The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 03, 1918, SECTION FOUR, Page 7, Image 55

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A. C. Stevens and Lee L Gil
bert to Be at Burnside,
.16th and Washington.
.Win ton. Uarne,, Elgin and Harronn
to Occnpy Balldlnj Jointly ml
331 Washington, With Com-
V ilcte Service Facilities.
3L C. Stevena. THnton and Jlaynesl
distributer, aod Lee U Gilbert, dis
tribute r for the Elgin Six and the Har
row n roar. closed a lease last week, on
smarter at til Washington street, at I
the Junction of Washington. Burnside
and fniteeata streets. They wilt no
Into their new location, which, they will
ewupy Jointly, at one.
la fact, they bgan tbalr moving I
Derations yesterday. By aarty la the
wee ktha two dealers azpact to ba es
tablished In tbalr now quarters, where
tb.y will have considerably mora room.
besides tha advantage of a mora can- I
tral location, than la their present
quarter at Twenty-third ood Washing-
Boa streets.
Tha building they will now occupy I
haa two sturlrs. each with a floor spaca I
Oxlou feet. Tha first floor will ba used
as a Joint salesroom for tha Wlnton.
tiajrn.s. Elsjia and Marrouo. On tha
second floor will ba tha shop, parta and
s.mce departments for all four cars.
A complete stock of parts will ba car
ried, and tha service facilities will be
aven better than at tha old location.
The leas runs for two yeara. It was I
avrrane'd throush J. C Corbett.
"1 have desired for some time ta move I
to a mora cent raj location." aaM Mr.
Elevens. "Our new building Is very con
veniently located, and will ba especially I
advantageous for our customers. Also, I
will have mora apace than before"
Mr. Stereos explained that tha C. 1L I
st P. garage at Twenty-third and Wash- I
tostoa. which occupies par or tnel
building where Mr. Stevens and Mr. Gil- I
fcert have been, will remain at the samel
lace, and that all arrangements' have I
been made to contlnne It aa a niKhtl
service station for the Wtnton, Uaynes.1
x.I-in ana liarroun cars.
The C 1L a M garage Is open S4
fur a day. while tha quartera at till
W ashington street will not ba open at I
Mr. Stevens baa been at Twenty. I
third and Washington streets for five
years, t'nttl recently Mr. Gilbert was
kis aalescnanaaer. but when Mr. Gilbert
took the Elgin Six and Harroun Unas
and became a dealer himself, they ar
ranged to occupy Jointly tha samel
Auto Bring ITcr to Theater In Time
When Trains Were- Blocked.
Exceptional Beauty
T)0WER, speed, comfort and high economy
. the Grant Six has always had but to all
these the new model adds a degree of beauty
pever before attained in a popularly priced car.
'In giving the Grant Six its new and pleasing
lines and in refining the car mechanically,
, Grant designers and engineers have produced
xvhat is unquestionably the finest car of its size
. juid price ever built.
r . The three features for which the Grant Six
has become nationally known overhead valve
engine, cantilever rear springs, full-floating rear
axle will appeal to every motor-wise purchaser.
Owners average 20 miles to a gallon of gasc;
Jine and 900 miles to a gallon of oil.
- The price, $oss,f.o.&. Cleveland makes
this new Grant Six the car which the spirit,,
: cf the times demands
Eleventh and Oak at Burnside
Another evidence of tha manner !nTnilfil PrOnrT Tfll II
Which tha automobile provides trans- I K I 1 1 . H Srl.nrl I III II
Keep It Busy. Way to Make
Vehicle Profitable;
Orpheum headllner. rolled Into Omaha
recently from Dea Moines, Iowa. In an
An person tourlna" sedan.
Miss FrlKama waa confronted with
a vextnc problem. She was booked to
appesr at tha Orpheum's afternoon per
tormane In Omaha, bat owing to the
aevera storms tha trains were nnabla to
anove. However. Trtxte simply had to
move or disappoint ber audience In the
Cats Cltr.
...rbr;.".-- INCREASES COST
nme youth Into driving her from Les
Moines to Omaha. They picked up an
Apperaon right aa their mount and the
a- waa on
Trivia said rhey drove through three- I Republic Distributor Give Valuable
f qoi. lour-KOoi lano one iiA-ii'ui I enow-
atrtrts la much the same manner as she
aised to ea.e through the breakers at
Courtland Beach. They finished all In
one piece, however, and Trlxle Is strong
(or tha Apperson Jack Rabbit.
Pointer on How to Operate
Truck so aa to Obtain
Greatest Efficiency.
"esaajea Ikewa Jmmt mm They Are Fomad
k mm Battaea of mrm ky lae Sawaasa
n. 1aheraeB.
A window exhibit of sponrea In one
f the Broadway show windows of tha
f.rm of Ballon Wright, at Broadway
and Oak street, la attracting a great
deal of attention, not only because of
Ita general Interest, bat on account of
Its educational value. Since the ex
hibit was placed In the window last
week, several school teachers have ad
vised their pupils to sea It.
The exhibit shows the sponges Just
a they are found on tha bottom of tha
ocean by tha sponge fishermen. Of
roam, more different kinds of sponges
are shown than would ba found togeth
er on tha ocean bed In a spaca tha also
ef a ahow window. Rut the fact that
no many different klnda are repre
sented makes It all tha mora Interest
ing. There ara bugs giant sponges, the
ala of small shrubs, and little spdnges.
wire-grass sponges, elephant-ear or
flat sponges of the kind used for pol
ishing an automobile and making It
shine, and the rare rock sponges. These
ara small sponges that grow attached
to rocks, and they are the most ex
pensive of alL The fisherman slices
the rock sponges off aa closa aa poa
atble to the rock, and when they ara
cured they make tha best sponges for
auch thlnga aa washing vautornobllea.
The window also shows a number of
shells, such aa ara to ba found on tha
ocean beda where sponges grow.
V. S. Mitchell Find Big Demand
Here for Wire Grip Tires.
T. 8. MltcasIL manager of tha new
direct factory branch of tha Lancaster
Tire Rubber Company at 7 North
Sixth street, la delighted with tha re.
option be la getting from motorists.
The advantages of tha Lancaster wire
grip tread, he finds, ara already well
known, and ona purchaser laada to
other salea being made.
Tha Lancaster wlra grip la aepe
elaljy adapted to tha climate of Ore.
gon. for the aon-skd qualities Im
parted by tha wire grip ara particularly
good In wet weather.
Republic Truck Distributor.
No ona would think of allowing the
hired man to loaf on tha Job two or
three hours a oay. but tha very peo
ple who try to get tha most out of their
smployes often allow tbelr tracks to
stand Idle at the curb hour after hour
when they might ba making money
for their owners.
After the truck haa been pur
chased tha first thing is to put it to
work. Delivery costs ara not lowered
by tha Installation of a new truck
unless It la kept going most or all of
the time.
Tha Uma consumed between loads
and In loading and unloading must
also ba cut to tba bona to show the
best results ' In actual accomplish
ment. This, and thla only, will pile up
the big balance on the right slda of
the ledger at tha end of tha month.
Tba following plans wera compiled I arm aside use a flat wrench with a
from the experiences of vsrlous firms pair of pliers at one' jaw to twl.t with, j
equipped with Republic trucks who
desired to get the most out of their
trucks. One firm Instructed ita drivers
to ' plan deliveries so as to always
avoid making detours around closed
streets as well aa to avoid streets
where travel waa congested. Another
firm engaged In the building supply
business awarded bonuses to drivers
who took the least time In making
deliveries, loading up. had fewest de
lays In transit and fewest mistakes In
deliveries. Substantial bonuses were
paid to drivers who secured tha great
est mileage of useful work based on
a reasonable fuel consumption.
his bonus system was a great suc
cess as It stimulated the drivers to get
the most out of their trucks. As
result this company reports a big
saving in fuel and upkeep.
Another bonus plan that worked
backward waa successfully installed by
the superintendent of a large fleet of
trucks in Chicago. The drivers instead
of earning merit marks had demerit
marks chalked up against them. The
system waa based on a schedule of
these latter black marks 'resulting from
complaints of poor delivery or failure
to take proper cars of the truck. The
first month this plan was tried the
winner had lOsO demerits, while the
score of the low man ran into the
thousands. Three months after the plan
had been in effect the two highest
men tied for first place with no de
merits at alL
Removing Overhead Valves.
In aome overhead valve engines
valve grinding la made a harder task
than It ahould be, because when the
valves ara removed the owner dis
mantles tha rocker arm assembly. In
most engines this la not necessary,
because the rocker arm can be discon
nected from tha vertical rod. pushed
to one slda and tha valve removed.
In englnea using cagea thia la particu
larly eaay. though most owners so to
the trouble of dismantling the rocker
arm ' assembly. To push the rocker
With Staggered Doors?
Left at Front, Right at Rear
A. LaCasse. of San Francisco, and C.
E. Stebblns, of Detroit, to Em
phasise Track: Importance.
Maxwell distributors from Oregon and
Washington to the number of 30 or 40
will attend a meeting to be held at the
Multnomah Hotel at noon Monday to
hear discussion of the transportation
problem and the part the motor truck
must take in solving It. -
The meeting has been called by J. A.
LaCasse, of San Francisco, Maxwell
supervisor for the Pacific Coast terrl
tory. who will preside, and by C. E.
Stebblns, of Detroit, assistant sales
manager of the Maxwell Motor Sales
Corporation. C. E. Newton, Maxwell
supervisor In this district, will also at
The programme will Include a num
ber of brief addresses. In which par
ticular emphasis will be laid on the
utility of the motor truck. The Max
well Company Is now making, a one-ton
truck and distributors will be urged
to concentrate their efforts on the
Greater Efficiency In Cities Made
Possible by Motor Vehicle.
"The use of the automobile by city
officials and in the different municipal
departments In helping to guard the
public's health and property has ere
ated a new standard of municipal effi
ciency never before attained," says Del
Wright, of the KisselKar.
"Its widespread utility. Its ready
If the contact points ef tha vibrator
f aa Induction coil are too cloae the
emrreat la likely to are at the contact
polats. tbua preventing tha breaking of
tha primary cireuli. avad aa Induced sec
ondary circuit.
Liu . buy -' hJ'-S w i
ODD ! kr
The success of this beauti
ful car lies in the adequate
and pleasing manner in
which it safeguards and ac
commodates its passengers
in every weather condition -and
the easy-to -handle and
economical way it performs.
It keeps its passengers
cool or warm as the occasion
There is ample room for
five adults without crowd
ing or cramping.
The two front seats are in
dividual, wkh aisle-way be
tween. And in both front and rear
a tall man can stretch his
legs and be at ease.
The two doors are stag-! 1
gered, a dome light in ceil-1
ing, three silk roller curtains,1
parcel pockets at both sides
of rear seats, foot rail, wind
shield wiper, and nickel han-
dies to close doors from the
It has 4-inch tires, non
skid rear; 10 6-inch wheel
base; Auto-Lite starting and
lighting and vacuum fuel
To have a "bigger hour
and a shorter mile" get your
Model 90 Sedan. It makes
you master of conditions and
not mastered by them.
Appearance, Performance,
Comfort, Service and Price
Hlht Tor if add ptTSmeJl Sed, $rtf9
aVeVa. TtUdt , res trm. PrUa tiitd t cSmf wtOtomt
Ulht few AfseW go Turint Car , fgS
The Overland Pacific, Inc;
Broadway 3535 Broadway and Davis Sf.
adaptability to the requirements of
both large and small communities, nas
not only saved hundreds of thousands
of dollars for property owners and tax
payers, but has enabled officials to give
more attention to their duties than was
possible when the horse-drawn vehicles
had to be depended upon.
"But what Is still more Important,
the motor car has enabled city em
ployes to so speed up their work that
commissioners and officials have been
able to devote added time to needed
developments of and improvements to
their communities."
Tba new Grant Six, a large shipment of which baa been received by the Manley Auto Company, Grant distributors.
la attracting much attention from discriminating motorists. The latest Grant I a even lighter than preceding models.
and a feature la tbe accea&'bill ty of all parts requiring inspection. Engine, flywheel, starting pinion, clutch and
dutoh throw-oat are housed and protected, yet tha owner can get at any of them almost instantly. The car haa
been ballt particularly with a view, to acahllng tba a-verago owner to take care of It bimaeiL and no apeciai knowledge
of mccoaaica la required . .. -T. ,
The ItoSTons
and the Farmer
More and more as the work of war absorbs the potential man power of
the farm, the Federal will find ita place.
To conserve the remaining man power, to facilitate farm haulage prob
lems Federal trucks are doing their bit here at home.
Considering time eaved, labor saved, feed saved and productive capacity
increased, the Federal is indeed an investment that appeals to the farmer
of these days.
The one-ton Is a standard with truck gardeners and dairy men. If you
will but investigate. It will be easy to understand the real economy and
saving of these trucks.
See them now. Sizes 1 to 5 tons.
Broadway and Davis
Portland, Oregon
' W. L. Hughson, Pres.
Oldest Motor Car Organization on the Pacific With Branches at
Seattle San Diego ' San Francisco
Oakland Fresno Los Angeles