9 TITE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MARCH 1918. BOSS HOW HAS C.L 3-4 BLOCK FRONT Hudson and Maxwell Dealer Obtains Greatly Needed Additional Space. SHOP FACILITIES BETTER Vadtoa and Maxwell Shops Are Pat la Erparata Qaarters, Each In Charco of Foreman, With Carl OUoa as Superintendent. tlrvs. Th results ar aztraordlnary rnllsag and consequent savin or 10, 4i) and avail 10 per cent of Ui ex- pansa. "Almost njr motorist would pay a lot of money for a patent attachment that would accomplish the same re salts, yet a great mejortty of people fell to do the things that will cSnserve their tire expense when the coat Is merely that of a little time and effort' PAIGE PLANS FOR EXPORTS Company to Take Advantage of For elm Markets After War. The Patre-Detrolt Motor Car Com pany ! planning to resume Its export bualneis as soon as ths curtain Is rung down on the great drama abroad, and. If domestic conditions permit when that happy day arrives, will occupy a larger pla-e than ever In the foreign field. The war In Europe practically wij-w one all export business In American, made cars." ssys Henry Krohn, sales manager of the ralae, "and this branch of the Industry has almost been for gotten for three years and a half. Cars sod trucks shfpped to Europe bave been purchased for war purposes and have come properly under the head of muni tions. Conditions at home srlving out of the war have made It difficult even to take care of the domeatlo market, which with us baa continued to get stronger each year. -When the war Is over. However. Te take ear of Increasing business i-.i -r...il --tit. f Will UHUWU . . w . - - L. lie as Automobile Company baa bad f there will be a great demand for Amer- .a .nin ilea ears In Europe, aa wsll aa else- This tr. fcos baa dona by leasing where, and 1 believe the manufacturing CAB OATA III TABLE Harroun Gives Valuable Facts on Four-Cylinder Autos. TABULATION IS COMPLETE :i n I : UrJ 1 'Unit I tiiii u St 1 1 i MftHi'l" L M "M IM I MM Ul ini 1 U m i t i iif.iii't) ft' id' v. r mi n ; : , i uii'iy ww. --w i . . rV'a "H'l iifi flTmuiHiiiiiiiiiIiSH Hill ifiSIl 1 i.Tw-i i mi ii u:.f m , IU Hifll lil H !ll mm Mmmmmmm II 1 1 . t Lf- -f (1:1111. im II MTsterr of "Tape-Iilne Mrlgado" at I Auto Shows Now Explained for Firs Time With Qnestlon ' nalre on Small Cars. DETROIT. Ulch. Feb. IS. The mys tery of the tapellne brigade which pus- sled motordom at the New Tork. De troit and Chicago automobile shows has I been solved at last. The anawer la a compilation ror I which motorists the country over have I often sighed a tabulation which goesi Into minute detail In a realm beyond I that covered bv the catalogues. - - . Recognising the nee4 for such inror-i BAD PLACE IN PACIFIC HIGHWAY BETWEEN PORTLAND AND SEATTLE. A ' "Ts a, i a? .sasisisisa'wVMi la'.'T;' ' -1 . ' ''''.'WA -- "-.'-''v': r. r - i ' &'t7 ''rKi':V. if. ';-.s "-. '-s .... t e a- Tbe Pa thaws Wtrre Silaa ta Mala Blckway Jaa Reath af Caatle Reek Ha. Been Plaaked Temporarily. The Ptrtara Was Takes- aa the Tri-state Hit Made by Bales; Cara Jaaaary 27, W. C. Uoatgossery. af Uaward Aata Ceenpaay, Ls ataa Slag Beside the Balck. three more stores fronting aa Wash ington street adjoining bis present Quarter at Washington and Stout streets, above Klneteeth. This gives bin a totsl frontsge of a little more then three-fourths of a block on tV'ssh lagton street, by half a block deep. Now that be baa obtained much needed space. Mr. Boss baa Installed tw separata but complete shops, one for Uudson. the other for alaxwell service. Each eaa Is In direct charge at a foreman to Insure prompt and ef fleieat service. The old shop In ths rear ef bla ehowrooms. Mr. Boss has retained for Hudson work exclusively. Tbe Maxwell shop and service station baa been moved to the new quarters. Carl Olson, former shop foreman, baa been made superintendent, of both shoes and servtea stations. Mr. Boss has a very large stock of both Uudson and Maxwell parte, and Is better equipped thaa ever ander tbe new arrangement ta look after the needs of owners ef Hudson and Max wsll ears. Incidentally. Mr. Boss bad tba fore sight a few weeks ago to lay In i large number of Maxwell cara In ad ditloa to his regular allotment la an ticlsatlon that the price would rise How that an ts rise In price haa been announced by the factory, b has been able to sell these cars at the old price and they have been going mighty fast. Mr. Boss finds that already there Is a lot ef Interest In Portland In the new Esses ftudsoo model, now being manu factured at the Hudson factory. On his recent trip to San Francisco, where be net O. 1L McCornlck. sales mansger of ths Uudson Motor Car Co. Mr. Bosa was advised to expect the first ship ment ef the new models sarly la July. The new Esses Hudson Is really little Hudson, though It will not In any way compete with the regular euper- otx Hudson models It la a smsll car. Just a little larger than a Ford, but with ail the comforts and refinements af a large car. No attempt will be made to bave the Essex Hudson compete with the Ford, however, for It will be la a considerably higher-price class. Except that Its motor Is of foar In stead of six cylinders. It will have a miniature Hudson engine, with all the Hudson features. Including tba famous eorapeusating cranh-sbaft. It had at first been the Intention ef tbe Hudsoa Motor Car Company te manufacture the Essex In a different factory, but recently the decision wss made te confine Its manufacture sneaal to the parent plant. This de cision wss due to the fscl thst It prob ably will be necessary, owing to war requirements, to curtail somewhat tbe ma no fart ore of super-slses. The Esses Hudson has been thor eaghty tried out for several months and bss made some remarkable per formaacea The manufacturers make the unqualified claim for It that It will eutdemonstrate any ether car In bill climbing, and that It will travel further en a gallon of gasoline than any other car made. . There Is a very strong demand these days for a small, light car with plenty of power, at the same time having comforts ef a larger car. The lightness ef the Essex Hudson, together with the fact that it will have the famous Hud son motor, has crested a demand for It even before It has come on tbe market. TIRE WORKKRS GKT 51 ILEA GE Beasoa Therefor Is That They Car W Tires, Saj Flsk Manager. "Kt who work for tiro msnufactur ers almost invariably gat extraordinary mileage out ef the Urea whlcb they aae ea their ewa care. ssld Be R. Eawes. Portland manager ef the Flsk Bobber Company. "There Is Just on explanation ef this and there aught to be a mighty big lesson In fhat explanation te every tire aser la Ae country. If the lesson goes home It win mean a real saving te everyone who learns It. "At most ef the large tire plants there are private garages for employes' ears. A regular system Is la operatloa so thst svery tire Is leeted for air pressure and every wheel for align ment at least once each week, cuts ars takea care of. la fact all th things are done which everyone knows eugnt to be don te prologs th life ef it situation will te suck that we can take full advantage of the opportunity of fered. It Is to mset this enlsrged market In foreign parts thst the Paige la planning, and we are striving te be ready when the time cornea" Elgin Scout "Car Record. Tba Elgin Motor Car Corporation, of Chicago, has Issued a pamphlet descrip tive of th trip of the Elgin Six Na tional all tralla scout car and of ths aon-stop run scored by th car with Scout Master Roy Msrsh In chsrgs. This record of CO mtles Is a record for ths Elgin of which It Is proud. Watch Car Ahead. Wbsn following otbsr cars ea a crowded country road, watcb out for a sudden stop. Get la th habit of run ning th car slightly off th rosd. If thee- Is room, so that If th brakss do not bold you will b la no danger of bitting; th car ahead. Don't Rely on Brakes. When fololwlng another car closely ea crowded roads do not trust too much to your brakes. If car ahead stops, run your car slightly off the road so that yea have room to go ahead In ease your brakes do not take bold resdllr. matlon. the Harroun Motor Corpora tton. of Wayne. Mica- established a da part men t which baa been for soma time accumulating data through, trade-paper tabulations snd similar afurces. Much of th Information was avail able In no such form, however. To ob tain It th organization was turned loose at tfi National shows. Tapellne ea the Jea. With tapellne and notebook, and working In pairs, these men Inspected chassis, measured bodies, questioned factory representatives and politely de clined to give explanations. Queitlons which th manufacturer representatives could pot answer the expert solved by personal Investiga tion. Especial attention was paid to exhibits of parts. And tbs investigators always left without giving a clew to thetr purpose. Now appears th result of th tape- lln brigade's work. It comes In a chart seasonably titled "A Questionnaire for Four-Cylinder Motor Cars." laferxaatloa Is Talaed. Questions are asked and answered for the 14 leading cars of this type questions dealing with such pbints as machining of combustion chambers: the number and location of crank-shsft bsarlngs; prsventlves of oil-pumping by the plrtonsi facilities of simple Jhi- Ml ii mm mm mmm iuifii. liiJiNv ,1. .'L" .1:11 if li'il! 1J1II. ' 'J' il i ViS i I iliiMWiN i m mam Kip! !p t i ! !i! UX.W mm Ml lUillilUiililiititiSttlimlfbJwl t P5 KM! ! m?Y II . . I ' il ; m I t I l rTl -M'j i .T. 'ill H ! J r S T- X l I iZjs J , . i C fill ill J I it u . U II i! lllliiii i ; Www THE TRUXTUN UNIT convatsl practically any pleasure car into a mpdeco sturdy, ixitemal-gear axle driven truck. It gives to second-hand cars a new value," a new life ot usefulness. tTbe TRUXTUN roakca it possible to ob tain trucks quickly and in large comber makes tbe thousands of used cars an available national asset in our transporta tion crisis. x One man with a TRUXTUN Unit can 4q the work cf 3 drivers and 3 teams and do it quicker, cheaper and better. May we demonstrate? A phone call wiU receive pur best attention, or call at your convenience. Model A,J'7on, S390 Model D2-Ton,i43Q WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES CO. D la tribute rs for Oregon and So. Wasblngtpa. BROADWAY AT BTTOXSI9E. POKTXiA.VIJ. Phone Broadway 6368. TERRITORY OPEN FOR HUSTLING DEALERS. mm w rt n hi r HtilsjiCH. SwHsi a: lit! ilJaSrSSk'lvr- LJ 14 mm i A-'J . TyarjBjjjajBaassxew " sasaaBeBBBBrBBBBaawaaa' , TE iff . 4' I a f'f 'IH 'i. r viV si. -v, - V'V m .er Mle i i J I .,i afrffi jfaMocai&dk ' '.V.' -TzZ TTK bricatlon: treatment of the oil In Its circuit of the motor; protection of stor age battery and generator; dimensions of seats and doors; weights, taxation statistics, tire prices, frame dimensions these and man similar matters of de sign on which most catalogues are mute. Though the "Questionnaire" Is de signed primarily for the information of Harroun distributors. It ls available for general us and will, the company an nounces, be sent anywhere on request. In Relieving Brakes. In taking up on th brakes, do not always remove the slack at the same place. There usually are two or three places In the brake assembly where a "take-up" ls possible; and each time the brakes are adjusted a different place should be used. The first time take up the rods at the rear, the next time at the brake bands, etc CODITIONS ARK FOUND GOOD W. D. Albright, or Goodrich Rubber Company, Takes Business Trip. W. D. Albright, Northwest branch manager of th B. P. Goodrloh Rubber Company, has returned from an extend ed business trip through Montana, Washington and Oregon, where he called on all the principal Goodrich dealers to arrange for their stocking tires for the coming motoring season. Mr. Albright is enthusiastic over business conditions through the terri tory and expects this to be a banner Goodrich year. He said that the enor mous amount of "war wosk" being done by the people of the Pacific North west surpassses realization, as well as the many products essential to the war the people of this district are furnish ing the allies. He declares that the farmers In Oregon and Eastern Wash ington are placing orders for automo biles and are all enjoying handBome re turns for the products they are dispos ing of. Rats Eat Goodyear Matrix. The last number of tbe Australian Motorist, which ls the leading publica tion of the motor trade in Australia, contains the following reference to the fastidious taBte of the rodents of that country: "During the month we were upable to prevent Hie total destruction by rats of a matrix for advertising, re- -ceived by the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company for Insertion In the December issue. The rats appeared to con6ten trate their entire approval en the Good year matrix. After (he first sampling,, when a portion was eaten, it was re moved, but the next night a further portion was consumed, and although It was moved every day, it finally disap peared. A night watchman says that . the rats are new full of 'pop' and if given seme gasoline should put up some,' fine speed work." How Old is First Auto 7 According- to Ernest Saut, a French Journalist, who has made a study of the history of the automobile, more thap six centuries ago a man endeav ored to butld a "horseless earrfare." ' T TNUSUAL values, dignified and w smart design, superb and lasting finish, matchless construction dis tinctive equipment. You will find in the Velle all that appeals to buyers of nicest discernment To get the most for your money, buy now. It will enable you and your family to live more efficiently, which, aside from individual benefits, also hdps your country win the war. Nine body styles, each for a particular need 5 and 7 passenger Touring, 2 and 4 passenger Roadsters, Sedan, Coupe, Cabriolet, Town Car and a new classy Sport ModeL Comeand see them today. D. C WARREN MOTOR CAR CO, Distributers. 58-60 North 23d Street. VEUE MOTORS CORPORATION Mmtdtn A iJ. Maim 7Vcs mmd Tractors MOUNC. ILLINOIS mi hi Rum lllilliliifllliilllllffilllllilllte -v iiuu Mi.l'Ui.'.'I.UlU." tU " o it .7 Saves Labor On The Farm Lalley-Light.is actually a farm economy. It is an economy because it saves both tabor and time. It is economy because, on the other hand, it gives' better' light for work which must be done before daylight or after dark. Used to operate separators, chums, etc its power saves labor by releasing that labor to perform some other task. And it is reliable. Light and power are always ready,, at the lowest possible operating cost. , Owners' themselves tell you so in our testimonial book., It. is free;, anti a demonstration of Lalley-Light is free, OREGON MOTOR CAR CO. Dfatrlbatara for Onra-aa. PARK AT DAVIS. PORTLAND. W. C. r.ARUB MOTOR CO til Sara Ave- Syvkaaa. , Plant U'27 inches Ion? 14 Inch wield, 21 inches high IALLEY V a 'c SWITCH . STARTS IT LIGHT