The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 03, 1918, Section One, Page 9, Image 9

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Charles Anderson Admits As
saulting Henry Lawrence
Near Albany, Or.
AaIIarrt Says IIo Asked Victim to
Co to River With Design to
. Kill Him and Throw
Body Into Water.
CORVALLIS. Or, March 5. (Special.)
Charles Anderson confessed thla aft
rnooa to committing a robber? in Ben
ton County, near Albany. lat Dlshf.
II also declared In his confession that
after committing- the robbery ha en
deavored to persuade his victim. Henry
Lawrence, to fo with htm to the river
to ash the blood off his face, and
added that hla reason for trying- to get
Lawrence to the river was that he
mi(M murder-him and throw him Into
the Willamette.
The crime eras committed about f
la.t nlcht. en the Benton County aide
t the Albany bridge. Both young men
had bee a in Albany awaiting examina
tion for the draft. Anderson lives near
t'rawfordsvllie and Lawrence, near
Brownsville. They had known each
ther previously.
Lawrvae Kaarked Dm.
According- to his confession. Ander
son suggested that they walk over to
the Benton County side to see the anl
mal park." There la no animal urk
there. Lawrence consented and after
proceeding a abort distance Into the
countrk. Anderson asked Lawrence
what time It waa. When Lawrence sot
hla watch out to look. Anderson took
from his pocket a heavy, square flash
light with which he struck Lawrence
over the temple, knocking him down
and ruttlnga deep sash over hla eye.
Anderson then took Lawrence's
money, amounting; to fit In bills, and
conducted blm back to Albany, ataylng
with htm on the afreet and In a hotel
to prevent hla hunting a policeman.
It wa while going Into the town that
Anderson suggested that they go back
to the river and wash the blood off
Lawrence'e face. Lawrence says tie re
fused to go because he feared Anderson
meant to push him In. Anderson aura Its
that thia waa hla purpoae.
Aaderswa Makes C'eefeealea.
About 11 'o'clock Anderson went to
the depot and purchased a ticket to
CresweiU giving the agent the IIS In
bills and getting the change. I U.K. In
ilver. The train did not go aa aoou
as he expected and while he waa wait
log. the police, at the request of Law
fence, arrested him.
lie waa brought to Corrallia this
morning, where he waa questioned by
1'Utrlct Attorney Clarke. In a sworn
statement made before the District At
torney, he stated that there was a third
man In the party and that the third
man forcem hlra. a the point of a re
volver, after robbing him. also to rob
Lawrence. When numerous misstate
ments In bis story were pointed out to
him. he broke down and made the con
fession stated above, which Lawrence
ays ia correct.
11 la now In the county Jail here,
awaiting a preliminary bearing, which
will be held Monday forenoon. Ida
father, C. 1L Anderson, haa been notified.
J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 II I MMMIMJII 1 1 1
A Jewelry Store
of Ideals
They are ideals of quality of merchandise, of service.
We like to have you come here for your diamonds and
jewelry; but we want you to be entirely satisfied with
each and every transaction, else we are not satisfied.
Hera is what a Portland lady
told us this week: There's no
use wearing' oat shoe leather
shopping: around for silver; just
go to Aronson fc." She had come
here first, and then looked else
where, but came buck here to
buy. Quality, price and service
brought her back.
We are showhir the new de
sign j in silver and plate.
We are maintaining: oar pre
eminence in diamond selling:; no
matter what amount you wish
to invest in a diamond, we can
please you.
Maidens everywhere are think
ing: about our diamond engage
ment rings $25, $50, $75 or
$100 will buy wonderful quali
ties. Step inside our doors and ask
to see the new diamond and
platinum bracelet watches and
the octagon, and elongated
watches. They're wonderfully
We have a new optical de
partment, with an expert opti
cian in charge. Have your eyes
The Yarn-Holders you've been
waiting for are here.
MInie Bmnnlng. Opportunity Farm,
Escapes After Fistic Encounter.
CINCINNATI. Feb. II- Minnie Brun
r.ln. 1 years old. accuaed of having
obtained on false pretenaes more than
worth of merchandise from Cin
cinnati department stores, and commit
tied to the Girls Opportunity Farm at
Woodlawn. made her escape from the
Institution recently after a fistic en
counter with a woman attendant, by
Jumping from a second-story window.
Immediately following the escape,
ltlss Helen Miller, parole officer of the
Institution, gave chase and caught the
girl on a Lockland car at Woodlawn.
hut. according to Miss Miller, waa pre
vented from removing her from the car
by the intervention of the conductor.
Mlsa MlUer claima the conductor ig
nored her authority and took atdea with
the fugitive.
The Urunnlng girl, according to of
ficials at the farm, haa been unman
ageable since her commitment. During
the trip to the place in an automobile
he la said to have attacked her attend
ant. Misa Miller, with rer fists.
At the farm she ia sal dto have shown
To inclination to adapt herself to the
surroundings, but to have manifested
a desire to escape.
The fugitive is thoocht to be some
where in hiding in Cincinnati. Police
have been notified to look for her.
A. Place for Refined People Who Appreciate Well-Cooked and
Wholesome Foods
S23 Washlagtea St, aear eta. Ladles Welcomed
Cholse Boasts. Steaks. Chops. Stews, Fish, eta. IOo and ISo
ITotca kes. Waffles and any ahort order at any time of day or night
lUch home-made and French pastry. Delicious Coffee
An Excellent Turkey and Chicken Dinner Today
'Three-Fingered Jack' Shakes
Town Inside Out.
Two Day Whirlwind Campaign
Brings People Oat of State of In
difference I. W. Wlsm Flayed.
Boy Scouts Taken by Storm.
finding it necessary to put In feline.
Thla condition makes cornmeal high."
Thousands of Supplies for Soldiers
Made by Bed Cross Chapter.
HOOD RIVER. Or, March I. (Spe
cial.) Every week a motor truck or
dray may be seen to drive tip to the
Commercial Club here and leave two or
three large boxes. Thae boxa are filled
with yarns, muslins, gauxes and an as
sortment of cloths to be converted into
Red Cross auppllea by the women of
the Hood River chapter.
The following supplies have been
manufactured: Forty-two thousands
dressings. 4600 muslin bandages. (00
pairs fo pajamas. 100 bathrobes, 650 bed
shirts and drawers, 168 operating
gowns. "5 operating leggins, 76 operat
ing helmets. 100 operating caps, 360
knitted wash cloths, 160 bed sheets. 0
oneratina- sheets.' ISO Billow silos. 400
I towels. 17S hot water bottle covers, 300
rf TX-..h M.rrh fOnectal.) rT covers. uu napains.
Whitman to Rasa Building.
WirrTMAX COLLEOE. Walla Walla,
Wash. March 3 (Special.) The trus
tees of the college have received bids
for the tearing down of Pearson's
Arademy. This building ta one of the
old landmarks of the college and has
sot been in active use for several years.
It waa erected, by the people of Walla
Walla ln lltl and marks the new era
In the development of the college, com
mencing with the presidency of A. J.
Anderson. In the plaee of this struc
ture a handsome new building will be
Apple Grower to Nominate.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. March J (Spe
cial.) The annual primary nominat
ing election of the Applegrowers Aa
soclatlon will be held at Ilellbronner
Hall on Saturday. March . Nomina
tions for 11 members of the hoard of
directors will be made. The annual
election will he held on the first Sat
arday in April. A statement of the
co-operative shipping concern's busi
ness for the paat year will be read at
tae meeting.
A herd era Is TrylorI. W. TV.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. March S. (Spe
cial) William Amey, a logger and
member of the L W. W.. was placed on
trial here today for sabotage after
having been brought back from Los
Angeles by the county authorities. He
is said to have placed emery in the oil
asd at the Coataa-Fordney Logging
Company camps.
"Three-Fingered Jack" Godwin, noted
evangelist and exposer of L W. W.lsm,
haa Just left this city after a visit of
two days, during wblch he lectured on
Americanism, patriotism, anti-German
Ism, anti-Socialism and antl-L W. W.-
ism. He shook the city Inside out. ex
posed existing local conditions and left
here yesterday with the citizens gasp
lng and wondering what had happened.
Camas la a patriotic city, as evi
denced by oversubscription of Its quota
to all war relief funds. Its large mem
bership in the Red Cross and by the
number of Camas boys in the service.
But owing to local labor troubles and
the recall election of the racialist aa
ministration which Is to be held here
March 7. the people of Camaa for many
weeks have bad their interests cen
tered on their own little problems and
forgot all about the great prooiem
which confront the Nation.
"Three-Fingered Jack.? in a two-day
whirlwind campaign, brought the peo
ple out of their state of indifference
and left them realising the Importance
of the part every American citlxen had
to oerform in this great crisis. n
won the heart of every Boy Scout in
his talk to them at their meeting
Wednesday evening. He had all of the
school children calling him "Jack" on
the street after his talk to them at the
school, in which he moved them from
laughter to tears. He denounced the
I. W. W. at a noon meeting of the
paper mill employes and between ahows
at the Grand Tneater tie naa nis audi
ence shuddering with horror aa bo told
of the atrocities perpetrated by the
Germans In Belgium, which he had
seen when he wss In Germany during
the invasion by the German army. He
gave three lectures to capacity houses
in the opera-house, scores of people
beleng unable to gain admittance, and
wound up with an evangelistic lecture
which had a lasting effect on bis audi
ence. At the request of several residents
of Washougal. he left here yesterday
to administer a similar dose to that
TToderwood Flag; Has 2 Stars.
1IOOP RIVER. Or. March I. (Spe
cial The service flag of the I'nder
wood orchard section of tkaraanla
County. Washington. Just dedicated,
holds !( stars. A dedicatory address
waa delivered by If. V. Rominger.
chairman of the TTnderwood School
Hoard. The entire school took part in
tae aexilce of dedication,
Never Saw Saeh m Wrate. Sere 31
W. Bese, After Experleaclag Weeha
f Below-Zera Weather
HOOD RIVER. t March 1- f?tpe
clal.) "Never have I seen such a Winter.-
waa the way N. T. Bone, prom
inent local apple grower, who. with his
wife, returned Punday from a two
montha visit at fprtngflekt. Ill- char
acterised the weather he encountered
in the Middle West.
-We had a week of fairly decent
weather after our arrival the first of
December. continued Mr. Bone, "and
then the temperature dropped to aero.
For the two montha it ranged from
xero to as low as .0 degrees below.
Mr. Bone, who waa a grain dealer
before entering the apple game here,
says that the Government Is now en
gaged in a streauoua effort to secure
sufficient seed corn for distribution
among Middle Western farmer.
"Coupled with a late Spring. says
Mr. Bone, "early frost atruck the corn
belt last Fall, and nearly all of the
corn was harveeted soft. The grain
Is so damp that the cobe cannot be
used as fuel and grain dealers. In or
der to prep ax a corn lor grinding; are
300 napkins. 360 knitted
sweaters. 400 pairs of woolen socka.
260 pairs of wristlets and 300 mufflers.
Walla Walla Citizens Organize for
Liberty Loan Campaign.
WALLA WALLA. Wash, March I.
(Special.) At a meeting of prominent
business and professional men. held to
makep lana for the third liberty loan
campaign, the Patriotic League of
Walla Walla County was organized.
The chief aim la to make each person
in the county an efficient and ener
getlo factor in carrying on the war.
Other alms set forth in the constitu
tion adopted are to promote strict ob
servance of Government war regula
tions; to bring about a realization of
America's position in the war; to assist
in the various wartime drives; to pre
vent disloyal and treasonable acts, and
to urge patriotic action on the part of
each cltisen.
Members of Idaho Faculty Attend
Session of Executives,
March 2. (Special.) President Ereiest
H. Lindley, of the University of Idaho,
accompanied by President E. O. Hol
land, of Washington State College, left
Thursday afternoon for Portland to at
tend a meeting of Northwest college
and university executives. The session
was called by President William T.
Foster, of Reed College.
President Lindley will apeak at ves
per services at Reed College Sunday
evening. Ha will go from Portland to
Camp Lewis, where he will rpeak Mon
day afternoon. He also will confer
with former Idaho undergraduates now
la military service there.
Shortage of Barbers Serious, Says
Washington Board Official.
TACOMA. Wash, March i. (Special )
Prepare for a shaveless day soon, H.
C. Pickering, member of the state board
of barber examiners, warned Tacoma
men today. Mr. Pickering has Just re
turned from a tour of the state and
asserts that the shortage of barbers is
so great that men will either have to
bone the old home blade or wear full
beards. ,
Thia shortage la immlment despite
the fact that 115 barbers were recently
examined and 70 per cent passed the
test. The majority of these came from
the East.
Ask for catalogue
Music Co.
125-7 Fourth St.
m m m m as rk awvesaarexe) u jira a m -em sr r w tn -a. ay
ivl rl l :jndJJ J U
DAILY 11 TO 11
1. (a) Mother Machree.
(b) Home, Sweet Home.
"- 2. Rlenzl, by R. Wagner.
8. Two Iseo-Russlan Compositions.
(a) Echo Rustique, Rebikoff.
(b) Second Marzurka, Karsanoff.
4. Pilgrim's Chorus from the Opera Tannhaeueer.
L. My Own United States, an " up - to - the - minute "
patriotic song.
VI 1 v
Ml A"J J
one of the five red
haired beauties in
"Empty Pockets."
red headed
seven parts
V - -
whose wealth of
copper - colored hair
proved her undoing
in "Empty Pockets."
SeewIaT nil hiiwssmwii i .a in i u?vm - ' " " nwim- " " 111 "
. '.. . - - - - I,, ii i i ii !; 1 f
; 4 ' r : 1
New York night
life with the
seamy side out
r;& mm
cabaret girl, pick
pocket and red
haired, implicated in
"Empty Pockets."
e v
f " VI - - I
' ' V d ' J
3 , y
as fiery as her
hair as daring: as
she was attractive
"Empty Pockets."
i an"
fif th of the titian-crowned
beauties entangled in
"Empty Pockets."
Flight Pictures of the Late Capt. Vernon
Castle Taken Just Prior to the Accident