The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 10, 1918, Section One, Page 10, Image 10

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State Game and Fish Commission, the
run of Imprisoned fish below the dam
Is apparent In the river. Before the
mm shown up
Aoji) naumd 0 Didlv
commission acted tha bureau of batch
ertea had appealed to the Food Admin
istration to authorise the destruction
of the dam as a menace to the food
supply, presenting the figures showing
that the fish were prevented from
enSurdrtic crowds ,
RETURN 51,298,022
Non-Partisan League Speaker
Attacked by Idahoan.
reaching the apawnlng beds and hatch
ery work curtailed. The state food
administration referred the matter to
Hoover with a favorable report, but the
Association Obtains Averags
Price of SI. 40 Per Box for
All Three Grades in 1917.
delay caused by Investigation would
have stopped the Spring run of salmon.
even If finally acted upon.
eee - '
Report Show That All Except 8
of tO Car or Fralt Handled by
Organisation Sold Handling
CoV I 11-SS Cnu Box.
ITOOD RIVER. Or, March . (Spe
cial.) Th stability to which th Appl
Growers' Association, with a member
, ship of 10 irowira. hu advanced stnc
It organisation four years ago. was
reflected in tha harmony that prevailed
today at tha aonaal primary meeting.
Despite tha ear shortage, tha loaa of
a export market aa a result or tne
war. member today listened to tha
best annual report In the organiza
tion's blatory. Kales Manager McCul
lagb. who came her last year from
North Takjma. reported all but t car
f 100 handled of the 117 crop aold and
ail but 1S7 cars shipped. Tendering
Mr. McCullagh tha compliments of the
board of directors. Executive Manager
rHon announced an average price of
11.44 per box for all fruit of the three
standard grades aold and paid for.
Tha association's total business for
tha past season reached ll.15S.0I3.0J.
With tha crop a quarter million boxea
short of last seaaon. tha handling cost
per box. H.iJ cents, was only a frac
tion of a cent greater.
Reriwa Cask Baal.
Manager Stona declared that credit
for tha stability of tha era-animation
was due In great extent to the opera
tion of the Federal Reserve Bank: that
trade acceptances, passed from grow
era to the organisation, thence to Inral
banks and finally to the federal ite
aerv. had practically placed -ihm busi
ness affairs of tha prgantxatlon on a
cash basis.
Optimism orer prospects for tha com
ing year were somewhat dampened
when Mr. McCullagh told growers that
their Industry would be worthless un
less they made efforts tha coming year
to produce larger fruit.
Tou have been able to dispose of
your export sixes In domestic markets
of the East this year." he said, "be
cause of the small crop In Eastern sec
tions: but It Is contrary to history for
two off years to follow in succession.
A bug crop In Eastern districts mar
be expected the coming season, and It
will he absolutely necessary that small
sties be eliminated by pruning and
Cmr Sapply la TltaL
Vr. MeOuItagh also expressed doubh
on the 1911 airawberry deal because
of the uncertainty of the car situation.
-It wa can get tha cars." he said.
"1 he the assurance of W. A. White,
of C II- Kobinson eV Co.. Dakota pur
chasers, wbo always buy practically all
of our fruit, that the market will be
- The meeting's routine was broken
when Roeco Mll!r alleged inferior
product and profiteering by J. C
ftutcher. local apray manufacturer. The
manufacturer's lime sulphur solution.
handled by the association at a cost to
growers of I per barrel. Mr. Miller
thought was too high, and ha urged the
co-operative organisation to make
available a supply of raw material. In
order that growers might manufacture
their own spray. While Mr. Miller's
sentiments had considerable Indorse
ment. C. D. Hoyt's defensa of Mr.
Butcher aroused applause.
Wbea It was alleged that first-class
apples could not be bought In Portland,
growers asserted that Jobbers declined
to purchase good stock.
Xoealstallewa) Ire Made.
Nomination for tha directorate of 11
to be elected In April follows: 1. S.
Davidson. W. B. Dlckerson. J. C Torter.
. B. Nye. J. R. Kunamaker. K. W.
I'.lrge. A. O. Lewis. E. L fehepard. G
Psthman. A. F. Blckford. A. J. Graff.
A. C- Staten. C A. Reed. C. K. Kavlln.
O. A. McCordy. D. U. Pterson. W. W.
llodwell. C. E. Copple. II. 8. Gailigan.
C. B. Compton and It- A. Collins. The
first named It axa members of tha old
According to Mr. Stone's report the
percentage of extra fancy, fancy and
C grade fruit was respectively aa
follows: 42. 12 and It per cent. He com
plimented growers on their diligence In
praying last year, but advised a more
thorough co-operation with the Hood
River branch of tha Oregon Experiment
Station, the work of which he highly
commended. Mr. Stone pointed out that
tha association's percentage of extra
fancy product fell below that of IMS.
when to per cent of the fruit was first
Class. "We can rest assured that we can
re a ah this goal by spraying faithfully
and wisely and caring for our orch-
Postmaster Solicits Foods; Fined.
AX FRANCISCO. March t. Clar
ere Tynan, ex-postmaster at fUllnas,
Cal waa fined 1174 today in tha United
tatea District Court here on a charge
of violating the Federal atatuta which
forbids a Federal employ to solicit
campaign funda from ether Federal cm
.ployea. Tynan was charged with so
liciting money for President Wilson's
second campaign from other post mas
Gold IIIII Fish nan Is On.
COLD HILL. Or.. March t Special)
Since th obstruction to the fish way
at the Amonl dam below Gold Hill was
blas'ed out under the Instruction of the
i WtlWKsm AeereM Telia Itw
Osrkes Cray Malr With a ataepl
Mssse M, Mlltsn.
Jolcey William, th well-known
America) actress, who was recently
playing at thw Imperial Theater In St.
Loula. Mas. mad th following state
meat about gray hair and how to
darken it:
"Anyon caa prepare a slmpt mis
tor at horn, at very little cost, thai
"Will darken gray, streaked or faded
. halx. and make It soft and glossy. To
, a half ptat of water add I ounce of bay
' run, a small bos of Barbo Compound
and Vi ounce of glycerine. Thee in
gredients can b bought at any drug
stove at very llttl coat or any drug
gist caa put It up for you. Apply to
the hair twle a week until th desired
shade la obtained. This will make a
gray-haired person look 2 years
younger It does not color th scalp.
Is not sticky or greasy and does not
rub oS. Adv.
Marshfleld Operators Contribute
Funds for Uniforms.
MARSHFTELD. Or- March I. (Ppe
claL) Another variation of the will
ingness of the local timber magnates to
help In any worthy cause that 1
OK S3 YEAHs. .
Dr. R. F. Aahby.
Dr. R. T. Ashby. who died re
cent I was born In Carroll Coun
ty. Illinois. In 1S4. He came to
Oregon In 1S55 and settled on a
farm in tha Waldo hills, east of
Salem, where he worked on the
farm and taught school part of
the time. Later he was married
and went to Eastern Oregon and
spent ten years In the stock busi
ness. He thn returned to tha
Willamette Valley and lived at
Solo and Harrlsburg. He after
ward moved to Albany and final
ly to Portland, where he re
mained until his death. When ha
cam, to Portland he took up tha
medical profession and had been
a doctor fur the past 25 years.
In 1$2 he was married to Miss
Etta Richardson, whose death
occurred September 7. 1911. The
funeral services were conducted
from the i'ortland Crematorium.
hroncht to their attention was mani
fested last night at a meetlnir of the
local Home Guard unit, when Kruse ft
Hanks, shipbuilders, the Cons Pay Lum
ber Cnmpanv. Btiehner Mill Company
and Coos Bay Shipbuilding Company
each presented $100 to the Home Guard
for the purchase of small Items of uni
forms which they expected to pay for
A. H. I'owers. of the Coos Bar Lum
ber Company, also presented $300 to
the Home Gunrd unit of I'owers. Or.
raclflo A.Vmlc Would Ral Tar
iffs to Coast Points.
WASHINGTON. March . The Pacific
as Arctic Railway 3c Navigation Com
pany today asked the Interstate Com
mere Commission for permission to
make Increases ranging from 10 cents
to $1 li per ton in class ratea on min
ing machinery, fuel oil and ore. and In
creases ranging from $1 to $4.30 per
thousand feet of lumber between Seat
tle. Tacoma. Prince Rupert. Vancouver.
Victoria and San Francisco and points
In Alaska. British Columbia and Yukon
Omaha Dank Lends $7,470,740 In
First Year of Operation.
OMAHA. March 9. The Federal Land
Bank of Omaha ended Its first year's
business last night and today a state
ment was Issued showing that during
th year $7,470,710 had been loaned to
farmers of th four states comprising
th district.
Loans were taken In th different
states to the following amounts: Iowa,
$:.n..lS0; Nebraska. $:.7U,444; South
DakoTa. Il.lll.t55, and Wyoming.
Robert D. Oerlsed.
Robert Dogcert Garland, son
of th 1st W. It. and lianna
Daggcrt, wbo died on February
24. waa born at Wlnnetka. HU
July 3s. 15. and spent his boy
hood days there. He afterwards
moved to St. Paul In 184 and
was connected with the W. H.
Garland Trunk Company. H
was married to Calll Countesa
Terry In I'ortland. on April 23.
11. II r. Garland la survived by
his wldiw and sister. Sue M. Gar
land, of St. PauL Rev. Joshua
Stansfleld performed the funeral
services at the Grace Methwllst
Church. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton
snnc "looking This Way" and
"t-autlful Isle of Somewhere."
The pallbearers were Charles
Rllev. It. Waddle. G. Heltkemper,
H. W. Vlets. 1L Knudsen and 1
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Attorney Says Any Man or Organlia
tlon Attempting to Sew Seeds of
Discord or Discontent Is Do
lor Work for Kaiser BUI.
BOfSE. Idaho. March . fFpeclaD
What is considered a pointed and
vigorous thrust at the Non-Partisan
League was taken by Jesa Hawley,
prominent attorney of this city, chair
man of th Courfty Council of Defense,
who was recently attacked by Ray Mc
Kaig. on of th league speakers, as
the representatives of th Power Trust
In the Republican party.
During a patriotic rally held in this
city on Washington birthday, Mr.
Hawley said that the charge had been
made th farmers were not doing their
full duty with regard to the war. but
that upon investigation he had round
they were not only doing their full
duty, but that they never shirked car
rying a war burden as he bad dis
covered in the organisation of the
county council. McKalg later. In an ad
dress, attacked Hawley who, be as
serted. intimated the farmers were not
doing their full duty. H then as
sailed Hawley as the power trust rep
resentative. Hawley denies that there
was any such intention, that he was
clear In his praise for tha farmer.
Hawley had occasion to attend a patri
otic rally among tne iarmers ai i-igio
In th Boise Valley this week and
there told them what he had said about
th farmers at th previous rally. He
was loudly applauded.
"Any man or any organlxatlon that
attempts to sew seeds of discord and
discontent or array class against class
In Idaho." charged Mr. - Hawley. "Is
doing work for the Kaiser and if he
had the opportunity he would proDaoij
award them th Iron cross.
'No one has a right to enter Into
competition with animals." he con
tinued, "either a defamer or a skunk.
If on does ha is certain to get the
worst of It every tiro he attempts to
fight either.
I have never challenged the loyalty
of the farmer and the man who aays I
hav lies. I heard It stated farmers
were not donlg their full duty toward
the county, but I knew It waa not a
fact for I apent several days in the
country organising the County Council
of Defense and found tha farmers more
than glad to take on any war burden
no matter what it might be. I think
that th farmer Is just as loyal as the
city people ever dared to be.
Ordaaare Corp Has 3 Been Closed t
Ealistaaeata and Registrant Are
Eligible far th Classes.
r i- a lflnu.1.1 llimlnr mt n reC-
."-1 1 II . v"-',"' "" "
ord of efficiency even higher than that
established by tn otner aeparinicms
. , aw. In war work, the
VI HJ Ulli.tinnj -- .
Oregon Ordnance School, under the di
rection or Lieutenant jercmmii,
- fnf.k I h nrdnance corps
of the National Army with at least 350
nigniy trainea men oeiuiw wuw -wo
of Its first year of existence.
Already the school has trained and
turned over to the Government nearly
aa . i-iita-H in tha three classes
put through the cours sine it was
established last October.
Since the general order closing most
branches of the service to registrants
was Issuea mere nas own a ow
t. .Hnk Ae .nnllrnMnn for admis
sion into the ordnance classes. Lieu
tenant Jeremiah minus mis is uuo iu
.i.ii...Mitiiiinr Th. ordnance
corps has not been closed to enlist
ments, he points out, ana men regis
tered under the draft are just as eligi
ble for the classes here as are -those
above or below draft age.
In th case of mo ciass now assem
bling the men are being sent from their
homes directly to Vancouver Barracks
to be provided with uniforms and other
equipment before coming to the cam
pus. The fifth class, which will open
. . ,M in.n n. ..rtv in Mav. Is to be
IILQ .,. . ------ " "
.w i - .... ...aIImI In th Oreffon
school. Ninety men ar to be selected
and immeaiateiy upon xncir iuuuiuuh
inis the service will be placed on the
Government payroll as privates, receiv
ing 130 a montn ana j cems a. uy
sustenajic during th time they are
In school.
Choice Teltg Will Attract Buyers to
rendleton Event.
bwtt ptov Or.. March 9. (Ppe-
cal.) Pendleton Is due to become the
center of th fur trad of the North
west. If an experiment wnicn is to d
I. .. th. T ' n 1 1 H KfatJtB RlolOirlcal
niit'ia vr ... '
Survey office her proves as successful
as Is expected.
On Marca so ail or xne ion which
have been taken within the past several
n i v, m K v Irannan wnrkinr for the
Government in the state of Washing
ton wlu be otxerea si aucuuu 1110. xti
.w. 1) w.w hn nt F.alt to
be aold. but the Returns have been far
from satisfactory.
While the majority or the rurs mat
For Acid Stomach, Indigestion, Gas
or Food Souring-Pape's Diapepsin
Instant Relief ! Neutralizes excessive stomach acids,
stopping dyspepsia, heartburn, belching, pain.
Do soma foods you eat hit back
taste good, but work badly; ferment
into acid- and cause a sick, sour gassy
stomach? Now. Mr. and Mrs. Dyspeptic,
jot this down: Papa's Dia, psin helps
neutralise the excessive aeida In the
stomach so your food won't sour and
upset you. There never waa anything
so safely quick, so certainly effective.
So difference how badly your atomach
la upset you usually get happy relief
in five mtnutea. but what pleases you
most is mat w neipa ig j
stomach so you can eat your
food 4 without fear.
Most remedies give you reliet some
times they ar slow, but not sura.
' '"' -A , ' ' - - 45 NS - " f
I - v Womerii! Girls! ;
1 ' : " jJ Do you want to know how to bring a man to his
- - ftyf'tif' rflZItift See this story of Parisian life in its grandest, gayest moments , L ' j
' " fit MB't of luxury and splendor. ...-r 1 i
.; , Jj-jB tilft i JiiSj: it- Queenlike and wholly beautiful, Miss Young, as the "Butterfly ; f .
TC ' 'fBSmJ VS&Kttf'T- ' Jf rV ' of Paris," gives the most pleasing characterization of her , ;
"r I V, lffltfAl-i'Jk 7frV7Pttrt1a!ftiTl'f- i notable career. . I '
...":- $i3ttyjiUiiy I Presented with a feature comedy and Pathe News the best it
' 1 &f 1 weekly the WorId' 1 ' I' -
: ;: ? " i r 1 " 1 ( I '
' . " ' -' . ' ' 1.' !-, 1 1 1 "in ni-- ---'- "f - ---ft if Tirni 1 mini int 1 1-11 mm if 1 irri-T- '- C - ,.!
i'"L"'!'.'-'''m,n i'""' - . . . . . "1 - - in , 1. 1 ii.i-ii ... 1 ,mrT!
will be offered will be coyotes, there Is
one fine cross-fox skin, several skunk
skins, bob cats and badgers. Private
hunters also will be permittee; to oner
their furs for sale here and it is ex
pected that there will be representa
tives present Irom ail me .arse iui--buylng
firms of the West and Middle
West. Should th sale be a success
it is probable that one will be held
ach six months.
Louis II. Hayes Burled.
fiASTOV. Or.. March 9 (SDeclal.)
Louis H. Hayes, of Gaston, who died
Monday at Redding, CaL, while en route
to San Farncisco, was buried Thursday.
The Masonic Lodge of Forest Grove
conducted the services. Mr. Hayes was
Tape's Diapepsin" Is positive In neu
tralizing the acidity, so the misery
won't come back very quickly. x
Tou feel different as soon as Tape's
Diapepafa" cornea in contact with t-1
Lstomach olstress Just vanlsnes your
stomach gets sweet, no gas- no belch
ing, no eructations of undigested food,
your head cleara and you feel fine.
Go now, make the best Investment
you ever made, by getting a large 60
cent case of Pape'a Plapepsin from any
drug store. You realize in five min
utes how needless it Is to suffer from
indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach
disorder due to acid fermentation. Adv.
He leaves a wife and
Artilleryman Gets Three Months.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 9- Major
General Arthur Murray, commander of
the WVstern Pepartmenf'of the Army,
1.. a. iirimirSr dna to tha Bol-
mns formed by decaying food In tha bowels.
It Is a disease causea oy improper nu in
sufficient bowel elimination. Many peo
ple have only a small passage In the cen-
. . . . w 1- -hlla th eMa8 M.TB
ici ui .tie wvwc " ---- -
clogged with old, stale, fermenting matter.
They may have a bowel movement every
day but It la not a complete movement, and
the old stale matter stays In the system to
ferment and cause trouble. Besides appen
dicitis such unclean bowels cause heaa-
sches. stomach trouble ana 80 per cent 01
..1 1, ti,. ni A foul matter stick
ing to the sides of the bowels often stays
Id for months, poisoning tne raw anu cmu.
ing that listless, tired feeling, known as
"auto Intoxication."
...M ,l.knaja and t A keen
feeling full of ambition Is to watch your
bowels. Just as you keep the outside of
our body clean, you should also KEEP THE
INSIDE CLEAN, it IS even murva iuiiui,ik
to keep the bowels clean than it Is to keep
your body washed, because the millions of
pores In the 30 feet of bowels quickly ab
sorb poisons generated by decaying food left
carelessly In the bowels. Don't allow the
old. fermenting, filthy stuff to stay In your
Bowels for weeks, but GET IT OUT and
keep it out. Remember, filthy bowels are
47 years old.
five children.
today ordered Private Robert MB. Nidy,
Coast Artillery Corps, Fort Worden,
Wash., to be confined at hard labor for
three months, with the loss of two
thirds of his pay for nine months, for
overdrawing his account in a Seattle
bank and Incurring debts which he re
fused to pay. A court-martial had or-
.i Ji
th cause of most sickness no stomach,
liver or any other organ can do its work
with a foul cesspool sending out gases and
poisons. Even If your bowels move slightly
each day. that Is not enough. There must
be an occasional THOROUGH, complete
cleansing to rid your system of all accumu
lated, decaying matter.
The MOST COMPLETE bowel cleanser
known is a mixture of buckthorn bark,
glycerin and ten other ingredients, put up
in ready prepared form under the trade
name of Adler-l-ka. This mixture is so
powerful a bowel cleanser that It ALWAYS
does its work properly and thoroughly. It
removes foul and poisonous matter which
other carthartic or laxative mixtures are
unable to dislodge. It does a COMPLETE
Job and It works QUICKLY and without the
least discomfort or trouble. It is so gentle
that one forgets he has taken it until the
THOROUGH evacuation starts. It is as
tonishing the great amount of foul, poisonous
matter a SINGLE SPOONFUL of Adier-l-ka
draws from the alimentary canal matter
ou would never have thought was in your
system. Try It right after a natural towel
movement and notice how much MORE foul
matter will be brought out which was poi
.nninff vnur ivitem. In slight disorders
such as occasional constipation, sour stomach.
"gas on tne stomacn or uck ncaiiacne, one
spoonful brings relief almost INSTANTLY.
Adler-l-ka Is the MOST THOROUGH bowel
cleanser and antiseptlclzer ever offered in
ready prepared form. It Is a constant sur
prise to people who have used only ordinary
dered him dishonorably discharged from
the service and confined at hard labor
for three months.
Electrical railways of the United
States represent a valuation of $730,-000,000.
bowel and stomach medicines and th
various oils and waters.
Dr. James Weaver, Loa, Utah: "I have
found nothing In my B0 years' practice to
excel Adler-l-ka."
Dr. W. A. Line, West Baden. Ind.: "I
use Adler-i-ka In my practice and have
found nothing to excel it."
Dr. F. M. Prettyman, Mallard,' Minn.: "I
use Adler-i-ka In all bowel cases and have
been very successful with It. Some cases
require only one dose."
Druggist D. Hawks., Goshen, Ind.: "One
of our leading doctors has used Adler-l-ka
In cases of stomach trouble with wonderful
success. He has not lost a patient and saved
many operations."
J E Puckett. Gillham. Ark.: "I had bad
stomach trouble. After taking Adler-l-ka
feel better than for 20 years. Haven't lan
guage to express the awful impurities which
were eliminated from my system."
Cora E. Noblett, Segeeyah, Okla. : "Thanks
to Adler-l-ka I can sieep ail night now,
something 1 could not do for years."
Mrs. L. A. Austin, Ausland, Minn.: "I
could not eat a thing, my stomach was so
weak. Adler-l-ka made me feel better and
am now able to work and gaining."
Adler-l-ka Is sold only by the leading
druggists In each city.
Sold In Portland only by Ekidmore Drug
Company. HI iilurd street.