8 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIA PORTLAND, 3IARCII 3, 1918- CONFERENCE HELD HIGH OFFICIAL OF CHALMERS COMPANY VISITS PORTLAND. DUPLEX TRUCK GOES THROUGH PASS CREEK CANYON BY CHALMERS MEN H. J. Aughe, of Detroit, Meets Coast Supervisors During Stay in Portland. 1 nasi unas war" id ittiki nsncs.LurtYU)umr Uie&m S - "SC-v a J . ' S, 1 ' - ( fil i n :.' t VS. 1."" ; d! r'm 17 5-- Jf-W ; . - " DEMAND FOR AUTOS STRONG Trraaarrr of Chlmer Motor Car Compaair Says Pacific Northwest I Floe Market Sow for Cara and Will Uo Belter Tel. A oBfrti- of some of tha bls-Bien of tha pat-trie Coaat ora-anlxatlon of the Cbalmera Motor Car Company waa h.U la PortlanJ last week on tha oc casion of ino visit br of 1L J. Auhe. of Detroit, treasurer of the company. Mr. Auxhe arrived Sunday, accom panied by his secretary. 1L A. Brown. They were joined bare by ocorao P.areon. Jr, Chalmers Coast saper vlaor. with headquarters at San Kraa claco: T. E. Herllby. asalatant Coast supervisor, who no to Portland only tbrco weeks afro to make this town i permanent headquarters, and M. J. Hiker. Chalmere special service) repre aruactve (or tAo Pacific Coast, of Sa I'ranclaco. II r- Aucho'a visit and tha conference wera In connection with tho openlnr of rtlnun una office bare, with Mr. JUrliby In charge. Thla aona office will work out all aalea and service problems for dealers) and distributors la tha .North wt. Tha aamo policies) win ho followad fhat hava proved ao sueceeaful for the Maxwell orfululloa la tho past four years. Mr. A a tie wa arreatlr pleased, at tho fine Increase in Chalmers business- In this territory. and enthusiastic oer prospects tor a alill rreater buslneae this year. Ho complimented Koy IlemphllL manager of tho Western Mo toe Car Solas Company. Chalmera dis tributors, on hU ahowinc. and told him that the parlths Northwest waa one of tha beat automobtlo tarrltorteo la me ahull founlrr today. The Chalmers car. Mr. Aua:ho said, haa been In bl demand all over tha country and Its production haa been greatly Increased atnee It passed under control of tho Maxwell organisation few monthsaco. After the business of the conference ad been concluded Mr. A us; he and Mr. Urown left Portland Wednesday for tan Kranclaco. t ' Hertihr. better known aa Ted.' tho new Chalmers sona transfer and anoervlsor at Portland, cornea hero dl rect from the factory at Detroit. Ho baa been with tho Maxwell orcanlsa- tlon until recently, bavins; for three years been assistant truck supervisor at tho Maxwell factory, lie Introduced tho first Maxwell one-ton truck at the show a year ara. Mr. Herllhy Is typical of tho lire, energetic, capablo young men who have been developed by Walter K. (landers, president, and T. J. Toner, sales direc tor of tho Maxwell Company, and who have helped ta the remarkable develop ment of that company, which In four year carried It from a production or only 12.0v to on of mora than. liu.0 cars a year. -I have dlred for a lone; tlma to oee the Pacific Northwest and am Immensely pleased at bavins; been aa-ai.-nrd to this territory.- said Mr. iler liay. "I am ot exaggerating when I tjr that the Kast is at laat awakening to tho Importance of tha 1'actf kj North west. This la tha coming section of tie country. . .-Ktarht now ft Is ono of tho very best automobile markets In tho United nate. and it will become even more so. Ton have wheat, lumber, airplane aproce. wool almost every essential to tho winnln of the vr and It Is only right that tho Northwest should begin to experience the prosperity which the i-at ha enjoyed so Ions'. . -I am greatly Impressed by the op portunities this territory offers to the energetic automobile organization. The only problem In connection with a car like the Chalmers Is to get the cars skipped out hero to eel I. We can at II more than we are now able to get- Since arriving hero Mr. Herlthy his ben Instrumental In Introducing a sew service policy on the part of Chalmers distributors and dealers). This pour: l based on a system of chassis inapec tiona on definite dates fixed when tha car Is sold. , Five of theae free. Inspections are provided. IS days apart, during th period when the car Is betn broken In to travel, and when Inspections and minor adjustments aro needed more than at any other time. Mr. Herllbv la making hia offlcea There with the Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation, at Kast Third and Oregon streets. v - W . . - r- s s X'- -I . ""VST. Ja jr- J B. J. Aeghe (at Right), of DeeroH. Tieaantes off Ckalmera Motor Car Company. Cemferrlag With Umy Hasaphlll (at Left), Manager of Weatera Motor Car Bales Coeapaay. of Portland, Chalmers Dlotrlhatora. TRUCK FUTURE BIG Trading Radius Is Vastly In " creased by Their Use. TIME AND MONEY SAVED Motor Truck Delivery Routes, Oper ated on Regular Schedules, la Development Sure to Come, rrcdicta Del Wright. Hudson's Whirr Warning to Get Out of the Road. Whew Dovara Saper-Sls Ran U rally Ho Harried la to Have the -T.e- Pat Mark e Folks Weald Know W bo W aa t'oaaJas. ii. car know that tho motor haa a pe cullar whirring sound, that la. the 117 models have It, It la charactertstie of the car and as a rule when a driver of another machine hears ono coming be hind him on a stretch of smooth road lie Is incliafd to pull to one side of tha road and let the Hudson pass, while he mutters something like this: "Oh, gosh. It's a Hudson, no uso trying to keep ahead of that bird. WclL a certain well-known physician who drives a Hudson waa out for spin a short time ago and approached a machlna ahead of him. For some un known reason tha Hudson had lost Its voice and silently crept up behind the other car. As soon as tha driver ahead realised that he waa about to bo passed he opened up tho throttla and refused to acknowledge that he could be paused. -Why. darn him." said tha doctor when ho brought tho machine to the C. Iioea Automobile garage the next dy to have Ita larnyx diiitnoeed. "be didn't know tt was a Hudson behind him and ho had the nerve to think avuldn't pa.a him. He gave me a pretty good run for my money for half a mtle or ao. but believe me. when we came to a hill bo found out his name was mud. 1 almost bad an accident, too. while turning a corner too suddenly. It frightened my wife badly. I want that motor fixed so sha sings good. The car was taken into the garage, an adjustment made to the carburetor and the red-blooded doctor went away happy. "I guess they'll know who's coming bow. ho triumphed aa he drove to his ftlce. - More Cars Than Watches. Tho assessment returns of Madison County. Illinois, a wealthy auburban county, show there are In that county t:il sewing machines. lli watohea and clocks aad Hit motor cars. "Invaluable as tho motor truck lias become In every line of business, wo have not begun to utilise it in ita run efficiency." said Del Wright, manager of tha Portland branch of the Pacific felisaelKar Company, tha other day. 'America la learning tha lesson Of economy economy of tlma. economy of labor. Increased production with less waste and less expense. And In these Improvements, the motor truck la des tined to play an Important part. Wo ara all familiar with tha extent fo which tha motor truck enlarges trading territory la 'many lines of business. It enables tha retailer to make prompt deliveries within a radius many miles larger than that of tha old horse and wagon days. Ssasll Towns Helped. Tt enables the wholesaler to giro his city and auburban customers a service that waa Impossible with teams, it enables him to get away out In the country and cover a wide area In a tingle day. Thla improved service not only' enables the wholesaler to serve mora customer and to do mora busi ness In less time, but It Is also of the greatest benefit to tho retailer who gets Quicker and more frequent deliv eries of needed merchandise. 'A perfectly logical development will be the eatsbliabment of regular motor ruck delivery routes radiating from all tha larger cities and towna out In the country a regular network of motor truck Isnos, with trucks runnlag on regular schedules. -This wlU be of great benefit In many ways. It will relieve the rail roads of the handling' of a large amount of small and troublesome relght. It will enlarge the trading and delivery radius and the sales ter ritory of manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers. It will enable, the re tailer in tho smaller town to get prompt and more frequent deliveries of merchandise, and thla in tura will benefit tha consumer. . Track Delivery la England. "Such motor truck delivery routes and schedules have been operated for aome time In England and have proved a great success. They have also been introduced la thla country to some ex tent. "I have no hesitation In predicting that In tha near future, fleets of motor trucks will traverao broad trunk lines across tha country, running on regular schedules and making connections at Important points with branch lines radiating out into Important commer cial sections of the country. Such a system of trunk lines would go far toward solving tha problem of railroad congestion. -Kveryone knows that the trans portation problem la one of the most eriou and Important whtrh thta coun try has to solve. The war Is hastening Its solution and driving homo to ua tha necessity ror better transportation ra dii ties at less cost. It has shown the world what tho motor truck can do. as the world had never realised It before. And the next few yeara will see the motor truck playing an even more im portant part in the fabric of business and commercial life. Clear Car' Exhaust. After long uso the automobile ex haust Is likely to become choked with soot, says Milestones, tho Firestone publication. While experts disagree aa to whether or not thla materially cuts down the power developed by the motor It la better to be on the safe side. The exhaust may be free from the accumulations of dirt by simply pounding it vigorously with a atout stick or hammer handle. k-K'Ss U,,. (. S ' 'wv "TaTav r- ft- . ft ..'. t i I a - 1 if in i is-a 'rifcr - mai aunt fw umni -itf rii&iHdf- uvu.zsitiu loose earth, snow or ke ate no bar to the DUPl X PORTLAND: OM. V "lgWi?c3jJiqjg ee P5 . j-m. a fa anil. ; . ' W . - ssaajtsewaaTaaaaa H.I iiiajisjiiajwlll ! i a as aaiw.iju-a,t If t. ' .- X Jt'O-tenaiwn 'i i j. 1 oosses' v- A w3r .i XV itr This Duplex Truck Went Through Pass Creek Canyon Under Its Own Power Where Even Horses Could Not TRUXTON BROUGHT HERE I.VTEKXAA GEAR DRIVE TRUCK ATTACHMENT TAKE.V. i rat era Motor Car Sales Company to Dlstrtbate TTalTersal 'Attach, sa eat la Oregon. Tha Western Motor Car Sales Com pany haa taken tha Truzton internal gear drive truck attachment for dis tributlon in' tha state of Oregon. In making tha announcement that the agency haa baen obtained for the Truxton, Manager Roy Hemphill said "Wo have been watching with keen interest tha wonderful possibilities in the commercial car end of the automo bile business, and for some time have been investigating truck attachments. After careful study we have decided on the Truxton attachment, manufactured by the Commercial Car Unit Company. oi r-nuaaeipnia, and represented on the I'aciflo Coast by tha Hirsch Motor Car Company, of San Francisco. L. rider tha present demand on the largo and amall merchants and " the farmers for quick delivery of their products, it has become essential that the loss and delay be checked and ef flclency be Increased to meet the de mands. In the Kast the demand for truck attachment is enormous, espe daily for the Truxton, as it is a uni versal attachment that can be attached to any make of car. converting the same into a serviceable and economical truck. "The internal gear drive Is a proved success. The majority of manufac turers of heavy duty trucka are adopt ing the Internal gear drive as fast as they can equip themselves to make the change. "The Truxton attachment is not a makeshift in any sense, but Is manu factured and. designed with tho- same care aa a complete truck, using the best of steel, wheels, axles, etc, that can be purchased. Tha attachment Is built In IVi and 2-ton capacities. In California there are more than 1000 in uso today. Tha Western Motor Car Sales Company la in position to show this attachment and to make imme diate deliveries. Water In Crankcase. Few motorists realise that a com paratively largo quantity of water gradually accumulates in the crank case, mixing with tho oil and forming an emulsion, which haa Impaired lubri cating qualities. This accumulation of water Js more pronounced in Winter than In.Summer and la found to a great er extent aa the number of cylinders Increases. Duplex Truck Goes' Through Pass Creek Can- yon Horses Could Not The ability, of the .Duplex Four Wheel Drive to s amount the im possible is the reason for six coon ties purchasing this make of truck within the past 6.0 days. The tele gram tells the etory of the first "Drive-A way" delivery attempted. County officials said the roads were impassable. Residents of the district said nothing built could go through Pass Creek Canyon. But here is the proof of the correctness of the Duplex design and construction: wsroaOilslsstU, rnaaftay flss stasia. k (rtajmbaraf mass.. Other- WEST ONION LTOM. ffTTUiDi AM CLAM Of SOtVKC vwda; ttws let day msaaaa. Oftap. w!m nidranct at Indicaisd by u tfrmaol ajaalJtf after Wm shack. RECEIVED AT A53P0 GK 33 COU. i K OMST0 C K 0 RS 'J2 20PM RC H Xj9 13? t NOPrTrwesr vro co ... - ' 0RTLNy QZtjf' KATIVES. SUGGESTED W tftNSW. BRA It SPECIALIST WHEW WE STARTED. THROUGH PASS. CREEK CA.NY0U.AST TETAM THROUGH THREE MONTHS AGO HORSiS MIRED HAS TO BET PULLEDj -OUT, DUPLEX-THRU PERFECT ..SCORE, IA ILINGl if'lLUS CREVLIClf? Northwest RvW.Vogler.Pres. . . , Auit'o: Company Broadway at Couch THE LINE COMPLETE C. M. Menzies, Mgr. SAVAGE PLANT EXPANDS DEMAJTD FOR TUBES Xf.CESSITATES IXCREASEB PRODTJCTIOX. :r.nklnlc. Coatlna- aa inaer xbdcs proves ia Be Fopalar Feature tA'ltk Coast Autolsts. The, Savaxe Tlra Company has de elded to Increase materially the size of the tube department In Ita plant at San DieKO. The work of thla department will be expanded at once, ana n pres ent plana ara realized capacity will be increased to 3000 tubea per day before the end of tha year. Accord In a- to a msn oiiiciai ui m s..ira romnanv. It will do an j it..n.r to find a market for all of th n..rinit. tubea that can be manufac ..H N'otwithatandlne me iaci mi heretofore very little sales effort has been put forth in marketing- tubes, the demand has steadily increased. i. graphite coating on the Savage tube Is a unique feature noi iiweotaocu j other inner tube manuiaciureu. r f nAii nf coatlns: the tube with graph Ite Is covered by basic patents owned h- tho Kavaare .Tire company. oomo '..tiirim of the crocess are secret, and the tube department at the Savage niant la rloaed to the public. The irranhlla coatine makes it 1m possible for the Savaire tuoea to stica to the Inside or me. casing in la uaed. No soapstone or tire powder need be used with the Savage tube. The Savage company la also putting Into effect many improvements in us .nine- and service organizations. It la the aim of the Savage people to earn the patronage of all Coast motorists. They believe they can do this by giving 100 per cent service with, as well aa in, all Savage tires and tubes that are sold. Shut Off the Ignition. When goins: down a long hill shut off Oldsmobile Prices Advance March 15 PRESENT PRICES Eight-Cylinckr Models, $1660 Six-Cylinder Models, $1350 at Portland THE OLDSMOBILE CO. of Oregon BROADWAY AT COUCH Phone Broadway 2270 ignition. This also saves gasoline. Even if you use the engine as a brake, with throttle closed, you draw very lit tle gasoline. If throttle la opened, however, you draw out a great deal, ao keep throttle, closed. COLE EIGHT EASV RIDING CAR Hartford Shock Absorbers Add to Roadlbllity of New Modes. The Cole Eipht, which was one of tha first cars to employ the direot drive type of spring suspension, which vir tually acts as a built-in shock absorb er in eliminating road shocks before they reach the body of the car, now adds another feature which is destined to improve still more the riding quali ties of the cars. Hartford shock absorbers are used on each of the four springs of the new Cole Eight aerotype models and the readability of the Cole Eight is brought to the highest state possible. The many refinements employed in the latest additions to the Cole Eight line are of the highest order and are destined to create for these cars a pop ularity among the buyers of highest priced motor vehicles. Care In Making Repairs. If you make your tire repairs on the road, or change a tube -there, take care not to let it drop into the dirt. If par ticles of grit adhere to the tube when it is placed in the casing they will eventually punch tiny pinholes through the tube. - apaaa1 TfoeJUununum Six mth Magnetic Gear Shift ft - ''ta'i.-aaB-s.B..Ttas-alss.s i i --s-a-sTa -mi .niiai : . , J.w If the makers of the average good car had any one of Premier's dozen dis tinctive features they would spend hun dreds of thousands of dollars telling the public about it. Premier is so wonderfully equipped with distinctive features that they can not be all enumerated in one advertise ment, so why wouldn't it.be a good idea for you to come down here and see the car yourself? W. H. WALLINGFORD Distributer ALDER AT SIXTEENTH II H I r n r aailisTria ,a 'j ' ' . WWIflaaaaiaarr-a-saa Premier men-passenger totfring car, $2285, f.o. b. factory plus war tax