The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 10, 1918, Section One, Page 15, Image 15

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- '
The Entire Swastika Biscuit Line
Questionnaires of 122 Regis
trants Not Returned.
Peace and Happiness Un
known Elsewhere Dwell
in Klamath Wilds.
'Goes Over the Top " as
I I T I a! w-e at . eae a a. a 1
(i roQucuon, rraturinf ixin( use oi -otel Sinjrcr ana lomeaisiu, iiiui
B Attraction at Heilif Theater on Wednesdar EVening, March 20. I
tVlton Families and I. C. Sbrroort
Operate Has Tract at Rig
Have fplrndld Home
Travel at I'icuurc
tK th poor farmer."
Tor many years th fanners of th
TTnlted Statea war held op to ridicule
because their occupation wu, aa a
ruio, oniuccMJiui. But or lata years
tha farmers hare been coming Into
their own and today tha forehanded
farmers hara tha laugh on moat etbtr
Business men. Indeed, th.r ara no
ether business men la the country who
are In better condition than tha sue
ceful farmers, and on good land. In
good location aa to market, there la
ao reason why every farmer who haa
Van free from a run of untoward elr
cumstanr, should not be successful.
Aa I have traveled back and forth
throughout Oregon I have met un with
many farmera who ara more to be
envied than a Rockefei;er or a Car ne
ar' a. It la true none of them have
reached tha high financial conditions
aa have tboaa financial geniuses, but
they get mora out of life for them
lvr and their famlllea than do nine
tentha of the vary w.altby men of the
naaeaee La la
Ani of aU tha farmers In Oreren 1
think those, of the Wood River Valley.
In KUmarh fount, are the moil to be
envi-d. I'erhap tbe realer will lauch
an au:a a sucgestlon: wlU cite tha al
line 01 mat aortlon a acainet the
termer; win recall tha Winters of ae
ver coin and d-ep inovi; will. In fact.
Wry that aactlon when compared with
soma of tha beat sections of tha WI1 Roeue or fmtxjua valley.
il iney a.y thai It wt be becaaaa
they ara not familiar with that rather
remote district. If yotj will take
map or irrecon and look at the I'poer iaia you will see where the
Vood Kiver romea rushing down from
h Cascade Mountain. rome Zi tuilea
to the weet Ilea Crater Lake. On v the
eaat.rn-ceotraj portion of the valley la
Jittie town of Fort Klamath. To
in aouta and southwest, and to por
tion of the valley to tha west. Ilea
tbe I'paer Klamath Lake.
The elevation la over 70 feet. The
entire valley la under Irrigation from
tha watera of Wood River. Anna Creek.
e-v.n-Hlle Creek and Crane Creek.
iTacticaiky every bit of the land la. or
can be. Irrtxatrl from thnae streams
and tha water rtcbt appertain to the
land, tha farmera havtnr conatructed
their own Irrigating systems. In ad
dition to thla every farm baa ona or
more arteaiaa floalng weRs and nearly
.ry awe. line ana stock barn Iff sup.
niij wttB cleer. pure running water.
Ta contour of tha valley la euch tnat
ipl, canals and lateral, are an
aeee.aary. aad all of tha Irrigating.
practically speaking, la dona by srav
icy flooding, while espenalv drainage
aanaia are not seeded.
Hardy VeaeeaMew fs Well.
The seasons there ara short, bat all
aarcy vesetablcs. auch aa cabbage,
onions, turnip, beets, parsnips, car
rota, radlabea and rutabaaas. thrive.
Oralne oat a. wheat, rya aTld barley
can ce raised tnere aa successfully
In any other part of tbe atate. But
tha principal product of the section Is
bay timothy, clover and alsiks and
the principal bualneaa of tha farmera la
In tha turning of tbeaa cropa Into beef.
Teai. mutton ana pork.
As for alatke. there Is no other por
tlon of Oregon where there are such
pure, clean fields of that succulent
clover aa In tha Wood Ri verVValley. .
remember that two years ago tha com
Ins; Autumn I went over a rood part
of the valley with President Kerr and
Jtegents Walter it. Iterc and Jeffer.
on Myers and w saw alslk fields
that each said surpassed In luxuriance
and yield any fields of the kind they
had ever seen. On field of soma 400
acres belongs to y. H. Pace, of
Face a. eon. Portland, which, was
veritable picture of beauty.
I have met at various times and In
verioua places some or tha most suc
cessful of the Wood River Valley farm
ers, notably John E. Pelton. James K
p-itnn hie brother, and their half-
4 From Piles
f lend Tot m Trial Treatment.
Ko matter how long or bow bad gt so
roar aruaeie. inaay ana res a eu cant
bos of Pyramid PU Treatment, it
TV Pyraaud SavOa Frees a 3iale Trial
wilt grv relief, and a single bos often
core., A trial paekaae mailed free In piala
wrapper If yoa send us coupon below.
tra Pyramid Bide. Marshall. Mich.
Klnd'e aend ma a Free sample of
Pliiw Pile Teaabateaa. la piala wrapper.
Nib ............
To aat tha) vary bast remit tkm
Dr. HwsBpkrey "Sevan ty-sa-vaa" at
tha first snaaia or ahrvar.
"Parewary aaven1 braaVa wp, Cold
"lW basux oo Grip. Ail Oro Star.
.. . . ...... . ' v
i y. .'A
SS . . . :;!e-
Tr' , . fTf f j . ' A 1
I affects, number of people required I 1 ' I I
II 1 e C-V " 111
I "Z ' s li t
If i V " I 1
I' ' r , ,
I . u
I lis
N point of macnltur and scenic
ffects. number of people required
nd splendor of appointments, the
"Show of Wonders," the 10th produc
teon to be mad by tha New York Win
ter Garden, and which cornea on March
:0 to the Hell!;, is said to eclipse all
Its predecessors.
Tha fact that this hue extrava
cans amused New Torkera for more
than aeven months, and Chlcacoans for
more than four months, and Boston and
i'hlladelphla for Ions: runs. Is an in
dication of tbe pieces euci-esa. Head
ir.a Its lone list of singers and cuine
dlana will be found the operatic broth
ers. Luin and Willie Howard: the
unique comedian. Tom. Lewis: the In
Imttable Sidney Phillips; tha nimble
footed dancers. White and Clayton;
fan Wuinlan. the old minstrel star.
and the celebrated Russian ballet
dancer. Jacque Kujawskl. Flora Lea
will portray the role of Eve In the
"back to nature" scenes, and will also
play tha pari of a slave girl In the
brilliant Burmese ballet. Other charm
ing personalities In the "Show of Won
ders' ara Virginia Smith. Adela Ards-
ley. Patsla O llearn. Myrtle Victoria
nd Irene Zolar.
Prom the costumer point of view.
nothing has been left undone to se
cure colorful effects and the sartorial
equipment runa the gamut from Eve
like attire to modlah Parisian models.
In olden daya on went to the theater
to ae thrilling melodramatic effects,
but the movlea have done away with
theae Invention, which used to make
our heart throb with excitement. .
Nowaday on aeea these thrillers
In such huge extravagansaa aa the
Local Exemption Board Reminds
Ever Citizen of Doty to Give
Present AVhereabont of All
Delinquent Registrants.
A Nation-wide campaign will be con
ducted by tha American Red Cross and
the Commission for Relief In Belgium
to obtain at least 6000 tons of clothe
for the destitute people of Belgium and
occupied parts of France.
The csmpaign was proposed by Her.
bert C. Hoover, who urged H. P. Davi
son, chairman of the war 'council of
the Red Cross, to sponsor the move
ment. It will be held between March
18 MStd 25. and tha donatlona will be
sent To the Atlantlo border and as
sembled there for overseas.
No arrang-ements have yet been mad
here for handling; tha donatlona, but
R. F. Prael. director of 'tha Red Cross
workroom, said committees ' for the
work would be appointed.
"W shall arrange to receive these
donations," be said, "but we must ask
Portlanders to withhold their donations
until March II, as It will require an
organization to handle tha slAiation."
Serviceable Clothe Waated.
That it will be an easy matter to col
lect 6000 tons of clothing In tha coun
try seems undoubted, but Red - Cross
officials ask all donors to remember
that these clothes must ae hard wear
and to act accordingly, a.
Mr. Hoover's letter V Mr. Davison
Washington, Feb. 28. My Dear-Mr.
Davlnon.' Tha practically -entire ex
haustion of clothing, shoes and leather
n occupied Belgium - and Northern
France and the shortage of those ne
cessities In the world's markets ara
making it ' Increasingly difficult fo
the Commission for the Relief of Bel
glum to keep clothed and shod tha un
fortunate people of theae occupied ter
rltorlea. In addition- to new material
we need gifts of used and surplus
clothing and shoes, blankets, rlanne
cloth, etc.. In large quantities fron the
people oi me unuea siaies.
. ".As the commission has allowed most
of its local committees scattered over
he United States to disband because
of the financial arrangement made last
June with our Government, It occurs to
me that the Red Cross, with Its exist
ng elaborate system of local organ
tzatlons. would be in excellent situation
to conduct this clothing campaign for
Will you lend the machinery of this
organization to collect for the commls
ion from the people of the country tha
articles needed by It in its relief work?
From your repeated cordial .offers of
co-operation of tha American Red Cross
In any. of the charitable work of our
commission, I have no doubt of the an
awer you will make to our present re.
uest. Faithfully yours.
Davlsoa Approve Plaa.
To which, under date of March 4, Mr.
Davison replied:
"My Dear Mr. Hoover: In response
'Victory Products '
to Back Up Uncle Sam
. - From this date on and until such time as our Gov
ernment feels that the enormous
demand of our allies and our men
"over there" for wheat flour has been
met, the entire Swastika Line will
contain 33 per cent or more of the
coarser grain substitutes
a True Victory Line
Our MASTER BAKERS have again
proven themselves by retaining all the
goodness and marked superiority of
the original Swastika line. Swastika Victory Products
will at once appeal to all, for each in his turn wants and is
anxious to . serve our Government when and wherever
Yours for Victory
Every package of blaealt
beartnsath SWASTIKA
Label will comply with the
V. S. Food Administration's
requeeta But be aure to
ask for Swastika Brand.
Pacific Coast BiscuiS Co.
"Show of Wonders." where they are
raised to the nth degree. "Over the
Tp" Is the nam of th new Winter
Garden sensation, and it Is a slzzler.
for It showa a mysterious raid on the
German trenches by American aero
planes and the scene which ensues Is
said to rival description In Its Intensity.
brother. L. C. Stsemore. These are all
large operators, the firm of Pelton at
Loo, ley. John K. Pelton being the
senior partner, have 100 acre of their
own deeded land and lease 1H30 acres.
They specialise In exhort Horn and
Hereford cattle. Their ranch la three
miles from Fort Klamath on th banks
of Wood River.
James K. Pelton operates tinder the
name of the Jamea Pelton Company.
Horace I. Pletrow, of Gold Hill, bring
a partner. Their plnre la about a mile
north and west of Fort Klamath. The
Slsemore place is about a mile west of
Fort Klamath. The Pelton Company
owns about 1(00 acres, the Slsemore
place has 350 acres. Mr. Slsemore is a
breeder of fin Shropshire sheep. The
Pelton Company deals exclusively In
Shorthorn cattle, and they have a fine
herd of pur breda
Traaapartatloa la Adeawate.
Perhaps tha reader will aay these
people are Isolated, being 40 odd miles
north of Klamath Falls. There 1 a
branch of the Southern Paclflo running
up eaat of th lake to Chiloquln. 13
miles south of Fort Klamath. Then
there are boats regularly plying up the
lakes to the mouth of Wood River, and
then up that river to Weed Landing,
four miles from Fort Klamath. And
there la a good wagon road from Jrort
Klamath to Klamath Falls.
I think it was on my first visit to
tha valley that I met Jamea R. Pelton
and apent a pleaaant hour with him
and hla charming wife In their splendid
country home with every city conveni
ence. Dozens of men were working
for them but -their wants war looked
after In aeparate bultdlnpa. Tha Pel-
tons occupied their fine dwelling sep
arata and apart from tha farming oper
ation Mr. and Mrs. Pelton bad Just
returned from a trip of aix months
through California. Central America,
Cuba and several of our southern
statea They motored down to - Loa
Angeles and from there home. In fact
the Wood River Valley farmers do little
save enjoy themselves for six months
of the j ear.
I gathered many of the facts I am
now giving from John E. Pelton. who
spent a fortnight with his family at
th Hotel Seward. In thla city. He re
side In a fin horn at Roseburg dur
Inr tha Winters.
'Behold tha farmer. Do you know
of any reason' why th farmers who
reside In favored sections, like, the
Wood River Valley, ahould not bo
envied In place of pitied? I do not.
On tbe contrary I am free to say. as I
said at the beginning, that people like
tha Peltona and Mr. blsemore. and
many other farmera In that valley, are
better off In every way tending to
peace, comfort and happiness than a
Rockefeller or a Carnegie.
neral services and Interment wlU
made In the Salt Creek Cemetery.
Students to Help Fanners.
CENTRALIA. Wash.. March 9. (Spe
cial.) A patriotic resolution has been
passed by the Centralis School Board
permitting all high school boys IS
years of ag and over to quit school
In April to follow agricultural pur
suits and giving them credit for a full
term work, providing they are up-In
their studies at the time they quit
school. The same rule will apply to
boys of th same age who quit school
In April to work In camps and nil Us of
this vicinity.
vour red u est on behalf of tha Com
mission for Relief in Belgium, th Red
Cross will be glad to -undertake th
collection of used and surplus clothing
and other articles for the uea of th
commission in Its relief work -in oceu
pled territory in Belgium and France.
We have set aside the week of March
18 to 25 for a special campaign for this
purpose. We will send out your appeal
to alt chapters through our divisional
organization.-Where your local commit
tees stiU exist, we trust this work may
be done by such committees In co-operation
with our local chapter, in order
that the chapter may that they,
too. have a part In tha great work.
Cordially yours,
(Signed) "H. P. DAVTSOX,
"Chairman Red Cross War Council."
Wldow Wins Insurance Fight. '
ABERDEEN, Wash, March . (Spe
cial..) Mrs. Allen Logan has won her
suit for $5000 against the New York
Life Insurance Company for Insurance
ca-rled by her husband, who died In
Portland two years ago. Logan was a
well-known local logger. The company
claimed that he was In poor health be
fore he took; out the Insurance.
Mike Donlin, Jack Goodman and George Walsh Compile Celluloid History
in "Jack Spurlock, Prodigal," Here This Week.
TO!f IS FOUND. Moaa. Plentiful la State la
Being Widely Uaed by Red Croea
la Dressing W'oumds,
' ternal Revenue Millar from Daniel C.
Roper, Commissioner of Internal Reve
nue, at Washington, D. C.
Under the Income tax law for war
purposes, the salaries of state, county
and city officials are expressly ex
empted from the payment of the war
Income tax of 2 per cent Mr. Roper
saji in his letter that th Government
will accept tax payments on all such
salaries when Included as a portion of
the Income of the official, unless It is
expressly listed as salary In the state
ment that must be filed with the col
lector In connection with tha payment
of the tax.
Harry Quiring Fall to Survive Op
eration at Camp Lewis.
DALLAS. Or, March I. (Special)
Word waa received in thla city yester
day that Harry Quiring, a young man
of German parentage, who enlisted In
th Cnlted State, Army last December.
bad passed away In th military hos
pital at Camp Lewis, following an op
eration for appendlolti.
Arrangement have been made to
bar the Dallas veterans of th Grand
Army and th Honor Ouards conduct
th service . All pieces of business In
tha dtjr will b closed durlog th fu-
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March 4. (SpeclaL) Sphagnum moss,
such a most florists use In wrapping
the stems of cut flowers to keep them
fresh. Is soon to be added to Oregon's
long list of contributions to the na
tion's war chest. The moss, which is
found In large quantities In the salt
marshes along the Oregon coast, has
been found to be an excellent substi
tute for absorbent cotton and Is being
widely used by th Red Cross in the
war zones.
To what extent the moss is to be
found In this state is to be determined
by the unlversty through a survey con
ducted by'Professor A. R. Sweetser, of
the botany department. iroiessor
Sweetser, who returned Sunday from
Seattle, where he was In conference
with Dr. H. J. Smith, head of tbe Na
tional survey work on sphagnum moss.
and other nrominent botanists of the
Northwest, announced that, he would
commence hi survey at once. No deft
nite plan have yet been given out re
garding th mean that will be adopted
for gathering and preparing in moss.
It 1 probable, however, that school
children, will be utilised In gathering
and that the moss will then be shipped
to th university, where It will be pre
Dared and made ready for shipment
'Sphagnum moss I a comparatively
new discovery aa far as Ita utility lor
war purposes goes," said Professor
Sweetser. "It Is extremely plentiful
along th coast of Oregon and Wash
ington and has great value as a substi
tute for absorbent cotton and also for
oakum, which require uch careful
preparation before It can b used lor
th nads and wipes required in an
surgical work In hospitals. It Is even
more absorbent than oakum ana its
decomposition Is slow, which further
recommends It for hospital use."
Linn. County Liberty Loan Speakers
Already Engaged-
ALHANT O. March t, (Special.)
Dan Johnston, chairman of the com
mittee on speakers for the coming lib
erty loan drive in Linn County, Is plan
ning his work so that speaker will be
available at all meetings where ad
dresses on th liberty loan drive are
desired. Linn County speakers al
ready selected are C. E. Sox. L. L. Swan.
F. E. Van Tassell. Wlllard U Marks, W.
A Eastburn. P. D. Gilbert Rev. (X B.
Pershing and A. C. Sohmltt
W. H. Hornlbrook. editor of the Al
bany Democrat and ex-United Statea
Minister to Slam; Samuel M. Garland,
of Lebanon, State Senator from Linn
County, and A. C. Schmltt. vice-president
of the First National Bank of Al
bany, are among the local men who
have accepted invitations to make lib
erty loan talks in other sections of tha
Idaho Freshmen Elect Officer.
March 9. (Special.) The following of
ficers for the ensuing semester were
elected ysterday by the University of
Idaho freshman classi Ralph Gouch
nour, of Burley, president; Cora Salter,
of Spokane, vice-president; Valerie El
der, of Coeur d'AIene, secretary, and
Marian Snyder, of Aberdeen, treasurer.
Phone your want ads to Th Oreg-
nlan. Main 7070, A 6096.
Oregon Normal Provides Real
perience for Teacher.
l FORMER diamond idol, a near-
champion boxer and a famous col
lege athlete are film pals now
adays. They are Mike Donlin, former
Olant 'outfielder; Jack Goodman, who
startled New Tork a few years ago
with a string of sensational victories
Walsh, baseball. ' rowing, football and
track college star, later member of the
Brooklyn Nationals and now on of the
kings of fllmdom.
Donlin. Goodman and' Walsh have
been "picturing" together In the Fox
adaptation of the popular George
Horace Lorlmer story, "Jack Bpurlock.
Prodigal." which is to be shown at the
over llfitUwoWit boxers, and. George buud Jnesr f Wednesday, Jus haaa reuaUM fee Coliootot of la-
mouth, March . (Special.) Th Ore
gon "Normal School has solved the prob
lem of recruiting training school pu
pils in order that the Normal student
teachers may have practical experience
in teaching before they are called to
actual work in Oregon schools. The
Independence publio school, which at
the first of this year was added to the
Normal system. Is supplying the senior
class with the necessary material for
grade teaching.
President Ackerman, In reviewing
the. training school facilities, says the
pupils are getting thorough Instruction
and the young teacher a- at ease In
Imparting Instruction, since the schools
now are not, overcrowded. With the
prospect for a bigger, enrollment in
both the Monmouth and Independence
public schools next year, no ajarm is
felt over the limitation of th training
school situation.-
Camp Tjewia "Establishment Men--"
-tloned for Great Usefulness.
TACOMA. . Wash., ; March . (Spe
claL) Th T. W C. A. hostess house
at Camp Lewis was tha only on of Its
knd specifically mentioned for the
work It 1 doing at the National T. W.
C. A. board meeting in New York. That
was the report brought back by Miss
Jane N. Scott -hief executive for the
Northwest Y. W. C'A. work, who waa
In .Tacoma today en route from the con
ference. "' - i '
Miss Scott said that the number of
persons fed and cared for her exceed
ed any of th others. As an example
Miss Scott pointed out that 240p per
sons were fed there in a day recently
at the cafeteria, as against S00 at th
Camp "Dodge .hostess house.
Salary If Included In Income, Sub
ject to Federal Taxation.
Btat and other publio officials will
be permitted to pay a war Income tax
on their salaries If they will include
that revenue In their Income tax state
ment without disclosing Its source. This
Is the substance of an opinion that has
Dietitians advise a "careful diet,", but that is trouble-
most people:- Physical cultunsts' advise certain
,? which is good if on has both the time and the
' i i I l : , r
inclination.' Doctors advise diet and exercise and modicino.
The' question is. shall it be a cathartk. or purgative med
icine? Or a mild, gentle laxative?
. Thousands have decided the question to their own' satis
fa'etipa. by using a combination- ot simple laxative herb
with pepsin known to druggists as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin. A. small dose gives free, easy movement of the
bowels. ' It is the best substitute for nature herself. ' In fact,'
since the ingredients are wholly from the vegetable kingdom
It may truthfully be said it is a nafuxai laxative.
Its positive but gentle action on the, bowels'makes it ah
ideal remedy for constipation; The dose i small, and it may
be taken with perfect safety until the bowels are regulated and
get again of their own accord.
Thm druieist will refund your inbriey il. it Jail t to
cfp as promised, .
SPt. Caldwell's
The Perfect Laxative
FREE SAMPLES Dr. Caldwell SyUp
Papain is the largest sellias liquid -laxative
in America. If you have never used it. send
year address for a free trial bottle to Dr. W. ,
B. Caldwell. 46s Washington St.. Meatieelle,
111.- II you have babi In the family send ler
a copy oi -The Care oi the Baby."
no Increase.
ta spite of enormous
increased laboratory
eoeta due to the War
th manufacturer a
Dr. Cakiwell'a Syrup
Popaia are sacrincms
their profits and absorb
ing tie war tana, ee
that this family lasalhra.
ssay remain at the pre
war price of 50c and SI
a larfe bottle. So sold,
by cWugf) 3 yoata
lift Corns Off! Doesn't Hurt!
LDon't let corns ache twice ! Lift any corn or
callus off with fingers Here 's magic !
For a few eenta ym can
gee a small bottle of tbe
znagia freoaon discovered by
a Cincinnati chemist.
Just ask at any drag tore
for a small bottle of freezone.
Apply few drops upon a
tender, aching GOTO, and In
stantly that old bothersome
com stops hurting, then
shortly yon can lift it out,
root and all, with the fingers.
Just think! Not one bit of
pain before applying freezone
or afterward. It doesn't
even irritate the surroundv
ing skin.
Hard corns, soft corns, or
eorns between the toes, also
hardened eallnsea on bottom
of feet shrivel up and fall off
without hurting a particle.
Ladies I Keep free rone handy
on your dresser. Wonderful I