bank also disclosed a gain of more than 55,000.000, against th recent loea of almost 35o.000.0o0. Today's bond market. Including liberty Issues, was steady on light trading. Sales, par value, aggregated 11.750,000. United Statea 4s fold issues) lost ) per cent on call during the week. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Bal Am Beet Sugar.. Am Can Am Car Fdry.. Am Locomotive. Ara Sm A Hefg. . Am 8ugar Hefg,. Am Tel A Tel... Am Z L A S Anaconda Cop. .. Atchison. ....... AG&WISSL, Bait A Ohio HAS Copper. . . Cal Petroleum. .. Canadian Pacif . Central Leather. flies Ohio Chi 5111 A St P... Chi A N W C R 1 ft P ctfa. .. Chlno Copper. . .. Colo Fu & Iron.. Corn Prod Refg. Crucible Steel . . . Cuba Cane Sug. . Distillers Stcur.. Erie General Klectric Oeneral Motora.. Gt Nor pfd Gt Nor Ore ctfs.. Illinois Centra.. Inspiration Cop.. Int M M pfd Int Nickel Int Paper. . . K C Southern . . .. Kennecott Cop. . Louie A Nash . . . Maxwell Motora. Mexican Patrol.. Miami Copper. .. Missouri Pacific. Montana Power. Nevada Copper.. New York Cent.. N Y N H H. . . Norfolk A West.. Northern Paclf.. Pacific Mall Pennsylvania. . .. Pittsburg Coal. . Ray Consol Cop.. Reading - Rep Ir A Steel. . . Shat Arts Cop. .. Southern Paclf... Southern Ry. . . . Studebaker Cor.. Texaa Company. I nlon Pacific . TT 8 Ind Alcohol. U-S Steel do pfd Utah Copper. ... Wabash pfd B. .. Western Union. . Westing Elect lea. High, Low. 1,000 9.000 1.400 1.200 80 6O0 6.900 1.21)0 1,000 4.9O0 6.600 ""o66 600 3..1II0 1.900 "ftOO 200 l.OiJO 2.5(H) 4.200 3.4O0 l,5i H 4O0 6.300 500 4uO "600 4.70O 1.700 1,700 400 600 4.500 i.266 "700 600 600 900 soo 40 79H 66 ' 81 T ioe" 64 86 '4 05 23 146i. 71 68 43 41!. 40 83 64 io" 13 1S9 126 V. 92 2a "ii' ' S(4 29 34", 17?, 82 9654 24" "19" 73 29 14 106 86 i, 40 Vi ' 78A 84 81 . ios ri . 154 63 H 85( 112!. 54 Vx 2 tlx 145 W 71 67 43 "ii"" 41 H. 89 84 63 38 15 139 i 124 91 28 97 29 33 17 32 85 23 "ift'i 28 103 U 85 600 45 45 no 5.5"0 1.400 " '2.306 4.000 7,100 300 8.5w 600 89,900 23 80 Ts 'b7 24 44 152 123 122 92 300 81 700 23 H 81 80 7 24 'I 45 1.-.2 120 120 91 "so 41 bid. 80 40 79 66 81 IOS 105 T4 15 63 83 112 54 H 16 145 71 57 43 92 21 41 39 34 63 31 39 IS 139 124 91 28 94 44 97 29 83 17 81 llo 28 H 95 31 23 68 IS 72 2H 105 85 29 45 65 23 81 79 16 S7 24 46 152 120 120 91 109 78 28 89 41 Total sales for the day, 270,000 shares. BONDS. I' S ref Ss reg.. eo7.North Paclf Is. RT U S ref 2 cou. . 97 S I Pao Tel A Tel 6 92 US ref 8a reg.. 97Penn con 4e.. 98 IT s ref 8a cou.. 98Unlon Paclf 4s. 86 U S 4s reg eio4!u S Steel Sa.... 98 U S 4s cou 104Me!So Pac cr 6s 92 Atchison gen 4a 82IAnglo-French 5s 89'4 49 lUlherty 8a. 97.44 93; Liberty, first 4s. .94.58 D R G ref 5s. N T C deb 4. . North Paclf 4a. 86 lLlberty aecond 4s.9o.44 .Bid. Boatoa Mining Slocks. BOSTON, March . Closing quotations: DULCTH. March 4c Barley, $2.03 02.40. aed tended to handicap the beara. Export bualneaa by way of the Gulf did much to strengthen oata. Beside, arrival vert meager. Provislona averaged higher with hogs. ' . PJit e r Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 9. Cash corn. No. S yellow. 11.800 1.85. Oats. No. 2 white Mon tana. 97tt9r: atandard, 93094c; No. 3 white, 92093c; No. 4 white, 900 93c. Rye, 12.94 0 2.96. WINNIPEG. March . Cash oats. No. 2 white. II; No. 3 white, 96c; extra feed, 95 e; No. 1 feed, 92 c: No. 2 feed, 88 c Flax, No. 1 Northwestern. 13.90: No. 2 Northwestern. e.84; No. 3 Northwestern. 13.68. h oata. 92 0 Rye, 2.90. BT. LOUIS. March . Cash corn. No. 4. 11.67: No. 4 yellow, 31.67; No. 6 yellow, tl.5101.60; No. 6 yellow. 81.48; No. 4 white. 81.84 01.85: No. 5 white. 31.75. Oats, No. 3 white. 96c; No. wnite, lrc, ISO. z mixed, 93 C , . Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, March 9. Barley, $L98 0 2.33. Flax. 14. 18Tf 4.21 . Coffee) Future Market Quiet. NEW TORK, March 9. Th market for coffee futurea waa very quiet again today, fluctuating within a range of 3 or 3 points. The opening waa 1 to 3 points lower, but after selling at 8.55c early. May atiffened up to 8.57c on covering of bedgea and the close wss steady, net 2 points higher to 1 point lower. There wss no change In the general character of the newa and the di minishing volume of buelneas is supposed to reflect the recent reduction in outstand ing intereet. Cloalng bids: March, 8.43c: May, B.66c: July, a.63e; September 8.67c; October, 8.70c; December. 8.76c Spot coffee ateady; Rio 7s. 8e; Santos 4a. 10c. No fresh offers were reported In the coat and freight market. Testerday'a delayed cablee wen) received reporting no chnnge In Braxliian markets, except an advance of 73 to 100 rels in San to futurea Victoria reported a clearance of 18.OO0 bag for New Orleans. Today's cablea had not been received up to th close. Naval Store. SAVANNAH, Oa., March 9. Turpentine. firm: 40c Salea. i Darnels; receipts. 1-tn barrels; shipments, 60 barrels; stock, 34.304 barrel Roain. firm. e-aies. none; receipts, suz barrels; shipments. Darrela: stock. 90.0.12 barrels. Quote: B, D. E. F. G, H. I. 3.K5; K. 34.50; M. sown; ..; vu, li.aa; w w. 17.60. Excro. Rrarrre Ara Increased. NEW TORK. March 9. Tha actual con dition of cieanng-bouae bank and truat companies lor tne weea anowa mat tney hold 153,13.1.290 reserve In excess of legal raqmrementa. Thia In an Increase of 602.440, from last week. ChW-age Dairy Prod ace. CHICAGO. March 9. Butter, easier; creamery. 43 0 40c. Eggs, lower: receipie. tio caea; 11 rats, 14 0 85c; o-dlnry firsts, M 034c; at mark, cases Included. 84 035c Cettoo Market. NEW TORK, March a. Cotton, spot. quiet; middling, s-'Juc Alloues 52m. Mohawk Arlxona Com.... 12North Butte Calumet A Aria. 64 ,)ld Dominion.... Calumet A Hec.432 Quincy entennlal 1 s ISuperlor Cop R Con Co.. 44IKup A Boston M. r; HUtte uop At. v-nnannon ., oXii;ian v.on........ Morris Brothers, inc. Established 25 Years 201 Railway Exchange Building Portland, Oregon THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL BOND HOUSE OF OREGON We Buy and Sell Liberty Bonds at the Market Telephone Main 3409 , GOVERNMENT BONDS Rate, Maturity. Price. Yield. $125,000 United States Government... 3 V J&D 1932-47 98.28 3.65 . 125,000 United States Government... 4 M&N 1927-42 96.50 4.50 We buy and sell Government and Municipal Bonds and are constantly in the .market for the same. We are just as anxious to buy as we are to selL You should neither buy nor sell bonds without our quotations. MUNICIPAL BONDS $12,500 fCity of Tillamook, Or., Imp. . .6 34,000 JCentral Point, Or., Refdg 6 2,000 fCoeur d'Alene, Idaho, Refdg.. 6 2,000 tCoeur d'Alene, Idaho, Refdg.. 6 2,000 fCoeur d'Alene, Idaho, Refdg.. 6 2,000 fCoeur d'Alene, Idaho, Refdg. .6 2,000 fCoeur d'Alene, Idaho, Refdg.. 6 ' 2,000 tCoeur d'Alene, Idaho, Refdg. .6 1,500 fCoeur d'Alene, Idaho, Refdg.. 6 - 2,000 tCoeur d'Alene, Idaho, Refdg.. 6 2,000 fCoeur d'Alene,' Idaho, Refdg. .6 2,000 fCoeur d'Alene, Idaho, Refdg.. 6 2,000 tCoeur d'Alene, Idaho, Refdg.. 6 2,000 tCoeur d'Alene, Idaho, Refdg.. 6 2,500 tCoeur d'Alene, Idaho, Refdg.. 6 2,500 fCoeur d'Alene, Idaho, Refdg.. 6 1,500 tCoeur d'Alene, Idaho, Refdg. .6 7,000 jCity of West Linn, Or., Water. 5 : 7,000 JCity of West Linn, Or., Water. 5 6,000 JNez Perce County, Idaho, (Hwy. Dist.) 6 5,000 $Nez Perce County, Idaho, (Hwy. Dist.) 6 5,000 JNez Perce County, Idaho, (Hwy. Dist.) 6 5,000 tNez Perce County, Idaho, (Hwy. Dist.) 6 3,000 JNewdale, Idaho, Water 6 5,000 Greater Winnipeg, Water Dist . 5 SHORT-TERM FOREIGN GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL NOTES (We fill orders on the following Listed Securities at New York Ex change quotations and will be pleased to furnish you with daily quota, tions upon request.) fAmerican Foretgn Securities 5 F&A 1919 Anglo-French Convertible 5 A&0 1920 JU. K. Great Britain and. Ireland 5 M&S 1918 JU. K. Great Britain and Ireland 5 M&N 1919 tU. K. Great Britain and Ireland. French Republic Convertible City of Paris Bordeaux, Lyons and Marseilles. Dominion of Canada M&N 1919 101.12 5.40 M&N 1920-30 99.33 6.25 M&S 1919 100.72 5.25 M&S 1920 101.41 5.25 M&S 1921 102.06 5.25 M&S 1922 102.67 5.25 M&S 1923 103.26 5.25 M&S 1924 103.82 5.25 M&S 1925 104.35 5.25 M&S 1926 104.85 5.25 M&S 1927 105.32 5.25 M&S 1928 105.78 5.25 M&S 1929 106.21 5.25 .M&S 1930 106.62 . 5.25 M&S 1931 107.00 5.25 M&S 1932 107.37 6.25 M&S 1933 107.72 5.25 A&O 1942 98.27 5.125 A&0 1943 98.23 5.125 J&J ' 1933 To Net 5.50 J&J 1934 To Net 5.50 J&J 1935 To Net 5.50 J&J 1936 To Net 5.50 J&J 1927-37 99.11 6.125 F&A 1923 92.68 6.75 .5 M&N 1921 .5 A&O 1919 .6 A&O 1921 .6 M&N 1919 .5 F&A 1919 tDenotes bonds of $500 denomination. JDenotes bonds of $1000 denomination. Denotes bonds of $100, $500 and $1000 denomination. Why take any risk? - Income return on an investment should be proportionate with the character of the security behind it and be determined by the law of supply and demand. Safe Bonds are always available. We own and offer carefully selected County and first-class City bonds We own the bonds we offer and purchased them direct from the issuing municipality after careful investigation of the resources of the community. I Ask for our weekly list. . 6 LUMBERMENS TRUST COMPANY Capital and Surplus $600,000 LUMBERMENS . BUILDING FIFTH AND STARK U. 6. Gov't short-term securities. est I All other earning aaseta las. I Total earning asseta 42 Due from other F. K. banka. net 72 1 Uncollected items 44 , Total deduction from grosa dep's lale Roy Cop). LoUce Copper. . . 52 IWInona "ajWolverlne 5"4 114 1H 33 V Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW TORK, March 8. Mercantile paper, per cent Sterling. ttO-dafbllla, 4.72'4; commercial ao-dav bllla on banka, I4.721; commercial AO-day bills. S4.71a: demand, $4.7514 ; ca bles. 14.76 7-16. Francs, demand. 5.72H; cables. 5.7n ; guilders, demand, 44 H; ca bles. 4!t; lire, demand, 8.7A; cables, 8.74; rubles, demand. 12; cables, 124. Bar silver,' S54c. Mexican dollara. 68Hc Government bonda, steady; railroad bonds, steady. . LONDON. March Bsr silver. 42d per ounce. Money, 24 per cent; discount rates, short bllla, 3 19-32 per cent; three months, 8 8-lfl per cent. RAILS FEATURE WEEK'S STOCK TRADE Legislation by Congress Important Factor in Speculation. NEW TORK. March 9. Tha desultory character of the atock market in the early part of this week's operation was attributed largely to compllcatlona in the foreign situ ation and preparations incidental to the aelt liberty loan. Sharp recoveries In the later dealings, especially In rails, resulted mainly from the agreement arrived at by Congresa relative to the lentil of the railroad legislation and further progress of the war finance meas ure. Gains of 2 to 8 points among high-grade or Investment transportation aharea were ef fected chiefly at the expense of a long standing short Interest In varioua leaders. Industrials developed decided atrength after publication of annual atatements by soma of the foremost manufacturers of iron and steel. These revealed greatly enlarged earnings for 1H17. Trade reports alao were far more encour aging, business In general indicating ex pansion and recovery from the depression OCcaatonea or inoirni r cuci . icsuiaiiui... Call money waa freely offered at 6 to oer cent, the minimum figure prevailing. but time funda held at 6 per cent, with al most a complete absence of supply. LOAN EXPANSION TCE8DAY NOTED Large Increase In Bills Dleeetinted and Bought In Open Market by Reserve Banks. WASHINGTON. March 9. A tendency to ward loan expansion was evident in to. night's Federal Reserve Bank weekly finan cial statement. Bllla discounted for members and Federal Reaerve banka and bills bought in open market were 118.000,000 each more than laat week. The conditions of the 12 banka at tha close of business laat night was aa foliowe: 1 Resources 1 Gold coin and certificates In 1 vaulta 44.144,OO0 I Gold settlement fund F. R. Board 334.iV85.O00 1 182.822.000 o87!s:i'-000 6.1i:i.(Ml0 337.2:t.lMX 343,390.000 B37.OO0 7U1.000 3,2H9.0t)9.000 t T3.H24.OO0 1.134.IHM) B6.2OS.0iPO 1.40.1. 504.IMKI 210.9SU.OOO 77.1 37.OO0 l.815,.S3n.(lOO 1.3ba,lKJ,UCXI 8.000.000 7.320.000 S redemption fund against F. R. bank notes All other resources TotsI reaourcea Liabilities Capital paid in Surplus Government deposits Due members, reserve act. Collection itema Other deposits. Including for eign government creuiis .... Total gross deposits F. R. note actual circulation... F. R. bank notea in circulation, net liability All other liabilities Total llabllitiea $3,289,009,000 Ratio of gold reserve to the net deposit and Federal Reserve note liabilities cora- hlneri ft. R nor rent Ratio of total reserves to net deposit and note liabilities combined. 04.T per cent. Bank Clearings. . Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday wore as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland :i.loU.84 73r.3'. SeattI 1.2J.4j Tacoma 4!l-.,7.-,2 Spokane l,3ol,00o oju.k.j. Clearings of Portlsnd. Seattle and Tacoma for the past week and corresponding week in former years: Year. 1918. .. 1917. .. 11110. .. 1915. .. 1914. .. 1913. .. 1912... 1911... 1910. .. 19(19. .. liMlS. . . 1 907 . . . 1906. . . 1IM15. . . Pnrtlnnri. Seattle. Tacoma. 119.122.B6fl 128.124.431 3. 823.324 12,862.992 17.119.876 2.4:19.274 10.950,643 1 2.524.70 1 2,203.240 10,767.029 12.553.417 2.0(4.491 11.706,028 15.168,273. 2.S53.7 i 1 15.143.10.-. l:l,839.5 8.5s6,7"-7 15,754.693 14.223,449 4,773.571 13,594,037 12.311.100 5.250.088 12 918,174 13.362.479 5.430.128 9.009.055 10,580,668 5,327.297 8,969.444 9.578,671 4.594.339 7 462.909 9.57.8,071 4.394.339 4 931.720 9.705.794 3.395.920 3 873 576 4.583,61 2.931.840 . FREE OIL BOOK Hsf (LLlSTR-ATEDss3a 96 -PAGE MAGAZINE FREE - Contains directory of 800 West ern oil companies, maps of Wvoming, Colorado, Montana, Utah and the United States. Also field maps and complete resume and statistics of United States and Mexico, and particularly the Rocky Mountain region. Send lOc In atampa to pay post age and wrapplnit. WESTERN OIL WORLD PUB. CO. Boston Bids- Denver, Colorado. ..$871,220,000 $ bP6.720.0O0 20,267,008 ..$1,788,108,000 Gold with foreign agencies. Total gold held by banks. Gold with F. R. agenta Gold redemption fund t Total aold reserve Legal tender, notes,' silver, etc. 50.685.000 Total reserves Bills discounted for members and F. R. banka Bllla bought In open market... Total blue on hand U. S. Gov't long-term securities $1,847,683,000 020.340,000 81 7.952.0' 10 838.22.0Otl 73.104,000 OIL MAP-4 STATES Map showing- trend of oil fields' across Wvorainjr. Colorado, Kansas and Okla homa, and holdings of I. X.-U Oil & Refining Co., sent without cost. Ad- dreSS" W. S. TARBELL PVERBECK & COOKE GO. Broker. Starke, Bonds. Cottes irala. KSa. tU-SlT IlOAJaUa Oaf liUDE BLDt MKUBEKS CBICAOO XKaUMi BOARD OaT Carrajeponflenta af Iigaa at McaeTa ana Ptmw xmrm MEMBERS frw Torlt Stack Exchange Chicago Htock ExrfcaBge Boston Stack Exchange Chicago Board af Trade ew fork Cotton Exchange haw Orlraaa Cotton fCarheaga hew York Coffee Exchange Near York Prepuce r. i change Jveruoal Cotlou aVes'a. IN THE STOCK MARKET? If you own any stocks, or contem plate buylnff or selling any, protect your investment by getting the judg ment of far-famed experts, as pub lished in the INDUSTRIAL AND MINING AGE Largest Circulation in its Field In the World Published weekly since January, 1907. Subscription $5 a year. Sample copy sent free lor purpose of introduction if you write immediately. 27 William St., New York. Ship Your Cream to Us WE PAY CASH Sweet Cream, 58c lb. Butterfat Sour Cream, 56c lb. Butterfat SUNSET CREAMERY 281 First Street Travelers Guld. rX'E3Ilvs.. r,i. mi ta UUSSataj ALASKA vTtchikan. WrangelU Juneau. Douglas, H1B I Skagway. Cordova. .itles, S-w.rd and Anchorage. CALIFOUMA via Seattle or bad rranclaco te Angelee and Baa Ulego direct. Largest ships, unequaled aervlce. low rates In cluding baria aad sueale. alake reer Regnlnr sailings from Vancouver. B. X. T toa Palatial Paeeengsr bteamera of tba Canadian-Australian Rural alaU Line. For full alnformatioB apply Can. Pao. Ball- as Third Kt. rartland. or tieaeral 355 Denham Building, Denver, Colo. Agent. 440 nanuw nk. aawuvar, J, c.