6 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, -3IARC1I 3, 1918. DUPLEX COUPS PASS GREEK CANYON Truck With Famous 4-Whecl Drive Gets Through Where Horses Can't Follow. WARDEN OF STATE PENITENTIARY ENTHUSIASTIC OWNER OF PREMIER SIX m ,V?V;"'TXr?'rT-'!-'-'S'w.' ltJfsry.gTT..i-ji t woo' ; ,x: '., . :. ' FEAT THOUGHT IMPOSSIBLE XJi S!J-Ton Vehicle on Drlveaway Frum Northwest Auto Company to Carry Coanty Not Railed sC, by Derprsi Mad. - V. . A Tuple four-wheel drive truck. en wute from the ortnweti Aaw crnnr in Portland for delivery to the County CommUtlontn of Curry County t ?old Keach. accomplished the re markable feat Friday of a-olnsj throuich Vase Creek Canyon, on the Pacific Jltthway In Douglas County, under Ita own power. . No need to emphasise for any motor ist who haa ever traveled through it. even under a-ood conditions, the diffi culties of Pass Creek Canyon at this t.me of year. Since the rains beaan la-i Fall, the hlshwav through the canyon haa been Impassable to all ve hicle traffic on account of Its deep and sticky mad. Wore than that, the mod haa been o bad this Winter that for some months even horse-drawn vehicles have found the roins; Impossible through the niiniL The Duplex actually went hromh mud where a horse could not I Tct Despite Many I Xullow It. The truck waa threa and one-hair-ton Duple, bought a week a;o by Curry County for heavy construction work. Curry County wanted Ita truck vieht away, and as it could not be hipped to uold Beach by railroad any- I 75 prT peat of the au way. C M. Menslea. manager of the tod,y ar, ajmc Northwest Auto Company, decided to 1.. . ...i.... rf.ur of It. as Is v.... ,.. in ih Kn.t and save the 10 ,h Just railroads 2 .-' szA V Jk4Lv2uli -V i v -.J ;v' -i. f ZII .-srs-heauw l J,- - Vf f - .' ', ; ' 'w'.'iTi - iy" 1wito.ii'r: " " nommwum i n,m in... V"" - , , J " ' . tvjes V --'i'w 11 I BWjiMiisBBWi Car Iteceatly Paretiaae4 by Captala Charlea A. Marphy, Wardea. Wis la Shawm Btaadlac by tha Car. Jut Behind Kim la W. H. Walllna-ford, Premier Dla- tribatar. and Mrs. Marpay la at the Wheel. Captala and Hn. Murpay lmkci over taa aield Pretty CarefnUy Before They Decided on the Premier, and They Aro Both Dellaated nni Their Choice. They Motored wi ta rortlaaa a rom saiem taat Week, aad the Fhotos;raph vraa Taken la Waahlnson Park. MITCHELL CAR IS SIMPLE XEW MODEL EtTX MORE EFFI CI EST THA FORMER OXE. prwvemeata aad Illchcr Caat ta Make, Price Baa Aet Beca laereased. "It haa been aald time and araln that tomobllea In uaa today are used almost entirely, for business purposes: ' but I want to add a little bit." aald R. C a iriad. the haul aouth to iiranu Kue.oh.w. vice-president of the Mitch- . " ell Motors Company. Inc. of Racine. . . j,,,lk. Wis, -and itlve It aa my opinion that G Ahead. Saya Mewaiea. nionln, we ebai, ,nd that Bo he sent oot the true last weanes- lover o per cent of the motor cars will ay at noon iron i "i , I be used either for strictly business pur of Roy oreuiicn. service superintend- pose or tor purposes that are neces nt for tha Northwest Auto Company, to follow the Pacific Highway to r.ranta Pass, from there solos; In throaeh the mountains on a road that 1 still said to be covered by snow, to Crescent City. CiL. and thence op the CMst to Gold Krach. predictions were plentifully made when the track started that even sary to an ultimata victory In the war. "Kor a number of years now out at our bla Racine factory wa have been trlvlnar towards and succeeding; in bulldlnc what experience has prored to be a 'llfetltme car.' Several Mitchells now in use have been driven consid erably over zoo.OOO miles, with only the minor repairs and adjustments re ImpUi would find Its match In the mud I quired by any piece of mechanism. f Pass Creek Canyon. The bin; diffl- I But at tnal we weren't satisfied: rulty down there at present Ilea In thoanj when our country entered .the fight to preserve freedom and democ racy for our posterity, we decided then ind there to build Mitchells still stronger, still more powerful and atill more laetlne. We knew within a few weeka after the President showed as our course, fact that construction aangs making over the ro.td lat Kail left some long dirt fills that have become so sort from th rams that they are nest thing to bottomless, the mud thus being ven worse than ordinarily. Kvea the county officials of "Douclas County, who were asked by long d.s- ltnat America and the world vould have tance telephone about the chances for getttag through the canyon, em phatically warned that the only way to get the Duplex through would be to Mg It past the canyon by ralL liut Mr. Mensies was Just stubborn enough to be convinced that the power ful four-wheel drive of the Duplex would win out. lie told Mr. Greulich t so ahead. Tm Mark far Iloreea, This la the telegram sent by Mr. Greultrh from Comstock. Informing him that the Impossible had been accom plmhcd and that the Duplex had walked (tght through the canon: Nsttvee surcweted we coruraTt brala ei-t wbee etnet tteroufh Paae Cr .ojon 11 t-nt throueb ihree moot ha ao. Horwo mtro.). h4 l b PU..1 OUU XmoIs taroueb. prfect score. to fall back upon the motor driven vehicle aa It never had before. We knew that tha automobile, to a large extent, would have to perform what bad heretofore been the functions of the steam and electric railroads. We knew that owners of automobiles would be expected and called upon to do those things which, up to a few months ago. were cosldered Impossible. Wa knew, then, that It waa plainly up to ua to build Mitchells better than ever to strengthen them for the non combatant Industrial struggle on thla aide. "Mitchell engineers were Instructed to give the cara more of the rigidity and longevity necessary to make vic tory a reality: to make them more comfortable. If that were possible, for thoee who would find It necessary to America and Indirectly for tha Govern menC without Increasing; the price of tha car one penny. The new Mitchell the wartime car. the. thorough car and. tha thoroughly good car. costs more to build today.' with all Its lm provementa than It did six months ago, yet the price to the consumer la exactly tha e&me aa It waa then. MASTER TRUCK MCCH SOUGHT IT. A. Clodfelter, of Portland Tire & Rubber Co., Gets Orders. 1 Although It haa been represented In thia territory but a few weeks, the Master truck, for which the new Port land Tire & Rubber Company is Oregon distributor. Is finding a big call in this territory- H. A. Clodfelter. sales man ager, haa just 'returned from a trip through the territory on which he took a number of good orders. Mr. Clodfelter says tha next few months will sea the biggest demand for trucks In the history of the state. Busi ness men are Just beginning to realise the value of the motor truck and this demand la being accentuated now that the war haa caused such a curtailment In rail freight shipments. He expects to have no difficulty at all In disposing of all the Master trucks he can obtain from the factory. Tha Portland Tire Rubber Com pany la also distributor for Republic tires, having succeeded the Republic factory branch here. Tha call for Re public tlrea ia very large. Buick Salesman Sells 13 Cars in Six Days. Frank Smith. ( Howard Aatema- blle Campaay, Provee Himself Kesjalar Hie-better la Aatomv bile Bulaeaa. TRAFFIC SITUATION BAD WILLTS-OVERLAXD COMPACT SUES WAR.MXG. 15- Th at. of course, came after the thing tt behind the steering wheel hours at a had been done Yesterday rame a let ter from Mr. Oreullch written at Cot tage Gfom Thursday night before he atruck the canyon. In the letter he aald: "Just arrived in Cottage Grove. Drove In from falem. Just 1D0 mllea, at :4S tonight. Delayed at Jefferson three loan with leak In gas tank. The road ao fr has been very good but rough. W are running five and a half mitra pr gallon on gas and 110 mllea to the quart on oil. We have had crowds wherever we stop. "Well, tomorrow is the big day for a. Am going down to look over the road at o'clock In the morning. The natives say It can't be dona, but If there Is a fighting chance wa will make It.- And the Duplex did. It still has some mighty hard going time. Another factory waa to make Mitchell motor cara even more simple In operation and more economical; and. with all these Improvements, to hold the price down so that all who found an automobile essential to their busi ness or to their war work, could make the Investment "without hardship. Thus motor car owners did not find it neces sary to forego the patriotic plrasure of subscribing to the liberty loans, T. iL C A . and Red Cross funds. "The new Mitchell six. tha 40 horse power model Is. to a large degree, a counterpart of Ita predecessor, the Mitchell Junior, still It la being built under such different conditions, and haa been reinforced and strengthened and Improved in ao many ways, that It Is. In every sense of tha word a 'war time car.' "All the Improvementa have been made so that tbla new Mitchell could RANK SMITH, automobile salesman for tha Howard Automobile Com pany, la a regular go-getter. If that noun la not yet approved In the best circles. It nevertheless ia the only word that will fit hia caae. In proof where of may be cited the fact that between Saturday, February 23, and Thursday, February 28, Smith sold 13 automobiles, no less. Six of these were new Buick cars and seven were used cars. The total retail value of the 13 automobiles waa 311, OSC.CC. The cars sold by Smith Included one new seven-passenger six-cylinder, two new five-paasencer six-cylinder Bulcks. two flve-paasenger, four-cylinder Bulcks. and one two-passenger four- cylinder Buick. The used cara sold by him Included one five passenger, six-cylinder Buick touring; car, one 1)17 four-cylinder Buick, four Fords and one Maxwell. All of which la soma little sales record. Frank Smith used to be carpet sales man for tha J. G. Mack Company, but he likes the automobile business much better than tha carpet business, and small wonder. Dealer Advised, Owtng to Freight Car Shortage, to Prepare to Meet the Emergency. In order to keep Willys-Overland dealers closely In touch with the rail road traffic situation, the' following statement haa been Issued by the traf fic department of the company: It la at the present time, and has been for some time. Impossible to ob tain aufficient automobile freight cars to move our current production. Every effort la being made by this depart ment to get Just as large a supply of cara aa possible, but, regardless of our efforts, shipments of passenger cars are bound to be Interfered with, and the advent of severe weather and heavy storms tightens up the situation more than ever. Snow, storms and freezing weather make It absolutely necessary to reduce the alze of trains hauled, slow up speed on the roads and add further to severe delays at al! points. Dealers and distributors should bear this situation in mind so they will know Juat what difficulties are being en countered, not only in moving the pro duction from the plant, but after it geta under way when it meets with serious delays in transit. It is barely possible that the freight-car situation will become so acute that any ana every method of getting machines from j the factory to our dealera and dis tributors will have to be used durin the next three or four months. Deal era and distributors should be prepared to meet this emergency by arranging to drive machines away from tha fac tory whenever possible. Justment. Brakes should never be per mitted to drag. Modern ignition sys tems give unfaltering service with a little attention from time to time. Water circulating systems are nearly fool-proof, but air locks and other dif ficulties are bound to arise if the water in the radiator is allowed to get too low. It is much cheaper to keep valves tightly seated than It is to let them -go without grinding. Batteries should be tested at least once a month. Air Is free ami there is no good reason why tires should not be kept up to the right pressure. "I do not advise owners to tinker, but I do advise them, most emphati cally, to watch out for the little things and to keep up an acquaintance with their dealers, tire men and battery sta tions, Millions of dollars ot waste would be eliminated every year by the Nation's 3,000,000 car owners if all would take the simple, common-sense precautions, such as Mr. Hoover Is preaching to the housewives of the country. HAULING PROBLEMS BIG THIS YEAR Trucks are the best solution for efficiency, economy and satisfac tion REPUBLIC TRUCKS meet the demands. REPUBLIC - TORBENSEN IN TERNAL GEAR DRIVE is dem onstrating the superior service and lowest operating cost where ever trucks are used. Roberts Motor Car Co. Park, at Everett Largest Distributors of Motor Tracks in the Northwest REPUBLIC TRUCKS ALWAYS DEPENDABLE ing and storage plant that gives the farmer electric light and power service, the electricity being generated by means of a generator driven by a ball bearing gasoline engine and a set of storage batteries at very small cost. One of the big: features of the Lalley light Is the fact that it gives the farm er's wife the same opportunity to enjoy the comforts of home, such as electric lights, electric Irons, electrically driven washing machines and the like, that her city sister has so long enjoyed. Now that the automobile has brought the farmer nearer to the city, devices like the Lalley light are making life a lot easier for his wife. Partners Truck to Market. Because of congested freight condi tions in Texas, farmers and stockraisers are hauling their produce and cattle to markets In motor trains. The first train passed through Dallas from Farm ersville and contained five trucks load ed with sheep and hogs for delivery at the Fort Worth stockyards. The 67 miles was made In seven hours at less cost than freight. About Speed Shocks. High speed shortens the life of a mo tor car. When you double the speed of your car you far more than double the force of the shocks to which it la subjected. The force of the blow varies as the square of its velocity. Conse quently the shocks which the car re ceives traveling at 40 miles an hour, instead of being twice as severe as when moving at a rate of 20, are four times as great. REPAIRS SAVE M ONE MAJVXET CACTIOXS AGAINST FALSE ECONOMY. Xattomal Six ud . Twelve Distributor Points Ont Wastefulness ef Tieg ' lectin; Adjustments. MOTOR WASTE RAPPED ACTOISTS ADVISED TO TAKE AD VANTAGE OF SERVICE. Oldsmeblle Distributor Assist Careless ' Ovrnera Who Throw Away Thou sands of Dollars Yearly. head of It before It reaches Cold Peach. The road In from there over I go out from our -factory on Its bual the mountains la a . terror in Winter. I ness of helping to win the war. with mw urn auto man aiagea naraiy ever make it before April, the mail In Win ter being taken by carriers on horse- Vac k. but having made Pass Creek Canyon. ir. tm has no doubta of the ability of the Duplex to keep riant on and get to Gold beach and make a record that will stand a long time on Oregon's first long drives war delivery. jyAX OFFICIAL VISITOR - alt of us knowing and feeling down In our hearts that It would put up a good fight and would play an important part In attaining victory. -There's satisfaction to be had in Its power. Its built-in strength and rigid ity. Its comfort. Its conveniences and Its good 'looks. And there's an Intense satisfaction to be derived by the peopla back at the factory from the fact that the famous Mitchell factory efficiency haa made it possible for us to do all hese thlnaa directly for the people of Idaho Fees Set by Weight. Idaho haa decided to make her auto mobiles contribute to the state treas ury by the pound of money, not flesh. The new Idaho law, now in effect, sets the license fee at $15, If the car weighs 2000 pounds or less; between 2000 and 1000 pounds, 120; between 3000 and 4000 pounds, f 30, and over 4000 pounds, 140. Cause of Dim Lights. Owners of cars wired by the single wire methods should examine the ground connection at frequent inter vals A loose or corroded ground will often cause dim burning, and some times It may even eliminate all flow of current. ' Don't park your car leaving head lights undtmmed. But be sure to see that all lights are burning at night. " "The food exnerts tell us that Amer ica wastes billions of dollars' worth of food annually, and I reckon they re right about It," says E. E. tjohen. 01 the local Oldsmobile Company. "I draw this conclusion from the totally un necessary wastes I see among motor ists wherever I go. "By the exercise of ordinary care fulness almost every automobile owner can cut down his bills without reduc ing mileage. The automobile industry has built up a closely-knit organization of service helps. Every crossroads has Its service station, where fop little or nothing any motorist may obtain in spections that will save him gasoline. tires, repairs and numerous otner ex penses. Every motorist snouia avail himself of this service and at the same time should thoroughly Inform himself about his car and the proper manner in which It should be handled. "Wherever I go I find motorists who are blissfully getting 10 and 1Z miles to the gallon, where a few simple ad justments will enable them to get 14. 15 and even more. A properly lnflatl tire Is the exception rather than the rule. A soft tire will soon be dam aged by the rim. On every hand I s'e automobiles that need only slight at tention from a competent man to give them a greatly added efficiency. "Carburetors should be watched carefully and always be kept in ad- "Helping to win the war by ellminat ing waste is a matter in which every. one is interested, especially motorists, who are consuming millions of gallons of gasoline annually, but this should not be carried to a point where it be comes false economy," says A. B. Man ley, president of the Manley Auto Com pany, distributors here of National twelve and six cylinder cars. "It is not real economy to neglect to have reasonable repairs and adjust ments made upon a car simply to save repair shop bills. Some cars, of course, require much less attention than others, but the motorist should bear in mind that when his valves need grinding it is economy to have them ground with out delay, for leaking valves mean so much gasoline going to waste. "When a carburetor is adjusted either to give too thin or too rich a mixture. money is wasted. If the mixture is too rich too much gas is being burned; it too thin, causing irregular firing, the gas being burned is not permitted to develop the best efficiency. It is esti mated by experts that there is a waste from leaking carburetors alone of more than 30,000 gallons a day in this coun try. Poorly adjusted carburetors waste 240,000 gallons." XASH REPRESENTATIVE HERE Portland Headquarters of X. F. Sut ton, of Chilcott-Xaeh Company. N. F. Sutton, for the past five years manager of the General Motors Com pany branch in St. Louis, has come to Portland as manager here lor we inu cott-Xash Motor Company, Pacific Northwest distributors for the Nash. Six. . ' He will make his headquarters here with the Portland Motor Car company, which Is Oregon distributor for the Nash. This car was introduced here only a few months ago, but it is rap idly becoming well known m.tne ter ritory and is making line progress. FARMERS LIKE LALLEY LIGHT Oregon Motor- Car Company Has Many Orders for Equipment. Since the Oregon Motor Car Company took the distributing agency recently for the Lalley light it has had its hands full keeping up with orders. The Lal- ey light Is a complete electric generat- FaCIFIC COAST . SILKS M IMAGER CI EST OPR.R. RACE, DODGE CAR USED TO SWITCH FREIGHT CARS. V ''VT Partlssd Br sea Dees Hisser Bsslsesa Star Orlvber 1 Teaa ftr hale I af Pre leas Year. 31 r. riruerinr. newiy appointed Pa-1 ride Coat sales manager; C K. Farr I nd G. K. Cathrow, the two latter being connected with the credit department, are vultors of It. K. Race. Northwest supervisor and manacer of the Port Land branch of the AJax Itubber Com- ir. This Is Mr. Pickering's first visit to Portland. lie Is deltshlrd with tbs city n4 especially with the Columbia River IlUhway. After a few days stay here the party will leave for Seattle. They are opti mistic as o the lire buaineaa for Tort land and the state of Oregon, as the business done here slnre tictober 1, waeo tne Alas itistoer company. Inc. piacea a direct factory branch in Port sad. eareeds the business done for the sure previous year. I Drain Cock Not Ornament. At the bottom of tbe vacuum tanks - & ar c used on so many cars to secure proper fuel feed th.rs la lo- cate.1 a drain rock. Many owners seem to think this la some sort of an orna ment, nut it snouid ts opened at In tervals, once a week or so. Generally m little water and possibly some rust will blow out before gasoline begins to come. In many cases it will be neces sary ta Insert a bit of wire to cieaa out Ids drain rock of an accumulation of fnrsiga matter. If this latter ta per mitted to remain lone enough It will work Its way bark lato the ua.buretor aud nuake trouble. I f7 k I i ,.i fry ; :m i 7- - Lzs'?'' -'L i '' I : I. , ,. ;' .1:' " .... e-v. 1 , ts ! ACTO SHIFTS BE ATT 50.SOS-POOD LOADS WITH EASE. The field of activity In which the motor car operates to the advantage of modern man Is almost without limit. Witness the application of this truth by a resourceful Providence. R. I., man. When the freight-car shortage became serioua the Broadway Sales Company not only found It difficult to obtain shipments from the factory, but had an endless amount of trouble In getting the cars unloaded when they . finally -arrived In Providence. This was due to Insufficient switching facilities and a bad congestion of tbe railroad yards. Sales were too heavy to tolerate delaya, so the manager of the company decided there had to be a remedy. lie brought out one or tbe oldest Dodge motor cars he had and went down to the yards to do' a little switching of hia own. The experiment worked. Although the car had seen more than 20.000 miles of service. It applied Itself energetically to the task of moving freight cars weighing about 60.000 pounds earn, "kicking" them up to the platform.' where they could be unloaded. Thereafter the same plan was tried several times, each time with success. There are mora ways than one In which the motor can prove itself Indispensable. RE TI PRICES Standard Makes 30x8 Plain 8.50 30x3 Non-Skld. 811.90 Goods shipped to all points C O. D., efc 28x3 .... 31x3'4... 32x3H..., 34x3.... 36x3.... 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 35x4...... 36x4 32x4 34x4 35x4.... 36x4.... 37x4 35x5...... 36x5 3.7x5 S.IO ..911.95 ..912.70 ..S13.50 -914.90 .916.45 .917.15 .91T.60 6, s 918.90 ..921. 50 ..923.50 -.924.15 -.924.75 ..25. 50 ..928.40 -.928.95 829.50 o II ft b or 9 'A Money refunded on goods re turned to us intact within 10 davs. Prices subject to change without notice. . Stop in and see them or write. MALC0M TIRE CO. . 82 N. Broadway, Portland, Or. Distributors for AUTOMOBILE TIRE CO, INC, Oldest and Largest Auto Tire Jobbers in the U. S. AUTO DIRECTORY ((Handler 4-pass. Rdstr, $1745.00 7-pass. Touring All Chandlers are equipped with Bosch magnetos Twin STATES AUTOMOBILE CO. 64-66 Broadway. Phone Broadway 512. ELGIN SIX HARROUN CARS PACIFIC MOTORS, INC, 23d and Washington Streets. Franklin offers more of "what you actually need and want in an automobile." BRALY AUTO CO. Main 4880, A 3881. 19th and Washington Sts. 1&3s-ail-S!!-BsssSBtW aeBswsss MINUTE MAN SIXSS1 MINUTE MAN SIX Brunn Motor Car Co, 444-46 Stark St. Phones: Broadway 2958, A 2958 LIBERTY SIX The car which sells best in direct compari son with others. W- H. WALLINGFORD, 522 Alder St MACK Trucks Capacities, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 5 Tons. Complete Stock Repair Parts. F. C. ATWELL, Sales Agent. Washington at 21st. Tel. Mar. 440 J&tehelt? SIXES New Light Six, $1250 Factory Mitchell, Seven-Passenger, $1525, Factory MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. Broadway at Oak OAKLAND Oakland Motor Co. of Oregon 344-50 Burnside, Off Broadway. Phone Broadway 80. Oldsmobile Distinctive High Grade. Light Weight OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON Broadway and Couch Phone Broadway 1640 is ready to serve your requirements with suc cess. Touring 32340. Roadster 2340. D. C. Warren Motor Car Co. B8-6O N. S3d St. MAIN 780. PREMIER The car with an aluminum motor. High-grade con struction throughout. A car for particular people. W. H. WALLINGFORD. 522 ALDER ST. r EIGHT CAPACITIES 34 TO 5 TONS Investigate Our Trailer and Tractor Proposition. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO, Park and Flanders Ste. Smith-Form-a-Truck BALLOU A WRIGHT, Broadway at Oak. DlntrlbutorM for Orefcon. Some unoccupied territory open. Write (or propoMition. The "mltTTell" Series Reprenente the Lateat and Best In Motor Cara. Mew Value at Medium Prices. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. 68-60 North Twenty-Third Street. Phone Main 7 NO. AUTO ACCESSORIES Auto Theft-Sig PREVENTS AUTO THEFTS See the Auto Theft-Signal at Our Salesrooms Archer & Wiggins Distributors of High-Grade Automobile Accessories SIXTH STREET AT OAK BOWSER GASOLINE and OIL TANKS STORAfiE SYSTEMS FOR PlTBL,IC AND PRIVATE I GARAGES. S. U. Stoddard, Dlntrict Supt. Salea. 719-20 Corbett iilda;. Main 1476. SATISFACTORY MOTOR CAR REPAIRING COOK & GILL GO. Phone Broadway 26. ' 409 Davis Street. D R. SPARK SPECIALIST fin the treatment of 'crossed wires', "sparkless" bat teries, etc. Offices with Gibson Electric Garage & Storage Battery Co., Alder at 12th. Marshall 1752. nwaiaa We Stock Them. . We Repair Them. We Charae Them. Free Advice and Inspection. ? AUTO ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT CO, Sixth and Bnrnside Streets.