2 TOE SUNDAY OltEGOXTAN, PORTLAND, MARCH 3, 1918, BT LEONE CASS BAER. j m VEKT occasionally some coutnt H . tloalat takes als sometimes U'a hr pea In hand and wrltaa tho papers a plaintive plea, tor ton attendance of pUeti of amusement dur lac these war dajra. If there out thlaa; wo shouldn't conserve on or HooTyln" about tt la food. healthful. aae entertainment. All work, you know, and no play, can snake na all Into tha saddest and sorrles Jacks and JiUa Imaginable. Theaters are anlsbty rood placea to visit during war time, flays and vaudeville taka ones mind oS the slaughter folnf on across tba aaaa. At theaters wo can rains mentally and wban tha play la var. ratnrn to our homaa foaling la a better frama of mind that la, of course. If tha play hasn't had to do with war. and forcad It all on ua In tha nama of entertainment. Theaters tend toward making opt! anleta of na. A Uttla bit of funnlnr la rallahad by all of ua, and a cheerful. hopeful thoucbt halpa a lot. All play Bouaea ahould b patronised, not alone for tho actual good It doea ua to at- tend. but. because It puta money In Uncle gam'a pocketa. faying tha war tax helps tha Government, you know, aot tho theater manager. Portland'a offerings thta week to the mueement aecker Include beatdea tha A leaser Stock Playera' presentation of "Mile-a-Mlnute Kendall." and the new Bills at tba Orpheum, I'antagea, Hippo drome. Etrand and Lyric, a bl lenent given by tho T. il. A, on Wednesday Bight, which will offer acta from each of tba aforementioned houses. Tba T. if. A. baa an entertalr-ment each year for Ita relief fund, a fund devoted cluslvely for aiding and helping tba dependents of atago folk. It la a big and worthy eause and deserves every support. Acta from all the vaudeville bouaea will combine to naka the entertainment an excellent one. Tba data la Wednesday evening The place Is tha Helllg. On Tburaday night wo are to hear Madame Melba In a concert and Friday night wltneaaea a return of Maud Powell, violinist. In a new recital. "Mlle-n-llinuto Kendall" waa writ tan by Owen Davis and Oliver Morosco Jiroduced tt last seaaon In New York. It on tha order of Mr. Davis other play. -Dinners.- wmcn was given earlier tbia season at t!y Baker and which proved to te or rexi Interest. -Mlle-a-M!nute Kendall la a fine commina-llng of Broadway vices, with rural vlrtoee, and la ao cleverly done that one la offended at neither and Interested In both. Tba play la a com- ear. in which a sweet, young girl re forms an aristocratic rake. Ruth liaise, of course, la tha a. y. g. who reforms tha a. r., and Edward arverett Morton la tba a. r.. Mlle-a-Mln ate Kendall. Next week tba Alcasar playera are going to pot oa an elaborate revival of -rne Two Orphans- Aa tba T. M. A. benefit will engage tba Ifeillg Theater next Wednesday night, there will not bo any extra per formance or Orpbeurn vaudeville thla week. and. necessarily, the Orpbeum how will close with tbo Wednesday aaatlnee. -Vanity Fair." aald to bo tbo most elaborate and pretentious of Boyle Woolfolk'a musical tabloids, will be tha atallar act at tho Orpheum. com mencing this afternoon. The ahow la beaded by Jack Tralnor. well known la musical comedy. Mr. Tralnor la coa aldered one of tho funniest men play ing In thla atylo of entertainment. He la supported by an exceptionally atrong "V- ,ncindln DeBauah. Esther Walker. JuUua Jenkins, Earn Kelly three harmony bojro and good coterla f choristers. A cMo little gypsy lass named Coun- Verona la ono of tho Interesting Members on the new- bill at Taatagea Blhy King's spectacular "Exploits la Africa- Is another, and Eileen Floury, tno UtUe girl with tho big voice, la an other. Besidea three, there aro four mere acta and tho Fan tagescope. Thla new bm opena tomorrow. The patriotic melodrama, aa English dealing with the war. la -Jfeven " Leave." which cornea to tbo Uellla a March It, IS and It. SETEX DATS LEAVE COMIXG Intcrcstlns War IMay ta Be &eu mi Hclllff March 14, IS and 1. In -Sven Iaya Leave.- which comes to the Mollis; for an engagement. March It. li and 1. the author. Kobert Camp hell, gtvea civlllana an Insight Into Just -bow much can bo crowded Into the "biighty- of tha man from tha trencbea The play shows how tho war haa put topsy-turvy all social conventlona and has shattered barriers In society. There la to bo aeen a young lord f the blue blood and true blood demo cratic typo who Inalata oa eervlng in tho ranks, oven though ho haa to do the menial work of Second Lieutenant Arthur Keys, son of the cook of bla Id friend the, rector of tho old home town. Aa In moat military dramas where lovo and duty are concerned thla ae ahowa bow tho aoldler or offioer must sacrifice hla personal Intereata in behalf of those of hla country. Tha plot Include dramn'.lo eptaodoa In tha running dowa of two clever German aplea who aro paastng aa Belgian rsfua-eea, and a thrilling acene depict' tng tba atnklng of a Hun U-boat. An excellent company la to present thla patriotic melodrama at the Helllg. It la said to be well mounted and la in four acta, with the scenes laid on the aat coast of England. It la presented by Waltsr Howard. The drama la not of tho nerve anatterlng description but. ta rather of tho family type, which adulta and children can attend and relish from rise to fall of tho curtain. MILE-A-MIXITE KENDALL DCE Oliver Morosco's Speed Limit Play" la Offering- of Alcasar Flayers. Known aa "Oliver Moroaco'a apeed 11 rim pur." "MIle-a-Minute Kendall" will be tbo offering of tho Alcasar Plars at tho Baker for tbo week be ginning thla afternoon. It toils a romantic lovo atory of jeung J ask Kendall, who la; flral In troduced aa a ne'er do well rich man'a aon oa aa alopament trip with an ad venturess. Before tha marriage cere, mony caa be performed Jack'a father overtakea them and manages to get rid of tho girl, after which Jack takea 111 and la nursed by tho daughter of the innkeeper. Joan Evans, back to health and hope. Determined to atart Ufa anew. Jack starts to complete aa Invention and la asalsted and encouraged by Joan and aomo of her friends, who raise $:000. A month later wo find Jack greatly discouraged. He haa been handicapped by lack of flnancea and machinery and Joan'a father, tho old hotel-keeper, la making hla Ufa mis erable. Thla old Joy killer furnishes moat of tbo comedy In tho play and ater when Jack'a father and mother arrive proceeds to tell them how the boy haa swindled him out of I100Q. Mother Inalata that father buy tho stock, which ha finally doea for 1250. and when Robert Blake cornea along representing a large automobile con cern bo discovers what la wrong with ha engine and from that time on Jack fortune la made. Whan old man Evans learna what ha haa lost ho la driven to drink, but tho play ends with mar riage belle for Jack and Joan, as well as the happy ending to another Inter esting lovo atory that runa through the plot. Mile-a-Mlnute Kendall" la ono of the late aucceases Just released for stock and with Edward Horton aa Jack and Ruth Oatea as Joan will bo found one of tha moat entertaining a lock pro ductlona of the year. Matineea will be given today, Wadneaday and Eat nrday. "VANITr FAIR" 19 IS COMING Orpbeam Jleadllner I Luminous Production From Broadway. No Orpheum ahow will be presented Wedneaday night at tho Helllg thla week aa tha theater haa been engaged for tha Theatrical Mechanics' Assoc I a tlon. Thla necessltatea closing of tha Orpbeum ahow with tha matinee next Wedneeday. The ahow opening today haa a turn Inoua production direct from Broadway In headline place. Thla la "Vanity Fair f Isll. a musical tabloid la aeveral acenea presented by a company of SO. pretty girla predominating. Jack Train or. aa accentrle comedian or note, ana olgn Do Baugh. a beautiful and versa' lie young woman, are tho atara of the act. -Vanity Fair or IMS" is presented nder direction of Boyls Wool folk and It haa been praised aa being tha mas terpiece of this mualcal comedy chief tain. Tha acenlc Investiture of thla act elaborate, tho coatumo changes are umeroua and It baa eight lilting mual cal numbers. "Vanity Fair of mt" la aecond mualcal comedy to traverse the Orpheum this seaaon. It Is ataged tth all the magnlficenco of a three- hour mualcal comedy and newspaper reviewers along the circuit extol It for Its vivacity, sequence of plot and comedy. The glrla are lauded aa beau ties and their gowna are gorgeous. Tho Orpheum Travel eekly will show Interesting moving-picture acenea of foreign landa and tha 20-mlntite con cert by tha orchestra under direction of Qeorare K. Jaffery complatea the how. Mr. Jeffery featurea selections requested by Orpheum patrona Many patrona of tha Orpheum coma early to ear the concert and the orcheatra la applauded at every concert. MCSICAL COMEDY AT PANTAGES Exploits la Africa," by Billy Kins;, Is Feature Attraction. Musical comedy at ita beat will be found at Pantaaea for tha week com mencing with the matinee tomorrow, when the metropolitan success, "Ex ploits In Africa." will ba offered by Billy King, tha Bert Wllllama of vaude ville, and hia own company. Rollicking llnea and tuneful mualcal numbers will ba the baala of one of ba beat musical offerings seen here this seaaon. Mr. King la a comedian la hla own right and ba will keep the audience In an uproar of laughter from the rise of the curtain. ' There are many aong hits. Including "Dahomian King." "Zulu Rag." "Let La Alone." "Bleeding Moon" and "Ala bamotodolo," the great aong success of tho eeasoa. Tbara la a dlatinet plot, and tha staging - and costumes aro extraor dinary. . Supporting tbo principal attraction are numeroua all-etar featurea. in cluding tho charming Countaaa Verona, tha glpay musician, who Introduces her exyrnbaloa, a unique Instrument, from which aha wooa many a wonderful melody. Included In the Counteaa Ve rona's repertoire is "The Verona Rag." "Forward. Bore, Tour Country Call." her own compositions, and varloua patriotic and operatio offerings. Kulolla'a Hawallana promise to be one of tho big hits of tba programme. Five men and two women Introduce tha haunting, luring musle of the 8outh Seas in a way that has never before been offered. Lew Hilton and Alice Laxar are laugh creatora extraordinary with their original comedy. Introducing various aong successes, patter and dancea that will appeal to everyone. Lawrence Johnatone, America's fore most ventriloquist, will Introduce, hla unique offering which will provided a laugh. Ha la assisted by Eileen Fleury, the little girl with tha big voice, whose aelectlons will appeal-to everyone. Tho Stelner Trio haa a startling; rou tine of cyclonic bar work to offer. The feats are new and original and tba act will bo a popular one. Dorothy Harrla Is a 'clever singing comedienne whoae new songs will ap peal. Ruth Roland, one of tha moat popular movie atara, will appear In the third episode of tha lateat Patbo aerial sen sation, "Tha Price of Folly." Gruber"a animals, tba act that haa been so successful among the younger patrona of vaudeville, will conclude Its engagement with the eontlnuoua per formance today, from 1:30 to 11 o'clock. "BARGAIN HCNTERS" AT LYRIC Laughable Farce, With Trimmings to Feature This Week's BUI. "Bargain Hunters." a lively farce with musical trimmings, will open the week of trie Lyrlo musical stock com pany thla afternoon and it la a sure fire laugh-getter that never fails. It opena with Doollttlo and Tessie keep ing a notion and confectionery store where? there la positively no business. They aro craiy to sell out and a friend gets a whole lot of college studenta, etc., to drop In at tho right moment, when a couple of rich Klondykers are on band, and make thtnga hum. The Klondykera (Mike and Tony, the Wop) fall for tha frameup and buy tha place for 110.000. Then their troubles start. Tha beat customer they get is Ivan, tba terrible, who haunts the place looking for Tessie, his former sweet heart, and who makes life more miser able for tha two partnara than tt la al ready. People buy ataraps and charge them, beg loana. make touches, steal and do everything but buy goods, and the entire ahow la one big laugh. Of courae, tha. lifelong partnera get to fighting, as partnera always do when business Is bad. and .finally there la one grand burst of flreworka and tha busi ness of Mike and Tony vanishes. Dor Ing tbo play many new and tuneful aong numbers will bo Introduced. Among tho lata aong hits will be "I Thank Ton, Mr. Hoover," and half dosen others equally popular. Monday Is bargain night, Tuesday country store night, Thureday ladlea souvenir and Friday chorus girls contest. Matinee every day. HIPPODROME BILL HAS MERIT Life of Rasputin, the Black Monk, Is Depicted In Photoplay. Rasputin, the Black Monk." the five- part picture of the man who contribut ed materially to the downfall of the Romanoffa In Russia, and a six-act vaudeville programme of great merit will be the unusual offering at the Hip podrome. The picture will be shown Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the vaudeville bill the four daya beginning Sunday. Tbo fact that there are aix mighty pretty girls, besides Miss Phyllis Days, In "Small Town Opry" beapeaka Its tak ing qualltlea right from the start. The number haa to do with tha arrival In a small town of an opera company. There la plenty of good, clean humor In the performance and plenty of good sin King. Florence Bell, an actress well known In tha Pacific Northwest In stock, heads the production. "The Acquittal." This Is a highly dramatic aketch and holds the audience's Interest without relaxa tion from atart to finish. Mao O'Neill la a Scot and an enter tainer. Of that there la no doubt. O'Neill haa a fins voice and a burr that Is aa thick aa a London fog. His offering la of the Harry Lauder type, but he talka with Incisive distinctness and coneequently none of hla humor la lost. even though the hearer doea not under stand Scotch dialect. Seymoura happy family la an ag gregation of 14 excellently trained dogs. Seymour's offering Is peculiarly Interesting because ha haa developed the remarkable Intelligence of the an imals without the use of punishment. reviue and Brock have a well- dressed singing and dancing number. Both aro good dancers and have excel lent voices. Cecil and Bernice have an oddity, which they entitle "The Girl Who Is and the Boy Who Isn't." It ia a capital offering. "Rasputin, the Black Monk." la a motion picture In which the producer haa undertaken to tell the truth histor ically. The picture la declared to be unique from a dramailo standpoint la V III 1 :t !nk'vV 'wi ten-. II V . n m Yr u i ? ;j. " L - - w W II k.i'7TV j ' J-Jav-v. --1 -'' . "w i( ' k ' Y'" W rC J f" vV . if- V""-V" "-- 1 b V'A'-"iC I -"v ' ' ' is amaxed to find In Richard's boots, than two years ago. but because of ona 11 . A v: V, ' r . A J --Zi 1 1 Jf Z&ldi-i I Richard, the meek, absorbs some or the delay or another tho contract wag not VSl ' i '' w-w Vrf jf " t - T it if I " " ' qualities of "Breeae," the brazen and let until last week, when C. A. Scott JLIf y" " J ' V'Jfvw' -ctJ- v t ,r I , . i v' f I' wina out In a scrappy finale. was awarded the work. kCii g t y 2L- , yw l;r ' T- ; I i'-jn Vl II It f ' X r Tho Lloyd KoVada Company, with Its . Til " t -"v.' "' t ' ' ft) 'li MVV I I i V" i "L . comedy novelty show, a funny clown to . . ,. Miff St, i L-f- ! - VVJ I j I I ' ..-t' capture the youngsters and electrical Ridgefleld Dogs Are Fewer. IIJl " i-a 5 , .m-ytZfrr- " ; f J i j I I I i V " ' ' f J A&a effects giving a glimpse of a battle be- RIDOEFIBLD, Wash., March 2.-. I lr 1 : 2 ' - -i' -i 'it t i- -3 II & - tfiiiirf" v g vVyk. tween an aeroplane and a submarine, ..' ,Q17 .i,. IE i ! Yrj'Jfl. IV I II f ' . 7T JnTO. furnishes one of the features of the (Special.) During the year 1917 tho lr I, t if- i ! vl 1 hd I I , &2&iPi five-act vaudeville bilL town of Ridgefleld sold only three or III- i I ' I l I II Tt : S': 'l ' s" i5"tTJ?ll four dog licenses, although the streets I I K . Il i t I t j 4 i i f 'J'JI; Hr - - f fi Ayilll were fairly filled with canines. Samuel I t, li. . H" ;i 4 i -J vii- S ';" 4P? 2J I I ' " . .. ir.r Milton Idbrarr Began. Funkhouser was last month appointed I -- Si' . - ' 1 J - r "V XeJrfirf M-"- ' " mUum" Sl: lllfl . city marshal, and he haa made quite I . , VA. jji 'ViL-''i I II MILTON, Or., March 2. (Special.) a record along this line. During the i i "Timj'" ' '' ' in ' SkjETT J I I, - 'J &Sjf Construction work was begun here this last 80 days he has killed 18 does and rwSjy '""'-'!I,.- - " r week on a new' l10'000 Carnegie licenses have been sold to 25. i 1 ' 1 1 i tmfW&'l I Lv V ; :f ;' -v tLZl Library, to be comDleted by September I ' ' , ' jr J I I I I '. X 1. Funda for this building were ap-1 Phone your want ads to The Orego- "XJ ' I proprlated by tha great lron kl"g mor wlan.- Main 7070. A 6095. that, although it is Just aa complete a story dramatically as any play ever staged, the producer has not been com pelled to deviate from actual truth in order to get a narrative to carry the thread. Remarkable as it may seem, the life history of this strange man who raised himself from the peasantry to a posi tion more powerful than that of even the Cxar himaelf contains a narrative theme, and so, instead of having to go Into tha realms of fiction to supply this element, the producer had to bend all of hla energies to cram into five parts the flood of dramatic incidents with which thla man's career is filled. "THE TWO ORPHANS" REVIVAL One of Foremost Emotional Dramas of Past Generalization a Baker. ' In tho same class with "East Lynne, "Monte Qrlsto" and "CaralUe" la "The Two Orphans," which has not been seen In this city for' at least IS years and which will be given an elaborate re vlval .by. tha Alcazar Players at the Baker Theater for the week following "Mile-a-Mlnute Kendall," and openlns next Sunday mattinee. First produced In this country in 1874. it always haa been more or less prominent In the public mind and has never been forgot ten. Every now and then soma stock company makes a revival of it, but Portland has not been favored In this direction for a long time. There la hardly a boy or girl but who haa at least heard about the two young French girls who came to Paris to find a relative, fall Into the handa of what now would be termed white slavers and who are subjected to so much suffering before being restored, to each other's arms.- Louisa Is blind ana tno oia nag. Frochard, forces her to sing and beg in the atreeta, while Henriette la taken to a dissolute Marquis home and un dergoes many adventures and expe riences. Tho cast Is a large one. with elaborate scento vesture and costumes. Every detail will be correctly staged by the popular stock company. "ROUGH LOVER" IRRESISTIBLE Play at Strand Today Picture of Laughs and Thrills. Which do you prefer, the "genteel" style of courtship or the "caveman" mode "Jhe Rough Lover." tho latest Bluebird photoplay offering, which comes to the Strand Theater today with that aunny athlete, Franklyn Farnum, in a dual role, deals with thla problem if problem It la. "The Rough Lover- is a picture or laughs and thrills, with the accent on the laughs, numerous funny situations resulting from mistaken Identities. i o., uum. iftio is supported by a cast headed by that blond beauty, Juanita Hansen, plays the part of Richard Bol ton, a studious individual who knows naught of the art" of lovemaking. and also "Breeze" Bolton, pugilistic cham pion, whose caveman tactics prove irre sistible. Richard, the studious, is in love with Helen and pursued by a Countess. "Breeze" steps in. Is mistaken for his half brother, wins the Countess and Helen almost succumbs to the chap she TICKET OFF1CB 8 A LB Ol'K.VS TOMORROW BROADWAT AT TAYLOR. Mala 1 and A 1122, KEILIG Next Sat. Even'g March 9 KK'-T-BETUSNHIGABEMENTI WORLD'S GREATEST WOMAN nOLIJflST. MAUD POWELL Lower Floor, 11 rows 11.50. T rows $1; Balcony, S rows SI. 9 rows 75c, 8 rows 60c; Gallery, reserved and ad mission, 50c. . I 1 IlllllUlllllliltlillUUUllllUIIUUlllUlUlllllllUUilllUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUUUlllI I Seats Selling! iE.',:':1..:, J ; 1 7 r ; 1 its I I i$r, . ; ' i 3 t " E : . I ..J . ..-: - -- ' E I lr,' - 1 3 ,V A . Mela I Thursday, March 7 f HEILIG THEATER PRICES t ' Floor, S2.50, S2.00. Balreay. e V2.O0, $1.50, fl.OO. Gal. lies.. gl.O0 A dm., 75e. Lower Box teata. g3.O0 Upper Box Seats, I VtM. - Special Attention Given Oat- I Mima Orders f itmm'nunrnimiMmfTTmtimummttnTi'itiwmmnmiintHmmnTTiir ZENITH OF MAGNIFICENCE IN MUSICAL COMEDY VANITY FAIR OF 1918 JACK TRALNOR anFoLGA DeBAUGH OA D.,l Direction of BOYLE WOOLFOLK L) I CUpiC Harry Hol man & Co. In "Adam Kill Joy," a new comedy playlet by Stephen G. Champlln Chas. M. McDonald and Jas G. Rowland In "My Good 20 People Nick Basil and Dick Allen In a novel comedy offer ing entitled. "itecruiungr A Breeze from the Farm Harry and f, Etta Conley V "At the Old Cross Roads ' Cycling Brunettes Presentln I I r . ; : it I A-- : :! I I sr lac n i - .ii'r , ) Henry f ; .' t 41 cm irw uaviu f , ' 'is ' 7 II II n i I -'.' r i Utheir latest DBIlUCr i . : t, l S) t -.-novelty "Defy In their skit of I HI ,' W log Gravity wit "Drop Us a I '&CVTl -i-nowd ll$nv 'wu Concert HIPPODROME Stihali Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Small Town Opry ' A Bevy of Pretty Girls. Florence Bell Co. Ia the Acjultal. Seymour's Happy Family Dos; Comedians. .Other Sore -Fire Acta 3 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday : RASPUTIN As Good as New Send us your suits and wraps to be dry cleaned and pressed, and fitted for the coming season's wear. Perhaps your old clothes don't look very attractive. But then, that's only be cause of the soil ground into them by the past sea son s wear. Dry cleaning will remove all thia and all disfiguring spots. Then when they are pressed and finished by us, you will slip into them, with the same satisfaction that a new garment gives you. Our New Rotary Process of Steam Cleaning Does the Work to Perfection. CARPET AND RUG CLEANING A SPECIALTY. THE WARDROBE INC. Up-to-Date Cleaning & Dyeing Works FOUR STORES, J51 'Waahlnsrtoa. S88 K. Broadway, 210 N. 23d, 727 Raleigh. Broadway 1538. East 277t.